
Defines functions getObservables getEquations.fn getEquations.prdfn getEquations.odemodel getEquations mname.fn mname.objfn mname.character mname.NULL mname modelname getConditions.fn getConditions.list getConditions getParameters.eventlist getParameters.eqnlist getParameters.prdlist getParameters.prdframe getParameters.parvec getParameters.fn getParameters.odemodel getParameters getEquations getDerivs.objlist getDerivs.list getDerivs.prdlist getDerivs.prdframe getDerivs.parvec getDerivs controls.fn controls.objfn lscontrols_fn lscontrols_objfn controls test_conditions out_conditions objframe objlist datalist prdlist prdframe obsfn prdfn parvec parlist parframe parfn eqnlist eqnvec match.fnargs odemodel

Documented in controls controls.fn controls.objfn datalist eqnlist eqnvec getConditions getConditions.fn getConditions.list getDerivs getDerivs.list getDerivs.objlist getDerivs.parvec getDerivs.prdframe getDerivs.prdlist getEquations getEquations.fn getEquations.odemodel getEquations.prdfn getObservables getParameters getParameters.eqnlist getParameters.eventlist getParameters.fn getParameters.odemodel getParameters.parvec getParameters.prdframe getParameters.prdlist match.fnargs mname mname.character mname.fn mname.NULL mname.objfn modelname objframe objlist obsfn odemodel parfn parframe parlist parvec prdfn prdframe prdlist

## ODE model class -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Generate the model objects for use in Xs (models with sensitivities)
#' @param f Something that can be converted to \link{eqnvec},
#' e.g. a named character vector with the ODE
#' @param deriv logical, generate sensitivities or not
#' @param forcings Character vector with the names of the forcings
#' @param events data.frame of events with columns "var" (character, the name of the state to be
#' affected), "time" (character or numeric, time point), "value" (character or numeric, value),
#' "method" (character, either
#' "replace" or "add"). See \link[deSolve]{events}. Events need to be defined here if they contain
#' parameters, like the event time or value. If both, time and value are purely numeric, they
#' can be specified in \code{\link{Xs}()}, too.
#' @param outputs Named character vector for additional output variables.
#' @param fixed Character vector with the names of parameters (initial values and dynamic) for which
#' no sensitivities are required (will speed up the integration).
#' @param estimate Character vector specifying parameters (initial values and dynamic) for which
#' sensitivities are returned. If estimate is specified, it overwrites `fixed`.
#' @param modelname Character, the name of the C file being generated.
#' @param solver Solver for which the equations are prepared.
#' @param gridpoints Integer, the minimum number of time points where the ODE is evaluated internally
#' @param verbose Print compiler output to R command line.
#' @param ... Further arguments being passed to funC.
#' @return list with \code{func} (ODE object) and \code{extended} (ODE+Sensitivities object)
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/odemodel.R
#' @import cOde
odemodel <- function(f, deriv = TRUE, forcings=NULL, events = NULL, outputs = NULL, fixed = NULL, estimate = NULL, modelname = "odemodel", solver = c("deSolve", "Sundials"), gridpoints = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...) {

  if (is.null(gridpoints)) gridpoints <- 2

  f <- as.eqnvec(f)
  modelname_s <- paste0(modelname, "_s")
  solver <- match.arg(solver)

  func <- cOde::funC(f, forcings = forcings, events = events, outputs = outputs, fixed = fixed, modelname = modelname , solver = solver, nGridpoints = gridpoints, ...)
  extended <- NULL
  if (solver == "Sundials") {
    # Sundials does not need "extended" by itself, but dMod relies on it.
    extended <- func
    attr(extended, "deriv") <- TRUE
    attr(extended, "variables") <- c(attr(extended, "variables"), attr(extended, "variablesSens"))
    attr(extended, "events") <- events

  if (deriv && solver == "deSolve") {

    mystates <- attr(func, "variables")
    myparameters <- attr(func, "parameters")

    if (is.null(estimate) & !is.null(fixed)) {
      mystates <- setdiff(mystates, fixed)
      myparameters <- setdiff(myparameters, fixed)

    if (!is.null(estimate)) {
      mystates <- intersect(mystates, estimate)
      myparameters <- intersect(myparameters, estimate)

    s <- sensitivitiesSymb(f,
                           states = mystates,
                           parameters = myparameters,
                           inputs = attr(func, "forcings"),
                           events = attr(func, "events"),
                           reduce = TRUE)
    fs <- c(f, s)
    outputs <- c(attr(s, "outputs"), attr(func, "outputs"))
    events.sens <- attr(s, "events") 
    events.func <- attr(func, "events")
    events <- NULL
    if (!is.null(events.func)) {
      if (is.data.frame(events.sens)) {
        events <- rbind(events.sens, events.func, straingsAsFactors = FALSE)
      } else {
        events <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nrow(events.func), function(i) {
          rbind(events.sens[[i]], events.func[i,], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    extended <- cOde::funC(fs, forcings = forcings, modelname = modelname_s, solver = solver, nGridpoints = gridpoints, events = events, outputs = outputs, ...)

  out <- list(func = func, extended = extended)
  attr(out, "class") <- "odemodel"


## Function classes ------------------------------------------------------

#' dMod match function arguments
#' The function is exported for dependency reasons
#' @param arglist list
#' @param choices character
#' @export
match.fnargs <- function(arglist, choices) {

  # Catch the case of names == NULL
  if (is.null(names(arglist))) names(arglist) <- rep("", length(arglist))

  # exlude named arguments which are not in choices
  arglist <- arglist[names(arglist) %in% c(choices, "")]

  # determine available arguments
  available <- choices %in% names(arglist)

  if (!all(available)) names(arglist)[names(arglist) == ""] <- choices[!available]

  if (any(duplicated(names(arglist)))) stop("duplicate arguments in prdfn/obsfn/parfn function call")

  mapping <- match(choices, names(arglist))


## Equation classes -------------------------------------------------------

#' Generate equation vector object
#' @description The eqnvec object stores explicit algebraic equations, like the
#' right-hand sides of an ODE, observation functions or parameter transformations
#' as named character vectors.
#' @param ... mathematical expressions as characters to be coerced,
#' the right-hand sides of the equations
#' @return object of class \code{eqnvec}, basically a named character.
#' @example inst/examples/eqnvec.R
#' @seealso \link{eqnlist}
#' @export
eqnvec <- function(...) {

  mylist <- list(...)
  if (length(mylist) > 0) {
    mynames <- paste0("eqn", 1:length(mylist))
    is.available <- !is.null(names(mylist))
    mynames[is.available] <- names(mylist)[is.available]

    names(mylist) <- mynames
    out <- unlist(mylist)


  } else {




#' Generate eqnlist object
#' @description The eqnlist object stores an ODE as a list of stoichiometric matrix,
#' rate expressions, state names and compartment volumes.
#' @export
#' @param smatrix Matrix of class numeric. The stoichiometric matrix,
#' one row per reaction/process and one column per state.
#' @param states Character vector. Names of the states.
#' @param rates Character vector. The rate expressions.
#' @param volumes Named character, volume parameters for states. Names must be a subset of the states.
#' Values can be either characters, e.g. "V1", or numeric values for the volume. If \code{volumes} is not
#' \code{NULL}, missing entries are treated as 1.
#' @param description Character vector. Description of the single processes.
#' @return An object of class \code{eqnlist}, basically a list.
#' @example inst/examples/eqnlist.R
eqnlist <- function(smatrix = NULL, states = colnames(smatrix), rates = NULL, volumes = NULL, description = NULL) {

  # Dimension checks and preparations for non-empty argument list.
  if (all(!is.null(c(smatrix, states, rates)))) {
    #Dimension checks
    d1 <- dim(smatrix)
    l2 <- length(states)
    l3 <- length(rates)
    if (l2 != d1[2]) stop("Number of states does not coincide with number of columns of stoichiometric matrix")
    if (l3 != d1[1]) stop("Number of rates does not coincide with number of rows of stoichiometric matrix")

    # Prepare variables
    smatrix <- as.matrix(smatrix)
    colnames(smatrix) <- states
    if (is.null(description)) {
      description <- 1:nrow(smatrix)

  out <- list(smatrix = smatrix,
              states = as.character(states),
              rates = as.character(rates),
              volumes = volumes,
              description = as.character(description))
  class(out) <- c("eqnlist", "list")


## Parameter classes --------------------------------------------------------

#' Parameter transformation function
#' Generate functions that transform one parameter vector into another
#' by means of a transformation, pushing forward the jacobian matrix
#' of the original parameter.
#' Usually, this function is called internally, e.g. by \link{P}.
#' However, you can use it to add your own specialized parameter
#' transformations to the general framework.
#' @param p2p a transformation function for one condition, i.e. a function
#' \code{p2p(p, fixed, deriv)} which translates a parameter vector \code{p}
#' and a vector of fixed parameter values \code{fixed} into a new parameter
#' vector. If \code{deriv = TRUE}, the function should return an attribute
#' \code{deriv} with the Jacobian matrix of the parameter transformation.
#' @param parameters character vector, the parameters accepted by the function
#' @param condition character, the condition for which the transformation is defined
#' @return object of class \code{parfn}, i.e. a function \code{p(..., fixed, deriv,
#'  conditions, env)}. The argument \code{pars} should be passed via the \code{...}
#'  argument.
#'  Contains attributes "mappings", a list of \code{p2p}
#' functions, "parameters", the union of parameters acceted by the mappings and
#' "conditions", the total set of conditions.
#' @seealso \link{sumfn}, \link{P}
#' @example inst/examples/prediction.R
#' @export
parfn <- function(p2p, parameters = NULL, condition = NULL) {

  mappings <- list()
  mappings[[1]] <- p2p
  names(mappings) <- condition

  outfn <- function(..., fixed = NULL, deriv = TRUE, conditions = condition, env = NULL) {

    arglist <- list(...)
    arglist <- arglist[match.fnargs(arglist, "pars")]
    pars <- arglist[[1]]

    overlap <- test_conditions(conditions, condition)
    # NULL if at least one argument is NULL
    # character(0) if no overlap
    # character if overlap

    if (is.null(overlap)) conditions <- union(condition, conditions)

    if (is.null(overlap) | length(overlap) > 0)
      result <- p2p(pars = pars, fixed = fixed, deriv = deriv)
      result <- NULL

    # Initialize output object
    length.out <- max(c(1, length(conditions)))
    outlist <- structure(vector("list", length.out), names = conditions)

    if (is.null(condition)) available <- 1:length.out else available <- match(condition, conditions)
    for (C in available[!is.na(available)]) outlist[[C]] <- result


  attr(outfn, "mappings") <- mappings
  attr(outfn, "parameters") <- parameters
  attr(outfn, "conditions") <- condition
  class(outfn) <- c("parfn", "fn")


#' Generate a parameter frame
#' @description A parameter frame is a data.frame where the rows correspond to different
#' parameter specifications. The columns are divided into three parts. (1) the meta-information
#' columns (e.g. index, value, constraint, etc.), (2) the attributes of an objective function
#' (e.g. data contribution and prior contribution) and (3) the parameters.
#' @seealso \link{profile}, \link{mstrust}
#' @param x data.frame.
#' @param parameters character vector, the names of the parameter columns.
#' @param metanames character vector, the names of the meta-information columns.
#' @param obj.attributes character vector, the names of the objective function attributes.
#' @return An object of class \code{parframe}, i.e. a data.frame with attributes for the
#' different names. Inherits from data.frame.
#' @details Parameter frames can be subsetted either by \code{[ , ]} or by \code{subset}. If
#' \code{[ , index]} is used, the names of the removed columns will also be removed from
#' the corresponding attributes, i.e. metanames, obj.attributes and parameters.
#' @example inst/examples/parlist.R
#' @export
parframe <- function(x = NULL, parameters = colnames(x), metanames = NULL, obj.attributes = NULL) {

  if (!is.null(x)) {
    rownames(x) <- NULL
    out <- as.data.frame(x)
  } else {
    out <- data.frame()

  attr(out, "parameters") <- parameters
  attr(out, "metanames") <- metanames
  attr(out, "obj.attributes") <- obj.attributes
  class(out) <- c("parframe", "data.frame")



#' Parameter list
#' @description The special use of a parameter list is to save
#' the outcome of multiple optimization runs provided by \link{mstrust},
#' into one list.
#' @param ... Objects to be coerced to parameter list.
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/parlist.R
#' @seealso \link{load.parlist}, \link{plot.parlist}
parlist <- function(...) {

  mylist <- list(...)


#' Parameter vector
#' @description A parameter vector is a named numeric vector (the parameter values)
#' together with a "deriv" attribute
#' (the Jacobian of a parameter transformation by which the parameter vector was generated).
#' @param ... objects to be concatenated
#' @param deriv matrix with rownames (according to names of \code{...}) and colnames
#' according to the names of the parameter by which the parameter vector was generated.
#' @return An object of class \code{parvec}, i.e. a named numeric vector with attribute "deriv".
#' @example inst/examples/parvec.R
#' @export
parvec <- function(..., deriv = NULL) {

  mylist <- list(...)
  if (length(mylist) > 0) {
    mynames <- paste0("par", 1:length(mylist))
    is.available <- !is.null(names(mylist))
    mynames[is.available] <- names(mylist)[is.available]

    out <- as.numeric(unlist(mylist))
    names(out) <- mynames

    return(as.parvec(out, deriv = deriv))

  } else {




## Prediction classes ----------------------------------------------------

#' Prediction function
#' @description A prediction function is a function \code{x(..., fixed, deriv, conditions)}.
#' Prediction functions are generated by \link{Xs}, \link{Xf} or \link{Xd}. For an example
#' see the last one.
#' @param P2X transformation function as being produced by \link{Xs}.
#' @param parameters character vector with parameter names
#' @param condition character, the condition name
#' @details Prediction functions can be "added" by the "+" operator, see \link{sumfn}. Thereby,
#' predictions for different conditions are merged or overwritten. Prediction functions can
#' also be concatenated with other functions, e.g. observation functions (\link{obsfn}) or
#' parameter transformation functions (\link{parfn}) by the "*" operator, see \link{prodfn}.
#' @return Object of class \code{prdfn}, i.e. a function \code{x(..., fixed, deriv, conditions, env)}
#' which returns a \link{prdlist}. The arguments \code{times} and
#' \code{pars} (parameter values) should be passed via the \code{...} argument, in this order.
#' @example inst/examples/prediction.R
#' @export
prdfn <- function(P2X, parameters = NULL, condition = NULL) {

  mycondition <- condition
  mappings <- list()
  mappings[[1]] <- P2X
  names(mappings) <- condition

  outfn <- function(..., fixed = NULL, deriv = TRUE, conditions = mycondition, env = NULL) {

    arglist <- list(...)
    arglist <- arglist[match.fnargs(arglist, c("times", "pars"))]
    times <- arglist[[1]]
    pars <- arglist[[2]]

    # yields derivatives for all parameters in pars but not in fixed
    pars <- c(as.parvec(pars[setdiff(names(pars), names(fixed))]),

    overlap <- test_conditions(conditions, condition)
    # NULL if at least one argument is NULL
    # character(0) if no overlap
    # character if overlap

    if (is.null(overlap)) conditions <- union(condition, conditions)

    if (is.null(overlap) | length(overlap) > 0)
      result <- P2X(times = times, pars = pars, deriv = deriv)

      result <- NULL

    # Initialize output object
    length.out <- max(c(1, length(conditions)))
    outlist <- structure(vector("list", length.out), names = conditions)

    if (is.null(condition)) available <- 1:length.out else available <- match(condition, conditions)
    for (C in available[!is.na(available)]) outlist[[C]] <- result
    outlist <- as.prdlist(outlist)

    #length.out <- max(c(1, length(conditions)))
    #outlist <- as.prdlist(lapply(1:length.out, function(i) result), names = conditions)
    #attr(outlist, "pars") <- pars


  attr(outfn, "mappings") <- mappings
  attr(outfn, "parameters") <- parameters
  attr(outfn, "conditions") <- mycondition
  class(outfn) <- c("prdfn", "fn")


#' Observation function
#' @description An observation function is a function is that is concatenated
#' with a prediction function via \link{prodfn} to yield a new prediction function,
#' see \link{prdfn}. Observation functions are generated by \link{Y}. Handling
#' of the conditions is then organized by the \code{obsfn} object.
#' @param X2Y the low-level observation function generated e.g. by \link{Y}.
#' @param parameters character vector with parameter names
#' @param condition character, the condition name
#' @details Observation functions can be "added" by the "+" operator, see \link{sumfn}. Thereby,
#' observations for different conditions are merged or, overwritten. Observation functions can
#' also be concatenated with other functions, e.g. observation functions (\link{obsfn}) or
#' prediction functions (\link{prdfn}) by the "*" operator, see \link{prodfn}.
#' @return Object of class \code{obsfn}, i.e. a function \code{x(..., fixed, deriv, conditions, env)}
#' which returns a \link{prdlist}. The arguments \code{out} (prediction) and \code{pars} (parameter values)
#' should be passed via the \code{...} argument.
#' @example inst/examples/prediction.R
#' @export
obsfn <- function(X2Y, parameters = NULL, condition = NULL) {

  mycondition <- condition
  mappings <- list()
  mappings[[1]] <- X2Y
  names(mappings) <- condition

  outfn <- function(..., fixed = NULL, deriv = TRUE, conditions = mycondition, env = NULL) {

    arglist <- list(...)
    arglist <- arglist[match.fnargs(arglist, c("out", "pars"))]
    out <- arglist[[1]]
    pars <- arglist[[2]]

    # yields derivatives for all parameters in pars but not in fixed
    pars <- c(as.parvec(pars[setdiff(names(pars), names(fixed))]),

    overlap <- test_conditions(conditions, condition)
    # NULL if at least one argument is NULL
    # character(0) if no overlap
    # character if overlap

    if (is.null(overlap)) conditions <- union(condition, conditions)
    if (is.null(overlap) | length(overlap) > 0)
      result <- X2Y(out = out, pars = pars)
      result <- NULL

    # Initialize output object
    length.out <- max(c(1, length(conditions)))
    outlist <- structure(vector("list", length.out), names = conditions)

    if (is.null(condition)) available <- 1:length.out else available <- match(condition, conditions)
    for (C in available[!is.na(available)]) outlist[[C]] <- result
    outlist <- as.prdlist(outlist)

    #length.out <- max(c(1, length(conditions)))
    #outlist <- as.prdlist(lapply(1:length.out, function(i) result), names = conditions)
    #attr(outlist, "pars") <- pars


  attr(outfn, "mappings") <- mappings
  attr(outfn, "parameters") <- parameters
  attr(outfn, "conditions") <- mycondition
  class(outfn) <- c("obsfn", "fn")


#' Prediction frame
#' @description A prediction frame is used to store a model prediction in a matrix. The columns
#' of the matrix are "time" and one column per state. The prediction frame has attributes "deriv",
#' the matrix of sensitivities with respect to "outer parameters" (see \link{P}), an attribute
#' "sensitivities", the matrix of sensitivities with respect to the "inner parameters" (the model
#' parameters, left-hand-side of the parameter transformation) and an attributes "parameters", the
#' parameter vector of inner parameters to produce the prediction frame.
#' Prediction frames are usually the constituents of prediction lists (\link{prdlist}). They are
#' produced by \link{Xs}, \link{Xd} or \link{Xf}. When you define your own prediction functions,
#' see \code{P2X} in \link{prdfn}, the result should be returned as a prediction frame.
#' @param prediction matrix of model prediction
#' @param deriv matrix of sensitivities wrt outer parameters
#' @param sensitivities matrix of sensitivitie wrt inner parameters
#' @param parameters names of the outer paramters
#' @return Object of class \code{prdframe}, i.e. a matrix with other matrices and vectors as attributes.
#' @export
prdframe <- function(prediction = NULL, deriv = NULL, sensitivities = NULL, parameters = NULL) {

  out <- if (!is.null(prediction)) as.matrix(prediction) else matrix()

  attr(out, "deriv") <- deriv
  attr(out, "sensitivities") <- sensitivities
  attr(out, "parameters") <- parameters
  class(out) <- c("prdframe", "matrix")



#' Prediction list
#' @description A prediction list is used to store a list of model predictions
#' from different prediction functions or the same prediction function with different
#' parameter specifications. Each entry of the list is a \link{prdframe}.
#' @param ... objects of class \link{prdframe}
#' conditions.
#' @export
prdlist <- function(...) {
  mylist <- list(...)
  mynames <- names(mylist)
  if (is.null(mynames)) mynames <- as.character(1:length(mylist))
  as.prdlist(mylist, mynames)

## Data classes ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Generate a datalist object
#' @description The datalist object stores time-course data in a list of data.frames.
#' The names of the list serve as identifiers, e.g. of an experimental condition, etc.
#' @details Datalists can be plotted, see \link{plotData} and merged, see \link{sumdatalist}.
#' They are the basic structure when combining model prediction and data via the \link{normL2}
#' objective function.
#' The standard columns of the datalist data frames are "name" (observable name), 
#' "time" (time points), "value" (data value), "sigma" (uncertainty, can be NA), and
#' "lloq" (lower limit of quantification, \code{-Inf} by default).
#' Datalists carry the attribute \code{condition.grid} which contains additional information about different
#' conditions, such as dosing information for the experiment. It can be conveniently accessed by the \link{covariates}-function.
#' Reassigning names to a datalist also renames the rows of the \code{condition.grid}.
#' @param ... data.frame objects to be coerced into a list and additional arguments
#' @return Object of class \code{datalist}.
#' @export
datalist <- function(...) {
  mylist <- list(...)
  mynames <- names(mylist)
  if (is.null(mynames)) mynames <- as.character(1:length(mylist))
  as.datalist(mylist, mynames)

## Objective classes ---------------------------------------------------------

#' Generate objective list
#' @description An objective list contains an objective value, a gradient, and a Hessian matrix.
#' Objective lists can contain additional numeric attributes that are preserved or
#' combined with the corresponding attributes of another objective list when
#' both are added by the "+" operator, see \link{sumobjlist}.
#' Objective lists are returned by objective functions as being generated
#' by \link{normL2}, \link{constraintL2}, \link{priorL2} and \link{datapointL2}.
#' @param value numeric of length 1
#' @param gradient named numeric
#' @param hessian matrix with rownames and colnames according to gradient names
#' @return Object of class \code{objlist}
#' @export
objlist <- function(value, gradient, hessian) {

  out <- list(value = value, gradient = gradient, hessian = hessian)
  class(out) <- c("objlist", "list")


#' Objective frame
#' @description An objective frame is supposed to store the residuals of a model prediction
#' with respect to a data frame.
#' @param mydata data.frame as being generated by \link{res}.
#' @param deriv matrix of the derivatives of the residuals with respect to parameters.
#' @param deriv.err matrix of the derivatives of the error model.
#' @return An object of class \code{objframe}, i.e. a data frame with attribute "deriv".
#' @export
objframe <- function(mydata, deriv = NULL, deriv.err = NULL) {

  # Check column names
  mydata <- as.data.frame(mydata)
  correct.names <- c("time", "name", "value", "prediction",
                     "sigma", "residual", "weighted.residual", "bloq")

  ok <- all(correct.names %in% names(mydata))
  if (!ok) stop("mydata does not have required names")

  out <- mydata[, correct.names]
  attr(out, "deriv") <- deriv
  attr(out, "deriv.err") <- deriv.err
  class(out) <- c("objframe", "data.frame")



## General concatenation of functions ------------------------------------------

#' Direct sum of objective functions
#' @param x1 function of class \code{objfn}
#' @param x2 function of class \code{objfn}
#' @details The objective functions are evaluated and their results as added. Sometimes,
#' the evaluation of an objective function depends on results that have been computed
#' internally in a preceding objective function. Therefore, environments are forwarded
#' and all evaluations take place in the same environment. The first objective function
#' in a sum of functions generates a new environment.
#' @return Object of class \code{objfn}.
#' @seealso \link{normL2}, \link{constraintL2}, \link{priorL2}, \link{datapointL2}
#' @aliases sumobjfn
#' @example inst/examples/objective.R
#' @export
"+.objfn" <- function(x1, x2) {

  if (is.null(x1)) return(x2)

  conditions.x1 <- attr(x1, "conditions")
  conditions.x2 <- attr(x2, "conditions")
  conditions12 <- union(conditions.x1, conditions.x2)

  parameters.x1 <- attr(x1, "parameters")
  parameters.x2 <- attr(x2, "parameters")
  parameters12 <- union(parameters.x1, parameters.x2)

  modelname.x1 <- attr(x1, "modelname")
  modelname.x2 <- attr(x2, "modelname")
  modelname12 <- union(modelname.x1, modelname.x2)

  # objfn + objfn
  if (inherits(x1, "objfn") & inherits(x2, "objfn")) {

    outfn <- function(..., fixed = NULL, deriv = TRUE, conditions = conditions12, env = NULL) {

      arglist <- list(...)
      arglist <- arglist[match.fnargs(arglist, c("pars"))]
      pars <- arglist[[1]]

      # 1. If conditions.xi is null, always evaluate xi, but only once
      # 2. If not null, evaluate at intersection with conditions
      # 3. If not null & intersection is empty, don't evaluate xi at all
      v1 <- v2 <- NULL
      if (is.null(conditions.x1)) {
        v1 <- x1(pars = pars, fixed = fixed, deriv = deriv, conditions = conditions.x1, env = env)
      } else if (any(conditions %in% conditions.x1)) {
        v1 <- x1(pars = pars, fixed = fixed, deriv = deriv, conditions = intersect(conditions, conditions.x1), env = env)

      if (is.null(conditions.x2)) {
        v2 <- x2(pars = pars, fixed = fixed, deriv = deriv, conditions = conditions.x2, env = env)
      } else if (any(conditions %in% conditions.x2)) {
        v2 <- x2(pars = pars, fixed = fixed, deriv = deriv, conditions = intersect(conditions, conditions.x2), env = attr(v1, "env"))

      out <- v1 + v2
      attr(out, "env") <- attr(v1, "env")

    class(outfn) <- c("objfn", "fn")
    attr(outfn, "conditions") <- conditions12
    attr(outfn, "parameters") <- parameters12
    attr(outfn, "modelname") <- modelname12



#' Multiplication of objective functions with scalars
#' @description The \code{\%.*\%} operator allows to multiply objects of class objlist or objfn with
#' a scalar.
#' @param x1 object of class objfn or objlist.
#' @param x2 numeric of length one.
#' @return An objective function or objlist object.
#' @export
"%.*%" <- function(x1, x2) {

  if (inherits(x2, "objlist")) {

    out <- lapply(x2, function(x) {
    # Multiply attributes
    out2.attributes <- attributes(x2)[sapply(attributes(x2), is.numeric)]
    attr.names <- names(out2.attributes)
    out.attributes <- lapply(attr.names, function(n) {
      x1*attr(x2, n)
    attributes(out) <- attributes(x2)
    attributes(out)[attr.names] <- out.attributes


  } else if (inherits(x2, "objfn")) {

    conditions12 <- attr(x2, "conditions")
    parameters12 <- attr(x2, "parameters")
    modelname12 <- attr(x2, "modelname")
    outfn <- function(..., fixed = NULL, deriv = TRUE, conditions = conditions12, env = NULL) {

      arglist <- list(...)
      arglist <- arglist[match.fnargs(arglist, c("pars"))]
      pars <- arglist[[1]]

      v1 <- x1
      v2 <- x2(pars = pars, fixed = fixed, deriv = deriv, conditions = conditions, env = attr(v1, "env"))

      out <- v1 %.*% v2
      attr(out, "env") <- attr(v2, "env")

    class(outfn) <- c("objfn", "fn")
    attr(outfn, "conditions") <- conditions12
    attr(outfn, "parameters") <- parameters12
    attr(outfn, "modelname") <- modelname12

  } else {




#' Direct sum of functions
#' Used to add prediction function, parameter transformation functions or observation functions.
#' @param x1 function of class \code{obsfn}, \code{prdfn} or \code{parfn}
#' @param x2 function of class \code{obsfn}, \code{prdfn} or \code{parfn}
#' @details Each prediction function is associated to a number of conditions. Adding functions
#' means merging or overwriting the set of conditions.
#' @return Object of the same class as \code{x1} and \code{x2} which returns results for the
#' union of conditions.
#' @aliases sumfn
#' @seealso \link{P}, \link{Y}, \link{Xs}
#' @example inst/examples/prediction.R
#' @export
"+.fn" <- function(x1, x2) {

  if (is.null(x1)) return(x2)

  mappings.x1 <- attr(x1, "mappings")
  mappings.x2 <- attr(x2, "mappings")

  conditions.x1 <- attr(x1, "conditions")
  conditions.x2 <- attr(x2, "conditions")
  overlap <- intersect(conditions.x1, conditions.x2)

  if (is.null(names(mappings.x1)) || is.null(names(mappings.x2))) stop("General transformations (NULL names) cannot be coerced.")

  if (length(overlap) > 0) {
    warning(paste("Condition", overlap, "existed and has been overwritten."))
    mappings.x1 <- mappings.x1[!conditions.x1 %in% overlap]
    conditions.x1 <- conditions.x1[!conditions.x1 %in% overlap]

  conditions.x12 <- c(conditions.x1, conditions.x2)
  mappings <- c(mappings.x1, mappings.x2)

  # prdfn + prdfn
  if (inherits(x1, "prdfn") & inherits(x2, "prdfn")) {

    outfn <- function(..., fixed = NULL, deriv = TRUE, conditions = names(mappings), env = NULL) {

      arglist <- list(...)
      arglist <- arglist[match.fnargs(arglist, c("times", "pars"))]
      times <- arglist[[1]]
      pars <- arglist[[2]]

      if (is.null(conditions)) {
        available <- names(mappings)
      } else {
        available <- intersect(names(mappings), conditions)
      outlist <- structure(vector("list", length(conditions)), names = conditions)
      #outpars <- structure(vector("list", length(conditions)), names = conditions)
      for (C in available) {
        outlist[[C]] <- mappings[[C]](times = times, pars = pars, deriv = deriv)
        #outpars[[C]] <- attr(outlist[[C]], "pars")
        #attr(outlist[[C]], "pars") <- NULL

      out <- as.prdlist(outlist)
      #attr(out, "pars") <- outpars


    class(outfn) <- c("prdfn", "fn")


  # obsfn + obsfn
  if (inherits(x1, "obsfn") & inherits(x2, "obsfn")) {

    outfn <- function(..., fixed = NULL, deriv = TRUE, conditions = names(mappings), env = NULL) {

      arglist <- list(...)
      arglist <- arglist[match.fnargs(arglist, c("out", "pars"))]
      out <- arglist[[1]]
      pars <- arglist[[2]]

      if (is.null(conditions)) {
        available <- names(mappings)
      } else {
        available <- intersect(names(mappings), conditions)
      outlist <- structure(vector("list", length(conditions)), names = conditions)
      for (C in available) {
        outlist[[C]] <- mappings[[C]](out = out, pars = pars)

      out <- as.prdlist(outlist)


    class(outfn) <- c("obsfn", "fn")


  # parfn + parfn
  if (inherits(x1, "parfn") & inherits(x2, "parfn")) {

    outfn <- function(..., fixed = NULL, deriv = TRUE, conditions = names(mappings), env = NULL) {

      arglist <- list(...)
      arglist <- arglist[match.fnargs(arglist, c("pars"))]
      pars <- arglist[[1]]

      if (is.null(conditions)) {
        available <- names(mappings)
      } else {
        available <- intersect(names(mappings), conditions)
      outlist <- structure(vector("list", length(conditions)), names = conditions)
      for (C in available) {
        outlist[[C]] <- mappings[[C]](pars = pars, fixed = fixed, deriv = deriv)



    class(outfn) <- c("parfn", "fn")


  attr(outfn, "mappings") <- mappings
  attr(outfn, "parameters") <- union(attr(x1, "parameters"), attr(x2, "parameters"))
  attr(outfn, "conditions") <- conditions.x12
  attr(outfn, "forcings") <- do.call(c, list(attr(x1, "forcings"), attr(x2, "forcings")))



#' Direct sum of datasets
#' Used to merge datasets with overlapping conditions.
#' @param data1 dataset of class \code{datalist}
#' @param data2 dataset of class \code{datalist}
#' @details Each data list contains data frames for a number of conditions.
#' The direct sum of datalist is meant as merging the two data lists and
#' returning the overarching datalist.
#' @return Object of class \code{datalist} for the
#' union of conditions.
#' @aliases sumdatalist
#' @example inst/examples/sumdatalist.R
#' @export
"+.datalist" <- function(data1, data2) {

  overlap <- names(data2)[names(data2) %in% names(data1)]
  if (length(overlap) > 0) {
    warning(paste("Condition", overlap, "existed and has been overwritten."))
    data1 <- data1[!names(data1) %in% names(data2)]

  conditions <- union(names(data1), names(data2))
  data <- lapply(conditions, function(C) rbind(data1[[C]], data2[[C]]))
  names(data) <- conditions

  grid1 <- attr(data1, "condition.grid")
  grid2 <- attr(data2, "condition.grid")

  grid <- combine(grid1, grid2)

  if (is.data.frame(grid)) grid <- grid[!duplicated(rownames(grid)), , drop = FALSE]

  out <- as.datalist(data)
  attr(out, "condition.grid") <- grid


out_conditions <- function(c1, c2) {

  if (!is.null(c1)) return(c1)
  if (!is.null(c2)) return(c2)


test_conditions <- function(c1, c2) {
  if (is.null(c1)) return(NULL)
  if (is.null(c2)) return(NULL)
  return(intersect(c1, c2))

#' Concatenation of functions
#' Used to concatenate observation functions, prediction functions and parameter transformation functions.
#' @param p1 function of class \code{obsfn}, \code{prdfn}, \code{parfn} or \code{idfn}
#' @param p2 function of class \code{obsfn}, \code{prdfn}, \code{parfn} or \code{idfn}
#' @return Object of the same class as \code{x1} and \code{x2}.
#' @aliases prodfn
#' @example inst/examples/prediction.R
#' @export
"*.fn" <- function(p1, p2) {

  # obsfn * obsfn -> obsfn
  if (inherits(p1, "obsfn") & inherits(p2, "obsfn")) {

    conditions.p1 <- attr(p1, "conditions")
    conditions.p2 <- attr(p2, "conditions")
    conditions.out <- out_conditions(conditions.p1, conditions.p2)

    outfn <- function(..., fixed = NULL, deriv = TRUE, conditions = NULL, env = NULL) {

      arglist <- list(...)
      arglist <- arglist[match.fnargs(arglist, c("out", "pars"))]
      out <- arglist[[1]]
      pars <- arglist[[2]]

      step1 <- p2(out = out, pars = pars, fixed = fixed, deriv = deriv, conditions = conditions)
      step2 <- do.call(c, lapply(1:length(step1), function(i) p1(out = step1[[i]], pars = attr(step1[[i]], "parameters"), fixed = fixed, deriv = deriv, conditions = names(step1)[i])))

      out <- as.prdlist(step2)



    # Generate mappings for observation function
    l <- max(c(1, length(conditions.out)))
    mappings <- lapply(1:l, function(i) {
      mapping <- function(out, pars) {
        outfn(out = out, pars = pars, conditions = conditions.out[i])[[1]]
      m1 <- modelname(p1, conditions = conditions.p1[i])
      m2 <- modelname(p2, conditions = conditions.p2[i])
      attr(mapping, "modelname") <- union(m1, m2)
      attr(mapping, "parameters") <- getParameters(p2, conditions = conditions.out[i])

    names(mappings) <- conditions.out
    attr(outfn, "mappings") <- mappings

    attr(outfn, "parameters") <- attr(p2, "parameters")
    attr(outfn, "conditions") <- conditions.out
    class(outfn) <- c("obsfn", "fn", "composed")



  # obsfn * parfn -> obsfn
  if (inherits(p1, "obsfn") & inherits(p2, "parfn")) {

    conditions.p1 <- attr(p1, "conditions")
    conditions.p2 <- attr(p2, "conditions")
    conditions.out <- out_conditions(conditions.p1, conditions.p2)

    outfn <- function(..., fixed = NULL, deriv = TRUE, conditions = NULL, env = NULL) {

      arglist <- list(...)
      arglist <- arglist[match.fnargs(arglist, c("out", "pars"))]
      out <- arglist[[1]]
      pars <- arglist[[2]]

      step1 <- p2(pars = pars, fixed = fixed, deriv = deriv, conditions = conditions)
      step2 <- do.call(c, lapply(1:length(step1), function(i) p1(out = out, pars = step1[[i]], fixed = fixed, deriv = deriv, conditions = names(step1)[i])))

      out <- as.prdlist(step2)



    # Generate mappings for observation function
    l <- max(c(1, length(conditions.out)))
    mappings <- lapply(1:l, function(i) {
      mapping <- function(out, pars) {
        outfn(out = out, pars = pars, conditions = conditions.out[i])[[1]]
      m1 <- modelname(p1, conditions = conditions.p1[i])
      m2 <- modelname(p2, conditions = conditions.p2[i])
      attr(mapping, "modelname") <- union(m1, m2)
      attr(mapping, "parameters") <- getParameters(p2, conditions = conditions.out[i])

    names(mappings) <- conditions.out
    attr(outfn, "mappings") <- mappings

    attr(outfn, "parameters") <- attr(p2, "parameters")
    attr(outfn, "conditions") <- conditions.out
    class(outfn) <- c("obsfn", "fn", "composed")



  # obsfn * prdfn -> prdfn
  if (inherits(p1, "obsfn") & inherits(p2, "prdfn")) {

    conditions.p1 <- attr(p1, "conditions")
    conditions.p2 <- attr(p2, "conditions")
    conditions.out <- out_conditions(conditions.p1, conditions.p2)

    outfn <- function(..., fixed = NULL, deriv = TRUE, conditions = NULL, env = NULL) {

      arglist <- list(...)
      arglist <- arglist[match.fnargs(arglist, c("times", "pars"))]
      times <- arglist[[1]]
      pars <- arglist[[2]]

      step1 <- p2(times = times, pars = pars, fixed = fixed, deriv = deriv, conditions = conditions)
      step2 <- do.call(c, lapply(1:length(step1), function(i) p1(out = step1[[i]], pars = attr(step1[[i]], "parameters"), fixed = fixed, deriv = deriv, conditions = names(step1)[i])))

      out <- as.prdlist(step2)



    # Generate mappings for prediction function
    l <- max(c(1, length(conditions.out)))
    mappings <- lapply(1:l, function(i) {
      mapping <- function(times, pars, deriv = TRUE) {
        outfn(times = times, pars = pars, deriv = deriv, conditions = conditions.out[i])[[1]]
      m1 <- modelname(p1, conditions = conditions.p1[i])
      m2 <- modelname(p2, conditions = conditions.p2[i])
      attr(mapping, "modelname") <- union(m1, m2)
      attr(mapping, "parameters") <- getParameters(p2, conditions = conditions.out[i])

    names(mappings) <- conditions.out
    attr(outfn, "mappings") <- mappings

    attr(outfn, "parameters") <- attr(p2, "parameters")
    attr(outfn, "conditions") <- conditions.out
    class(outfn) <- c("prdfn", "fn", "composed")



  # prdfn * parfn -> prdfn
  if (inherits(p1, "prdfn") & inherits(p2, "parfn")) {

    conditions.p1 <- attr(p1, "conditions")
    conditions.p2 <- attr(p2, "conditions")
    conditions.out <- out_conditions(conditions.p1, conditions.p2)

    outfn <- function(..., fixed = NULL, deriv = TRUE, conditions = NULL, env = NULL) {

      arglist <- list(...)
      arglist <- arglist[match.fnargs(arglist, c("times", "pars"))]
      times <- arglist[[1]]
      pars <- arglist[[2]]

      step1 <- p2(pars = pars, fixed = fixed, deriv = deriv, conditions = conditions)
      step2 <- do.call(c, lapply(1:length(step1), function(i) p1(times = times, pars = step1[[i]], deriv = deriv, conditions = names(step1)[i])))

      out <- as.prdlist(step2)



    # Generate mappings for prediction function
    l <- max(c(1, length(conditions.out)))
    mappings <- lapply(1:l, function(i) {
      mapping <- function(times, pars, deriv = TRUE) {
        outfn(times = times, pars = pars, deriv = deriv, conditions = conditions.out[i])[[1]]
      attr(mapping, "parameters") <- getParameters(p2, conditions = conditions.out[i])
      m1 <- modelname(p1, conditions = conditions.p1[i])
      m2 <- modelname(p2, conditions = conditions.p2[i])
      attr(mapping, "modelname") <- union(m1, m2)

    names(mappings) <- conditions.out
    attr(outfn, "mappings") <- mappings

    attr(outfn, "conditions") <- conditions.out
    attr(outfn, "parameters") <- attr(p2, "parameters")
    class(outfn) <- c("prdfn", "fn", "composed")



  # parfn * parfn -> parfn
  if (inherits(p1, "parfn") & inherits(p2, "parfn")) {

    conditions.p1 <- attr(p1, "conditions")
    conditions.p2 <- attr(p2, "conditions")
    conditions.out <- out_conditions(conditions.p1, conditions.p2)

    outfn <- function(..., fixed = NULL, deriv = TRUE, conditions = NULL, env = NULL) {

      arglist <- list(...)
      arglist <- arglist[match.fnargs(arglist, c("pars"))]
      pars <- arglist[[1]]

      step1 <- p2(pars = pars, fixed = fixed, deriv = deriv, conditions = conditions)
      step2 <- do.call(c, lapply(1:length(step1), function(i) p1(pars = step1[[i]], fixed = fixed, deriv = deriv, conditions = names(step1)[i])))


    # Generate mappings for parameters function
    l <- max(c(1, length(conditions.out)))
    mappings <- lapply(1:l, function(i) {
      mapping <- function(pars, fixed = NULL, deriv = TRUE) {
        outfn(pars = pars, fixed = fixed, deriv = deriv, conditions = conditions.out[i])[[1]]
      m1 <- modelname(p1, conditions = conditions.p1[i])
      m2 <- modelname(p2, conditions = conditions.p2[i])
      attr(mapping, "modelname") <- union(m1, m2)
      attr(mapping, "parameters") <- getParameters(p2, conditions = conditions.out[i])

    names(mappings) <- conditions.out
    attr(outfn, "mappings") <- mappings

    attr(outfn, "parameters") <- attr(p2, "parameters")
    attr(outfn, "conditions") <- conditions.out
    class(outfn) <- c("parfn", "fn", "composed")



  # objfn * parfn -> objfn
  if (inherits(p1, "objfn") & inherits(p2, "parfn")) {

    conditions.p1 <- attr(p1, "conditions")
    conditions.p2 <- attr(p2, "conditions")
    conditions.out <- out_conditions(conditions.p1, conditions.p2)

    outfn <- function(...,  fixed = NULL, deriv=TRUE, conditions = NULL, env = NULL) {

      arglist <- list(...)
      arglist <- arglist[match.fnargs(arglist, "pars")]
      pars <- arglist[[1]]

      step1 <- p2(pars = pars, fixed = fixed, deriv = deriv, conditions = conditions)
      step2 <- Reduce("+", lapply(1:length(step1), function(i) p1(pars = step1[[i]], fixed = NULL, deriv = deriv, conditions = names(step1)[i], env = env)))


    attr(outfn, "conditions") <- conditions.out
    class(outfn) <- c("objfn", "fn", "composed")



  # idfn * fn -> fn
  if (inherits(p1, "idfn")) {

  # fn * idfn -> fn
  if (inherits(p2, "idfn")) {


## General purpose functions for different dMod classes ------------------------------

#' List, get and set controls for different functions
#' @description Applies to objects of class \code{objfn},
#' \code{parfn}, \code{prdfn} and \code{obsfn}. Allows to manipulate
#' different arguments that have been set when creating the
#' objects.
#' @details If called without further arguments, \code{controls(x)} lists the
#' available controls within an object. Calling \code{controls()} with \code{name}
#' and \code{condition} returns the control value. The value can be overwritten. If
#' a list or data.frame ist returned, elements of those can be manipulated by the
#' \code{$}- or \code{[]}-operator.
#' @param x function
#' @param ... arguments going to the appropriate S3 methods
#' @return Either a print-out or the values of the control.
#' @examples
#' ## parfn with condition
#' p <- P(eqnvec(x = "-a*x"), method = "implicit", condition = "C1")
#' controls(p)
#' controls(p, "C1", "keep.root")
#' controls(p, "C1", "keep.root") <- FALSE
#' ## obsfn with NULL condition
#' g <- Y(g = eqnvec(y = "s*x"), f = NULL, states = "x", parameters = "s")
#' controls(g)
#' controls(g, NULL, "attach.input")
#' controls(g, NULL, "attach.input") <- FALSE
#' @export
controls <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("controls", x)

lscontrols_objfn <- function(x) {



lscontrols_fn <- function(x, condition = NULL) {

  conditions <- attr(x, "conditions")
  mappings <- attr(x, "mappings")

  for (i in 1:length(mappings)) {
    if (is.null(conditions) || is.null(condition) || conditions[i] %in% condition) {
      cat(conditions[i], ":\n", sep = "")


#' @export
#' @rdname controls
#' @param name character, the name of the control
controls.objfn <- function(x, name = NULL, ...) {

  if (is.null(name)) lscontrols_objfn(x) else environment(x)$controls[[name]]

#' @export
#' @rdname controls
#' @param condition character, the condition name
controls.fn <- function(x, condition = NULL, name = NULL, ...) {

  if (is.null(name)) {

    lscontrols_fn(x, condition)

  } else {

    mappings <- attr(x, "mappings")
    if (is.null(condition)) y <- mappings[[1]] else y <- mappings[[condition]]



#' @export
#' @rdname controls
"controls<-" <- function(x, ..., value) {
  UseMethod("controls<-", x)

#' @export
#' @param value the new value
#' @rdname controls
"controls<-.objfn" <- function(x, name, ..., value) {
  environment(x)$controls[[name]] <- value

#' @export
#' @rdname controls
"controls<-.fn" <- function(x, condition = NULL, name, ..., value) {
  mappings <- attr(x, "mappings")
  if (is.null(condition)) y <- mappings[[1]] else y <- mappings[[condition]]
  environment(y)$controls[[name]] <- value

#' Extract the derivatives of an object
#' @param x object from which the derivatives should be extracted
#' @param ... additional arguments (not used right now)
#' @return The derivatives in a format that depends on the class of \code{x}.
#' This is
#' \code{parvec -> matrix},
#' \code{prdframe -> prdframe},
#' \code{prdlist -> prdlist},
#' \code{objlist -> named numeric}.
#' @export
getDerivs <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("getDerivs", x)

#' @export
#' @rdname getDerivs
getDerivs.parvec <- function(x, ...) {

  attr(x, "deriv")


#' @export
#' @rdname getDerivs
getDerivs.prdframe <- function(x, ...) {

  prdframe(prediction = attr(x, "deriv"), parameters = attr(x, "parameters"))


#' @export
#' @rdname getDerivs
getDerivs.prdlist <- function(x, ...) {

    lapply(x, function(myx) {
    names = names(x)


#' @export
#' @rdname getDerivs
getDerivs.list <- function(x, ...) {

  lapply(x, function(myx) getDerivs(myx))


#' @export
#' @rdname getDerivs
getDerivs.objlist <- function(x, ...) {



getEquations <- function(x, ...) {

  UseMethod("getEquations", x)


#' Extract the parameters of an object
#' @param ... objects from which the parameters should be extracted
#' @param conditions character vector specifying the conditions to
#' which \code{getParameters} is restricted
#' @return The parameters in a format that depends on the class of \code{x}.
#' @export
getParameters <- function(..., conditions = NULL) {

  Reduce("union", lapply(list(...), function(x) {
    UseMethod("getParameters", x)


#' @export
#' @rdname getParameters
#' @param x object from which the parameters are extracted
getParameters.odemodel <- function(x, conditions = NULL) {

  parameters <- c(
    attr(x$func, "variables"),
    attr(x$func, "parameters")



#' @export
#' @rdname getParameters
getParameters.fn <- function(x, conditions = NULL) {

  if (is.null(conditions)) {
    parameters <- attr(x, "parameters")
  } else {
    mappings <- attr(x, "mappings")
    mappings <- mappings[intersect(names(mappings), conditions)]
    parameters <- Reduce("union",
                         lapply(mappings, function(m) attr(m, "parameters"))


#' @export
#' @rdname getParameters
getParameters.parvec <- function(x, conditions = NULL) {



#' @export
#' @rdname getParameters
getParameters.prdframe <- function(x, conditions = NULL) {

  attr(x, "parameters")


#' @export
#' @rdname getParameters
getParameters.prdlist <- function(x, conditions = NULL) {

  select <- 1:length(x)
  if (!is.null(conditions)) select <- intersect(names(x), conditions)
  lapply(x[select], function(myx) getParameters(myx))


#' @export
#' @rdname getParameters
getParameters.eqnlist <- function(x) {
  unique(c(getSymbols(x$states), getSymbols(x$rates), getSymbols(x$volumes)))

#' @export
#' @rdname getParameters
getParameters.eventlist <- function(x) {
  Reduce(union, lapply(x[c(1:3)], getSymbols))

#' Extract the conditions of an object
#' @param x object from which the conditions should be extracted
#' @param ... additional arguments (not used right now)
#' @return The conditions in a format that depends on the class of \code{x}.
#' @export
getConditions <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("getConditions", x)

#' @export
#' @rdname getConditions
getConditions.list <- function(x, ...) {



#' @export
#' @rdname getConditions
getConditions.fn <- function(x, ...) {

  attr(x, "conditions")


#' Get and set modelname
#' @description The modelname attribute refers to the name of a C file associated with
#' a dMod function object like prediction-, parameter transformation- or
#' objective functions.
#' @param ... objects of type \code{prdfn}, \code{parfn}, \code{objfn}
#' @param conditions character vector of conditions
#' @return character vector of model names, corresponding to C files
#' in the local directory.
#' @export
modelname <- function(..., conditions = NULL) {

  Reduce("union", lapply(list(...), mname, conditions = conditions))


#' Get modelname from single object (used internally)
#' @param x dMod object
#' @param conditions character vector of conditions
#' @export
mname <- function(x, conditions = NULL) {
  UseMethod("mname", x)

#' @export
#' @rdname mname
mname.NULL <- function(x, conditions = NULL) NULL

#' @export
#' @rdname mname
mname.character <- function(x, conditions = NULL) {

  mname(get(x), conditions = conditions)


#' @export
#' @rdname mname
mname.objfn <- function(x, conditions = NULL) {

  attr(x, "modelname")


#' @export
#' @rdname mname
mname.fn <- function(x, conditions = NULL) {

  mappings <- attr(x, "mappings")
  select <- 1:length(mappings)
  if (!is.null(conditions)) select <- intersect(names(mappings), conditions)
  modelnames <- Reduce("union",
                       lapply(mappings[select], function(m) attr(m, "modelname"))



#' @export
#' @rdname modelname
#' @param x dMod object for which the model name should be set
#' @param value character, the new modelname (does not change the C file)
"modelname<-" <- function(x, ..., value) {
  UseMethod("modelname<-", x)

#' @export
#' @rdname modelname
"modelname<-.fn" <- function(x, conditions = NULL, ..., value) {

  mappings <- attr(x, "mappings")
  select <- 1:length(mappings)
  if (!is.null(conditions)) select <- intersect(names(mappings), conditions)
  #if (length(value) > 1 && length(value) != length(mappings[select]))
  #  stop("Length of modelname vector should be either 1 or equal to the number of conditions.")
  if (length(value) == 1) {
    value <- rep(value, length.out = length(mappings[select]))
    if (!is.null(conditions)) names(value) <- conditions

  for (i in select) {
    attr(attr(x, "mappings")[[i]], "modelname") <- value[i]
    if (inherits(x, "prdfn")) {
      extended <- environment(attr(x, "mappings")[[i]])[["extended"]]
      if (!is.null(extended)) {
        attr(environment(attr(x, "mappings")[[i]])[["extended"]], "modelname") <- value[i]
      attr(environment(attr(x, "mappings")[[i]])[["func"]], "modelname") <- value[i]



#' @export
#' @rdname modelname
"modelname<-.objfn" <- function(x, conditions = NULL, ..., value) {
  attr(x, "modelname") <- value

#' Extract the equations of an object
#' @param x object from which the equations should be extracted
#' @param conditions character or numeric vector specifying the conditions to
#' which \code{getEquations} is restricted. If \code{conditions} has length one,
#' the result is not returned as a list.
#' @return The equations as list of \code{eqnvec} objects.
#' @export
getEquations <- function(x, conditions = NULL) {

    UseMethod("getEquations", x)


#' @export
#' @rdname getEquations
getEquations.odemodel <- function(x, conditions = NULL) {

  attr(x$func, "equations")


#' @export
#' @rdname getEquations
getEquations.prdfn <- function(x, conditions = NULL) {

  mappings <- attr(x, "mappings")

  if (is.null(conditions)) {
    equations <- lapply(mappings, function(m) attr(m, "equations"))

  if (!is.null(conditions)) {
    mappings <- mappings[conditions]
    equations <- lapply(mappings, function(m) attr(m, "equations"))
    if (length(equations) == 1) {
    } else {


#' @export
#' @rdname getEquations
getEquations.fn <- function(x, conditions = NULL) {

  mappings <- attr(x, "mappings")

  if (is.null(conditions)) {
    equations <- lapply(mappings, function(m) attr(m, "equations"))

  if (!is.null(conditions)) {
    mappings <- mappings[conditions]
    equations <- lapply(mappings, function(m) attr(m, "equations"))
    if (length(equations) == 1) {
    } else {


#' Extract the observables of an object
#' @param x object from which the equations should be extracted
#' @param ... not used
#' @return The equations as a character.
#' @export
getObservables <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("getObservables", x)

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dMod documentation built on Jan. 27, 2021, 1:07 a.m.