Man pages for dad
Three-Way / Multigroup Data Analysis Through Densities

appendtofolderhAdds a data frame to a 'folderh'. to data frame folder to data frame to data frame
as.folderCoerce to a folder frame to folder
as.folder.folderhHierarchic folder to folder
as.folderhCoerce to a folderh
as.folderh.foldermtgBuild a hierarchic folder from an object of class foldermtg
as.foldertCoerce to a foldert
as.foldert.arrayData frame to foldert frame to foldert
associationsAssociation measures between several categorical variables of...
associations.folderAssociation measures between categorical variables of the...
bandwidth.parameterParameter of the normal reference rule
castlesAlsacian castles by year of building
castles.datedDated Alsacian castles
castles.nondatedNon dated Alsacian castles
cor.folderCorrelation matrices of a folder of data sets numeric variables into factors
cut.folderIn a folder: change numeric variables into factors
dad-packageThree-Way Data Analysis Through Densities
ddchisqsymDistance between probability distributions of discrete...
ddchisqsymparDistance between discrete probability distributions given the...
ddhellingerDistance between probability distributions of discrete...
ddhellingerparDistance between discrete probability distributions given the...
ddjeffreysDivergence between probability distributions of discrete...
ddjeffreysparDistance between discrete probability distributions given the...
ddjensenDivergence between probability distributions of discrete...
ddjensenparDivergence between discrete probability distributions given...
ddlpDistance between probability distributions of discrete...
ddlpparDistance between discrete probability distributions given the...
departmentsFrench departments and regions
discdd.misclassMisclassification ratio in functional discriminant analysis...
discdd.predictPredicting the class of a group of individuals with...
distl2dL^2 distance between probability densities
distl2dnormL^2 distance between L^2-normed probability densities
distl2dnormparL^2 distance between L^2-normed Gaussian densities given...
distl2dparL^2 distance between Gaussian densities given their...
dspgDiploma x Socio professional group
dspgd2015Diploma x Socio professional group by departement in 2015
dstatis.interDual STATIS method (interstructure stage)
fdiscd.misclassMisclassification ratio in functional discriminant analysis...
fdiscd.predictPredicting the class of a group of individuals with...
fhclustdHierarchic cluster analysis of probability densities
floribundityRose flowering
fmdsdMultidimensional scaling of probability densities
folderFolder of data sets
folderhHierarchic folder of n data frames related in pairs by (n-1)...
foldertFolder of data sets among time
fpcadFunctional PCA of probability densities
fpcatFunctional PCA of probability densities among time
getcolfolderSelect columns in all elements of a folder
getcolfoldertSelect columns in all elements of a foldert
getrowfolderSelect rows in all elements of a folder
getrowfoldertSelect rows in all elements of a foldert
hclustddHierarchic cluster analysis of discrete probability...
hellingerHellinger distance between Gaussian densities
hellingerparHellinger distance between Gaussian densities given their...
interpretScores of 'fmdsd', 'dstatis', 'fpcad', or 'fpcat' vs....
interpret.dstatisScores of the 'dstatis' function vs. moments of the densities
interpret.fmdsdScores of the 'fmdsd' function vs. moments of the densities
interpret.fpcadScores of the 'fpcad' function vs. moments of the densities
interpret.fpcatScores of the '"fpcat"' function vs. moments of the densities
interpret.mdsddScores of the 'mdsdd' function vs. marginal probability...
is.discdd.misclassClass 'discdd.misclass'
is.discdd.predictClass 'discdd.predict'
is.dstatisClass 'dstatis'
is.fdiscd.misclassClass 'fdiscd.misclass'
is.fdiscd.predictClass 'fdiscd.predict'
is.fhclustdClass 'fhclustd'
is.fmdsdClass 'fmdsd'
is.folderClass 'folder'
is.folderhClass 'folderh'
is.foldermtgClass 'foldermtg'
is.foldertClass 'foldert'
is.fpcadClass 'fpcad'
is.mdsddClass 'mdsdd'
jeffreysJeffreys measure between Gaussian densities
jeffreysparJeffreys measure between Gaussian densities given their...
kurtosis.folderKurtosis coefficients of a folder of data sets
l2dL^2 inner product of probability densities
l2dparL^2 inner product of Gaussian densities given their...
matddchisqsymMatrix of distances between discrete probability densities...
matddchisqsymparMatrix of distances between discrete probability densities...
matddhellingerMatrix of distances between discrete probability densities...
matddhellingerparMatrix of distances between discrete probability densities...
matddjeffreysMatrix of distances between discrete probability densities...
matddjeffreysparMatrix of divergences between discrete probability densities...
matddjensenMatrix of divergences between discrete probability densities...
matddjensenparMatrix of divergences between discrete probability densities...
matddlpMatrix of distances between discrete probability...
matddlpparMatrix of distances between discrete probability densities...
matdistl2dMatrix of L^2 distances between probability densities
matdistl2dnormMatrix of L^2 distances between L^2-normed probability...
matdistl2dnormparMatrix of L^2 distances between L^2-normed Gaussian densities...
matdistl2dparMatrix of L^2 distances between Gaussian densities given...
mathellingerMatrix of Hellinger distances between Gaussian densities
mathellingerparMatrix of Hellinger distances between Gaussian densities...
matipl2dMatrix of L^2 inner products of probability densities
matipl2dparMatrix of L^2 inner products of Gaussian densities
matjeffreysMatrix of the Jeffreys measures (symmetrised Kullback-Leibler...
matjeffreysparMatrix of Jeffreys measures (symmetrised Kullback-Leibler...
matwassersteinMatrix of 2-Wassterstein distance between Gaussian densities
matwassersteinparMatrix of 2-Wasserstein distances between Gaussian densities
mdsddMultidimensional scaling of discrete probability...
mean.folderMeans of a folder of data sets
mtgcomponentsComponents of upper scale of a vertex
mtgorderBranching order of vertices
mtgplant1Class 'foldermtg'
mtgplant2Class 'foldermtg'
mtgrankRanks of vertices in a decomposition
plot.dstatisPlotting scores of STATIS method (interstructure) analysis
plot.fhclustdPlotting a hierarchical clustering
plot.fmdsdPlotting scores of multidimensional scaling of density...
plot.foldertPlotting data of a foldert
plot.fpcadPlotting scores of principal component analysis of density...
plot.fpcatPlotting scores of principal component analysis of density...
plotframesPlotting of two sets of variables
plot.hclustddPlotting a hierarchical clustering of discrete distributions
plot.mdsddPlotting scores of multidimensional scaling analysis of...
print.discdd.misclassPrinting results of discriminant analysis of discrete...
print.discdd.predictPrinting results of discriminant analysis of discrete...
print.dstatisPrinting results of STATIS method (interstructure) analysis
print.fdiscd.misclassPrinting results of discriminant analysis of probability...
print.fdiscd.predictPrinting results of discriminant analysis of probability...
print.fhclustdPrinting results of a hierarchical clustering of probability...
print.fmdsdPrinting results of a multidimensional scaling analysis of...
print.foldermtgPrinting an object of class 'foldermtg'
print.foldertPrinting an object of class 'foldert'
print.fpcadPrinting results of a functional PCA of probability densities
print.fpcatPrinting results of a functional PCA of probability densities...
print.hclustddPrinting results of a hierarchical clustering of discrete...
print.mdsddPrinting results of a multidimensional scaling analysis of...
read.mtgRead a MTG (Multiscale Tree Graph) file
rmcolfolderRemove columns in all elements of a folder
rmcolfoldertRemove cols in all elements of a foldert
rmrowfolderRemove rows in all elements of a folder
rmrowfoldertRemove rows in all elements of a foldert
roseflowersRose flowers
roseleavesRose leaves
rosephytomerRose leaf and internode dynamics
rosesRoses data
skewness.folderSkewness coefficients of a folder of data sets
sqrtmatrixSquare root of a symmetric, positive semi-definite matrix
summary.folderSummarize a folder
summary.folderhSummarize a folderh
summary.foldermtgSummary of an object of class 'foldermtg'
summary.foldertSummarize a foldert
var.folderVariance matrices of a folder of data sets
varietyleavesRose variety leaves
wasserstein2-Wasserstein distance between Gaussian densities
wassersteinpar2-Wasserstein distance between Gaussian densities given their...
dad documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 5:06 p.m.