
Defines functions uniqueN anyDuplicated.data.table .duplicated.helper unique.data.table duplicated.data.table

Documented in anyDuplicated.data.table duplicated.data.table unique.data.table uniqueN

duplicated.data.table = function(x, incomparables=FALSE, fromLast=FALSE, by=seq_along(x), ...) {
  if (!cedta()) return(NextMethod("duplicated")) #nocov
  if (!isFALSE(incomparables)) {
    .NotYetUsed("incomparables != FALSE")
  if (nrow(x) == 0L || ncol(x) == 0L) return(logical(0L)) # fix for bug #28
  if (is.na(fromLast) || !is.logical(fromLast)) stopf("'fromLast' must be TRUE or FALSE")
  if (!length(by)) by = NULL  #4594
  query = .duplicated.helper(x, by)

  if (query$use.keyprefix) {
    f = uniqlist(shallow(x, query$by))
    if (fromLast) f = cumsum(uniqlengths(f, nrow(x)))
  } else {
    o = forderv(x, by=query$by, sort=FALSE, retGrp=TRUE)
    if (attr(o, 'maxgrpn', exact=TRUE) == 1L) return(rep.int(FALSE, nrow(x)))
    f = attr(o, "starts", exact=TRUE)
    if (fromLast) f = cumsum(uniqlengths(f, nrow(x)))
    if (length(o)) f = o[f]
  res = rep.int(TRUE, nrow(x))
  res[f] = FALSE

unique.data.table = function(x, incomparables=FALSE, fromLast=FALSE, by=seq_along(x), cols=NULL, ...) {
  if (!cedta()) return(NextMethod("unique")) # nocov
  if (!isFALSE(incomparables)) {
    .NotYetUsed("incomparables != FALSE")
  if (nrow(x) <= 1L) return(copy(x)) # unique(x)[, col := val] should not alter x, #5932
  if (!length(by)) by = NULL  #4594
  o = forderv(x, by=by, sort=FALSE, retGrp=TRUE)
  if (!is.null(cols)) {
      x = .shallow(x, c(by, cols), retain.key=TRUE)
  # if by=key(x), forderv tests for orderedness within it quickly and will short-circuit
  # there isn't any need in unique() to call uniqlist like duplicated does; uniqlist returns a new nrow(x) vector anyway and isn't
  # as efficient as forderv returning empty o when input is already ordered
  if (attr(o, 'maxgrpn', exact=TRUE) == 1L) return(copy(x))  # return copy so that unique(x)[, col := val] doesn't affect original data.table, #3383.
  f = attr(o, "starts", exact=TRUE)
  if (fromLast) f = cumsum(uniqlengths(f, nrow(x)))
  if (length(o)) f = o[f]
  if (length(o <- forderv(f))) f = f[o]  # don't sort the uniques too
  .Call(CsubsetDT, x, f, seq_len(ncol(x)))
  # TO DO: allow by=NULL to mean all, for further speed gain.
  #        See news for v1.9.3 for link to benchmark use-case on datatable-help.

# Test for #2013 unique() memory efficiency improvement in v1.10.5
# set.seed(1)
# Create unique 7.6GB DT on 16GB laptop
# DT = data.table(
#  A = sample(1e8, 2e8, TRUE),
#  B = sample(1e8, 2e8, TRUE),
#  C = 1:2e8,
#  D = 1:2e8,
#  E = 1:2e8,
#  F = 1:2e8,
#  G = 1:2e8,
#  H = 1:2e8,
#  I = 1:2e8,
#  J = 1:2e8
# )
# print(dim(unique(DT)))  # works now, failed with oom in 1.10.4-3

## Specify the column names to be used in the uniqueness query, and if this
## query can take advantage of the keys of `x` (if present).
## returns a list
## This was dropped into a helper because initial implementation of
## unique.data.table and duplicated.data.table both needed this. However,
## unique.data.table has been refactored to simply call duplicated.data.table
## making the refactor unnecessary, but let's leave it here just in case
.duplicated.helper = function(x, by) {
  cols = colnamesInt(x, by, check_dups=FALSE)
  use.keyprefix = if (is.null(by)) FALSE else {
    haskey(x) &&
      length(by) <= length(key(x)) &&
      all(head(key(x), length(by)) == by)
  list(use.keyprefix=use.keyprefix, by=names(x)[cols])

# FR #350 anyDuplicated.data.table
# Note that base's anyDuplicated is faster than any(duplicated(.)) (for vectors) - for data.frames it still pastes before calling duplicated
# In that sense, this anyDuplicated is *not* the same as base's - meaning it's not a different implementation
# This is just a wrapper. That being said, it should be incredibly fast on data.tables (due to data.table's fast forder)
anyDuplicated.data.table = function(x, incomparables=FALSE, fromLast=FALSE, by=seq_along(x), ...) {
  if (!cedta()) return(NextMethod("anyDuplicated")) # nocov
  dups = duplicated(x, incomparables, fromLast, by, ...)
  if (fromLast) idx = tail(which(dups), 1L) else idx = head(which(dups), 1L)
  if (!length(idx)) idx=0L

# simple straightforward helper function to get the number
# of groups in a vector or data.table. Here by data.table,
# we really mean `.SD` - used in a grouping operation
# TODO: optimise uniqueN further with GForce.
uniqueN = function(x, by = if (is.list(x)) seq_along(x) else NULL, na.rm=FALSE) { # na.rm, #1455
  if (is.null(x)) return(0L)
  if (!is.atomic(x) && !is.data.frame(x))
    stopf("x must be an atomic vector or data.frames/data.tables")
  if (is.atomic(x)) {
    if (is.logical(x)) return(.Call(CuniqueNlogical, x, na.rm=na.rm))
    x = as_list(x)
  if (!length(by)) by = NULL  #4594
  o = forderv(x, by=by, retGrp=TRUE, na.last=if (!na.rm) FALSE else NA)
  starts = attr(o, 'starts', exact=TRUE)
  if (na.rm) {
    # TODO: internal efficient sum
    # fix for #1771, account for already sorted input
    sum( (if (length(o)) o[starts] else starts) != 0L)
  } else {

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data.table documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:25 p.m.