
  c("taskDir", "task_id", "taskCounter", "taskRes",
    "writeKVseparately", "countersDir", "reduce.key",

### mrExec for kvLocalDisk objects

#' @export
mrExecInternal.kvLocalDiskList <- function(data, setup = NULL, map = NULL, reduce = NULL, output = NULL, control = NULL, params = NULL) {

  # this will be used for both map and reduce
  LDcollect <- function(k, v) {
    # curEnv <- parent.frame()
    # each unique key emitted from map has its data stored in its own directory
    # (name determined by digest)
    dk <- digest(k)
    # also create a subdirectory named task_id to avoid conflicts
    kPath <- file.path(taskDir, dk, task_id)
      dir.create(kPath, recursive = TRUE)

    # if this is the first, store key in a file key.Rdata
    # then build up a list of map results until it's too big (then flush to disk)
    if(is.null(taskCounter[[dk]])) {
      curEnv$taskCounter[[dk]] <- 1
      curEnv$taskRes[[dk]] <- list()
        save(k, file = file.path(kPath, "key.Rdata"))
    } else {
      curEnv$taskCounter[[dk]] <- curEnv$taskCounter[[dk]] + 1
    curEnv$taskRes[[dk]][[length(curEnv$taskRes[[dk]]) + 1]] <- v

  # counter works by incrementing a filename
  LDcounter <- function(group, field, ct) {
    countersPath <- file.path(countersDir, group, field, curEnv$task_id)
    if(!file.exists(countersPath)) {
      dir.create(countersPath, recursive = TRUE)
      file.create(file.path(countersPath, "0"))
    curCt <- as.numeric(list.files(countersPath))
    newCt <- curCt + ct
    file.rename(file.path(countersPath, curCt), file.path(countersPath, newCt))

  LDflushKV <- function() {
    # curEnv <- parent.frame()

    fKeys <- names(taskRes)
    for(i in seq_along(fKeys)) {
      kPath <- file.path(taskDir, fKeys[i], task_id)
      fmf <- list.files(kPath, pattern = "^value")
      fmf <- as.integer(gsub("value(.*)\\.Rdata", "\\1", fmf))
      if(length(fmf) == 0) {
        fileIdx <- 1
      } else {
        fileIdx <- max(fmf) + 1
      if(writeKVseparately) {
        v <- taskRes[[fKeys[i]]]
        save(v, file = file.path(kPath, paste("value", fileIdx, ".Rdata", sep = "")))
      } else {
        # if there is more than one value element
        # each needs to be part of a k/v pair
        obj <- lapply(taskRes[[fKeys[i]]], function(x) {
          list(reduce.key, x)
        save(obj, file = file.path(kPath, paste("value", fileIdx, ".Rdata", sep = "")))

      # now reset results for this key
      curEnv$taskRes[[fKeys[i]]] <- NULL
      curEnv$taskCounter[[fKeys[i]]] <- NULL

  if(is.null(params$mr___packages)) {
    params$mr___packages <- "digest"
  } else {
    params$mr___packages <- unique(c(params$mr___packages, "digest"))

  if(is.null(reduce)) {
    # if reduce is null, we will have only one reduce value per key
    # so reduce.values should not be a list as it is when we are concatenating
    # reduce.values
    reduce <- expression(pre = {}, reduce = {collect(reduce.key, reduce.values[[1]])}, post = {})

  nSlots <- 1
    nSlots <- length(control$cluster)

  # intermediate map and reduce results will go in a temporary directory
  if(is.null(control$mapred_temp_dir)) {
    tempDir <- tempdir()
  } else {
    tempDir <- control$mapred_temp_dir
  # put results in a "job" directory named "job_i" where i increments
  jobDirs <- list.files(tempDir, pattern = "^job_")
  jobNums <- as.integer(gsub("^job_", "", jobDirs))
  if(length(jobNums) == 0) {
    jobNum <- 1
  } else {
    jobNum <- max(jobNums) + 1
  jobDir <- file.path(tempDir, paste("job_", jobNum, sep = ""))
  # add directory for map, counters, log
  mapDir <- file.path(jobDir, "map")
  reduceDir <- file.path(jobDir, "reduce")
  countersDir <- file.path(jobDir, "counters")
  logDir <- file.path(jobDir, "log")

  ### map task setup
  # get file names and use file size to determine how to allocate

  # split ff into nSlots chunks with roughly equal size
  nms <- names(data)
  mFileList <- lapply(seq_along(data), function(i) {
    conn <- getAttribute(data[[i]], "conn")
    fp <- conn$loc
    ff <- getAttribute(data[[i]], "files")
    sz <- getAttribute(data[[i]], "sizes")

    nFile <- length(ff)
    idx <- makeBlockIndices(sz, sum(sz) / nSlots, nSlots)

    lapply(idx, function(x) {
      list(fp = fp, ff = ff[x], sz = sz[x], dataSourceName = nms[i])
  mFileList <- unlist(mFileList, recursive = FALSE)

  # give a map task id to each block
  for(i in seq_along(mFileList)) {
    mFileList[[i]]$map_task_id <- i
  # sum(sapply(mFileList, function(x) length(x$ff)))
  # sapply(mFileList, function(x) sum(x$sz))

  mapFn <- function(fl) {
    mapEnv <- new.env() # parent = baseenv())
    curEnv <- mapEnv
    assign("mr___packages", params$mr___packages, mapEnv)
    eval(setup, envir = mapEnv)

    # add a collect, counter functions to the environment
    environment(LDcollect) <- mapEnv
    environment(LDcounter) <- mapEnv
    environment(LDflushKV) <- mapEnv
    assign("collect", LDcollect, mapEnv)
    assign("counter", LDcounter, mapEnv)
    assign("flushKV", LDflushKV, mapEnv)
    assign("REDUCE", FALSE, mapEnv)

    ### do the map
    assign("task_id", fl$map_task_id, mapEnv)
    assign("taskDir", mapDir, mapEnv)
    assign("taskRes", list(), mapEnv)
    assign("taskCounter", list(), mapEnv)
    assign("writeKVseparately", TRUE, mapEnv) # more efficient
    assign(".dataSourceName", fl$dataSourceName, mapEnv)

    for(i in seq_along(params)) {
        environment(params[[i]]) <- mapEnv

    # iterate through map blocks and apply map to each
    mapBlocks <- makeBlockIndices(fl$sz, control$map_buff_size_bytes, nSlots)
    for(idx in mapBlocks) {
      # set fresh params for each application of map expression
      # in case a previous map updates them
      pnames <- names(params)
      for(i in seq_along(params))
        assign(pnames[i], params[[i]], envir = mapEnv)

      curDat <- lapply(fl$ff[idx], function(x) {
        load(file.path(fl$fp, x))
      mapEnv$map.keys <- lapply(curDat, "[[", 1)
      mapEnv$map.values <- lapply(curDat, "[[", 2)
      # eval(expression({
      #   .tmp <- environment()
      #   attach(.tmp, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
      # }), envir = mapEnv)
      eval(map, envir = mapEnv)
      # eval(expression({detach(".tmp")}), envir = mapEnv)

      # count number of k/v processed
      mapEnv$counter("map", "kvProcessed", length(mapEnv$map.values))

      # cat(object.size(mapEnv$taskRes), "\n")
      if(object.size(mapEnv$taskRes) > control$map_temp_buff_size_bytes)

  ### run map tasks
  if(!is.null(control$cluster)) {
    clusterExport(control$cluster, c("map", "reduce", "setup", "params", "mapDir", "reduceDir", "countersDir", "makeBlockIndices", "nSlots", "control", "LDflushKV", "LDcounter", "LDcollect", "params"), envir = environment())

    parLapply(control$cluster, mFileList, mapFn)
  } else {
    lapply(mFileList, mapFn)

  ### reduce task setup
  # figure out how to divvy up reduce tasks
  # (ideally should use in-memory size, not file size)
  rmf <- list.files(mapDir)
  rf <- lapply(rmf, function(x) {
    ff <- list.files(file.path(mapDir, x), recursive = TRUE, pattern = "value")
      ff = ff,
      sz = file.info(file.path(mapDir, x, ff))$size,
      fp = file.path(mapDir, x)

  sz <- sapply(rf, function(x) sum(x$sz))
  if(length(sz) == 0)
    stop("There was no map output - nothing to reduce")

  idx <- makeBlockIndices(sz, sum(sz) / nSlots, nSlots)

  # each element of rFileList is a list of reduce keys and associated data
  rFileList <- lapply(seq_along(idx), function(i) {
      rf = rf[idx[[i]]],
      reduce_task_id = i

  reduceFn <- function(reduceTaskFiles) {
    reduceEnv <- new.env() # parent = baseenv())
    curEnv <- reduceEnv
    if(!is.null(params)) {
      pnames <- names(params)
      for(i in seq_along(params)) {
          environment(params[[i]]) <- reduceEnv
        assign(pnames[i], params[[i]], envir = reduceEnv)
    eval(setup, envir = reduceEnv)

    # add collect, counter functions to the environment
    environment(LDcollect) <- reduceEnv
    environment(LDcounter) <- reduceEnv
    environment(LDflushKV) <- reduceEnv
    assign("collect", LDcollect, reduceEnv)
    assign("counter", LDcounter, reduceEnv)
    assign("flushKV", LDflushKV, reduceEnv)
    assign("REDUCE", TRUE, reduceEnv)

    ### do the reduce
    assign("task_id", reduceTaskFiles$reduce_task_id, reduceEnv)
    assign("taskDir", reduceDir, reduceEnv)
    assign("writeKVseparately", FALSE, reduceEnv) # more efficient

    for(curReduceFiles in reduceTaskFiles$rf) {
      assign("taskRes", list(), reduceEnv)
      assign("taskCounter", list(), reduceEnv)

      load(list.files(curReduceFiles$fp, recursive = TRUE, pattern = "key\\.Rdata", full.names = TRUE)[1])
      assign("reduce.key", k, reduceEnv)

      # nSlots is 1 because we are already in parLapply
      reduceBlocks <- makeBlockIndices(curReduceFiles$sz, control$reduce_buff_size_bytes, nSlots = 1)
      eval(reduce$pre, envir = reduceEnv)

      for(idx in reduceBlocks) {
        curDat <- do.call(c, lapply(curReduceFiles$ff[idx], function(x) {
          load(file.path(curReduceFiles$fp, x))
        assign("reduce.values", curDat, reduceEnv)
        eval(reduce$reduce, envir = reduceEnv)
      eval(reduce$post, envir = reduceEnv)
      # count number of k/v processed
      reduceEnv$counter("reduce", "kvProcessed", 1)

  ### run reduce tasks
  if(!is.null(control$cluster)) {
    parLapply(control$cluster, rFileList, reduceFn)
  } else {
    lapply(rFileList, reduceFn)

  ### take care of results
  outputKeyHash <- list.files(reduceDir)

  # if output is a character string, construct a localDiskConn connection from it
  if(!inherits(output, "localDiskConn")) {
    if(is.character(output)) {
      output <- localDiskConn(output, nBins = floor(length(outputKeyHash) / 1000), verbose = FALSE)
    } else {
      output <- localDiskConn(tempfile(paste("job", jobNum, "_", sep = "")), nBins = floor(length(outputKeyHash) / 1000), autoYes = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)

  # move it to the output directory
  # if there is only one .Rdata file in each of these
  # we can simply move them to the destination
  # otherwise, we need to read them in and combine them first
  # UPDATE: since we are allowing custom hash functions, for now,
  # we just read in each and write it back out according to the appropriate file hash
  # TODO: move this into the map and reduce so we don't have to do it here
  for(x in outputKeyHash) {
    ff <- list.files(file.path(reduceDir, x), recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
    # if(length(ff) == 1) {
    #   newFile <- getFileLocs(output, x)
    #   file.rename(ff, newFile)
    # } else {
      tmp <- do.call(c, lapply(ff, function(x) {
      addData(output, tmp)
    # }

  # read counters
  groupf <- list.files(countersDir, full.names = TRUE)
  counters <- lapply(groupf, function(f) {
    fieldf <- list.files(f, full.names = TRUE)
    fieldNames <- basename(fieldf)

    tmp <- lapply(fieldf, function(a) {
      sum(as.integer(basename(list.files(a, recursive = TRUE))))
    names(tmp) <- fieldNames
  names(counters) <- basename(groupf)

  # TODO: add input, map, reduce, etc. to _meta

  # clean up (leave counters and log)
  unlink(mapDir, recursive = TRUE)
  unlink(reduceDir, recursive = TRUE)
  file.create(file.path(jobDir, "SUCCESS"))

  list(data = output, counters = counters)

# take a vector of sizes and return a list of indices where
# the sum of sizes for each collection of indices is roughly sizePerBlock
# (used to create "buffers" of data sent to map and reduce tasks)
# also take number of cores available into account
makeBlockIndices <- function(sz, sizePerBlock, nSlots = 1) {
  cs <- cumsum(sz)
  # number of blocks to split files into
  n <- max(ceiling(sum(sz) / sizePerBlock), nSlots)
  # if there are fewer files than slots:
  n <- min(length(cs), n)
  if(n == 1) {
  } else {
    qs <- stats::quantile(cumsum(sz), seq(0, 1, length = n + 1))
    res <- split(seq_along(sz), cut(cumsum(sz), qs, include.lowest = TRUE))
    names(res) <- NULL

#' Specify Control Parameters for MapReduce on a Local Disk Connection
#' Specify control parameters for a MapReduce on a local disk connection.  Currently the parameters include:
#' @param cluster a "cluster" object obtained from \code{\link{makeCluster}} to allow for parallel processing
#' @param map_buff_size_bytes determines how much data should be sent to each map task
#' @param reduce_buff_size_bytes determines how much data should be sent to each reduce task
#' @param map_temp_buff_size_bytes determines the size of chunks written to disk in between the map and reduce
#' @note If you have data on a shared drive that multiple nodes can access or a high performance shared file system like Lustre, you can run a local disk MapReduce job on multiple nodes by creating a multi-node cluster with \code{\link{makeCluster}}.
#' If you are using multiple cores and the input data is very small, \code{map_buff_size_bytes} needs to be small so that the key-value pairs will be split across cores.
#' @examples
#' # create a 2-node cluster that can be used to process in parallel
#' cl <- parallel::makeCluster(2)
#' # create a local disk control object that specifies to use this cluster
#' # these operations run in parallel
#' control <- localDiskControl(cluster = cl)
#' # note that setting options(defaultLocalDiskControl = control)
#' # will cause this to be used by default in all local disk operations
#' # convert in-memory ddf to local-disk ddf
#' ldPath <- file.path(tempdir(), "by_species")
#' ldConn <- localDiskConn(ldPath, autoYes = TRUE)
#' bySpeciesLD <- convert(divide(iris, by = "Species"), ldConn)
#' # update attributes using parallel cluster
#' updateAttributes(bySpeciesLD, control = control)
#' # remove temporary directories
#' unlink(ldPath, recursive = TRUE)
#' # shut down the cluster
#' parallel::stopCluster(cl)
#' @export
localDiskControl <- function(
  cluster = NULL,
  map_buff_size_bytes = 10485760,
  reduce_buff_size_bytes = 10485760,
  map_temp_buff_size_bytes = 10485760
) {
    cluster = cluster,
    map_buff_size_bytes = map_buff_size_bytes,
    reduce_buff_size_bytes = reduce_buff_size_bytes,
    map_temp_buff_size_bytes = map_temp_buff_size_bytes
  ), class = c("localDiskControl", "list"))

#' @export
defaultControl.kvLocalDisk <- function(x) {
  res <- getOption("defaultLocalDiskControl")
  if(inherits(res, "localDiskControl")) {
  } else {

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