
Defines functions parseSolrField parseResultNode parseResultDoc getErrorDescription d1_errors

Documented in d1_errors getErrorDescription

#   This work was created by participants in the DataONE project, and is
#   jointly copyrighted by participating institutions in DataONE. For
#   more information on DataONE, see our web site at https://dataone.org.
#     Copyright 2011-2013
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

#' @include auth_request.R
#' @title A base class for CNode and MNode.
#' @description D1Node is a base class for CNode and MNode classes and contains class slots and
#' methods that are common between these two child classes.
#' @rdname D1Node-class
#' @aliases D1Node-class
#' @slot identifier A character string containing a URN that uniquely identifiers the node
#' @slot name A character string containing a plain text name for the node
#' @slot description A character string describing the node
#' @slot baseURL A character string of the registered baseURL for the node, which does not include the version string
#' @slot subject A character string containing the Distinguished Name of this node, used for authentication
#' @slot contactSubject The Distinguished Name of contact person for this node
#' @slot replicate  A logical flag indicating whether the node accepts replicas
#' @slot type The node type, either 'mn' or 'cn'
#' @slot state A character string that indicates whether or not the node is accessible, either 'up' or 'down'
#' @slot services A data.frame containing the service tiers supported by this node.
#' @slot serviceUrls A data.frame that contains DataONE service Urls
#' @slot APIversion A character string indicating version of the DataONE API for this node, e.g. "v2"
#' @slot env A character string, either 'prod' if this node is in the production environment, otherwise 'test'
#' @section Methods:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{\code{\link{D1Node-initialize}{initialize}}}{: Initialize a D1Node}
#'  \item{\code{\link{D1Node}}}{: Create a MNode object representing a DataONE Member Node repository.}
#'  \item{\code{\link{archive}}}{: Change the state of an object so that it is hidden from searches.}
#'  \item{\code{\link{describeObject}}}{: Get header information for a given pid.} 
#'  \item{\code{\link{getChecksum}}}{: Get the checksum for the data object associated with the specified pid.}
#'  \item{\code{\link{getObject}}}{: Get the bytes associated with an object on a node.}
#'  \item{\code{\link{getQueryEngineDescription}}}{: Query a node for the list of query engines available on the node.}
#'  \item{\code{\link{getSystemMetadata}}}{: Get the metadata describing system properties associated with an object on the Node.}
#'  \item{\code{\link{listObjects}}}{: Retrieve the list of objects that match the search parameters.}
#'  \item{\code{\link{listQueryEngines}}}{: Query a node for the list of query engines available on the node.}
#'  \item{\code{\link{ping}}}{: Test if a node is online and accepting DataONE requests.}
#'  \item{\code{\link{encodeSolr}}}{: Encode the input for Solr Queries.}
#'  \item{\code{\link{query}}}{: Search DataONE for data and metadata objects.}
#'  \item{\code{\link{isAuthorized}}}{: Check if an action is authorized for the specified identifier.} 
#' }
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom utils URLencode
#' @export
         slots = c(	identifier = "character",
					name = "character",
					description = "character",
					baseURL = "character",
					subject = "character",
					contactSubject = "character",
					replicate = "character",
					type = "character",
					state = "character",
					services = "data.frame",
          serviceUrls = "data.frame",
					APIversion = "character",
					env = "character"

## Node constructors

#' Create a D1Node object.
#' @param xml An XML object that describes the node to be initialized (see \link{listNodes}).
#' @param ... (not yet used)
#' @rdname D1Node
#' @return the Node object representing the DataONE environment
#' @export
setGeneric("D1Node", function(xml, ...) {

#' Initialize a D1Node
#' @param .Object the D1Node object
#' @rdname D1Node-initialize
#' @aliases D1Node-initialize
setMethod("initialize", "D1Node",function(.Object) {
    info <- sessionInfo()
    # Force loading of packages now, to get package info

#' @rdname D1Node
#' @export
setMethod("D1Node", signature("XMLInternalElementNode"), function(xml) {
  # create new Node object
	node <- new("D1Node")
	newnode <- parseCapabilities(node, xml)

## Methods

# The MN and CN APIs have several services with the same name, i.e. "get', 'getSystemMetadata', etc.,
# so MNode.R and CNode.R have several methods that also share the same name. The generic functions for these 
# methods are defined here in the parent class, so that the generic is defined for all child classes (MNode.R, CNode.R), where
# the corresponding methods are defined.

#' Archive an object on a Member Node or Coordinating Node, which hides it from casual searches.
#' @description This method provides the ability to archive a data or metadata object on the Member Node
#' provided in the \code{'mnode'} parameter.  Archiving removes the object from DataONE search functions,
#' thereby making it more difficult to find without completely removing the object.  Archive is intended
#' for objects that should not be used by current researchers, but for which there is a desire to maintain
#' a historical record, such as when journal articles might cite the object.  Users can still obtain the
#' contents of archived objects if they have the identifier, but will not discover it through searches.
#' @details This operation requires an X.509 certificate to be present in the default location of the file 
#' system. This certificate provides authentication credentials from 
#' CILogon \url{https://cilogon.org/?skin=DataONE}.  See \code{\link{CertificateManager}} for details.
#' For DataONE Version 2.0, an authentication token can also be used for authentication. 
#' Also, administrator privilege is required to run archive() on a DataONE Coordinating Node.
#' @param x The MNode or CNode instance on which the object will be created
#' @param pid The identifier of the object to be created
#' @param ... (Not yet used)
#' @return The pid that was archived if successful, otherwise NULL
#' @rdname archive
#' @aliases archive
#' @seealso \code{\link[=D1Node-class]{D1Node}}{ class description.}
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(dataone)
#' library(uuid)
#' library(digest)
#' library(datapack)
#' # First create a new object
#' cn <- CNode("STAGING")
#' mn <- getMNode(cn, "urn:node:mnStageUCSB2")
#' testdf <- data.frame(x=1:10,y=11:20)
#' csvfile <- paste(tempfile(), ".csv", sep="")
#' write.csv(testdf, csvfile, row.names=FALSE)
# # Have Dataone create an identifier for you (requires authentication)
#' \dontrun{
#' newid <- generateIdentifier(mn, "UUID")
#' }
#' # Create an identifier manually
#' newid <- paste("urn:uuid:", UUIDgenerate(), sep="") 
#' format <- "text/csv"
#' size <- file.info(csvfile)$size
#' sha256 <- digest(csvfile, algo="sha256", serialize=FALSE, file=TRUE)
#' sysmeta <- new("SystemMetadata", identifier=newid, formatId=format, size=size, checksum=sha256)
#' sysmeta <- addAccessRule(sysmeta, "public", "read")
#' # Create (upload) the object to DataONE (requires authentication)
#' \dontrun{
#' create(mn, newid, csvfile, sysmeta)
#' # Now for demonstration purposes, archive the object
#' # Archive the object (requires authentication)
#' archivedId <- archive(mn, newid)
#' }
#' }
setGeneric("archive", function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname archive
setMethod("archive", signature("D1Node"), function(x, pid) {
    url <- paste(x@endpoint, "archive", URLencode(pid, reserved=TRUE), sep="/")
    response <- auth_put(url, node=x, body=NULL)
    if(response$status_code != "200") {
        warning(sprintf("Error archiving %s\n", pid), getErrorDescription(response))
    } else {
        # Comment out body handling because httr::PUT is not returning a response body at all
        #resultText <- content(response, as="text")
        #doc <- xmlInternalTreeParse(resultText)
        # XML doc is similiar to: <d1:identifier xmlns:d1="https://ns.dataone.org/service/types/v1">WedSep91341002015-ub14</d1:identifier>
        #nodes <- getNodeSet(doc, "/d1:identifier")
        #id <- xmlValue(nodes[[1]])
        # Return the identifier as a character value

#' Get the bytes associated with an object on this Node.
#' @details This operation acts as the 'public' anonymous user unless an X.509 certificate is
#' present in the default location of the file system, in which case the access will be authenticated.
#' @param x The Node instance from which the pid will be downloaded
#' @param pid The identifier of the object to be downloaded
#' @param ... (Not yet used).
#' @rdname getObject
#' @aliases getObject
#' @return the bytes of the object
#' @seealso \code{\link{D1Node-class}{D1Node}}{ class description.}
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(dataone)
#' cn <- CNode()
#' mn <- getMNode(cn, "urn:node:KNB")
#' pid <- "solson.5.1"
#' obj <- getObject(mn, pid)
#' df <- read.csv(text=rawToChar(obj))
#' }
setGeneric("getObject", function(x, ...) {

#' Get the checksum for the data object associated with the specified pid.
#' @description A checksum is calculated for an object when it is uploaded to DataONE and
#' is submitted with the object's system metadata. The \code{'getChecksum'} method retrieves
#' the checksum from the specified coordinating node
#' @rdname getChecksum
#' @aliases getChecksum
#' @param x The CNode instance from which the checksum will be retrieved
#' @param pid The identifier of the object
#' @param ... (Not yet used)
#' @return character the checksum value, with the checksum algorithm as the attribute "algorithm"
#' @seealso \code{\link{D1Node-class}{D1Node}}{ class description.}
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{ 
#' library(dataone)
#' cn <- CNode()
#' mn <- getMNode(cn, "urn:node:KNB")
#' pid <- "doi:10.5063/F1QN64NZ"
#' chksum <- getChecksum(mn, pid)
#' }
setGeneric("getChecksum", function(x, ...) {

#' Query a node for the list of query engines available on the node
#' @param x The CNode or MNode to query
#' @param ... (Additional arguments - not yet used.)
#' @param queryEngineName The query engine name to get a description for.
#' @return list The query engine description
#' @rdname getQueryEngineDescription
#' @aliases getQueryEngineDescription
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(dataone)
#' cn <- CNode("PROD")
#' engineDesc <- getQueryEngineDescription(cn, "solr")
#' cat(sprintf("Query engine version: %s\n", engineDesc$queryEngineVersion))
#' cat(sprintf("Query engine name: %s\n", engineDesc$name))
#' engineDesc <- getQueryEngineDescription(cn, "solr")
#' head(engineDesc$queryFields, n=3L)
#' }
setGeneric("getQueryEngineDescription", function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname getQueryEngineDescription
#' @export
setMethod("getQueryEngineDescription", signature("D1Node"), function(x, queryEngineName) {
  url <- paste(x@endpoint, "query", queryEngineName, sep="/")
  # Send the request
  if(response$status_code != "200") {
    warning(sprintf("Error getting query engine description %s\n", getErrorDescription(response)))
  if (is.raw(response$content)) {
    tmpres <- content(response, as="raw")
    resultText <- rawToChar(tmpres)
  } else {
    # Use charset 'utf-8' if not specified in response headers
    charset <- "utf-8"
    if("content-type" %in% names(response$headers)) {
      media <- parse_media(response$headers[['content-type']])
      if("params" %in% names(media) && "charset" %in% names(media$params)) {
        charset <- media$params$charset
    resultText <- content(response, as="text", encoding=charset)
  xml <- xmlParse(resultText)
  docRoot <- xmlRoot(xml)
  qfNodes <- getNodeSet(xml, "//queryField")
  qfs <- data.frame(name=character(), type=character(), searchable=character(),
                    returnable=character(), sortable=character(),
                    multivalued=character(), row.names=NULL, stringsAsFactors = F)
  for (i in 1:length(qfNodes)) {
    qfs <- rbind(qfs, data.frame(name = xmlValue(qfNodes[[i]][["name"]]),
    type = xmlValue(qfNodes[[i]][["type"]]),
    searchable = xmlValue(qfNodes[[i]][["searchable"]]),
    returnable = xmlValue(qfNodes[[i]][["returnable"]]),
    sortable = xmlValue(qfNodes[[i]][["sortable"]]),
    multivalued = xmlValue(qfNodes[[i]][["multivalued"]]),
    row.names=NULL, stringsAsFactors = F))
  qed <- list(queryEngineVersion=xmlValue(docRoot[['queryEngineVersion']]),

#' Get the metadata describing system properties associated with an object on this Node.
#' @description The SystemMetadata includes information about the identity, type, access control, and other system
#' level details about the object.
#' @details This operation acts as the 'public' anonymous user unless an X.509 certificate is
#' present in the default location of the file system, in which case the access will be authenticated.
#' @param x The Node instance from which the SystemMetadata will be downloaded
#' @param pid The identifier of the object
#' @param ... (Not yet used.)
#' @return SystemMetadata for the object
#' @import datapack
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{ 
#' library(dataone)
#' cn <- CNode()
#' mn <- getMNode(cn, "urn:node:KNB")
#' pid <- "doi:10.5063/F1QN64NZ"
#' sysmeta <- getSystemMetadata(mn, pid)
#' }
setGeneric("getSystemMetadata", function(x, ...) {

#' Efficiently get systemmetadata for an object.
#' @description This method provides a lighter weight mechanism than getSystemMetadata() for a client to
#' determine basic properties of the referenced object. This operation requires read privileges for the
#' object specified by \code{'pid'}, as is granted with a DataONE authentication token or X.509 certificate.
#' @param x The MNode or CNode instance to send request to.
#' @param pid Identifier for the object in question. May be either a PID or a SID. Transmitted as
#' part of the URL path and must be escaped accordingly.
#' @param ... (Not yet used)
#' @rdname describeObject
#' @aliases describeObject
#' @return A list of header elements
#' @seealso \url{https://purl.dataone.org/architecture/apis/MN_APIs.html#MNRead.describe}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(dataone)
#' mn_uri <- "https://knb.ecoinformatics.org/knb/d1/mn/v1"
#' mn <- MNode(mn_uri)
#' pid <- "knb.473.1"
#' describeObject(mn, pid)
#' describeObject(mn, "adfadf") # warning message when wrong pid
#' }
#' @export
setGeneric("describeObject", function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname describeObject
#' @export
setMethod("describeObject", signature("D1Node"), function(x, pid) {
  url <- file.path(x@endpoint, "object", URLencode(pid, reserved=T))
  response <- auth_get(url, node=x)
  if(response$status_code != "200") {
  } else { 

#' Retrieve the list of objects that match the search parameters
#' @details The list of objects that is returned is paged according to the \code{'start'} and
#' \code{'count'} values, so that large result sets can be returned over multiple calls.
#' @param x The Node instance from which the SystemMetadata will be downloaded
#' @param ... (Not yet used.)
#' @rdname listObjects
#' @aliases listObjects
#' @return list Objects that met the search criteria
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(dataone)
#' cn <- CNode("STAGING")
#' fromDate <- "2013-01-01T01:01:01.000+00:00"
#' toDate <- "2015-12-31T01:01:01.000+00:00"
#' formatId <- "eml://ecoinformatics.org/eml-2.1.0"
#' start <- 0
#' count <- 5
#' objects <- listObjects(cn, fromDate=fromDate, toDate=toDate, 
#'     formatId=formatId, start=start, count=count)
#' # Inspect id of first object 
#' objects[1]$objectInfo$identifier
#' }
setGeneric("listObjects", function(x, ...) {

#' @param fromDate Entries with a modified date greater than \code{'fromDate'} will be returned.
#' This value must be specified in ISO 8601 format, i.e. "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmm+00:00"
#' @param toDate Entries with a modified date less than \code{'toDate'} will be returned.
#' This value must be specified in ISO 8601 format, i.e. "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmm+00:00"
#' @param formatId The format to match, for example "eml://ecoinformatics.org/eml-2.1.1"
#' @param replicaStatus A logical value that determines if replica (object not on it's origin node) should be returned. Default is TRUE.
#' @param start An integer that specifies the first element of the result set that will be returned
#' @param count An integer that specifies how many results will be returned
#' @return list Objects that met the search criteria
#' @seealso \url{https://purl.dataone.org/architecture/apis/MN_APIs.html#MN_read.listObjects}
#' @import parsedate
#' @export
#' @rdname listObjects
setMethod("listObjects", signature("D1Node"), function(x, 
                                                      fromDate=as.character(NA), toDate=as.character(NA),
                                                      formatId=as.character(NA), replicaStatus=as.logical(TRUE), 
                                                      start=as.integer(0), count=as.integer(1000)) {
  # Build a parameter list with the specified arguments. Don't include parameters that
  # have not be specified and do not have default values, as each parameter included in the
  # list will be sent in the http query parameters.
  params <- list()
  if (!is.na(fromDate)) {
    chkDT <- parse_iso_8601(fromDate)
    if(is.na(chkDT)) stop(sprintf('Invalid parameter "fromDate=%s". Value must be in ISO 8601 format\n', fromDate))
    params <- c(params, fromDate=fromDate)
  if (!is.na(toDate)) {
    chkDT <- parse_iso_8601(toDate)
    if(is.na(chkDT)) stop(sprintf('Invalid parameter "toDate=%s". Value must be in ISO 8601 format\n', toDate))
    params <- c(params, toDate=toDate)
  if (!is.na(formatId)) {
    params <- c(params, formatId=URLencode(formatId))
  params <- c(params, replicaStatus=as.character(replicaStatus))
  params <- c(params, start=as.character(start))
  params <- c(params, count=as.character(count))
  url <- paste(x@endpoint, "object", sep="/")
  # Send the request
  response<-GET(url, query=params)
  if (is.raw(response$content)) {
    tmpres <- content(response, as="raw")
    resultText <- rawToChar(tmpres)
  } else {
    charset <- "utf-8"
    if("content-type" %in% names(response$headers)) {
      media <- parse_media(response$headers[['content-type']])
      if("params" %in% names(media) && "charset" %in% names(media$params)) {
        charset <- media$params$charset
    resultText <- content(response, as="text", encoding=charset)
  # Parse the returned XML into a list

#' Query a node for the list of query engines available on the node
#' @param x The CNode or MNode to list the query engines for.
#' @param ... (Not yet used.)
#' @return list The list of query engines.
#' @rdname listQueryEngines
#' @aliases listQueryEngines
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' cn <- CNode("STAGING")
#' engines <- listQueryEngines(cn)
#' }
setGeneric("listQueryEngines", function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname listQueryEngines
#' @export
setMethod("listQueryEngines", signature("D1Node"), function(x) {
  url <- paste(x@endpoint, "query", sep="/")
  # Send the request
  if (is.raw(response$content)) {
    tmpres <- content(response, as="raw")
    resultText <- rawToChar(tmpres)
  } else {
    charset <- "utf-8"
    if("content-type" %in% names(response$headers)) {
      media <- parse_media(response$headers[['content-type']])
      if("params" %in% names(media) && "charset" %in% names(media$params)) {
        charset <- media$params$charset
    resultText <- content(response, as="text", encoding=charset)
  # Parse the returned XML into a list
  resultList <-(xmlToList(xmlParse(resultText)))
  queryEngines <- list()
  # Reformat the list for easier consumption
  for (i in 1:length(resultList)) {
    queryEngines <- c(queryEngines, resultList[i]$queryEngine)


#' Construct a Node, using a passed in capabilities XML
#' @param x The node to which capabilities should be applied.
#' @param xml The XML capabilities representing the node to be created
#' @param ... (not yet used)
#' @return The Node object with modified capabilities properties from the XML
## @export
setGeneric("parseCapabilities", function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname parseCapabilities
## @export
setMethod("parseCapabilities", signature("D1Node"), function(x, xml) {
  stopifnot(is.element("XMLInternalElementNode", class(xml)))
  # Parse the rest of the node information
  x@identifier <- xmlValue(xml[["identifier"]])
  x@name <- xmlValue(xml[["name"]])
  x@description <- xmlValue(xml[["description"]])
  x@baseURL <- xmlValue(xml[["baseURL"]])
  x@subject <- xmlValue(xml[["subject"]])
  x@contactSubject <- xmlValue(xml[["contactSubject"]])
  attrs <- xmlAttrs(xml)
  x@replicate <- attrs[["replicate"]]
  x@type <- attrs[["type"]]
  x@state <- attrs[["state"]]
  # Store the available services for this node in a data.frame
  services <- data.frame(name=character(), version=character(), available=character(), row.names=NULL, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  reportedServices <- xml[['services']]
  if(!is.null(reportedServices)) {
      hasServices <- xmlToList(reportedServices)
      for (i in 1:length(hasServices)) {
          thisService <- hasServices[[i]]
          services <- rbind(services, data.frame(name=thisService[['name']], version=thisService[['version']], 
                                                 available=thisService[['available']], row.names=NULL, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
  x@services <- services
  # Set the node API version based on MNCore (tier 1)
  coreServices <- x@services[grepl("NCore", x@services$name) & x@services$version > "v1" & x@services$available=="true",]
  serviceVersion <- "v1"
  if(nrow(coreServices) > 0) {
    for (i in 1:nrow(coreServices)) {
      thisVersion <- coreServices[i,]$version
      # Comparing strings of format "vn"
      if (thisVersion > serviceVersion) serviceVersion <- thisVersion
  x@APIversion <- serviceVersion

#' Test if a node is online and accepting DataONE requests
#' @param x The CNode or MNode to check
#' @param ... (Not yet used)
#' @return logical A logical value set to TRUE if the node is up and FALSE if it is not
#' @rdname ping
#' @aliases ping
#' @return logical A logical value set to TRUE if the node is up and FALSE if it is not
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' cn <- CNode()
#' mn <- getMNode(cn, "urn:node:KNB")
#' isAlive <- ping(mn)
#' }
setGeneric("ping", function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname ping
#' @export
setMethod("ping", signature("D1Node"), function(x) {
  url <- paste(x@endpoint, "monitor/ping", sep="/")
  # Send the request

  if (response$status_code == 200) {
  } else {

#' This function parses a DataONE service response message for errors, and extracts and
#' prints error information.
#' @param x The DataONE service response
d1_errors <- function(x){
  headnames <- names(x$headers)
  tmp <- grep('dataone-exception-description', headnames, value = TRUE)
  exc_name <- x$headers$`dataone-exception-name`
  detailcode <- x$headers$`dataone-exception-detailcode`
  mssg <- sub('dataone-exception-description: ', '', tmp)
  cat(sprintf('Exception name: %s', exc_name), "\n")
  cat(sprintf('Exception detail code: %s', detailcode), "\n")
  cat(sprintf('Exception description: %s', mssg), "\n")
  #  list(exc_name=exc_name, detailcode=detailcode, message=mssg)

#' Extract an error message from an http response. 
#' @description Http requests can fail
#' for a variety of reasons, so getErrorDescription first tries to
#' determine what type of response was sent. 
#' @details
#' The return types handled by this function are:
#'   o An incorrect url is sent to DataONE and an error is returned by
#'     the web server, not a specified DataONE service url. In this case,
#'     a generic error message may be returned, e.g. status=404, URL not found
#'   o A DataONE service was called, and returned an error message. In this
#'     case the DataONE response is parsed in an attempt to retrieve a
#'     meaningful error message.
#' @param response The httr response object to extract the error description from. 
getErrorDescription <- function(response) {
  # Return NA if no error message found
  errorMsg <- as.character(NA)
  charset <- "utf-8"
  if("content-type" %in% names(response$headers)) {
      media <- parse_media(response$headers[['content-type']])
      if("params" %in% names(media) && "charset" %in% names(media$params)) {
        charset <- media$params$charset
  responseContent <- content(response, as="text", encoding=charset)
  # DataONE services return XML
  if (grepl("text/xml", headers(response)[['content-type']], fixed=TRUE)) {
     msgNode <- getNodeSet(xmlParse(responseContent), "/error/description")
     if (length(msgNode) > 0) {
       errorMsg <- xmlValue(msgNode[[1]])
     } else {
       # Don't know how to get error, so return generic error
       errorMsg <- http_status(response)$message
  } else if (grepl("text/html", headers(response)[['content-type']], fixed=TRUE)) {
    # To complex to try to get an error message from HTML, so
    # just get info from the response object. This will be a
    # generic message, so not as informative as specific msg from DataONE
    errorMsg <- http_status(response)$message

#' Encode the input for Solr Queries
#' @description Treating all special characters and spaces as literals, backslash escape special
#' characters, and double-quote if necessary.
#' @param x : a string to encode
#' @param ... (not yet used.)
#' @return the encoded form of the input
#' @examples encodeSolr("this & that")
#' @export
setGeneric("encodeSolr", function(x, ... ) {

#' @rdname encodeSolr
#' @export
setMethod("encodeSolr", signature(x="character"), function(x, ...) {
    inter <- gsub("([-+:?*~&^!|\"\\(\\)\\{\\}\\[\\]])","\\\\\\1",x, perl=TRUE) 
    if (grepl(" ",inter)) {

#' Search DataONE for data and metadata objects
#' @description The DataONE search index is searched for data that matches the specified query parameters. 
#' @details The \code{"query"} method sends a query to a DataONE search index that uses the Apache Solr search 
#' engine \url{https://solr.apache.org/}. This same Solr search engine is the underlying mechanism used by the
#' DataONE online search tool available at \url{https://search.dataone.org/}.
#' The \code{"solrQuery"} argument is used to specify search terms that data of interest must match. This parameter uses
#' Solr query terms, so some familiarity with Solr is helpful, however, fairly simple queries can be effective. This
#' argument can be created as either a single character string containing the Solr query, for example: \code{solrQuery = "q=id:doi*&rows=2&wt=json"},
#' or as a list of key value pairs: \code{solrQuery = list(q = "id:doi*", rows = "2", wt = "json")}. These two queries produce the same result.
#' As an alternative to specifying the Solr query terms using the \code{"solrquery"} argument, the \code{"searchTerms"} argument
#' can be specified, which does not require any Solr syntax. This parameter is a list with query field / value pairs, i.e. 
#' \code{searchTerms=list(abstract=kelp, attribute=biomass)}.
#' The query fields can be listed for a DataONE node using \code{\link{getQueryEngineDescription}}.
#' Either \code{"searchTerms"} or \code{"solrQuery"} must be specified.
#' The \code{"as"} argument is used to specify the query result to be returned as: "json", xml", "list", "data.frame".
#' The \code{"parsed"} argument, if specified as TRUE, causes the query result to be converted to appropriate R data types.
#' For example, if \code{ar = "xml"} and \code{parsed = TRUE}, then the query result is returned as an R XMLInternalDocument, or 
#' If \code{'parsed = FALSE'} then a character variable with the XML string is returned. Specify \code{as = "list"} to have 
#' the result parsed to an R list, with each list element containing one Solr query result of the total result set.
#' @param x The CNode or MNode instance to send the query to.
#' @param ... (Not yet used.)
#' @return search results as a list, data.frame or XML document
#' @rdname query
#' @aliases query
## Need plyr for rbind.fill in query()
#' @import plyr
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(dataone)
#' cn <- CNode("PROD")
#' queryParams <- list(q="id:doi*", rows="5", 
#'     fq="(abstract:chlorophyll AND dateUploaded:[2000-01-01T00:00:00Z TO NOW])", 
#'     fl="title,id,abstract,size,dateUploaded,attributeName")
#' # Return result as a list.
#' result <- query(cn, queryParams, as="list")
#' # Query and return the result as a data.frame of character values.
#' queryParams <- list(q="id:doi*", rows="3", 
#'     fq="(abstract:chlorophyll AND dateUploaded:[2000-01-01T00:00:00Z TO NOW])", 
#'     fl="title,id,abstract,size,dateUploaded,attributeName")
#' result <- query(cn, queryParams, as="data.frame", parse=FALSE)
#' # Return the result as JSON
#' queryParams <- "q=id:doi*&rows=2&wt=json"
#' result <- query(cn, queryParams, as="json")
#' # The following query shows how to embed quotes
#' cn <- CNode("SANDBOX2")
#' queryParamList <- list(q="(attribute:lake) and (attribute:\"Percent Nitrogen\")", rows="1000",
#'                        fl="title,id,abstract,size,dateUploaded,attributeName", wt="xml")
#' result <- query(cn, queryParamList, as="data.frame")
#' # The following query uses the searchTerms parameter
#' cn <- CNode()
#' mn <- getMNode(cn, "urn:node:KNB")
#' mySearchTerms <- list(abstract="kelp", attribute="biomass")
#' result <- query(mn, searchTerms=mySearchTerms, as="data.frame")
#' }
#' @export
setGeneric("query", function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname query
#' @param solrQuery The query search terms, either as a string or as list with named members.
#' @param encode A logical, if \code{TRUE} then the query is URL encoded. The default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param as The return type. Possible values: "json", "xml", "list" or "data.frame" with "list" as the default.
#' @param parse A logical value. If TRUE, then the result is parsed and converted to appropriate R data types. If FALSE, character values are returned.
#' @param searchTerms A list of name / value pairs (an alternative to \code{solrQuery}). 
#' @param encodeReserved A logical, if TRUE then reserved characters in the query are URL encoded (FALSE is default). See \code{URLencode} for details.
#' @export
setMethod("query", signature("D1Node"), function(x, solrQuery=as.character(NA), encode=TRUE, as="list", parse=TRUE, 
                                                 encodeReserved=FALSE, ...) {
  returnTypes <- c("json", "xml", "list", "data.frame")
  if (!is.element(as, returnTypes)) {
    stop(sprintf("Invalid return type: \"%s\". Please specify one of \"%s\"", as, paste(returnTypes, collapse=",")))
  if( all(is.na(solrQuery)) && all(is.na(searchTerms)) ) {
    stop(sprintf("Please specify either \"solrQuery\" or \"searchTerms\" parameters"))
  if(!all(is.na(solrQuery)) && !all(is.na(searchTerms)) ) {
    stop(sprintf("Please specify either \"solrQuery\" or \"searchTerms\" parameters, not both"))
  # The CN API has a slightly different format for the solr query engine than the MN API,
  # so the appropriate URL is set in the CNode or MNode class.
  serviceUrl <- x@serviceUrls[x@serviceUrls$service=="query.solr", "Url"]
  if (!all(is.na(solrQuery))) {
    # The 'solrQuery' parameter can be specified as either a character string or a named list
    if (is(solrQuery, "list")) {
      encodedKVs <- character()
      for(key in attributes(solrQuery)$names) {
        # Convert query terms to character if not already
        if(!inherits(solrQuery[[key]], "character")) {
            solrQuery[[key]] <- as.character(solrQuery[[key]])
        if (encode) {
          kv <- paste0(key, "=", URLencode(solrQuery[[key]], reserved=encodeReserved))
        } else {
          kv <- paste0(key, "=", solrQuery[[key]])
        encodedKVs[length(encodedKVs)+1] <- kv
      queryParams <- paste(encodedKVs,collapse="&")
    } else {
      if (encode) {
        queryParams <- URLencode(solrQuery, reserved=encodeReserved)
      } else {
        queryParams <- solrQuery
  } else {
    # Process 'searchTerms'
    encodedKVs <- character()
    for(key in attributes(searchTerms)$names) {
      value <- sprintf('"%s"', searchTerms[[key]])
      if (encode) {
        kv <- sprintf("&fq=%s:%s", URLencode(key, reserved=encodeReserved), URLencode(value, reserved=encodeReserved))
      } else {
        kv <- sprintf("&fq=%s:%s", key, value) 
      encodedKVs[length(encodedKVs)+1] <- kv
    queryParams <- sprintf("q=id:*%s", paste(encodedKVs,collapse=""))
  queryUrl <- paste(serviceUrl, queryParams, sep="")

  response <- NULL
  # Send the query to the Node
    response <- auth_get(queryUrl, node=x)
  }, error = function(err) {
      msg <- sprintf("Error accessing %s: %s\n", queryUrl, conditionMessage(err))
  if(is.null(response)) return(NULL)
  if(response$status_code != "200") {
    message(sprintf("Error accessing %s: %s\n", queryUrl, getErrorDescription(response)))
  # The CNs return the response content as binary regardless of Solr response writer specified or http request header
  # "Accept" type specified, so check the response and parse it to parsed XML, if necessary.
  if (is.raw(response$content)) {
    tmpres <- content(response, as="raw")
    resultText <- rawToChar(tmpres)
  } else {
    resultText <- content(response, as="text")
  # Return result as unparsed XML text returned from Solr
  if (as == "xml") {
    if (parse) {
      # Return as XML tree structure
      res <- xmlInternalTreeParse(resultText, asText=TRUE)
    } else {
      res <- resultText
  } else if (as == "json") {
    # if json return type, only unparsed text is supported
    res <- resultText
  } else if (as == "list") {
    # Return as a list, with data in each column returned as the appropriate R data type
    xmlDoc <- xmlInternalTreeParse(resultText, asText=TRUE)
    res <- parseSolrResult(xmlDoc, parse)
  } else if (as == "data.frame") {
    # Return as a data frame, all values represented as strings
    xmlDoc <- xmlInternalTreeParse(resultText, asText=TRUE)
    # First get a result as a list, then convert the list to a data frame
    res <- parseSolrResult(xmlDoc, parse)
    dfAll <- data.frame()
    if (length(res) > 0) {
        # Simplify each result and cast to a data.frame, returning a list of
        # data.frames that will be combined by rbind.fill
        simplified <- lapply(res, function(r) {
            # Simplify multi-valued fields into space-separated character vectors
            for (n in names(r)) {
                if(typeof(r[[n]]) == "list") {
                   # Get R type from result set
                   c1 <- class(r[[n]][[1]])
                   # flatten list, then reassign R type, as unlist removes attributes
                   u1 <- unlist(r[[n]])
                   # Reassign type to values
                   class(u1) <- c1
                   # Wrap value vector in a list so as.data.frame to appease as.data.frame, other
                   # will get error "arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 2, 3 "
                   r[[n]] <- I(list(u1))
            as.data.frame(r, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        # rbind.file combines a list of data.frames into one
        dfAll <- do.call(rbind.fill, simplified)
    res <- dfAll

#' Parse Solr output into an R list
#' @description Solr output that is specified with a writer type of XML \code{'&wt="xml"'}
#' @param doc The Solr result to parse, in XML format
#' @param parse A logical value, if TRUE the result is parsed to appropriate R types.
#' @param ... (Not yet used.)
#' @return resultList The Solr result as an R list
#' @rdname parseSolrResult
#' @aliases parseSolrResult
#' @export
setGeneric("parseSolrResult", function(doc, ...) {

#' @rdname parseSolrResult
#' @export
setMethod("parseSolrResult", signature("XMLInternalDocument"), function(doc, parse, ...) {
  resultList <- xpathApply(doc, "/response/result/doc", parseResultDoc, parse)
  return (resultList)

## Internal functions

# Parse a Solr result "<doc>" XML element inta an R list
parseResultDoc <- function(xNode, parse) {
  childNodes <- getNodeSet(xNode, "*")
  thisDocList <- list()
  for (child in childNodes) {
    thisDocList <- parseResultNode(child, thisDocList, parse)

# Parse a Solr result field
parseResultNode <- function(xNode, resultList, parse) {
  nodeName <- xmlName(xNode)
  # parse a Solr result "arr" (arrary) into an R list
  if (nodeName == "arr") {
    childNodes <- getNodeSet(xNode, "*")
    # If we are not parseing Solr results to R types, then return this
    # list as a comma separated list of values
    if (parse) {
      resultList[[xmlGetAttr(xNode, "name")]] <- lapply(childNodes, parseSolrField, parse)
    } else {
      resultList[[xmlGetAttr(xNode, "name")]] <- paste(lapply(childNodes, parseSolrField, parse), collapse=",")
    #xmlVals <- xpathApply(xNode, "*", parseResultNode, resultList=resultList)
  } else {
    # parse a Solr result atomic value into an R variable
    resultList[[xmlGetAttr(xNode, "name")]] <- parseSolrField(xNode, parse)
    # cat(sprintf("name: %s, value %d\n", valueType, nodeValue))

# parse a Solr result field into an R variable
parseSolrField <- function(xNode, parse) {
  nodeName <- xmlName(xNode)
  if (parse) {
    if (nodeName == "arr") {
      warning(sprintf("Unable to process solr 'arr' field"))
    } else if (nodeName == "long" || nodeName == "float") {
    } else if (nodeName == "str") {
    } else if (nodeName == "bool") {
    } else if (nodeName == "int") {
    } else if (nodeName == "date") {
      return(as.POSIXct(xmlValue(xNode), tz="UTC", format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))
    } else {
      warning(sprintf("Unhandled Solr field data type: %s\n", nodeName))
  } else {

#' Check if an action is authorized for the specified identifier
#' @description Test if the user identified by the provided token has 
#' authorization for operation on the specified object.
#' @details The identifier parameter may be either a DataONE persistent identifier (pid)
#' or series identifier (sid).
#' @rdname isAuthorized
#' @aliases isAuthorized
#' @param x The node to send the request to. This is either a \code{"CNode"} or \code{"MNode"} instance.
#' @param ... (Not yet used)
#' @return a logical, TRUE if the action is authorized, false if not.
#' @seealso \code{\link[=CNode-class]{CNode}}{ class description.}
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Send an authorization check to the D1 production CN.
#' cn <- CNode("PROD")
#' pid <- "doi:10.6073/pasta/7fcb8fea57843fae65f63094472f502d"
#' canRead <- isAuthorized(cn, pid, "read")
#' canWrite <- isAuthorized(cn, pid, "write")
#' canChange <- isAuthorized(cn, pid, "changePermission")
#' # Now send a check to a member node.
#' mn <- getMNode(cn, "urn:node:KNB")
#' pid <- "doi:10.6085/AA/pisco_recruitment.149.1"
#' canRead <- isAuthorized(mn, pid, "read")
#' canWrite <- isAuthorized(mn, pid, "write")
#' canChange <- isAuthorized(mn, pid, "changePermission")
#' }
setGeneric("isAuthorized", function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname isAuthorized
#' @param id The DataONE identifier (pid or sid) to check access for.
#' @param action The DataONE action to check, possible values: "read", "write", "changePermission"
#' @export
setMethod("isAuthorized", signature("D1Node"), function(x, id, action) {
    url <- sprintf("%s/isAuthorized/%s?action=%s", x@endpoint,URLencode(id, reserved=T),action)
    response <- auth_get(url, node=x)
    # Status = 200 means that the action is authorized for the id.
    # Status = 401 means that the subject is not authorized for the action, not an error.
    if(response$status_code == "401") {
    } else if (response$status_code != "200") {
        warning(sprintf("Error checking authorized for action \"%s\" on id:\" %s\": %s", action, id, getErrorDescription(response)))
    } else {

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dataone documentation built on June 11, 2022, 1:06 a.m.