
Defines functions util_iframe_it_if_needed

Documented in util_iframe_it_if_needed

#' Make `it` scalable, if it is a figure
#' this function writes figures to helper files and embeds these in a returned
#' object which is a scalable `iframe`. it does not change other objects in `it`.
#' @param it [htmltools::tag()] compatible object
#' @param dir [character] output directory for potential `iframes`.
#' @param nm [character] name for the `iframe`d file, if one is created
#' @param fkt [character] function name of the indicator function that created
#'                        `ìt`.
#' @return [htmltools::tag()] compatible object, maybe now in an `iframe`
#' @keywords internal
util_iframe_it_if_needed <- function(it, dir, nm, fkt) {
  functionName <- fkt
  if (inherits(it, "plotly") ||
      (inherits(it, "shiny.tag") && it$name == "img")) {
    util_expect_scalar(dir, check_type = is.character)
    util_expect_scalar(nm, check_type = is.character)

    if (!dir.exists(file.path(dir, "lib"))) {
      dir.create(file.path(dir, "lib"), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

#    if (inherits(it, "plotly")) {
#      it$sizingPolicy$defaultHeight <- "100%" # seems sometimes not to work?! now done by an !important style
#    }

    fig_framed_file <- paste0("FIG_", prep_link_escape(nm, html = TRUE),
    if (!file.exists(fig_framed_file)) { # FIXME: right click, ... fix JS; https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/postMessage to make buttons work
      it <- htmltools::tagList(
        htmltools::tags$span(`data-nm` = nm, id = "nm"),
        htmltools::tags$span(`data-functionName` = functionName,
                             id = "functionName"),
        html_dependency_dataquieR(iframe = TRUE),
      suppressWarnings(htmltools::save_html(html = it,
                           file = fig_framed_file,
                           libdir = file.path(dir, "lib")))

    it <- htmltools::div(
      style = htmltools::css(
        width = "480px",
        height = "270px",
        min.width = "320px",
        min.height = "180px",
        resize = "both",
        overflow = "auto", # hidden does not work with Safar, which does not show the resize handle, then.
        border = "1px"
        src = fig_framed_file,
        style = htmltools::css(
          border = "0",
          width = "100%",
          height = "calc(100% - 5px)"
  } else {

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dataquieR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:18 a.m.