
Defines functions util_map_by_largest_prefix

Documented in util_map_by_largest_prefix

#' Map based on largest common prefix
#' @param needle [character]`(1)` item to search
#' @param haystack [character] items to find the entry sharing the largest
#'                             prefix with `needle`
#' @param split_char [character]`(1)` to split entries to atomic words (like
#' letters, if "" or `snake_elements`, if "_")
#' @param remove_var_suffix [logical]`(1)` remove potential suffix
#'                                         after the first dot `.`, before
#'                                         finding needle in haystack.
#' @return [character]`(1)` with the fitting function name or [NA_character_]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ # internal function
#' util_map_by_largest_prefix(
#'   "acc_distributions_loc_ecdf_observer_time",
#'   names(dataquieR:::.manual$titles)
#' )
#' util_map_by_largest_prefix(
#'   "acc_distributions_loc_observer_time",
#'   names(dataquieR:::.manual$titles)
#' )
#' util_map_by_largest_prefix(
#'   "acc_distributions_loc_ecdf",
#'   names(dataquieR:::.manual$titles)
#' )
#' util_map_by_largest_prefix(
#'   "acc_distributions_loc",
#'   names(dataquieR:::.manual$titles)
#' )
#' }
#' @family mapping
#' @concept concept
#' @keywords internal
util_map_by_largest_prefix <- function(
    split_char = "_",
    remove_var_suffix = TRUE
    ) {
  util_expect_scalar(needle, check_type = is.character)
  util_expect_scalar(remove_var_suffix, check_type = is.logical)
                     check_type = is.character,
                     allow_more_than_one = TRUE)
  if (is.null(names(haystack))) {
    haystack <- setNames(nm = haystack)
  if (remove_var_suffix) {
    if (grepl(".", needle, fixed = TRUE)) {
      needle <- head(strsplit(needle, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]], 1)
  needle0 <- needle
  needle <- strsplit(needle, split_char, fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  haystack <- strsplit(haystack, split_char, fixed = TRUE)
  lneedle <- length(needle)

  found <- FALSE
  i <- length(needle)
  while (!found) {
    needle <- needle[seq_len(i)]
    found <- any(vapply(haystack, FUN.VALUE = logical(1), function(straw) {
      length(straw) == i && all(straw == needle)
    i <- i - 1
    if (i < 0) {
  paste0(needle, collapse = split_char)

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dataquieR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:18 a.m.