GetAnomalyAssessmentPredictionsPreview: Retrieve anomaly assessment predictions preview.

View source: R/AnomalyAssessment.R

GetAnomalyAssessmentPredictionsPreviewR Documentation

Retrieve anomaly assessment predictions preview.


Aggregated predictions over time for the corresponding anomaly assessment record. Intended to find the bins with highest anomaly scores.


GetAnomalyAssessmentPredictionsPreview(projectId, recordId)



character. The ID of the project.


character. The ID of the anomaly assessment record.


The anomaly assessment predictions preview:

  • recordId. character. The ID of the record.

  • projectId. character. The project ID of the record.

  • modelId. character. The model ID of the record.

  • backtest. character. The backtest of the record.

  • source. character. The source of the record.

  • seriesId. character. the series ID of the record.

  • startDate. POSIXct. Timestamp of the first prediction in the subset.

  • endDate. POSIXct. Timestamp of the last prediction in the subset.

  • previewBins. list. A list of PreviewBin objects in the specified date range. The aggregated predictions for the subset. Bins boundaries may differ from actual start/end dates because this is an aggregation. Each PreviewBin contains:

    • startDate. POSIXct. Datetime of the start of the bin.

    • endDate. POSIXct. Datetime of the end of the bin.

    • avgPredicted numeric. The average prediction of the model in the bin. NA if there are no entries in the bin.

    • maxPredicted numeric. The maximum prediction of the model in the bin. NA if there are no entries in the bin.

    • frequency integer. The number of the rows in the bin.

See Also

Other Anomaly Assessment functions: DeleteAnomalyAssessmentRecord(), GetAnomalyAssessmentExplanations(), InitializeAnomalyAssessment(), ListAnomalyAssessmentRecords()


## Not run: 
projectId <- "59a5af20c80891534e3c2bde"
recordId <- "59a5af20c80891534e3c2bdb"
explanations <- GetAnomalyAssessmentPredictionsPreview(projectId, recordId)

## End(Not run)

datarobot documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:36 a.m.