
Defines functions DeleteAnomalyAssessmentRecord GetAnomalyAssessmentPredictionsPreview GetAnomalyAssessmentExplanations ListAnomalyAssessmentRecords InitializeAnomalyAssessment as.dataRobotAnomalyAssessmentPredictionsPreview as.dataRobotPreviewBin as.dataRobotAnomalyAssessmentExplanations as.dataRobotPredictionWithExplanationsRow as.dataRobotShapFeatureContribution as.dataRobotAnomalyAssessmentRecord

Documented in DeleteAnomalyAssessmentRecord GetAnomalyAssessmentExplanations GetAnomalyAssessmentPredictionsPreview InitializeAnomalyAssessment ListAnomalyAssessmentRecords

as.dataRobotAnomalyAssessmentRecord <- function(inList) {
  outList <- inList
  if (!is.null(outList$startDate)) { outList$startDate <- parseRFC3339Timestamp(outList$startDate) }
  if (!is.null(outList$endDate)) { outList$endDate <- parseRFC3339Timestamp(outList$endDate) }
  class(outList) <- "dataRobotAnomalyAssessmentRecord"

as.dataRobotShapFeatureContribution <- function(inList) {
  outList <- inList
  class(outList) <- "dataRobotShapFeatureContribution"

as.dataRobotPredictionWithExplanationsRow <- function(inList) {
  outList <- inList
  outList$timestamp <- parseRFC3339Timestamp(outList$timestamp)
  if (!is.null(outList$shapExplanation)) {
    outList$shapExplanation <- lapply(outList$shapExplanation, as.dataRobotShapFeatureContribution)
  class(outList) <- "dataRobotPredictionWithExplanationsRow"

as.dataRobotAnomalyAssessmentExplanations <- function(inList) {
  outList <- inList
  outList$startDate <- parseRFC3339Timestamp(outList$startDate)
  outList$endDate <- parseRFC3339Timestamp(outList$endDate)
  outList$data <- lapply(outList$data, as.dataRobotPredictionWithExplanationsRow)
  class(outList) <- "dataRobotAnomalyAssessmentExplanations"

as.dataRobotPreviewBin <- function(inList) {
  outList <- inList
  if (is.null(outList$avgPredicted)) { outList$avgPredicted <- as.numeric(NA) }
  if (is.null(outList$maxPredicted)) { outList$maxPredicted <- as.numeric(NA) }
  outList$startDate <- parseRFC3339Timestamp(outList$startDate)
  outList$endDate <- parseRFC3339Timestamp(outList$endDate)
  class(outList) <- "dataRobotPreviewBin"

as.dataRobotAnomalyAssessmentPredictionsPreview <- function(inList) {
  outList <- inList
  outList$startDate <- parseRFC3339Timestamp(outList$startDate)
  outList$endDate <- parseRFC3339Timestamp(outList$endDate)
  outList$previewBins <- lapply(outList$previewBins, as.dataRobotPreviewBin)
  class(outList) <- "dataRobotAnomalyAssessmentPredictionsPreview"

#' Request anomaly assessment insight computation on the specified subset.
#' @param projectId character. The ID of the project to compute insight for.
#' @param modelId character. The ID of the model to compute insight for.
#' @param backtest integer or "holdout". The backtest to compute insight for.
#' @param source "training" or "validation". The source to compute insight for.
#' @param seriesId character. Optional. The series id to compute insight for.
#'   Required for multiseries projects.

#' @return An object with anomaly assessment metadata:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item recordId. character. The ID of the record.
#'   \item projectId. character. The project ID of the record.
#'   \item modelId. character. The model ID of the record.
#'   \item backtest. character. The backtest of the record.
#'   \item source. character. The source of the record.
#'   \item seriesId. character. the series ID of the record.
#'   \item status. character. The status of the insight.
#'   \item statusDetails. character. The explanation of the status.
#'   \item startDate. POSIXct. Timestamp of the first prediction in the subset. Will be NULL if
#'     status is not `completed`.
#'   \item endDate. POSIXct. Timestamp of the last prediction in the subset. Will be NULL
#'     if status is not `completed`.
#'   \item predictionThreshold. numeric. The threshold, all rows with anomaly scores greater or
#'     equal to it have shap explanations computed. Will be NULL if status is not `completed`.
#'   \item previewLocation. character. URL to retrieve predictions preview for the subset.
#'     Will be NULL if status is not `completed`.
#'   \item latestExplanationsLocation. character. the URL to retrieve the latest predictions with
#'     the shap explanations. Will be NULL if status is not `completed`.
#'   \item deleteLocation. character. the URL to delete anomaly assessment record and
#'     relevant insight data.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' projectId <- "59a5af20c80891534e3c2bde"
#' modelId <- "59a5af20c80891534e3c2bdd"
#' record <- InitializeAnomalyAssessment(projectId, modelId, backtest=0, source="validation",
#'    seriesId="Baltimore")
#' }
#' @family Anomaly Assessment functions
#' @md
#' @export
InitializeAnomalyAssessment <- function(projectId, modelId, backtest, source, seriesId = NULL) {
  body <- list(backtest = backtest, source = source)
  if (!is.null(seriesId)) { body$seriesId <- seriesId }
  routeString <- UrlJoin("projects", projectId, "models", modelId,
  postResponse <- DataRobotPOST(routeString, body = body,
                                addUrl = TRUE, returnRawResponse = TRUE)
  response <- WaitForAsyncReturn(GetRedirectFromResponse(postResponse),
                                 addUrl = FALSE)
  record <- as.dataRobotAnomalyAssessmentRecord(response["data"][[1]])

#' Retrieve anomaly assessment records.
#' @param projectId character. The ID of the project.
#' @param modelId character. The ID of the model.
#' @param seriesId character. Optional. Can be specified for multiseries projects.
#' The series id to filter records by.
#' @param backtest integer or "holdout". Optional.  The backtest to filter records by.
#' @param source "training" or "validation". Optional. The source of the data to filter records by.
#' @param offset integer. Optional. Default is 0. This many results will be skipped.
#' @param limit integer, greater than zero. Optional. Defaults to 100. At most this many results
#'   are returned. The default may change without notice.

#' @return A list of objects with anomaly assessment metadata:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item recordId. character. The ID of the record.
#'   \item projectId. character. The project ID of the record.
#'   \item modelId. character. The model ID of the record.
#'   \item backtest. character. The backtest of the record.
#'   \item source. character. The source of the record.
#'   \item seriesId. character. the series ID of the record.
#'   \item status. character. The status of the insight.
#'   \item statusDetails. character. The explanation of the status.
#'   \item startDate. POSIXct. Timestamp of the first prediction in the subset. Will be NULL if
#'     status is not `completed`.
#'   \item endDate. POSIXct. Timestamp of the last prediction in the subset. Will be NULL
#'     if status is not `completed`.
#'   \item predictionThreshold. numeric. The threshold, all rows with anomaly scores greater or
#'     equal to it have shap explanations computed. Will be NULL if status is not `completed`.
#'   \item previewLocation. character. URL to retrieve predictions preview for the subset.
#'     Will be NULL if status is not `completed`.
#'   \item latestExplanationsLocation. character. the URL to retrieve the latest predictions with
#'     the shap explanations. Will be NULL if status is not `completed`.
#'   \item deleteLocation. character. the URL to delete anomaly assessment record and
#'     relevant insight data.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' projectId <- "59a5af20c80891534e3c2bde"
#' modelId <- "59a5af20c80891534e3c2bdd"
#' records <- ListAnomalyAssessmentRecords(projectId, modelId, backtest=0, seriesId="Baltimore")
#' }
#' @family Anomaly Assessment functions
#' @md
#' @export
ListAnomalyAssessmentRecords <- function(projectId, modelId,
                                         backtest = NULL, source = NULL,
                                         seriesId = NULL,
                                         limit = 100, offset = 0) {
  query <- list(offset = offset, limit = limit)
  if (!is.null(modelId)) { query$modelId <- modelId }
  if (!is.null(backtest)) { query$backtest <- backtest }
  if (!is.null(source)) { query$source <- source }
  if (!is.null(seriesId)) { query$seriesId <- seriesId }
  routeString <- UrlJoin("projects", projectId, "anomalyAssessmentRecords")
  response <- DataRobotGET(routeString, query = query, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)
  records <- lapply(response$data, as.dataRobotAnomalyAssessmentRecord)

#' Retrieve anomaly assessment explanations.
#' Explanations contain predictions along with shap explanations for the most anomalous records
#' in the specified date range/for defined number of points.
#' Two out of three parameters: startDate, endDate or pointsCount must be specified.
#' @param projectId character. The ID of the project.
#' @param recordId character. The ID of the anomaly assessment record.
#' @param startDate POSIXct. Optional. The start of the date range to get explanations in.
#' @param endDate POSIXct. Optional. The end of the date range to get explanations in.
#' @param pointsCount integer. Optional. The number of the rows to return.

#' @return The anomaly assessment explanations:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item recordId. character. The ID of the record.
#'   \item projectId. character. The project ID of the record.
#'   \item modelId. character. The model ID of the record.
#'   \item backtest. character. The backtest of the record.
#'   \item source. character. The source of the record.
#'   \item seriesId. character. the series ID of the record.
#'   \item startDate. POSIXct. First timestamp in the response. Will be NULL if there is no
#'     data in the specified range.
#'   \item endDate. POSIXct. Last timestamp in the response. Will be NULL if there is no
#'     data in the specified range.
#'   \item shapBaseValue. numeric. Shap base value.
#'   \item count. integer.  The number of points in the ``data``.
#'   \item data. list. A list of DataPoint objects in the specified date range containing:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item shapExplanation. NULL or an array of up to 10 ShapleyFeatureContribution objects.
#'       Only rows with the highest anomaly scores have Shapley explanations calculated.
#'     \item timestamp POSIXct. Timestamp for the row.
#'     \item prediction numeric. The output of the model for this row.
#'      }
#'     Each ShapleyFeatureContribution contains:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item featureValue. character. The feature value for this row.
#'        First 50 characters are returned.
#'     \item strength numeric. The shap value for this feature and row.
#'     \item feature character. The feature name.
#'      }
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' projectId <- "59a5af20c80891534e3c2bde"
#' recordId <- "59a5af20c80891534e3c2bdb"
#' explanations <- GetAnomalyAssessmentExplanations(projectId, recordId, pointsCount=100,
#'    startDate=as.Date("2021-01-01"))
#' }
#' @family Anomaly Assessment functions
#' @md
#' @export
GetAnomalyAssessmentExplanations <- function(projectId,
                                             startDate = NULL,
                                             endDate = NULL,
                                             pointsCount = NULL
) {
  query <- list()
  if (!is.null(startDate)) { query$startDate <- formatRFC3339Timestamp(startDate) }
  if (!is.null(endDate)) { query$endDate <- formatRFC3339Timestamp(endDate) }
  if (!is.null(pointsCount)) { query$pointsCount <- pointsCount }
  routeString <- UrlJoin("projects", projectId, "anomalyAssessmentRecords",
                         recordId, "explanations")
  explanations <- DataRobotGET(routeString, query = query, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)

#' Retrieve anomaly assessment predictions preview.
#' Aggregated predictions over time for the corresponding anomaly assessment record.
#' Intended to find the bins with highest anomaly scores.
#' @param projectId character. The ID of the project.
#' @param recordId character. The ID of the anomaly assessment record.
#' @return The anomaly assessment predictions preview:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item recordId. character. The ID of the record.
#'   \item projectId. character. The project ID of the record.
#'   \item modelId. character. The model ID of the record.
#'   \item backtest. character. The backtest of the record.
#'   \item source. character. The source of the record.
#'   \item seriesId. character. the series ID of the record.
#'   \item startDate. POSIXct. Timestamp of the first prediction in the subset.
#'   \item endDate. POSIXct. Timestamp of the last prediction in the subset.
#'   \item previewBins. list. A list of PreviewBin objects in the specified date range.
#'     The aggregated predictions for the subset. Bins boundaries may differ from actual start/end
#'      dates because this is an aggregation. Each PreviewBin contains:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item startDate. POSIXct. Datetime of the start of the bin.
#'     \item endDate. POSIXct. Datetime of the end of the bin.
#'     \item avgPredicted numeric. The average prediction of the model in the bin. NA if
#'       there are no entries in the bin.
#'     \item maxPredicted numeric. The maximum prediction of the model in the bin. NA if
#'        there are no entries in the bin.
#'     \item frequency integer. The number of the rows in the bin.
#'      }
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' projectId <- "59a5af20c80891534e3c2bde"
#' recordId <- "59a5af20c80891534e3c2bdb"
#' explanations <- GetAnomalyAssessmentPredictionsPreview(projectId, recordId)
#' }
#' @family Anomaly Assessment functions
#' @md
#' @export
GetAnomalyAssessmentPredictionsPreview <- function(projectId, recordId) {
  routeString <- UrlJoin("projects", projectId, "anomalyAssessmentRecords",
                         recordId, "predictionsPreview")
  preview <- DataRobotGET(routeString, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)

#' Delete anomaly assessment record.
#' Record is deleted with preview and explanations.
#' @param projectId character. The ID of the project.
#' @param recordId character. The ID of the anomaly assessment record.
#' @return NULL
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' projectId <- "59a5af20c80891534e3c2bde"
#' recordId <- "59a5af20c80891534e3c2bdb"
#' explanations <- DeleteAnomalyAssessmentRecord(projectId, recordId)
#' }
#' @family Anomaly Assessment functions
#' @md
#' @export
DeleteAnomalyAssessmentRecord <- function(projectId, recordId) {
  routeString <- UrlJoin("projects", projectId, "anomalyAssessmentRecords", recordId)

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datarobot documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:36 a.m.