compclassf.train <- function(dataf, labels, subset,
to.equalize = TRUE,
to.reduce = TRUE,
classifier.type = c("ddalpha", "maxdepth", "knnaff", "lda", "qda"),
# Trains the functional componentwise classifier
# Args:
# dataf: list containing lists (functions) of two vectors of equal length,
# named "args" and "vals": arguments sorted in ascending order and
# corresponding them values respectively
# labels: output labels of the functinal observations
# other arguments: TODO
# Returns:
# Functional componentwise clasifier
# Check "dataf"
if (!is.list(dataf))
stop("Argument 'dataf' must be a list")
for (df in dataf)
if (!(is.list(df) && length(df) == 2 &&
!is.null(df$args) && !is.null(df$vals) &&
is.vector(df$args) && is.vector(df$vals) &&
is.numeric(df$args) && is.numeric(df$vals) &&
length(df$args) == length(df$vals) &&
stop("Argument 'dataf' must be a list containing lists (functions) of two vectors of equal length, named 'args' and 'vals': arguments sorted in ascending order and corresponding them values respectively")
if(!missing(subset)) {
dataf = dataf[subset]
labels = labels[subset]
# Check "labels"
if (!(length(dataf)==length(labels) && length(unique(labels)>=2)))
stop("Argument 'labels' has wrong format")
# Check classifier.type
classifier.type = match.arg(classifier.type)
# Bring to finite dimension
# Pointize
points <- GetPointsDHB12(dataf, labels, to.equalize, to.reduce)
# CV
arg.indices <- getBestSpaceDHB12(points$data, classifier.type, num.chunks=10, ...)
data <- points$data[,c(arg.indices,ncol(points$data))]
# Apply chosen classifier to train the data
if (classifier.type == "ddalpha"){
classifier <- ddalpha.train(data, separator = "alpha", ...)
if (classifier.type == "maxdepth"){
classifier <- ddalpha.train(data, separator = "maxD", ...)
if (classifier.type == "knnaff"){
classifier <- knnaff.train(data, i = 0, ...)
if (classifier.type == "lda"){
classifier <- lda_train(data, ...)
if (classifier.type == "qda"){
classifier <- qda_train(data, ...)
# Create the eventual output structure
compclassf <- structure(
list(dataf = points$dataf,
labels = points$labels,
adc.method = "equalCover",
adc.args = list(instance = "val", numFcn = ncol(points$data) - 1, numDer = 0),
adc.transmat = points$transmat,
the.args = arg.indices,
data = points$data,
classifier.type = classifier.type,
classifier = classifier),
.Names = c("dataf", "labels", "adc.method", "adc.args", "adc.transmat",
"the.args", "data", "classifier.type", "classifier"))
class(compclassf) <- "compclassf"
return (compclassf)
compclassf.classify <- function(compclassf, objectsf, subset, ...){
# Classifies functions
# Args:
# objectsf: sample to classify, a list containing lists (functions) of
# two vectors of equal length, named "args" and "vals":
# arguments sorted in ascending order and corresponding them
# values respectively
# compclassf: functional DDalpha-classifier
# Returns:
# List of labels assigned to the functions from "objectsf"
# Check "objectsf"
if (!is.list(objectsf))
stop("Argument 'objectsf' must be a list")
if (!is.null(objectsf$args)){
objectsf = list(objectsf) # there was a single element
if(!missing(subset)) {
objectsf = objectsf[subset]
for (df in objectsf)
if (!(is.list(df) && length(df) == 2 &&
!is.null(df$args) && !is.null(df$vals) &&
is.vector(df$args) && is.vector(df$vals) &&
is.numeric(df$args) && is.numeric(df$vals) &&
length(df$args) == length(df$vals) &&
stop("Argument 'objectsf' must be a list containing lists (functions) of two vectors of equal length, named 'args' and 'vals': arguments sorted in ascending order and corresponding them values respectively")
# Prepare to multivariate classification
objectsf.equalized <- equalize(objectsf)
if (compclassf$adc.method == "equalCover"){
if (compclassf$adc.args$instance == "val"){
input <- getValGrid(objectsf.equalized,
compclassf$adc.args$numFcn, compclassf$adc.args$numDer)
if (compclassf$adc.args$instance == "avr"){
input <- getAvrGrid(objectsf.equalized,
compclassf$adc.args$numFcn, compclassf$adc.args$numDer)
if (!is.null(compclassf$adc.transmat)){
input <- input%*%compclassf$adc.transmat
input <- input[,compclassf$the.args]
# Classify and assign class labels
if (compclassf$classifier.type == "ddalpha" || compclassf$classifier.type == "maxdepth"){
output <- ddalpha.classify(objects = input, ddalpha = compclassf$classifier, ...)
if (compclassf$classifier.type == "knnaff"){
output <- knnaff.classify(objects = input, compclassf$classifier, ...)
if (compclassf$classifier.type == "lda"){
output <- lda_classify(objects = input, compclassf$classifier, ...)
if (compclassf$classifier.type == "qda"){
output <- qda_classify(objects = input, compclassf$classifier, ...)
classes <- list()
for (i in 1:length(output)){
# if (is.numeric(output[[i]])){
classes[[i]] <- compclassf$labels[[ output[[i]] ]]
# }else{
# classes[[i]] <- output[[i]]
# }
return (classes)
predict.compclassf <- function(object, objectsf, subset, ...){
compclassf.classify(object, objectsf, subset, ...)
print.compclassf <- function(x, ...){
cat("\t num.functions = ", length(x$dataf),
", num.patterns = ", length(unique(x$labels)), "\n", sep="")
# cat("\t adc.method", x$adc.method, "\"\n", sep="")
cat("\t adc:", x$adc.args$instance, "; numFcn:", x$adc.args$numFcn, "; numDer:", x$adc.args$numDer, "\"\n", sep="")
cat("\t adc.transmat", x$adc.transmat, "\"\n", sep="")
cat("\t classifier.type", x$classifier.type, "\"\n", sep="")
cat("\t classifier:\n")
# Functions below are used for intermediate computations #
GetPointsDHB12 <- function(dataf, labels, to.equalize=T, to.reduce=F){
# Numerize labels
names <- unique(labels)
output <- rep(0, length(labels))
for (i in 1:length(labels)){
for (j in 1:length(names)){
if (labels[[i]] == names[[j]]){
output[i] = j
# Prepare data
if (to.equalize){
num.times = length(dataf[[1]]$args)
dataf.equalized <- equalize(dataf)
adc.args = list(instance = "val",
numFcn = num.times,
numDer = 0)
input <- getValGrid(dataf.equalized, adc.args$numFcn, adc.args$numDer)
input <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(dataf)){
input <- rbind(input, dataf[[i]]$vals)
transmat <- NULL
if (to.reduce){# Reduce dimension if needed
princomps <- NULL
newDim <- ncol(input)
for (i in 1:length(names)){
classi <- input[output == i,1:ncol(input)]
princompsi <- prcomp(x=classi, tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
newDimi <- sum(princompsi$sdev > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
if (newDimi < newDim){
newDim <- newDimi
princomps <- princompsi
transmat <- NULL
if (newDim < ncol(input)){
transmat <- matrix(as.vector(princomps$rotation[,1:newDim]), ncol=newDim)
input <- input%*%transmat
# Combine data
data <- cbind(input, output, deparse.level=0)
return (list(data = data, dataf = dataf.equalized, labels = names, transmat = transmat))
getBestSpaceDHB12 <- function(data,
classifier.type = "ddalpha",
num.chunks = 10,
indices.num <- ncol(data) - 1
indices.avlbl <- rep(TRUE, indices.num) <- c()
error.last <- nrow(data) + 1
r <- 0
while (sum(indices.avlbl) > 0){
# If this is the first iteration search through all possible pairs
if (r == 0){
# Generate all combinations with smallest distance 2
combinations <- combn((1:indices.num)[indices.avlbl], 2)
tmp.cmb <- rbind(combinations[-1,], rep(-1000000, ncol(combinations)))
tmp.cmb <- (tmp.cmb - combinations)==T
combinations <- combinations[,apply(tmp.cmb, 2, sum)==0]
# Choose the best combination
errors <- c()
for (i in 1:ncol(combinations)){
cat("r = ", r, ": ", i, "/", ncol(combinations), ".\n", sep="")
errors <- c(errors, 0)
# Actually CV
num.points <- nrow(data) <- num.chunks*(0:(ceiling(num.points/num.chunks) - 1))
for (j in 1:num.chunks){
# Determine points to be taken off <- ( + j)[( + j) <= num.points]
# Apply chosen classifier
if (classifier.type == "ddalpha"){
classifier <- ddalpha.train(data[,c(combinations[,i], indices.num + 1)], separator = "alpha", ...)
results <- ddalpha.classify(objects = data[,combinations[,i]], ddalpha = classifier)
if (classifier.type == "maxdepth"){
classifier <- ddalpha.train(data[,c(combinations[,i], indices.num + 1)], separator = "maxD", ...)
results <- ddalpha.classify(objects = data[,combinations[,i]], ddalpha = classifier)
if (classifier.type == "knnaff"){
classifier <- knnaff.train(data[,c(combinations[,i], indices.num + 1)], i = i, ...)
results <- knnaff.classify(data[,combinations[,i]], classifier)
if (classifier.type == "lda"){
classifier <- lda_train(data[,c(combinations[,i], indices.num + 1)], ...)
results <- lda_classify(data[,combinations[,i]], classifier)
if (classifier.type == "qda"){
classifier <- qda_train(data[,c(combinations[,i], indices.num + 1)], ...)
results <- qda_classify(data[,combinations[,i]], classifier)
# Collect errors
errors[i] <- errors[i] + sum(unlist(results) != data[,indices.num + 1])
# Collect results
error.last <- min(errors) <- combinations[,which.min(errors)]
indices.avlbl <- rep(TRUE, indices.num) <- unique(c(, - 1, + 1)) <-[ >= 1 && <= indices.num]
indices.avlbl[] <- FALSE
r <- 2
# First, sequential approach
errors <- c()
variants <- c()
for (i in 1:indices.num){
if (indices.avlbl[i]){
errors <- c(errors, 0)
variants <- c(variants, i)
indices.cur <- c(, i)
# Actually CV
num.points <- nrow(data) <- num.chunks*(0:(ceiling(num.points/num.chunks) - 1))
for (j in 1:num.chunks){
# Determine points to be taken off <- ( + j)[( + j) <= num.points]
# Apply chosen classifier
if (classifier.type == "ddalpha"){
classifier <- ddalpha.train(data[,c(indices.cur, indices.num + 1)], separator = "alpha", ...)
results <- ddalpha.classify(objects = data[,indices.cur], ddalpha = classifier)
if (classifier.type == "maxdepth"){
classifier <- ddalpha.train(data[,c(indices.cur, indices.num + 1)], separator = "maxD", ...)
results <- ddalpha.classify(objects = data[,indices.cur], ddalpha = classifier)
if (classifier.type == "knnaff"){
classifier <- knnaff.train(data[,c(indices.cur, indices.num + 1)], i = i, ...)
results <- knnaff.classify(data[,indices.cur], classifier)
if (classifier.type == "lda"){
classifier <- lda_train(data[,c(combinations[,i], indices.num + 1)], ...)
results <- lda_classify(data[,combinations[,i]], classifier)
if (classifier.type == "qda"){
classifier <- qda_train(data[,c(combinations[,i], indices.num + 1)], ...)
results <- qda_classify(data[,combinations[,i]], classifier)
# Collect errors
errors[i] <- errors[i] + sum(unlist(results) != data[,indices.num + 1])
} <- min(errors)
best.i <- variants[which.min(errors)[1]] <- c(, best.i)
# Refinements for r=2, 3 and 4
if (r %in% 2:3){
# Define the grid
if (r == 2){step <- 10}
if (r == 3){step <- 5} <- c(-(1:step*2), 0, 1:step*2)
grid <- c()
for (i in 1:length({
grid <- c(grid,[i] +
grid <- unique(grid)
grid <- sort(grid[(grid >= 1) & (grid <= indices.num)])
# Generate all combinations with smallest distance 2
combinations <- combn(grid, r + 1)
tmp.cmb <- rbind(combinations[-1,], rep(-1000000, ncol(combinations)))
tmp.cmb <- (tmp.cmb - combinations)==T
combinations <- combinations[,apply(tmp.cmb, 2, sum)==0]
# Choose the best combination
#indices.grid <- (1:indices.num)[indices.avlbl & ((1:induces.num) %in% grid)]
# Go through the combinations
errors <- c()
#combinations <- combn(indices.grid, r + 1)
for (i in 1:ncol(combinations)){
cat("r = ", r, ": ", i, "/", ncol(combinations), ".\n", sep="")
errors <- c(errors, 0)
# Actually CV
num.points <- nrow(data) <- num.chunks*(0:(ceiling(num.points/num.chunks) - 1))
for (j in 1:num.chunks){
# Determine points to be taken off <- ( + j)[( + j) <= num.points]
# Apply chosen classifier
if (classifier.type == "ddalpha"){
classifier <- ddalpha.train(data[,c(combinations[,i], indices.num + 1)], separator = "alpha", ...)
results <- ddalpha.classify(objects = data[,combinations[,i]], ddalpha = classifier)
if (classifier.type == "maxdepth"){
classifier <- ddalpha.train(data[,c(combinations[,i], indices.num + 1)], separator = "maxD", ...)
results <- ddalpha.classify(objects = data[,combinations[,i]], ddalpha = classifier)
if (classifier.type == "knnaff"){
classifier <- knnaff.train(data[,c(combinations[,i], indices.num + 1)], i = i, ...)
results <- knnaff.classify(data[,combinations[,i]], classifier)
if (classifier.type == "lda"){
classifier <- lda_train(data[,c(combinations[,i], indices.num + 1)], ...)
results <- lda_classify(data[,combinations[,i]], classifier)
if (classifier.type == "qda"){
classifier <- qda_train(data[,c(combinations[,i], indices.num + 1)], ...)
results <- qda_classify(data[,combinations[,i]], classifier)
# Collect errors
errors[i] <- errors[i] + sum(unlist(results) != data[,indices.num + 1])
} <- min(errors)
indices.cur <- combinations[,which.min(errors)]
indices.cur <-
if ( < error.last){ <- indices.cur
error.last <-
indices.avlbl <- rep(TRUE, indices.num) <- unique(c(, - 1, + 1)) <-[ >= 1 && <= indices.num]
indices.avlbl[] <- FALSE
r <- r + 1
return (
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