
Defines functions depth.space. depth. .depth

Documented in depth. depth.space.

.depth <- function(fname, funcargs, ...){
  f <- try(match.fun(fname), silent = T)
  if (is.function(f)){
    args = list(...)
    fcnArgs <- names(formals(f))
    fcnArgs <- unlist(fcnArgs, use.names=FALSE)
    keep <- intersect(names(args), fcnArgs)
    unused <- setdiff(names(args), fcnArgs)
    args <- args[keep]
    args <- c(args, funcargs)
    res <- do.call(fname, args=args)
      warning("Unused by '", fname, "' arguments: ", paste(unused, collapse = ', '))
    #res <- f(x, data, ...)
  } else {
    warning("There is no depth function ", fname)

depth. <- function(x, data, notion = c("zonoid", "halfspace", "Mahalanobis", "projection", "spatial", "spatialLocal", "simplicial", "simplicialVolume", "ddplot", "potential"), ...){
    stop("Parameter 'notion' must be set")
  t <- notion
  try(t <- match.arg(notion), silent = T)
  fname = paste0("depth.", t)
  funcargs = list(x = x, data = data)

  return(.depth(fname, funcargs, ...))

depth.space. <- function(data, cardinalities, notion = c("zonoid", "halfspace", "Mahalanobis", "projection", "spatial", "spatialLocal", "simplicial", "simplicialVolume", "ddplot", "potential"), ...){
    stop("Parameter 'notion' must be set")
  t <- notion
  try(t <- match.arg(notion), silent = T)
  # try to find a depth
  fname = paste0("depth.space.", t)
  funcargs = list(cardinalities = cardinalities, data = data)
  return(.depth(fname, funcargs, ...))

# d =  depth(data$train, data$train, exact = T)

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