### ============================================================================
### daspk -- solves differential algebraic and ordinary differential equation
### systems defined in res (DAE) or func (ODE)
### and outputs values for the times in `times'
### on input, y and dy contains the initial values of the state
### variables and rates of changes for times[1]
### parms is a vector of parameters for func. They should not
### change during the integration.
### ============================================================================
daspk <- function(y, times, func=NULL, parms, nind = c(length(y), 0, 0),
dy = NULL, res = NULL,
nalg=0, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-6, jacfunc=NULL, jacres=NULL,
jactype = "fullint", mass = NULL, estini = NULL, verbose=FALSE, tcrit = NULL,
hmin=0, hmax=NULL, hini=0, ynames=TRUE, maxord =5, bandup=NULL,
banddown=NULL, maxsteps=5000, dllname=NULL, initfunc=dllname,
initpar=parms, rpar=NULL, ipar=NULL, nout=0, outnames=NULL,
forcings=NULL, initforc = NULL, fcontrol=NULL, events = NULL,
lags = NULL, ...) {
### check input
if (is.null(res) && is.null(func))
stop("either `func' or 'res' must be specified")
if (!is.null(res) && !is.null(func))
stop("either `func' OR 'res' must be specified, not both")
if (is.list(func)) { # a list of compiled codes
if (!is.null(jacfunc) & "jacfunc" %in% names(func))
stop("If 'func' is a list that contains jacfunc, argument 'jacfunc' should be NULL")
if (!is.null(initfunc) & "initfunc" %in% names(func))
stop("If 'func' is a list that contains initfunc, argument 'initfunc' should be NULL")
if (!is.null(dllname) & "dllname" %in% names(func))
stop("If 'func' is a list that contains dllname, argument 'dllname' should be NULL")
if (!is.null(initforc) & "initforc" %in% names(func))
stop("If 'func' is a list that contains initforc, argument 'initforc' should be NULL")
if (!is.null(events$func) & "eventfunc" %in% names(func))
stop("If 'func' is a list that contains eventfunc, argument 'events$func' should be NULL")
if ("eventfunc" %in% names(func)) {
if (! is.null(events))
events$func <- func$eventfunc
events <- list(func = func$eventfunc)
if (!is.null(func$jacfunc)) jacfunc <- func$jacfunc
if (!is.null(func$initfunc)) initfunc <- func$initfunc
if (!is.null(func$initforc)) initforc <- func$initforc
if (!is.null(func$dllname)) dllname <- func$dllname
func <- func$func
if (is.list(res)) { #
if (!is.null(jacres) & "jacres" %in% names(res))
stop("If 'res' is a list that contains jacres, argument 'jacres' should be NULL")
if (!is.null(initfunc) & "initfunc" %in% names(res))
stop("If 'res' is a list that contains initfunc, argument 'initfunc' should be NULL")
if (!is.null(dllname) & "dllname" %in% names(res))
stop("If 'res' is a list that contains dllname, argument 'dllname' should be NULL")
if (!is.null(initforc) & "initforc" %in% names(res))
stop("If 'res' is a list that contains initforc, argument 'initforc' should be NULL")
if (!is.null(events$func) & "eventfunc" %in% names(res))
stop("If 'res' is a list that contains eventfunc, argument 'events$func' should be NULL")
if ("eventfunc" %in% names(res)) {
if (! is.null(events))
events$func <- res$eventfunc
events <- list(func = res$eventfunc)
if (!is.null(res$jacres)) jacres <- res$jacres
if (!is.null(res$initfunc)) initfunc <- res$initfunc
if (!is.null(res$initforc)) initforc <- res$initforc
if (!is.null(res$dllname)) dllname <- res$dllname
res <- res$res
if (!is.numeric(y))
stop("`y' must be numeric")
n <- length(y)
if (! is.null(times)&&!is.numeric(times))
stop("`times' must be NULL or numeric")
if (!is.null(jacres) && !is.null(jacfunc))
stop("either `jacfunc' OR 'jacres' must be specified, not both")
if (!is.null(func) && !is.function(func) && !is.character(func) && ! inherits(func, "CFunc"))
stop("`func' must be a function, a character vector, of class 'CFunc' or NULL")
if (!is.null(res) && !is.function(res) && !is.character(res) && ! inherits(res, "CFunc"))
stop("`res' must be NULL, a function or character vector or of class 'CFunc'")
if (is.character(res) && (is.null(dllname) || !is.character(dllname)))
stop("You need to specify the name of the dll or shared library where res can be found (without extension)")
if (!is.numeric(rtol))
stop("`rtol' must be numeric")
if (!is.numeric(atol))
stop("`atol' must be numeric")
if (!is.null(tcrit) & !is.numeric(tcrit))
stop("`tcrit' must be numeric")
if (!is.null(jacfunc) && !(is.function(jacfunc) ))
stop("`jacfunc' must be a function or NULL")
if (!is.null(jacres) && !(is.function(jacres) || is.character(jacres)))
stop("`jacres' must be a function or character vector or of class 'CFunc'")
if (length(atol) > 1 && length(atol) != n)
stop("`atol' must either be a scalar, or as long as `y'")
if (length(rtol) > 1 && length(rtol) != n)
stop("`rtol' must either be a scalar, or as long as `y'")
if (!is.numeric(hmin))
stop("`hmin' must be numeric")
if (hmin < 0)
stop("`hmin' must be a non-negative value")
if (is.null(hmax))
hmax <- ifelse (is.null(times), 0, max(abs(diff(times))))
if (!is.numeric(hmax))
stop("`hmax' must be numeric")
if (hmax < 0)
stop("`hmax' must be a non-negative value")
if (hini < 0)
stop("`hini' must be a non-negative value")
if (!is.numeric(maxord))
stop("`maxord' must be numeric")
if(maxord < 1 || maxord > 5)
stop("`maxord' must be >1 and <=5")
if (!is.null(func) && !(is.null(res) ))
stop("either `func' OR 'res' must be specified, not both")
if (!is.null(mass) && !(is.null(res) ))
stop("cannot combine `res' with 'mass' - use 'func' instead, or set 'mass' = NULL")
## max number of iterations ~ maxstep; a multiple of 500
maxIt <- max(1,(maxsteps+499)%/%500)
### Jacobian, method flag
if (jactype == "fullint" )
imp <- 22 # full, calculated internally
else if (jactype == "fullusr" )
imp <- 21 # full, specified by user function
else if (jactype == "bandusr" )
imp <- 24 # banded, specified by user function
else if (jactype == "bandint" )
imp <- 25 # banded, calculated internally
else stop("'jactype' must be one of 'fullint', 'fullusr', 'bandusr' or 'bandint'")
if (imp %in% c(24,25) && is.null(bandup))
stop("'bandup' must be specified if banded Jacobian")
if (imp %in% c(24,25) && is.null(banddown))
stop("'banddown' must be specified if banded Jacobian")
# if (miter == 4) Jacobian should have banddown empty rows-vode+daspk only!
if (imp == 24)
else erow<-NULL
if (is.null(banddown))
banddown <-1
if (is.null(bandup ))
bandup <-1
if (is.null(dy))
dy <- rep(0,n)
if (!is.numeric(dy))
stop("`dy' must be numeric")
### model and Jacobian function
Ynames <- attr(y,"names")
dYnames <- attr(dy,"names")
Res <- NULL
JacRes <- NULL
PsolFunc <- NULL
funtype <- 1
ModelInit <- NULL
Eventfunc <- NULL
events <- checkevents(events, times, Ynames, dllname)
if (! is.null(events$newTimes)) times <- events$newTimes
if (!is.null(dllname))
# Karline.... to avoid wrong address to initfunc ... added 24/7/2014
if (sum(duplicated (c(func, initfunc, jacfunc, res, jacres))) > 0)
stop("func, initfunc, jacfunc, res, jacres cannot share the same name")
if (!is.null(dllname) | inherits(func, "CFunc") | inherits(res, "CFunc")) {
if (inherits(initfunc, "CFunc"))
ModelInit <- body(initfunc)[[2]]
else if (is.character(initfunc)) # to allow absence of initfunc
if (is.loaded(initfunc, PACKAGE = dllname, type = "") ||
is.loaded(initfunc, PACKAGE = dllname, type = "Fortran")) {
ModelInit <- getNativeSymbolInfo(initfunc, PACKAGE = dllname)$address
} else if (initfunc != dllname)
stop(paste("cannot integrate: initfunc not loaded ",initfunc))
if (! is.null(forcings))
flist <- checkforcings(forcings,times,dllname,initforc,verbose,fcontrol)
# Easier to deal with NA in C-code
if (is.null(initfunc)) ModelInit <- NA
psolfunc <- NULL # not yet supported
## If res or func is a character vector, make sure it describes
## a function in a loaded dll
if (is.character(res) || is.character(func) || inherits(res, "CFunc") || inherits(func, "CFunc")) {
if (is.character(res)){
resname <- res
if (is.loaded(resname, PACKAGE = dllname)) {
Res <- getNativeSymbolInfo(resname, PACKAGE = dllname)$address
} else stop(paste("cannot integrate: res function not loaded",resname))
} else if (inherits(res, "CFunc")) {
Res <- body(res)[[2]]
} else if (is.character(func)) {
funtype <- 2
resname <- func
if (is.loaded(resname, PACKAGE = dllname)) {
Res <- getNativeSymbolInfo(resname, PACKAGE = dllname)$address
} else stop(paste("cannot integrate: derivs function not loaded",resname))
if (!is.null(mass)) funtype <- 3
} else if (inherits(func, "CFunc")) {
funtype <- 2
Res <- body(func)[[2]]
if (!is.null(mass)) funtype <- 3
# if (is.null(kryltype))
# {
if (!is.null(jacres) ) {
if (!is.character(jacres) & !inherits(jacres, "CFunc" ))
stop("If 'res' is dynloaded, so must 'jacres' be")
jacname <- jacres
if (inherits(jacres, "CFunc"))
JacRes <- body(jacres)[[2]]
else if (is.loaded(jacname, PACKAGE = dllname)) {
JacRes <- getNativeSymbolInfo(jacname, PACKAGE = dllname)$address
} else
stop(paste("cannot integrate: Jacobian function jacres not loaded ",jacres))
if (!is.null(psolfunc)) {
if (!is.character(psolfunc)& !inherits(psolfunc, "CFunc" ))
stop("If 'res' is dynloaded, so must 'psolfunc' be")
if (inherits(psolfunc, "CFunc"))
PsolFunc <- body(psolfunc)[[2]]
if (is.loaded(psolfunc, PACKAGE = dllname)) {
PsolFunc <- getNativeSymbolInfo(psolfunc, PACKAGE = dllname)$address
} else
stop(paste("cannot integrate: psolfunc not loaded ",psolfunc))
# } else if (kryltype =="banded") ### NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
# {
# lenpd <- (2*banddown + bandup +1) * n
# mband <- banddown + bandup +1
# msave <- (n/mband) + 1
# lwp <- lenpd + 2 * msave
# lip <- n
# if(is.loaded("dbanja",PACKAGE="deSolve"))
# JacRes <- getNativeSymbolInfo("dbanja",PACKAGE="deSolve")$address
# if(is.loaded("dbanps",PACKAGE="deSolve"))
# PsolFunc <- getNativeSymbolInfo("dbanps",PACKAGE="deSolve")$address
# ipar <- c(ipar,banddown,bandup)
# } else stop(paste("cannot integrate: kryltype not known ",kryltype))
## If we go this route, the number of "global" results is in nout
## and output variable names are in outnames
Nglobal <- nout
if (is.null(outnames))
{ Nmtot <- NULL} else
if (length(outnames) == nout)
{ Nmtot <- outnames} else
if (length(outnames) > nout)
Nmtot <- outnames[1:nout] else
Nmtot <- c(outnames,(length(outnames)+1):nout)
if (is.null(ipar))
if (is.null(rpar))
Eventfunc <- events$func
if (is.function(Eventfunc))
rho <- environment(Eventfunc)
rho <- NULL
} else {
if (is.null(initfunc))
initpar <- NULL # parameter initialisation not needed if function is not a DLL
## func or res and jac are overruled, either including ynames, or not
## This allows to pass the "..." arguments and the parameters
if (is.null(res) && is.null(mass)) { # res is NOT specified, func is
rho <- environment(func)
Res <- function(time,y,dy) {
if (ynames) attr(y,"names") <- Ynames
FF <-func (time,y,parms,...)
c(dy-unlist(FF[1]), unlist(FF[-1]))
Res2 <- function(time,y,dy) {
if (ynames) attr(y,"names") <- Ynames
func (time,y,parms,...)
} else if (is.null(res)) { # func with mass
rho <- environment(func)
Res <- function(time,y,dy) {
if (ynames) attr(y,"names") <- Ynames
FF <-func (time,y,parms,...)
c(mass %*% dy-unlist(FF[1]), unlist(FF[-1]))
Res2 <- function(time,y,dy) { # just for testing
if (ynames) attr(y,"names") <- Ynames
func (time,y,parms,...)
} else { # res is specified
rho <- environment(res)
Res <- function(time,y,dy){
if (ynames) {
attr(y,"names") <- Ynames
attr(dy,"names") <- dYnames
unlist(res (time,y,dy,parms,...))
Res2 <- function(time,y,dy) {
if(ynames) {
attr(y,"names") <- Ynames
attr(dy,"names") <- dYnames
res (time,y,dy,parms,...)
## the Jacobian
if (! is.null(jacfunc)) { # Jacobian associated with func
tmp <- eval(jacfunc(times[1], y, parms, ...), rho)
if (! is.matrix(tmp))
stop("jacfunc must return a matrix\n")
if (is.null(mass))
JacRes <- function(Rin,y,dy) {
if(ynames) {
attr(y,"names") <- Ynames
attr(dy,"names") <- dYnames
JF <- -1* jacfunc(Rin[1],y,parms,...)
if (imp %in% c(24,25)) {
JF <- rbind(erow,JF )
JF <-JF + diag(ncol=n,nrow=n,x=Rin[2])
if (imp %in% c(24,25))
stop("cannot combine banded jacobian with mass")
JacRes <- function(Rin,y,dy) {
if(ynames) {
attr(y,"names") <- Ynames
attr(dy,"names") <- dYnames
JF <- -1* jacfunc(Rin[1],y,parms,...)
JF <- JF + Rin[2]*mass
} else if (! is.null(jacres)) { # Jacobian given
tmp <- eval(jacres(times[1], y, dy, parms, 1, ...), rho)
if (! is.matrix(tmp))
stop("jacres must return a matrix\n")
dd <- dim(tmp)
if ((imp ==24 && any(dd != c(bandup+banddown+1,n))) ||
(imp ==21 && any(dd != c(n,n)))) # thpe add 'any' (two times)
stop("Jacobian dimension not ok")
JacRes <- function(Rin,y,dy) {
if (ynames) {
attr(y,"names") <- Ynames
attr(dy,"names") <- dYnames
} else JacRes <- NULL
if (! is.null(events$Type)) {
if (events$Type == 2)
Eventfunc <- function(time,state) {
if (ynames) {
attr(state,"names") <- Ynames
attr(dy,"names") <- dYnames
if (events$Type == 2)
## Call res once to figure out whether and how many "global"
## results it wants to return and some other safety checks
tmp <- eval(Res2(times[1], y, dy), rho)
if (!is.list(tmp))
stop("Model function must return a list\n")
if (length(tmp[[1]]) != length(y))
stop(paste("The number of derivatives returned by func() (",
length(tmp[[1]]), ") must equal the length of the initial conditions vector (",
length(y), ")", sep = ""))
Nglobal <- if (length(tmp) > 1)
length(unlist(tmp[-1])) else 0
## check for NULL? stop("Problem interpreting model output - check for NULL values")
Nmtot <- attr(unlist(tmp[-1]),"names")
} # is.character(res)
### work arrays INFO, iwork, rwork
## the INFO vector
info <- vector("integer", 25) # Changed to account for the index of variables
info[] <- 0
info[20] <- funtype # 1 for a res in DLL, 2 for func in DLL
if (length(atol)==n) {
if (length(rtol) != n) rtol <- rep(rtol,len=n)
} else if (length(rtol)==n) atol <- rep(atol,len=n)
info[2] <- length(atol)==n
if (is.null(times)) {
# if (krylov == TRUE) # NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
# {if (is.null(kryltype) && is.null(psolfunc))
# stop ("daspk: cannot perform integration: *psolfunc* NOT specified and krylov method chosen..")
# if (is.null(kryltype) && ! is.character (psolfunc))
# stop ("daspk: krylov method in R-functions not yet implemented")
# if (is.null(kryltype) && is.null(lwp)) stop("daspk: krylov method chosen, but lwp not defined")
# if (is.null(kryltype) && is.null(lip)) stop("daspk: krylov method chosen, but lip not defined")
# info[12] <- 1
# if (is.null(krylpar )) {
# krylpar <- c(min(5,n),min(5,n),5,0.05)
# } else {
# if (!is.numeric(krylpar)) stop("daspk: krylpar is not numeric")
# if (length(krylpar)!=4) stop("daspk: krylpar should contain 4 elements")
# if (krylpar[1] <1 || krylpar[1]>n) stop("daspk: krylpar[1] MAXL not valid")
# if (krylpar[2] <1 || krylpar[2]>krylpar[1]) stop("daspk: krylpar[2] KMP not valid")
# if (krylpar[3] <0 ) stop("daspk: krylpar[3] NRMAX not valid")
# if (krylpar[4] <0 || krylpar[4]>1) stop("daspk: krylpar[4] EPLI not valid")
# info[13] =1
# }
# if (! is.null(JacRes)) info[15] <- 1
# }
# info[14], [16], [17], [18] not implemented
if (imp %in% c(22,25)) info[5] <- 0 # internal generation Jacobian
if (imp %in% c(21,24)) info[5] <- 1 # user-defined generation Jacobian
if (imp %in% c(22,21)) info[6] <- 0 # full Jacobian
if (imp %in% c(25,24)) info[6] <- 1 # sparse Jacobian
info[7] <- hmax != Inf
info[8] <- hini != 0
nrowpd <- ifelse(info[6]==0, n, 2*banddown+bandup+1)
if (info[5]==1 && is.null(jacfunc) && is.null(jacres))
stop ("daspk: cannot perform integration: *jacfunc* or *jacres* NOT specified; either specify *jacfunc* or *jacres* or change *jactype*")
info[9] <- maxord!=5
if (! is.null (estini)) info[11] <- estini # daspk will estimate dy and algebraic equ.
if (info[11] > 2 || info[11]< 0 ) stop("daspk: illegal value for estini")
# length of rwork and iwork
# if (info[12]==0) {
lrw <- 50+max(maxord+4,7)*n
if (info[6]==0) {lrw <- lrw+ n*n} else {
if (info[5]==0) lrw <- lrw+ (2*banddown+bandup+1)*n + 2*(n/(bandup+banddown+1)+1) else
lrw <- lrw+ (2*banddown+bandup+1)*n }
liw <- 40+n
### index
if (length(nind) != 3)
stop("length of `nind' must be = 3")
if (sum(nind) != n)
stop("sum of of `nind' must equal n, the number of equations")
info[21:23] <- nind
# } else {
# maxl <- krylpar[1]
# kmp <- krylpar[2]
# lrw <- 50+(maxord+5)*n+max(maxl+3+min(1,maxl-kmp))*n + (maxl+3)*maxl+1+lwp
# liw <- 40+lip
# }
if (info[10] %in% c(1,3)) liw <- liw+n
if (info[11] ==1) liw <- liw+n
if (info[16] ==1) liw <- liw+n
if (info[16] ==1) lrw <- lrw+n
iwork <- vector("integer",liw)
rwork <- vector("double",lrw)
if(! is.null(tcrit)) {info[4]<-1;rwork[1] <- tcrit}
if(info[6] == 1) {iwork[1]<-banddown; iwork[2]<-bandup}
if(info[7] == 1) rwork[2] <- hmax
if(info[8] == 1) rwork[3] <- hini
if(info[9] == 1) iwork[3] <- maxord
# info[10] not implemented
if (info[11]>0) {
lid <- ifelse(info[10] %in% c(0,2), 40, 40+n)
iwork[lid+(1:n) ]<- - 1
iwork[lid+(1:(n-nalg))]<- 1
# if (info[12]==1)
# {iwork[27]<-lwp
# iwork[28]<-lip}
# if (info[13]==1)
# {iwork[24:26]<- krylov[1:3]
# rwork[10]<-krylov[4]}
# print to screen...
# if (verbose)
# {
# if (info[12] == 0)
# {print("uses standard direct method")
# }else print("uses Krylov iterative method")
# }
lags <- checklags(lags,dllname)
if (lags$islag == 1) {
info[3] = 1 # one step and return
maxIt <- maxsteps # maxsteps per iteration...
### calling solver
storage.mode(y) <- storage.mode(dy) <- storage.mode(times) <- "double"
storage.mode(rtol) <- storage.mode(atol) <- "double"
out <- .Call("call_daspk", y, dy, times, Res, initpar,
rtol, atol,rho, tcrit,
JacRes, ModelInit, PsolFunc, as.integer(verbose),as.integer(info),
as.integer(iwork),as.double(rwork), as.integer(Nglobal),as.integer(maxIt),
as.double (rpar), as.integer(ipar), flist, lags,
Eventfunc, events, as.double(mass), PACKAGE = "deSolve")
### saving results
out [1,1] <- times[1]
istate <- attr(out, "istate")
istate <- setIstate(istate,iin=c(1,8:9,12:20),
rstate <- attr(out, "rstate")
## ordinary output variables already estimated
nm <- c("time", if (!is.null(attr(y, "names"))) names(y) else as.character(1:n))
if (Nglobal > 0) nm <- c(nm, if (!is.null(Nmtot)) Nmtot else as.character((n +
1):(n + Nglobal)))
attr(out, "istate") <- istate
attr(out, "rstate") <- rstate
attr(out, "type") <- "daspk"
class(out) <- c("deSolve","matrix") # a differential equation
dimnames(out) <- list(nm, NULL)
if (verbose) diagnostics(out)
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