### Functions to facilitate fitting the CCl4 inhalation model
initparms <- function(...) {
arglist <- list(...)
Pm <- numeric(36)
## The Changeable parameters are ones that can be modified on input
Changeable <- c("BW", "QP", "QC", "VFC", "VLC", "VMC", "QFC", "QLC", "QMC",
"PLA", "PFA", "PMA", "PTA", "PB", "MW", "VMAX", "KM",
"CONC", "KL", "RATS", "VCHC")
## Computed parameters are strictly functions of the Changeable ones.
Computed <- c("VCH", "AI0", "PL", "PF", "PT", "PM", "VTC", "VT", "VF",
"VL", "VM", "QF", "QL", "QM", "QT")
names(Pm) <- c(Changeable,
### Physiological parameters
Pm["BW"] <- 0.182 # Body weight (kg)
Pm["QP"] <- 4.0 # Alveolar ventilation rate (hr^-1)
Pm["QC"] <- 4.0 # Cardiac output (hr^-1)
Pm["VFC"] <- 0.08 # Fraction fat tissue (kg/(kg/BW))
Pm["VLC"] <- 0.04 # Fraction liver tissue (kg/(kg/BW))
Pm["VMC"] <- 0.74 # Fraction of muscle tissue (kg/(kg/BW))
Pm["QFC"] <- 0.05 # Fractional blood flow to fat ((hr^-1)/QC
Pm["QLC"] <- 0.15 # Fractional blood flow to liver ((hr^-1)/QC)
Pm["QMC"] <- 0.32 # Fractional blood flow to muscle ((hr^-1)/QC)
## Chemical specific parameters for chemical
Pm["PLA"] <- 16.17 # Liver/air partition coefficient
Pm["PFA"] <- 281.48 # Fat/air partition coefficient
Pm["PMA"] <- 13.3 # Muscle/air partition coefficient
Pm["PTA"] <- 16.17 # Viscera/air partition coefficient
Pm["PB"] <- 5.487 # Blood/air partition coefficient
Pm["MW"] <- 153.8 # Molecular weight (g/mol)
Pm["VMAX"] <- 0.11 # Maximum velocity of metabolism (mg/hr)
Pm["KM"] <- 1.3 # Michaelis-Menten constant (mg/l)
## Parameters for simulated experiment
Pm["CONC"] <- 1000 # Inhaled concentration
Pm["KL"] <- 0.02 # Loss rate from empty chamber /hr
Pm["RATS"] <- 1.0 # Number of rats enclosed in chamber
Pm["VCHC"] <- 3.8 # Volume of closed chamber (l)
## Now, change anything from the argument list
## First, delete anything in arglist that is not in Changeable
whichdel <- which(! names(arglist) %in% Changeable)
if (length(whichdel)) {
warning(paste("Parameters", paste(names(arglist)[whichdel], collapse=", "),
"are not in this model\n"))
arglist[whichdel] <- NULL
## Is there anything else
if (length(arglist)) {
Pm[names(arglist)] <- as.vector(unlist(arglist))
## Computed parameter values
Pm["VCH"] <- Pm["VCHC"] - Pm["RATS"]*Pm["BW"] # Net chamber volume
Pm["AI0"] <- Pm["CONC"]*Pm["VCH"]*Pm["MW"]/24450 # Initial amt. in chamber (mg)
Pm[c("PL", "PF", "PT", "PM")] <- Pm[c("PLA", "PFA", "PTA", "PMA")]/Pm["PB"]
## Fraction viscera (kg/(kg BW))
Pm["VTC"] <- 0.91 - sum(Pm[c("VLC", "VFC", "VMC")])
Pm[c("VT", "VF", "VL", "VM")] <- Pm[c("VTC", "VFC", "VLC", "VMC")]*Pm["BW"]
Pm[c("QF", "QL", "QM")] <- Pm[c("QFC", "QLC", "QMC")]*Pm["QC"]
Pm["QT"] <- Pm["QC"] - sum(Pm[c("QF", "QL", "QM")])
### We don't actually use these functions (though they work)
### They exist because cclmodel.orig is easier to read than ccl4modelG
### The model function also computes some values that are of interest in
### checking the model and for calculating a dose metric:
### the amount metabolized (AM)
### the area under the concentration-time curve in the liver (CLT)
### and the mass balance (MASS), which should be constant if everything
### worked right.
## State variable, y, assignments.
## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
initstate.orig <- function(Pm) {
y <- rep(0, 7)
names(y) <- c("AI", "AAM", "AT", "AF", "AL", "CLT", "AM")
y["AI"] <- Pm["AI0"]
parms <- initparms()
ccl4model.orig <- with(as.list(parms), function(t, y, parms) {
conc <- y[c("AI", "AAM", "AT", "AF", "AL")]/c(VCH, VM, VT, VF, VL)
## Vconc[1] is conc in mixed venous blood
Vconc <- c(0, conc[2:5]/parms[c("PM", "PT", "PF", "PL")]) # '0' is a placeholder
Vconc[1] <- sum(Vconc[2:5]*c(QM, QT, QF, QL))/QC
## CA is conc in arterial blood
CA <- (QC * Vconc[1] + QP * conc[1])/
(QC + QP/PB)
## Exhaled chemical
## return the derivatives and other computed items
list(c(RATS*QP*(CX - conc[1]) - KL*y["AI"],
QM*(CA - Vconc[2]),
QT*(CA - Vconc[3]),
QF*(CA - Vconc[4]),
QL*(CA - Vconc[5]) -
(RAM <- VMAX*Vconc[5]/(KM + Vconc[5])),
c(DOSE = as.vector(AI0 - y["AI"]),
MASS = as.vector(sum(y[c("AAM","AT", "AF", "AL", "AM")])*RATS),
### Versions that only calculate what is needed for parameter estimation
initparmmx <- function(parms) {
mx <- matrix(nrow=5, ncol=7)
mx[1, 6] <- parms["VCH"]
mx[1, 7] <- parms["MW"]
mx[4, 6] <- parms["VL"]*parms["PL"]
mx[5, 6] <- parms["VMAX"]
mx[5, 7] <- parms["KM"]
mxx <- matrix(parms[c("QP", "QM", "QT", "QF", "QL")], nrow=5, ncol=5, byrow=TRUE)
mxx <- sweep(mxx, 2, parms[c("VCH", "VM", "VT", "VF", "VL")], "/")
mxx <- sweep(mxx, 2, c(1, parms[c("PM", "PT", "PF", "PL")]), "/")
mxx <- mxx/(parms["QC"] + parms["QP"]/parms["PB"])
mxx <- sweep(mxx, 1, c(parms["RATS"]*parms["QP"]/parms["PB"],
parms[c("QM", "QT", "QF", "QL")]), "*")
dg <- diag(c(parms["RATS"]*parms["QP"]/parms["VCH"] + parms["KL"],
parms[c("QM", "QT", "QF", "QL")]/
(parms[c("PM", "PT", "PF", "PL")]*parms[c("VM", "VT", "VF", "VL")])))
mxx <- mxx - dg
mx[1:5, 1:5] <- mxx
### Now, include the gradients wrt Vmax, Km, and initial chamber concentration
initstateG <- function(Pm) {
y <- rep(0, 20)
names(y) <- c("AI", "AAM", "AT", "AF", "AL",
"dAIdVm", "dAAMdVm", "dATdVm", "dAFdVm", "dALdVm",
"dAIdK", "dAAMdK", "dATdK", "dAFdK", "dALdK",
"dAIdy0", "dAAMdy0", "dATdy0", "dAFdy0", "dALdy0"
y["AI"] <- Pm["AI0"]
y["dAIdy0"] <- Pm["VCH"] * Pm["MW"]/24450.0
ccl4modelG <- function(t, y, parms) {
list(c(parms[,1:5] %*% y[1:5] - c(0, 0, 0, 0, parms[5, 6]*y[5] /
((Kms <- parms[5, 7]*parms[4, 6]) + y[5])),
parms[, 1:5] %*% y[6:10] - c(0, 0, 0, 0,
y[5]/(Kms + y[5]) +
parms[5, 6]*Kms*y[10]/
(Kms + y[5])^2),
parms[, 1:5] %*% y[11:15] - c(0, 0, 0, 0,
parms[5, 6]*(y[15]*Kms -
parms[4, 6]*y[5])/
(Kms + y[5])^2),
parms[,1:5] %*% y[16:20] - c(0, 0, 0, 0,
parms[5, 6]*Kms*y[20]/(Kms + y[5])^2)
c(CP = as.vector(y[1]*(zz <- 24450.0/parms[1, 6]/parms[1, 7])),
dCPdVm = as.vector(y[6]*zz),
dCPdK = as.vector(y[11]*zz),
dCPdy0 = as.vector(y[16]*zz)
### Function to use in gnls. This is more complicated than usual for such
### functions, because each value for each animal depends on the previous
### value for that animal. Normal vectorization doesn't work. Work with
### log(Vmax) and log(Km)
ccl4gnls <- function(time, initconc, lVmax, lKm, lconc) {
Vmax <- if(length(lVmax) == 1) rep(exp(lVmax), length(time)) else exp(lVmax)
Km <- if (length(lKm) == 1) rep(exp(lKm), length(time)) else exp(lKm)
conc <- if (length(lconc) == 1) rep(exp(lconc), length(time)) else exp(lconc)
Concs <- levels(initconc)
CP <- numeric(length(time))
.grad <- matrix(nrow=length(time), ncol=3,
dimnames=list(NULL, c("lVmax", "lKm", "lconc")))
### Run the model once for each unique initial concentration
for (Conc in Concs) {
sel <- initconc == Conc
parms <- initparms(CONC=conc[sel][1], VMAX=Vmax[sel][1], KM=Km[sel][1])
parmmx <- initparmmx(parms)
y <- initstateG(parms)
TTime <- sort(unique(time[sel]))
if (! 0 %in% TTime) TTime <- c(0, TTime)
out <- lsoda(y, TTime, ccl4modelG, parmmx, rtol=1e-12, atol=1e-12)
CP[sel] <- out[match(time[sel], out[,"time"]),"CP"]
.grad[sel, "lVmax"] <- out[match(time[sel], out[, "time"]), "dCPdVm"]
.grad[sel, "lKm"] <- out[match(time[sel], out[, "time"]), "dCPdK"]
.grad[sel, "lconc"] <- out[match(time[sel], out[, "time"]), "dCPdy0"]
.grad <- .grad * cbind(Vmax, Km, conc)
attr(CP, "gradient") <- .grad
if (require(nlme, quietly=TRUE)) {
start <- log(c(lVmax = 0.11, lKm=1.3, 25, 100, 250, 1000))
### Data are from:
### Evans, et al. (1994) Applications of sensitivity analysis to a
### physiologically
### based pharmacokinetic model for carbon tetrachloride in rats.
### Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 128: 36--44.
by=ccl4data[c("time", "initconc")], mean)
### Estimate log(Vmax), log(Km), and the logs of the initial
### concentrations with gnls
cat("\nThis may take a little while ... \n")
ccl4.gnls <- gnls(ChamberConc ~ ccl4gnls(time, factor(initconc),
lVmax, lKm, lconc),
params = list(lVmax + lKm ~ 1, lconc ~ factor(initconc)-1),
data=ccl4data.avg, start=start,
start <- coef(ccl4.gnls)
ccl4.gnls2 <- gnls(ChamberConc ~ ccl4gnls(time, factor(initconc),
lVmax, lKm, lconc),
params = list(lVmax + lKm ~ 1,
lconc ~ factor(initconc)-1),
data=ccl4data, start=start,
### Now fit a separate initial concentration for each animal
start <- c(coef(ccl4.gnls))
cat("\nApprox. 95% Confidence Intervals for Metabolic Parameters:\n")
tmp <- exp(intervals(ccl4.gnls2)[[1]][1:2,])
row.names(tmp) <- c("Vmax", "Km")
cat("\nOf course, the statistical model is inappropriate, since\nthe concentrations within animal are pretty highly autocorrelated:\nsee the graph.\n")
opar <- par(ask=TRUE, no.readonly=TRUE)
plot(ChamberConc ~ time, data=ccl4data, xlab="Time (hours)",
xlim=range(c(0, ccl4data$time)),
ylab="Chamber Concentration (ppm)", log="y")
out <- predict(ccl4.gnls2, newdata=ccl4data.avg)
concentrations <- sort(unique(ccl4data$initconc))
for (conc in concentrations) {
times <- ccl4data.avg$time[sel <- ccl4data.avg$initconc == conc]
CP <- out[sel]
lines(CP ~ times)
} else {
cat("This example requires the package nlme\n")
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