
Defines functions densityClust.knn labels.densityCluster clustered.densityCluster clustered clusters.densityCluster clusters findClusters.densityCluster findClusters print.densityCluster plotTSNE.densityCluster plotTSNE plotMDS.densityCluster plotMDS plot.densityCluster densityClust estimateDc distanceToPeak localDensity

Documented in clustered clustered.densityCluster clusters clusters.densityCluster densityClust estimateDc findClusters findClusters.densityCluster plotMDS plotTSNE

#' Computes the local density of points in a distance matrix
#' This function takes a distance matrix and a distance cutoff and calculate the
#' local density for each point in the matrix. The computation can either be
#' done using a simple summation of the points with the distance cutoff for each
#' observation, or by applying a gaussian kernel scaled by the distance cutoff
#' (more robust for low-density data)
#' @param distance A distance matrix
#' @param dc A numeric value specifying the distance cutoff
#' @param gaussian Logical. Should a gaussian kernel be used to estimate the
#' density (defaults to `FALSE`)
#' @return A vector of local density values, the index matching row and column
#' indexes in the distance matrix
#' @noRd
localDensity <- function(distance, dc, gaussian = FALSE) {
  # These implementations are faster by virtue of being written in C++
  # They also avoid the need to convert `distance` to a matrix. 
  if (gaussian) {
    res <- gaussianLocalDensity(distance, attr(distance, "Size"), dc)
  } else {
    res <- nonGaussianLocalDensity(distance, attr(distance, "Size"), dc)
  if (is.null(attr(distance, 'Labels'))) {
    names(res) <- NULL
  } else {
    names(res) <- attr(distance, 'Labels')
#' Calculate distance to closest observation of higher density
#' This function finds, for each observation, the minimum distance to an
#' observation of higher local density.
#' @param distance A distance matrix
#' @param rho A vector of local density values as outputted by [localDensity()]
#' @return A vector of distances with index matching the index in rho
#' @noRd
distanceToPeak <- function(distance, rho) {
  # This implementation is faster by virtue of being written in C++.
  # It also avoids the need to convert `distance` to a matrix.
  res <- distanceToPeakCpp(as.numeric(distance), as.numeric(rho));
  names(res) <- names(rho)
#' Estimate the distance cutoff for a specified neighbor rate
#' This function calculates a distance cutoff value for a specific distance
#' matrix that makes the average neighbor rate (number of points within the
#' distance cutoff value) fall between the provided range. The authors of the
#' algorithm suggests aiming for a neighbor rate between 1 and 2 percent, but
#' also states that the algorithm is quite robust with regards to more extreme
#' cases.
#' @note If the number of points is larger than 448 (resulting in 100,128
#' pairwise distances), 100,128 distance pairs will be randomly selected to 
#' speed up computation time. Use [set.seed()] prior to calling
#' `estimateDc` in order to ensure reproducable results.
#' @param distance A distance matrix
#' @param neighborRateLow The lower bound of the neighbor rate
#' @param neighborRateHigh The upper bound of the neighbor rate
#' @return A numeric value giving the estimated distance cutoff value
#' @examples
#' irisDist <- dist(iris[,1:4])
#' estimateDc(irisDist)
#' @references Rodriguez, A., & Laio, A. (2014). *Clustering by fast search and find of density peaks.* Science, **344**(6191), 1492-1496. doi:10.1126/science.1242072
#' @export
estimateDc <- function(distance, neighborRateLow = 0.01, neighborRateHigh = 0.02) {
  # This implementation uses binary search instead of linear search.
  size <- attr(distance, 'Size')
  # If size is greater than 448, there will be >100000 elements in the distance
  # object. Subsampling to 100000 elements will speed performance for very
  # large dist objects while retaining good accuracy in estimating the cutoff
  if (size > 448) {
    distance <- distance[sample.int(length(distance), 100128)]
    size <- 448
  low <- min(distance)
  high <- max(distance)
  dc <- 0
  while (TRUE) {
    dc <- (low + high) / 2
    # neighborRate = average of number of elements of comb per row that are
    # less than dc minus 1 divided by size.
    # This implementation avoids converting `distance` to a matrix. The matrix is
    # symmetrical, so doubling the result from `distance` (half of the matrix) is
    # equivalent. The diagonal of the matrix will always be 0, so as long as dc
    # is greater than 0, we add 1 for every element of the diagonal, which is
    # the same as size
    neighborRate <- (((sum(distance < dc) * 2 + (if (0 <= dc) size)) / size - 1)) / size
    if (neighborRate >= neighborRateLow && neighborRate <= neighborRateHigh) break
    if (neighborRate < neighborRateLow) {
      low <- dc
    } else {
      high <- dc
  cat('Distance cutoff calculated to', dc, '\n')

#' Calculate clustering attributes based on the densityClust algorithm
#' This function takes a distance matrix and optionally a distance cutoff and
#' calculates the values necessary for clustering based on the algorithm
#' proposed by Alex Rodrigues and Alessandro Laio (see references). The actual
#' assignment to clusters are done in a later step, based on user defined
#' threshold values. If a distance matrix is passed into `distance` the 
#' original algorithm described in the paper is used. If a matrix or data.frame
#' is passed instead it is interpretted as point coordinates and rho will be 
#' estimated based on k-nearest neighbors of each point (rho is estimated as 
#' `exp(-mean(x))` where `x` is the distance to the nearest 
#' neighbors). This can be useful when data is so large that calculating the 
#' full distance matrix can be prohibitive.
#' @details
#' The function calculates rho and delta for the observations in the provided
#' distance matrix. If a distance cutoff is not provided this is first estimated
#' using [estimateDc()] with default values.
#' The information kept in the densityCluster object is:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{`rho`}{A vector of local density values}
#'   \item{`delta`}{A vector of minimum distances to observations of higher density}
#'   \item{`distance`}{The initial distance matrix}
#'   \item{`dc`}{The distance cutoff used to calculate rho}
#'   \item{`threshold`}{A named vector specifying the threshold values for rho and delta used for cluster detection}
#'   \item{`peaks`}{A vector of indexes specifying the cluster center for each cluster}
#'   \item{`clusters`}{A vector of cluster affiliations for each observation. The clusters are referenced as indexes in the peaks vector}
#'   \item{`halo`}{A logical vector specifying for each observation if it is considered part of the halo}
#'   \item{`knn_graph`}{kNN graph constructed. It is only applicable to the case where coordinates are used as input. Currently it is set as NA.}
#'   \item{`nearest_higher_density_neighbor`}{index for the nearest sample with higher density. It is only applicable to the case where coordinates are used as input.}
#'   \item{`nn.index`}{indices for each cell's k-nearest neighbors. It is only applicable for the case where coordinates are used as input.}
#'   \item{`nn.dist`}{distance to each cell's k-nearest neighbors. It is only applicable for the case where coordinates are used as input.}
#' }
#' Before running findClusters the threshold, peaks, clusters and halo data is
#' `NA`.
#' @param distance A distance matrix or a matrix (or data.frame) for the 
#' coordinates of the data. If a matrix or data.frame is used the distances and
#' local density will be estimated using a fast k-nearest neighbor approach.
#' @param dc A distance cutoff for calculating the local density. If missing it
#' will be estimated with `estimateDc(distance)`
#' @param gaussian Logical. Should a gaussian kernel be used to estimate the
#' density (defaults to FALSE)
#' @param verbose Logical. Should the running details be reported  
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed on to [get.knn][FNN::get.knn]
#' @return A densityCluster object. See details for a description.
#' @examples
#' irisDist <- dist(iris[,1:4])
#' irisClust <- densityClust(irisDist, gaussian=TRUE)
#' plot(irisClust) # Inspect clustering attributes to define thresholds
#' irisClust <- findClusters(irisClust, rho=2, delta=2)
#' plotMDS(irisClust)
#' split(iris[,5], irisClust$clusters)
#' @seealso [estimateDc()], [findClusters()]
#' @references Rodriguez, A., & Laio, A. (2014). *Clustering by fast search and find of density peaks.* Science, **344**(6191), 1492-1496. doi:10.1126/science.1242072
#' @export
densityClust <- function(distance, dc, gaussian=FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  if (is.data.frame(distance) || is.matrix(distance)) {
    dp_knn_args <- list(mat = distance, verbose = verbose, ...)
    res <- do.call(densityClust.knn, dp_knn_args)
  } else {
    if (missing(dc)) {
      if (verbose)  message('Calculating the distance cutoff')
      dc <- estimateDc(distance)
    if (verbose) message('Calculating the local density for each sample based on distance cutoff')
    rho <- localDensity(distance, dc, gaussian = gaussian)
    if (verbose) message('Calculating the minimal distance of a sample to another sample with higher density')
    delta <- distanceToPeak(distance, rho)
    if (verbose) message('Returning result...')
    res <- list(
      rho = rho, 
      delta = delta, 
      distance = distance, 
      dc = dc, 
      threshold = c(rho = NA, delta = NA), 
      peaks = NA, 
      clusters = NA, 
      halo = NA, 
      knn_graph = NA, 
      nearest_higher_density_neighbor = NA, 
      nn.index = NA, 
      nn.dist = NA
    class(res) <- 'densityCluster'

#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics plot points
plot.densityCluster <- function(x, ...) {
  plot(x$rho, x$delta, main = 'Decision graph', xlab = expression(rho), 
       ylab = expression(delta))
  if (!is.na(x$peaks[1])) {
    points(x$rho[x$peaks], x$delta[x$peaks], col = 2:(1 + length(x$peaks)), 
           pch = 19)
#' Plot observations using multidimensional scaling and colour by cluster
#' This function produces an MDS scatterplot based on the distance matrix of the
#' densityCluster object (if there is only the coordinates information, a distance
#' matrix will be calculate first), and, if clusters are defined, colours each 
#' observation according to cluster affiliation. Observations belonging to a cluster
#' core is plotted with filled circles and observations belonging to the halo with
#' hollow circles. This plotting is not suitable for running large datasets (for example
#' datasets with > 1000 samples). Users are suggested to use other methods, for example
#' tSNE, etc. to visualize their clustering results too. 
#' @param x A densityCluster object as produced by [densityClust()]
#' @param ... Additional parameters. Currently ignored
#' @examples
#' irisDist <- dist(iris[,1:4])
#' irisClust <- densityClust(irisDist, gaussian=TRUE)
#' plot(irisClust) # Inspect clustering attributes to define thresholds
#' irisClust <- findClusters(irisClust, rho=2, delta=2)
#' plotMDS(irisClust)
#' split(iris[,5], irisClust$clusters)
#' @seealso [densityClust()] for creating `densityCluster` 
#' objects, and [plotTSNE()] for an alternative plotting approach.
#' @export
plotMDS <- function(x, ...) {
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats cmdscale
#' @importFrom graphics plot points legend
#' @importFrom stats dist
plotMDS.densityCluster <- function(x, ...) {
  if (is.data.frame(x$distance) || is.matrix(x$distance)) {
    mds <- cmdscale(dist(x$distance))
  } else {
    mds <- cmdscale(x$distance)
  plot(mds[,1], mds[,2], xlab = '', ylab = '', main = 'MDS plot of observations')
  if (!is.na(x$peaks[1])) {
    for (i in 1:length(x$peaks)) {
      ind <- which(x$clusters == i)
      points(mds[ind, 1], mds[ind, 2], col = i + 1, pch = ifelse(x$halo[ind], 1, 19))
    legend('topright', legend = c('core', 'halo'), pch = c(19, 1), horiz = TRUE)
#' Plot observations using t-distributed neighbor embedding and colour by cluster
#' This function produces an t-SNE scatterplot based on the distance matrix of the
#' densityCluster object (if there is only the coordinates information, a distance
#' matrix will be calculate first), and, if clusters are defined, colours each 
#' observation according to cluster affiliation. Observations belonging to a cluster
#' core is plotted with filled circles and observations belonging to the halo with
#' hollow circles. 
#' @param x A densityCluster object as produced by [densityClust()]
#' @param ... Additional parameters. Currently ignored
#' @examples
#' irisDist <- dist(iris[,1:4])
#' irisClust <- densityClust(irisDist, gaussian=TRUE)
#' plot(irisClust) # Inspect clustering attributes to define thresholds
#' irisClust <- findClusters(irisClust, rho=2, delta=2)
#' plotTSNE(irisClust)
#' split(iris[,5], irisClust$clusters)
#' @seealso [densityClust()] for creating `densityCluster` 
#' objects, and [plotMDS()] for an alternative plotting approach.
#' @export
plotTSNE <- function(x, ...) {
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics plot points legend
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @importFrom Rtsne Rtsne
plotTSNE.densityCluster <- function(x, max_components = 2, ...) {
  if (is.data.frame(x$distance) || is.matrix(x$distance)) {
    data <- as.matrix(dist(x$distance))
  } else {
    data <- as.matrix(x$distance)
  # avoid issues related to repetitions
  dup_id <- which(duplicated(data))
  if (length(dup_id) > 0) {
    data[dup_id, ] <- data[dup_id, ] + rnorm(length(dup_id) * ncol(data), sd = 1e-10)
  tsne_res <- Rtsne::Rtsne(as.matrix(data), dims = max_components,
                           pca = T)
  tsne_data <- tsne_res$Y[, 1:max_components]
  plot(tsne_data[,1], tsne_data[,2], xlab = '', ylab = '', main = 'tSNE plot of observations')
  if (!is.na(x$peaks[1])) {
    for (i in 1:length(x$peaks)) {
      ind <- which(x$clusters == i)
      points(tsne_data[ind, 1], tsne_data[ind, 2], col = i + 1, pch = ifelse(x$halo[ind], 1, 19))
    legend('topright', legend = c('core', 'halo'), pch = c(19, 1), horiz = TRUE)
#' @export
print.densityCluster <- function(x, ...) {
  if (is.na(x$peaks[1])) {
    cat('A densityCluster object with no clusters defined\n\n')
    cat('Number of observations:', length(x$rho), '\n')
  } else {
    cat('A densityCluster object with', length(x$peaks), 'clusters defined\n\n')
    cat('Number of observations:', length(x$rho), '\n')
    cat('Observations in core:  ', sum(!x$halo), '\n\n')
    cat('dc (distance cutoff)   rho threshold          delta threshold\n')
    cat(formatC(x$dc, width = -22), formatC(x$threshold[1], width = -22), x$threshold[2])
#' Detect clusters in a densityCluster obejct
#' This function uses the supplied rho and delta thresholds to detect cluster
#' peaks and assign the rest of the observations to one of these clusters.
#' Furthermore core/halo status is calculated. If either rho or delta threshold
#' is missing the user is presented with a decision plot where they are able to
#' click on the plot area to set the treshold. If either rho or delta is set,
#' this takes presedence over the value found by clicking.
#' @param x A densityCluster object as produced by [densityClust()]
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed on
#' @return A densityCluster object with clusters assigned to all observations
#' @examples
#' irisDist <- dist(iris[,1:4])
#' irisClust <- densityClust(irisDist, gaussian=TRUE)
#' plot(irisClust) # Inspect clustering attributes to define thresholds
#' irisClust <- findClusters(irisClust, rho=2, delta=2)
#' plotMDS(irisClust)
#' split(iris[,5], irisClust$clusters)
#' @references Rodriguez, A., & Laio, A. (2014). *Clustering by fast search and find of density peaks.* Science, **344**(6191), 1492-1496. doi:10.1126/science.1242072
#' @export
findClusters <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname findClusters
#' @param rho The threshold for local density when detecting cluster peaks
#' @param delta The threshold for minimum distance to higher density when detecting cluster peaks
#' @param plot Logical. Should a decision plot be shown after cluster detection
#' @param peaks A numeric vector indicates the index of density peaks used for clustering. This vector should be retrieved from the decision plot with caution. No checking involved.  
#' @param verbose Logical. Should the running details be reported  
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics plot locator
findClusters.densityCluster <- function(x, rho, delta, plot = FALSE, peaks = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  if (is.data.frame(x$distance) || is.matrix(x$distance)) {
    peak_ind <- which(x$rho > rho & x$delta > delta)
    x$peaks <- peak_ind
    # Assign observations to clusters
    runOrder <- order(x$rho, decreasing = TRUE)
    cluster <- rep(NA, length(x$rho))
    for (i in x$peaks) {
      cluster[i] <- match(i, x$peaks)
    for (ind in setdiff(runOrder, x$peaks)) { 
      target_lower_density_samples <- which(x$nearest_higher_density_neighbor == ind) #all the target cells should have the same cluster id as current higher density cell
      cluster[ind] <- cluster[x$nearest_higher_density_neighbor[ind]]
    potential_duplicates <- which(is.na(cluster))
    for (ind in potential_duplicates) {
      res <- as.integer(names(which.max(table(cluster[x$nn.index[ind, ]]))))
      if (length(res) > 0) {
        cluster[ind] <- res #assign NA samples to the majority of its clusters 
      } else {
        message('try to increase the number of kNN (through argument k) at step of densityClust.')
        cluster[ind] <- NA
    x$clusters <- factor(cluster)
    # Calculate core/halo status of observation
    border <- rep(0, length(x$peaks))
    if (verbose) message('Identifying core and halo for each cluster')
    for (i in 1:length(x$peaks)) {
      if (verbose) message('the current index of the peak is ', i)
      connect_samples_ind <- intersect(unique(x$nn.index[cluster == i, ]), which(cluster != i))
      averageRho <- outer(x$rho[cluster == i], x$rho[connect_samples_ind], '+') / 2 
      if (any(connect_samples_ind)) border[i] <- max(averageRho[connect_samples_ind]) 
    x$halo <- x$rho < border[cluster] 
    x$threshold['rho'] <- rho
    x$threshold['delta'] <- delta
  else {
    # Detect cluster peaks
    if (!is.null(peaks)) {
      if (verbose) message('peaks are provided, clustering will be performed based on them')
      x$peaks <- peaks
    } else {
      if (missing(rho) || missing(delta)) {
        x$peaks <- NA
        cat('Click on plot to select thresholds\n')
        threshold <- locator(1)
        if (missing(rho)) rho <- threshold$x
        if (missing(delta)) delta <- threshold$y
        plot = TRUE
      x$peaks <- which(x$rho > rho & x$delta > delta)
      x$threshold['rho'] <- rho
      x$threshold['delta'] <- delta
    if (plot) {
    # Assign observations to clusters
    runOrder <- order(x$rho, decreasing = TRUE)
    cluster <- rep(NA, length(x$rho))
    if (verbose) message('Assigning each sample to a cluster based on its nearest density peak')
    for (i in runOrder) { 
      if ((i %% round(length(runOrder) / 25)) == 0) {
        if (verbose) message(paste('the runOrder index is', i))
      if (i %in% x$peaks) {
        cluster[i] <- match(i, x$peaks)
      } else {
        higherDensity <- which(x$rho > x$rho[i])
        cluster[i] <- cluster[higherDensity[which.min(findDistValueByRowColInd(as.numeric(x$distance), as.integer(attr(x$distance, 'Size')), i, higherDensity))]] 
    x$clusters <- cluster
    # Calculate core/halo status of observation
    border <- rep(0, length(x$peaks))
    if (verbose) message('Identifying core and halo for each cluster')
    for (i in 1:length(x$peaks)) {
      if (verbose) message('the current index of the peak is ', i)
      averageRho <- outer(x$rho[cluster == i], x$rho[cluster != i], '+')/2 
      index <- findDistValueByRowColInd(as.numeric(x$distance), as.integer(attr(x$distance, 'Size')), which(cluster == i), which(cluster != i)) <= x$dc 
      if (any(index)) border[i] <- max(averageRho[index]) 
    x$halo <- x$rho < border[cluster] 
  x$halo <- x$rho < border[cluster]
  # Sort cluster designations by gamma (= rho * delta)
  gamma <- x$rho * x$delta
  pk.ordr <- order(gamma[x$peaks], decreasing = TRUE)
  x$peaks <- x$peaks[pk.ordr]
  x$clusters <- match(x$clusters, pk.ordr)

#' Extract cluster membership from a densityCluster object
#' This function allows the user to extract the cluster membership of all the
#' observations in the given densityCluster object. The output can be formatted
#' in two ways as described below. Halo observations can be chosen to be removed
#' from the output.
#' @details
#' Two formats for the output are available. Either a vector of integers
#' denoting for each observation, which cluster the observation belongs to. If
#' halo observations are removed, these are set to NA. The second format is a
#' list with a vector for each group containing the index for the member
#' observations in the group. If halo observations are removed their indexes are
#' omitted. The list format correspond to the following transform of the vector
#' format `split(1:length(clusters), clusters)`, where `clusters` are
#' the cluster information in vector format.
#' @param x The densityCluster object. [findClusters()] must have
#' been performed prior to this call to avoid throwing an error.
#' @param ... Currently ignored
#' @return A vector or list with cluster memberships for the observations in the
#' initial distance matrix
#' @export
clusters <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname clusters
#' @param as.list Should the output be in the list format. Defaults to FALSE
#' @param halo.rm Logical. should halo observations be removed. Defaults to TRUE
#' @export
clusters.densityCluster <- function(x, as.list = FALSE, halo.rm = TRUE, ...) {
  if (!clustered(x)) stop('x must be clustered prior to cluster extraction')
  res <- x$clusters
  if (halo.rm) {
    res[x$halo] <- NA
  if (as.list) {
    res <- split(1:length(res), res)

#' Check whether a densityCluster object have been clustered
#' This function checks whether [findClusters()] has been performed on
#' the given object and returns a boolean depending on the outcome
#' @param x A densityCluster object
#' @return `TRUE` if [findClusters()] have been performed, otherwise
#' `FALSE`
#' @export
clustered <- function(x) {
#' @rdname clustered
#' @export
clustered.densityCluster <- function(x) {
  !any(is.na(x$peaks[1]), is.na(x$clusters[1]), is.na(x$halo[1]))

#' Extract labels
#' @noRd
#' @export
labels.densityCluster <- function(object, ...) {

#' Fast knn version of densityClust
#' This function will be called by densityClust if a matrix or data.frame is
#' passed in rather than a distance object
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom FNN get.knn
densityClust.knn <- function(mat, k = NULL, verbose = F, ...) {
  if (is.null(k)) {
    k <- round(sqrt(nrow(mat)) / 2) # empirical way to select the number of neighbor points 
    k <- max(10, k) # ensure k is at least 10 
  if (verbose) message('Finding kNN using FNN with ', k, ' neighbors')
  dx <- get.knn(mat, k = k, ...)
  nn.index <- dx$nn.index
  nn.dist <- dx$nn.dist
  N <- nrow(nn.index)
  knn_graph <- NULL
  if (verbose)  message('Calculating the local density for each sample based on kNNs ...')
  rho <- apply(nn.dist, 1, function(x) {
  if (verbose) message('Calculating the minimal distance of a sample to another sample with higher density ...')
  rho_order <- order(rho)
  delta <- vector(mode = 'integer', length = N)
  nearest_higher_density_neighbor <- vector(mode = 'integer', length = N)
  delta_neighbor_tmp <- smallest_dist_rho_order_coords(rho[rho_order], as.matrix(mat[rho_order, ]))
  delta[rho_order] <- delta_neighbor_tmp$smallest_dist
  nearest_higher_density_neighbor[rho_order] <- rho_order[delta_neighbor_tmp$nearest_higher_density_sample + 1]
  if (verbose) message('Returning result...')
  res <- list(
    rho = rho, 
    delta = delta, 
    distance = mat, 
    dc = NULL, 
    threshold = c(rho = NA, delta = NA), 
    peaks = NA, 
    clusters = NA, 
    halo = NA, 
    knn_graph = knn_graph, 
    nearest_higher_density_neighbor = nearest_higher_density_neighbor, 
    nn.index = nn.index, 
    nn.dist = nn.dist
  class(res) <- 'densityCluster'

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densityClust documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:13 a.m.