
Defines functions profile_tables_ profile_tables

Documented in profile_tables

#' @rdname profiles
profile_tables = function(parms, domains, item_property, design = NULL)
  check_df(domains, c('item_id', item_property))
  if(length(unique(domains$item_id)) < nrow(domains))
    stop('column domains$item_id must be unique')

  parms = simplify_parms(parms,design=design,draw='average')
  domains$item_id = ffactor(as.character(domains$item_id), levels = levels(parms$items$item_id))
    stop("none of the item id's in domains occurs in your parameters")
    stop("some item_id's in domains do not occur in your parameters.
            You can use coef(parms) to see which items are in your parameters")
  if(length(setdiff(design$item_id, domains$item_id))>0)
    message('items without domains:')
    print(as.character(setdiff(design$item_id, domains$item_id)))
    stop('not all items in design are listed in domains')
  profile_tables_(parms$items, parms$a,parms$b, parms$design, domains, item_property) |>
    mutate_if(is.factor, as.character) |>

# item_ids assumed factors (if not, may give warnings, messages)
# items: df item_id, first, last
# design: df booklet_id, item_id, first, last
# domains: df item_id [item_property]
# item_property: string
profile_tables_ = function(items, a, b, design, domains, item_property)
  design = design |> 
    inner_join(domains[,c('item_id',item_property)], by='item_id') |>
    mutate(dcat = dense_rank(.data[[item_property]]))
  dcat = distinct(design, .data[[item_property]], dcat )
  design |>
    group_by(.data$booklet_id) |>
      prof_lmx = E_profile(b,a,.$first,.$last, split(1:nrow(.), .$dcat))
      lapply(prof_lmx, function(mtx)
        tibble(dcat=1:ncol(mtx), expected_domain_score = mtx[1,] )}
      ) |>
        bind_rows(.id='booklet_score') |>
        mutate(booklet_score = as.integer(.data$booklet_score)-1L) |>
        inner_join(dcat, by='dcat')
    }) |>
    ungroup() |>

# to~do: example
#' Profile analysis
#' Expected and observed domain scores, conditional on the test score, per person or test score. 
#' Domains are specified as categories of items using item_properties.
#' @param dataSrc a connection to a dexter database or a data.frame with columns: person_id, item_id, item_score, 
#' an arbitrarily named column containing an item property and optionally booklet_id
#' @param parms An object returned by \code{\link{fit_enorm}} or a data.frame of item parameters
#' @param predicate An optional expression to subset data in dataSrc, if NULL all data is used
#' @param item_property the name of the item property used to define the domains. If \code{dataSrc} is a dexter db then the
#' item_property must match a known item property. If datasrc is a data.frame, item_property must be equal to
#'  one of its column names. For profile_tables item_property must match a column name in \code{domains}.
#' @param design data.frame with columns item_id and optionally booklet_id
#' @param domains data.frame with column item_id and a column with name equal to \code{item_property} 
#' @param merge_within_persons whether to merge different booklets administered to the same person.
#' @return 
#' \describe{
#' \item{profiles}{a data.frame with columns person_id, booklet_id, booklet_score, 
#' <item_property>, domain_score, expected_domain_score}
#' \item{profile_tables}{a data.frame with columns booklet_id, booklet_score, 
#' <item_property>, expected_domain_score }
#' }
#' @details 
#' When using a unidimensional IRT Model like the extended nominal response model in 
#' dexter (see: \code{\link{fit_enorm}}), the model is as a rule to simple to catch all the relevant dimensions in a test.
#' Nevertheless, a simple model is quite useful in practice. Profile analysis can complement the model
#' in this case by indicating how a test-taker, conditional on her/his test score, 
#' performs on a number of pre-specified domains, e.g. in case of a mathematics test 
#' the domains could be numbers, algebra and geometry or in case of a digital test the domains could be animated versus
#'  non-animated items. This can be done by comparing the achieved score on a domain with the expected score, given the test score.
#' @references 
#' Verhelst, N. D. (2012). Profile analysis: a closer look at the PISA 2000 reading data. 
#' Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 56 (3), 315-332.
# to~do: allow rim as parms
profiles = function(dataSrc, parms, item_property, predicate=NULL, merge_within_persons=FALSE)
  qtpredicate = eval(substitute(quote(predicate)))
  env = caller_env()
    parms_check = coef(parms)[,c('item_id','item_score')]
    parms_check = parms[,c('item_id','item_score')]
    item_property = dbValid_colnames(item_property)
  respData = get_resp_data(dataSrc, qtpredicate, summarised=FALSE, env=env, 
                           extra_columns = item_property, 
  parms = simplify_parms(parms,design=respData$design,draw='average')
    respData$x[[item_property]] = ffactor(respData$x[[item_property]])
  if(is_db(dataSrc) && item_property %in% dbListFields(dataSrc,'dxitems'))
    domains = dbGetQuery(dataSrc, paste("SELECT item_id,", item_property, "FROM dxitems;"))
    domains$item_id = ffactor(domains$item_id, levels = levels(respData$x$item_id))
    domains = filter(domains, !is.na(.data$item_id))
      domains[[item_property]] = ffactor(domains[[item_property]])
  } else
    domains = distinct(respData$x, .data$item_id, .data[[item_property]])
    if(nrow(domains) > n_distinct(domains$item_id))
      stop("some items belong to multiple domains, this is not allowed")
  respData = respData |>
    polytomize_rd(item_property, protect_x=!is_db(dataSrc)) 
  out = respData$x |>
      profile_tables_(items = parms$items, a=parms$a,b=parms$b,
                      design = parms$design,
                      domains = domains,
                      item_property = item_property),
      by = c('booklet_id','booklet_score',item_id = item_property)) |>
    mutate_if(is.factor, as.character) |>
  colnames(out)[colnames(out)=='item_id'] = item_property
  colnames(out)[colnames(out)=='item_score'] = 'domain_score'

# A profile is a table with two rows (earned, not earned) and number of columns
# equal to the number of subsets. As in Norman's Cito brochure.

# Expected profile on subsets A given total score on all items in m
# A is a vector of lists containing mutually exclusive subsets
# subsets defined by the indices of items
# prms is produced by fit_inter
# output is list of profiles for each total score. For score s take E_RM[[s+1]]

# first and last are reduced to only the items occurring in A
# NA categories can be applied by removing them from A as well as first and last
E_profile = function(b, a, first, last, A, cIM=NULL)
  nSub = length(A)
  items = unlist(A)
  Msc = sum(a[last[items]])
  Msc_sub = integer(nSub)
  E = matrix(0, nSub, Msc+1)
  for (j in 1:nSub)
    hh = SSTable(b, a, first, last, AB=list(A[[j]], setdiff(items, A[[j]])), cIM=cIM)
    Msc_sub[j] = nrow(hh) - 1L
    for (i in 1:nrow(hh))
      for (h in 1:ncol(hh))
        s = i + h - 1L
        sA = i - 1
        E[j,s] = E[j,s] + sA * hh[i,h]
  Etab = vector("list", Msc+1)
  for (i in 1:length(Etab))
    Etab[[i]] = matrix(0,2,nSub)
    Etab[[i]][1,] = E[,i]
    Etab[[i]][2,] = Msc_sub - E[,i]

# Chi-square disctance between observed and expected
profile_dist = function(obs, expt)

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