
Defines functions print.pmf_func print.sim_func print.exp_func print.inf_func theta_function p_score r_score expected_score information

Documented in expected_score information p_score r_score

#' Functions of theta
#' returns information function, expected score function, score simulation function, or score distribution 
#' for a single item, an arbitrary group of items or all items
#' @param parms object produced by \code{\link{fit_enorm}} or a data.frame with columns item_id, item_score and, 
#' depending on parametrization, a column named either beta/delta, eta or b
#' @param items vector of one or more item_id's. If NULL and booklet_id is also NULL, all items in parms are used
#' @param booklet_id id of a single booklet (e.g. the test information function), if items is not NULL this is ignored
#' @param parms_draw when the item parameters are estimated with method "Bayes" (see: \code{\link{fit_enorm}}), 
#' parms_draw specifies whether to use a sample (a different item parameter draw for each output column) or the posterior mean
#' of the item draws. Alternatively, it can be an integer specifying a specific draw. It is ignored when parms is not estimated Bayesianly.
#' @return Each function returns a new function which accepts a vector of theta's. These return the following values: 
#' \describe{
#' \item{information}{an equal length vector with the information estimate at each value of theta.}
#' \item{expected_score}{an equal length vector with the expected score at each value of theta}
#' \item{r_score}{a matrix with length(theta) rows and one column for each item containing simulated scores based on theta. 
#' To obtain test scores, use rowSums on this matrix}
#' \item{p_score}{a matrix with length(theta) rows and one column for each possible sumscore containing the probability of 
#' the score given theta}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{ RcppArmadillo::armadillo_throttle_cores(1)}
#' db = start_new_project(verbAggrRules,':memory:')
#' add_booklet(db,verbAggrData, "agg")
#' p = fit_enorm(db)
#' # plot information function for single item
#' ifun = information(p, "S1DoScold")
#' plot(ifun,from=-4,to=4)
#' # compare test information function to the population ability distribution
#' ifun = information(p, booklet="agg")
#' pv = plausible_values(db,p)
#' op = par(no.readonly=TRUE)
#' par(mar = c(5,4,2,4))
#' plot(ifun,from=-4,to=4, xlab='theta', ylab='test information')
#' par(new=TRUE)
#' plot(density(pv$PV1), col='green', axes=FALSE, xlab=NA, ylab=NA, main=NA)
#' axis(side=4)
#' mtext(side = 4, line = 2.5, 'population density (green)')
#' par(op)
#' close_project(db)
#' \dontshow{ RcppArmadillo::armadillo_reset_cores()}
information = function(parms, items=NULL, booklet_id=NULL, parms_draw = c('average','sample'))
  theta_function(parms, items=items, booklet=booklet_id, parms_draw=parms_draw, what='information')

#' @rdname information
expected_score = function(parms, items=NULL, booklet_id=NULL, parms_draw = c('average','sample'))
  theta_function(parms, items=items, booklet=booklet_id, parms_draw=parms_draw, what='expected')

#' @rdname information
r_score = function(parms, items=NULL, booklet_id=NULL, parms_draw = c('average','sample'))
  theta_function(parms, items=items, booklet=booklet_id, parms_draw=parms_draw, what='sim')

#' @rdname information
p_score = function(parms, items=NULL, booklet_id=NULL, parms_draw = c('average','sample'))
  theta_function(parms, items=items, booklet=booklet_id, parms_draw=parms_draw, what='pmf')

theta_function = function(parms, items=NULL, booklet=NULL, parms_draw=c('average','sample'), 
  what = match.arg(what)
  if(is.factor(items)) items = as.character(items)

  if(is.numeric(parms_draw)) parms_draw = as.integer(parms_draw)
  else parms_draw = match.arg(parms_draw)
  parms = simplify_parms(parms, draw=parms_draw)
    fl = parms$items |> 
      filter(.data$item_id %in% items)
    if(nrow(fl) != length(items))
      message('unknown items:')
      stop('Some items were not found, see output')
  } else if(!is.null(booklet))
    fl = parms$design |> 
      filter(.data$booklet_id %in% booklet) |>
      distinct(.data$item_id, .keep_all=TRUE) |>
      stop('unknown booklet')
  } else fl = parms$items
  a = parms$a
  b = parms$b
  multiple_b = !is.null(dim(b)) && ncol(b)>1


    out = function(theta)
      if(any(is.na(theta) | is.nan(theta)))
        stop('theta may not contain nan/NA values')  
      w = is.finite(theta)
        res = matrix(0,nrow = length(theta), ncol=nrow(b))
        for(i in 1:nrow(b))
          res[w,i] = IJ_(b[i,],a,fl$first, fl$last, theta[is.finite(theta)])$I
      } else
        res = double(length(theta))
        res[w] = IJ_(b,a,fl$first, fl$last, theta[is.finite(theta)])$I
      # extremely large values overflow to NaN, recover as 0
      res[is.nan(res)] = 0
    class(out) = append('inf_func',class(out))
  } else if(what == 'expected')
    max_score = sum(a[fl$last])
    out = function(theta)
      if(any(is.na(theta) | is.nan(theta))) 
        stop('theta may not contain nan/NA values') 
      w = is.finite(theta)
        res = matrix(0,nrow = length(theta), ncol=nrow(b))
        for(i in 1:nrow(b))
          res[w,i] = E_score(theta[w],  
                           b=b[i,], a=a, 
                           first=fl$first, last=fl$last)
        res[!w & theta > 0,] = max_score
      } else
        res = double(length(theta))
        res[w] = E_score(theta[w],b=b, a=a, first=fl$first, last=fl$last)
        res[!w & theta > 0] = max_score
      # extremely large values of theta overflow to NaN (small values undeflow to zero, which is fine)
      res[is.nan(res)] = max_score
    class(out) = append('exp_func',class(out))
  } else if(what=='sim')
    out = function(theta)
        res = array(0,dim=c(length(theta), nrow(fl), nrow(b)))
        colnames(res) = fl$item_id
        for(i in 1:nrow(b))
          res[,,i] = rscore_item(theta,b=b[i,],a=a,first = fl$first, last = fl$last)
      } else
        res = rscore_item(theta,b=b,a=a,first = fl$first, last = fl$last)
        colnames(res) = fl$item_id
    class(out) = append('sim_func',class(out))
  } else if(what=='pmf')
    out = function(theta)
      if(any(is.na(theta) | is.nan(theta))) 
        stop('theta may not contain nan/NA values') 
        res = array(0,dim=c(length(theta), 1L+sum(a[fl$last]), nrow(b)))
        for(i in 1:nrow(b))
          res[,,i] = t(pscore(theta,b=b[i,],a=a,first = fl$first, last = fl$last))
      } else
        res = t(pscore(theta,b=b,a=a,first = fl$first, last = fl$last))
    class(out) = append('pmf_func',class(out))

print.inf_func = function(x,...) cat('Information function: I(theta)\n')
print.exp_func = function(x,...) cat('Conditional expected score function: E(X_i|theta)\n')
print.sim_func = function(x,...) cat('function to simulate item scores: (x_i1, ..., x_ip) ~ ENORM(theta)\n')
print.pmf_func = function(x,...) cat('Conditional score distribution function: P(x_+|theta)\n')

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dexter documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:42 p.m.