# Copyright (C) 2021 Brodie Gaslam
# This file is part of "diffobj - Diffs for R Objects"
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# Go to <> for a copy of the license.
# Detect and remove atomic headers
.pat.atom <- "^\\s*\\[[1-9][0-9]*\\]\\s"
.pat.mat <- "^\\s*\\[[1-9]+[0-9]*,\\]\\s"
# dfs/tables colon for data.table, SGR for tibble, starting to get
# dangerously broad; we should really split out the tibble business into its own
# method.
.pat.tbl <-
.pat.attr <- "^attr\\(,\"(\\\\\"|[^\"])*\")$"
# Find first attribute and drop everything after it
up_to_attr <- function(x) { <- grep(.pat.attr, x)
if(length( &&[1L] > 1L) {
y <- head(x,[1L] - 1L)
} else {
y <- x
# Get atomic content on a best-efforts basis
# Note that functionality for named vectors is turned off since they become
# fairly pathological when wrap periodicities are not the same (Issue #43);
which_atomic_cont <- function(x.chr, x) {
# Limit to everything before attribute
y <- up_to_attr(x.chr)
res <- if(!is.null(nm <- names(x))) {
# # name mode; find all lines from output that contain only names
# nm.tar <- unlist(strsplit(names(x), "\\s+"))
# y.split <- strsplit(sub("^\\s+", "", y), "\\s+")
# only.nm <- vapply(y.split, function(z) all(z %in% nm.tar), logical(1L))
# # Look for TF pattern starting with first TRUE
# if(any(only.nm)) {
# first.t <- min(which(only.nm))
# only.nm.sub <- if(first.t > 1L) {
# tail(only.nm, -(first.t - 1L))
# } else only.nm
# only.nm.check <-
# only.nm.sub == rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), length.out=length(only.nm.sub))
# last.t <- which(!only.nm.check)
# last.t <- if(!length(last.t)) length(only.nm.check) + 1L else min(last.t)
# # Modulo check makes sure we have full T,F repeats
# if(length(last.t) && last.t %% 2L) {
# # Ensure that all names are present in the order they are supposed to be
# tar.seq <- first.t:(last.t + first.t - 2L)
# if(all(unlist(y.split[tar.seq][c(TRUE, FALSE)]) == nm.tar)) {
# tar.seq
# } else integer(0L)
# } else integer(0L)
# } else integer(0L)
} else which_atomic_rh(x.chr)
# Identify elements that contain row headers, these are guaranteed to be
# sequential incrementing with no gaps, or zero length.
which_atomic_rh <- function(x) {
stopifnot(is.character(x), !anyNA(x))
# Now find the row headers if any prior to the attributes
y <- up_to_attr(x)
w.pat <- grepl(.pat.atom, y)
# Grab first set that matches for checking, there could be more particularly
# if the object in question has attributes, but we explicitly rule out
# attributes
w.pat.rle <- rle(w.pat)
res <- if(any(w.pat.rle$values)) {
# First get the indices of the patterns that match
first.block <- min(which(w.pat.rle$values))
w.pat.start <- sum(head(w.pat.rle$lengths, first.block - 1L), 0L) + 1L
w.pat.ind <-
seq(from=w.pat.start, length.out=w.pat.rle$lengths[first.block], by=1L)
# Re extract those and run checks on them to make sure they truly are
# what we think they are: width of headers is the same, and numbers
# increment in equal increments starting at 1
r.h.rows <- y[w.pat.ind]
r.h.vals <- regmatches(r.h.rows, regexpr(.pat.atom, r.h.rows))
r.h.lens.u <- length(unique(nchar(r.h.vals)))
r.h.nums <- sub(".*?([0-9]+).*", "\\1", r.h.vals, perl=TRUE)
r.h.nums.u <- length(unique(diff(as.numeric(r.h.nums))))
r.h.nums.u <= 1L && r.h.lens.u == 1L && r.h.nums[[1L]] == "1" &&
(length(w.pat.ind) < 2L || all(diff(w.pat.ind)) == 1L)
) {
} else integer(0L)
} else integer(0L)
strip_atomic_rh <- function(x) {
stopifnot(is.character(x), !anyNA(x))
w.r.h <- which_atomic_rh(x)
x[w.r.h] <- sub(.pat.atom, "", x[w.r.h])
# Detect table row headers; a bit lazy, combining all table like into one
# function when in reality more subtlety is warranted; also, we only care about
# numeric row headers.
# Matrices used to be done here as well, but then got split off so the `pat`
# argument is legacy
wtr_help <- function(x, pat) {
# Should expect to find pattern repeated some number of times, and then whole
# pattern possibly repeated the same number of times separated by the same
# gap each time if the table is too wide and wraps.
w.pat <- grepl(pat, x)
w.pat.rle <- rle(w.pat)
# It must be the case that the first block of matches occurs after non-matches
# since the first header should happen first
res <- integer(0L)
any(w.pat.rle$values) && length(w.pat.rle$values) > 1L &&
) {
tar.len <- w.pat.rle$lengths[2L]
match.blocks <- w.pat.rle$values & w.pat.rle$lengths == tar.len
# Only take matches they if alternate T/F
match.break <-
match.blocks != rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), length.out=length(match.blocks))
match.valid <- if(any(match.break)) {
# actually very difficult to test this; need a df like structure that is
# wrapped and has some irregularity that crops up later, and we're not
# actually able to generate these with vanilla structures
head(match.blocks, min(which(match.break)) - 1L)
} else match.blocks
# Make sure that all interstitial blocks are same length and that they all
# start with at least one space
interstitial <- which(
!match.valid & seq_along(match.valid) > 1L &
seq_along(match.valid) != length(match.valid)
!length(interstitial) || (
length(interstitial) &&
length(unique(w.pat.rle$lengths[interstitial])) == 1L &&
all(grepl("^\\s", x[unlist(rle_sub(w.pat.rle, interstitial))]))
) {
# Make sure row headers are the same for each repeating block; start by
# extracting the actual headers; need to get a list of each sequence of
# headers
max.valid <- max(which(match.valid))
ranges <- rle_sub(
w.pat.rle, seq_along(w.pat.rle$lengths) <= max.valid & w.pat.rle$values
heads.l <- regmatches(x, regexec(pat, x))
heads <- character(length(heads.l))
heads[w.pat] <- as.character(heads.l[w.pat])
heads.num <- as.integer(
sub(".*?(?:\033\\[[^m]*m.*?)*([0-9]+).*", "\\1", heads, perl=TRUE)
head.ranges <- lapply(ranges, function(x) heads.num[x])
all.identical <-
all(vapply(head.ranges, identical, logical(1L), head.ranges[[1L]])) <-
all(vapply(head.ranges, function(x) all(diff(x) == 1L), logical(1L)))
if(all.identical && && head.ranges[[1L]][1L] == 1L) {
res <- unlist(ranges)
} } }
which_table_rh <- function(x) {
stopifnot(is.character(x), !anyNA(x))
res <- wtr_help(x, .pat.tbl)
if(length(res)) attr(res, "pat") <- .pat.tbl
strip_table_rh <- function(x) {
w <- which_table_rh(x)
if(!length(w)) {
} else {
pat <- attr(w, "pat")
# nocov start
stop("Logic Error: unexpected row header pattern; contact maintainer.")
# nocov end
x[w] <- sub(pat, "", x[w])
# Matrices; should really try to leverage logic in wtr_help, but not quite the
# same
which_matrix_rh <- function(x, dim.names.x) {
guides <- detect_matrix_guides(x, dim.names.x)
res <- integer(0L)
if(length(guides)) {
pieces <- split_by_guides(x, guides)
if(!length(pieces)) stop("Logic Error: no matrix pieces") # nocov
# Get all rows matching the matrix row header so long as they are adjacent;
# this is only really different if there is an attribute in the last piece
pat.ind <- lapply(
function(y) {
pat.match <- grep(.pat.mat, y)
if(length(pat.match) > 1)
pat.match[c(TRUE, !cumsum(diff(pat.match) != 1L))]
else pat.match
all(vapply(pat.ind, identical, logical(1L), pat.ind[[1L]])) &&
(length(pat.ind[[1L]]) == 1L || all(diff(pat.ind[[1L]]) == 1L))
) {
piece.nums <- as.integer(
sub(".*?([0-9]+).*", "\\1", pieces[[1L]][pat.ind[[1L]]], perl=TRUE)
length(piece.nums) && piece.nums[1L] == 1L &&
(length(piece.nums) == 1L || all(diff(piece.nums) == 1L))
) {
res <- unlist(
lapply(seq_along(pieces), function(i)
attr(pieces[[i]], "idx")[pat.ind[[i]]]
) ) } } }
strip_matrix_rh <- function(x, dim.names.x) {
to.rep <- which_matrix_rh(x, dim.names.x)
res <- x
res[to.rep] <- sub(.pat.mat, "", x[to.rep])
# Handle arrays
which_array_rh <- function(x, dim.names.x) {
arr.h <- detect_array_guides(x, dim.names.x)
dat <- split_by_guides(x, arr.h)
# Look for the stuff between array guides; those should be matrix like
# and have the same rows in each one
m.h <- lapply(dat, which_matrix_rh, head(dim.names.x, 2L))
res <- integer(0L)
if(length(m.h) && all(vapply(m.h, identical, logical(1L), m.h[[1L]]))) {
res <- unlist(Map(function(y, z) attr(y, "idx")[z], dat, m.h))
strip_array_rh <- function(x, dim.names.x) {
inds <- which_array_rh(x, dim.names.x)
res <- x
res[inds] <- sub(.pat.mat, "", x[inds])
# Lists, need to recurse through the various list components
# This is not done super rigorously; the main point of failure is if sub-objects
# produce patterns that match list sub-object headers which may cause confusion
# Super inefficient currently since we keep switching back and forth between
# index and trimmed formats so we can re-use `trimPrint`...
# Also, right now we are passing the list components with all the trailing
# new lines, and it isn't completely clear that is the right thing to do
# Note that we're not actually trimming the list headers themselves since unlike
# in atomics and matrices, etc, the list headers are on their own line and won't
# affect the matching diff of the actual contents of the list
strip_list_rh <- function(x, obj) {
if(!length(obj)) {
# empty list, nothing to do, and also if it is nested causes problems later
} else {
# Split output into each list component
list.h <- detect_list_guides(x)
dat <- split_by_guides(x, list.h, drop.leading=FALSE)
elements <- flatten_list(obj)
# Special case where first element in list is deeper than one value, which
# means there will be leading non-data elements in `dat` that we have to
# reconstruct; note that if no len then rendered as `list()` so it doesn't
# get a guide.
offset <- if(
is.list(obj[[1L]]) && !is.object(obj[[1L]]) && length(obj[[1L]])
) 1L else 0L
if(length(elements) != length(dat) - offset) {
# Something went wrong here, so return as is?
} else {
# Use `trimPrint` to get indices, and trim back to stuff without row
# header
if(offset) {
hd <- dat[[1L]]
tl <- tail(dat, -offset)
} else {
hd <- NULL
tl <- dat
dat.trim <- Map(trimPrint, elements, tl)
dat.w.o.rh <- Map(
function(chr, ind) substr(chr, ind[, 1], ind[, 2]), tl, dat.trim
as.list(x[list.h]), dat.w.o.rh
)[order(rep(seq_along(list.h), 2))]
) )
# Very similar logic to lists
strip_s4_rh <- function(x, obj) {
if(!length(slotNames(obj))) {
# Not possible to have object without slots (would be virtual class)
stop("Internal Error: s4 object w/o slots; contact maintainer") # nocov
} else {
# Split output into each list component
s4.h <- detect_s4_guides(x, obj)
dat <- split_by_guides(x, s4.h, drop.leading=FALSE)
elements <- lapply(slotNames(obj), slot, object=obj)
dat.trim <- Map(trimPrint, elements, dat)
dat.w.o.rh <- unlist(
function(chr, ind) substr(chr, ind[, 1], ind[, 2]), dat, dat.trim
) )
if(length(dat.w.o.rh) + length(s4.h) == length(x)) {
res <- character(length(x))
res[s4.h] <- x[s4.h]
res[!seq_along(res) %in% s4.h] <- dat.w.o.rh
} else {
# This should not happen, only a warning because operating without trimed
# S4 guides is not a huge eissue
# nocov start
warning('Unable to detect S4 object guides.')
# nocov end
} }
#' Methods to Remove Unsemantic Text Prior to Diff
#' \code{\link[=diffPrint]{diff*}} methods, in particular \code{diffPrint},
#' modify the text representation of an object prior to running the diff to
#' reduce the incidence of spurious mismatches caused by unsemantic differences.
#' For example, we look to remove matrix row indices and atomic vector indices
#' (i.e. the \samp{[1,]} or \samp{[1]} strings at the beginning of each display
#' line).
#' Consider: \preformatted{
#' > matrix(10:12)
#' [,1]
#' [1,] 10
#' [2,] 11
#' [3,] 12
#' > matrix(11:12)
#' [,1]
#' [1,] 11
#' [2,] 12
#' }
#' In this case, the line by line diff would find all rows of the matrix to
#' be mismatched because where the data matches (rows containing
#' 11 and 12) the indices do not. By trimming out the row indices before
#' the diff, the diff can recognize that row 2 and 3 from the first matrix
#' should be matched to row 1 and 2 of the second.
#' These methods follow a similar interface as the \code{\link[=guides]{guide*}}
#' methods, with one available for each \code{diff*} method except for
#' \code{diffCsv} since that one uses \code{diffPrint} internally. The
#' unsemantic differences are added back after the diff for display purposes,
#' and are colored in grey to indicate they are ignored in the diff.
#' Currently only \code{trimPrint} and \code{trimStr} do anything meaningful.
#' \code{trimPrint} removes row index headers provided that they are of the
#' default un-named variety. If you add row names, or if numeric row indices
#' are not ascending from 1, they will not be stripped as those have meaning.
#' \code{trimStr} removes the \samp{..$}, \samp{..-}, and \samp{..@} tokens
#' to minimize spurious matches.
#' You can modify how text is trimmed by providing your own functions to the
#' \code{trim} argument of the \code{diff*} methods, or by defining
#' \code{trim*} methods for your objects. Note that the return value for these
#' functions is the start and end columns of the text that should be
#' \emph{kept} and used in the diff.
#' As with guides, trimming is on a best efforts basis and may fail with
#' \dQuote{pathological} display representations. Since the diff still works
#' even with failed trimming this is considered an acceptable compromise.
#' Trimming is more likely to fail with nested recursive structures.
#' @note \code{} will be as processed by
#' \code{\link{strip_hz_control}} and as such will not be identical to the
#' captured output if it contains tabs, newlines, or carriage returns.
#' @rdname trim
#' @name trim
#' @aliases trimPrint, trimStr, trimChr, trimDeparse, trimFile
#' @param obj the object
#' @param character the \code{print}ed representation of the object
#' @return a \code{length(} row and 2 column integer matrix with the
#' start (first column) and end (second column) character positions of the sub
#' string to run diffs on.
#' @export
#' @rdname trim
function(obj, standardGeneric("trimPrint")
#' @rdname trim
"trimPrint", c("ANY", "character"),
function(obj, {
# Remove the stuff we don't want
stripped <- if(is.matrix(obj)) {
strip_matrix_rh(, dimnames(obj))
} else if(
length(dim(obj)) == 2L ||
(is.ts(obj) && frequency(obj) > 1)
) {
} else if (is.array(obj)) {
strip_array_rh(, dimnames(obj))
} else if(is.atomic(obj)) {
} else if(is.list(obj) && !is.object(obj)) {
strip_list_rh(, obj)
} else if(isS4(obj) && is_default_show_obj(obj)) {
strip_s4_rh(, obj)
} else
trim_sub(, stripped)
#' @export
#' @rdname trim
function(obj, standardGeneric("trimStr")
#' @rdname trim
"trimStr", c("ANY", "character"),
function(obj, {
# Remove the stuff we don't want
pat <- "^ (?: \\.\\.)*(?:\\$|-|@) "
stripped <- gsub(pat, "",, perl=TRUE)
# Figure out the indices that correspond to what we want, knowing that all
# removals should have occured at front of string
trim_sub(, stripped)
# Helper function; returns untrimmed objects
trim_identity <- function(obj,
cbind(rep(1L, length(, nchar(
#' @export
#' @rdname trim
"trimChr", function(obj, standardGeneric("trimChr")
#' @rdname trim
setMethod("trimChr", c("ANY", "character"), trim_identity)
#' @export
#' @rdname trim
function(obj, standardGeneric("trimDeparse")
#' @rdname trim
setMethod("trimDeparse", c("ANY", "character"), trim_identity)
#' @export
#' @rdname trim
"trimFile", function(obj, standardGeneric("trimFile")
#' @rdname trim
setMethod("trimFile", c("ANY", "character"), trim_identity)
# Helper fun used by trim functions that remove front of strings and rely on
# string comparison to determine trim indices
trim_sub <- function(, obj.stripped) {
if(length( != length(obj.stripped))
# nocov start
"Logic Error: trimmed string does not have same number of elements as ",
"original; contact maintainer"
# nocov end
stripped.chars <- nchar(obj.stripped)
char.diff <- nchar( - stripped.chars
sub.start <- char.diff + 1L
sub.end <- sub.start - 1L + stripped.chars
if(!all(substr(, sub.start, sub.end) == obj.stripped))
# nocov start
"Logic Error: trimmed string is not a substring of orginal, ",
"contact maintainer"
# nocov end
cbind(sub.start, sub.end)
# Re-insert the trimmed stuff back into the original string, note that we
# use normal string funs, not ANSI aware ones, because the row header stuff is
# done in an ANSI unaware manner.
untrim <- function(dat, word.c, etc) {
fun <- etc@style@funs@trim
res <- with(
fun(substr(raw, 0, trim.ind.start - 1L)), word.c,
fun(substr(raw, trim.ind.end + 1L, nchar(raw) + 1L))
) )
# substitute blanks
res[!nzchar(dat$raw)] <- etc@style@blank.sub
valid_trim_ind <- function(x)
!is.integer(x) || !is.matrix(x) || anyNA(x) || !ncol(x) == 2L
) {
"must be a two column integer matrix with no NAs"
} else TRUE
apply_trim <- function(obj,, trim_fun) {
if(!isTRUE(two.arg <-
"Invalid trim function (", two.arg, "). If you did not customize the ",
"trim function contact maintainer; see `?trim`"
trim <- try(trim_fun(obj,
msg.extra <- paste0(
"If you did not specify a `trim` function or define custom `trim*` ",
"methods contact maintainer (see `?trim`). Proceeding without trimming."
if(inherits(trim, "try-error")) {
"`trim*` method produced an error when attempting to trim ; ", msg.extra
trim <- cbind(rep(1L, length(, nchar(
if(!isTRUE(trim.check <- valid_trim_ind(trim)))
stop("`trim*` method return value ", trim.check, "; ", msg.extra)
if(nrow(trim) != length(
"`trim*` method output matrix must have as many rows as object ",
"character representation has elements; ", msg.extra
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