
Defines functions plot.disbayes_hier array_indvecs gammapars_hier gammasd_hier hier_prior_var hierdata_to_agg disbayes_hier

Documented in disbayes_hier plot.disbayes_hier

##' Bayesian estimation of chronic disease epidemiology from incomplete data -
##' hierarchical model for case fatalities.  
##' A variant of \code{\link{disbayes}} in which data from different areas can be
##' related in a hierarchical model and, optionally, the effect of gender can be
##' treated as additive with the effect of area.  This is much more computationally 
##' intensive than the basic model in \code{\link{disbayes}}.  Time trends are not
##' supported in this function.
##' @param group Variable in the data representing the area (or other grouping
##'   factor).
##' @param gender If \code{NULL} (the default) then the data are one homogenous
##'   gender, and there should be one row per year of age.  Otherwise, set
##'   \code{gender} to a character string naming the variable in the data
##'   representing gender (or other categorical grouping factor).  Gender will then
##'   treated as a fixed additive effect, so the linear effect of gender on log
##'   case fatality is the same in each area.  The data should have one row per
##'   year of age and gender.
##' @param cf_model The following alternative models for case fatality are
##'   supported:
##'   \code{"default"} (the default). Random intercepts and slopes, and no
##'   further restriction.
##'   \code{"interceptonly"}.  Random intercepts, but common slopes.
##'   \code{"increasing"}. Case fatality is assumed to be an increasing function
##'   of age (note it is constant below \code{"eqage"} in all models) with a
##'   common slope for all groups.
##'   \code{"common"} Case fatality is an unconstrained function of age
##'   which is common to all areas, i.e. it has the same parameter values in
##'   every area.  This and \code{"increasing_common"} are used in situations
##'   where you want to compare a model with area-specific rates with a single model for
##'   the data aggregated over areas.  Modelling the area-disaggregated data using
##'   a common function for all areas is equivalent to a model for the aggregated data,
##'   and can be statistically compared (using cross-validation) with a model with
##'   area-specific rates. 
##'   \code{"increasing_common"} Case fatality is an increasing function of age
##'   which is common to all areas. 
##'   \code{"const"} Case fatality is assumed to be constant with age, for all
##'   ages, but different in each area. 
##'   \code{"const_common"} Case fatality is a constant over all ages and areas. 
##' In all models, case fatality is a smooth function of age.
##' @param inc_model Model for how incidence varies with age.
##'   \code{"smooth"} (the default). Incidence is modelled as a smooth spline
##'   function of age, independently for each area (and gender).
##'   \code{"indep"} Incidence rates for each year of age, area (and gender) are
##'   estimated independently.
##' @param rem_model Model for how remission varies with age.  Currently
##'   supported models are \code{"const"} for a constant remission rate over all
##'   ages, \code{"const"} for a smooth spline,  or \code{"indep"} for a different remission rates estimated
##'   independently for each age with no smoothing.
##' @param hp_fixed A list with one named element for each hyperparameter
##' to be fixed.  The value should be either 
##' * a number (to fix the hyperparameter at this number) 
##' * \code{TRUE} (to fix the hyperparameter at the posterior mode from a training run
##' where it is not fixed)
##' If the element is either \code{NULL}, \code{FALSE}, or omitted from the list, 
##' then the hyperparameter is given a prior and estimated as part of the Bayesian model.  
##' The hyperparameters that can be fixed are 
##' * \code{scf} Smoothness parameter for the spline relating case fatality to age.
##' * \code{sinc} Smoothness parameter for the spline relating incidence to age.  
##' * \code{scfmale} Smoothness parameter for the spline defining how the gender 
##' effect relates to age.  Only for models with additive gender and area effects. 
##' * \code{sd_int} Standard deviation of random intercepts for case fatality.
##' * \code{sd_slope} Standard deviation of random slopes for case fatality.
##' For example, to fix the case fatality smoothness to 1.2, fix the incidence
##' smoothness to its posterior mode, and estimate all the other hyperparameters, 
##' specify \code{hp_fixed = list(scf=1.2, sinc=TRUE)}.
##' @param nfold_int_guess  Prior guess at the ratio of case fatality between a
##'   high risk (97.5% quantile) and low risk (2.5% quantile) area.
##' @param nfold_int_upper  Prior upper 95% credible limit for the ratio in
##'   average case fatality between a high risk (97.5% quantile) and low risk
##'   (2.5% quantile) area.
##' @param nfold_slope_guess,nfold_slope_upper This argument and the next
##'   argument define the prior distribution for the variance in the random
##'   linear effects of age on log case fatality.   They define a prior guess
##'   and upper 95% credible limit for the ratio of case fatality slopes
##'   between a high trend (97.5% quantile) and low risk (2.5% quantile) area.
##'   (Note that the model is not exactly linear, since departures from
##'   linearity are defined through a spline model.  See the Jackson et al.
##'   paper for details.).
##' @param mean_int_prior Vector of two elements giving the prior mean and
##'   standard deviation respectively for the mean random intercept for log case
##'   fatality.
##' @param mean_slope_prior Vector of two elements giving the prior mean and
##'   standard deviation respectively for the mean random slope for log case
##'   fatality.
##' @param gender_int_priorsd Prior standard deviation for the additive effect
##'   of gender on log case fatality
##' @param gender_slope_priorsd Prior standard deviation for the additive effect
##'   of gender on the linear age slope of log case fatality
##' @inheritParams disbayes
##' @return  A list including the following components
##'  \code{call}: Function call that was used. 
##'  \code{fit}: An object containing posterior samples from the fitted model,
##'   in the \code{stanfit} format returned by the \code{\link[rstan]{stan}}
##'   function in the \pkg{rstan} package.
##'  \code{method}:  Optimisation method that was chosen.
##'  \code{nage}: Number of years of age in the data
##'  \code{narea}: Number of areas (or other grouping variable that defines the hierarchical model).
##'  \code{ng}: Number of genders (or other categorical variable whose effect is treated as 
##'  additive with the area effect).
##'  \code{groups}: Names of the areas (or other grouping variable), taken from the factor levels in the
##'  original data.
##'  \code{genders}: Names of the genders (or other categorical variable), taken from the factor levels in the
##'  original data. 
##'  \code{dat}: A list containing the input data in the form of numerators
##'   and denominators.
##'  \code{stan_data}: Full list of data supplied to Stan
##'  \code{stan_inits}: Full list of parameter initial values supplied to Stan
##'  \code{trend}: Whether a time trend was modelled
##'  \code{hp_fixed} Values of any hyperparameters that are fixed during the main model fit. 
##' @references Jackson C, Zapata-Diomedi B, Woodcock J. 
##' "Bayesian multistate modelling of incomplete chronic disease burden data" 
##' \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.14100}
##' @md
##' @export
disbayes_hier <- function(data,
                          inc_num=NULL, inc_denom=NULL, inc_prob=NULL, inc_lower=NULL, inc_upper=NULL,
                          prev_num=NULL, prev_denom=NULL, prev_prob=NULL, prev_lower=NULL, prev_upper=NULL,
                          mort_num=NULL, mort_denom=NULL, mort_prob=NULL, mort_lower=NULL, mort_upper=NULL,
                          rem_num=NULL, rem_denom=NULL, rem_prob=NULL, rem_lower=NULL, rem_upper=NULL,
                          cf_init = 0.01,
                          eqage = 30,
                          eqagehi = NULL,
                          cf_model = "default",
                          inc_model = "smooth",
                          rem_model = "const",
                          prev_zero = FALSE, 
                          sprior = c(1, 1, 1),
                          hp_fixed = NULL,
                          nfold_int_guess = 5,  nfold_int_upper = 100,
                          nfold_slope_guess = 5, nfold_slope_upper = 100,
                          mean_int_prior = c(0,10), mean_slope_prior = c(5,5),
                          gender_int_priorsd = 0.82, gender_slope_priorsd = 0.82, 
                          inc_prior = c(1.1, 0.1), 
                          rem_prior = c(1.1, 1), 
                          method = "opt",
                          draws = 1000,
                          iter = 10000,
                          stan_control = NULL, 
    dbcall <- match.call()
    cf_model <- match.arg(cf_model, c("default","interceptonly","increasing",
                                      "common", "increasing_common", "const", "const_common"))
    inc_model <- match.arg(inc_model, c("smooth", "indep"))
    rem_model <- match.arg(rem_model, c("smooth", "const", "indep"))
    const_rem <- (rem_model=="const")
    smooth_inc <- (inc_model=="smooth")
    data <- as.data.frame(data)
    if (missing(group)) stop("`group` variable not supplied")
    glevs <- levels(factor(data[,group]))
    area <- match(data[,group], glevs)
    narea <- length(unique(area))
    data <- data[order(area),]

    if (is.null(gender)) {
        ng <- 1
        check_age(data, age=age, model="hier", area=area)
        nage <- nrow(data[area==1,,drop=FALSE])
        genlevs <- NULL 
    } else { 
        genlevs <- levels(factor(data[,gender]))
        gender <- match(data[,gender], genlevs)
        ng <- length(unique(gender))
        if (ng == 1) stop("Only one gender found in data")
        ## order data so that vector reads to array(nage, narea, ng)
        ## leftmost subscript moves fastest, rightmost moves slowest 
        data <- data[order(gender,area),,drop=FALSE]
        check_age(data, age=age, model="gender", area=area, gender=gender)
        nage <- nrow(data[area==1 & gender==1,,drop=FALSE])

    inc_data <- process_data(data, "inc", inc_num, inc_denom, inc_prob, inc_lower, inc_upper, nage, narea, ng, hier=TRUE)
    prev_data <- process_data(data, "prev", prev_num, prev_denom, prev_prob, prev_lower, prev_upper, nage, narea, ng, hier=TRUE)
    if (!inc_data$inc_supplied && !prev_data$prev_supplied)
        stop("At least one of incidence or prevalence should be supplied")
    mort_data <- process_data(data, "mort", mort_num, mort_denom, mort_prob, mort_lower, mort_upper, nage, narea, ng, hier=TRUE)
    if (!mort_data$mort_supplied)
        stop("Mortality data should be supplied")
    rem_data <- process_data(data, "rem", rem_num, rem_denom, rem_prob, rem_lower, rem_upper, nage, narea, ng, hier=TRUE)
    remission <- rem_data$rem_supplied
    smooth_rem <- (remission && rem_model=="smooth")

    dat <- c(inc_data, prev_data, mort_data, rem_data, nage=nage, remission=as.numeric(remission))
    dat$supplied <- NULL
    datagg <- hierdata_to_agg(dat, area)
    prev_zero <- prev_zero || (!is.null(dat$prev_num) && any(dat$prev_num[1,,] > 0))
    check_rate_prior(inc_prior, missing(inc_prior), inc_model %in% c("indep"), "\"indep\"", "inc")
    check_rate_prior(rem_prior, missing(rem_prior), rem_model %in% c("const","indep"), "\"const\" or \"indep\"", "rem")
    check_eqage(eqage, eqagehi, nage)
    mdata <- list(remission=remission, eqage=eqage, const_rem=const_rem,
                  smooth_rem=smooth_rem, prev_zero=prev_zero,
                  inc_prior=inc_prior, cf_prior=c(2,0.1), rem_prior=rem_prior)
    idata <- list(cf_init=cf_init) 
    sprior <- check_sprior(sprior)
    initrates <- init_rates(datagg, mdata, idata, ...)
    cf_smooth <- init_smooth(log(initrates$cf), eqage, eqagehi, s_opts=NULL)
    inc_smooth <- if (smooth_inc) init_smooth(log(initrates$inc), eqage, eqagehi, s_opts=NULL) else NULL
    rem_smooth <- if (smooth_rem) init_smooth(log(initrates$rem), eqage, eqagehi, s_opts=NULL) else NULL 

    beta_in <- cf_smooth$beta 
    betainc_in <- inc_smooth$beta 
    betarem_in <- rem_smooth$beta 
    lam_in <- laminc_in <- lamrem_in <- 0.5 
    K <- ncol(cf_smooth$X)

    interceptonly <- (cf_model=="interceptonly") 
    increasing <- (cf_model %in% c("increasing","increasing_common"))
    common <- (cf_model %in% c("common", "increasing_common","const_common"))
    const_cf <- (cf_model %in% c("const", "const_common"))

    ## Handle fixed hyperparameters and empirical Bayes estimation
    check_hp_fixed(hp_fixed, .disbayes_hier_hp, inc_model, cf_model, rem_model, ng=ng)
    if (inc_model %in% c("indep") && !is.null(hp_fixed[["sinc"]])) hp_fixed[["sinc"]] <- NULL
    if (cf_model %in% c("const") && !is.null(hp_fixed[["scf"]])) hp_fixed[["scf"]] <- NULL
    if (rem_model %in% c("const") && !is.null(hp_fixed[["srem"]])) hp_fixed[["srem"]] <- NULL
    if (ng==1 && !is.null(hp_fixed[["scfmale"]])) hp_fixed[["scfmale"]] <- NULL 
    if (!(cf_model %in% c("default")) && !is.null(hp_fixed[["sd_slope"]])) hp_fixed[["sd_slope"]] <- NULL
    hp <- eb_disbayes(.disbayes_hier_hp, hp_fixed, dbcall, disbayes_hier, method, list(...))
    if (ng==1) {
      hp$include[hp$pars=="scfmale"] <- FALSE
      hp["scfmale","isfixed"] <- TRUE
    if (inc_model=="indep"){
      hp$include[hp$pars=="sinc"] <- FALSE
      hp["sinc","isfixed"] <- TRUE
    inits_hier_fn <- function() { 
      inc_init  <- rlnorm(nage, meanlog=log(initrates$inc), sdlog=initrates$inc/10)
      rem_init  <- rlnorm(nage, meanlog=log(initrates$rem), sdlog=initrates$rem/10)
      beta_in <- rnorm(length(beta_in), beta_in, abs(beta_in)/10)
      betainc_in <- if (smooth_inc) rnorm(length(betainc_in), betainc_in, abs(betainc_in)/10) else numeric()
      betarem_in <- if (smooth_rem) rnorm(length(betarem_in), betarem_in, abs(betarem_in)/10) else numeric()
      sd_in <- rlnorm(1, meanlog=log(0.1), sdlog=0.01)
      lam_in <- rlnorm(length(lam_in), meanlog=log(lam_in), sdlog=lam_in/10)
      laminc_in <- rlnorm(length(laminc_in), meanlog=log(laminc_in), sdlog=laminc_in/10)
      lamrem_in <- rlnorm(length(lamrem_in), meanlog=log(lamrem_in), sdlog=lamrem_in/10)
      pz_in <- if (prev_zero) as.array(max(dat$prev_num[1],1)/max(dat$prev_denom[1],2)) else numeric()

      inits_hier <- list(prevzero = array(rep(pz_in, narea*prev_zero*ng),
                                          dim = c(narea*prev_zero, ng)),
                         inc_par = array(rep(initrates$inc, narea*ng),
                                         dim=c(nage*(1 - smooth_inc), narea, ng)), # remove if mandating SI
                         rem_par = array(rep(rem_init, ng*remission*(1-smooth_rem)), 
                                         dim=c(remission*(1-smooth_rem)*(nage*(1-const_rem) + 1*const_rem), ng)),
                         barea = matrix(0, nrow=(K-2)*(1-const_cf),
                                        ncol = narea*(1-common) + 1*common),
                         barea_slope = matrix(0, nrow=(1-interceptonly)*(1-const_cf),
                                              ncol=narea*(1-common) + 1*common),
                         barea_inter = matrix(0, nrow=1, ncol=narea*(1-common)),
                         bmale = if (ng==1) numeric() else rep(0, K),
                         beta_inc = array(rep(betainc_in, narea*ng),
                                          dim=c(K*smooth_inc, narea, ng)),
                         beta_rem = array(rep(betarem_in, narea*ng),
                                          dim=c(K*smooth_rem, narea, ng)),
                         lcfbase = if (increasing) as.array(rep(beta_in[K-1],
                                                       narea*(1-common) + 1*common)) else numeric(),
                         mean_inter = if (beta_in[K-1] > 0) beta_in[K] else mean(log(initrates$cf)),
                         mean_slope = if (const_cf) numeric() else as.array(beta_in[K-1]), 
                         sd_inter = if (hp["sd_int","isfixed"]) numeric() else as.array(sd_in),
                         sd_slope = if (interceptonly || increasing || const_cf || 
                                        hp["sd_slope","isfixed"]) numeric() else as.array(sd_in),
                         lambda_cf = if (const_cf || hp["scf","isfixed"]) numeric() else as.array(lam_in),
                         lambda_cf_male = if (ng==1  || hp["scfmale","isfixed"]) numeric() else as.array(lam_in), 
                         lambda_inc = if (!smooth_inc || hp["sinc","isfixed"]) numeric() else as.array(laminc_in),
                         lambda_rem = if (!smooth_rem || hp["srem","isfixed"]) numeric() else as.array(lamrem_in)

    gpint <- gammapars_hier(nfold_int_guess, nfold_int_upper)
    gpslope <- gammapars_hier(nfold_slope_guess, nfold_slope_upper)

    datstans <- c(dat, list(interceptonly=interceptonly, 
                            const_cf = as.numeric(const_cf), 
                            X=cf_smooth$X, K=K, sprior=sprior,
                            mipm = mean_int_prior[1], 
                            mips = mean_int_prior[2], 
                            mism = mean_slope_prior[1], 
                            miss = mean_slope_prior[2], 
                            gpint_a = gpint["a"] + 2, gpint_b =  gpint["b"],
                            gpslope_a = gpslope["a"] + 2, gpslope_b =  gpslope["b"],
                            gender_int_priorsd = gender_int_priorsd,
                            gender_slope_priorsd = gender_slope_priorsd,
                            sd_int_isfixed = hp["sd_int","isfixed"],
                            sd_slope_isfixed = hp["sd_slope","isfixed"], 
                            sd_int_fixed = hp["sd_int","vals"], 
                            sd_slope_fixed = hp["sd_slope","vals"],
                            scf_isfixed = hp["scf","isfixed"],
                            scfmale_isfixed = hp["scfmale","isfixed"],
                            sinc_isfixed = hp["sinc","isfixed"], 
                            srem_isfixed = hp["srem","isfixed"], 
                            lambda_cf_fixed = as.numeric(hp["scf","vals"]), 
                            lambda_cf_male_fixed = as.numeric(hp["scfmale","vals"]), 
                            lambda_inc_fixed = as.numeric(hp["sinc","vals"]),
                            lambda_rem_fixed = as.numeric(hp["srem","vals"])

        if (method=="opt") { 
            opts <- rstan::optimizing(stanmodels$disbayes_hier, data=datstans, init=inits_hier_fn, iter=iter, 
                                      draws=draws, importance_resampling=TRUE, ...)
          res <- list(fit=opts, method="opt")
        } else if (method=="vb"){
            fits <- rstan::vb(stanmodels$disbayes_hier, data=datstans, init=inits_hier_fn, iter=iter, ...)
            res <- list(fit=fits, method="vb")
        } else if (method=="mcmc"){
            fits <- rstan::sampling(stanmodels$disbayes_hier, data=datstans, init=inits_hier_fn, iter=iter, control=stan_control, ...)
            res <- list(fit=fits, method="mcmc")
        } else stop(sprintf("Unknown method: `%s`", method))
    res <- c(list(call=dbcall),
             list(nage=nage, narea=narea, ng=ng, groups=glevs, genders=genlevs, 
                  stan_data=datstans, stan_inits=inits_hier_fn()))
    res$hp_fixed <- setNames(hp$vals, hp$pars)[hp$include & hp$isfixed]
    class(res) <- c("disbayes_hier","disbayes")

hierdata_to_agg <- function(dat, groups){
  for (i in c("inc_num", "inc_denom", "prev_num", "prev_denom", 
              "mort_num", "mort_denom", "rem_num",  "rem_denom"))
    dat[[i]] <- rowSums(dat[[i]][,,1])

# Returns the rate of the exponential distribution 
##  placed on the SDs of random intercepts or slopes in the hierarchical model 
# // (log(10) - log(1)) = 4.6 divided by 4 is SD (on log scale) 
# // representing a 10-fold variation in intercept or slope between 2.5 and 97.5 percentile area
# // Assume 95% chance that SD is less than this
# // satisfied by Exponential(rate 5.1)
# // qexp(p=0.95, (log(10) - log(1)) / (2*qnorm(0.975)))
# // qexp(p=0.99, (log(5) - log(1)) / (2*qnorm(0.975)))

# // Exponential now replaced by gamma 

# // posterior mean is 0.16, representing only 2-fold variation. 

## try putting something really tight on these and see what happens. 
## nfold=5 for intercepts, nfold=2 for slopes

hier_prior_var <- function(nfold=10, range = 0.95, confidence=0.95){
  alpha  <- (1  - range)/2
  qexp(p = confidence, rate = log(nfold) / (qnorm(1-alpha)  - qnorm(alpha))) 

##' @importFrom stats pgamma uniroot
gammasd_hier <- function(nfold_mean=5, nfold_upper=100){
  m <- log(nfold_mean) / 4
  fn <- function(s) { stats::pgamma(log(nfold_upper)/4, m^2/s^2, m/s^2) - 0.975 } 
  uniroot(fn, c(0.001, 3), extendInt="yes")$root

gammapars_hier <- function(nfold_mean=5, nfold_upper=100){
  m <- log(nfold_mean) / 4
  s <- gammasd_hier(nfold_mean, nfold_upper)
  c(a = (m/s)^2, 
    b = m/s^2)

## Gets vectors of indices for each dimension of an unrolled array 
## e.g.  array_indvecs(age = 2, area = 3, gender = 2)
##' @importFrom stats setNames
array_indvecs <- function(...){
    args <- list(...)
    if (is.null(names(args))) names(args) <- paste0("V",seq_along(args))
  dnames <- names(args)
  dims <- unlist(args)
  z <- array(dim=dims)
  res <- vector(length(dims), mode="list")
  res <- stats::setNames(res, dnames)
  for (i in seq_along(res)){
    res[[i]] <- as.vector(slice.index(z, i))

##' Quick plot of estimates from hierarchical disbayes models against age
##' Posterior medians and 95\% credible intervals for a quantity of interest are plotted against year of age.  
##' @param x Object returned by \code{\link{disbayes_hier}}
##' @param variable Name of the variable of interest to plot against age, by default case fatality rates.
##' @param ci Show 95\% credible intervals with ribbons.
##' @param ... Other arguments. Currently unused
##' @return A \code{ggplot2} object that can be printed to show the plot, or
##' customised by adding \code{geom}s.
##' Better plots can be drawn by \code{tidy}ing the object returned by \code{disbayes}, and using \code{ggplot2} directly on the tidy data frame that this produces.  See the vignette for examples. 
##' @export
plot.disbayes_hier <- function(x, variable="cf", ci=FALSE, ...){
    var <- gender <- NULL
    summ <- tidy(x) %>% 
    p <- ggplot2::ggplot(summ, ggplot2::aes_string(x="age", 
    if (!is.null(summ[["50%"]]))
      p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes_string(y=summ$`50%`))
      p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes_string(y=summ$mode))
    if (!is.null(summ[["2.5%"]]) && ci)
      p <- p + ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes_string(
        ymax=summ$`97.5%`, fill="area"))
    if (x$ng > 1) {
      p <- p + ggplot2::facet_grid(rows=vars(gender))

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