
Defines functions one.tree.ace translate.likelihood add.state.names castor.ace tree.data.update make.args convert.char.table check.model.class get.node.labels

## Finding or adding node labels
get.node.labels <- function(tree) {
    if(is.null(tree$node.label)) {
        tree$node.label <- seq((Ntip(tree)+1):(Ntip(tree)+Nnode(tree)))
        return(list(tree, tree$node.label))
    } else {
        return(list(tree, tree$node.label))

## Checking model classes
check.model.class <- function(one_model, available_models) {
    if(class(one_model)[[1]] == "character") {
        check.method(one_model, available_models, msg = "models")
    } else {
        check.class(c(one_model), c("numeric", "integer"), msg = "models must be numerical matrices")

## Convert the characters into probability tables
convert.char.table <- function(character, character_states) {
    convert.one.taxon <- function(taxon, character_states) {
        ## Number of states
        n_states <- length(character_states)
        if(all(is.na(taxon))) {
            ## If all NA, return only NAs
            return(rep(NA, n_states))
        } else {
            ## Make the empty table
            table <- rep(0, n_states)
            ## Fill the table
            if(any(active_states <- character_states %in% taxon)) {
                ## Fill in the character states
                table[active_states] <- 1/length(which(active_states))
                ## Scale to be probabilities
                if((state_sum <- sum(table)) > 1) {
                    table <- table/state_sum
            } else {
                ## Return only NAs (should normally never get ticked)
                return(rep(NA, n_states))
    return(t(sapply(character, convert.one.taxon, character_states)))

## Set up the characters arguments for one tree
make.args <- function(character, character_states, model, castor.options, cores, estimation.details) {
    ## Get the list of arguments
    castor_args <- list(tip_states = NULL,
                        Nstates = length(character_states),
                        rate_model = model,
                        tip_priors = character,
                        check_input = FALSE,
                        Ntrials = 1,
                        Nthreads = cores,
                        details = estimation.details)
    ## Add options
    if(!is.null(castor.options)) {
        castor.options <- c(castor_args, castor.options)

## Update the tree and data
tree.data.update <- function(castor_args) {
    ## Find if any of the tips have NAs
    if(any(dropped <- apply(castor_args$tip_priors, 1, FUN = function(x) any(is.na(x))))) {
        ## Update the tip_priors
        castor_args$tip_priors <- castor_args$tip_priors[!dropped,]
        ## Get the subtree
        subtree <- castor::get_subtree_with_tips(castor_args$tree, omit_tips = names(which(dropped)))
        ## Get the dropped nodes (missing ones are original order)
        dropped <- list("missing" = castor_args$tree$node.label[-subtree$new2old_node], "order" = castor_args$tree$node.label)
        ## Update the tree
        castor_args$tree <- subtree$subtree
    } else {
        dropped <- NULL
    return(list(castor_args, dropped = dropped))

## Estimate the ancestral states
castor.ace <- function(castor_args) {
    verboseplaceholder <- "silent"

    ## Drop the tips with no data if needed
    dropped <- tree.data.update(castor_args)
    castor_args <- dropped[[1]]
    dropped <- dropped[[2]]

    ## Get whether to extract details or not
    extract_details <- castor_args$details
    castor_args$details <- NULL

    ## Run the ace
    estimation <- do.call(castor::asr_mk_model, castor_args)

    ## Return details if needed
    if(!is.null(extract_details)) {
        details <- estimation[extract_details]
    } else {
        details <- NULL

#     stop("DEBUG multi.ace_fun::castor.ace")

# asr_mk_model( tree = castor_args$tree, 
#               tip_states = castor_args$tip_states, 
#               Nstates = castor_args$Nstates, 
#               tip_priors = castor_args$tip_priors, 
#               rate_model = castor_args$rate_model, 
#               Ntrials = castor_args$Ntrials, 
#               check_input =castor_args$check_input, 
#               Nthreads = castor_args$Nthreads)

    ## Increase the number of trials if unsuccessful
    while(!estimation$success && castor_args$Ntrials < 100) {
        castor_args$Ntrials <- castor_args$Ntrials + castor_args$Ntrials * 2
        estimation <- do.call(castor::asr_mk_model, castor_args)

    ## Get the likelihoods
    if(!estimation$success) {
        estimation <- matrix(1/castor_args$Nstates, ncol = castor_args$Nstates, nrow = Nnode(castor_args$tree))
        success <- FALSE
    } else {
        estimation <- estimation$ancestral_likelihoods
        success <- TRUE

    ## Add back the missing nodes
    if(!is.null(dropped)) {
        ## Add the missing nodes
        missing_estimations <- matrix(NA, ncol = castor_args$Nstates, nrow = length(dropped$missing),
                                      dimnames = list(dropped$missing))
        rownames(estimation) <- castor_args$tree$node.label
        ## Order them following the normal tip order
        estimation <- rbind(estimation, missing_estimations)[dropped$order,]
    } else {
        ## Add the node labels
        rownames(estimation) <- castor_args$tree$node.label

    return(list(results = estimation, success = success, dropped = dropped, details = details))

## Update names and trees a posteriori
add.state.names <- function(estimation, character_states, tree) {
    ## Update the estimation names
    colnames(estimation$results) <- character_states

    if(!is.null(estimation$details$transition_matrix)) {
        ## Update the estimations table
        rownames(estimation$details$transition_matrix) <- colnames(estimation$details$transition_matrix) <- character_states
    if(!is.null(estimation$details$ancestral_likelihoods)) {
        ## Update the estimation names
        colnames(estimation$details$ancestral_likelihoods) <- character_states


## Translating the likelihood table into a vector of characters
translate.likelihood <- function(character, threshold, select.states, special.tokens) {
    ## Translate the likelihood table
    threshold.fun <- function(taxon, threshold, select.states, special.tokens) {
        return(paste(select.states(taxon, threshold), collapse = sub("\\\\", "", special.tokens["uncertainty"])))
    translated_states <- apply(character, 1, threshold.fun, threshold, select.states, special.tokens)
    ## Replace empty states by uncertainties
    replace.empty.states <- function(x, character, special.tokens) {
        return(ifelse(x == "", paste(colnames(character), collapse = sub("\\\\", "", special.tokens["uncertainty"])), x))
    translated_states <- replace.empty.states(translated_states, character, special.tokens) 
    ## Return translation

## Function for running ace on a single tree.
one.tree.ace <- function(args_list, special.tokens, invariants, characters_states, threshold.type, threshold, invariant_characters_states, verbose) {

    if(verbose) body(castor.ace)[[2]] <- substitute(cat("."))
    if(verbose) cat("Running ancestral states estimations:\n")
    ancestral_estimations <- lapply(args_list, castor.ace)
    ancestral_estimations <- mapply(add.state.names, ancestral_estimations, characters_states, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

    ## Separating the estimations
    success <- unlist(lapply(ancestral_estimations, function(estimation) return(estimation$success)))
    estimations_details <- lapply(ancestral_estimations, function(estimation) return(estimation$details))
    ancestral_estimations <- lapply(ancestral_estimations, function(estimation) return(estimation$results))
    if(any(!success)) {
        warning(paste0("Impossible to fit the model for the following character(s): ", paste(which(!success), collapse = ", "), ".\nThe ancestral estimated values are set to uncertain (all states equiprobable)."))

    ## Select the threshold type function
        relative = {select.states <- function(taxon, threshold) {
                                              if(all(is.na(taxon))) {
                                              } else {
                                                return(names(taxon[taxon >= (max(taxon) - 1/length(taxon))]))
        max      = {select.states <- function(taxon, threshold) {
                                              if(all(is.na(taxon))) {
                                              } else {
                                                return(names(taxon[taxon >= (max(taxon))]))
        absolute = {select.states <- function(taxon, threshold) {
                                              if(all(is.na(taxon))) {
                                              } else {
                                                return(names(taxon[taxon >= threshold]))
    ## Estimate the ancestral states
    ancestral_states <- lapply(ancestral_estimations, translate.likelihood, threshold, select.states, special.tokens)

    ## Add invariants characters back in place
    if(length(invariants) > 0) {
        ## Replicate the invariant characters
        invariant_ancestral <- lapply(invariant_characters_states, function(x, n) rep(ifelse(length(x == 0), special.tokens["missing"], x), n), args_list[[1]]$tree$Nnode)

        ## Combine the final dataset
        output <- replicate(length(args_list)+length(invariants), list())
        ## Fill the final dataset
        output[invariants] <- invariant_ancestral
        output[-invariants] <- ancestral_states
        ancestral_states <- output

    ## Replace NAs
    replace.NA <- function(character, characters_states, special.tokens) {
        return(unname(sapply(character, function(x) ifelse(x[[1]] == "NA", paste0(characters_states, collapse = sub("\\\\", "", special.tokens["uncertainty"])), x))))
    ancestral_states <- mapply(replace.NA, ancestral_states, characters_states, MoreArgs = list(special.tokens = special.tokens), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

    ## Sort the details list
    if(!is.null(args_list[[1]]$details)) {
        ## Extract the details into multiple lists
        extracted_details <- names(estimations_details[[1]])
        estimations_details_out <- list()
        for(one_detail in 1:length(extracted_details)) {
            estimations_details_out[[one_detail]] <- lapply(estimations_details, `[[`, one_detail)
        names(estimations_details_out) <- extracted_details
    } else {
        estimations_details_out <- NULL

    if(verbose) cat(" Done.\n")
    return(list(results = ancestral_states, details = estimations_details_out))

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