#' Builds local database for BLAST
#' Builds a BLAST database with local sequences using FASTA file.
#'@param makeblastdb.way character; name and path to makeblastdb executable file
#'@param fasta.way character; name and path to FASTA file
#'@param db.way character; name and path to local BLAST database
#'@param db.type character; type of BLAST database
#'@param db.title character; BLAST data base title
#'@param delete.fasta logical; delete FASTA file
#'@param verbose logical; show messages
#'This function is using BLAST applications. BLAST+ (UNIX or Windows) should be installed.
#'The function creates local BLAST data base. No additional data is returned.
#'# This function is using BLAST applications. BLAST+ should be installed.
#'# FASTA file with sequences for local data base should be downloaded first (see get_seq_for_DB ())
#'path <- tempdir()
#'dir.create (path)
#'# load metadata for target sequences of Chlamydia pneumoniae
#'# load sequences, it will take about 3 minutes
#'get_seq_for_DB (ids =$gi, db = "nucleotide", check.result = TRUE,
#' return="fasta", fasta.file = paste0 (path, "/seq.fasta"), verbose = TRUE)
#'# create local data base, it will take 0.235217 seconds
#'make_blast_DB (makeblastdb.way = "D:/Blast/blast-2.11.0+/bin/makeblastdb.exe",
#' fasta.way = paste0 (path, "/seq.fasta"), db.title = "Cl_pneumoniae",
#' db.way = paste0 (path, "/DB"), db.type = "nucl", delete.fasta = FALSE)
#'# delete FASTA file (also can set delete.fasta = TRUE)
#'file.remove (paste0 (path, "/seq.fasta"))
#' Camacho C., Coulouris G., Avagyan V. et al. (2009). BLAST+: architecture and applications. BMC Bioinformatics 10, 421.
#' \url{}.
#'@author Elena N. Filatova
#'@name make_blast_DB
make_blast_DB <- function (makeblastdb.way, fasta.way, db.way, db.type = "nucl", db.title,
delete.fasta = FALSE, verbose = TRUE){
in.par<-paste("-in", fasta.way, sep=" ")
title.par<-paste("-title", db.title, sep=" ")
out.par<-paste("-out", db.way, sep=" ")
dbtype.par<-paste("-dbtype", db.type, sep=" ")
comm<-paste(makeblastdb.way, in.par, dbtype.par, title.par, out.par, sep=" ")
if (delete.fasta==TRUE){file.remove(fasta.way);
if (verbose) message ("FASTA file is removed")}
#' Local BLAST
#'Perform nucleotide BLAST with local database
#'@param probe.var character; query - vector of nucleotide sequences
#'@param vector of identification numbers for query sequences
#'@param fasta.way character; name and path to FASTA file
#'@param blastn.way character; name and path to blastn executable file
#'@param db.way character; name and path to local BLAST database
#'@param out.way character; name and path to blastn output file
#'@param mc.cores integer; number of processors for parallel computation (not supported on Windows)
#'@param logical; add query nucleotide sequence and its length to result
#'@param temp.db character; temporal SQLite database name and path
#'@param delete.files logical; delete created FASTA and output files
#'@param eval integer; expect value for saving hits
#'@param ws integer; length of initial exact match
#'@param reward integer; reward for a nucleotide match
#'@param penalty integer; penalty for a nucleotide mismatch
#'@param gapopen integer; cost to open a gap
#'@param gapextend integer; cost to extend a gap
#'@param maxtargetseqs integer; number of aligned sequences to keep
#'@param verbose logical; show messages
#'For this function BLAST+ executables (blastn) must be installed and local nucleotide database must be created.
#' While working, the function creates blastn input FASTA file and output file. If files exist already, they will be overwritten.
#' Those files could be deleted by \code{delete.files = TRUE} parameter.
#' If no \code{} is provided, query sequences are numbered in order, starting with 1.
#' Query cover is query coverage per HSP (as a percentage)
#' If \code{ = TRUE} function saves data in temporal SQLite database.
#' Function will stop if same database already exists, so deleting temporal database
#' (by setting \code{delete.files = TRUE}) is highly recommended.
#' "no lines available in input" error is returned when there are no BLAST results matching the specified parameters. Adjust BLAST parameters.
#' @return
#' Data frame with BLAST alignments: query sequence id, start and end of alignment in query, subject GI, accession, title and taxon id,
#' start and end of alignment in subject, length of alignment, number of mismatches and gaps, number of identical matches,
#' raw score, bit score, expect value and query cover.
#' If \code{ = TRUE}, query sequence and its length are also added to data frame.
#' @examples
#'# This function is using BLAST applications. BLAST+ should be installed.
#'# Local nucleotide database should be created
#'# Local database of target sequences of Chlamydia pneumoniae was created
#'# in temporal directory previously (see make_blast_DB () function)
#'path <- tempdir()
#'dir.create (path)
#'#set probes for local BLAST
#'probes <- c ("catctctatttcggtagcagctcc", "aaagtcatagaaaagcctgtagtcgc",
#' "ccttcttctcgaactctgaagtacact", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", "acacacacacacaac")
#'blast.raw <- blast_local(probe.var = probes, = NULL,
#' fasta.way = paste0 (path, "/blast.fasta"),
#' blastn.way = "D:/Blast/blast-2.11.0+/bin/blastn.exe",
#' db.way = paste0 (path, "/DB"),
#' out.way = paste0 (path, "/blast.out"),
#' mc.cores=1, = TRUE, temp.db = paste0 (path, "/temp.db"),
#' delete.files = TRUE, eval = 1, maxtargetseqs = 200)
#' @references
#' Camacho C., Coulouris G., Avagyan V. et al. (2009). BLAST+: architecture and applications. BMC Bioinformatics 10, 421.
#' \url{}.
#' @author Elena N. Filatova
#' @name blast_local
#' @export
blast_local <- function (probe.var, = NULL, fasta.way = NULL,
blastn.way = NULL, db.way = NULL, out.way = NULL,
mc.cores=1, = FALSE, temp.db = NULL, delete.files = FALSE,
eval = 1000, ws = 7, reward = 1, penalty = -3, gapopen = 5, gapextend = 2, maxtargetseqs = 500,
verbose = TRUE){
# test package dependencies
if (!requireNamespace("seqinr", quietly = TRUE)) { stop("Package \"seqinr\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)}
if (!requireNamespace("utils", quietly = TRUE)) { stop("Package \"utils\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)}
if (!requireNamespace("DBI", quietly = TRUE)) { stop("Package \"DBI\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)}
if (!requireNamespace("RSQLite", quietly = TRUE)) { stop("Package \"RSQLite\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)}
if (!requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)) { stop("Package \"parallel\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)}
#check temporal database
if ( == TRUE){
if (is.null(temp.db)==TRUE){stop ("Set temp.db name and path")}
if (file.exists(temp.db)){stop(temp.db, " database already exists. Delete it or change database name.")}}
#check blast ways and make probe fasta
if (is.null(blastn.way)==TRUE){stop("Set blastn.way name and path")}
if (is.null(db.way)==TRUE){stop("Set db.way name and path")}
if (is.null(out.way)==TRUE){stop("Set out.way name and path")}
if (is.null({} # probe id
if (is.null(fasta.way)==TRUE){stop ("Set fasta.way name and path")} # fasta way
if (file.exists(fasta.way)){warning ("Note that ", fasta.way, " file already exists. It will be overwritten.")}
seq_fasta.list<-list(); for (i in 1:length(probe.var)){seq_fasta.list[[i]]<-probe.var[i]}
seqinr::write.fasta(seq_fasta.list,, file.out=fasta.way, open="w", as.string = FALSE) # write fasta file
#blast comand
db<-paste("-db", db.way, sep=" ") # database place
query<-paste("-query", fasta.way, sep=" ") # query fasta file
threads<-paste("-num_threads", mc.cores, sep=" ") # parallel
params<-paste("-word_size", ws, "-dust no -evalue", eval, "-reward", reward, "-penalty", penalty,
"-gapopen", gapopen, "-gapextend", gapextend, "-max_target_seqs", maxtargetseqs, sep=" ") # blastn params
tabs<-"-outfmt \"6 qseqid qstart qend sgi sacc stitle staxid sstart send length mismatch gaps nident score bitscore evalue qcovhsp\"" # output format
out<-paste("-out", out.way, sep=" ") # result file
if (file.exists(out.way)){warning ("Note that ", out.way, " file already exists. It will be overwritten.")}
comm<-paste(blastn.way, db, query, threads, params, tabs, out, sep=" ") # comand
# blast
if (verbose) message ("BLAST in progress")
system(comm); result<-utils::read.csv(out.way, sep="\t", quote = "", header = FALSE)
colnames(result)<-c("Qid", "Qstart", "Qend", "Rgi", "Racc", "Rtitle", "Rtaxid", "Rstart", "Rend", "alig.length", "mismatch", "gaps",
"ident.number", "score", "bitscore", "Evalue", "Qcover")
#adding probe, probe.length, Qcover
if ({
if (verbose) message ("Adding query information. Writing temporal database")
#write temp db<-data.frame("id", "probe"=probe.var)
num.del<-duplicated( # check unique
if (sum(num.del)>0){<[!num.del,]}
write_to_DB(database=temp.db,, table="probe")
index_DB(database = temp.db, table = "probe", index.unique = TRUE, = "id")
#get probes sequence<-function({
if (inherits(, "character")){<-paste("\"",, "\"", sep="")} # add quotes for characters
conn <- DBI::dbConnect (RSQLite::SQLite (), temp.db)
on.exit(DBI::dbDisconnect (conn), add=T)
query=paste("SELECT probe FROM probe WHERE id =",, sep=" ")
probe<-as.character(DBI::dbGetQuery(conn, query))
probe<-parallel::mclapply(X=result$Qid, FUN=function(x), mc.cores=mc.cores)
# count probe length and qcover
probe.length<-c(); for (i in 1:length(probe)){probe.length[i]<-nchar(probe[i])}
result<, probe.length, result) }
# delete work files
if (delete.files==TRUE){file.remove(file=fasta.way); file.remove(file=out.way);
if (verbose) message ("FASTA, output files and temporal database are deleted")} # delete files
#' Complement BLAST result
#' Provides subjects' GenInfo Identifiers if BLAST alignment result does not contain one.
#'@param blast.result data frame; BLAST alignment result
#'@param, character; name of column with subject
#'accession numbers and GenInfo Identifier numbers from BLAST result data frame
#'@param delete.version logical; remove version suffix from subject accession number
#'@param version.sep character; accession number and version suffix separator (a dot for NCBI accession numbers)
#'@param character; table with linked accession and GI numbers is taken from
#'SQLite database (\code{"DB"}) or data frame (\code{"DF"})
#'@param data frame with table (used if \code{ = "DF"})
#'@param temp.db character; temporal SQLite database name and path
#'@param delete.temp logical; delete created temporal SQLite database
#'@param,,, SQLite database name and path,
#'table name and name of columns with accession and GI numbers (used if \code{ = "DB"})
#'@param mc.cores integer; number of processors for parallel computation (not supported on Windows)
#'@param ac.num.var vector of accession numbers
#'@param verbose logical; show messages
#' @details
#'BLAST alignment, performed with local database, may not contain subject GI information. Also subject accession may contain version suffix.
#'This can make it difficult to analyze the results further. This function adds subject GI and removes subject accession version suffix.
#' To add GI GenInfo Identifiers table with them linked to accession numbers must be provided as data frame or SQLite database table.
#' \code{} must be a data frame with column one - accession numbers, column two - GenInfo Identifier numbers.
#' If \code{ = "DF"} temporal SQLite database is created.
#' SQLite database table with accession and GI numbers should not contain duplicated rows.
#' It is also highly recommended to index accession numbers' variable in database.
#' \code{delete.version} executes in the first step, so if you use this option accession numbers
#' in \code{} table must not contain version suffix.
#'\code{}, \code{}, \code{} and \code{}
#'must be column names exactly as in data frame.
#' \code{blast.result} data frame with added GI and deleted accession version suffix.
#' @examples
#' path <- tempdir()
#' dir.create (path)
#' # load raw blast results
#' data (blast.raw)
#' #load with result (targets' sequences) GI and Acc.nums
#' data (
#' blast.fill <- fill_blast_results(blast.result = blast.raw, delete.version = TRUE,
#' = "DF", =[, c("GB_AcNum", "gi")],
#' temp.db = paste0 (path, "/temp.db"), delete.temp = TRUE)
#' @author Elena N. Filatova
#' @name fill_blast_result
#'@describeIn fill_blast_result Provides subjects' Genbank Identifiers if BALST alignment result does not contain one
#' @export
delete.version = FALSE, version.sep = ".","DB",, temp.db = NULL, delete.temp = FALSE, = NULL, = NULL,"AC","GI",
mc.cores=1, verbose = TRUE){
# test package dependencies
if (!requireNamespace("DBI", quietly = TRUE)) { stop("Package \"DBI\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)}
if (!requireNamespace("RSQLite", quietly = TRUE)) { stop("Package \"RSQLite\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)}
if (!requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)) { stop("Package \"parallel\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)}
# check parameters
if (!="DB" &!="DF"){stop("Choose parameter")}
if ( == "DF"){
if (is.null(temp.db)==TRUE){stop ("Set temp.db name and path")}
if (file.exists(temp.db)){stop(paste(temp.db, " database already exists. Delete it or change database name.", sep=" "))}}
# Racc and Rgi column nums
#delete AcNum version
if (delete.version == TRUE){
if (verbose) message ("Deleting AcNum version")
Racc<-delete_AcNum_version(ac.num.var = blast.result[, acc.num], version.sep=version.sep, mc.cores = mc.cores)
blast.result[, acc.num]<-Racc }
#add GIs from dataframe
if (verbose) message ("Adding gi")
if ("DF"){
if (verbose) message ("Writing temporal database")
if (sum(num.dup)>0){<[!num.dup,]} # check unique
colnames(<-c("AC", "GI")
#write temp.db
write_to_DB(database=temp.db,, table="ac_gi")
index_DB(database = temp.db, table = "ac_gi", index.unique = TRUE, = "AC")"GI";"AC"}
#one result func<-function(ac, database, table){
if (inherits(ac, "character")){ac<-paste("\"", ac, "\"", sep="")} # add quotes for characters
conn <- DBI::dbConnect (RSQLite::SQLite (), database)
on.exit(DBI::dbDisconnect (conn), add=T)
query=paste("SELECT",, "FROM", table, "WHERE",, "=", ac, sep=" ")
gi<-DBI::dbGetQuery(conn, query)[1,1]
if ("DB"){
gi.list<-parallel::mclapply(X=blast.result[, acc.num],
FUN=function(x),,, mc.cores=mc.cores)}
if ("DF"){
gi.list<-parallel::mclapply(X=blast.result[, acc.num],
FUN=function(x), database=temp.db, table="ac_gi"), mc.cores=mc.cores)
if (delete.temp==TRUE){if (verbose) message ("Temporal database is deleted")
blast.result[, gi.num]<-unlist(gi.list)
#'@describeIn fill_blast_result Remove accession version suffix
delete_AcNum_version <- function (ac.num.var, version.sep=".", mc.cores = 1){
# test package dependencies
if (!requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)) { stop("Package \"parallel\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)}
# run
racc.list<-parallel::mclapply(X=ac.num.var, FUN=function(x) strsplit(x=x, split=version.sep, fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1], mc.cores = mc.cores)
#' Summarize BLAST result
#' Summarize aligned, not aligned and undesirably aligned sequences
#' @param sum.aligned character; summarize specific or not specific alignments; possible values are
#' \code{"sp"} (aligned and not aligned specific subjects) and \code{"nonsp"} (aligned non specific subjects)
#' @param vector of query identification numbers from BLAST result data
#' @param,blast.res.title.var vector of subject identification numbers and titles from BLAST result data
#' @param,reference.title.var vector of identification numbers and titles of
#' specific sequences that should be or might be aligned
#' @param titles logical; include titles in alignment reports
#' @param logical; add other BLAST results
#' @param data frame; additional BLAST result from BLAST result data
#' @param check.blast.for.source logical; delete queries that are not aligned with one obligatory sequence
#' @param source identification number of obligatory sequence for alignment
#' @param switch.ids logical; use different identification numbers for BLAST result's subjects
#' @param switch.table data frame; table of old and new identification numbers (and new titles) linked by row
#' @param mc.cores integer; number of processors for parallel computation (not supported on Windows)
#' @param digits integer; number of decimal places to round the result
#' @param sep character; the field separator character
#' @param temp.db character; temporal SQLite database name and path
#' @param delete.temp.db logical; delete temporal SQLite database afterwards
#' @param return character; returned object; possible values are \code{"list"} (list of data frames with alignment
#' summary and report for each probe) and \code{"summary"} (data frame with summary for all probes is returned
#' and alignment reports are written into files or SQLite database tables)
#' @param write.alignment character; write alignment reports into files (\code{"file"}) or SQLite database tables (\code{"DB"};
#' used if (\code{return = "summary"}))
#' @param alignment.db,alignment.table.sp.aligned,alignment.table.sp.not.aligned,alignment.table.nonsp character;
#' SQLite database name and path, tables names (used if \code{write.alignment = "DB"})
#' @param change.colnames.dots logical; change dots to underscore in data frame column names
#' (used if \code{write.alignment = "DB"})
#' @param file.sp.aligned,file.sp.not.aligned,file.nonsp character; file names and path (used if \code{write.alignment = "file"})
#' @param verbose logical; show messages
#'This function works with data frame created by \link[disprose]{blast_local} function.
#'It takes BLAST results, divides aligned subjects on specific (that should be aligned)
#' and non specific (that should not be aligned) according to \code{reference}) values.
#'Function summarizes amount of aligned and not aligned specific subjects and amount of aligned non specific subjects.
#'When \code{sum.aligned = "sp"} aligned and not aligned specific subjects are summarized and
#'\code{} and \code{reference.title.var} should contain sequences that it is necessary to align with.
#'When \code{sum.aligned = "nonsp"} aligned non specific subjects are summarized and
#' \code{} should contain sequences that may be aligned (that are not considered as non specific),
#' no titles needed.
#' When \code{return = "summary"}, function returns summary (amount of aligned and not aligned subjects) and writes
#' sorted alignments (alignment report) in file (\code{write.alignment = "file"}) or SQLite database (\code{write.alignment = "DB"}).
#' Usually only subjects' ids and (optionally) titles are returned, but you may add as many BLAST results as you like
#' with \code{} and \code{} parameters.
#' If you add some BLAST results, all alignments will present in alignment report,
#' if not - duplicated subjects will be deleted.
#' By default result tables in database (if \code{write.alignment = "DB"}) are
#' "sp_aligned", "sp_not_aligned" and "nonsp",
#' Results are written by appending, so if files or tables already exist, data will be added into them.
#' If subjects identification numbers in BLAST result data differ from those in \code{}
#' you may use \code{switch.ids = TRUE} to change BLAST ids into new according to \code{switch.table}.
#' \code{switch.table} must be a data frame with column one - old ids, column two - new ids and (optionally)
#' column three - new titles. Do not use dots in column names.
#' When \code{check.blast.for.source = TRUE} probes that are non blasted for one special subject
#' (usually the sequence that was cut for probes) are deleted.
#' No \code{check.blast.for.source} is performed if \code{sum.aligned = "nonsp"}.
#' Check for source is performed after the possible \code{id.switch}, so \code{source} should be identification number of
#' same type as \code{reference}.
#' Probe identification number must be character variable.
#' If alignment report is written into database, probe identification variable is indexed in all tables.
#' Also it is highly recommended to set \code{change.colnames.dots = TRUE} to change possible dots to underscore
#' within result data frame's column names and avoid further mistakes.
#'While working function saves data in temporal SQLite database.
#'Function will stop if same database already exists, so deleting temporal database is highly recommended.
#'@return List of data frames with alignment summary and report for each probe or
#' data frame with summary for all probes (alignment reports are written into files or SQLite database tables).
#'path <- tempdir()
#'dir.create (path)
#'# load blast results with subject accession numbers
#'#load metadata of all Chlamydia pneumoniae sequences - they are subjects that
#'# do not count as nonspecific and may be aligned
#'# load metadata with target Chlamydia pneumoniae sequences - they are specific subjects
#'# that must be aligned
#'# make new accession numbers to count all WGS sequences as one (see unite_NCBI_ac.nums ())
#' <- unite_NCBI_ac.nums (data =,
#' ac.num.var =$GB_AcNum,
#' title.var =$title,
#' db.var =$source_db,
#' type = "shotgun", order = TRUE,
#' new.titles = TRUE)
#'# summarize blast results, count aligned specific subjects with "switch ids" option
#'# (WGS sequences are counted as one). Add query cover information.
#'blast.sum.sp <- summarize_blast_result (sum.aligned = "sp",
#' = blast.fill$Qid,
#' = blast.fill$Racc,
#' blast.res.title.var = blast.fill$Rtitle,
#' =$,
#' reference.title.var =$new.title,
#' titles = TRUE,
#' = TRUE,
#' = data.frame(Qcover = blast.fill$Qcover),
#' switch.ids = TRUE, switch.table =,
#' temp.db = paste0 (path, "/temp.db"), delete.temp.db = TRUE,
#' return = "summary", write.alignment = "DB",
#' alignment.db = paste0 (path, "/alig.db"))
#'# summarize nonspecific alignments (that are not in meta.all dataframe)
#'blast.sum.nonsp <- summarize_blast_result (sum.aligned = "nonsp",
#' = blast.fill$Qid,
#' = blast.fill$Racc,
#' blast.res.title.var = blast.fill$Rtitle,
#' = meta.all$GB_AcNum,
#' reference.title.var = meta.all$title,
#' titles = TRUE, switch.ids = FALSE,
#' = TRUE,
#' = data.frame(Qcover = blast.fill$Qcover),
#' temp.db = paste0 (path, "/temp.db"),
#' delete.temp.db = TRUE,
#' return = "summary", write.alignment = "DB",
#' alignment.db = paste0 (path, "/alig.db"))
#'# all specific targets are aligned
#'sp.aligned <- read_from_DB(database = paste0 (path, "/alig.db"), table = "sp_aligned")
#'# no targets that are not aligned
#'sp.not.aligned <- read_from_DB(database = paste0 (path, "/alig.db"), table = "sp_not_aligned")
#'# No nonspecific alignments
#'nonsp <- read_from_DB(database = paste0 (path, "/alig.db"), table = "nonsp")
#'file.remove (paste0 (path, "/alig.db"))
#' @author Elena N. Filatova
#' @name summarize_blast_result
#' @export
summarize_blast_result <- function(sum.aligned ="sp",,, blast.res.title.var,, reference.title.var, titles = FALSE, = FALSE,, check.blast.for.source = FALSE, source = NULL,
switch.ids = FALSE, switch.table, mc.cores = 1, digits = 2, sep = ";",
temp.db = NULL, delete.temp.db = TRUE, return = "summary", write.alignment = "DB",
alignment.db = NULL, alignment.table.sp.aligned = NULL, alignment.table.sp.not.aligned = NULL,
alignment.table.nonsp = NULL, change.colnames.dots = TRUE,
file.sp.aligned = NULL, file.sp.not.aligned = NULL, file.nonsp = NULL,
verbose = TRUE){
# test package dependencies
if (!requireNamespace("utils", quietly = TRUE)) { stop("Package \"utils\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)}
if (!requireNamespace("DBI", quietly = TRUE)) { stop("Package \"DBI\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)}
if (!requireNamespace("RSQLite", quietly = TRUE)) { stop("Package \"RSQLite\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)}
if (!requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)) { stop("Package \"parallel\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)}
#check settings
if (verbose) message ("Checking settings")
if ( == TRUE){if ( == FALSE){stop(" must be a data frame")}}
if (write.alignment!="DB" & write.alignment!="file"){stop("Choose write.alignment parameter")}
if (return!="summary" & return!="list"){stop("Choose return parameter")}
if (sum.aligned!="sp" & sum.aligned!="nonsp"){stop("Choose sum.aligned parameter")}
if (check.blast.for.source==TRUE & length(source)!=1){stop("Set source parameter")}
#temporary blast db
if (is.null(temp.db)==TRUE){stop("Set temp.db name and path")}
if (file.exists(temp.db)){stop(paste(temp.db, " database already exists. Delete it or change database name.", sep=" "))}
if(write.alignment=="DB" & return=="summary"){
if (is.null(alignment.db)==TRUE){stop(" Set alignment.db name and path")}
if (file.exists(alignment.db)){warning (alignment.db, " database already exists. Adding tables to database.")}
if (sum.aligned=="sp"){
if (is.null(alignment.table.sp.aligned)==TRUE){alignment.table.sp.aligned<-"sp_aligned"}
if (alignment.table.sp.aligned %in% list_DB(alignment.db)==TRUE){
warning ("Note that table ", alignment.table.sp.aligned, " already exists in database ", alignment.db, ". Appending rows to table.")}
if (is.null(alignment.table.sp.not.aligned)==TRUE){alignment.table.sp.not.aligned<-"sp_not_aligned"}
if (alignment.table.sp.not.aligned %in% list_DB(alignment.db)==TRUE){
warning ("Note that table ", alignment.table.sp.not.aligned, " already exists in database ", alignment.db, ". Appending rows to table.")}
if (sum.aligned=="nonsp"){
if (is.null(alignment.table.nonsp)==TRUE){alignment.table.nonsp<-"nonsp"}
if (alignment.table.nonsp %in% list_DB(alignment.db)==TRUE){
warning ("Note that table ", alignment.table.nonsp, " already exists in database ", alignment.db, ". Appending rows to table.")}
if(write.alignment=="file" & return=="summary"){
if (sum.aligned=="sp"){
if (is.null(file.sp.aligned)==TRUE){stop(" Set file.sp.aligned name and path")}
if (file.exists(file.sp.aligned)){warning ("Note that ", file.sp.aligned, " file already exists. Adding lines to file.")}
if (is.null(file.sp.not.aligned)==TRUE){stop(" Set file.sp.not.aligned name and path")}
if (file.exists(file.sp.not.aligned)){warning ("Note that ", file.sp.not.aligned, " file already exists. Adding lines to file.")}
if (sum.aligned=="nonsp"){
if (is.null(file.nonsp)==TRUE){stop(" Set file.nonsp name and path")}
if (file.exists(file.nonsp)){warning ("Note that ", file.nonsp, " file already exists. Adding lines to file.")}
### start
#blasted probes
if (sum.aligned=="sp"){
if (verbose) message ("Summarizing specific alignment")
if (verbose) message ("Create temporal database")
#temp db
data.db<"probe", "ids"
if (titles==TRUE){data.db<, "titles"=blast.res.title.var)}
if ({data.db<,}
if (switch.ids==TRUE){
if (verbose) message ("Switching blast results' ids")
if(titles==TRUE){colnames(switch.table)<-c("old", "new", "title")} else {colnames(switch.table)<-c("old", "new")} # make colnames
write_to_DB(database = temp.db, data = switch.table, table = "switch")
index_DB(database = temp.db, table = "switch", index.unique = FALSE, = "old")<-function(id, return=c("newid", "title")){
conn <- DBI::dbConnect (RSQLite::SQLite (), temp.db)
on.exit(DBI::dbDisconnect (conn), add=T)
if (inherits(id, "character")){id<-paste("\"", id, "\"", sep="")} # add quotes for characters
query=paste("SELECT * FROM switch WHERE old =", id, sep=" ")
new<-DBI::dbGetQuery(conn, query)
if (return=="newid"){return(new$new)};if (return=="title"){return(new$title)} }
new<-parallel::mclapply(X=data.db$ids, FUN=function(x), return="newid"), mc.cores=mc.cores)
if (titles==TRUE){
new<-parallel::mclapply(X=data.db$ids, FUN=function(x), return="title"), mc.cores=mc.cores)
write_to_DB(database = temp.db, data = data.db, table = "blast")
index_DB(database = temp.db, table = "blast", index.unique = c(FALSE, FALSE), = c("probe", "ids"))
# references db
if (titles==TRUE){refs<, "titles"=reference.title.var)}
nums.rep<-duplicated(refs) # delete duplicates (for switch cases)
if (sum(nums.rep)>0){refs<-refs[!nums.rep,]}
write_to_DB(database = temp.db, data=refs, table="refs")
index_DB(database = temp.db, table="refs", index.unique = TRUE, = "ids")
#get data
conn <- DBI::dbConnect (RSQLite::SQLite (), temp.db) # connect
on.exit(DBI::dbDisconnect (conn), add=T)
query<-paste("SELECT ids FROM blast WHERE probe = \"", probe, "\"", sep="") # all result nums for one probe
did.get<-DBI::dbGetQuery(conn, query)
did.get<-did.get[,1] # got numbers --- choose only sp. from them
if (inherits(did.get, "character")){did.get<-paste("\"", did.get, "\"", sep="")} # add quotes for characters
did.get.paste<-paste(did.get, collapse=", ")
query1<-paste("SELECT ids FROM refs WHERE ids IN (", did.get.paste, ")", sep="")
query2<-paste("SELECT * FROM blast WHERE probe = \"", probe, "\" AND ids in (", query1, ")", sep="")<-DBI::dbGetQuery(conn, query2)
# in case 0 rows returned
if (nrow({
add.row<-matrix(rep(NA, ncol(, nrow=1); colnames(add.row)<-colnames(
return=rbind(, add.row)""=probe, "sp.all.n"=sp.all,
"type"="sp.aligned", return[,2:ncol(])
# more than 0 rows returned
#count sp.aligned
if (titles==TRUE){<[,1:3]} else{<[,1:2]}
nums.dupl<-duplicated([,2]) # delete dupls by result id
sp.aligned.percent<-sp.aligned.n*100/sp.all; sp.aligned.percent<-round(sp.aligned.percent, digits=digits)
if ({""$probe, "sp.all.n"=rep(sp.all, nrow(, # added data - all rows are left
"sp.aligned.n"=rep(sp.aligned.n, nrow(,
"sp.aligned.percent"=rep(sp.aligned.percent, nrow(,
"sp.not.aligned.n"=rep(NA, nrow(,
"nonsp.n"=rep(NA, nrow(,
"type"=rep("sp.aligned", nrow(,[,2:ncol(])
}else{""$probe, "sp.all.n"=rep(sp.all, nrow(, # no added data - delete repeats
"sp.aligned.n"=rep(sp.aligned.n, nrow(,
"sp.aligned.percent"=rep(sp.aligned.percent, nrow(,
"sp.not.aligned.n"=rep(NA, nrow(,
"nonsp.n"=rep(NA, nrow(,
"type"=rep("sp.aligned", nrow(,[,2:ncol(]) }
if (verbose) message ("Summarizing aligned specific subjects")
list.sp.aligned<-parallel::mclapply(X=probes, FUN=function(x), mc.cores=mc.cores)
list.names<-c(); for (i in 1:length(list.sp.aligned)){list.names[i]<-list.sp.aligned[[i]]$[1]}
names(list.sp.aligned)<-list.names # names<-function(probe){
conn <- DBI::dbConnect (RSQLite::SQLite (), temp.db) # connect
on.exit(DBI::dbDisconnect (conn), add=T)
query<-paste("SELECT ids FROM blast WHERE probe = \"", probe, "\"", sep="")<-DBI::dbGetQuery(conn, query)
# query all but them
if (inherits(did.get, "character")){did.get<-paste("\"", did.get, "\"", sep="")} # add quotes for characters
did.get.paste<-paste(did.get, collapse=", ")
query<-paste("SELECT * FROM refs WHERE NOT ids IN (", did.get.paste, ")",sep="")
didnot.get<-DBI::dbGetQuery(conn, query)
if (nrow(didnot.get)==0){
add.row<-matrix(rep(NA, ncol(didnot.get)), nrow=1); colnames(add.row)<-colnames(didnot.get)
return=rbind(didnot.get, add.row)""=probe, "sp.all.n"=sp.all,
"type"="sp.not.aligned", return)
if ({# add columns if add.blast==TRUE<-matrix(rep(NA, (ncol(, nrow = 1, ncol=ncol(
return<""=rep(probe, nrow(didnot.get)), "sp.all.n"=rep(sp.all, nrow(didnot.get)),
"sp.aligned.n"=rep(NA, nrow(didnot.get)),
"sp.aligned.percent"=rep(NA, nrow(didnot.get)),
"sp.not.aligned.n"=rep(nrow(didnot.get), nrow(didnot.get)),
"nonsp.n"=rep(NA, nrow(didnot.get)),
"type"=rep("sp.not.aligned", nrow(didnot.get)), didnot.get)
if ({# add columns if add.blast==TRUE<-matrix(rep(NA, (ncol(*nrow(didnot.get))), nrow = nrow(didnot.get), ncol=ncol(
if (verbose) message ("Summarizing not aligned specific subjects")
list.sp.not.aligned<-parallel::mclapply(X=probes, FUN=function(x), mc.cores=mc.cores)
list.names<-c(); for (i in 1:length(list.sp.not.aligned)){list.names[i]<-list.sp.not.aligned[[i]]$[1]} # names
# delete not blasted for source
if (check.blast.for.source==TRUE){
blasted<-c(); for (i in 1:length(list.sp.aligned)){blasted[i]<-source %in% list.sp.aligned[[i]]$ids}
if (length(num.del)>0){ list.sp.aligned<-list.sp.aligned[-num.del]; list.sp.not.aligned<-list.sp.not.aligned[-num.del]}
if (verbose) message (length(num.del), " probes are not blasted for source and deleted")}
# return
# DELETE temp
if (delete.temp.db==TRUE){if (verbose) message ("Temporal database is deleted")
file.remove(temp.db)} else{
if (verbose) message ("Temporal database is saved in ", temp.db)
if (return=="list"){list.ret<-list("sp.aligned"=list.sp.aligned, "sp.not.aligned"=list.sp.not.aligned);
if (verbose) message ("Result is returned as list"); return(list.ret)}
if (return=="summary"){
#make - summary
data1<-data.frame(); data2<-data.frame()
for (i in 1:length(list.sp.aligned)){
data1<, list.sp.aligned[[i]][1,1:4])
data2<, list.sp.not.aligned[[i]][1,c(1,5,6)])}
if (sum(data1$${<, data2[,2:3])
} else{<-unite_two_DF(data1 = data1, data1.shared.var = data1$, data1.shared.column.num = 1,
data2 = data2, data2.shared.var = data2$, data2.shared.column.num = 1)}
colnames(<-c("", "sp.all.n", "sp.aligned.n", "sp.aligned.percent", "sp.not.aligned.n", "nonsp.n")
#write data into file or DB
if (write.alignment=="file"){
if (verbose) message ("Result is returned as summary. writing full results in files ", file.sp.aligned,
" and ", file.sp.not.aligned)
for (i in 1:length(list.sp.aligned)){
utils::write.table(x = list.sp.aligned[[i]], file = file.sp.aligned, append = T, sep=sep, row.names = F,
utils::write.table(x = list.sp.not.aligned[[i]], file = file.sp.not.aligned, append = T, sep=sep, row.names = F,
if (write.alignment=="DB"){
if (verbose) message ("Result is returned as summary. writing full results in database ", alignment.db,
" and tables ", alignment.table.sp.aligned, " , ", alignment.table.sp.not.aligned)
if (change.colnames.dots==TRUE){if (verbose) message ("Dots in column names are changed into underscore")}
for (i in 1:length(list.sp.aligned)){
#change colnames dots to underscore
if (change.colnames.dots==TRUE){
colnames(list.sp.aligned[[i]])<-gsub(x=colnames(list.sp.aligned[[i]]), pattern=".", replacement = "_", fixed=T)
colnames(list.sp.not.aligned[[i]])<-gsub(x=colnames(list.sp.not.aligned[[i]]), pattern=".", replacement = "_", fixed=T)}
write_to_DB(database = alignment.db, data=list.sp.aligned[[i]], table=alignment.table.sp.aligned, append=TRUE, verbose = F)
write_to_DB(database = alignment.db, data=list.sp.not.aligned[[i]], table=alignment.table.sp.not.aligned, append=TRUE, verbose = F)}
index_DB(database = alignment.db, table = alignment.table.sp.aligned, index.unique = FALSE, # index probe ids = colnames(list.sp.aligned[[1]])[1])
index_DB(database = alignment.db, table = alignment.table.sp.not.aligned, index.unique = FALSE, = colnames(list.sp.not.aligned[[1]])[1])}
return (}
} # here ends sp block
if (sum.aligned=="nonsp"){
if (verbose) message ("Summarizing non specific alignment")
if (verbose) message ("Create temporal database")
#temp db
data.db<"probe", "ids"
if (titles==TRUE){data.db<, "titles"=blast.res.title.var)}
if ({data.db<,}
if (switch.ids==TRUE){
if(titles==TRUE){colnames(switch.table)<-c("old", "new", "title")} else {colnames(switch.table)<-c("old", "new")} # make colnames
write_to_DB(database = temp.db, data = switch.table, table = "switch")
index_DB(database = temp.db, table = "switch", index.unique = FALSE, = "old")<-function(id, return=c("newid", "title")){
conn <- DBI::dbConnect (RSQLite::SQLite (), temp.db)
on.exit(DBI::dbDisconnect (conn), add=T)
if (inherits(id, "character")){id<-paste("\"", id, "\"", sep="")} # add quotes for characters
query=paste("SELECT * FROM switch WHERE old =", id, sep=" ")
new<-DBI::dbGetQuery(conn, query)
if (return=="newid"){return(new$new)};if (return=="title"){return(new$title)} }
new<-parallel::mclapply(X=data.db$ids, FUN=function(x), return="newid"), mc.cores=mc.cores)
if (titles==TRUE){
new<-parallel::mclapply(X=data.db$ids, FUN=function(x), return="title"), mc.cores=mc.cores)
data.db$titles<-unlist(new)}} # - no need for switch in nonsp
write_to_DB(database = temp.db, data = data.db, table = "blast2")
index_DB(database = temp.db, table = "blast2", index.unique = c(FALSE, FALSE), = c("probe", "ids"))
# references db
nums.rep<-duplicated(refs) # delete duplicates (for switch cases - no need in nonsp)
if (sum(nums.rep)>0){refs<-refs[!nums.rep,]}
write_to_DB(database = temp.db, data=refs, table="refs2")
index_DB(database = temp.db, table="refs2", index.unique = TRUE, = "ids")
#get data
conn <- DBI::dbConnect (RSQLite::SQLite (), temp.db) # connect
on.exit(DBI::dbDisconnect (conn), add=T)
query<-paste("SELECT ids FROM blast2 WHERE probe = \"", probe, "\"", sep="") # all result nums for one probe
did.get<-DBI::dbGetQuery(conn, query)
did.get<-did.get[,1] # got numbers --- choose only nonsp. from them
if (inherits(did.get, "character")){did.get<-paste("\"", did.get, "\"", sep="")} # add quotes for characters
did.get.paste<-paste(did.get, collapse=", ")
query1<-paste("SELECT ids FROM refs2 WHERE ids IN (", did.get.paste, ")", sep="")
query2<-paste("SELECT * FROM blast2 WHERE probe = \"", probe, "\" AND NOT ids in (", query1, ")", sep="")<-DBI::dbGetQuery(conn, query2)
# in case 0 rows returned
if (nrow({
add.row<-matrix(rep(NA, ncol(, nrow=1); colnames(add.row)<-colnames(
return=rbind(, add.row)""=probe, "sp.all.n"=NA,
"type"="nonsp", return[,2:ncol(])
# more than 0 rows returned
#count nonsp aligned
if (titles==TRUE){<[,1:3]} else{<[,1:2]}
nums.dupl<-duplicated([,2]) # delete dupls by result id
if ({""$probe, "sp.all.n"=rep(NA, nrow(, # added data - all rows are left
"sp.aligned.n"=rep(NA, nrow(,
"sp.aligned.percent"=rep(NA, nrow(,
"sp.not.aligned.n"=rep(NA, nrow(,
"nonsp.n"=rep(nonsp.n, nrow(,
"type"=rep("nonsp", nrow(,[,2:ncol(])
}else{""$probe, "sp.all.n"=rep(NA, nrow(, # no added data - delete repeats
"sp.aligned.n"=rep(NA, nrow(,
"sp.aligned.percent"=rep(NA, nrow(,
"sp.not.aligned.n"=rep(NA, nrow(,
"nonsp.n"=rep(nonsp.n, nrow(,
"type"=rep("nonsp", nrow(,[,2:ncol(]) }
return(return) }
if (verbose) message ("Summarizing aligned non specific subjects")
list.nonsp<-parallel::mclapply(X=probes, FUN=function(x) one.probe.nonsp(probe=x), mc.cores=mc.cores)
list.names<-c(); for (i in 1:length(list.nonsp)){list.names[i]<-list.nonsp[[i]]$[1]} # names
# return
# DELETE temp
if (delete.temp.db==TRUE){if (verbose) message ("Temporal database is deleted")
file.remove(temp.db)} else{
if (verbose) message ("Temporal database is saved in ", temp.db)
if (return=="list"){if (verbose) message ("Result is returned as list"); return(list.nonsp)}
if (return=="summary"){<-data.frame(); for (i in 1:length(list.nonsp)){<, list.nonsp[[i]][1, 1:6])}
if (write.alignment=="file"){
if (verbose) message ("Result is returned as summary. writing full results in file ", file.nonsp)
for (i in 1:length(list.nonsp)){utils::write.table(x=list.nonsp[[i]], file=file.nonsp, append = T,
sep=sep, row.names = F, colnames!=file.exists(file.nonsp))}}
if (write.alignment=="DB"){
if (verbose) message ("Result is returned as summary. writing full results in database ", alignment.db,
" and table ", alignment.table.nonsp)
if (change.colnames.dots==TRUE){if (verbose) message ("Dots in column names are changed into underscore")}
for (i in 1:length(list.nonsp)){
#change colnames dots to underscore
if (change.colnames.dots==TRUE){
colnames(list.nonsp[[i]])<-gsub(x=colnames(list.nonsp[[i]]), pattern=".", replacement = "_", fixed=T)}
write_to_DB(database = alignment.db, data=list.nonsp[[i]], table=alignment.table.nonsp, append=TRUE, verbose = F)}
index_DB(database = alignment.db, table = alignment.table.nonsp, index.unique = FALSE, # index probe ids = colnames(list.nonsp[[1]])[1])}
} # here ends nonsp block
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