
Defines functions `[<-.d_lazy_opts` `[.d_lazy_opts` as.data.frame.d_report as.list.d_report plot.d_report as.list.pid as.data.frame.pid print.pid_summary summary.pid unique.pid format.pid as.pid is.pid as.list.pane as.data.frame.pane print.pane_summary summary.pane unique.pane format.pane as.pane is.pane as.list.epid as.data.frame.epid print.epid_summary summary.epid unique.epid format.epid as.epid is.epid as.data.frame.number_line as.list.number_line format.number_line sort.number_line seq.number_line unique.number_line

Documented in as.data.frame.d_report as.data.frame.epid as.data.frame.number_line as.data.frame.pane as.data.frame.pid as.epid as.list.d_report as.list.epid as.list.number_line as.list.pane as.list.pid as.pane as.pid format.epid format.number_line format.pane format.pid is.epid is.pane is.pid plot.d_report print.epid_summary print.pane_summary print.pid_summary seq.number_line sort.number_line summary.epid summary.pane summary.pid unique.epid unique.number_line unique.pane unique.pid

#' @name number_line-class
#' @aliases number_line-class
#' @title \code{number_line} object
#' @description
#' S4 objects representing a range of numeric values
#' @slot start First value in the range.
#' @slot id Unique element id. Optional.
#' @slot gid Unique group id. Optional.
#' @slot .Data Length, duration or width of the range.
#' @importFrom "methods" "new"
#' @importFrom "utils" "head"
#' @export
         contains = "numeric",
         representation(start = "ANY",
                        id = "integer",
                        gid = "integer"))

#' @rdname number_line-class
#' @param object object
setMethod("show", signature(object = "number_line"), function(object){

#' @rdname number_line-class
#' @param x x
#' @param ... ...
setMethod("rep", signature(x = "number_line"), function(x, ...) {
               rep(x@.Data, ...),
               start = rep(x@start, ...),
               id = rep(x@id, ...),
               gid = rep(x@gid, ...))

#' @aliases [,number_line-method
#' @rdname number_line-class
#' @param i i
#' @param j j
#' @param drop drop
setMethod("[", signature(x = "number_line"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE) {
            is_lazy_opt <- !is.null(attr(x, "opts"))
            is_lazy_opt[is_lazy_opt] <- attr(x, "opts") == "d_lazy_opts"
            if(is_lazy_opt & length(x) == 1 & length(i) > 0){
              i <- 1
              attr(x, "opts") <- NULL
            if(length(x@.Data) > 0){
              x@.Data <- x@.Data[i]
            if(length(x@start) > 0){
              x@start <- x@start[i]
            if(length(x@id) > 0){
              x@id <- x@id[i]
            if(length(x@gid) > 0){
              x@gid <- x@gid[i]
            if(is_lazy_opt & length(x) == 1 & length(i) > 0){
              attr(x, "opts") <- "d_lazy_opts"

#' @aliases [[,number_line-method
#' @rdname number_line-class
#' @param exact exact
setMethod("[[", signature(x = "number_line"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., exact = TRUE) {
            is_lazy_opt <- !is.null(attr(x, "opts"))
            is_lazy_opt[is_lazy_opt] <- attr(x, "opts") == "d_lazy_opts"
            if(is_lazy_opt & length(x) == 1 & length(i) > 0){
              i <- 1
              attr(x, "opts") <- NULL
            if(length(x@.Data) > 0){
              x@.Data <- x@.Data[i]
            if(length(x@start) > 0){
              x@start <- x@start[i]
            if(length(x@id) > 0){
              x@id <- x@id[i]
            if(length(x@gid) > 0){
              x@gid <- x@gid[i]
            if(is_lazy_opt & length(x) == 1 & length(i) > 0){
              attr(x, "opts") <- "d_lazy_opts"

#' @aliases [<-,number_line-method
#' @rdname number_line-class
#' @param value value
setMethod("[<-", signature(x = "number_line"), function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
  if (is.number_line(value)) {
    is_lazy_opt <- !is.null(attr(x, "opts"))
    is_lazy_opt[is_lazy_opt] <- attr(x, "opts") == "d_lazy_opts"
    if(is_lazy_opt & length(x) == 1 & length(i) > 0){
      i <- 1
      attr(x, "opts") <- NULL
    x@.Data[i] <- value@.Data
    x@start[i] <- value@start
    x@id[i] <- value@id
    x@gid[i] <- value@gid
    if(is_lazy_opt & length(x) == 1 & length(i) > 0){
      attr(x, "opts") <- "d_lazy_opts"

#' @aliases [[<-,number_line-method
#' @rdname number_line-class
setMethod("[[<-", signature(x = "number_line"), function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
  if (is.number_line(value)) {
    is_lazy_opt <- !is.null(attr(x, "opts"))
    is_lazy_opt[is_lazy_opt] <- attr(x, "opts") == "d_lazy_opts"
    if(is_lazy_opt & length(x) == 1 & length(i) > 0){
      i <- 1
      attr(x, "opts") <- NULL
    x@.Data[i] <- value@.Data
    x@start[i] <- value@start
    x@id[i] <- value@id
    x@gid[i] <- value@gid
    if(is_lazy_opt & length(x) == 1 & length(i) > 0){
      attr(x, "opts") <- "d_lazy_opts"

#' @rdname number_line-class
#' @param name slot name
setMethod("$", signature(x = "number_line"), function(x, name) {
  methods::slot(x, name)

#' @rdname number_line-class
setMethod("$<-", signature(x = "number_line"), function(x, name, value) {
  methods::slot(x, name) <- value

#' @rdname number_line-class
setMethod("c", signature(x = "number_line"), function(x,...) {
  tmp.func <- function(x){
    if(!inherits(x, "number_line")){
      x <- as.number_line(x)
    as.data.frame(S4_to_list(x, .Data_type = "diff"))
  x <- do.call("rbind", lapply(list(x, ...), tmp.func))
  y <- methods::new("number_line")
  if(any(grepl("start", names(x)))){
    y@start <- x$start
  if(any(grepl("diff", names(x)))){
    y@.Data <- x$diff

#' @rdname number_line-class
#' @export
unique.number_line <- function(x, ...){
  x <- x[!duplicated(combi(x@start, x@.Data))]

#' @rdname number_line-class
#' @param precision Round precision
#' @param fill \code{[logical]}. Retain (\code{TRUE}) or
#' drop (\code{FALSE}) the remainder of an uneven split.
#' @export
seq.number_line <- function(x, precision = NULL, fill = FALSE, ...){
  y <- seq(from = start_point(x), to = end_point(x), ...)
  l <- y[-length(y)]
  r <- y[-1]

    if(y[length(y)] != end_point(x)){
      l <- c(l, y[length(y)])
      r <- c(r, end_point(x))
    l[-1] <- round_to(l[-1], to = precision, f = ceiling)
  x <- number_line(l, r)

#' @rdname number_line-class
#' @param decreasing If \code{TRUE}, sort in descending order.
#' @export
sort.number_line <- function(x, decreasing = FALSE, ...){
  x <- x[order(start_point(x),
               decreasing = decreasing)]

#' @rdname number_line-class
#' @export
format.number_line <- function(x, ...){
  if (length(x) == 0) "number_line(0)"
    s <- rep("??", length(x))
    s[x@.Data > 0 & !is.na(x@.Data) & !is.nan(x@.Data)] <- "->"
    s[x@.Data < 0 & !is.na(x@.Data) & !is.nan(x@.Data)] <- "<-"
    s[x@.Data == 0 & !is.na(x@.Data) & !is.nan(x@.Data)] <- "=="

    paste0(x@start, " ",
           s, " ",
           x@start + x@.Data)

#' @rdname number_line-class
#' @export
as.list.number_line <- function(x, ...){
  x_df <- as.data.frame(x)
  cmbi_cd <-  combi(x_df$start, x_df$end)
  x_dups <- x[!duplicated(cmbi_cd)]
  y <- lapply(seq_len(length(x_dups)), function(j) x_dups[j])
  y <- y[match(cmbi_cd, cmbi_cd[!duplicated(cmbi_cd)])]

#' @rdname number_line-class
#' @export
as.data.frame.number_line <- function(x, ...){
  x <- as.data.frame(S4_to_list(x, .Data_type = "end"),  ...)
  x$end <- x$start + x$end
  x[c("start", "end", names(x)[!grepl("start|end", names(x))])]

#' @name epid-class
#' @title \code{epid} object
#' @slot sn Unique record identifier.
#' @slot .Data Unique \code{episode} identifier.
#' @slot wind_id Unique reference ID for each match.
#' @slot wind_nm Type of window i.e. "Case" or "Recurrence".
#' @slot case_nm Record type in regards to case assignment.
#' @slot dist_wind_index Unit difference between each record and its window's reference record.
#' @slot dist_epid_index Unit difference between each record and its episode's reference record.
#' @slot epid_dataset Data sources in each \code{episode}.
#' @slot epid_interval The start and end dates of each \code{episode}. A \code{\link{number_line}} object.
#' @slot epid_length The duration or length of (\code{epid_interval}).
#' @slot epid_total The number of records in each \code{episode}.
#' @slot iteration The iteration when a record was matched to it's group (\code{.Data}).
#' @slot options Some options passed to the instance of \code{\link{episodes}}.
#' @description
#' S4 objects storing the result of \code{\link{episodes}}.
#' @aliases epid-class
#' @importFrom "methods" "new"
#' @importFrom "utils" "head"
#' @export
         contains = "integer",
         representation(sn = "integer",
                        wind_id = "list",
                        wind_nm = "ANY",
                        case_nm = "ANY",
                        dist_wind_index = "ANY",
                        dist_epid_index = "ANY",
                        epid_interval = "number_line",
                        epid_length = "ANY",
                        epid_total = "integer",
                        epid_dataset = "ANY",
                        iteration = "integer",
                        options = "ANY"))

#' @rdname epid-class
#' @examples
#' # A test for `epid` objects
#' ep <- episodes(date = 1)
#' is.epid(ep); is.epid(2)
#' @export
is.epid <- function(x){
  inherits(x, "epid")

#' @rdname epid-class
#' @examples
#' ep <- episodes(date = 1)
#' is.epid(ep); is.epid(2)
#' @export
as.epid <- function(x, ...){
  make_episodes(y_pos = x, ...)

#' @rdname epid-class
#' @export
format.epid <- function(x, ...){
  if (length(x) == 0) {
  }else {
    int_l <- rep("", length(x))
    int_l[!is.na(x@epid_interval)] <- paste0(" ",
                  formatC(x@.Data, width = nchar(max(x@.Data)), flag = 0, format = "fg"),
                  " (", c("S", "C", "R", "D", "D", "C", "R")[x@case_nm + 2L], ")"))

#' @rdname epid-class
#' @export
unique.epid <- function(x, ...){
  return(x[x@case_nm == 0])

#' @rdname epid-class
#' @export
summary.epid <- function(object, ...){
  summ <- list()
  summ$iterations <- max(object@iteration)
  summ$total_records <- length(object)
  summ$total_episodes <- length(object[object@case_nm == 0])

  w.i <- sapply(object@wind_nm, function(x){
    x[is.na(x)] <- 0L
  w.i <- row_wise(w.i, value = TRUE, type = "max")
  x <- c("Fixed", "Rolling")[w.i + 1L]

  x <- object@.Data[x == "Fixed"]
  x <- x[!duplicated(x)]
  summ$episode_type <- list(lengths = c(summ$total_episodes - length(x), length(x)),
                            values = c("Fixed", "Rolling"))
  summ$episode_type <- lapply(summ$episode_type, function(x){
    x[summ$episode_type$lengths > 0]

  x <- sapply(object@wind_id, function(x){
    x[w.i == 1]
  y <- object@.Data[w.i == 1]
  y <- rep(as.matrix(y), ncol(x))
  x <- as.integer(x)
  x <- y[!duplicated(x)]
  x <- x[order(x)]
  x <- rle(x)

  summ$recurrence <- dst_tab(x = paste0(x$lengths[order(x$lengths)]))
  if(length(summ$recurrence$values) > 0){
    summ$recurrence$values <- paste0(summ$recurrence$values, " times")
    summ$recurrence$values[summ$recurrence$values == "1 times"] <- "1 time"
  summ$case_nm <- dst_tab(
    x = decode(object@case_nm[order(object@case_nm)]),
    order_by_label = c("Case", "Duplicate_C", "Recurrent", "Duplicate_R", "Skipped"))
  x <- object@epid_total[object@case_nm == 0]
  summ$epid_total <- dst_tab(x[order(x)])
  if(length(summ$epid_total$values) > 0){
    summ$epid_total$values <- paste0(summ$epid_total$values, " records")
    summ$epid_total$values[summ$epid_total$values == "1 records"] <- "1 record"
    summ$epid_length <- list(values = numeric(), length = numeric())
  } else {
    summ$epid_length <- dst_tab(x = format((object@epid_length[object@case_nm %in% c(0, 4)])[
      order(object@epid_length[object@case_nm %in% c(0, 4)])], trim = TRUE))
    summ$data_source <- list(values = numeric(), length = numeric())
  } else{
    summ$data_source <- dst_tab(x = decode((object@epid_dataset[object@case_nm %in% c(0, 4)])[
      order(object@epid_dataset[object@case_nm %in% c(0, 4)])]),
      order_by_label = sort(attr(object@epid_dataset, "label")))
  class(summ) <- "epid_summary"

#' @rdname epid-class
#' @export

print.epid_summary <- function(x, ...){
  dsts <- c("case_nm", "data_source",
  mx_ds_len <- lapply(dsts, function(l){
    val <- x[[l]]$values
    nchar(if(length(val) > 5) val[1:5] else val)
  mx_ds_len <- unlist(mx_ds_len, use.names = FALSE)
  mx_ds_len <- max(mx_ds_len)
  mx_ds_len <- max(if(length(mx_ds_len) == 0) 0 else mx_ds_len)
  mx_pd_len <- ifelse(mx_ds_len > 20, 1, 20 - mx_ds_len)

  ds_txts <- lapply(dsts, function(l){
    val <- x[[l]]$values
    xlen <- fmt(x[[l]]$lengths)
    if(length(val) > 5) val <- c(val[1:5], "..truncated..")
    if(length(xlen) > 5) xlen <- c(xlen[1:5], "..truncated..")
    ds_len <- nchar(val)
    pd_len <- ifelse(ds_len > 20, 1, 20 - ds_len)
    pd_txt <- unlist(lapply(pd_len, function(j) paste0(rep(" ", j), collapse = "")), use.names = FALSE)
    ds_txt <- ifelse(nchar(val) > 20,
                     paste0(substr(val, 1, 20), "~"),

    if(length(ds_len) > 0){
      ds_txt <- paste0("     ", ds_txt, ":", pd_txt,
                       xlen, collapse = "\n")
      ds_txt <- "     N/A"
    ds_txt <- gsub("..truncated..:", "..truncated..", ds_txt)
  ds_txts <- unlist(ds_txts, use.names = FALSE)
  names(ds_txts) <- dsts
  mx_ds_len <- mx_ds_len + mx_pd_len

  msg <- paste0("Iterations:", paste0(paste0(rep(" ", (mx_ds_len - 6) + 7), collapse = ""), fmt(x$iteration)), "\n",
                "Total records:", paste0(paste0(rep(" ", (mx_ds_len - 9) + 7), collapse = ""), fmt(x$total_records)), "\n",
                " by record type:", "\n",
                paste0(ds_txts["case_nm"], "\n"),
                "Total episodes:", paste0(paste0(rep(" ", (mx_ds_len - 10) + 7), collapse = ""), fmt(x$total_episodes)), "\n",
                " by episode type:", "\n",
                paste0(ds_txts["episode_type"], "\n"),
                " by episode dataset:", "\n",
                paste0(ds_txts["data_source"], "\n"),
                " by episode duration:", "\n",
                paste0(ds_txts["epid_length"], "\n"),
                " by records per episode:", "\n",
                paste0(ds_txts["epid_total"], "\n"),
                " by recurrence:", "\n",
                paste0(ds_txts["recurrence"], "\n"))


#' @rdname epid-class
#' @param decode If \code{TRUE}, data is \code{\link[=decode]{decoded}}
#' @export
as.data.frame.epid <- function(x, ..., decode = TRUE){
  x <- as.list(x, decode = decode)
  lgk <- as.logical(lapply(x, function(x) inherits(x, "d_label")))
  x[lgk] <- lapply(x[lgk], as.vector)
  as.data.frame(x, ...)

#' @rdname epid-class
#' @export
as.list.epid <- function(x, ..., decode = TRUE){
  as.list(S4_to_list(x, decode = decode, .Data_type = "epid"), ...)

#' @rdname epid-class
#' @param object object
setMethod("show", signature(object = "epid"), function(object){

#' @rdname epid-class
#' @param x x
#' @param ... ...
setMethod("rep", signature(x = "epid"), function(x, ...) {
               rep(x@.Data, ...),
               sn = rep(x@sn, ...),
               wind_id = lapply(x@wind_id, function(y) rep(y, ...)),
               dist_epid_index = rep(x@dist_epid_index, ...),
               dist_wind_index = rep(x@dist_wind_index, ...),
               wind_nm = rep(x@wind_nm, ...),
               case_nm = rep(x@case_nm, ...),
               epid_interval = suppressWarnings(rep(x@epid_interval, ...)),
               epid_length = suppressWarnings(rep(x@epid_length, ...)),
               epid_total = rep(x@epid_total, ...),
               epid_dataset = suppressWarnings(rep(x@epid_dataset, ...)),
               iteration = rep(x@iteration, ...))

#' @aliases [,epid-method
#' @rdname epid-class
#' @param i i
#' @param j j
#' @param drop drop
setMethod("[", signature(x = "epid"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE) {
                         case_nm = x@case_nm[i],
                         sn = x@sn[i],
                         wind_id = lapply(x@wind_id, function(y) y[i]),
                         wind_nm = lapply(x@wind_nm, function(y) y[i]),
                         dist_epid_index = x@dist_epid_index[i],
                         dist_wind_index = x@dist_wind_index[i],
                         epid_length = x@epid_length[i],
                         epid_total = x@epid_total[i],
                         epid_dataset = x@epid_dataset[i],
                         epid_interval = x@epid_interval[i],
                         iteration = x@iteration[i],
                         options = list(date = x@options$date[i],
                                        strata = x@options$date[i],
                                        case_length = lapply(x@options$case_length, function(y) if(length(y) == 1) y else y[i]),
                                        recurrence_length = lapply(x@options$recurrence_length, function(y) if(length(y) == 1) y else y[i]),
                                        episode_type = if(length(x@options$episode_type) == 1) x@options$episode_type else x@options$episode_type[i],
                                        episode_unit = if(length(x@options$episode_unit) == 1) x@options$episode_unit else x@options$episode_unit[i],
                                        from_last = if(length(x@options$from_last) == 1) x@options$from_last else x@options$from_last[i]))

#' @aliases [[,epid-method
#' @rdname epid-class
#' @param exact exact
setMethod("[[", signature(x = "epid"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., exact = TRUE) {
                         case_nm = x@case_nm[i],
                         sn = x@sn[i],
                         wind_id = lapply(x@wind_id, function(y) y[i]),
                         wind_nm = x@wind_nm[i],
                         dist_epid_index = x@dist_epid_index[i],
                         dist_wind_index = x@dist_wind_index[i],
                         epid_length = x@epid_length[i],
                         epid_total = x@epid_total[i],
                         epid_dataset = x@epid_dataset[i],
                         epid_interval = x@epid_interval[i],
                         iteration = x@iteration[i],
                         options = list(date = x@options$date[i],
                                        strata = x@options$date[i],
                                        case_length = lapply(x@options$case_length, function(y) if(length(y) == 1) y else y[i]),
                                        recurrence_length = lapply(x@options$recurrence_length, function(y) if(length(y) == 1) y else y[i]),
                                        episode_type = if(length(x@options$episode_type) == 1) x@options$episode_type else x@options$episode_type[i],
                                        episode_unit = if(length(x@options$episode_unit) == 1) x@options$episode_unit else x@options$episode_unit[i],
                                        from_last = if(length(x@options$from_last) == 1) x@options$from_last else x@options$from_last[i]))

#' @rdname epid-class
setMethod("c", signature(x = "epid"), function(x,...) {
  tmp.func <- function(x) as.data.frame(x, decode = FALSE)
  x <- to_s4(do.call("rbind", lapply(list(x, ...), tmp.func)))
  for (vr in methods::slotNames(x)){
    if(length(methods::slot(x, vr)) > 0){
      if(all(is.na(methods::slot(x, vr)))){
        if(vr == "options"){
          methods::slot(x, vr) <- list()
          methods::slot(x, vr) <- methods::slot(x, vr)[0]

#' @name pane-class
#' @title \code{pane} object
#' @description
#' S4 objects storing the result of \code{\link{partitions}}.
#' @slot sn Unique record identifier.
#' @slot .Data Unique \code{pane} identifier.
#' @slot case_nm Record type in regards to index assignment.
#' @slot window_list A list of considered \code{windows} for each \code{pane}.
#' @slot dist_pane_index The difference between each event and it's index event.
#' @slot pane_dataset Data sources in each \code{pane}.
#' @slot pane_interval The start and end dates of each \code{pane}. A \code{\link{number_line}} object.
#' @slot pane_length The duration or length of (\code{pane_interval}).
#' @slot pane_total The number of records in each \code{pane}.
#' @slot options Some options passed to the instance of \code{\link{partitions}}.
#' @slot window_matched A list of matched \code{windows} for each \code{pane}.
#' @aliases pane-class
#' @importFrom "methods" "new"
#' @importFrom "utils" "head"
#' @export
         contains = "integer",
         representation(sn = "integer",
                        case_nm = "ANY",
                        dist_pane_index = "ANY",
                        window_list = "list",
                        window_matched = "integer",
                        pane_interval = "number_line",
                        pane_length = "ANY",
                        pane_total = "integer",
                        pane_dataset = "ANY",
                        options = "ANY"))

#' @rdname pane-class
#' @examples
#' # A test for pane objects
#' pn <- partitions(date = 1, by = 1)
#' is.pane(pn); is.pane(2)
#' @export
is.pane <- function(x) all(class(x) == "pane")

#' @rdname pane-class
#' @export
as.pane <- function(x){
  x <- match(x, x[!duplicated(x)])
  tots <- rle(sort(x))

  x <- methods::new("pane",
                    .Data = x,
                    sn = seq_len(length(x)))

  x@dist_pane_index <- x@case_nm <-
    rep(0L, length(x))
  x@case_nm[duplicated(x@.Data)] <- 1L

  class(x@case_nm) <- "d_label"
  attr(x@case_nm, "value") <- c(-1, 0, 1)
  attr(x@case_nm, "label") <- c("Skipped", "Index", "Duplicate_I")
  attr(x@case_nm, "state") <- "encoded"

  x@pane_total <- tots$lengths[match(x, tots$values)]
  x@window_list <- rep(list("1" = number_line(0, Inf)), length(x))
  x@window_matched <- rep(1L, length(x))
  x@options <- list(date = x@.Data,
                    strata = x@.Data,
                    separate = FALSE)

#' @rdname pane-class
#' @export
format.pane <- function(x, ...){
  if (length(x) == 0) {
  }else {
                  formatC(x@.Data, width = nchar(max(x@.Data)), flag = 0, format = "fg"),
                         paste0(" ", format.number_line(x@pane_interval))),
                  " (", c("S", "I", "D")[x@case_nm + 2L], ")"))

#' @rdname pane-class
#' @export
unique.pane <- function(x, ...){
  x <- x[x@case_nm == 0]

#' @rdname pane-class
#' @export
summary.pane <- function(object, ...){
  summ <- list()
  summ$total_records <- length(object)
  summ$total_panes <- length(object[object@case_nm == 0])
  summ$case_nm <- dst_tab(x = decode(object@case_nm[order(object@case_nm)]), order_by_label = c("Index", "Duplicate_I", "Skipped"))
  x <- object@pane_total[object@case_nm == 0]
  summ$pane_total <- dst_tab(x[order(x)])
  if(length(summ$pane_total$values) > 0){
    summ$pane_total$values <- paste0(summ$pane_total$values, " records")
    summ$pane_total$values[summ$pane_total$values == "1 records"] <- "1 record"
  summ$pane_length <- if(is.null(object@pane_length)) list(values = numeric(), length = numeric()) else dst_tab(x = format((object@pane_length[object@case_nm == 0])[order(object@pane_length[object@case_nm == 0])]))
  summ$data_source <- if(is.null(object@pane_dataset)) list(values = numeric(), length = numeric()) else dst_tab(x = decode((object@pane_dataset[object@case_nm == 0])[order(object@pane_dataset[object@case_nm == 0])]), order_by_label = sort(attr(object@pane_dataset, "label")))
  class(summ) <- "pane_summary"

#' @rdname pane-class
#' @export
print.pane_summary <- function(x, ...){
  dsts <- c("case_nm", "data_source",
  mx_ds_len <- lapply(dsts, function(l){
    val <- x[[l]]$values
    nchar(if(length(val) > 5) val[1:5] else val)
  mx_ds_len <- unlist(mx_ds_len, use.names = FALSE)
  mx_ds_len <- max(mx_ds_len)
  mx_ds_len <- max(if(length(mx_ds_len) == 0) 0 else mx_ds_len)
  mx_pd_len <- ifelse(mx_ds_len > 20, 1, 20 - mx_ds_len)

  ds_txts <- lapply(dsts, function(l){
    val <- x[[l]]$values
    xlen <- fmt(x[[l]]$lengths)
    if(length(val) > 5) val <- c(val[1:5], "..truncated..")
    if(length(xlen) > 5) xlen <- c(xlen[1:5], "..truncated..")
    ds_len <- nchar(val)
    pd_len <- ifelse(ds_len > 20, 1, 20 - ds_len)
    pd_txt <- unlist(lapply(pd_len, function(j) paste0(rep(" ", j), collapse = "")), use.names = FALSE)
    ds_txt <- ifelse(nchar(val) > 20,
                     paste0(substr(val, 1, 20), "~"),

    if(length(ds_len) > 0){
      ds_txt <- paste0("     ", ds_txt, ":", pd_txt,
                       xlen, collapse = "\n")
      ds_txt <- "     N/A"
    ds_txt <- gsub("..truncated..:", "..truncated..", ds_txt)
  ds_txts <- unlist(ds_txts, use.names = FALSE)
  names(ds_txts) <- dsts
  mx_ds_len <- mx_ds_len + mx_pd_len

  msg <- paste0("Iterations:", paste0(paste0(rep(" ", (mx_ds_len - 6) + 7), collapse = ""), "N/A"), "\n",
                "Total records:", paste0(paste0(rep(" ", (mx_ds_len - 9) + 7), collapse = ""), fmt(x$total_records)), "\n",
                " by record type:", "\n",
                paste0(ds_txts["case_nm"], "\n"),
                "Total panes:", paste0(paste0(rep(" ", (mx_ds_len - 10) + 7), collapse = ""), fmt(x$total_episodes)), "\n",
                " by pane dataset:", "\n",
                paste0(ds_txts["data_source"], "\n"),
                " by pane duration:", "\n",
                paste0(ds_txts["pane_length"], "\n"),
                " by records per pane:", "\n",
                paste0(ds_txts["pane_total"], "\n"))


#' @rdname pane-class
#' @param decode If \code{TRUE}, data is \code{\link[=decode]{decoded}}
#' @export
as.data.frame.pane <- function(x, ..., decode = TRUE){
  x <- as.list(x, decode = decode)
  lgk <- as.logical(lapply(x, function(x) inherits(x, "d_label")))
  x[lgk] <- lapply(x[lgk], as.vector)
  wl <- x$window_list
  x$window_list <- NULL
  x <- as.data.frame(x, ...)
  x$window_list <- wl

#' @rdname pane-class
#' @export
as.list.pane <- function(x, ..., decode = TRUE){
  as.list(S4_to_list(x, decode = decode, .Data_type = "pane"), ...)

#' @rdname pane-class
#' @param object object
setMethod("show", signature(object = "pane"), function(object){

#' @rdname pane-class
#' @param x x
#' @param ... ...
setMethod("rep", signature(x = "pane"), function(x, ...) {
               rep(x@.Data, ...),
               sn = rep(x@sn, ...),
               window_matched = rep(x@window_matched, ...),
               dist_pane_index = rep(x@dist_pane_index, ...),
               case_nm = rep(x@case_nm, ...),
               pane_interval = rep(x@pane_interval, ...),
               pane_length = rep(x@pane_length, ...),
               pane_total = rep(x@pane_total, ...),
               pane_dataset = suppressWarnings(rep(x@pane_dataset, ...)))

#' @aliases [,pane-method
#' @rdname pane-class
#' @param i i
#' @param j j
#' @param drop drop
setMethod("[", signature(x = "pane"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE) {
            methods::new("pane", x@.Data[i],
                         case_nm = x@case_nm[i],
                         sn = x@sn[i],
                         window_matched = x@window_matched[i],
                         dist_pane_index = x@dist_pane_index[i],
                         pane_length = x@pane_length[i],
                         pane_total = x@pane_total[i],
                         pane_dataset = x@pane_dataset[i],
                         pane_interval = x@pane_interval[i],
                         window_list = x@window_list[i],
                         options = list(date = x@options$date[i],
                                        separate = if(length(x@options$separate) == 1) x@options$separate else x@options$separate[i],
                                        strata = x@options$strata[i]))

#' @aliases [[,pane-method
#' @rdname pane-class
#' @param exact exact
setMethod("[[", signature(x = "pane"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., exact = TRUE) {
                         case_nm = x@case_nm[i],
                         sn = x@sn[i],
                         window_matched = x@window_matched[i],
                         dist_pane_index = x@dist_pane_index[i],
                         pane_length = x@pane_length[i],
                         pane_total = x@pane_total[i],
                         pane_dataset = x@pane_dataset[i],
                         pane_interval = x@pane_interval[i],
                         window_list = x@window_list[i],
                         options = list(date = x@options$date[i],
                                        separate = if(length(x@options$separate) == 1) x@options$separate else x@options$separate[i],
                                        strata = x@options$strata[i]))

#' @rdname pane-class
setMethod("c", signature(x = "pane"), function(x,...) {
  tmp.func <- function(x) as.data.frame(x, decode = FALSE)
  x <- to_s4(do.call("rbind", lapply(list(x, ...), tmp.func)))
  for (vr in methods::slotNames(x)){
    if(length(methods::slot(x, vr)) > 0){
      if(all(is.na(methods::slot(x, vr)))){
        if(vr == "options"){
          methods::slot(x, vr) <- list()
          methods::slot(x, vr) <- NULL

#' @name pid-class
#' @title \code{pid} objects
#' @description
#' S4 objects storing the result of \code{\link{links}}.
#' @slot sn Unique record identifier.
#' @slot .Data Unique group identifier.
#' @slot link_id Unique reference ID for each match.
#' @slot pid_cri Match stage of the step-wise linkage.
#' @slot pid_dataset Data sources in each group.
#' @slot pid_total The number of records in each group.
#' @slot iteration The iteration when a record was matched to it's group (\code{.Data}).
#' @aliases pid-class
#' @importFrom "methods" "new"
#' @importFrom "utils" "head"
#' @export
         contains = "integer",
         representation(sn = "integer",
                        pid_cri = "integer",
                        link_id = "list",
                        pid_dataset = "ANY",
                        pid_total = "integer",
                        iteration = "integer"))

#' @rdname pid-class
#' @examples
#' # A test for pid objects
#' pd <- links(criteria = 1)
#' is.pid(pd); is.pid(2)
#' @export
is.pid <- function(x) all(class(x) == "pid")

#' @rdname pid-class
#' @export
#' @export
as.pid <- function(x, ...){
  make_pids(y_pos = x, ...)

#' @rdname pid-class
#' @export
format.pid <- function(x, ...){
  if (length(x) == 0) {
                  formatC(x@.Data, width = nchar(max(x@.Data)), flag = 0, format = "fg"),
                  " (", pid_cri_l(x@pid_cri), ")" ))

#' @rdname pid-class
#' @export
unique.pid <- function(x, ...){
  x <- x[!duplicated(x@.Data)]

#' @rdname pid-class
#' @export
summary.pid <- function(object, ...){
  summ <- list()
  summ$iterations <- max(object@iteration)
  summ$total_records <- length(object)
  summ$total_groups <- length(object[!duplicated(object@.Data)])
  x <- object@pid_total[!duplicated(object@.Data)]
  summ$pid_total <- dst_tab(x[order(x)])
  if(length(summ$pid_total$values) > 0){
    summ$pid_total$values <- paste0(summ$pid_total$values, " records")
    summ$pid_total$values[summ$pid_total$values == "1 records"] <- "1 record"
  x <- object@pid_cri
  l <- x[!duplicated(x)]
  l <- l[!l %in% -1:0]
  l <- c(sort(l), 0, -1)
  summ$pid_cri <- dst_tab(object@pid_cri[order(object@pid_cri)], order_by_label = l)
  rm(x, l)
  summ$pid_cri$values[summ$pid_cri$values == 0] <- "No hits"
  summ$pid_cri$values[summ$pid_cri$values == "-1"] <- "Skipped"
  lgk <- !summ$pid_cri$values %in% c("Skipped", "No hits")
  summ$pid_cri$values[lgk] <- paste0("Criteria ", summ$pid_cri$values[lgk])
  summ$data_source <- if(is.null(object@pid_dataset)) list(values = numeric(), length = numeric()) else dst_tab(x = decode((object@pid_dataset[!duplicated(object@.Data)])[order(object@pid_dataset[!duplicated(object@.Data)])]), order_by_label = sort(attr(object@pid_dataset, "label")))
  class(summ) <- "pid_summary"

#' @rdname pid-class
#' @export
print.pid_summary <- function(x, ...){
  dsts <- c("pid_cri", "data_source", "pid_total")
  mx_ds_len <- lapply(dsts, function(l){
    val <- x[[l]]$values
    nchar(if(length(val) > 5 & l != "pid_cri") val[1:5] else val)
  mx_ds_len <- unlist(mx_ds_len, use.names = FALSE)
  mx_ds_len <- max(mx_ds_len)
  mx_ds_len <- max(if(length(mx_ds_len) == 0) 0 else mx_ds_len)
  mx_pd_len <- ifelse(mx_ds_len > 20, 1, 20 - mx_ds_len)

  ds_txts <- lapply(dsts, function(l){
    val <- x[[l]]$values
    xlen <- fmt(x[[l]]$lengths)
    if(length(val) > 5 & l != "pid_cri") val <- c(val[1:5], "..truncated..")
    if(length(xlen) > 5 & l != "pid_cri") xlen <- c(xlen[1:5], "..truncated..")
    ds_len <- nchar(val)
    pd_len <- ifelse(ds_len > 20, 1, 20 - ds_len)
    pd_txt <- unlist(lapply(pd_len, function(j) paste0(rep(" ", j), collapse = "")), use.names = FALSE)
    ds_txt <- ifelse(nchar(val) > 20,
                     paste0(substr(val, 1, 20), "~"),

    if(length(ds_len) > 0){
      ds_txt <- paste0("     ", ds_txt, ":", pd_txt,
                       xlen, collapse = "\n")
      ds_txt <- "     N/A"
  ds_txts <- unlist(ds_txts, use.names = FALSE)
  names(ds_txts) <- dsts
  mx_ds_len <- mx_ds_len + mx_pd_len

  msg <- paste0("Iterations:", paste0(paste0(rep(" ", (mx_ds_len - 6) + 7), collapse = ""), fmt(x$iteration)), "\n",
                "Total records:", paste0(paste0(rep(" ", (mx_ds_len - 9) + 7), collapse = ""), fmt(x$total_records)), "\n",
                " by matching criteria:", "\n",
                paste0(ds_txts["pid_cri"], "\n"),
                "Total record groups:", paste0(paste0(rep(" ", (mx_ds_len - 10) + 7), collapse = ""), fmt(x$total_groups)), "\n",
                " by group dataset:", "\n",
                paste0(ds_txts["data_source"], "\n"),
                " by records per group:", "\n",
                paste0(ds_txts["pid_total"], "\n"))


#' @rdname pid-class
#' @param decode If \code{TRUE}, data is \code{\link[=decode]{decoded}}
#' @export
as.data.frame.pid <- function(x, ..., decode = TRUE){
  x <- as.list(x, decode = decode)
  lgk <- as.logical(lapply(x, function(x) inherits(x, "d_label")))
  x[lgk] <- lapply(x[lgk], as.vector)
  as.data.frame(x, ...)

#' @rdname pid-class
#' @export
as.list.pid <- function(x, ..., decode = TRUE){
  as.list(S4_to_list(x, decode = decode, .Data_type = "pid"), ...)

#' @rdname pid-class
#' @param object object
setMethod("show", signature(object = "pid"), function(object){

#' @rdname pid-class
#' @param x x
#' @param ... ...
setMethod("rep", signature(x = "pid"), function(x, ...) {
  methods::new("pid", rep(x@.Data, ...),
               sn = rep(x@sn, ...),
               pid_total = rep(x@pid_total, ...),
               link_id = lapply(x@link_id, function(y) rep(y, ...)),
               pid_dataset = suppressWarnings(rep(x@pid_dataset, ...)),
               pid_cri = rep(x@pid_cri, ...),
               iteration = rep(x@iteration, ...))

#' @aliases [,pid-method
#' @rdname pid-class
#' @param i i
#' @param j j
#' @param drop drop
setMethod("[", signature(x = "pid"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE) {
            methods::new("pid", x@.Data[i],
                         pid_cri = x@pid_cri[i],
                         sn = x@sn[i],
                         link_id = lapply(x@link_id, function(y) y[i]),
                         pid_total = x@pid_total[i],
                         pid_dataset = x@pid_dataset[i],
                         iteration = x@iteration[i])

#' @aliases [[,pid-method
#' @rdname pid-class
#' @param exact exact
setMethod("[[", signature(x = "pid"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., exact = TRUE) {
            methods::new("pid", x@.Data[i],
                         pid_cri = x@pid_cri[i],
                         sn = x@sn[i],
                         link_id = lapply(x@link_id, function(y) y[i]),
                         pid_total = x@pid_total[i],
                         pid_dataset = x@pid_dataset[i],
                         iteration = x@iteration[i])

#' @rdname pid-class
setMethod("c", signature(x = "pid"), function(x,...) {
  tmp.func <- function(x) as.data.frame(x, decode = FALSE)
  x <- to_s4(do.call("rbind", lapply(list(x, ...), tmp.func)))
  for (vr in methods::slotNames(x)){
    if(length(methods::slot(x, vr)) > 0){
      if(all(is.na(methods::slot(x, vr)))){
        if(vr == "options"){
          methods::slot(x, vr) <- list()
          methods::slot(x, vr) <- NULL

#' @name d_report
#' @title d_report
#' @aliases d_report
#' @param metric Report information
#' @export
plot.d_report <- function(x, ..., metric = c("cumulative_duration", "duration", "max_memory",
                                             "records_checked", "records_skipped", "records_assigned")){
  . <- NULL
  metric_lst <- paste0("^", metric, collapse = "|")
  t <- length(x$iteration)
  x <- data.frame(x = c(x$iteration, x$iteration, x$iteration,
                        x$iteration, x$iteration, x$iteration),
                  y = c(as.numeric(x$duration), as.numeric(x$cumm_time),  x$records_checked,
                        x$records_tracked, x$records_skipped, x$memory_used),
                  l = c(rep(paste0("duration (", attr(x$duration, "units"), ")"), t),
                        rep(paste0("cumulative_duration (", attr(x$cumm_time, "units"), ")"), t),
                        rep("records_checked", t), rep("records_assigned", t),
                        rep("records_skipped", t), rep("max_memory (MB)", t)),
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  x <- x[grepl(metric_lst, x$l),]

  x$x_cd <- match(x$x, x$x)
  x_breaks <- x$x_cd[!duplicated(x$x)]
  x_labs <- x$x[!duplicated(x$x)]
  x_labs <- gsub(" ", "\n", x_labs)

  ggplot2::ggplot(data = x, ggplot2::aes(.data$x_cd, .data$y)) +
    ggplot2::geom_line() +
    ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ .data$l, ncol =2, scales = "free") +
    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous("Iteration", labels = x_labs[seq(1, length(x_labs), length.out = 10)],
                                breaks = x_breaks[seq(1, length(x_labs), length.out = 10)])

#' @rdname d_report
#' @param x \code{[d_report]}.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @export
as.list.d_report <- function(x, ...){
  class(x) <- NULL
  return(as.list(x, ...))

#' @rdname d_report
#' @export
as.data.frame.d_report <- function(x, ...){
  return(as.data.frame(as.list(x), ...))

# @export
`[.d_lazy_opts` <- function(x, i, ..., drop = TRUE) {
  x <- as.vector(x)
  x2 <- x[i]
  if(length(x) == 1 & length(x2) != 0){
    x2 <- x
  class(x2) <- "d_lazy_opts"

# @export
`[<-.d_lazy_opts` <- function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
  x <- as.vector(x)
  if(length(x) == 1 & length(x[i]) != 0){
    x <- value
    x[i] <- value
  class(x) <- "d_lazy_opts"

# @export
# `[<-.d_lazy_opts` <- function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
#   x <- as.vector(x)
#   if(length(x) == 1 & length(value) == 1){
#     i <- 1
#   }else if(length(x) == 0 | length(value) == 0){
#     i <- 0
#   }else if(length(x) == 1 & length(value) > 1){
#     stop("Unexpected situation in `[<-.d_lazy_opts`")
#   }
#   x[i] <- value
#   class(x) <- "d_lazy_opts"
#   return(x)
# }

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