
Defines functions histogram.N.ests

Documented in histogram.N.ests

#' @include Detectability.R
#' @include Population.Description.R
#' @include generic.functions.R

#' @title Class "Simulation"
#' @description Class \code{"Simulation"} is an S4 class containing descriptions of the
#' region, population, survey design and analyses the user wishes to investigate.
#' Once the simulation has been run the N.D.Estimates will contain multiple
#' estimates of abundance and density obtained by repeatedly generating
#' populations, simulating the survey and completing the analyses.
#' @name Simulation-class
#' @title S4 Class "Simulation"
#' @slot reps Object of class \code{"numeric"}; the number of
#'  times the simulation should be repeated.
#' @slot single.transect.set Object of class \code{"logical"}; if
#'  \code{TRUE} the same set of transects are used in each repetition.
#' @slot design Object of class \code{"Survey.Design"}; the
#'  survey design.
#' @slot population.description Object of class \code{"Population.Description"};
#' the population.description.
#' @slot detectability Object of class \code{"Detectability"}; a
#'  description of the detectability of the population.
#' @slot ds.analysis Object of class \code{"DS.Analysis"}
#' @slot add.options a list to expand simulation options in the future.
#' @slot ddf.param.ests Object of class \code{"array"}; stores the
#'  parameters associated with the detection function.
#' @slot results A \code{"list"} with elements 'individuals' (and
#' optionally 'clusters' and 'expected.size') as well as 'Detection'.
#' The 'individuals' and 'clusters' elements are a list of three
#' 3-dimensional arrays. The first is a summary array containing
#' values for 'Area' (strata area), 'CoveredArea' (the area
#' covered in the strata by the survey), Effort' (the line length
#' or number of points surveyed), 'n' (the number of sightings),
#' 'n.miss.dists' (the number of missing distances - only applicable
#' to mixed detector types and not yet implemented in dsims), 'k'
#' (the number of transects), 'ER' (encounter rate), 'se.ER'
#' (standard error of the encounter rate), 'cv.ER' (coefficient of
#' variation of the encounter rate). A value is provided for each
#' of these for each strata as well as the region as a whole and
#' for each simulation repetition as well as storing the mean and
#' standard deviation of these values across simulation repetitions.
#' The second array 'N' is the abundance estimates table. It contains
#' values for the 'Estimate' (estimated abundance based on data from
#' iteration i), 'se' (standard error associated with the estimate),
#' 'cv' (coefficient of variation of estimate), 'lcl' (lower 95\%
#' confidence interval value), 'ucl' (upper 95\% confidence interval
#' value), 'df' the degrees of freedom associated with the estimate.
#' A value is provided for each of these for each strata as well as
#' the region as a whole and for each simulation repetition as well
#' as storing the mean and standard deviation of these values across
#' simulation repetitions.
#' The third array 'D' is the density estimates table. It contains
#' values for the 'Estimate' (estimated density based on data from
#' iteration i), 'se' (standard error associated with the estimate),
#' 'cv' (coefficient of variation of estimate), 'lcl' (lower 95\%
#' confidence interval value), 'ucl' (upper 95\% confidence interval
#' value), 'df' the degrees of freedom associated with the estimate.
#' A value is provided for each of these for each strata as well as
#' the region as a whole and for each simulation repetition as well
#' as storing the mean and standard deviation of these values across
#' simulation repetitions.
#' When animals occur in clusters the expected.size element of the
#' results list contains a 3-dimensional array. It gives values
#' for 'Expected.S' (expected cluster size), 'se.Expected.S'
#' (the standard error of the expected cluster size),
#' 'cv.Expected.S' (the coefficient of variation for the expected
#' cluster size). Values are given for each analysis strata as
#' well as a value for the survey region as a whole and across
#' each simulation repetition as well as overall means and standard
#' deviations across repetitions.
#' The Detection element of the results list is a 3-dimensional
#' array with values for 'True.Pa' (the proportion of animals in
#' the covered region which were detected), 'Pa' (the estimated
#' proportion of animals detected in the covered region), 'ESW'
#' (the estimated strip width), 'f(0)' (The estimated value of
#' the detection function pdf at distance 0), 'SelectedModel'
#' (the index of the model which had the best fit to the dataset
#' for the repetition), 'DeltaCriteria' (the difference in
#' information criteria between the best and second best fitting
#' models where two or more models were fitted and converged),
#' 'SuccessfulModels' (the number of models which successfully
#' converged). Currently detection functions are pooled across
#' all strata so there is only one global value for each
#' simulated dataset as well as a mean value and standard
#' deviation where appropriate.
#' @slot warnings A \code{"list"} to store warnings and error messages encountered
#'  during runtime.
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{\code{summary}}{\code{signature=(object = "Simulation")}: produces
#'  a summary of the simulation and its results.}
#'  \item{\code{generate.population}}{\code{signature = (object =
#'  "Simulation")}: generates a single instance of a population.}
#'  \item{\code{generate.transects}}{\code{signature = (object =
#'  "Simulation")}: generates a single set of transects.}
#'  \item{\code{run.survey}}{\code{signature = (object =
#'  "Simulation")}: carries out the simulation process as far as generating
#'  the distance data and returns an object containing the population,
#'  transects and data.}
#'  \item{\code{run.simulation}}{\code{signature = (simulation = "Simulation")}: runs
#'  the whole simulation for the specified number of repetitions.}
#' }
#' @keywords classes
#' @rdname Simulation-class
#' @importClassesFrom dssd Region
#' @seealso \code{\link{make.simulation}}
setClass("Simulation", representation(reps = "numeric",
                                      design = "Survey.Design",
                                      population.description = "Population.Description",
                                      detectability = "Detectability",
                                      ds.analysis = "DS.Analysis",
                                      add.options = "list",
                                      ddf.param.ests = "array",
                                      results = "list",
                                      warnings = "list"))

#' @importFrom methods validObject is
#' @importFrom dssd make.design
  definition=function(.Object, reps = 10, single.transect.set = FALSE, design = make.design(), population.description = make.population.description(), detectability = make.detectability(), ds.analysis = make.ds.analysis(), results = list()){
    #Set slots
    .Object@reps            <- reps
    .Object@design          <- design
    .Object@population.description <- population.description
    .Object@detectability   <- detectability
    .Object@ds.analysis     <- ds.analysis
    .Object@results         <- results
    .Object@warnings        <- list()
    #Check object is valid
    valid <- validObject(.Object, test = TRUE)
    if(is(valid, "character")){
      stop(paste(valid), call. = FALSE)
    # return object

              strata.names <- object@design@region@strata.name
              # truncation
              # Check to see if the analysis truncation distance is larger than the
              # if(length(object@ds.analysis@truncation[[1]]) > 0){
              #   if(object@ds.analysis@truncation > object@detectability@truncation ||
              #      object@ds.analysis@truncation > object@design@truncation){
              #     warning("The truncation distance for analysis is larger than the truncation distance for data generation, this will likely cause biased results.", immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
              #   }
              # }
              # Population.Description checks
              pop.desc <- object@population.description

              # Detectability checks

              # Check number of scale parameters is equal to

              # Analysis checks
              if(object@ds.analysis@er.var != "R2" && inherits(object@design, "Line.Transect.Design")){
                if(!all(object@design@design == "systematic")){
                  return("Variance estimators other than R2 are currently only supported for systematic parallel line designs.")
              if(object@ds.analysis@er.var == "P2" && inherits(object@design, "Line.Transect.Design")){
                return("P2 variance estimator is not applicable for line transect designs. Please check the er.var argument used to create your analysis object.")


# GENERIC METHODS DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------

#' @rdname generate.population-methods
#' @export
  definition=function(object, ...){
    population <- generate.population(object = object@population.description,
                                      detectability = object@detectability,
                                      region = object@design@region)

#' generate.transects
#' Generates a set of transects based on the design provided.
#' @param object object of class Simulation
#' @param quiet if TRUE silences some warnings
#' @param ... not implemented
#' @return an object of class Transect from dssd package
#' @rdname generate.transects.Simulation-methods
#' @importFrom stats na.omit qlnorm qnorm
#' @importFrom methods slotNames
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
  definition=function(object, quiet = FALSE, ...){
    transect <- generate.transects(object = object@design,
                                   region = object@design@region)

#' @rdname run.survey-methods
#' @param filename optional argument specifying a path to a shapefile if
#' the transects are to be loaded from file.
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods new
  definition=function(object, filename = character(0)){
    # Create the population and transects for the survey
    population <- generate.population(object)
    if(length(filename) > 0){
      if(inherits(object@design, "Segment.Transect.Design")){
        transects <- read.seg.transects(filename = filename,
                                        design = object@design)
      }else if(inherits(object@design, "Line.Transect.Design")){
        transects <- read.line.transects(filename = filename,
                                         design = object@design)
        transects <- read.point.transects(filename = filename,
                                          design = object@design)
      warnings <- transects$warnings
      transects <- transects$transects
        warning(warnings$message[[1]], immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
      transects <- generate.transects(object)
    if(inherits(transects, "Line.Transect")){
      # Check transects for empty geometries
      transects <- check.transects(transects)
      survey <- new(Class = "Survey.LT",
                    population = population,
                    transect = transects,
                    perp.truncation = object@design@truncation)
    }else if(inherits(transects, "Point.Transect")){
      survey <- new(Class = "Survey.PT",
                    population = population,
                    transect = transects,
                    rad.truncation = object@design@truncation)
    # Simulate the survey
    survey <- run.survey(survey, region = object@design@region)

#' show
#' Not currently implemented
#' @param object object of class Simulation
#' @rdname show.Simulation-methods
#' @return No return value, displays a summary of the simulation
#' @export
    summary <- summary(object, description.summary = FALSE)

#' histogram.N.ests
#' Plots a histogram of the estimates abundances
#' @param x object of class Simulation
#' @param use.max.reps by default this is FALSE meaning that only simulation repetitions where all models converged for that data set are included. By setting this to TRUE any repetition where one or more models converged will be included in the summary results.
#' @param N.ests character indicating whether to plot estimates of abundance of 'individuals',
#' 'clusters' or 'both'. By default this is individuals.
#' @param ... optional parameters to pass to the generic hist function in graphics
#' @rdname histogram.N.ests-methods
#' @return No return value, displays a histogram of the abundance estimates
#' @importFrom graphics hist abline
#' @export
histogram.N.ests <- function(x, use.max.reps = FALSE, N.ests = "individuals", ...){
  # Input check
  if(!N.ests %in% c("both","individuals", "clusters")){
    stop("Unrecognised argument for N.ests, please specify one of 'individuals', 'clusters' or 'both'", call. = FALSE)
  # Check if there are clusters
  clusters <- ifelse(is.null(x@results$clusters), FALSE, TRUE)
  if(!clusters && N.ests %in% c("both","clusters")){
    warning("Cannot provide histogram of estimates of abundance of clusters as simulation does not include cluster size.", immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
    N.ests <- "individuals"
  # Find the number of rows
  total.row <- dim(x@results$individuals$N)[1]
  # UExtract the estimates
    rep.index <- which(x@results$Detection[1,"SuccessfulModels",1:x@reps] > 0)
    N.ind.ests <- x@results$individuals$N[total.row, "Estimate", rep.index]
      N.cls.ests <- x@results$clusters$N[total.row, "Estimate", rep.index]
    model.count <- length(x@ds.analysis@dfmodel)
    rep.index <- which(x@results$Detection[1,"SuccessfulModels",1:x@reps] == model.count)
    N.ind.ests <- x@results$individuals$N[total.row, "Estimate", rep.index]
      N.cls.ests <- x@results$clusters$N[total.row, "Estimate", rep.index]
  if(length(rep.index) == 0){
    warning("None of the simulation repetitions were successful, cannot plot histogram of estimates.", call. = TRUE, immediate. = TRUE)
    true.N.cls <- sum(x@population.description@N)
    sim.summary <- summary(x, use.max.reps = use.max.reps, description.summary = FALSE)
    true.N.ind <- sim.summary@individuals$N$Truth[total.row]
    true.N.ind <- sum(x@population.description@N)
  if(N.ests == "individuals"){
    hist(N.ind.ests, main = "Histogram of Estimates", xlab = "Estimated Abundance of Individuals", ...)
    abline(v = true.N.ind, col = 2, lwd = 3, lty = 2)
  }else if(N.ests == "clusters"){
    hist(N.cls.ests, main = "Histogram of Estimates", xlab = "Estimated Abundance of Clusters", ...)
    abline(v = true.N.cls, col = 2, lwd = 3, lty = 2)
    oldparams <- par(mfrow = c(1,2))
    hist(N.ind.ests, main = "Histogram of Estimates", xlab = "Estimated Abundance of Individuals", ...)
    abline(v = true.N.ind, col = 2, lwd = 3, lty = 2)
    hist(N.cls.ests, main = "Histogram of Estimates", xlab = "Estimated Abundance of Clusters", ...)
    abline(v = true.N.cls, col = 2, lwd = 3, lty = 2)

#' summary
#' Provides a summary of the simulation results.
#' @param object object of class Simulation
#' @param description.summary logical indicating whether an
#'  explanation of the summary should be displayed
#' @param use.max.reps by default this is FALSE meaning that only simulation repetitions where all models converged for that data set are included. By setting this to TRUE any repetition where one or more models converged will be included in the summary results.
#' @param ... no additional arguments currently implemented
#' @rdname summary.Simulation-methods
#' @importFrom stats na.omit qlnorm qnorm
#' @importFrom methods slotNames slot show is
#' @return Object of class Simulation.Summary
#' @export
  definition=function(object, description.summary = TRUE, use.max.reps = FALSE, ...){
    #Get number of reps
    reps <- object@reps

    #Get index of iterations to use
    model.count <- length(object@ds.analysis@dfmodel)
    #These will use max iters by default
    results <- object@results
    # Update summary stats depending on use.max.reps option
      rep.index <- which(object@results$Detection[1,"SuccessfulModels",1:reps] > 0)
      rep.index <- which(object@results$Detection[1,"SuccessfulModels",1:reps] == model.count)
      results <- add.summary.results(results = results,
                                     model.count = model.count,
                                     use.max.reps = use.max.reps)

    #Create design summary
    design.type = character()
    for(i in seq(along = object@design@design)){
      if(inherits(object@design, "Line.Transect.Design") || inherits(object@design, "Segment.Transect.Design")){
        design.type[i] <- switch(object@design@design[i],
                                 systematic = "Systematic parallel line design",
                                 eszigzag = "Equal spaced zigzag line design",
                                 eszigzagcom = "Equal spaced zigzag with complementary lines design",
                                 random = "Random parallel line design",
                                 segmentedgrid = "Segmented line transect grid design",
                                 segmentedtrack = "Segmented line transect trackline design")
        design.type[i] <- switch(object@design@design[i],
                                 systematic = "Systematic point design",
                                 random = "Random sampling point design")

    slots <- slotNames(object@design)
    design.parameters <- list()
    design.parameters$design.type <- design.type
    for(i in seq(along = slots)){
      if(slots[i] %in% c("design.angle", "spacing", "edge.protocol", "nested.space",
                         "line.length", "bounding.shape", "samplers", "effort.allocation",
        if(!(length(slot(object@design, slots[i])) == 0)){
          design.parameters[[slots[i]]] <- slot(object@design, slots[i])

    #Create analysis summary
    analysis.summary <- list(dfmodels = object@ds.analysis@dfmodel,
                             key = object@ds.analysis@key,
                             criteria = object@ds.analysis@criteria,
                             variance.estimator = object@ds.analysis@er.var,
                             truncation = object@ds.analysis@truncation)
    if(length(object@ds.analysis@cutpoints) > 0){
      analysis.summary$cutpoints <- object@ds.analysis@cutpoints
    #Deal with any grouping of strata
    analysis.strata <- object@ds.analysis@group.strata
    if(nrow(analysis.strata) > 0){
      analysis.summary$analysis.strata <- object@ds.analysis@group.strata
    if(length(object@ds.analysis@adjustment) > 0){
      analysis.summary$adjustment <- object@ds.analysis@adjustment
    if(length(object@ds.analysis@control.opts) > 0){
      analysis.summary$control <- object@ds.analysis@control.opts

    #Create population summary
    pop.covars <- object@population.description@covariates

    #Model selection table
    tab.model.selection <- table(results$Detection[,"SelectedModel",rep.index])

    #Create detectabilty summary
    detectability.summary <- list(key.function = object@detectability@key.function,
                                  scale.param = object@detectability@scale.param,
                                  shape.param = object@detectability@shape.param,
                                  cov.param = object@detectability@cov.param,
                                  truncation = object@detectability@truncation)

    # If there were no valid reps
      #Create simulation summary object
      summary.x <- new(Class = "Simulation.Summary",
                       region.name = object@design@region@region.name,
                       strata.name = object@design@region@strata.name,
                       total.reps = object@reps,
                       failures = reps - length(rep.index),
                       use.max.reps = use.max.reps,
                       individuals = list(),
                       clusters = list(),
                       expected.size = data.frame(),
                       population.covars = pop.covars,
                       detection = data.frame(),
                       model.selection = tab.model.selection,
                       design.summary = design.parameters,
                       detectability.summary = detectability.summary,
                       analysis.summary = analysis.summary)



    #Create function to calculate RMSE
    calc.RMSE <- function(x, reps){
      true.x <- x[(reps+1)]
      x <- na.omit(x[1:reps])
      reps.success <- length(x)
      return( sqrt( sum((x-true.x)^2) / reps.success ))
    #Calculate true values
    strata.names <- object@design@region@strata.name
    strata.order <- NULL
    # Get density summary
    density.summary <- summary(object@population.description@density)@summary
    if(nrow(analysis.strata) > 0){
      #get strata names
      sub.strata.names <- strata.names
      tmp.names <- dimnames(object@results$individuals$summary)[[1]]
      # Remove Total if it exists
      strata.names <- tmp.names[tmp.names %in% analysis.strata$analysis.id]
      #sum areas of sub strata
      areas <- N <- rep(NA, length(strata.names))
      for(strat in seq(along = strata.names)){
        #Get sub strata names
        sub.strata <- analysis.strata$design.id[which(analysis.strata$analysis.id == strata.names[strat])]
        #Find their index
        index <- which(sub.strata.names %in% sub.strata)
        areas[strat] <- sum(object@design@region@area[index])
        # Get abundance for strata
          N[strat] <- sum(object@population.description@N[index])
          index2 <- which(density.summary$strata %in% sub.strata)
          N[strat] <- sum(density.summary$ave.N[index2])
      #Add on totals
      if(length(strata.names) > 1){
        areas <- c(areas, sum(areas))
        N <- c(N, sum(N))
      #Otherwise process areas and Population size as normal
      #Re ordering in the same way as the results tables (think dht arranges them)
      for(strat in seq(along = strata.names)){
        strata.order <- c(strata.order, which(strata.names == dimnames(results$individuals$N)[[1]][strat]))
        N <- object@population.description@N
        N <- density.summary$ave.N
      if(length(strata.names) > 1){
        N <- N[strata.order]
        N <- c(N, sum(N))
        areas <- c(object@design@region@area[strata.order], sum(object@design@region@area))
        strata.names <- c(strata.names[strata.order], "Pooled")
        areas <- object@design@region@area
      #If there are no clusters
      true.N.individuals <- N
      true.D.individuals <- true.N.individuals/areas
      expected.size <- data.frame()
      #If there are clusters
      true.N.clusters <- N
      #calculate expected cluster size
      true.expected.s <- numeric()
      size.list <- object@population.description@covariates[["size"]]
      for(i in seq(along = size.list)){
        if(is(size.list[[i]], "data.frame")){
          true.expected.s[i] <- sum(size.list[[i]]$level*size.list[[i]]$prob)
          size.dist <- size.list[[i]]
          dist <- size.dist[[1]]
          dist.param <- size.dist[[2]]
          true.expected.s[i] <- switch(dist,
                                       "normal" = dist.param$mean,
                                       "poisson" = dist.param$lambda,
                                       "ztruncpois" = dist.param$mean,
                                       "lognormal" = exp(dist.param$meanlog + 0.5 * dist.param$sdlog^2))
      # Re-order to match
      new.true.exp.s <- numeric(0)
      if(nrow(analysis.strata) > 0){
        for(strat in seq(along = strata.names)){
          #Get sub strata names
          sub.strata <- analysis.strata$design.id[which(analysis.strata$analysis.id == strata.names[strat])]
          #Find their index
          index <- which(sub.strata.names %in% sub.strata)
          # Get abundance for strata
            N.sub <- object@population.description@N[index]
            index2 <- which(density.summary$strata %in% sub.strata)
            N.sub <- density.summary$ave.N[index2]
          N.sub <- N.sub/(sum(N.sub))
          new.true.exp.s[strat] <- sum(true.expected.s[index]*N.sub)
        true.expected.s <- new.true.exp.s
        # Add average (if more than one strata)
        if(length(size.list) > 1 && length(strata.names) > 1){
          true.expected.s <- c(true.expected.s, sum(true.N.clusters[1:length(true.expected.s)]*true.expected.s)/sum(true.N.clusters[1:length(true.expected.s)]))
        true.expected.s <- true.expected.s[strata.order]
        # Add average
        if(length(size.list) > 1){
          true.expected.s <- c(true.expected.s, sum(true.N.clusters[1:length(true.expected.s)]*true.expected.s)/sum(true.N.clusters[1:length(true.expected.s)]))
      #calculate expected number of individuals
      true.N.individuals <- true.N.clusters*true.expected.s
      true.D.individuals <- true.N.individuals/areas
      true.D.clusters <- true.N.clusters/areas

    #Create summary tables
    included.reps <- length(rep.index)
    capture <- array(NA, dim = c(included.reps, length(true.N.individuals)))
    capture.D <- array(NA, dim = c(included.reps, length(true.D.individuals)))
    zero.n <- array(NA, dim = c(included.reps, length(true.N.individuals)))
    for(strat in seq(along = true.N.individuals)){
      for(i in seq(along = rep.index)){
        capture[i, strat] <- ifelse(results$individuals$N[strat, "lcl", i] < true.N.individuals[strat] & results$individuals$N[strat, "ucl", i] > true.N.individuals[strat], TRUE, FALSE)
        capture.D[i, strat] <- ifelse(results$individuals$D[strat, "lcl", i] < true.D.individuals[strat] & results$individuals$D[strat, "ucl", i] > true.D.individuals[strat], TRUE, FALSE)
        zero.n[i, strat] <- ifelse(results$individuals$summary[strat, "n", i] == 0, TRUE, FALSE)
    #Calculates the percentage of times the true value is within the confidence intervals
    percent.capture <- (apply(capture, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)/nrow(na.omit(capture)))*100
    percent.capture.D <- (apply(capture.D, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)/nrow(na.omit(capture)))*100
    zero.n <- apply(zero.n, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
    if(length(true.N.individuals) == 1){
      RMSE.N = apply(cbind(t(as.matrix(results$individuals$N[, "Estimate", rep.index])), true.N.individuals), 1, calc.RMSE, reps = length(rep.index))
      RMSE.D = apply(cbind(t(as.matrix(results$individuals$D[, "Estimate", rep.index])), true.D.individuals), 1, calc.RMSE, reps = length(rep.index))
      RMSE.N = apply(cbind(results$individuals$N[, "Estimate", rep.index], true.N.individuals), 1, calc.RMSE, reps = length(rep.index))
      RMSE.D = apply(cbind(results$individuals$D[, "Estimate", rep.index], true.D.individuals), 1, calc.RMSE, reps = length(rep.index))
    # Extract values to avoid ifelse below
    if("n.miss.dist" %in% dimnames(results$individuals$summary)[[2]]){
      n.miss.dists <- results$individuals$summary[,"n.miss.dist","mean"]
      n.miss.dists <-  NA
    if("k" %in% dimnames(results$individuals$summary)[[2]]){
      mean.k <- results$individuals$summary[,"k","mean"]
      mean.k <-  NA
    individual.summary <- data.frame(mean.Cover.Area = results$individuals$summary[,"CoveredArea","mean"],
                                     mean.Effort = results$individuals$summary[,"Effort","mean"],
                                     mean.n = results$individuals$summary[,"n","mean"],
                                     mean.n.miss.dist = n.miss.dists,
                                     no.zero.n = zero.n,
                                     mean.k = mean.k,
                                     mean.ER = results$individuals$summary[,"ER","mean"],
                                     mean.se.ER = results$individuals$summary[,"se.ER","mean"],
                                     sd.mean.ER = results$individuals$summary[,"ER","sd"])
    # Remove unnecessary columns
    if(all(is.na(individual.summary$mean.n.miss.dist)) || all(individual.summary$mean.n.miss.dist == 0)){
      # To keep CRAN check happy!
      eval(parse(text = paste("individual.summary <- subset(individual.summary, select = -mean.n.miss.dist)")))
    if(all(individual.summary$no.zero.n == 0)){
      eval(parse(text = paste("individual.summary <- subset(individual.summary, select = -no.zero.n)")))
    # For backwards compatability
      eval(parse(text = paste("individual.summary <- subset(individual.summary, select = -mean.k)")))
    individual.N <- data.frame(Truth = true.N.individuals,
                               mean.Estimate = results$individuals$N[,"Estimate","mean"],
                               percent.bias = (results$individuals$N[,"Estimate","mean"] - true.N.individuals)/true.N.individuals*100,
                               RMSE = RMSE.N,
                               CI.coverage.prob = percent.capture/100,
                               mean.se = results$individuals$N[,"se","mean"],
                               sd.of.means = results$individuals$N[,"Estimate","sd"])
    individual.D <- data.frame(Truth = true.D.individuals,
                               mean.Estimate = results$individuals$D[,"Estimate","mean"],
                               percent.bias = (results$individuals$D[,"Estimate","mean"] - true.D.individuals)/true.D.individuals*100,
                               RMSE = RMSE.D,
                               CI.coverage.prob = percent.capture.D/100,
                               mean.se = results$individuals$D[,"se","mean"],
                               sd.of.means = results$individuals$D[,"Estimate","sd"])

      capture <- array(NA, dim = c(included.reps, length(true.N.clusters)))
      capture.D <- array(NA, dim = c(included.reps, length(true.D.clusters)))
      zero.n <- array(NA, dim = c(included.reps, length(true.N.clusters)))
      for(strat in seq(along = true.N.clusters)){
        for(i in seq(along = rep.index)){
          capture[i, strat] <- ifelse(results$clusters$N[strat, "lcl", i] < true.N.clusters[strat] & results$clusters$N[strat, "ucl", i] > true.N.clusters[strat], TRUE, FALSE)
          capture.D[i, strat] <- ifelse(results$clusters$D[strat, "lcl", i] < true.D.clusters[strat] & results$clusters$D[strat, "ucl", i] > true.D.clusters[strat], TRUE, FALSE)
          zero.n[i, strat] <- ifelse(results$clusters$summary[strat, "n", i] == 0, TRUE, FALSE)
      percent.capture <- (apply(capture, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)/nrow(na.omit(capture)))*100
      percent.capture.D <- (apply(capture.D, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)/nrow(na.omit(capture.D)))*100
      zero.n <- apply(zero.n, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
      if(length(true.N.clusters) == 1){
        RMSE.N = apply(cbind(t(as.matrix(results$clusters$N[, "Estimate", rep.index])), true.N.clusters), 1, calc.RMSE, reps = length(rep.index))
        RMSE.D = apply(cbind(t(as.matrix(results$clusters$D[, "Estimate", rep.index])), true.D.clusters), 1, calc.RMSE, reps = length(rep.index))
        RMSE.N = apply(cbind(results$clusters$N[, "Estimate", rep.index], true.N.clusters), 1, calc.RMSE, reps = length(rep.index))
        RMSE.D = apply(cbind(results$clusters$D[, "Estimate", rep.index], true.D.clusters), 1, calc.RMSE, reps = length(rep.index))
      # Extract values to avoid ifelse below
      if("n.miss.dist" %in% dimnames(results$clusters$summary)[[2]]){
        clus.n.miss.dists <- results$clusters$summary[,"n.miss.dist","mean"]
        clus.n.miss.dists <-  NA
      cluster.summary <- data.frame(mean.Cover.Area = results$clusters$summary[,"CoveredArea","mean"],
                                    mean.Effort = results$clusters$summary[,"Effort","mean"],
                                    mean.n = results$clusters$summary[,"n","mean"],
                                    mean.n.miss.dist = clus.n.miss.dists,
                                    no.zero.n = zero.n,
                                    mean.k = results$clusters$summary[,"k","mean"],
                                    mean.ER = results$clusters$summary[,"ER","mean"],
                                    mean.se.ER = results$clusters$summary[,"se.ER","mean"],
                                    sd.mean.ER = results$clusters$summary[,"ER","sd"])
      # Remove unnecessary columns
      if(all(is.na(cluster.summary$mean.n.miss.dist)) || all(cluster.summary$mean.n.miss.dist == 0)){
        eval(parse(text = paste("cluster.summary <- subset(cluster.summary,select = -mean.n.miss.dist)")))
      if(all(cluster.summary$no.zero.n == 0)){
        eval(parse(text = paste("cluster.summary <- subset(cluster.summary,select = -no.zero.n)")))
      cluster.N <- data.frame(Truth = true.N.clusters,
                              mean.Estimate = results$clusters$N[,"Estimate","mean"],
                              percent.bias = (results$clusters$N[,"Estimate","mean"] - true.N.clusters)/true.N.clusters*100,
                              RMSE = RMSE.N,
                              #lcl = results$clusters$N[,"lcl","mean"],
                              #ucl = results$clusters$N[,"ucl","mean"],
                              CI.coverage.prob = percent.capture/100,
                              mean.se = results$clusters$N[,"se","mean"],
                              sd.of.means = results$clusters$N[,"Estimate","sd"])
      cluster.D <- data.frame(Truth = true.D.clusters,
                              mean.Estimate = results$clusters$D[,"Estimate","mean"],
                              percent.bias = (results$clusters$D[,"Estimate","mean"] - true.D.clusters)/true.D.clusters*100,
                              RMSE = RMSE.D,
                              #lcl = results$clusters$N[,"lcl","mean"],
                              #ucl = results$clusters$N[,"ucl","mean"],
                              CI.coverage.prob = percent.capture.D/100,
                              mean.se = results$clusters$D[,"se","mean"],
                              sd.of.means = results$clusters$D[,"Estimate","sd"])
      expected.size <- data.frame(Truth = true.expected.s,
                                  mean.Expected.S = results$expected.size[,"Expected.S","mean"],
                                  percent.bias = abs(true.expected.s - results$expected.size[,"Expected.S","mean"])/true.expected.s*100,
                                  mean.se.ExpS = results$expected.size[,"se.Expected.S","mean"],
                                  sd.mean.ExpS = results$expected.size[,"Expected.S","sd"])
      clusters <- list(summary = cluster.summary, N = cluster.N, D = cluster.D)
      clusters <- list()

    # Detection function
    detection <- data.frame(mean.observed.Pa = results$Detection[,"True.Pa","mean"],
                            mean.estimate.Pa = results$Detection[,"Pa","mean"],
                            sd.estimate.Pa = results$Detection[,"Pa","sd"],
                            mean.ESW = results$Detection[,"ESW","mean"],
                            sd.ESW = results$Detection[,"ESW","sd"])
    #Find how many iterations failed
    no.fails <- reps - included.reps
    individuals <- list(summary = individual.summary, N = individual.N, D = individual.D)

    #Create simulation summary object
    summary.x <- new(Class = "Simulation.Summary",
                     region.name = object@design@region@region.name,
                     strata.name = object@design@region@strata.name,
                     total.reps = object@reps,
                     failures = no.fails,
                     use.max.reps = use.max.reps,
                     individuals = individuals,
                     clusters = clusters,
                     expected.size = expected.size,
                     population.covars = pop.covars,
                     detection = detection,
                     model.selection = tab.model.selection,
                     design.summary = design.parameters,
                     detectability.summary = detectability.summary,
                     analysis.summary = analysis.summary)


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