### Author: Yusha Liu (with edits by J. Willwerscheid).
### mode corresponds to mode of truncated normal component.
### scale corresponds to sigma / mu.
ebnm_generalized_binary_defaults <- function(x, s) {
min_mu <- min(s) / 10
if (all(x <= 0)) {
mu_init <- min_mu
max_mu <- max(s)
} else {
mu_init <- mean(x[x > 0])
max_mu <- max(x - s)
maxiter = 50,
tol = 1e-3,
wlist = c(1e-5, 1e-2, 1e-1, 2.5e-1, 9e-1, 1),
mu_init = mu_init,
mu_range = c(min_mu, max_mu)
#' @importFrom ashr tnormalmix
#' @importFrom stats pnorm optim
gb_workhorse <- function(x,
mode = "estimate",
scale = 0.1,
...) {
args <- ebnm_generalized_binary_defaults(x, s)
for (arg in names(list(...))) {
if (!(arg %in% names(args))) {
warning("Argument ", arg, " is not recognized by ebnm_generalized_binary.")
} else {
args[[arg]] <- list(...)[[arg]]
maxiter <- args$maxiter
tol <- args$tol
wlist <- args$wlist
mu_init <- args$mu_init
mu_range <- args$mu_range
if (!is.null(g_init) && !inherits(g_init, "tnormalmix")) {
stop("g_init must be NULL or an object of class tnormalmix")
if (!is.null(g_init)) {
if (!(length(g_init$pi) == 2 &&
g_init$mean[1] == 0 &&
g_init$sd[1] == 0 &&
g_init$a[2] == 0 &&
g_init$b[2] == Inf)) {
stop("g_init is a tnormalmix object, but it is not a generalized ",
"binary prior (i.e., a mixture of a point mass at zero and a ",
"truncated normal component with lower bound zero).")
if (!is.null(call$mode) || !is.null(call$scale)) {
warning("mode and scale parameters are ignored when g_init is supplied.")
scale <- g_init$sd[2] / g_init$mean[2]
} else if (identical(scale, "estimate")) {
stop("scale parameter must be fixed for generalized binary priors.")
if (fix_g) {
g <- g_init
llik <- calc_gb_posterior(x, s, g, output = "llik")
} else {
s2 <- s^2
### separately optimize over parameters in different intervals for pi and
### take the best solution
opt_list <- list(NULL)
val_list <- rep(NA, length(wlist) - 1)
for (k in 1:(length(wlist) - 1)) {
### initialize g; due to the piecewise approach to optimization, g_init
### is ignored.
w <- (wlist[k] + wlist[k + 1]) / 2
mu <- mu_init
### update g
iter <- 1
continue_loop <- TRUE
while (iter <= maxiter && continue_loop) {
g <- tnormalmix(
pi = c(1 - w, w),
a = c(-Inf, 0),
b = c(Inf, Inf),
mean = c(0, mu),
sd = c(0, mu * scale)
zeta <- calc_gb_posterior(x, s, g, output = "zeta")
# update g given the expectation of latent variables z
w_new <- pmin(pmax(mean(zeta), wlist[k]), wlist[k+1])
if (!identical(mode, "estimate")) {
mu_new <- mode
} else {
# define the objective function to maximize to obtain mu
opt_fn <- function(par) {
par_sigma2 <- (par * scale)^2
# calculate mean and variance of posterior corresponding to the
# truncated normal component in the mixture prior
wgts <- s2 / (s2 + par_sigma2)
post_mean <- wgts * par + (1 - wgts) * x
post_var <- 1 / (1 / par_sigma2 + 1 / s2)
post_sd <- pmax(sqrt(post_var), 1e-15)
llik <- -0.5 * (log(par_sigma2 + s2) + (x - par)^2 / (par_sigma2 + s2)) +
pnorm(-post_mean / post_sd, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE) -
pnorm(-par / sqrt(par_sigma2), lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)
# calculate objective function
return(-sum(zeta * llik))
# update mu
mu_new <- optim(
par = mu_init,
fn = opt_fn,
lower = mu_range[1],
upper = mu_range[2],
method = "L-BFGS-B",
control = control
# check for stopping criterion
if (abs(w_new - w) < tol & abs(mu_new - mu) < mu * tol) {
continue_loop <- FALSE
mu <- mu_new
w <- w_new
iter <- iter + 1
### return the estimated g and likelihood
g <- tnormalmix(
pi = c(1 - w, w),
a = c(-Inf, 0),
b = c(Inf, Inf),
mean = c(0, mu),
sd = c(0, mu * scale)
opt_list[[k]] <- g
val_list[k] <- calc_gb_posterior(x, s, g, output = "llik")
### take the optimal g among all intervals
g <- opt_list[[which.max(val_list)]]
llik <- max(val_list)
# Compute results.
retlist <- list()
if (data_in_output(output)) {
retlist <- add_data_to_retlist(retlist, x, s)
if (posterior_in_output(output)) {
posterior <- calc_gb_posterior(x, s, g, output = "posterior")
retlist <- add_posterior_to_retlist(retlist, posterior, output, x)
if (g_in_output(output)) {
retlist <- add_g_to_retlist(retlist, g)
if (llik_in_output(output)) {
retlist <- add_llik_to_retlist(retlist, llik, x, df = 2 * (1 - fix_g))
if (sampler_in_output(output)) {
sampler <- calc_gb_posterior(x, s, g, output = "sampler")
retlist <- add_sampler_to_retlist(retlist, sampler)
#' @importFrom truncnorm etruncnorm vtruncnorm rtruncnorm
#' @importFrom stats rbinom
calc_gb_posterior <- function(x, s, g, output){
s2 <- s^2
w <- g$pi[2]
mu <- g$mean[2]
sigma2 <- g$sd[2]^2
# Calculate mean and variance of posterior corresponding to the truncated
# normal component in the mixture prior:
wgts <- s2 / (s2 + sigma2)
post_mean <- wgts * mu + (1 - wgts) * x
post_var <- 1 / (1 / sigma2 + 1 / s2)
post_sd <- pmax(sqrt(post_var), 1e-15)
# Calculate marginal log likelihood for each mixture component:
llik_mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(x), ncol = 2)
llik_mat[,1] <- -0.5 * (log(s2) + x^2 / s2)
llik_mat[,2] <- -0.5 * (log(sigma2 + s2) + (x - mu)^2 / (sigma2 + s2)) +
pnorm(-post_mean / post_sd, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE) -
pnorm(-mu / sqrt(sigma2), lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)
llik_norms <- apply(llik_mat, 1, max)
L_mat <- exp(llik_mat - llik_norms)
# Calculate posterior weight for truncated normal in the posterior:
zeta_mat <- t(t(L_mat) * g$pi)
zeta_mat <- zeta_mat * (1 / rowSums(zeta_mat))
zeta <- zeta_mat[,2]
out <- list()
if (output == "zeta") {
out <- zeta
} else if (output == "llik") {
out <- sum(log(L_mat %*% g$pi)) + sum(llik_norms) - 0.5 * log(pi) * length(x)
} else if (output == "posterior") {
tmp1 <- etruncnorm(a = 0, mean = post_mean, sd = post_sd)
tmp1[is.nan(tmp1)] <- 0
tmp1[tmp1 < 0] <- 0
tmp2 <- vtruncnorm(a = 0, mean = post_mean, sd = post_sd)
tmp2[is.nan(tmp2)] <- 0
tmp2[tmp2 < 0] <- 0
pm <- zeta * tmp1
pm2 <- zeta * (tmp1^2 + tmp2)
psd <- sqrt(pmax(0, pm2 - pm^2))
lfsr <- 1 - zeta
out <- list(mean = pm, mean2 = pm2, sd = psd, lfsr = lfsr)
} else if (output == "sampler") {
out <- function(nsamp) {
nobs <- length(x)
is_nonnull <- rbinom(nsamp * nobs, 1, rep(zeta, each = nsamp))
samp <- is_nonnull * rtruncnorm(nsamp * nobs,
a = 0,
b = Inf,
mean = rep(post_mean, each = nsamp),
sd = rep(post_sd, each = nsamp))
samp <- matrix(samp, nrow = nsamp)
colnames(samp) <- names(x)
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