
getrsp <- structure(function #Get remote sensing product
### This function processes the extent of a predefined region of
### interest (polygon geometry or \code{GADM} unit) to download
### ecosystem remote sensing products (ERSP). Downloadable ERSP include
### Global Surface Water, Forest Change, and Continuous Tree Cover
### data. See \code{\link{listGP}}.
                        ##details<< Downloads of Continuous Tree Cover
                        ##data require user authentication through
                        ##the NASA Earth data Login. To obtain a NASA
                        ##Earth data Login account, please visit:

                      ##references<< {Pekel, J. F., Cottam, A.,
                      ##Gorelick, N., & Belward,
                      ##A. S. (2016). High-resolution mapping of
                      ##global surface water and its long-term
                      ##changes. Nature, 540(7633), 418-422.}
                      ##{Hansen, M. C., Potapov, P. V., Moore, R.,
                      ##Hancher, M., Turubanova, S. A., Tyukavina, A.,
                      ##... & Kommareddy, A. (2013). High-resolution
                      ##global maps of 21st-century forest cover
                      ##change. science, 342(6160), 850-853.}
                      ## {Sexton, J. O., Song, X. P., Feng, M.,
                      ##Noojipady, P., Anand, A., Huang, C., ... &
                      ##Townshend, J. R. (2013). Global, 30-m
                      ##resolution continuous fields of tree cover:
                      ##Landsat-based rescaling of MODIS vegetation
                      ##continuous fields with lidar-based estimates
                      ##of error. International Journal of Digital
                      ##Earth, 6(5), 427-448.}

    roi = NULL, ##<<\code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame}; or
                ##\code{sf}; or \code{character};
                ##or \code{NULL}. Region of interest. This can be
                ##either 1) a polygon geometry; or 2) the name of a
                ##\code{GADM} unit (see \code{\link{getGADM}}); or 3)
                ##a \code{NULL} value. Default \code{NULL} makes the
                ##function to print a list of \code{GADM} units.
    ..., ##<<If \code{roi} is a \code{GADM} unit then additional
         ##arguments in \code{\link{getGADM}}.
    lyrs = NULL, ##<<\code{character}. Remote-sensing
                ##products. Default \code{NULL} makes the function to
                ##print a list of Downloadable data, see
    path, ##<<\code{character}. Path name indicating where the
          ## variables are stored. If missing then a folder
          ## named as \code{'ecochange'} created in a current
          ## temporary directory is used.
    rewrite.pass = FALSE, ##<<\code{logical}. Rewrite password. Only
                          ##valid to download new NASA Earth data, see
                          ##details section.
    verify.web = FALSE, ##<<\code{logical}. Verify in the web whether
                        ## the \code{URL}s used to download the
                        ## \code{rsp} are available. See
                        ## \code{getOption('webs')}. Default \code{FALSE}.
    mc.cores = round(detectCores()*0.6,0) ##<<\code{numeric}. The
                                          ##number of cores. Default
                                          ##uses around 60 percent of the
) {
        options('pw' = NULL)
    old <- options()
    on.exit(options(old), add = TRUE)
    class. <- 'getrsp'
        ecodir <- normalizePath(file.path(tempdir(),'ecochange'),winslash = '/',
                                mustWork = FALSE)
        path  <- ecodir
        path <- normalizePath(path,winslash = '/',
                              mustWork = FALSE)
    if(inherits(roi, getOption('inh')[3:4])){
        roi. <- roi
        roi <- getGADM(roi,..., path = path)

        if(inherits(roi, 'sf'))
            roi <- as(roi, "Spatial")
    if(!compareCRS(crs(roi), getOption('longlat'))){
        roi <- st_as_sf(roi)
        roi <- st_transform(roi, crs = getOption('longlat'))
        roi <- as(roi, "Spatial")
        lyrs. <- lyrs
        if(any(grepl('TC_', lyrs))){
            lyrs <- rnm.lyrs0(lyrs)}

        suggested <- c('curl', 'xml2','rvest')
        sugg_logs <- sapply(suggested,
                            function(x) requireNamespace(x,quietly = TRUE))
            print(paste0(paste(suggested[!sugg_logs], collapse = ', '),
                         " needed for this function to verify urls in the web"))
            verify.web <- FALSE
        urt. <- suppressMessages(
            unlist(get_EOURL(roi, lyrs, path = path, verify.web = verify.web),
                   use.names = FALSE))# <-
        lsRoi <- list2env(list(roi = roi))

        ps. <- paste(lyrs., collapse = '|')
        objs <- as.data.frame(file.info(list.files(path = path, full.names = TRUE)))
        objs <- objs[grepl(ps.,rownames(objs)),]
        torem <- (round(objs$'size' * 1E-6, 3) == 0)
            allpaths <- file.path(path,basename(rownames(objs)))
            rmpaths <- allpaths[torem]
            print('Previous corrupted files were removed:')
            rem <- file.remove(rmpaths)

        ps <- paste(lyrs, collapse = '|')
        indir <- grep(ps,dir(path))
        if(length(indir) == 0){
            stop("'lyrs' can not be retrieved")}
                flcls <- file.path(path, dir(path)[indir])
                class(flcls) <- append(class(flcls),class.)
                ## print("Data already downloaded:")
                ## print(flcls)
                attributes(flcls) <- c(attributes(flcls), env = lsRoi)
    urt1 <- urt.[!basename(urt.)%in%dir(path)]
    urt2 <- urt.[basename(urt.)%in%dir(path)]
    ## if(length(urt2) != 0){
    ##     print("Data already downloaded:")
    ##     print(file.path(path,basename(urt2)))}
    if(length(urt1) == 0){
        flcls <- normalizePath(file.path(path, basename(urt.)),winslash = '/',
                               mustWork = FALSE)
        attributes(flcls) <- c(attributes(flcls), env = lsRoi)
        class(flcls) <- append(class(flcls), class.)
    if(length(urt1) != 0){
        urt. <- urt1}
fl <- normalizePath(file.path(path, basename(urt.)),winslash = '/',
                    mustWork = FALSE)
    usgs <- grepl('usgs.gov', urt.)
            options(pw = flg())
    urt.. <- urt.[usgs]
    urth.. <- urt.[!usgs]
    fl.. <- fl[usgs]
    flh.. <- fl[!usgs]
    fprll <- getOption('fapp')
        ## cat(paste0('Downloading files on ', path,':'))
    dmsg <- paste0('Downloading files on ', path,'\n')
    doc1 <- NULL
        marg[['mc.cores']] <- mc.cores}

        marg. <- c(list(FUN = function(x,y)
            tryCatch(fgetpss(x,y, path = path),
                     error = function(e){
            x = urt..,
            y = fl..),marg)
        doc1 <- do.call(fprll, marg.)
        objs <- as.data.frame(file.info(list.files(path = path, full.names = TRUE)))
        objs <- objs[grepl(ps.,rownames(objs)),]
        torem <- (round(objs$'size' * 1E-6, 3) == 0)
        rmpaths <- NULL
            allpaths <- file.path(path,basename(rownames(objs)))
            rmpaths <- allpaths[torem]
            rem <- file.remove(rmpaths)
            cat(paste0("Warning: ",length(rmpaths), " corrupted files were disregarded \n"))
            cat("Hint: set 'rewrite.pass = TRUE', and use a correct password \n")
            cat("Hint: you can register in 'https://urs.earthdata.nasa.gov' \n")
        }# see also line 176
## doc1 <- doc1[!doc1%in%rmpaths]

    doc2 <- NULL
        marg. <- c(list(FUN = function(x,y)
            tryCatch(fget(x,y, path = path),
                     error = function(e){
            x = urth..,
            y = flh..),marg)
        doc2 <- do.call(fprll, marg.)}
        pth <- file.path(path, dir(path))
        docs <- unlist(c(doc1, doc2))

            docs <- docs[!docs%in%rmpaths]
                        options('pw' = NULL)

        docs <- normalizePath(file.path(path,basename(c(docs, urt2))),winslash = '/',
                              mustWork = FALSE)
        names(docs) <- NULL

        class(docs) <- append(class(docs),class.)
        attributes(docs) <- c(attributes(docs), env = lsRoi)
### Path names of the remote sensing products just retrieved, or
### character vectors suggesting GADM units/Global Products that can be
### used to download ERSP (see \code{NULL} defaults in arguments
### \code{'roi'} and \code{'lyrs'}).
} , ex=function() {
    ## Polygon of the Colombian municipality of Cartagena del Chaira:
        load(system.file('cchaira_roi.RData',package = 'ecochange'))

    ## A Global Surface Water layer ('seasonality') which covers the
    ## extent of the polygon is retrieved:

    ## \donttest{
    ## rsp_cchaira <- getrsp(cchaira_roi,
    ##   lyrs = 'seasonality', mc.cores = 2, path = tempdir())
    ## file.exists(rsp_cchaira)
    ## }

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ecochange documentation built on March 7, 2023, 7:16 p.m.