
Defines functions .odds_to_probs_df probs_to_odds.data.frame probs_to_odds.numeric probs_to_odds odds_to_probs.data.frame odds_to_probs.numeric odds_to_probs

Documented in odds_to_probs odds_to_probs.data.frame probs_to_odds probs_to_odds.data.frame

#' Convert Between Odds and Probabilities
#' @param odds The *Odds* (or `log(odds)` when `log = TRUE`) to convert.
#' @param probs Probability values to convert.
#' @param log Take in or output log odds (such as in logistic models).
#' @param select When a data frame is passed, character or list of of column
#'   names to be transformed.
#' @param exclude When a data frame is passed, character or list of column names
#'   to be excluded from transformation.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return Converted index.
#' @seealso [stats::plogis()]
#' @family convert between effect sizes
#' @examples
#' odds_to_probs(3)
#' odds_to_probs(1.09, log = TRUE)
#' probs_to_odds(0.95)
#' probs_to_odds(0.95, log = TRUE)
#' @export
odds_to_probs <- function(odds, log = FALSE, ...) {

#' @export
odds_to_probs.numeric <- function(odds, log = FALSE, ...) {
  if (log) {
  } else {

#' @rdname odds_to_probs
#' @export
odds_to_probs.data.frame <- function(odds, log = FALSE, select = NULL, exclude = NULL, ...) {
  .odds_to_probs_df(odds = odds, log = log, select = select, exclude = exclude, ...)

#' @rdname odds_to_probs
#' @export
probs_to_odds <- function(probs, log = FALSE, ...) {

#' @export
probs_to_odds.numeric <- function(probs, log = FALSE, ...) {
  if (log) {
  } else {

#' @rdname odds_to_probs
#' @export
probs_to_odds.data.frame <- function(probs, log = FALSE, select = NULL, exclude = NULL, ...) {
  .odds_to_probs_df(probs = probs, log = log, select = select, exclude = exclude, ...)

# Data frame --------------------------------------------------------------

#' @keywords internal
.odds_to_probs_df <- function(odds = NULL, probs = NULL, log = FALSE, select = NULL, exclude = NULL, ...) {
  # If vector
  if (is.null(odds)) {
    mydata <- probs
  } else {
    mydata <- odds

  # check for formula notation, convert to character vector
  if (inherits(select, "formula")) {
    select <- all.vars(select)
  if (inherits(exclude, "formula")) {
    exclude <- all.vars(exclude)

  # Variable order
  var_order <- names(mydata)

  # Keep subset
  if (!is.null(select) && select %in% names(mydata)) {
    select <- as.vector(select)
    to_keep <- as.data.frame(mydata[!names(mydata) %in% select])
    mydata <- mydata[names(mydata) %in% select]
  } else {
    to_keep <- NULL

  # Remove exceptions
  if (!is.null(exclude) && exclude %in% names(mydata)) {
    exclude <- as.vector(exclude)
    if (is.null(to_keep)) {
      to_keep <- as.data.frame(mydata[exclude])
    } else {
      to_keep <- cbind(to_keep, as.data.frame(mydata[exclude]))

    mydata <- mydata[!names(mydata) %in% exclude]

  # Remove non-numerics
  is_num <- vapply(mydata, is.numeric, logical(1))
  dfother <- mydata[!is_num]
  dfnum <- mydata[is_num]

  # Tranform
  if (is.null(odds)) {
    dfnum <- data.frame(lapply(dfnum, probs_to_odds.numeric, log = log))
  } else {
    dfnum <- data.frame(lapply(dfnum, odds_to_probs.numeric, log = log))

  # Add non-numerics
  if (is.null(ncol(dfother))) {
    mydata <- dfnum
  } else {
    mydata <- cbind(dfother, dfnum)

  # Add exceptions
  if (!is.null(select) || !is.null(exclude) && exists("to_keep")) {
    mydata <- cbind(mydata, to_keep)

  # Reorder
  mydata <- mydata[var_order]


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effectsize documentation built on July 3, 2024, 9:07 a.m.