
Defines functions traceback.Initializers format_traceback ergm_Init_try ergm_Init_inform ergm_Init_warn ergm_Init_abort

Documented in ergm_Init_abort ergm_Init_inform ergm_Init_try ergm_Init_warn

#  File R/ergm.errors.R in package ergm, part of the
#  Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org .
#  This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license.  It is free,
#  open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at
#  https://statnet.org/attribution .
#  Copyright 2003-2023 Statnet Commons
#' Sensible error and warning messages by `ergm` initializers
#' These functions use traceback and pattern matching to find which
#' `ergm` initializer caused the problem, and prepend this information
#' to the specified message. They are not meant to be used by
#' end-users, but may be useful to developers.
#' @param ... Objects that can be coerced (via [paste0()]) into a
#'   character vector, concatenated into the message.
#' @param default.loc Optional name for the source of the error, to be
#'   used if an initializer cannot be autodetected.
#' @importFrom rlang abort
#' @seealso [stop()], [abort()]
#' @name ergm-errors
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
ergm_Init_abort <- function(..., default.loc=NULL){
  loc <- traceback.Initializers() %>% format_traceback()
  abort(paste0('In ', NVL(loc, default.loc, "unknown function"), ': ', ...))

#' @rdname ergm-errors
#' @seealso [warning()], [warn()]
#' @importFrom rlang warn
#' @export
ergm_Init_warn <- function(..., default.loc=NULL){
  loc <- traceback.Initializers() %>% format_traceback()
  warn(paste0('In ', NVL(loc, default.loc, "unknown function"), ': ', ...))

#' @rdname ergm-errors
#' @seealso [message()], [inform()]
#' @importFrom rlang inform
#' @export
ergm_Init_inform <- function(..., default.loc=NULL){
  loc <- traceback.Initializers() %>% format_traceback()
  inform(paste0('In ', NVL(loc, default.loc, "unknown function"), ': ', ...))

#' @describeIn ergm-errors A helper function that evaluates the
#'   specified expression in the caller's environment, passing any
#'   errors to [ergm_Init_abort()].
#' @param expr Expression to be evaluated (in the caller's
#'   environment).
#' @seealso [try()], [tryCatch()]
#' @export
ergm_Init_try <- function(expr){
  expr <- substitute(expr)
  tryCatch(eval(expr, parent.frame(1)),
           error = function(e) ergm_Init_abort(e$message))

format_traceback <- function(x){
  if(EVL(nrow(x)==0,TRUE)) return(NULL)
  x <- as.data.frame(x)[nrow(x):1,,drop=FALSE]
  x <- paste0(ifelse(x$valued,"valued ", ""),
              x$type, " ",
                     paste0(' in package ', sQuote(x$pkg)), ""))

  if(length(x)==1) x
  else paste0(x[1], ' (', paste('called from', x[-1], collapse=', '), ')')

traceback.Initializers <- function(){
  pat <- '^((?<pkg>[^:]+):::?)?Init(?<valued>Wt)?Ergm(?<type>Term|Proposal|Reference|Constraint)\\.(?<name>.*)$'
  traceback.search(pat, perl=TRUE) %>% map(regexpr_list, pat) %>% do.call(rbind,.)

# Search back in time through sys.calls() to find the name of the last
# function whose name matches a regex.
#' @importFrom purrr map_chr
traceback.search <- function(pattern, ...) {
  sys.calls() %>%
    as.list() %>%
    map(~.[[1]]) %>%
    map(deparse) %>%
    map_chr(paste, collapse="\n") %>%
    grep(pattern, ., value=TRUE, ...)

regexpr_list <- function(x, pat){
  m <- attributes(regexpr(pat, x, perl=TRUE))
  Map(function(s, l, n){substr(x, s, s+l-1)}, c(m$capture.start)[-1], c(m$capture.length)[-1]) %>% set_names(m$capture.names[-1]) %>% within({valued<-(valued=="Wt"); type<-tolower(type)})

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ergm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:15 a.m.