
#' Base class for class locate errors based on rules and data
#' ErrorLocalizer can be used as a base class to implement a new error localization algorithm.
#' The derived class must implement two methods: `initialize`, which is called
#' before any error localization is done and `locate` which operates upon data. The
#' extra parameter `...` can used to supply algorithmic specific parameters.
#' @export
    "rules" = "validator",
    "used_rules" = "logical",
    "ref" = "data.frame"
    initialize  = function(...){
      stop("Abstract class: not implemented. Please use an inherited class")
    locate = function(data, ref=NULL, ..., cl = NULL, Ncpus = getOption("Ncpus", 1),timeout=60){
      stop("Implement locate on subclass of ErrorLocalizer")

#' Feligi-Holt Errorlocalizer
#' Implementation of the Feligi-Holt algorithm using the `ErrorLocalizer` base class.
#' Given a set of validation rules and a dataset the Feligi-Holt algorithm finds for each record
#' the smallest (weighted) combination of variables that are erroneous (if any).
#' @note Most users do not need this class and can use [locate_errors()].
#' `errorlocalizer` implements feligi holt using a MIP-solver. For problems in which
#' coefficients of the validation rules or the data are too different, you should consider scaling
#' the data.
#' @include MipRules.R
#' @exportClass FHLocalizer
#' @import parallel
fh_localizer <-
    fields = list(
      ._miprules = "ANY"
    methods = list(
      initialize = function(rules, ref = NULL){
        rules <<- rules
        ._miprules <<- miprules(rules)
      locate = function( data, weight=NULL, add_noise = TRUE, ...
                       , cl = NULL
                       , n = 10
                       , Ncpus = getOption("Ncpus", 1)
                       , timeout=60
        vars <- ._miprules$._vars
        nr_rows <- nrow(data)
        nr_cols <- ncol(data)
        names_cols <- colnames(data)

        missing_vars <- vars[!vars %in% names(data)]

        if (length(missing_vars)){
          # if they are part of the environment remove...
          mv_in_env <- sapply(missing_vars, exists)
          vars <- setdiff(vars, missing_vars[mv_in_env])
          ._miprules$._vars <<- vars

          missing_vars <- missing_vars[!mv_in_env]

        if (length(missing_vars)){
          stop('Missing column(s): '
              , paste0("'", missing_vars, "'", collapse = ", ")
              , ". Add them to your data and rerun."
              , call. = FALSE

        numvars_mip <- ._miprules$._vars_num
        numvars_data <- names(data)[sapply(data, is.numeric)]
        numvars <- numvars_mip[numvars_mip %in% numvars_data]

        # checking size of numeric columns
        too_big <- sapply(data[numvars], function(v){
          any(abs(v) > 1e7, na.rm = TRUE)

        if (isTRUE(any(too_big))){
          nv <- numvars[too_big]
          data[nv] <- sapply(data[nv], function(v){
            is.na(v) <- abs(v) > 1e7

          warning("Large values detected in: "
              , paste0("'", names(too_big)[too_big] ,"'", collapse = ", ")
              , ". Values > abs(1e7) were set to NA. "
              , "\nThis might be indication that these column(s) should be rescaled."
              , "\n(the problem because otherwise numerically unstable)"
              , call. = FALSE

        categorical_as_integer <- numvars_data[ numvars_data %in% vars
                                              & !numvars_data %in% numvars_mip
        if (length(categorical_as_integer)){
          stop('Categorical columns coded as integers: '
               , paste0("'", categorical_as_integer, "'", collapse = ", ")
               , ". Change them to `factor` and rerun."
               , call. = FALSE

        weight <- expand_weights(data, weight, as.data.frame = FALSE)
        # derive log transformed data!
        # log_transform <- ._miprules$._log_transform
        # TODO deal with failures when log of negative values is taken...
        # log_data <- log_derived_data(data, log_transform)

        # TODO add `n` to arguments of function
        # set ranges of log constraints if any
        ._miprules$update_log_constraints(data, n = n)

        N <- nr_rows
        rows <- seq_len(N)

        # filter for records that are valid..., that reduces the processing
        # time considerably
        cf <- validate::confront(data, rules)
        agg <- aggregate(cf, by = "record")
        invalid <- (agg$nfail + agg$nNA) > 0

        n_invalid <- sum(invalid)

        #TODO add ref data !!!

        # TODO export data/weight/log_data to parallel (is more efficient then
        # copying the data over and over...)
        # data, weight, log_data, mip
        mip <- ._miprules

        solve_record <- function(r, progress = invisible){
          starttime <- Sys.time()
          el <- tryCatch({
            values <- as.list(data[r,,drop=FALSE])
            mip$set_values( values = values
                          , weight[r,]
                            # , log_values = as.list(log_data[r,,drop=FALSE])
                            # , delta_names = log_transform$num_vars
            mip$execute(timeout=timeout, ...)
          }, error = function(e){
            list(solution=FALSE, s = NA, adapt = logical())

          if (!isTRUE(el$solution)){
            # test for numerical instability?
            # retry because of numerical instability
            mip$set_values( values = values
                          , weight[r,]
            # could be a scaling issue. Drop geometric scaling
            warning("Dropping geometric `scaling` for record ",r, " (?lpSolveAPI::lp.control.options)"
                   , call. = FALSE
            args <- list(...)
            args$timeout = timeout
            args$scaling = c("range", "equilibrate","integers" )
            el <- do.call(mip$execute, args)
            if (!isTRUE(el$solution)){
              dump_path <- file.path(
                paste0("no_solution_record_", r, ".mps")
              mip$write_lp( dump_path,type="mps")
              warning( "dumping lp problem for record ", r
                     , " in '", dump_path, "'"
                     , call. = FALSE

          # remove lp object, too memory hungry...
          el$lp <- NULL
          el$duration <- Sys.time() - starttime
          el$row <- r
        show_progress <- interactive() && n_invalid > 0

        Ncpus <- min(Ncpus, n_invalid)
        setup_cluster <- Ncpus > 1 && is.null(cl) && n_invalid > 1

        if (setup_cluster){
          cl <- parallel::makeCluster(Ncpus, setup_strategy = "sequential")

        sols <- if (is.null(cl)){ # sequential
          progress <- invisible
          if (show_progress) {
            pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max = n_invalid, style=3)
            e <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
            e$val <- 0
            e$lasttime <- Sys.time()

            progress <- function(){
              e$val <- e$val + 1
              if (Sys.time() - e$lasttime > 1){
                setTxtProgressBar(pb, e$val)
                e$lasttime <- Sys.time()
          sols <- lapply(rows[invalid], solve_record, progress = progress)
          if (show_progress){
            setTxtProgressBar(pb, n_invalid)
        } else if (is.numeric(cl)){
          message("starting parallel: ", cl, " cores (non-Windows)")
          parallel::mclapply( rows[invalid]
                            , solve_record
                            , mc.cores = cl
        } else if (inherits(cl, "cluster")){
          message("Setting up ", class(cl)[1], " job with ", length(cl)," nodes")
          parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, library(errorlocate))
          parallel::clusterExport( cl
                                 , c("data", "weights", "mip")
                                 , envir = environment()
          message("Starting cluster job...")
          # parallel::parLapplyLB(cl, rows[invalid], solve_record)
          parallel::parLapplyLB(cl, rows[invalid], solve_record)
        # collect info during processing
        status <- integer(N)
        duration <- numeric(N)
        solution <- logical(N)
        solution[] <- TRUE

        # adapt <- t(res)
        # TODO makes this a sparse matrix?
        adapt <- matrix( FALSE
                       , nrow = nr_rows
                       , ncol = nr_cols
                       , dimnames = list(NULL, names_cols)

        for (sol in sols){
          r <- sol$row
          idx <- match(names(sol$adapt), names_cols)
          adapt[r,idx] <-  sol$adapt
          duration[r] <- sol$duration
          solution[r] <- sol$solution
          status[r] <- sol$s

        idx <- which(colnames(adapt) %in% colnames(weight))

        wpr <- weight
        wpr[!adapt | is.na(adapt)] <- 0

        weight_per_record <-  rowSums(wpr, na.rm=T)
        if (any(!solution)){
          warning("For some records the procedure was unsuccesful, "
                 , "please check the '$solution' and '$status' of the errorlocations.\n"
                 , "Records: "
                 , paste0(which(!solution), collapse = " ,")
                 , call. = FALSE

        is.na(adapt) <- is.na(data)
          values = adapt,
          weight = weight_per_record,
          duration = duration,
          status = status,
          solution = solution

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errorlocate documentation built on Oct. 1, 2023, 1:08 a.m.