Man pages for escalation
Modular Approach to Dose Finding Clinical Trials

as_tibble.dose_pathsCast 'dose_paths' object to 'tibble'.
calculate_probabilitiesCalculate dose-path probabilities
cohortCohort numbers of evaluated patients.
cohorts_of_nSample times between patient arrivals using the exponential...
continueShould this dose-finding experiment continue?
crystallised_dose_pathsDose-paths with probabilities attached.
demand_n_at_doseDemand there are n patients at a dose before condisdering...
dont_skip_dosesPrevent skipping of doses.
dose_admissibleIs each dose admissible?
dose_indicesDose indices
dose_pathsDose pathways
dose_paths_functionGet function for calculating dose pathways.
doses_givenDoses given to patients.
effBinary efficacy outcomes.
eff_at_doseNumber of toxicities seen at each dose.
eff_limitEfficacy rate limit
empiric_eff_rateObserved efficacy rate at each dose.
empiric_tox_rateObserved toxicity rate at each dose.
enforce_three_plus_threeEnforce that a trial path has followed the 3+3 method.
escalation-packageThe 'escalation' package.
fitFit a dose-finding model.
follow_pathFollow a pre-determined dose administration path.
get_boinGet an object to fit the BOIN model using the BOIN package.
get_dfcrmGet an object to fit the CRM model using the dfcrm package.
get_dose_pathsCalculate future dose paths.
get_empiric_crm_skeleton_weightsGet posterior model weights for several empiric CRM...
get_mtpiGet an object to fit the mTPI dose-finding model.
get_mtpi2Get an object to fit the mTPI-2 dose-finding model.
get_random_selectorGet an object to fit a dose-selector that randomly selects...
get_three_plus_threeGet an object to fit the 3+3 model.
get_tpiGet an object to fit the TPI dose-finding model.
get_trialr_crmGet an object to fit the CRM model using the trialr package.
get_trialr_efftoxGet an object to fit the EffTox model using the trialr...
get_trialr_nbgGet an object to fit the NBG dose-finding model using the...
get_wages_and_taitGet an object to fit Wages & Tait's model for phase I/II...
graph_pathsVisualise dose-paths as a graph
is_randomisingIs this selector currently randomly allocating doses?
mean_prob_effMean efficacy rate at each dose.
mean_prob_toxMean toxicity rate at each dose.
median_prob_effMedian efficacy rate at each dose.
median_prob_toxMedian toxicity rate at each dose.
model_frameModel data-frame.
n_at_doseNumber of patients treated at each dose.
n_at_recommended_doseNumber of patients treated at the recommended dose.
num_cohort_outcomesNumber of different possible outcomes for a cohort of...
num_dose_path_nodesNumber of nodes in dose-paths analysis
num_dosesNumber of doses.
num_effTotal number of efficacies seen.
num_patientsNumber of patients evaluated.
num_toxTotal number of toxicities seen.
parse_phase1_2_outcomesParse a string of phase I/II dose-finding outcomes to vector...
parse_phase1_outcomesParse a string of phase I dose-finding outcomes to vector...
phase1_2_outcomes_to_cohortsBreak a phase I/II outcome string into a list of cohort...
phase1_outcomes_to_cohortsBreak a phase I outcome string into a list of cohort parts.
prob_administerPercentage of patients treated at each dose.
prob_eff_quantileQuantile of the efficacy rate at each dose.
prob_recommendProbability of recommendation
prob_tox_exceedsProbability that the toxicity rate exceeds some threshold.
prob_tox_quantileQuantile of the toxicity rate at each dose.
prob_tox_samplesGet samples of the probability of toxicity.
recommended_doseRecommended dose for next patient or cohort.
select_boin_mtdSelect dose by BOIN's MTD-choosing algorithm.
select_dose_by_cibpSelect dose by the CIBP selection criterion.
selectorDose selector.
selector_factoryDose selector factory.
simulate_trialsSimulate clinical trials.
simulation_functionGet function for simulating trials.
simulationsSimulated trials.
spread_pathsSpread the information in dose_finding_paths object to a wide...
stop_at_nStop when there are n patients in total.
stop_when_n_at_doseStop when there are n patients at a dose.
stop_when_too_toxicStop trial and recommend no dose when a dose is too toxic.
stop_when_tox_ci_coveredStop when uncertainty interval of prob tox is covered.
supports_samplingDoes this selector support sampling of outcomes?
three_plus_threeFit the 3+3 model to some outcomes.
toxBinary toxicity outcomes.
tox_at_doseNumber of toxicities seen at each dose.
tox_limitToxicity rate limit
tox_targetTarget toxicity rate
trial_durationDuration of trials.
try_rescue_doseDemand that a rescue dose is tried before stopping is...
escalation documentation built on May 31, 2023, 6:32 p.m.