
Defines functions label_eurostat_tables label_eurostat_vars label_eurostat2 label_eurostat_tables label_eurostat_vars label_eurostat

Documented in label_eurostat label_eurostat2 label_eurostat_tables label_eurostat_vars

#' @title Get Eurostat Codes
#' @description Get definitions for Eurostat codes from Eurostat dictionaries.
#' @details A character or a factor vector of codes returns a corresponding
#'    vector of definitions. [label_eurostat()] labels also data_frames from
#'    [get_eurostat()]. For vectors a dictionary name have to be
#'    supplied. For data_frames dictionary names are taken from column names.
#'    "time" and "values" columns are returned as they were, so you can supply
#'    data_frame from [get_eurostat()] and get data_frame with
#'    definitions instead of codes.
#'    Some Eurostat dictionaries includes duplicated labels. By default
#'    duplicated labels cause an error, but they can be fixed automatically
#'    with `fix_duplicated = TRUE`.
#' @param x A character or a factor vector or a data_frame.
#' @param dic A string (vector) naming eurostat dictionary or dictionaries.
#'    If `NULL` (default) dictionary names taken from column names of
#'    the data_frame.
#' @param code For data_frames names of the column for which also code columns
#'     should be retained. The suffix "_code" is added to code column names.
#' @param eu_order Logical. Should Eurostat ordering used for label levels.
#'     Affects only factors.
#' @param lang A character, code for language. Available are "en" (default),
#'     "fr" and "de".
#' @param countrycode A `NULL` or a name of the coding scheme for
#'     the [countrycode::countrycode()]
#'     to label "geo" variable with countrycode-package. It can be used to
#'     convert to short and long country names in many different languages.
#'     If `NULL` (default) eurostat dictionary is used instead.
#' @param countrycode_nomatch What to do when using the countrycode to label
#'     a "geo" and countrycode fails to find a match, for example other than
#'     country codes like EU28. The original code is used with
#'     a `NULL` (default), eurostat dictionary label is used with "eurostat",
#'     and `NA` is used with NA.
#' @param custom_dic a named vector or named list of named vectors to give an
#'     own dictionary for (part of) codes. Names of the vector should be codes
#'     and values labels. List can be used to specify dictionaries and then
#'     list names should be dictionary codes.
#' @param fix_duplicated A logical. If TRUE, the code is added to the
#'     duplicated label values. If FALSE (default) error is given if
#'     labeling produce duplicates.
#' @author Janne Huovari <janne.huovari@@ptt.fi>
#' @family helpers
#' @seealso [countrycode::countrycode()]
#' @return a vector or a data_frame.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' lp <- get_eurostat("nama_10_lp_ulc")
#' lpl <- label_eurostat(lp)
#' str(lpl)
#' lpl_order <- label_eurostat(lp, eu_order = TRUE)
#' lpl_code <- label_eurostat(lp, code = "unit")
#' label_eurostat_vars(names(lp))
#' label_eurostat_tables("nama_10_lp_ulc")
#' label_eurostat(c("FI", "DE", "EU28"), dic = "geo")
#' label_eurostat(c("FI", "DE", "EU28"), dic = "geo", custom_dic = c(DE = "Germany"))
#' label_eurostat(c("FI", "DE", "EU28"),
#'   dic = "geo", countrycode = "country.name",
#'   custom_dic = c(EU28 = "EU")
#' )
#' label_eurostat(c("FI", "DE", "EU28"), dic = "geo", countrycode = "country.name")
#' # In Finnish
#' label_eurostat(c("FI", "DE", "EU28"), dic = "geo", countrycode = "cldr.short.fi")
#' }
#' @importFrom countrycode countrycode
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr filter coalesce
#' @export
label_eurostat <-
           dic = NULL,
           code = NULL,
           eu_order = FALSE,
           lang = "en",
           countrycode = NULL,
           countrycode_nomatch = NULL,
           custom_dic = NULL,
           fix_duplicated = FALSE) {

    # Check if you have access to ec.europe.eu.
    if (!check_access_to_data()) {
      message("You have no access to ec.europe.eu.
Please check your connection and/or review your proxy settings")
    } else {

      # Avoid warnings
      code_name <- NULL

      if (is.data.frame(x)) {
        y <- x

        mynams <- names(y)[!(names(y) %in% c("time", "values", "flags"))]

        for (i in names(y)[!(names(y) %in% c("time", "values", "flags"))]) {
          y[[i]] <- label_eurostat(y[[i]], i,
            eu_order = eu_order,
            lang = lang,
            countrycode = countrycode,
            countrycode_nomatch = countrycode_nomatch,
            custom_dic = custom_dic,
            fix_duplicated = fix_duplicated

        # Fix the first two variables
        # nams <- names(y)
        # y <- cbind(as.vector(unlist(x[[1]])),
        #           as.vector(unlist(x[[2]])),
        #           x[, 3:ncol(x)])
        # colnames(y) <- nams

        # Codes added if asked
        if (!is.null(code)) {
          code_in <- code %in% names(y)
          if (!all(code_in)) {
            stop("code column name(s) ", shQuote(code[!code_in]), " not found on x")
          y_code <- x[, code, drop = FALSE]
          names(y_code) <- paste0(names(y_code), "_code")
          y <- cbind(y_code, y)

      } else {
        if (is.null(dic)) {
          stop("Dictionary information is missing")

        dic_df <- get_eurostat_dic(dic, lang = lang)

        if (is.factor(x)) {
          if (eu_order) {
            ord <- dic_order(levels(x), dic_df, "code")
          } else {
            ord <- seq_along(levels(x))

          y <- factor(x, levels(x)[ord],
            labels = label_eurostat(levels(x),
              dic = dic,
              eu_order = eu_order,
              lang = lang,
              countrycode = countrycode,
              countrycode_nomatch = countrycode_nomatch,
              custom_dic = custom_dic,
              fix_duplicated = fix_duplicated

          # return factor
        } else if (dic == "geo" & !is.null(countrycode)) {
          if (is.null(countrycode_nomatch)) {
            y <- countrycode::countrycode(x, origin = "eurostat", destination = countrycode, nomatch = NULL)
          } else if (is.na(countrycode_nomatch)) {
            y <- countrycode::countrycode(x, origin = "eurostat", destination = countrycode, nomatch = NA)
          } else if (countrycode_nomatch == "eurostat") {
            y <- countrycode::countrycode(x, origin = "eurostat", destination = countrycode, nomatch = NA)
            y[is.na(y)] <- label_eurostat(x[is.na(y)], dic = "geo", lang = lang, fix_duplicated = fix_duplicated)
          } else {
            stop("unknown argument ", countrycode_nomatch, " for countrycode_nomatch")
        } else {
          # dics are in upper case, change if x is not
          test_n <- min(length(x), 5)
          if (!all(toupper(x[1:test_n]) == x[1:test_n])) {
            x <- toupper(x)
          # test duplicates
          dic_sel <- dplyr::filter(dic_df, code_name %in% x)

          if (anyDuplicated(dic_sel$full_name)) {
            if (fix_duplicated) {
              dup_labels <-
                dic_sel$full_name %in% dic_sel$full_name[duplicated(dic_sel$full_name)]
              modif_dup_labels <- paste(dic_sel$code_name[dup_labels],
                sep = " "
              dic_sel$full_name[dup_labels] <- modif_dup_labels
                "Labels for ",
                " includes duplicated labels in the Eurostat dictionary. ",
                "Codes have been added as a prefix for duplicated.\n",
                "Modified labels are: ",
                paste0(modif_dup_labels, collapse = ", ")
            } else {
                "Labels for ",
                " includes duplicated labels in the Eurostat dictionary. ",
                "Use fix_duplicated = TRUE with label_eurostat() to fix duplicated
              labels automatically."
          # mapvalues
          y <- dic_sel[[2]][match(x, dic_sel[[1]])]

        # apply custom_dic
        if (!is.null(custom_dic)) {
          if (is.list(custom_dic)) custom_dic <- custom_dic[[dic]]
          y <- dplyr::coalesce(unname(custom_dic[x]), y)

        if (any(is.na(y))) {
          warning("All labels for ", dic, " were not found.")


#' @describeIn label_eurostat Get definitions for variable (column) names. For
#'  objects other than characters or factors definitions are get for names.
#' @export
label_eurostat_vars <- function(x, lang = "en") {
  if (!(is.character(x) | is.factor(x))) {
    x <- names(x)
  x <- x[!grepl("values", x)] # remove values column
  label_eurostat(x, dic = "dimlst", lang = lang)

#' @describeIn label_eurostat Get definitions for table names
#' @export
label_eurostat_tables <- function(x, lang = "en") {
  if (!(is.character(x) |
    is.factor(x))) {
    stop("x have to be a character or a factor")
  label_eurostat(x, dic = "table_dic", lang = lang)

#' @title Get Eurostat Codes for data downloaded from new dissemination API
#' @description Get definitions for Eurostat codes from Eurostat dictionaries.
#' @details A character or a factor vector of codes returns a corresponding
#'    vector of definitions. [label_eurostat()] labels also data_frames from
#'    [get_eurostat()]. For vectors a dictionary name have to be
#'    supplied. For data_frames dictionary names are taken from column names.
#'    "time" and "values" columns are returned as they were, so you can supply
#'    data_frame from [get_eurostat()] and get data_frame with
#'    definitions instead of codes.
#'    Some Eurostat dictionaries includes duplicated labels. By default
#'    duplicated labels cause an error, but they can be fixed automatically
#'    with `fix_duplicated = TRUE`.
#' @param x A character or a factor vector or a data_frame.
#' @param dic A string (vector) naming eurostat dictionary or dictionaries.
#'    If `NULL` (default) dictionary names taken from column names of
#'    the data_frame.
#' @param code For data_frames names of the column for which also code columns
#'     should be retained. The suffix "_code" is added to code column names.
#' @param eu_order Logical. Should Eurostat ordering used for label levels.
#'     Affects only factors.
#' @param lang A character, code for language. Available are "en" (default),
#'     "fr" and "de".
#' @param countrycode A `NULL` or a name of the coding scheme for
#'     the [countrycode::countrycode()]
#'     to label "geo" variable with countrycode-package. It can be used to
#'     convert to short and long country names in many different languages.
#'     If `NULL` (default) eurostat dictionary is used instead.
#' @param countrycode_nomatch What to do when using the countrycode to label
#'     a "geo" and countrycode fails to find a match, for example other than
#'     country codes like EU28. The original code is used with
#'     a `NULL` (default), eurostat dictionary label is used with "eurostat",
#'     and `NA` is used with NA.
#' @param custom_dic a named vector or named list of named vectors to give an
#'     own dictionary for (part of) codes. Names of the vector should be codes
#'     and values labels. List can be used to specify dictionaries and then
#'     list names should be dictionary codes.
#' @param fix_duplicated A logical. If TRUE, the code is added to the
#'     duplicated label values. If FALSE (default) error is given if
#'     labeling produce duplicates.
#' @author Janne Huovari <janne.huovari@@ptt.fi>
#' @family helpers
#' @seealso [countrycode::countrycode()]
#' @return a vector or a data_frame.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' lp <- get_eurostat("nama_10_lp_ulc")
#' lpl <- label_eurostat(lp)
#' str(lpl)
#' lpl_order <- label_eurostat(lp, eu_order = TRUE)
#' lpl_code <- label_eurostat(lp, code = "unit")
#' label_eurostat_vars(names(lp))
#' label_eurostat_tables("nama_10_lp_ulc")
#' label_eurostat(c("FI", "DE", "EU28"), dic = "geo")
#' label_eurostat(c("FI", "DE", "EU28"), dic = "geo", custom_dic = c(DE = "Germany"))
#' label_eurostat(c("FI", "DE", "EU28"),
#'   dic = "geo", countrycode = "country.name",
#'   custom_dic = c(EU28 = "EU")
#' )
#' label_eurostat(c("FI", "DE", "EU28"), dic = "geo", countrycode = "country.name")
#' # In Finnish
#' label_eurostat(c("FI", "DE", "EU28"), dic = "geo", countrycode = "cldr.short.fi")
#' }
#' @importFrom countrycode countrycode
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr filter coalesce
#' @export
label_eurostat2 <-
           dic = NULL,
           code = NULL,
           eu_order = FALSE,
           lang = "en",
           countrycode = NULL,
           countrycode_nomatch = NULL,
           custom_dic = NULL,
           fix_duplicated = FALSE) {
    # Check if you have access to ec.europe.eu.
    if (!check_access_to_data()) {
      message("You have no access to ec.europe.eu.
Please check your connection and/or review your proxy settings")
    } else {
      # Avoid warnings
      code_name <- NULL
      if (is.data.frame(x)) {
        y <- x
        mynams <- names(y)[!(names(y) %in% c("TIME_PERIOD", "values", "flags"))]
        for (i in names(y)[!(names(y) %in% c("TIME_PERIOD", "values", "flags"))]) {
          y[[i]] <- label_eurostat(y[[i]], i,
                                   eu_order = eu_order,
                                   lang = lang,
                                   countrycode = countrycode,
                                   countrycode_nomatch = countrycode_nomatch,
                                   custom_dic = custom_dic,
                                   fix_duplicated = fix_duplicated
        # Fix the first two variables
        # nams <- names(y)
        # y <- cbind(as.vector(unlist(x[[1]])),
        #           as.vector(unlist(x[[2]])),
        #           x[, 3:ncol(x)])
        # colnames(y) <- nams
        # Codes added if asked
        if (!is.null(code)) {
          code_in <- code %in% names(y)
          if (!all(code_in)) {
            stop("code column name(s) ", shQuote(code[!code_in]), " not found on x")
          y_code <- x[, code, drop = FALSE]
          names(y_code) <- paste0(names(y_code), "_code")
          y <- cbind(y_code, y)
      } else {
        if (is.null(dic)) {
          stop("Dictionary information is missing")
        dic_df <- get_eurostat_dic(dic, lang = lang)
        if (is.factor(x)) {
          if (eu_order) {
            ord <- dic_order(levels(x), dic_df, "code")
          } else {
            ord <- seq_along(levels(x))
          y <- factor(x, levels(x)[ord],
                      labels = label_eurostat(levels(x),
                                              dic = dic,
                                              eu_order = eu_order,
                                              lang = lang,
                                              countrycode = countrycode,
                                              countrycode_nomatch = countrycode_nomatch,
                                              custom_dic = custom_dic,
                                              fix_duplicated = fix_duplicated
          # return factor
        } else if (dic == "geo" & !is.null(countrycode)) {
          if (is.null(countrycode_nomatch)) {
            y <- countrycode::countrycode(x, origin = "eurostat", destination = countrycode, nomatch = NULL)
          } else if (is.na(countrycode_nomatch)) {
            y <- countrycode::countrycode(x, origin = "eurostat", destination = countrycode, nomatch = NA)
          } else if (countrycode_nomatch == "eurostat") {
            y <- countrycode::countrycode(x, origin = "eurostat", destination = countrycode, nomatch = NA)
            y[is.na(y)] <- label_eurostat(x[is.na(y)], dic = "geo", lang = lang, fix_duplicated = fix_duplicated)
          } else {
            stop("unknown argument ", countrycode_nomatch, " for countrycode_nomatch")
        } else {
          # dics are in upper case, change if x is not
          test_n <- min(length(x), 5)
          if (!all(toupper(x[1:test_n]) == x[1:test_n])) {
            x <- toupper(x)
          # test duplicates
          dic_sel <- dplyr::filter(dic_df, code_name %in% x)
          if (anyDuplicated(dic_sel$full_name)) {
            if (fix_duplicated) {
              dup_labels <-
                dic_sel$full_name %in% dic_sel$full_name[duplicated(dic_sel$full_name)]
              modif_dup_labels <- paste(dic_sel$code_name[dup_labels],
                                        sep = " "
              dic_sel$full_name[dup_labels] <- modif_dup_labels
                "Labels for ",
                " includes duplicated labels in the Eurostat dictionary. ",
                "Codes have been added as a prefix for duplicated.\n",
                "Modified labels are: ",
                paste0(modif_dup_labels, collapse = ", ")
            } else {
                "Labels for ",
                " includes duplicated labels in the Eurostat dictionary. ",
                "Use fix_duplicated = TRUE with label_eurostat() to fix duplicated
              labels automatically."
          # mapvalues
          y <- dic_sel[[2]][match(x, dic_sel[[1]])]
        # apply custom_dic
        if (!is.null(custom_dic)) {
          if (is.list(custom_dic)) custom_dic <- custom_dic[[dic]]
          y <- dplyr::coalesce(unname(custom_dic[x]), y)
        if (any(is.na(y))) {
          warning("All labels for ", dic, " were not found.")

#' @describeIn label_eurostat Get definitions for variable (column) names. For
#'  objects other than characters or factors definitions are get for names.
#' @export
label_eurostat_vars <- function(x, lang = "en") {
  if (!(is.character(x) | is.factor(x))) {
    x <- names(x)
  x <- x[!grepl("values", x)] # remove values column
  label_eurostat(x, dic = "dimlst", lang = lang)

#' @describeIn label_eurostat Get definitions for table names
#' @export
label_eurostat_tables <- function(x, lang = "en") {
  if (!(is.character(x) |
        is.factor(x))) {
    stop("x have to be a character or a factor")
  label_eurostat(x, dic = "table_dic", lang = lang)

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eurostat documentation built on March 7, 2023, 5:39 p.m.