
Defines functions uncondExact2x2Pvals uncondExact2x2 ucControl getPDQD getDeltaGrid getPI getPrange calcTall pickTstat constrMLE.oddsratio constrMLE.difference constrMLE.ratio unirootGrid power2grid power2gridDifference power2gridRatio

Documented in calcTall constrMLE.difference constrMLE.oddsratio constrMLE.ratio getDeltaGrid getPDQD getPI getPrange pickTstat power2grid power2grid power2gridDifference power2gridRatio ucControl uncondExact2x2 uncondExact2x2Pvals unirootGrid

  denom<- 2^(power2-1)

  denom<- 2^(power2-1)

  if (dolog){
  } else {

unirootGrid<-function(func,power2=12, step.up=TRUE, pos.side=FALSE, print.steps=FALSE,power2grid=power2gridRatio,...){
  grid<- power2grid(power2)
                        print.steps = print.steps, step.up=step.up, pos.side=pos.side)
  if (uout$root==1){
  }  else if (uout$root==1+2^power2){
  } else {
  list(iter=uout$iter,f.root= newf(uout$root), root=grid[uout$root], bound=bound)

#unirootGrid(function(x){ x-7.3}, print.steps=TRUE, power2grid=power2grid,pos.side = TRUE)

  # from Miettinen and Nurminen, 1985, see Stat Xact Procs 8, p. 298
  # I added in the limits as rho0=0 and rho0=Inf
  if (rho0==0){
  } else if (rho0==Inf){
  } else {
    A <- rho0 * (N1 + N2)
    B <- -1 * (rho0 * N2 + X2 + N1 + rho0 * X1)
    C <- X1 + X2
    p1tilde <- (-B - sqrt(B^2 - 4 * A * C))/(2 * A)
    p2tilde <- rho0 * p1tilde
  # fix possible computer rounding errors
  # NEEDED, there is an error when: X1/N1=5/5 and X2/N2=0/7, rho0=1.000001e-06
  p1tilde<- pmin(1, p1tilde)
  p1tilde<- pmax(0, p1tilde)
  p2tilde<- pmin(1, p2tilde)
  p2tilde<- pmax(0, p2tilde)


  ## Got this from Farrrington and Manning, Stat in Med 1990, 1447-1454
  ## they use Theta1-Theta2=delta instead of Theta2-Theta1=delta so switch
  ## for calculations, then switch back at the end
  X1 <- X$X2
  N1 <- N$N2
  X2 <- X$X1
  N2 <- N$N1
  P1hat <- X1/N1
  P2hat <- X2/N2
  # if (delta0==0){ p1d<-P1hat p2d<-P2hat } else { get MLEs (p1d and p2d)
  # from Appendix of Farrington and Manning, Stat in Med, 1990, 1447-1454
  theta <- N2/N1
  a <- 1 + theta
  s0 <- delta0
  b <- -1 * (1 + theta + P1hat + theta * P2hat + s0 * (theta + 
  cc <- s0^2 + s0 * (2 * P1hat + theta + 1) + P1hat + theta * 
  d <- -P1hat * s0 * (1 + s0)
  v <- b^3/(3 * a)^3 - (b * cc)/(6 * a^2) + d/(2 * a)
  u <- sign(v) * (b^2/(3 * a)^2 - cc/(3 * a))^(1/2)
  temp <- v/u^3
  ## define 0/0=1 to avoid NaNs messing things up
  temp[v == 0 & u == 0] <- 1
  temp <- pmax(-1, temp)
  temp <- pmin(1, temp)
  w <- (1/3) * (pi + acos(temp))
  p1d <- 2 * u * cos(w) - b/(3 * a)
  p1d <- pmax(s0, p1d)
  p1d <- pmin(1, p1d)
  p2d <- p1d - s0
  p1d <- round(p1d, 8)
  p2d <- round(p2d, 8)
  # fix possible computer rounding errors (possibly not necessary)
  p1d<- pmin(1, p1d)
  p1d<- pmax(0, p1d)
  p2d<- pmin(1, p2d)
  p2d<- pmax(0, p2d)
  # switch back 

  # from Agresti and Min 2002, Biostatistics 3:379-386 use
  # P1=pihat_1(\theta_0)) delta0 = theta0 (in Agresti and Min) first
  # calculate the restricted MLE when OR=delta0 See Miettinen and
  # Nurminen, 1985, Stat in med 213-226 P1 = R0tilde (in MN) P2 = R1tilde
  # (in MN) N1=S0 N2=S1 X1+X2=c A = S0(OR-1)
  A <- N1 * (delta0 - 1)
  # B= S1*OR+S0 - c*(OR-1)
  B <- N2 * delta0 + N1 - (X1 + X2) * (delta0 - 1)
  C <- -(X1 + X2)
  ## to avoid computer errors (i.e., delta0=1+1e-15 giving very different values than delta0=1 )
  ## treat all as 1
  if (abs(delta0-1)<1e-10) {
    # when delta0=1 then A=0 and eqn is linear not quadratic no need for
    # quadratic formula
    P1 <- (X1 + X2)/(delta0 * N2 + N1)
  } else {
    P1 <- (-B + sqrt(B^2 - 4 * A * C))/(2 * A)
  P2 <- (P1 * delta0)/(1 + P1 * (delta0 - 1))
  # fix possible computer rounding errors 
  P1<- pmin(1, P1)
  P1<- pmax(0, P1)
  P2<- pmin(1, P2)
  P2<- pmax(0, P2)

pickTstat<-function(method, parmtype="difference", tsmethod="central", 
######## define the Tstat function
if (method=="FisherAdj"){
  # order function based on Fisher's exact mid-p at or=1
    phyper(X2,N2,N1,X2+X1) - 0.5*dhyper(X2,N2,N1,X1+X2)
} else  if (method == "score" & parmtype == "difference" & 
           tsmethod=="square" & alternative=="two.sided" ) {
  Tstat <- function(X1, N1, X2, N2, delta0) {
    #  Now do Z round std.err and numerator to set fuzz to 0
    std.err <- round(((p1d * (1 - p1d))/N1 + (p2d * (1 - p2d))/N2)^(1/2), 
    numerator <- round((P2hat - P1hat - delta0), 10)
    Z <- numerator/std.err
    ## set no effect to zero even as std.err goes to zero
    Z[numerator == 0 & std.err == 0] <- 0
    out <- Z^2
} else if (method == "score" & parmtype == "difference"){
  # Not tsmethod=="square & alternative=="two.sided"
  Tstat <- function(X1, N1, X2, N2, delta0) {
    #  Now do Z round std.err and numerator to set fuzz to 0
    std.err <- round(((p1d * (1 - p1d))/N1 + (p2d * (1 - p2d))/N2)^(1/2), 
    numerator <- round((P2hat - P1hat - delta0), 10)
    Z <- numerator/std.err
    ## set no effect to zero even as std.err goes to zero
    Z[numerator == 0 & std.err == 0] <- 0
} else if (method == "simple" & parmtype =="difference" &
            tsmethod == "square" & alternative == "two.sided") {
  Tstat <- function(X1, N1, X2, N2, delta0) {
      stat <- (X2/N2) - (X1/N1) - delta0
      stat <- stat^2
} else if (method == "simple" & parmtype =="difference"){
  # NOT tsmethod == "square" & alternative == "two.sided"
  Tstat <- function(X1, N1, X2, N2, delta0) {
    stat <- (X2/N2) - (X1/N1) - delta0
} else if (method == "wald-pooled" & tsmethod == "square" & 
           alternative == "two.sided") {
  Tstat <- function(X1, N1, X2, N2, delta0) {
    P1hat <- X1/N1
    P2hat <- X2/N2
    Phat <- (X1 + X2)/(N1 + N2)
    numerator<-(P2hat - P1hat - delta0)
    denom<-(Phat * (1 - Phat) * (1/N1 + 1/N2))^(1/2)
    Z<- numerator/denom
    # if numerator and denom equal 0, set to 0
    Z[numerator==0 & denom==0]<-0
    Z <- Z^2
} else if (method == "wald-pooled"){
  # NOT tsmethod == "square" & alternative == "two.sided"
  Tstat <- function(X1, N1, X2, N2, delta0) {
    P1hat <- X1/N1
    P2hat <- X2/N2
    Phat <- (X1 + X2)/(N1 + N2)
    numerator<-(P2hat - P1hat - delta0)
    denom<-(Phat * (1 - Phat) * (1/N1 + 1/N2))^(1/2)
    Z<- numerator/denom
    # if numerator and denom equal 0, set to 0
    Z[numerator==0 & denom==0]<-0
} else if (method == "wald-unpooled" & tsmethod == "square" & 
           alternative == "two.sided") {
  Tstat <- function(X1, N1, X2, N2, delta0) {
    P1hat <- X1/N1
    P2hat <- X2/N2
    Phat <- (X1 + X2)/(N1 + N2)
    numerator<-(P2hat - P1hat - delta0)
    denom<- ((P1hat * (1 - P1hat))/N1+(P2hat * (1 - P2hat))/N2)^(1/2)
    Z<- numerator/denom
    # if numerator and denom equal 0, set to 0
    Z[numerator==0 & denom==0]<-0
    Z <- Z^2
} else if (method == "wald-unpooled"){
  # NOT tsmethod == "square" & alternative == "two.sided"
  Tstat <- function(X1, N1, X2, N2, delta0) {
    P1hat <- X1/N1
    P2hat <- X2/N2
    Phat <- (X1 + X2)/(N1 + N2)
    numerator<-(P2hat - P1hat - delta0)
    denom<- ((P1hat * (1 - P1hat))/N1+(P2hat * (1 - P2hat))/N2)^(1/2)
    Z<- numerator/denom
    # if numerator and denom equal 0, set to 0
    Z[numerator==0 & denom==0]<-0
} else if (method == "score" & parmtype == "oddsratio" &
           tsmethod == "square" & alternative == "two.sided") {
  Tstat <- function(X1, N1, X2, N2, delta0) {
    # use signed sqrt T in Agresti and Min, 2002 since we use
    # or=p2(1-p1)/p1(1-p2), switch first factor to n2,x2,p2, ect
    stat <- (N2 * (X2/N2 - P2))/(1/(N1 * P1 * (1 - P1)) + 1/(N2 * 
                                                               P2 * (1 - P2)))^(-0.5)
    # stat[(X1==0 & X2==0) | (X1==N1 & X2==N2)]<-0
    stat <- stat^2
} else if (method == "score" & parmtype == "oddsratio"){
  # NOT tsmethod == "square" & alternative == "two.sided"
  Tstat <- function(X1, N1, X2, N2, delta0) {
    # use signed sqrt T in Agresti and Min, 2002 since we use
    # or=p2(1-p1)/p1(1-p2), switch first factor to n2,x2,p2, ect
    stat <- (N2 * (X2/N2 - P2))/(1/(N1 * P1 * (1 - P1)) + 1/(N2 * 
                                                               P2 * (1 - P2)))^(-0.5)
    # stat[(X1==0 & X2==0) | (X1==N1 & X2==N2)]<-0
} else if (method == "score" & parmtype == "ratio" &
           tsmethod == "square" & alternative == "two.sided") {
  Tstat <- function(X1, N1, X2, N2, delta0) {
    # from Miettinen and Nurminen, 1985, see Stat Xact Procs 8, p. 298
    pi2hat <- X2/N2
    pi1hat <- X1/N1
    if (delta0==Inf){
      num<- -pi1hat
      denom<- rep(0,length(num))
    } else {
      num<-pi2hat - delta0 * pi1hat
      denom <- sqrt(
                 (pi2tilde * (1 - pi2tilde))/N2 + 
        (delta0^2 * pi1tilde * (1 - pi1tilde))/N1)
    stat<- num/denom
    stat[num==0 & denom==0]<-0
    stat[X1==0 & X2==0]<-NA
    stat <- stat^2
} else if (method == "score" & parmtype == "ratio"){
  # NOT tsmethod == "square" & alternative == "two.sided"
  Tstat <- function(X1, N1, X2, N2, delta0) {
    # from Miettinen and Nurminen, 1985, see Stat Xact Procs 8, p. 298
    pi2hat <- X2/N2
    pi1hat <- X1/N1
    if (delta0==Inf){
      num<- -pi1hat
      denom<- rep(0,length(num))
    } else {
      num<-pi2hat - delta0 * pi1hat
      denom <- sqrt(
        (pi2tilde * (1 - pi2tilde))/N2 + 
          (delta0^2 * pi1tilde * (1 - pi1tilde))/N1)
    stat<- num/denom
    stat[num==0 & denom==0]<-0
    stat[X1==0 & X2==0]<-NA
} else if (method == "simple" & parmtype =="ratio" &
           tsmethod == "square" & alternative == "two.sided") {
  Tstat <- function(X1, N1, X2, N2, delta0) {
    # originally, we had the following 2 lines, but 
    # we want the square to use log(theta2hat/(delta0*theta1hat))
    # so we can simplify
    # We put in the delta0 so when we square it, it makes sense
    # Similar to 'difference' equal theta2-theta1 - delta0
    # here we have: log(theta2) - log(theta1) - log(delta0)
    # Original (note ifelse not needed because x/0=Inf automatically
    #           and 0/0=NaN automatically):      
    #stat <- ifelse(X1 == 0, Inf, X2 * N1/(X1 * N2))
    #stat[X1 == 0 & X2 == 0] <- NA
    stat<- log(X2/N2) - log(X1/N1) - log(delta0) 
    stat <- stat^2
} else if (method == "simple" & parmtype =="ratio"){
  # NOT tsmethod == "square" & alternative == "two.sided"
  Tstat <- function(X1, N1, X2, N2, delta0) {
    # originally, we had the following 2 lines, but 
    # we want the square to use log(theta2hat/(delta0*theta1hat))
    # so we can simplify
    # We put in the delta0 so when we square it, it makes sense
    # Similar to 'difference' equal theta2-theta1 - delta0
    # here we have: log(theta2) - log(theta1) - log(delta0)
    # Original (note ifelse not needed because x/0=Inf automatically
    #           and 0/0=NaN automatically):      
    #stat <- ifelse(X1 == 0, Inf, X2 * N1/(X1 * N2))
    #stat[X1 == 0 & X2 == 0] <- NA
    stat<- log(X2/N2) - log(X1/N1) - log(delta0) 
} else if (method == "simple" & parmtype =="oddsratio" &
           tsmethod == "square" & alternative == "two.sided") {
  Tstat <- function(X1, N1, X2, N2, delta0) {
    # Note if T1=X1/N1 and T2=X2/N2 then: 
    #  T2(1-T1)/(T1(1-T2)) = X2(N1-X1)/(X1(N2-X2))
    stat<- log( X2*(N1-X1)/
    stat <- stat^2
} else if (method == "simple" & parmtype =="oddsratio"){
  # NOT  tsmethod == "square" & alternative == "two.sided"
  Tstat <- function(X1, N1, X2, N2, delta0) {
    # Note if T1=X1/N1 and T2=X2/N2 then: 
    #  T2(1-T1)/(T1(1-T2)) = X2(N1-X1)/(X1(N2-X2))
    stat<- log( X2*(N1-X1)/

calcTall<-function(Tstat, allx, n1, ally, n2, delta0=0, parmtype="difference", 
                   alternative="two.sided", tsmethod="central", EplusM=FALSE, tiebreak=FALSE){
  if (!EplusM & !tiebreak){ 
  }  else if (tiebreak & tsmethod!="square"){
    ######### define function to break ties
    tie.f <- function(allx, n1, ally, n2, parmtype) {
      if (parmtype == "difference") {
        ### Break ties based on Z scores
        ### larger abs(Z scores) are treated as more extreme (further from 0) 
        theta1 <- allx/n1
        theta2 <- ally/n2
        std <- 1/(theta1 * (1 - theta1)/n1 + theta2 * (1 - theta2)/n2)^0.5
        new <- (theta2 - theta1)/(theta1 * (1 - theta1)/n1 + theta2 * 
                                    (1 - theta2)/n2)^0.5
        new[is.na(new)] <- 0  #when x1, x2 are 0 then std=0 and num=0 so set ratio to 0
      } else if (parmtype == "ratio") {
        # Ratio want large values to suggest high theta2/theta1
        # when x1=0 break ties by x2
        new <- ifelse(allx == 0 & ally > 0, ally, NA)
        # when x2=0 break ties by 1/x1 
        new <- ifelse(allx > 0 & ally == 0, 1/allx, new)
        # otherwise (unless x1=n1 and x2=n2) break ties by Z score on log(Ratio)
        new <- ifelse(allx > 0 & ally > 0, (log(ally) - log(n2) - log(allx) + 
                                              log(n1))/(1/allx - 1/n1 + 1/ally - 1/n2)^0.5, new)
        # x1=n1 and x2=n2 gives a Z score of 0/0=NaN, set to 0
      } else if (parmtype == "oddsratio") {
        # highest value of OR is suggested when x1=0 and x2=n2
        # but simple ties all x1=0 and x2=n2
        # break ties towards the point x=(0,n2)
        # lowest value of OR is suggested when x1=n1 and x2=0
        # break ties away from that point
        new <- ifelse(allx == 0 | allx==n1, ally/n2, NA)
        new <- ifelse(ally == n2 | ally==0,1-allx/n1, new)
        # Otherwise use Z score on log(OR)
        new <- ifelse((allx > 0 & allx < n1) & (ally > 0 & ally < n2), 
                      (log(ally) - log(n2 - ally) - log(allx) + log(n1 - allx))/(1/(allx) + 
                                                                                   1/(n1 - allx) + 1/(ally) + 1/(n2 - ally))^0.5, new)
        # set Z scores of 0/0 or Inf/Inf to 0
    Talltemp<- Tstat(allx,n1,ally, n2, delta0)
    Talltiebreak<- tie.f(allx,n1,ally,n2,parmtype)
    # Use ranks to break ties, round to remove computer error
    R1<- rank(round(Talltemp,digits=10))
    R2<- rank(round(Talltiebreak,digits=10))
    # ranks are integers or values ending in 0.5
    # with min=1 and max=N =(n1+1)*(n2+1) (total sample size)
    # divide R2 by a factor so it is much less than 0.5
    # to break ties in R1
    out<- R1 + R2/(10*(n1+1)*(n2+1))
  } else if (tiebreak & tsmethod=="square"){
    stop("tiebreak=TRUE not supported with tsmethod='square' ")
  if (EplusM){
    if (tiebreak & tsmethod!="square"){
      Talltemp<- out
    } else {
      Talltemp<- Tstat(allx,n1,ally, n2, delta0)
    # for x with no information, set to least extreme
    # set to -Inf when tsmethod=square
    if (alternative=="two.sided" & tsmethod=="square"){
      leastExtreme<- -Inf
    } else {
      leastExtreme<- Inf
    if (parmtype=="ratio"){
        Talltemp[allx==0 & ally==0]<-  leastExtreme
    } else if (parmtype=="oddsratio"){
        Talltemp[(allx==0 & ally==0) | (allx==n1 & ally==n2)]<-  leastExtreme
    for (i in 1:length(Talltemp)){
      # get constrained MLE under null
      if (parmtype=="difference"){
        p1p2<-constrMLE.difference(allx[i],n1, ally[i], n2, delta0)
      } else if (parmtype=="ratio"){
        p1p2<-constrMLE.ratio(allx[i],n1, ally[i], n2, delta0)
      } else if (parmtype=="oddsratio"){
        p1p2<-constrMLE.oddsratio(allx[i],n1, ally[i], n2, delta0)
      if (alternative=="two.sided" & tsmethod=="square"){
        # for tsmethod='square' we want larger Talltemp[i] to give larger output
        # we want extreme to be larger T, so pval=sum(f[T>=t]) will give smaller
        # pval for larger T
        # so use 1-pval
        I<-  Talltemp>=Talltemp[i]
        out[i]<- 1 - sum(dbinom(allx[I],n1,p1p2$p1)*dbinom(ally[I],n2,p1p2$p2) )
      } else {
        # get one-sided p-value so that order is the same direction
        # larger Talltemp[i] gives larger pval, and vise versa

        I<-  Talltemp<=Talltemp[i]
        out[i]<- sum(dbinom(allx[I],n1,p1p2$p1)*dbinom(ally[I],n2,p1p2$p2) )

getPrange<-function(x1,n1,x2,n2, parmtype, gamma){
  # get range for grid search over p1 and p2 when gamma>0
  if (gamma > 0) {
  } else {
  list(p1min=p1min, p1max=p1max, p2min=p2min, p2max=p2max)

getPI<-function(parmtype,DELTA, p1p2minmax, nPgrid){
    ### get range of PI1 values to search over range differs depending on the
    ### parmtype
    if (parmtype == "difference") {
        # p1 = p2-DELTA
        p1minNew<- max( p1min, p2min-DELTA)
        p1maxNew<- min( p1max, p2max-DELTA)
    } else if (parmtype == "ratio") {
        # p1 = p2/DELTA 
        p1minNew<- max( p1min, p2min/DELTA)
        p1maxNew<- min( p1max, p2max/DELTA)
    } else if (parmtype=="oddsratio"){
        # p1 = p2/(p2+DELTA-DELTA*p2)
        p1minNew<- max( p1min, p2min/(p2min+DELTA-DELTA*p2min))
        p1maxNew<- min( p1max, p2max/(p2max+DELTA-DELTA*p2max))
    if (p1minNew==p1maxNew){
      PI1<- p1minNew
    } else if (p1minNew<p1maxNew){
      PI1 <- seq(p1minNew, p1maxNew, length = nPgrid)
    } else {
    if (parmtype == "difference") {
      # p1 = p2-DELTA
      PI2 <- PI1+DELTA
    } else if (parmtype == "ratio") {
      # p1 = p2/DELTA 
      PI2 <- PI1*DELTA
      # remove if PI1==0 and PI2==0
      keep<- !is.na(PI2/PI1) 
    } else if (parmtype=="oddsratio"){
      # p1 = p2/(p2+DELTA-DELTA*p2)
      PI2 <- DELTA*PI1/(1-PI1+DELTA*PI1)
      keep<- !is.na((PI2*(1-PI1))/(PI1*(1-PI2))) 
    # if PI1=NA and PI2=NA, this means that Berger and Boos method excludes
    # all possible values
#pmm<-getPrange(3,10,5,12, parmtype="difference", gamma=10^-6, minPgridRatio=10^-6, 
#               maxPgridRatio=1-10^-6)

#PI<-getPI(parmtype="difference",DELTA=-1, pmm, nPgrid=100)
#PI<-getPI(parmtype="ratio",DELTA=.004, p1min=0, p1max=1, p2min=0, p2max=1, nPgrid=5)
#PI<-getPI(parmtype="oddsratio",DELTA=.4, p1min=0, p1max=1, p2min=0, p2max=1, nPgrid=5)

getDeltaGrid<-function(parmtype, nCIgrid,maxPgridRatio=1-10^-6, minPgridRatio=10^-6){
  if (parmtype == "difference") {
    ds <- seq(-1, 1, length = nCIgrid)
  } else if (parmtype == "ratio") {
    delta.hi <- maxPgridRatio/minPgridRatio
    delta.low <- minPgridRatio/maxPgridRatio
    ds <- c(exp(seq(log(delta.low), log(delta.hi), length = nCIgrid)))
  } else if (parmtype == "oddsratio") {
    # make a grid to spread from 0 to Inf so that half are less than 1 and
    # half are greater
    delta.hi <- maxPgridRatio * (1 - minPgridRatio)/(minPgridRatio * (1 - maxPgridRatio))
    delta.low <- minPgridRatio * (1 - maxPgridRatio)/(maxPgridRatio * (1 - minPgridRatio))
    ds <- c(exp(seq(log(delta.low), log(delta.hi), length = nCIgrid)))


######################### Define getPdQd function

getPDQD <- function(DELTA, Tstat, x1, n1, x2, n2, allx, ally, K1,K2, XX1, XX2,
                    parmtype, alternative, tsmethod, midp=FALSE, plotprobs=FALSE, EplusM=FALSE, tiebreak=FALSE, errbound=0,
                    p1p2minmax=NULL, nPgrid=100) {
  # first do Special Cases 
  # for DELTA=0 with ratio
  if (parmtype=="ratio" & DELTA==0){
    # DELTA=0 means pi2 must be zero, and pi1>0
    # if EplusM=FALSE and tiebreak=FALSE there may be lots of savings in 
    # not calculating Tall for x2>0, but for now do it the slow way 
    Tall<-calcTall(Tstat, allx, n1, ally, n2, delta0=DELTA, 
                   parmtype=parmtype, alternative=alternative, tsmethod=tsmethod, EplusM=EplusM, tiebreak=tiebreak)
    T0<-Tall[allx==x1 & ally==x2]
    # only pdf with positive values are when x2=0
    # also we condition on x!=(0,0)
    Tx2zero<- Tall[ally==0 & allx>0]
    if (all(Tx2zero<T0)){
      P<- 1
      Q<- 0
    } else if (all(Tx2zero>T0)){
    } else {
        XX1<- allx[ally==0 & allx>0]
        # calculate the conditional pdf for Pr[X1=x | X1>0] 
        f1<- dbinom(XX1,n1,p1)/(1-dbinom(0,n1,p1))
        P <- sum(f1[Tx2zero < T0]) + sum((1 - (midp == TRUE) * 0.5) * 
                                       f1[Tx2zero == T0])
        Q <- sum(f1[Tx2zero > T0]) + sum((1 - (midp == TRUE) * 0.5) * 
                                       f1[Tx2zero == T0])
      PI1 <- seq(p1p2minmax$p1min, p1p2minmax$p1max, length = nPgrid)
      PI1<- PI1[PI1>0]
      for (i in 1:length(PI1)){
  } else if (parmtype=="ratio" & DELTA==Inf){
    # DELTA=Inf means pi2>0 and pi1=0
    # if EplusM=FALSE and tiebreak=FALSE there may be lots of savings in 
    # not calculating Tall for x2>0, but for now do it the slow way 
    Tall<-calcTall(Tstat, allx, n1, ally, n2, delta0=DELTA, 
                   parmtype=parmtype, alternative=alternative, tsmethod=tsmethod, EplusM=EplusM, tiebreak=tiebreak)
    T0<-Tall[allx==x1 & ally==x2]
    # only pdf with positive values are when x1=0
    # also we condition on x!=(0,0)
    Tx1zero<- Tall[allx==0 & ally>0]
    if (all(Tx1zero<T0)){
      P<- 1
      Q<- 0
    } else if (all(Tx1zero>T0)){
    } else {
        XX2<- allx[allx==0 & ally>0]
        # calculate the conditional pdf for Pr[X1=x | X1>0] 
        f2<- dbinom(XX2,n2,p2)/(1-dbinom(0,n2,p2))
        P <- sum(f2[Tx1zero < T0]) + sum((1 - (midp == TRUE) * 0.5) * 
                                           f2[Tx1zero == T0])
        Q <- sum(f2[Tx1zero > T0]) + sum((1 - (midp == TRUE) * 0.5) * 
                                          f2[Tx1zero == T0])
      PI2 <- seq(p1p2minmax$p2min, p1p2minmax$p2max, length = nPgrid)
      PI2<- PI2[PI2>0]
      for (i in 1:length(PI2)){
  } else if (parmtype=="oddsratio" & (DELTA==0 | DELTA==Inf)){
    stop("Need to program getPDQD for parmtype='oddsratio' and DELTA=0 or Inf")
  # End of Special Cases 
  if (errbound==0){
    Tall<-calcTall(Tstat, allx, n1, ally, n2, delta0=DELTA, 
                  parmtype=parmtype, alternative=alternative, tsmethod=tsmethod, EplusM=EplusM, tiebreak=tiebreak)
    T0<-Tall[allx==x1 & ally==x2]
  ############## still inside get pdqd but defining getpq function
  getPQ <- function(pi1, pi2) {
    # see Stat Xact manual, e.g., StatXact8 Procs, p. 302 techinically all
    # 0<=pi1<=1 and 0<=pi2<=1, but in case there are computer numeric
    # issues, fix them now pi1[pi1>1]<-1 pi1[pi1<0]<-0 pi2[pi2>1]<-1
    # pi2[pi2<0]<-0 for speed do not use dbinom, use K1,K2, etc fx<-
    # rep(dbinom(0:n1,n1,pi1),n2+1) fy<-rep(dbinom(0:n2,n2,pi2),each=n1+1)
    if (errbound > 0) {
      ## dont search over very unlikely values
      XX1 <- max(0, qbinom(errbound/2, n1, pi1) - 1):min(n1, 
                                                         qbinom(1 - errbound/2, n1, pi1) + 1)
      XX2 <- max(0, qbinom(errbound/2, n2, pi2) - 1):min(n2, 
                                                         qbinom(1 - errbound/2, n2, pi2) + 1)
      # Aug 2, 2020: change to lchoose to avoid overflow
      K1 <- lchoose(n1, XX1)
      K2 <- lchoose(n2, XX2)
      allx <- rep(XX1, length(XX2))
      ally <- rep(XX2, each = length(XX1))
      Tall <- Tstat(allx, n1, ally, n2, DELTA)
      T0<- Tall[allx==x1 & ally==x2]
    # Aug 2, 2020: fixed error 
    # here is an example that gave an incorrect p-value of 1
    # for versions <=
    # uncondExact2x2(x1=125, n1=1125,  x2=23, n2=30)
    # the true answer is a very small p-value
    # to fix: changed K1 and K2 to lchoose to avoid overflow
    # so must change fx and fy also
    if (pi1==0 | pi1==1){
      fx.once<-  rep(0,length(XX1))
      if (pi1==0){
        fx.once[XX1==0]<- 1 
      } else if (pi1==1){
        fx.once[XX1==n1]<- 1 
    } else {
      fx.once<- exp(K1 + XX1*log(pi1)+ (n1-XX1)*log(1-pi1))      
    if (pi2==0 | pi2==1){
      fy.once<-  rep(0,length(XX2))
      if (pi2==0){
        fy.once[XX2==0]<- 1 
      } else if (pi2==1){
        fy.once[XX2==n2]<- 1 
    } else {
      fy.once<- exp(K2 + XX2*log(pi2)+ (n2-XX2)*log(1-pi2))      
    fx <- rep(fx.once, length(XX2))
    fy <- rep(fy.once, each = length(XX1))
    # end of Aug 2, 2020 fix
    # OLD CODE...Sometimes it would give K1<-choose() values of Inf so that f would have 
    # NaN values 
    #fx <- rep(K1 * pi1^XX1 * (1 - pi1)^(n1 - XX1), length(XX2))
    #fy <- rep(K2 * pi2^XX2 * (1 - pi2)^(n2 - XX2), each = length(XX1))
    f <- fx * fy
    ## sum(f) may be slightly less than 1 if errbound>0, standardize so sums to 1
    if (length(f)!=length(Tall)) stop("error in allx or ally")
    ## for ratio and odds ratio, there are some elements of the sample 
    ## space that give no information about the parameter
    ## e.g. x=(0,0) for ratio and additionally x=(n1,n2) for odds ratio
    ## We condition on data with information, and use the conditional 
    ## distribution
    if (parmtype=="ratio" | parmtype=="oddsratio"){
      if (parmtype=="ratio"){ 
        withInfo<-!(allx==0 & ally==0)
      } else {
        withInfo<- !((allx==0 & ally==0) | (allx==n1 & ally==n2))
      #if (any(is.na(Tall[withInfo]))) browser()
      # since x values without info have p-value=1, can never reject, and do not need to count them
    if (any(is.na(Tall))){ 
      stop("NAs in Tstat function")}
    P <- sum(f[Tall < T0]) + sum((1 - (midp == TRUE) * 0.5) * 
                                     f[Tall == T0])
    Q <- sum(f[Tall > T0]) + sum((1 - (midp == TRUE) * 0.5) * 
                                     f[Tall == T0])
    Q <- ifelse(is.na(Q), 1, Q)
    P <- ifelse(is.na(P), 1, P)
    list(P = P, Q = Q)
  ############# still inside get pdqd but end of getpq function
  ## PI1 = pi1: pi1 \in I(delta) see Stat Xact manual, e.g., StatXact8
  ## Procs, p. 302
  PI<-getPI(parmtype,DELTA, p1p2minmax, nPgrid)
  # if the gamma confidence intervals do not allow any of the DELTA values
  # then the PI1=PI2=NA
  # then set Pd and Qd to zero, p-values will add back gamma or gamma/2
  if (all(is.na(PI1)) | all(is.na(PI2))) return(list(Pd=0, Qd=0))
  Pall <- Qall <- rep(NA, length(PI1))
  for (i in 1:length(PI1)) {     
    PQ <- getPQ(PI1[i], PI2[i])  ###get probabilities over a grid of values of p1 and p2 defined by delta=p2-p1 (use dif as example)
    Pall[i] <- PQ$P  #### this is sum of prob less than observed
    Qall[i] <- PQ$Q  ##### sum of prob greater than observed
  if (plotprobs){
    plot(PI1, Qall,main=paste0("DELTA=",DELTA))
    plot(PI1, Pall,main=paste0("DELTA=",DELTA))
  Pd <- max(Pall)
  Qd <- max(Qall)
  out <- list(Pd = Pd, Qd = Qd)
######################### End of getPDQD function

######## unconditional function method=='simpleTB' means simple tiebreak note
########## ngrid is the number of grid points for delta and nPgrid is the
########## number of probabilites to check over for each delta
ucControl<-function(nCIgrid = 500, errbound = 0, 
                    nPgrid = 100, power2=20, maxPgridRatio=1-10^-6, minPgridRatio=10^-6){
  # add checks if want
  if (minPgridRatio<=0) stop("minPgridRatio must be >0")
  if (maxPgridRatio>=1) stop("maxPgridRatio must be <1")
  if (nCIgrid<2) stop("nCIgrid must be >1")
  if (nPgrid<2) stop("nPgrid must be >1")
  list(nCIgrid=nCIgrid, errbound=errbound, nPgrid=nPgrid, power2=power2,
       maxPgridRatio=maxPgridRatio, minPgridRatio=minPgridRatio)

uncondExact2x2 <- function(x1, n1, x2, n2, 
    parmtype = c("difference", "ratio", "oddsratio"), nullparm = NULL, 
    alternative = c("two.sided","less", "greater"),  
    conf.int = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95, 
    method = c("FisherAdj", "simple", "score","wald-pooled", "wald-unpooled",  "user", "user-fixed"), 
    tsmethod = c("central","square"), midp = FALSE, 
    gamma = 0, EplusM=FALSE, tiebreak=FALSE,
    plotprobs = FALSE, control=ucControl(), Tfunc=NULL,...) {
    #dots<-match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)$"..."
    parmtype <- match.arg(parmtype)
    alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
    tsmethod <- match.arg(tsmethod)
    method <- match.arg(method)
    minparm <- switch(parmtype, difference = -1, ratio = 0, oddsratio = 0)
    maxparm <- switch(parmtype, difference = 1, ratio = Inf, oddsratio = Inf)

    if (is.null(nullparm)) {
      # set null hypothesis value of parameter if NULL to usual one
      nullparm <- switch(parmtype, difference = 0, ratio = 1, oddsratio = 1)

    # when searching over range, cannot have Inf values, also Berger-Boos does not 
    # search over the whole range, so get p1 and p2 ranges
    p1p2minmax<-getPrange(x1,n1,x2,n2, parmtype, gamma)  

    # Check Conditions of Arguments
    if (plotprobs & conf.int) 
        stop("cannot have plotprobs=TRUE and conf.int=TRUE will produce too many plots")
    if (alternative!="two.sided" & tsmethod=="square") stop("when alternative='less' or 'greater', cannot use tsmethod='square'")
    if (tiebreak & tsmethod == "square") 
        stop("tie breaking function is designed to make sense only when tsmethod=central")
    if (gamma > 1 - conf.level) 
        stop("gamma is used for the Berger-Boos method and must be less than 1-conf.level, typically 10e-6")
    if (parmtype=="ratio" & (( (1/nullparm)< minPgridRatio) | (nullparm<minPgridRatio) ))
      stop("parmtype='ratio' and (nullparm<minPgridRatio) or (1/nullparm < minPgridRatio)")
    if (method=="user-fixed" & parmtype!="difference")
      stop("method='user-fixed' not allowed when parmtype!='difference' used method='user' ")
    if (method=="FisherAdj" & alternative=="two.sided" & tsmethod=="square")
      stop("tsmethod='square' does not work with method='FisherAdj', for tests like that use boschloo function")
    if (tiebreak & method!="simple") warning("tiebreak designed for method='simple', might not make sense for all methods")
    ######################### calculate variables that are needed inside functions
    ########################   but we only want to calculate once to save time
    ### To avoid clutter in the arguments of the functions, we do not put these variables as arguments

    allx <- rep(0:n1, n2 + 1)
    ally <- rep(0:n2, each = n1 + 1)

    ## for speed do the following only once, then use it instead of dbinom
    ## later
    if (errbound == 0) {
      XX1 <- 0:n1
      XX2 <- 0:n2
      # Aug 2, 2020: change to lchoose to avoid overflow
      # need to change the way fx and fy are calculated later 
      # to make it work out correctly
      K1 <- lchoose(n1, XX1)
      K2 <- lchoose(n2, XX2)

    ### calculate estimate of parameter, and give names for output
    if (parmtype == "difference") {
      estimate <- (x2/n2) - (x1/n1)
      attr(estimate, "names") <- "p2-p1"
      attr(nullparm, "names") <- "p2-p1"
      description <- paste("Unconditional Exact Test on Difference in Proportions, method=", 
    } else if (parmtype == "ratio") {
      if (x1 + x2 > 0) {
        estimate <- (x2/n2)/(x1/n1)
      } else {
        estimate <- NaN
      attr(estimate, "names") <- "p2/p1"
      attr(nullparm, "names") <- "p2/p1"
      description <- paste("Unconditional Exact Test on Ratio of Proportions, method=", 
    } else if (parmtype == "oddsratio") {
      p1 <- x1/n1
      p2 <- x2/n2
      if (x1 + x2 > 0) {
        estimate <- p2 * (1 - p1)/(p1 * (1 - p2))
      } else {
        estimate <- NaN
      attr(estimate, "names") <- "p2(1-p1)/[p1(1-p2)]"
      attr(nullparm, "names") <- "p2(1-p1)/[p1(1-p2)]"
      description <- paste("Unconditional Exact Test on Odds Ratio, method=", 
    if (alternative=="two.sided" & tsmethod=="central"){
      description<-paste0(description,", central")
    } else if (alternative=="two.sided" & tsmethod=="square"){
      description<-paste0(description,", squared")
    if (EplusM){
      description<-paste0(description,", E+M")
    if (tiebreak){
      description<-paste0(description,", with tie break")
    ########################################### DEFINING FUNCTIONS
    ## Define Tstat Function
    if ( (method=="user" | method=="user-fixed") & is.null(Tfunc)){
      stop("when method='user' or 'user-fixed', you must supply Tfunc")
    } else if ( (method=="user" | method=="user-fixed") & !is.null(Tfunc)){
      ## We want Tstat<-Tfunc
      ## except it can be complicated if arguments are passed to Tfunc by ...
      ## first get list that is ... from call
      dots<-match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."
      if (length(dots)==0){
      } else {
        ## Create a function to change the dots list into a character string as it was entered at ...         
          if (n==0){
          } else if (n==1){
            out<-paste0(out, names(dots)[1],"=",dots[[1]]) 
          } else {
            for (i in 1:(n-1)){
              out<-paste0(out, names(dots)[i],"=",dots[[i]],",")
            out<-paste0(out, names(dots)[n],"=",dots[[n]])
        ## Create the cmd character string
        ## then evaluate it
        ## See p. 65 Venebles and Ripley 2000
        cmd<- paste("Tstat<-function(X1,N1,X2,N2,delta0){ 
                    Tfunc(X1,N1,X2,N2,delta0",dotsAsChar(dots),") }")
        # check that Tstat function is standard format
        if (alternative=="two.sided" & tsmethod=="square"){
          # want extremes to be larger than middle point
          Tmiddle<- Tstat(round(n1/2),n1,round(n2/2),n2)
          if (Tstat(0,n1,n2,n2)< Tmiddle | 
              Tstat(n1,n1,0,n2)< Tmiddle) warning("Tstat function appears non-standard. 'middle' (x1,x2) value gives T greater than at least one extreme (x1,x2) value")
        } else {
          if (Tstat(0,n1,n2,n2)<  Tstat(n1,n1,0,n2)) warning("Tstat function appears non-standard. Want T(x) at x=[x1,x2]=[0,n2] to be greater than T(x) at x=[n1,0]. Consider defining T(x) as -T(x).")
  } else {
      # non user supplied functions
      Tstat<-pickTstat(method=method, parmtype=parmtype, 
                       tsmethod=tsmethod, alternative=alternative)

    ##  define getPdQd so we can set all the arguments except DELTA
    getPdQd <- function(DELTA){
         getPDQD(DELTA, Tstat=Tstat, x1=x1, n1=n1, x2=x2, n2=n2, 
                        allx=allx, ally=ally, K1=K1,K2=K2, XX1=XX1, XX2=XX2,
                        parmtype=parmtype, alternative=alternative, tsmethod=tsmethod, 
                        midp=midp, plotprobs=plotprobs, 
                        EplusM=EplusM, tiebreak=tiebreak, errbound=errbound,
                        p1p2minmax=p1p2minmax, nPgrid=nPgrid)

                ######### define root function TO calculate CIs
        root.lower.f <- function(Delta, alpha) {
          if (parmtype!="difference" & Delta==0) return(-1)
          temp <- getPdQd(Delta)
          temp$Qd - alpha
        root.upper.f <- function(Delta, alpha) {
          if (Delta==Inf) return(-1)
          temp <- getPdQd(Delta)
          temp$Pd - alpha
        ######### define function TO calculate CI when the Barnard convexity conditions
        ######### hold and the ordering function (the Tstat function) does not change with delta0
        ######### This is a little faster than the other one
        conf.int.uniroot.f <- function(parmtype, conf.level, alternative) {
          alpha <- 1 - conf.level
          if (alternative == "two.sided") {
            alpha <- alpha/2
          ci <- c(minparm, maxparm)
          if (alternative == "greater" | alternative == "two.sided") {
            # try uniroot, if it fails set $root value to minparm
            if (parmtype=="difference"){
              #temp <- tryCatch(uniroot(root.lower.f, c(minds, estimate), 
              #    alpha = alpha, maxiter = 500, extendInt="yes"), 
              #    error = function(e) list(root = minparm))
              if (sign(root.lower.f(-1, alpha=alpha))==sign(root.lower.f(1, alpha=alpha))) {
              } else {
                temp<-unirootGrid(root.lower.f, power2, 
                                  power2grid=power2gridDifference, alpha=alpha)
            } else {
              warning("unirootGrid may not work properly with parmtype!='difference' because of x values with no information, like x=(0,0)")
              temp<-unirootGrid(root.lower.f, power2, power2grid=power2gridRatio, alpha=alpha)
            ci[1] <- temp$root
          if (alternative == "less" | alternative == "two.sided") {
            # try uniroot, if it fails set $root value to maxparm
            if (parmtype=="difference"){
              #temp <- tryCatch(uniroot(root.upper.f, c(estimate, maxds), 
              #    alpha = alpha, maxiter = 500, extendInt="yes"), error = function(e) list(root = maxparm))
              if (sign(root.upper.f(-1, alpha=alpha))==sign(root.upper.f(1, alpha=alpha))) {
                temp<-list(root= 1)
              } else {
                temp <- unirootGrid(root.upper.f, power2=power2, power2grid = power2gridDifference, alpha = alpha)
            } else {
              warning("unirootGrid may not work properly with parmtype!='difference' because of x values with no information, like x=(0,0)")
              temp <- unirootGrid(root.upper.f, power2=power2, power2grid= power2gridRatio, alpha = alpha)
            ci[2] <- temp$root
        conf.int.nouniroot.f <- function(ds, conf.level, gamma, alternative, 
                                         tsmethod) {
          plower <- pupper <- rep(NA, length(ds))
          ## alpha is error, for one-sided we have 1-alpha=conf.level for
          ## two-sided we have 1-2*alpha=conf.level
          alpha <- 1 - conf.level - gamma
          if (alternative == "two.sided" & tsmethod == "central") 
            alpha <- alpha/2
          LOWER <- UPPER <- NA
          if (alternative == "greater" | (alternative == "two.sided" & tsmethod == 
                                          "central")) {
            for (i in 1:length(ds)) {
              out <- getPdQd(ds[i])
              plower[i] <- out$Qd
              if (out$Qd > alpha)
            nomisslo <- !is.na(plower)
            i<- length(plower[nomisslo])
            if (i <= 1) {
              LOWER <- minparm
            }  else {
              # we know LOWER is between ds[i-1] and ds[i], where i=length(plower[nomisslo])
              # we could do a linear approximation...
              #LOWER <- switch(parmtype, 
              #  difference = approx(plower[nomisslo], ds[nomisslo], alpha)$y, 
              #  ratio = exp(approx(plower[nomisslo], log(ds[nomisslo]), alpha)$y), 
              #  oddsratio = exp(approx(plower[nomisslo], log(ds[nomisslo]), alpha)$y))
              if (parmtype=="difference"){
                  power2grid(power2=pow2, from=ds[i-1], to=ds[i], dolog=FALSE)
                temp<-unirootGrid(root.lower.f, power2, 
                                  power2grid=p2g, pos.side = TRUE, alpha=alpha)
              } else {
                  power2grid(power2=pow2, from=ds[i-1], to=ds[i], dolog=TRUE)
                temp<-unirootGrid(root.lower.f, power2, power2grid=p2g, pos.side = TRUE,  alpha=alpha)
          if (alternative == "less" | (alternative == "two.sided" & tsmethod == 
                                       "central")) {
            # reverse order, start from largest and go down
            for (i in 1:length(rds)) {
              out <- getPdQd(rds[i])
              pupper[i] <- out$Pd
              if (out$Pd > alpha) break()
            nomisshi <- !is.na(pupper)
            if (i <= 1) {
              UPPER <- maxparm
              #warning(paste0("upper conf limit>", rds[1]," set to Inf. "))
            }  else {
              # we know UPPER is between rds[i-1] and rds[i]
              # we could do a linear approximation...
              #UPPER <- switch(parmtype, 
              #   difference = approx(pupper[nomisshi],ds[nomisshi], alpha)$y, 
              #   ratio = exp(approx(pupper[nomisshi], log(ds[nomisshi]), alpha)$y), 
              #   oddsratio = exp(approx(pupper[nomisshi],log(ds[nomisshi]), alpha)$y))
              if (parmtype=="difference"){
                  power2grid(power2=pow2, from=rds[i], to=rds[i-1], dolog=FALSE)
                temp<-unirootGrid(root.upper.f, power2, 
                                  power2grid=p2g, pos.side = TRUE, alpha=alpha)
              } else {
                  power2grid(power2=pow2, from=rds[i], to=rds[i-1], dolog=TRUE)
                temp<-unirootGrid(root.upper.f, power2, power2grid=p2g, pos.side = TRUE,  alpha=alpha)
          if (alternative == "two.sided" & tsmethod == "square") {
            for (i in 1:length(rds)) {
              out <- getPdQd(rds[i])
              pupper[i] <- out$Qd
              if (pupper[i] > alpha) 
            nomisshi <- !is.na(pupper)
            i<- length(pupper[nomisshi])
            if (i<= 1) {
              UPPER <- maxparm
            } else {
              #UPPER <- switch(parmtype, 
              #  difference = approx(pupper[nomisshi], ds[nomisshi], alpha)$y, 
              #  ratio = exp(approx(pupper[nomisshi], log(ds[nomisshi]), alpha)$y), 
              #  oddsratio = exp(approx(pupper[nomisshi],log(ds[nomisshi]), alpha)$y))
              if (parmtype=="difference"){
                  power2grid(power2=pow2, from=rds[i], to=rds[i-1], dolog=FALSE)
                # use root.lower.f because want to use getPdQd()$Qd because it is 'square'

                temp<-unirootGrid(root.lower.f, power2, 
                                  power2grid=p2g, pos.side = TRUE, alpha=alpha)
              } else {
                  power2grid(power2=pow2, from=rds[i], to=rds[i-1], dolog=TRUE)
                temp<-unirootGrid(root.lower.f, power2, power2grid=p2g, pos.side = TRUE, alpha=alpha)
            for (i in 1:length(ds)) {
              out <- getPdQd(ds[i])
              plower[i] <- out$Qd
              if (plower[i] > alpha) 
            nomisslo <- !is.na(plower)
            i<- length(plower[nomisslo])
            if (i<= 1) {
              LOWER <- minparm
            } else {
              #LOWER <- switch(parmtype, 
              #                difference = approx(plower[nomisslo],ds[nomisslo], alpha)$y, 
              #                ratio = exp(approx(plower[nomisslo], log(ds[nomisslo]), alpha)$y), 
              #                oddsratio = exp(approx(plower[nomisslo],log(ds[nomisslo]), alpha)$y))
              if (parmtype=="difference"){
                  power2grid(power2=pow2, from=ds[i-1], to=ds[i], dolog=FALSE)
                temp<-unirootGrid(root.lower.f, power2, 
                                  power2grid=p2g, pos.side = TRUE, alpha=alpha)
              } else {
                  power2grid(power2=pow2, from=ds[i-1], to=ds[i], dolog=TRUE)
                temp<-unirootGrid(root.lower.f, power2, power2grid=p2g, pos.side = TRUE,  alpha=alpha)
          if (is.na(LOWER)) 
            LOWER <- minparm  
          if (is.na(UPPER)) 
            UPPER <- maxparm 
          ci <- c(LOWER, UPPER)

############## End of Defining Functions ############################
        ################# calculating p values
        if ((parmtype=="ratio" & (x1+x2==0)) | 
            (parmtype=="oddsratio" & ((x1+x2==0) | (x1+x2==n1+n2)))){
            # Basically data have no information about parameter
        } else if (alternative == "two.sided" & tsmethod == "central") {
            PQ0 <- getPdQd(nullparm)
            #pval <- min(1, 2 * min(PQ0$Pd + gamma/2, PQ0$Qd + gamma/2))
            pval <- min(1, 2 * min(PQ0$Pd + gamma, PQ0$Qd + gamma))
        } else if (alternative == "two.sided" & tsmethod == "square") {
            PQ0 <- getPdQd(nullparm)
            pval <- min(1,PQ0$Qd + gamma)
        } else if (alternative == "less") {
            PQ0 <- getPdQd(nullparm)
            pval <- min(1,PQ0$Pd + gamma)
        } else if (alternative == "greater") {
            PQ0 <- getPdQd(nullparm)
            pval <- min(1,PQ0$Qd + gamma)
        ###############  find CI
        if (conf.int) {
            # with parmtype='ratio' or 'oddsratio' not sure we can show that the 
            # one-sided p-values are monotonic in the parameter
            if ((parmtype=="ratio" & (x1+x2==0)) | 
                (parmtype=="oddsratio" & ((x1+x2==0) | (x1+x2==n1+n2)))){
                  # Basically data have no information about parameter
                  ci <- c(minparm, maxparm)
            } else if ((parmtype=="difference") & (method == "simple" | 
              method=="user-fixed" | method=="FisherAdj") & (tsmethod == "central") & (gamma == 0)) {
                # fast algorith
                ci <- conf.int.uniroot.f(parmtype, conf.level, alternative)
            } else {
                # slower algorithm
                ds<-getDeltaGrid(parmtype, nCIgrid, maxPgridRatio, minPgridRatio)
                ci <- conf.int.nouniroot.f(ds, conf.level, gamma, alternative, 
        ############### end of finding CI

    ############# preparing results
    if (conf.int == FALSE) 
        ci <- c(NA, NA)
    attr(ci, "conf.level") <- conf.level
    dname <- paste("x1/n1=(", x1, "/", n1, ") and x2/n2= (", x2, "/", n2, 
        ")", sep = "")

    statistic <- x1/n1
    names(statistic) <- "proportion 1"
    parameter <- x2/n2
    names(parameter) <- "proportion 2"
    out <- list(statistic = statistic, parameter = parameter, p.value = pval, 
        conf.int = ci, estimate = estimate, null.value = nullparm, alternative = alternative, 
        method = description, data.name = dname)
    class(out) <- "htest"

  ally<-rep(0:n2, each=n1+1)
  pvals<-rep(NA, length(allx))
  for (i in 1:length(allx)){
      pvals[i]<-uncondExact2x2(allx[i],n1, ally[i], n2,...)$p.value    
  out<- matrix(pvals,n1+1,n2+1)
  dimnames(out)<-  list(paste0("X1=",0:n1),paste0("X2=",0:n2))

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exact2x2 documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:51 a.m.