
Defines functions show.html browseFile make_exams_write_html exams2html

Documented in exams2html make_exams_write_html

exams2html <- function(file, n = 1L, nsamp = NULL, dir = ".", template = "plain.html",
  name = NULL, quiet = TRUE, edir = NULL, tdir = NULL, sdir = NULL, verbose = FALSE, rds = FALSE,
  question = "<h4>Question</h4>", solution = "<h4>Solution</h4>",
  mathjax = NULL, resolution = 100, width = 4, height = 4, svg = FALSE,
  encoding = "UTF-8", envir = NULL, converter = NULL, seed = NULL,
  exshuffle = NULL, ...)
  ## handle matrix specification of file
  if(is.matrix(file)) {
    if(!missing(n) && !is.null(n) && n != nrow(file)) warning("'n' must not differ from number of rows of 'file'")
    if(!missing(nsamp) && !is.null(nsamp) && nsamp != ncol(file)) warning("'nsamp' must not differ from number of columns of 'file'")
    n <- nrow(file)
    nsamp <- ncol(file)

  ## for Rnw exercises still use "ttm" converter (for now), otherwise "pandoc"
  if(any(tolower(tools::file_ext(unlist(file))) == "rmd")) {
    if(is.null(converter)) converter <- "pandoc"
  } else {
    if(is.null(converter)) converter <- "ttm"

  ## add MathJax link if specified or if converter="pandoc-mathjax"
  if(is.null(mathjax)) mathjax <- converter == "pandoc-mathjax"

  ## output directory or display on the fly
  display <- missing(dir)
  if(missing(dir) & n == 1L & length(template) == 1L) {
    display <- TRUE
    dir.create(dir <- tempfile())
  } else {
    display <- FALSE
    if(is.null(dir)) stop("Please specify an output 'dir'.")

  ## output name processing 
  if(is.null(name)) name <- file_path_sans_ext(basename(template))
  if(isTRUE(rds)) rds <- name
  ## set up .html transformer and writer function
  htmltransform <- make_exercise_transform_html(converter = converter, ...)
  htmlwrite <- make_exams_write_html(template = template, name = name,
    question = question, solution = solution, mathjax = mathjax)

  ## create final .html exam
  rval <- xexams(file, n = n, nsamp = nsamp,
    driver = list(
      sweave = list(quiet = quiet, pdf = FALSE, png = !svg, svg = svg, resolution = resolution, width = width, height = height, encoding = encoding, envir = envir),
      read = list(exshuffle = exshuffle),
      transform = htmltransform,
      write = htmlwrite),
    dir = dir, edir = edir, tdir = tdir, sdir = sdir, verbose = verbose, rds = rds, seed = seed)

  ## display single .html on the fly
  if(display) {
    out <- file.path(dir, paste(name, "1.html", sep = ""))
    out <- normalizePath(out)
  ## return xexams object invisibly

## writes the final .html site
make_exams_write_html <- function(template = "plain", name = NULL,
  question = "<h4>Question</h4>", solution = "<h4>Solution</h4>", mathjax = FALSE)
  ## the package directory
  pkg_dir <- find.package("exams")

  ## get the .html template files
  template <- if(is.null(template)) {
    file.path(find.package("exams"), "xml", "plain.html")
  } else path.expand(template)
  template <- ifelse(
    tolower(substr(template, nchar(template) - 4L, nchar(template))) != ".html",
    paste(template, ".html", sep = ""), template)
  template <- ifelse(file.exists(template),
    template, file.path(pkg_dir, "xml", basename(template)))
  if(!all(file.exists(template))) {
    stop(paste("The following files cannot be found: ",
      paste(template[!file.exists(template)], collapse = ", "), ".", sep = ""))

  ## output name processing
  nt <- length(template)
  name <- if(is.null(name)) file_path_sans_ext(basename(template)) else rep(name, length.out = nt)
  if(nt > 1 && length(unique(name)) < nt)
    name <- paste(name, 1:nt, sep = "")

  ## read the templates
  template <- lapply(template, readLines)

  ## question and solution control
  foo <- function(x, what) {
    if(is.null(x)) {
      paste("<h4>", what, "</h4>", sep = "")
    } else {
      if(is.logical(x)) {
        if(x) paste("<h4>", what, "</h4>", sep = "") else NA
      } else x
  question <- unlist(lapply(rep(if(is.null(question)) TRUE else question, length.out = nt),
    foo, what = "Question"))
  solution <- unlist(lapply(rep(if(is.null(solution)) TRUE else solution, length.out = nt),
    foo, what = "Solution"))

  ## the link to mathjax
  mj_link <- paste('<script type="text/javascript"',
    '  src="https://mathjax.rstudio.com/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML">',
    '</script>', collapse = "\n")
  mathjax <- rep(mathjax, length.out = nt)

  function(exm, dir, info)
    ## basic indexes
    id <- info$id
    n <- info$n
    m <- length(exm)

    ## current directory
    dir_orig <- getwd()

    ## temporary directory
    dir_temp <- tempfile()
    if(!file.exists(dir_temp) && !dir.create(dir_temp))
      stop(gettextf("Cannot create temporary work directory '%s'.", dir_temp))
    on.exit(unlink(dir_temp), add = TRUE)

    ## collapse answer groups of clozes (if necessary)
    for(j in seq_along(exm)) {
      if(exm[[j]]$metainfo$type == "cloze") {
        g <- rep(seq_along(exm[[j]]$metainfo$solution), sapply(exm[[j]]$metainfo$solution, length))
        if(!is.list(exm[[j]]$questionlist)) exm[[j]]$questionlist <- as.list(exm[[j]]$questionlist)
        exm[[j]]$questionlist <- sapply(split(exm[[j]]$questionlist, g), paste, collapse = " / ")
        if(!is.null(exm[[j]]$solutionlist)) exm[[j]]$solutionlist <- sapply(split(exm[[j]]$solutionlist, g), paste, collapse = " / ")
        for(qj in seq_along(exm[[j]]$questionlist)) {
          if(any(grepl(paste("##ANSWER", qj, "##", sep = ""), exm[[j]]$question, fixed = TRUE))) {
            ans <- exm[[j]]$questionlist[qj]
            exm[[j]]$question <- gsub(paste("##ANSWER", qj, "##", sep = ""),
              ans, exm[[j]]$question, fixed = TRUE)
            exm[[j]]$questionlist[qj] <- NA

    for(i in 1:nt) {
      html_body <- "<ol>"

      ## question and solution insertion
      for(j in seq_along(exm)) {
        html_body <- c(html_body, "<li>")
        if(!is.null(exm[[j]]$metainfo$id)) {
          html_body <- c(html_body, paste("<b> ID: ", exm[[j]]$metainfo$id, "</b>", sep = ""), "<br/>")
        if(!is.na(question[i])) {
          html_body <- c(html_body, question[i], exm[[j]]$question, "<br/>")
          if(length(exm[[j]]$questionlist) & !is.null(exm[[j]]$questionlist)) {
            html_body <- c(html_body, '<ol type="a">')
            for(ql in exm[[j]]$questionlist) {
              if(!is.null(ql) & !is.na(ql))
                html_body <- c(html_body, "<li>", ql, "</li>")
            html_body <- c(html_body, "</ol>", "<br/>")
        if(!is.na(solution[i])) {
          if(length(exm[[j]]$solutionlist) < 2) {
            if(is.character(exm[[j]]$solutionlist) & length(exm[[j]]$solutionlist)) {
              if(exm[[j]]$solutionlist == "")
                exm[[j]]$solutionlist <- NULL
          if(length(exm[[j]]$solution) | length(exm[[j]]$solutionlist))
            html_body <- c(html_body, solution[i])
            html_body <- c(html_body, exm[[j]]$solution, "<br/>")
          if(length(exm[[j]]$solutionlist) & !is.null(exm[[j]]$solutionlist)) {
            html_body <- c(html_body, '<ol type="a">')
            for(sl in exm[[j]]$solutionlist)
              html_body <- c(html_body, "<li>", sl, "</li>")
            html_body <- c(html_body, "</ol>", "<br/>")
        html_body <- c(html_body, "</li>")

        ## handle and copy possible supplements
        if(length(exm[[j]]$supplements)) {
          if(!file.exists(media_dir <- file.path(dir_temp, "media")))
          if(!file.exists(exm_dir <- file.path(media_dir, exi <- paste("supplements", id, sep = ""))))
          if(!file.exists(ex_dir <- file.path(exm_dir, exj <- paste("exercise", j, sep = ""))))
          for(sup in exm[[j]]$supplements) {
            file.copy(sup, file.path(ex_dir, basename(sup)))
            if(any(grep(dirname(sup), html_body, fixed = TRUE))) {
              html_body <- gsub(dirname(sup), file.path("media", exi, exj),
                html_body, fixed = TRUE)
            src <- paste('src="', basename(sup), sep = "")
            if(any(grep(src, html_body, fixed = TRUE))) {
              html_body <- gsub(src, paste('src="', file.path("media", exi, exj, basename(sup)),
                sep = ""), html_body, fixed = TRUE)
            href <- paste('href="', basename(sup), sep = "")
            if(any(grep(href, html_body, fixed = TRUE))) {
              html_body <- gsub(href, paste('href="', file.path("media", exi, exj, basename(sup)),
                sep = ""), html_body, fixed = TRUE)
      html_body <- c(html_body, "</ol>")

      ## insert the exam id
      html <- gsub("##ID##", id, template[[i]], fixed = TRUE)

      ## if required insert mathjax link
      if(mathjax[i]) {
        jd <- grep("</head>", html, fixed = TRUE)
        html <- c(html[1L:(jd - 1)], mj_link, html[jd:length(html)])

      ## insert .html body
      html <- gsub("##\\exinput{exercises}##", paste(html_body, collapse = "\n"), html, fixed = TRUE)

      ## write and copy final .html code
      writeLines(html, file.path(dir_temp, paste(name[i], id, ".html", sep = "")))
      file.copy(file.path(dir_temp, list.files(dir_temp)), dir, recursive = TRUE)

## an internal wrapper for browseURL to work around the setting of getOption("browser")
## in RStudio < 0.97.133
browse_file <- browseFile <- function(file) {
  if(is.function(br <- getOption("browser")) & .Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
    rstudio_browser <- any(grepl("rs_browseURL", deparse(br), fixed = TRUE))
    rstudio_version <- try(packageVersion("rstudio"), silent = TRUE)
    rstudio_version <- if(inherits(rstudio_version, "try-error")) {
    } else {
      compareVersion(as.character(rstudio_version), "0.97.133") < 0
    if(rstudio_browser & rstudio_version) warning(paste(
      "Browsing local files may not work with the default settings in RStudio < 0.97.133.",
      "Please upgrade RStudio or see ?exams2html on how to set the 'browser' option.", collapse = "\n"))

## show .html code in browser, only used for internal testing
browse_html <- show.html <- function(x)
  if(length(x) == 1L && file.exists(x[1L])) {
    tempf <- dirname(x)
    fname <- basename(x)
  } else {
    dir.create(tempf <- tempfile())
    fname <- "show.html"
    writeLines(x, file.path(tempf, fname))
    if(!is.null(imgs <- attr(x, "images"))) {
      for(i in imgs)
        file.copy(i, file.path(tempf, basename(i)))
  browse_file(normalizePath(file.path(tempf, fname)))

Try the exams package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

exams documentation built on Oct. 17, 2022, 5:10 p.m.