
Defines functions do_repeat_internal.list do_repeat_internal.data.frame do_repeat_internal looping_values as_is do_repeat

Documented in as_is do_repeat

#' Repeats the same transformations on a specified set of variables/values
#' @param data data.frame/list. If \code{data} is list then \code{do_repeat}
#'   will be applied to each element of the list.
#' @param ...  stand-in name(s) followed by equals sign and a vector/list of 
#'   replacement variables or values. They can be numeric/characters or 
#'   variables names. Names at the top-level can be unquoted (non-standard 
#'   evaluation). Quoted characters also considered as variables names. To avoid
#'   this behavior use \code{as_is} function. For standard evaluation of 
#'   parameters you can surround them by round brackets. Also you can use 
#'   \link{\%to\%} operator and other \link{criteria} functions. Last argument
#'   should be expression in curly brackets which will be evaluated in the scope
#'   of data.frame \code{data}. See examples.
#' @details There is a special constant \code{.N} which equals to number of 
#'   cases in \code{data} for usage in expression inside \code{do_repeat}. Also 
#'   there are a variables \code{.item_num} which is equal to the current 
#'   iteration number and \code{.item_value} which is named list with current
#'   stand-in variables values.
#' @return transformed data.frame \code{data}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(iris)
#' scaled_iris = do_repeat(iris, 
#'                         i = Sepal.Length %to% Petal.Width, 
#'                         {
#'                             i = scale(i)
#'                         })
#' head(scaled_iris)
#' # several stand-in names and standard evaluattion
#' old_names = qc(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length, Petal.Width)
#' new_names = paste0("scaled_", old_names)
#' scaled_iris = do_repeat(iris, 
#'                         orig = ((old_names)), 
#'                         scaled = ((new_names)), 
#'                         {
#'                             scaled = scale(orig)
#'                         })
#' head(scaled_iris)
#' # numerics
#' new_df = data.frame(id = 1:20)
#' # note the automatic creation of the sequence of variables
#' new_df = do_repeat(new_df, 
#'                    item = i1 %to% i3, 
#'                    value = c(1, 2, 3), 
#'                    {
#'                        item = value
#'                    })
#' head(new_df)
#' # the same result with internal variable '.item_num'
#' new_df = data.frame(id = 1:20)
#' new_df = do_repeat(new_df, 
#'                    item = i1 %to% i3,
#'                    {
#'                        item = .item_num
#'                    })
#' head(new_df)
#' # functions
#' set.seed(123)
#' new_df = data.frame(id = 1:20)
#' new_df = do_repeat(new_df, 
#'                    item = c(i1, i2, i3), 
#'                    fun = c("rnorm", "runif", "rexp"), 
#'                    {
#'                        item = fun(.N)
#'                    })
#' head(new_df)
do_repeat = function(data, ...){
    # .Deprecated("", 
    #             msg = "'do_repeat' functionality is deprecated because it seems no one need it.\n
    #                 If you use 'do_repeat' please file an issue at https://github.com/gdemin/expss/issues/")
    args = substitute(list(...))
    do_repeat_internal(data, args, parent = parent.frame())   

#' @export
#' @rdname do_repeat
as_is = function(...){

looping_values = function(variables_names, envir){
        variables_names = as.call(c(quote(list), as.list(variables_names)))
    variables_names = substitute_symbols(variables_names,
                                         list("%to%" = expr_into_helper,
                                              ".." = expr_internal_parameter)
    existing_vars = get_current_variables(envir)
    variables_names = as.list(variables_names)
    class_as_is = identical(variables_names[[1]], as.symbol("as_is"))
        variables_names[-1] = convert_top_level_symbols_to_characters(variables_names[-1])
    variables_names = as.call(variables_names)
    variables_names = eval(variables_names, envir = envir,
                           enclos = baseenv())
    variables_names = flat_list(variables_names)
    for(i in seq_along(variables_names)){
        each_name = variables_names[[i]]
            variables_names[[i]] = v_intersect(existing_vars, each_name)
            existing_vars = v_diff(existing_vars, each_name)
    if(class_as_is) {
    } else {

do_repeat_internal = function(data, args, parent){

#' @export    
do_repeat_internal.data.frame = function(data, args, parent){    
    expr = args[[length(args)]]
    args[length(args)] = NULL
    stopif(length(args)<2, "'do_repeat' - no looping values.")
    e = evalq(environment(), envir = data, enclos = parent)
    prepare_env(e, n = nrow(data), column_names = colnames(data))
    items_names = names(args)[-1]
    stopif(is.null(items_names) || any(is.na(items_names) | items_names==""), 
           "All variables among '...' should be named.")
    items = lapply(args[-1], looping_values, envir = e)
    for(i in items_names){
        curr_item = items[[i]]
        if(!inherits(curr_item, "AsIs") && is.character(curr_item)){
            curr_item = convert_characters_to_names(curr_item)
        items[[i]] = unlist(curr_item, recursive = TRUE, use.names = FALSE)
    items_lengths = lengths(items) 
    stopif(!all(items_lengths %in% c(1, max(items_lengths))),
           "All variables should have equal length or length 1")
    expr = substitute(expr)
    for(each_item in seq_len(max(items_lengths))){
        curr_loop = lapply(items, function(item){
            } else {
        e$.item_num = each_item

        e$.item_value = lapply(curr_loop, 
                               function(item) if(is.symbol(item)) as.character(item) else item) 
        lockBinding(".item_num", e)
        lockBinding(".item_value", e)
        names(curr_loop) = items_names
        substituted_expr = substitute_symbols(expr, curr_loop)
        eval(substituted_expr, e, enclos = baseenv())
        rm(".item_num", envir = e)
        rm(".item_value", envir = e)
    l = as.list(e, all.names = TRUE)
    l = l[!vapply(l, is.null, NA, USE.NAMES = FALSE)]
    del = setdiff(names(data), names(l))
        data[, del] = NULL
    nrows = vapply(l, NROW, 1, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    wrong_rows = nrows!=1L & nrows!=nrow(data)
        er_message = utils::head(paste0("'", names(l)[wrong_rows], "' has ", nrows[wrong_rows], " rows"), 5)
        er_message = paste(er_message, collapse = ", ")
        stop(paste0("Bad number of rows: ", er_message, " instead of ", nrow(data), " rows."))
    new_vars = rev(names(l)[!(names(l) %in% names(data))])
    nl = c(names(data), new_vars)
    data[nl] = l[nl]

#' @export    
do_repeat_internal.list = function(data, args, parent){ 
    for(each in seq_along(data)){
        data[[each]] = do_repeat_internal(data[[each]], args = args,  parent = parent)

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expss documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:23 p.m.