#' Split character vector to matrix/split columns in data.frame
#' \code{split_labels}/\code{split_columns} are auxiliary functions for
#' post-processing tables resulted from \link{cro}/\link{cro_fun} and etc. In
#' these tables all labels collapsed in the first column with "|" separator.
#' \code{split_columns} split first column into multiple columns with separator
#' (\code{split} argument). \code{split_table_to_df} split first column of table
#' and column names. Result of this operation is data.frame with character
#' columns.
#' @param data data.frame vector which will be split
#' @param x character vector which will be split
#' @param columns character/numeric/logical columns in the data.frame
#' \code{data} which should be split
#' @param remove_repeated logical. Default is \code{TRUE}. Should we remove repeated labels?
#' @param split character vector (or object which can be coerced to such)
#' containing regular expression(s) (unless \code{fixed = TRUE}) to use for
#' splitting.
#' @param fixed logical. If TRUE match split exactly, otherwise use regular
#' expressions. Has priority over \code{perl}.
#' @param perl logical. Should Perl-compatible regexps be used?
#' @param number_of_columns integer. Number of columns from row labels which
#' will be used as subheadings in table.
#' @param digits numeric. How many digits after decimal point should be left in
#' \code{split_table_to_df}?
#' @return \code{split_labels} returns character matrix, \code{split_columns} returns
#' data.frame with columns replaced by possibly multiple columns with split
#' labels. \code{split_table_to_df} returns data.frame with character columns.
#' @export
#' @seealso \link[base]{strsplit}
#' @examples
#' data.table::setDTthreads(2)
#' data(mtcars)
#' # apply labels
#' mtcars = apply_labels(mtcars,
#' cyl = "Number of cylinders",
#' vs = "Engine",
#' vs = c("V-engine" = 0,
#' "Straight engine" = 1),
#' am = "Transmission",
#' am = c(automatic = 0,
#' manual=1),
#' gear = "Number of forward gears",
#' carb = "Number of carburetors"
#' )
#' # all row labels in the first column
#' tabl = mtcars %>%
#' cross_cpct(list(cyl, gear, carb), list(total(), vs, am))
#' tabl # without subheadings
#' make_subheadings(tabl) # with subheadings
#' split_labels(tabl[[1]])
#' split_labels(colnames(tabl))
#' # replace first column with new columns
#' split_columns(tabl) # remove repeated
#' split_columns(tabl, remove_repeated = FALSE)
#' split_columns(tabl)
#' split_table_to_df(tabl)
#' split_table_to_df(tabl)
split_labels = function(x, remove_repeated = TRUE, split = "\\|", fixed = FALSE, perl = FALSE){
return(matrix(NA, ncol=0, nrow = 0))
if(!is.character(x)) x = as.character(x)
zero_length_strings = (x == "") & ! # strange behaviour of strsplit with ""
x_split = strsplit(x, split = split, fixed = fixed, perl = perl)
x_split[zero_length_strings] = ""
max_length = max(lengths(x_split))
x_split = lapply(x_split, function(each) {
each = c(each, rep(NA, max_length - length(each)))
res =, x_split)
res[] = ""
if (remove_repeated){
for(i in rev(seq_len(nrow(res))[-1])){
repeats = res[i-1, ] == res[i, ]
first_no_repeat = which(!repeats)[1]-1
if( first_no_repeat = NCOL(res)
if(! && first_no_repeat>0){
res[i, 1:first_no_repeat] = ""
#' @export
#' @rdname split_labels
split_columns = function(data,
columns = 1,
remove_repeated = TRUE,
split = "\\|",
fixed = FALSE,
perl = FALSE){
#' @export
split_columns.intermediate_table = function(data,
columns = 1,
remove_repeated = TRUE,
split = "\\|",
fixed = FALSE,
perl = FALSE
stop("No results for splitting. Use 'split_columns' after 'tab_pivot'.")
#' @export = function(data,
columns = 1,
remove_repeated = TRUE,
split = "\\|",
fixed = FALSE,
perl = FALSE){
stopif(!is.numeric(columns) && !is.character(columns) &&
"`columns` should be character, numeric or logical.")
if(is.character(columns)) {
stopif(!all(columns %in% colnames(data)), "some of the 'columns' not found: ",
paste(columns %d% colnames(data), collapse = ", ")
columns = which(colnames(data) %in% columns)
if(is.numeric(columns)) {
stopif(!all(columns %in% seq_along(data)) , "some of the 'columns' not found: ",
paste(columns %d% seq_along(data), collapse = ", ")
stopif(length(columns) != ncol(data),
"length of the 'columns' not equals to number of columns in 'data'"
columns = which(columns)
class_data = class(data)
first_column_name = colnames(data)[1]
columns = sort(unique(columns))
for(each_column in rev(columns)){
curr_col = data[[each_column]]
if(is.factor(curr_col)) curr_col = as.character(curr_col)
new_columns = as.sheet(
remove_repeated = remove_repeated,
split = split,
fixed = fixed,
perl = perl)
colnames(new_columns) = paste0("..new_columns__",each_column,"_", seq_len(ncol(new_columns)))
# to prevent name changes
part1_names = colnames(data)[seq_len(each_column)[-each_column]]
part2_names = colnames(data)[-seq_len(each_column)]
data = sheet(
setNames(data[, seq_len(each_column)[-each_column], drop = FALSE], part1_names),
setNames(data[, -seq_len(each_column), drop = FALSE], part2_names)
recode(colnames(data)) = perl("^\\.\\.new_columns__\\d+_\\d+$") ~ ""
if(NCOL(data)>0 && !(first_column_name %in% c(NA, "row_labels"))){
colnames(data)[1] = first_column_name
class(data) = class_data %d% 'etable'
#' @export
split_columns.matrix = function(data,
columns = 1,
remove_repeated = TRUE,
split = "\\|",
fixed = FALSE,
perl = FALSE){
matr_colnames = colnames(data)
data = as.sheet(data)
colnames(data) = rep("", NCOL(data))
columns = columns,
remove_repeated = remove_repeated,
split = split,
fixed = fixed,
perl = perl
#' @export
#' @rdname split_labels
split_table_to_df = function(data,
digits = get_expss_digits(),
remove_repeated = TRUE,
split = "\\|",
fixed = FALSE,
perl = FALSE){
#' @export
split_table_to_df.intermediate_table = function(data, digits = get_expss_digits(),
remove_repeated = TRUE,
split = "\\|",
fixed = FALSE,
perl = FALSE){
stop("No results for splitting. Use 'split_table_to_df' after 'tab_pivot'.")
#' @export
split_table_to_df.etable = function(data,
digits = get_expss_digits(),
remove_repeated = TRUE,
split = "\\|",
fixed = FALSE,
perl = FALSE){
if(NCOL(data) == 0) return(data)
data = round_dataframe(data, digits = digits)
cl_names = colnames(data)
if(cl_names[1] == "row_labels") cl_names[1] = ""
header = t(split_labels(cl_names,
remove_repeated = remove_repeated,
split = split,
fixed = fixed,
perl = perl)
digits = if_null(digits, 1)
for(i in seq_len(NCOL(data))[-1]){
if(any(grepl(".", data[[i]], fixed = TRUE))){
data[[i]] = format(data[[i]], nsmall = digits, justify = "right")
recode(data) = NA ~ ""
recode(data) = perl("^\\s*NA\\s*$") ~ ""
cl_names = paste0("v", seq_len(NCOL(data)))
colnames(header) = cl_names
colnames(data) = cl_names
data = rbind(header, data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
old_ncol = NCOL(data)
data = split_columns(data,
columns = 1,
remove_repeated = remove_repeated,
split = split,
fixed = fixed,
perl = perl
} else {
data = as.sheet(header)
rownames(data) = NULL
data = setNames(data, rep("", NCOL(data)))
class(data) = class(data) %d% 'etable'
#' @export
#' @rdname split_labels
make_subheadings = function(data, number_of_columns = 1){
#' @export
make_subheadings.default = function(data, number_of_columns = 1){
"Number of columns should be greater than zero but it equals to ",
number_of_columns, ".")
subheading_columns = data[, seq_len(number_of_columns), drop = FALSE]
data[, seq_len(number_of_columns)] = NULL
recode(subheading_columns) = c(NA ~ "", perl("^\\s*$") ~ "")
last_nonempty_cell = ""
for(col in rev(seq_len(NCOL(subheading_columns)))[-1]){
for(row in seq_len(NROW(subheading_columns))){
if(subheading_columns[row,col]!="") {
last_nonempty_cell = subheading_columns[row,col]
if(subheading_columns[row,col]=="" & subheading_columns[row,col + 1]!=""){
subheading_columns[row,col] = last_nonempty_cell
subheading_columns =, subheading_columns)
has_value = !grepl("^\\s*$", subheading_columns, perl = TRUE)
subheadings = subheading_columns[has_value]
splitter = cumsum(has_value)
subtables = split(data, splitter)
add_subheader = function(x, y) {
if(!(y[1,1] %in% c("", NA))){
if(all(vapply(y, is.character, FUN.VALUE = NA))){
y = add_rows("", y)
} else {
y = add_rows(NA, y)
y[1, 1] = x
data = mapply(add_subheader, subheadings, subtables[-1],
data =, c(subtables[1], data))
} else {
data = mapply(add_subheader, subheadings, subtables,
data =, data)
rownames(data) = NULL
#' @export
make_subheadings.etable = function(data, number_of_columns = 1){
res = split_columns(data)
row_labels_width = NCOL(res) - NCOL(data) + 1
if(row_labels_width==1) return(data)
"Too many columns for subheadings: ", number_of_columns,
". Row labels occupy only ", row_labels_width, " columns.")
res = make_subheadings(res, number_of_columns = number_of_columns)
if(row_labels_width > number_of_columns){
row_labels = res[, seq_len(row_labels_width - number_of_columns), drop = FALSE] # columns with row labels
recode(row_labels) = NA ~ ""
last_nonempty_cell = ""
for(col in rev(seq_len(NCOL(row_labels)))[-1]){
for(row in seq_len(NROW(row_labels))){
if(row_labels[row,col]!="") {
last_nonempty_cell = row_labels[row,col]
if(row_labels[row,col]=="" & row_labels[row,col + 1]!=""){
row_labels[row,col] = last_nonempty_cell
res[, seq_len(row_labels_width - number_of_columns)] = NULL # columns with row labels
row_labels =, c(as.list(row_labels), list(sep = "|")))
row_labels = remove_unnecessary_splitters(row_labels)
res = sheet(row_labels = row_labels, res)
class(res) = class(data)
split_all_in_etable_for_print = function(data,
digits = get_expss_digits(),
remove_repeated = TRUE,
split = "\\|",
fixed = FALSE,
perl = FALSE){
if(NCOL(data) == 0) return(data)
# for tibbles and etc:
data =, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fix.empty.names = FALSE, check.names = FALSE)
data_ncol = NCOL(data)
data = round_dataframe(data, digits = digits)
cl_names = colnames(data)
if(cl_names[1] == "row_labels") cl_names[1] = ""
header = t(split_labels(cl_names,
remove_repeated = remove_repeated,
split = split,
fixed = fixed,
perl = perl)
digits = if_null(digits, 1)
for(i in seq_len(NCOL(data))[-1]){
if(any(grepl(".", data[[i]], fixed = TRUE))){
data[[i]] = format(data[[i]], nsmall = digits, justify = "right")
recode(data) = NA ~ ""
recode(data) = perl("^\\s*NA\\s*$") ~ ""
cl_names = paste0("v", seq_len(NCOL(data)))
colnames(header) = cl_names
colnames(data) = cl_names
data = rbind(header, data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
old_ncol = NCOL(data)
data = split_columns(data,
columns = 1,
remove_repeated = remove_repeated,
split = split,
fixed = fixed,
perl = perl
# if(remove_repeated && subheadings && (NCOL(data)>data_ncol)){
# subheading_column = data[[1]]
# data[[1]] = NULL
# has_value = !(subheading_column %in% c("", NA))
# subheadings = subheading_column[has_value]
# splitter = cumsum(has_value)
# subtables = split(data, splitter)
# add_subheader = function(x, y) {
# if(!(y[1,1] %in% c("", NA))){
# y = add_rows("", y)
# y = add_rows("", y)
# }
# y[2, 1] = x
# y
# }
# if(length(subheadings)<length(subtables)){
# data = mapply(add_subheader, subheadings, subtables[-1],
# data =, c(subtables[1], data))
# } else {
# data = mapply(add_subheader, subheadings, subtables,
# data =, data)
# }
# }
} else {
data = as.sheet(header)
data[[1]] = paste0(" ", data[[1]], " ") # some extra space
data[,-1] = lapply(data[,-1, drop = FALSE], function(x) paste0("", x, " ")) # some extra space
width = sapply(as.sheet(lapply(data, nchar)), max, na.rm = TRUE)
width[!is.finite(width) | width<3 ] = 3
delimiter = unlist(lapply(width[-1], function(x) {
res = paste(rep("-", x - 1), collapse = "")
paste0(res," ")
delimiter = c(paste0(" ", paste(rep("-", width[1] - 2), collapse = ""), " "), delimiter)
data = rbind(data[seq_len(NROW(header)), ,drop = FALSE],
data[-seq_len(NROW(header)), ,drop = FALSE],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for(i in seq_len(NCOL(data))){
data[[i]] = format(data[[i]], width = width[i], justify = "right")
data[[i]] = paste0(data[[i]], "|")
data[[1]] = paste0("|", data[[1]])
rownames(data) = NULL
data = setNames(data, rep("", NCOL(data)))
class(data) = class(data) %d% 'etable'
# remove_middle_of_string = function(x, max_length){
# need = (max_length - 5)/2
# beg = substr(x, 1, need)
# end = substr(x, nchar(x) - need, nchar(x))
# paste0(beg, "<...>", end)
# }
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