lr.test <- function(x, y, alpha=0.05, df=1, ...) {
cx <- class( x )
if( "fevd" %in% cx ) {
if(!is.element(x$method, c("MLE", "GMLE"))) stop("lr.test: fit method must be MLE or GMLE")
l1 <- x$results$value
df1 <- length(x$results$par)
dname <- x$[1]
} else if(is.numeric(x) && length(x)==1) l1 <- x
else if(is.numeric(x) && length(x)==2) l1 <- x[1]
else stop("lr.test: invalid x argument. Must be a single number, length two numeric vector, or an fevd object.")
if( !("fevd" %in% cx ) ) dname <- deparse(substitute(x))
cy <- class( y )
if( "fevd" %in% cy ) {
if(!is.element(y$method, c("MLE", "GMLE"))) stop("lr.test: fit method must be MLE or GMLE")
l2 <- y$results$value
df2 <- length(y$results$par)
dname <- c(dname, y$[1])
} else if(is.numeric(y) && length(y) == 1) l2 <- y
else stop("lr.test: invalid y argument. Must be a single number or an fevd object.")
if(("fevd" %in% cx) && ( "fevd" %in% cy ) ) {
if(df2 < df1) return(lr.test(x=y, y=x, alpha=alpha, df=df, ...))
else df <- df2 - df1
if(!("fevd" %in% cy ) ) dname <- c(dname, deparse(substitute(y)))
names(dname) <- c("x", "y")
STATISTIC <- -2*(l2 - l1)
names(STATISTIC) <- "Likelihood-ratio"
CRITVAL <- qchisq(alpha, df=df, lower.tail=FALSE)
PVAL <- pchisq(STATISTIC, df=df, lower.tail=FALSE)
PARAMETER <- c(CRITVAL, alpha, df)
names(PARAMETER) <- c("chi-square critical value", "alpha", "Degrees of Freedom")
structure(list(statistic=STATISTIC, parameter=PARAMETER, alternative="greater", p.value=PVAL, method="Likelihood-ratio Test",, class="htest")
} # end of 'lr.test' function.
plot.fevd <- function(x, type = c("primary", "probprob", "qq", "qq2", "Zplot", "hist", "density", "rl", "trace"),
rperiods = c(2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 80, 100, 120, 200, 250, 300, 500, 800), a=0, hist.args=NULL, density.args=NULL, d = NULL, ...) {
# x2 <- x
# if(is.element(x$method, c("MLE", "GMLE"))) class(x2) <- c( "fevd.mle", class( x2 ) )
# else class( x2 ) <- c( paste( "fevd.", tolower( x$method ), sep="" ), class( x2 ) )
# UseMethod("plot", x2)
# UseMethod( "plot", x )
newcl <- if(is.element(x$method, c("MLE", "GMLE")))
paste( "fevd.", tolower( x$method ), sep="" )
get(paste0("plot.", newcl))(x = x, type = type, rperiods = rperiods,
a = a, hist.args = hist.args, density.args = density.args,
d = d, ...)
} # end of 'plot.fevd' function.
plot.fevd.lmoments <- function(x, type=c("primary", "probprob", "qq", "qq2", "Zplot", "hist", "density", "rl", "trace"),
rperiods=c(2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 80, 100, 120, 200, 250, 300, 500, 800), a=0, hist.args=NULL, density.args=NULL, d = NULL, ...) {
# type <- tolower(type)
type <- match.arg(type)
type <- tolower(type)
if( type == "trace" ) {
cat("\n", "No trace plot available for L-moments estimation.\n")
args <- list(...)
model <- x$type
p <- x$results
pnames <- names(p)
if(is.element("location",pnames)) loc <- p["location"]
else loc <- 0
scale <- p["scale"]
if(is.element("shape",pnames)) shape <- p["shape"]
else shape <- 0
if(!is.null(x$threshold)) u <- x$threshold
else u <- 0
y <- datagrabber(x,
if(is.element(model, c("PP","GP","Exponential","Beta","Pareto"))) eid <- y > u
else eid <- !logical(x$n)
m <- sum(eid)
if(is.element(type, c("primary","probprob","qq","rl"))) xp <- ppoints(m, a = a)
if(type=="probprob") out <- probprob.plot.evd(xp=xp, y=y, model=model, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, u=u, tform=FALSE, eid=eid, obj=x, npy=x$npy, ...)
if( type == "primary" ) {
op <- par()
if(model != "PP") par(mfrow=c(2,2), oma=c(0,0,2,0))
else par(mfrow = c(3, 2), oma = c(0,0,2,0))
if(is.element(type,c("primary","qq"))) out <- quantquant.plot.evd(x=x, xp=xp, y=y, u=u, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, tform=FALSE, eid=eid, model=model, type=type, ...)
if(is.element(type,c("primary","qq2"))) out <- quantquant2.plot.evd(x=x, y=y, eid=eid, model=model, type=type)
if(type=="hist") out <- histplot.evd(x=x, y=y, u=u, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, eid=eid, model=model, hist.args=hist.args, ...)
if(is.element(type, c("primary","density"))) out <- densplot.evd(x=x, y=y, u=u, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, eid=eid,
model=model, tform=FALSE, density.args=density.args, type=type, ...)
if(is.element(type, c("primary", "Zplot")) && model == "PP") {
if(type == "primary") {
eeplot(x = x, type = "Zplot", main = "Zplot", d = d, ...)
} else out <- eeplot(x = x, type = "Zplot", d = d, ...)
if(is.element(type, c("primary","rl"))) out <- rlplot.evd(x=x, xp=xp, y=y, u=u, eid=eid, rperiods=rperiods, tform=FALSE, model=model, type=type, a=a, ...)
if( type == "primary" ) {
mtext(deparse(x$call), line=0.5, outer=TRUE)
par( mfrow = op$mfrow, oma = op$oma )
} # end of if 'type' is primary stmt.
if( type != "primary" ) invisible( out )
else invisible()
} # end of 'plot.fevd.lmoments' function.
plot.fevd.bayesian <- function(x, type=c("primary", "probprob", "qq", "qq2", "Zplot", "hist", "density", "rl", "trace"),
rperiods=c(2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 80, 100, 120, 200, 250, 300, 500, 800), a=0, hist.args=NULL, density.args=NULL,, d = NULL, ...) {
type <- match.arg(type)
if(type != "Zplot") type <- tolower(type)
model <- x$type
p <- p2 <- x$results
np <- ncol(p) - 1
iters <- nrow(p)
p <- p2 <- p[,1:np]
pnames <- colnames(p)
if(is.element("log.scale",pnames)) {
id <- pnames == "log.scale"
p[,id] <- exp(p[,id])
pnames[id] <- "scale"
colnames(p) <- pnames
p <- apply(p[-(, ], 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
tform <- !is.fixedfevd(x)
if(tform && is.element(model, c("PP", "GP", "Beta", "Exponential", "Pareto")) && is.element(type, c("hist", "density")))
stop("plot.fevd: invalid type argument for this model.")
if(!tform) {
if(is.element(model, c("PP","GEV","Gumbel","Weibull","Frechet"))) {
loc <- p["location"]
nloc <- 1
} else loc <- nloc <- 0
scale <- p["scale"]
nsc <- 1
if(!is.element(model, c("Gumbel","Exponential"))) {
shape <- p["shape"]
nsh <- 1
} else nsh <- shape <- 0
ytrans <- NULL
} else {
ytrans <- trans(x)
if(model == "PP") ytransPP <- trans(x, return.all = TRUE)
designs <-
if(is.element(model, c("PP","GEV","Gumbel","Weibull","Frechet"))) {
X.loc <- designs$X.loc
nloc <- ncol(X.loc)
loc <- rowSums(matrix(p[1:nloc], x$n, nloc, byrow=TRUE) * X.loc)
} else {
loc <- 0
nloc <- 0
} <- designs$
nsc <- ncol(
scale <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], x$n, nsc, byrow=TRUE) *
if(x$par.models$log.scale) scale <- exp(scale)
if(!is.element(model, c("Gumbel","Exponential"))) { <- designs$
nsh <- ncol(
shape <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+nsc+1):np], x$n, nsh, byrow=TRUE) *
} else {
shape <- 0
nsh <- 0
if(is.element(type, c("primary","return.level"))) if(missing(rperiods)) rperiods <- c(2, 20, 100)
} # end of if '!tform' stmts.
if(!is.null(x$threshold)) u <- x$threshold
else u <- 0
y <- datagrabber(x,
if(model == "PP" && is.element(type, c("primary", "hist", "density"))) {
blocks <- rep(1:round(x$span), each=round(x$npy))
n2 <- length(blocks)
if(n2 < x$n) blocks <- c(blocks, rep(blocks[n2], x$n - n2))
else if(n2 > x$n) blocks <- blocks[1:x$n]
ybm <- c(aggregate(y, by=list(blocks), max)$x)
if(is.element(model, c("PP","GP","Exponential","Beta","Pareto"))) eid <- y > u
else eid <- !logical(x$n)
m <- sum(eid)
if(is.element(type, c("primary","probprob","qq","rl"))) xp <- ppoints(m, a = a)
if( type == "probprob" ) out <- probprob.plot.evd(xp=xp, y=y, model=model, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, u=u, tform=tform, eid=eid, obj=x, ytrans=ytrans, npy=x$npy, ...)
if(type=="primary") {
op <- par()
if(model != "PP") par(mfrow=c(2,2), oma=c(0,0,2,0))
else if(!tform) par(mfrow = c(3,2), oma = c(0,0,2,0))
else par(mfrow = c(2,2), oma = c(0,0,2,0))
} else if(type=="trace") {
op <- par()
par(mfcol=c(2,np), oma=c(0,0,2,0))
if(is.element(type,c("primary","qq"))) out <- quantquant.plot.evd(x=x, xp=xp, y=y, u=u, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape,
tform=tform, ytrans=ytrans, eid=eid, model=model, type=type, ...)
if(is.element(type,c("primary","qq2"))) out <- quantquant2.plot.evd(x=x, y=y, eid=eid, model=model, type=type)
if(type=="hist") {
if(model != "PP") out <- histplot.evd(x=x, y=y, u=u, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, ytrans=ytrans,
tform=tform, eid=eid, model=model, hist.args=hist.args, ...)
else if(!tform) out <- histplot.evd(x=x, y=ybm, u=u, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, ytrans=ytrans,
tform=tform, eid=eid, model=model, hist.args=hist.args, ...)
if(is.element(type, c("primary", "Zplot")) && model == "PP") {
if(type == "primary") {
eeplot(x = x, type = "Zplot", main = "Z plot", d = d, ...)
} else out <- eeplot(x = x, type = type, d = d, ...)
if(type == "primary" && tform && is.element(model, c("PP", "GP", "Beta", "Exponential", "Pareto"))) {
## Eric -- At some point, should change ths to be a little cleaner, but ok for now.
## Just do not want to plot the density plot if it is a non-stationary POT model.
} else if(is.element(type, c("primary","density"))) {
if(model != "PP") out <- densplot.evd(x=x, y=y, u=u, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, tform=tform, eid=eid, ytrans=ytrans,
model=model, density.args=density.args, type=type, ...)
else if(!tform) out <- densplot.evd(x=x, y=y, u=u, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, tform=tform, eid=eid, ytrans=ybm,
model=model, density.args=density.args, type=type, ...)
if(is.element(type, c("primary","rl"))) {
# Eric 8/27/13 -- make sure for POT models that if the threshold varies, so do parameters, or else don't do rl plot.
do.rlplot <- TRUE
if(is.element(model, c("PP", "GP", "Exponential", "Beta", "Pareto"))) {
const.thresh <- check.constant(x$par.models$threshold)
const.loc <- check.constant(x$par.models$location)
const.scale <- check.constant(x$par.models$scale)
const.shape <- check.constant(x$par.models$shape)
if(!const.thresh && all(c(const.loc, const.scale, const.shape))) do.rlplot <- FALSE
if(!do.rlplot && type == "rl")
stop("plot.fevd: invalid type argument for POT models with varying thresholds but constant parameters (are you sure you about this model choice?).")
if(do.rlplot) out <- rlplot.evd(x=x, xp=xp, y=y, u=u, eid=eid, rperiods=rperiods, tform=tform, model=model, type=type, a=a, ...)
if(type=="trace") {
pnames2 <- colnames(p2)
id <- pnames2 == "log.scale"
if(any(id)) p2[,id] <- exp(p2[,id])
msg <- paste("Posterior Density\n", pnames, sep="")
for(i in 1:np) {
out1 <- list()
if(is.null(density.args)) {
if(i==1) plot( out1[[ i ]] <- density(p2[-(,i]), main=msg[i], ... )
else plot( out1[[ i ]] <- density(p2[-(,i]), ylab="", main=msg[i], ... )
} else {
yd <-"density", c(list(x=p2[-(,i]), density.args))
if(i==1) plot(yd, main=msg[i], ...)
else plot(yd, ylab="", main=msg[i], ...)
out1[[ i ]] <- yd
xt <- 1:iters
if(i==1) plot(xt, p2[,i], type="l", xlab=pnames[i], ylab="MCMC trace", ...)
else plot(xt, p2[,i], type="l", xlab=pnames[i], ylab="", ...)
abline(h=p[i],, lty=2, col="gray")
# xt2 <- xt[(]
# mt <- (cumsum(p2[(,i])/xt2) - p[i]
# par(usr=c(range(xt), 1.5 * range(mt,finite=TRUE)))
# lines(xt2, mt, col="darkorange", lty=3)
# axis(4, at=pretty(mt), labels=pretty(mt), col="darkorange", col.ticks="darkorange")
# legend("topleft", legend=c("trace","posterior mean","cumsum diff"), col=c("black","gray","darkorange"), lty=1:3, bty="n")
} # end of for 'i' loop.
out2 <- data.frame( xt, p2 )
colnames( out2 ) <- c( "iteration", pnames )
out <- list( posterior.density = out1, MCMC.trace = out2 )
} # end of if 'trace' stmts.
if(is.element(type, c("primary","trace"))) {
mtext(deparse(x$call), line=0.5, outer=TRUE)
par( mfrow = op$mfrow, mfcol = op$mfcol, oma = op$oma )
if( type != "primary" ) invisible( out )
else invisible()
} # end of 'plot.fevd.bayesian' function.
plot.fevd.mle <- function(x, type=c("primary", "probprob", "qq", "qq2", "Zplot", "hist", "density", "rl", "trace"),
rperiods=c(2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 80, 100, 120, 200, 250, 300, 500, 800), a=0, hist.args=NULL, density.args=NULL, period="year",
prange=NULL, d = NULL, ...) {
type <- match.arg(type)
model <- x$type
pars <- x$results$par
args <- list(...)
# Get response and any covariate data sets.
ytmp <- datagrabber(x)
if(x$[2] != "") data <- ytmp[,-1]
else data <- NULL
y <- c(ytmp[,1])
const.thresh <- check.constant(x$par.models$threshold)
const.loc <- check.constant(x$par.models$location)
const.scale <- check.constant(x$par.models$scale)
const.shape <- check.constant(x$par.models$shape)
# Eric -- 8/27/13 -- Don't allow rl plot if model is POT, threshold varies, but parameters are all constant.
if(is.element(model, c("PP", "GP", "Exponential", "Beta", "Pareto")) && !const.thresh && all(c(const.loc, const.scale, const.shape)) && type == "rl")
stop("plot.fevd: invalid type argument for POT models with varying thresholds but constant parameters (are you sure about this model choice?).")
tform <- !is.fixedfevd(x)
if(tform) {
ytrans <- trans(x)
if(model == "PP" && is.element(type, c("primary", "hist", "density"))) ytransPP <- trans(x, return.all = TRUE)
if(!tform) {
if(!is.element(model, c("GP","Beta","Pareto","Exponential"))) loc <- pars["location"]
else loc <- NULL
if(is.element("scale", names(pars))) scale <- pars["scale"]
else scale <- exp(pars["log.scale"])
if(!is.element(model, c("Gumbel","Exponential"))) shape <- pars["shape"]
else shape <- 0
} else if(is.element(type, c("primary", "rl"))) if(missing(rperiods)) rperiods <- c(2, 20, 100)
# end of if else '!tform' stmts.
npy <- x$npy
if(is.element(model, c("PP","GP","Beta","Pareto","Exponential"))) {
u <- x$threshold
eid <- y > u
lam <- mean(eid)
} else u <- lam <- NULL
if(is.element(type,c("primary","probprob","qq", "rl"))) {
if(is.element(model, c("GP","PP","Beta","Pareto","Exponential"))) {
if(!tform) n <- sum(y > x$threshold)
else n <- sum(! & !is.nan(ytrans))
} else n <- x$n
xp <- ppoints(n = n, a = a)
if(type=="primary") {
op <- par()
# if(is.element(model, c("GP", "Exponential", "Beta", "Pareto")) && tform) par(mfrow = c(1, 2), oma = c(0,0,2,0))
if(model != "PP") par(mfrow=c(2,2), oma=c(0,0,2,0))
else if(!tform) par(mfrow = c(3, 2), oma = c(0,0,2,0))
else par(mfrow = c(2,2), oma = c(0,0,2,0))
if(type=="probprob") {
if(is.null(args$main)) m1 <- deparse(x$call)
if(!tform) {
if(is.element(model, c("PP","GP","Beta","Pareto","Exponential"))) {
yp <- pevd(sort(y[eid]), loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, threshold=u, npy=npy, type=model)
} else yp <- pevd(sort(y), loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, threshold=u, npy=npy, type=model)
if(is.null(args$main)) plot(xp, yp, main=m1, xlab="Empirical Probabilities", ylab="Model Probabilities", ...)
else plot(xp, yp, xlab="Empirical Probabilities", ylab="Model Probabilities", ...)
} else {
# yp <- pevd(sort(ytrans), loc=0, scale=1, shape=0, threshold=0, npy=npy, type=model)
if(is.element(model, c("GEV","Gumbel","Weibull","Frechet"))) yp <- exp(-exp(-sort(ytrans)))
else if(model=="PP") yp <- sort(ytrans)
else yp <- 1 - exp(-sort(ytrans))
if(is.null(args$main)) {
plot(xp, yp, main=m1, xlab="Residual Empirical Probabilities", ylab="Residual Model Probabilities", ...)
} else plot(xp, yp, xlab="Residual Empirical Probabilities", ylab="Residual Model Probabilities", ...)
out <- data.frame( empirical = xp, model = yp )
} # end of 'probprob' stmts.
if(is.element(type,c("primary","qq"))) {
if(!tform) {
if(is.element(model, c("Weibull","Frechet"))) mod2 <- "GEV"
else if(is.element(model, c("Exponential","Beta","Pareto"))) mod2 <- "GP"
else mod2 <- model
if(!is.element(model,c("PP","GP","Beta","Pareto","Exponential"))) yq <- qevd(xp, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, type=mod2)
else yq <- qevd(xp, threshold=u, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, type=mod2)
if(is.null(args$main)) {
if(type=="primary") m2 <- ""
else m2 <- deparse(x$call)
if(is.element(model, c("GEV","Weibull","Frechet","Gumbel"))) {
plot(yq, sort(y), xlab="Model Quantiles", ylab="Empirical Quantiles", main=m2)
if( type == "qq" ) out <- data.frame( empirical = sort( y ), model = yq )
} else {
plot(yq, sort(y[eid]), xlab="Model Quantiles", ylab="Empirical Quantiles", main=m2, ...)
if( type == "qq" ) out <- data.frame( empirical = sort( y[ eid ] ), model = yq )
} else {
if(is.element(model, c("GEV","Weibull","Frechet","Gumbel"))) {
plot(yq, sort(y), xlab="Model Quantiles", ylab="Empirical Quantiles", ...)
if( type == "qq" ) out <- data.frame( empirical = sort( y ), model = yq )
} else {
plot(yq, sort(y[eid]), xlab="Model Quantiles", ylab="Empirical Quantiles", ...)
if( type == "qq" ) out <- data.frame( empirical = sort( y[ eid ] ), model = yq )
} else {
if(is.null(args$main)) {
if(type=="primary") m2 <- ""
else m2 <- deparse(x$call)
if(is.element(model, c("GEV","Weibull","Frechet"))) m2 <- paste(m2, "(Gumbel Scale)", sep="\n")
else if(is.element(model, c("PP", "GP", "Beta", "Pareto"))) m2 <- paste(m2, "Exponential Scale", sep="\n")
if(is.element(model, c("GEV","Weibull","Gumbel","Frechet"))) {
plot(-log(-log(sort(xp))), sort(ytrans), main=m2, xlab="(Standardized) Model Quantiles",
ylab="Empirical Residual Quantiles", ...)
if( type == "qq" ) out <- data.frame( empirical = sort( ytrans ), model = -log(-log(sort(xp))) )
} else if(is.element(model, c("GP","Beta","Exponential","Pareto"))) {
plot(-log(1 - xp), sort(ytrans), main=m2, xlab="(Standardized) Residual Quantiles",
ylab="Empirical Residual Quantiles", ...)
if( type == "qq" ) out <- data.frame( empirical = sort( ytrans ), model = -log(1 - xp) )
} else if(model=="PP") {
plot(-log(1 - xp), sort(-log(ytrans)), main=m2, xlab="(Standardized) Residual Quantiles",
ylab="Empirical Residual Quantiles", ...)
if( type == "qq" ) out <- data.frame( empirical = sort(-log(ytrans)), model = -log(1 - xp) )
} else {
if(is.element(model, c("GEV","Weibull","Gumbel","Frechet"))) {
plot(-log(-log(sort(xp))), sort(ytrans), xlab="Model", ylab="Empirical", ...)
if( type == "qq" ) out <- data.frame( empirical = sort( ytrans ), model = -log(-log(sort(xp))) )
} else if(is.element(model, c("GP","Beta","Exponential","Pareto"))) {
plot(-log(1 - xp), sort(ytrans), xlab="Model", ylab="Empirical", ...)
if( type == "qq" ) out <- data.frame( empirical = sort( ytrans ), model = -log(1 - xp) )
} else if(model=="PP") {
plot(-log(1 - xp), sort(-log(ytrans)), xlab="Model", ylab="Empirical", ...)
if( type == "qq" ) out <- data.frame( empirical = sort( -log( ytrans ) ), model = -log(1 - xp) )
} # end of if else 'tform' stmts.
} # end of if 'qq' stmts.
if(is.element(type, c("primary","qq2"))) {
if(is.fixedfevd(x) && !is.null(x$blocks)) {
z <- rextRemes(x, round(x$blocks$nBlocks * x$npy))
# CJP: for stationary, it generates based on number of obs, so need to tell it how many obs there would be
} else {
if(!is.element(model, c("PP","GP","Beta","Exponential","Pareto"))) z <- rextRemes(x)
else z <- rextRemes( x, n = sum( eid, na.rm = TRUE ) )
# for non-stationary, it generates based on number of exceedances, so this is fine
if(!is.element(model, c("PP","GP","Beta","Exponential","Pareto"))) {
yQQ <- y
if(is.null(args$xlab)) xl <- paste(x$[1], " Empirical Quantiles", sep="")
else xl <- args$xlab
} else {
yQQ <- y[eid]
if(is.null(args$xlab)) {
if(length(x$threshold)==1) xl <- paste(x$[1], "( > ", x$threshold, ") Empirical Quantiles", sep="")
else xl <- paste(x$[1], "( > threshold) Empirical Quantiles", sep="")
} else xl <- args$xlab
if(!is.null(args$main)) {
if(type=="primary") mQQ <- ""
else mQQ <- deparse(x$call)
if( type != "qq2" ) qqplot(yQQ, z, main=mQQ, xlab=xl, ylab="Quantiles from Model Simulated Data")
else out <- qqplot(yQQ, z, main=mQQ, xlab=xl, ylab="Quantiles from Model Simulated Data")
} else {
if( type != "qq2" ) qqplot(yQQ, z, xlab=xl, ylab="Quantiles from Model Simulated Data")
else out <- qqplot(yQQ, z, xlab=xl, ylab="Quantiles from Model Simulated Data")
} # end of if do second qq-plot using simulated data from the model stmts.
if(!(type == "primary" && model == "PP" && tform)) {
if(is.element(type, c("primary","density")) && is.null(x$blocks)) {
# CJP -- this needs the full data vector (or perhaps more extensive rewriting to work with blocks)
if(!tform) {
if(!is.element(model, c("PP","GP","Beta","Exponential","Pareto"))) yd <- y
else if(model != "PP") yd <- y[eid] - x$threshold
else {
if(x$span %% 1 != 0 || x$npy %% 1 != 0)
warning("plot.fevd.mle: span or npy not integers; determination of max in each block may be substantially in error when there are many blocks.")
blocks <- rep(1:round(x$span), each=round(x$npy))
# CJP2: hard to deal exactly with inhomogeneity in number of values in each block;
# hopefully rounding here is reasonable in most cases but with many blocks,
# the indexing could be substantially off.
n2 <- length(blocks)
if(n2 < x$n) blocks <- c(blocks, rep(blocks[n2], x$n - n2))
else if(n2 > x$n) blocks <- blocks[1:x$n]
yd <- c(aggregate(y, by=list(blocks), max)$x)
if(is.null(density.args)) yd <- density(yd)
else yd <-"density", c(list(yd), density.args))
if(is.element(type, c("primary","density"))) xd <- seq(min(yd$x, na.rm=TRUE), max(yd$x, na.rm=TRUE),,100)
else xd <- seq(min(yh, na.rm=TRUE), max(yh, na.rm=TRUE),,100)
if(is.element(model, c("PP", "Gumbel", "Weibull", "Frechet"))) mod2 <- "GEV"
else if(is.element(model, c("Pareto", "Frechet", "Beta", "Exponential"))) mod2 <- "GP"
else mod2 <- model
if(tform) {
mu <- 0
sig <- 1
xi <- 0
u2 <- 0
} else {
mu <- loc
sig <- scale
xi <- shape
u2 <- u[1]
# if(model=="PP") sig <- sig + xi * (u2 - loc)
yd2 <- devd(xd, loc=mu, scale=sig, shape=xi, threshold=u2, type=mod2)
# lines(xd, yd2, lty=2, col="blue", lwd=1.5)
if(is.null(args$ylim)) {
yld <- range(c(yd$y, yd2), finite=TRUE)
yld[1] <- min(yld[1], 0)
# yld[2] <- max(yld[2]+0.5, 1)
if(is.null(args$main)) {
if(type=="primary") m3 <- ""
else m3 <- deparse(x$call)
if(is.null(args$ylim)) plot(yd, main=m3, ylim=yld, ...)
else plot(yd, main=m3, ...)
} else {
if(is.null(args$ylim)) plot(yd, ylim=yld, ...)
else plot(yd, ...)
} else {
if(type == "density" && is.element(model, c("PP", "GP", "Exponential", "Pareto", "Beta")))
stop("plot.fevd: invalid type argument for this model.")
if(!is.element(model, c("PP", "GP", "Exponential", "Pareto", "Beta"))) {
# if(model == "PP") { # Eric 8/14/13
# if(x$span %% 1 != 0 || x$npy %% 1 != 0)
# warning("plot.fevd.mle: span or npy not integers; determination of max in each block may be substantially in error when there are many blocks.")
# blocks <- rep(1:round(x$span), each=round(x$npy))
# # CJP2: hard to deal exactly with inhomogeneity in number of values in each block;
# # hopefully rounding here is reasonable in most cases but with many blocks,
# # the indexing could be substantially off
# n2 <- length(blocks)
# if(n2 < x$n) blocks <- c(blocks, rep(blocks[n2], x$n - n2))
# else if(n2 > x$n) blocks <- blocks[1:x$n]
# ytmp <- c(aggregate(y, by = list(blocks), max)$x)
# mbid <- logical(x$n)
# for(i in 1:(length(unique(blocks)))) {
# tmpind <- blocks == blocks[i]
# tmpind2 <- y == ytmp[i]
# tmpind2[] <- FALSE
# finind <- tmpind & tmpind2
# if(sum(finind) > 1) {
# numsind <- (1:x$n)[finind]
# numsind <- numsind[1]
# finind[-numsind] <- FALSE
# }
# mbid[finind] <- TRUE
# } # end of for 'i' loop.
# ytrans2 <- ytransPP[mbid]
# # ytrans2 <- c(aggregate(ytransPP, by=list(blocks), max)$x)
# } else ytrans2 <- ytrans
if(is.null(density.args)) yd <- density(ytrans)
else yd <-"density", c(list(ytrans), density.args))
if(is.null(args$ylim)) {
yld <- range(yd$y, finite=TRUE)
yld[1] <- min(yld[1], 0)
# yld[2] <- max(yld[2]+0.5, 1)
if(is.null(args$main)) {
if(type=="primary") m3 <- "Transformed Data"
else m3 <- paste(deparse(x$call), "Transformed Data", sep="\n")
if(is.null(args$ylim)) plot(yd, main=m3, ylim=yld, ...)
else plot(yd, main=m3, ...)
} else {
if(is.null(args$ylim)) plot(yd, ylim=yld, ...)
else plot(yd, ...)
} # end of if model is non-stationary GEV stmts.
} # end of if else '!tform' stmts.
if( type == "density" ) out <- yd
} # end of if 'primary plots or density' stmts.
if(type=="hist" && is.null(x$blocks)) { # CJP2: I previously forgot to exclude this when there are blocks
if(!tform) {
if(is.null(args$main)) {
if(model != "PP") m4 <- paste(deparse(x$call), "Histogram", sep="\n")
else m4 <- paste(deparse(x$call), "\n", paste("Histogram (", x$period.basis, " maxima)", sep=""))
if(is.element(model, c("GP", "Beta", "Exponential", "Pareto"))) yh <- y[eid] - x$threshold
else if(model != "PP") yh <- y
else {
blocks <- rep(1:x$span, each=x$npy)
n2 <- length(blocks)
if(n2 < x$n) blocks <- c(blocks, rep(blocks[n2], x$n - n2))
else if(n2 > x$n) blocks <- blocks[1:x$n]
yh <- c(aggregate(y, by=list(blocks), max)$x)
} else {
if(is.element(model, c("PP", "GP", "Exponential", "Beta", "Pareto"))) stop("plot.fevd: invalid type argument for this model.")
if(is.null(args$main)) m4 <- paste(deparse(x$call), "Histogram of Transformed Data", sep="\n")
# if(model != "PP") yh <- ytrans
# else {
# blocks <- rep(1:x$span, each=x$npy)
# n2 <- length(blocks)
# if(n2 < x$n) blocks <- c(blocks, rep(blocks[n2], x$n - n2))
# else if(n2 > x$n) blocks <- blocks[1:x$n]
# yh <- c(aggregate(ytransPP, by=list(blocks), max)$x)
# } # end of if 'model != PP' stmts.
if(is.null(hist.args)) {
if(!is.null(args$ylim)) {
if(is.null(args$main)) {
if(is.null(args$col)) {
out <- hist(yh, col="darkblue", freq=FALSE, breaks="FD", xlab=x$[1], main=m4, ...)
} else out <- hist(yh, freq=FALSE, breaks="FD", main=m4, xlab=x$[1], ...)
} else {
if(is.null(args$col)) out <- hist(yh, col="darkblue", freq=FALSE, breaks="FD", xlab=x$[1], ...)
else out <- hist(yh, freq=FALSE, breaks="FD", xlab=x$[1], ...)
} else {
if(is.null(args$main)) {
if(is.null(args$col)) out <- hist(yh, col="darkblue", freq=FALSE, breaks="FD", xlab=x$[1], main=m4, ylim=c(0,1.5), ...)
else out <- hist(yh, freq=FALSE, breaks="FD", main=m4, xlab=x$[1], ylim=c(0,1.5), ...)
} else {
if(is.null(args$col)) out <- hist(yh, col="darkblue", freq=FALSE, breaks="FD", xlab=x$[1], ylim=c(0,1.5), ...)
else out <- hist(yh, freq=FALSE, breaks="FD", xlab=x$[1], ylim=c(0,1.5), ...)
} else out <-"hist", c(list(yh), hist.args))
} # end of if 'type = hist' stmts.
if(!(tform && is.element(model, c("PP", "GP", "Beta", "Exponential", "Pareto")))) {
if(is.element(type, c("primary", "density", "hist")) && is.null(x$blocks)) {
# CJP: this needs the full data vector (or perhaps more extensive rewriting to work with blocks)
if(is.element(type, c("primary","density"))) xd <- seq(min(yd$x, na.rm=TRUE), max(yd$x, na.rm=TRUE),,100)
else xd <- seq(min(yh, na.rm=TRUE), max(yh, na.rm=TRUE),,100)
if(is.element(model, c("PP", "Gumbel", "Weibull", "Frechet"))) mod2 <- "GEV"
else if(is.element(model, c("Pareto", "Frechet", "Beta", "Exponential"))) mod2 <- "GP"
else mod2 <- model
if(tform) {
mu <- 0
sig <- 1
xi <- 0
u2 <- 0
} else {
mu <- loc
sig <- scale
xi <- shape
u2 <- u[1]
# if(model=="PP") sig <- sig + xi * (u2 - loc)
yd2 <- devd(xd, loc=mu, scale=sig, shape=xi, threshold=u2, type=mod2)
lines(xd, yd2, lty=2, col="blue", lwd=1.5)
if(model != "PP") {
if(type=="hist" || !is.null(density.args)) legend("topright", legend="Modeled Density", col="blue", lty=2, lwd=1.5, bty="n")
else if(is.null(density.args)) legend("topright", legend=c("Empirical", "Modeled"), col=c("black","blue"), lty=c(1,2), lwd=c(1, 1.5), bty="n")
} else {
if(type=="hist" || !is.null(density.args)) legend("topright", legend="Modeled Density", col="blue", lty=2, lwd=1.5, bty="n")
else if(is.null(density.args)) legend("topright", legend=c(paste("Empirical (", x$period.basis, " maxima)", sep=""), "Modeled"),
col=c("black","blue"), lty=c(1,2), lwd=c(1, 1.5), bty="n")
} # end of if add density lines stmts.
} # end of making sure that it is not a non-stationary POT model stmts.
# Z and W plots for all PP models.
if(is.element(type, c("primary", "Zplot")) && model == "PP") {
if(type == "primary") {
eeplot(x = x, type = "Zplot", main = "Z plot", d = d, ...)
} else out <- eeplot(x = x, type = type, d = d, ...)
if(type == "Zplot" && model != "PP") stop("plot.fevd.mle: invalid type argument for this model.")
if(is.element(type, c("primary", "rl")) && is.null(x$blocks)) {
# Eric 8/27/13 -- do not plot return levels if model is POT, threshold varies and parameters do not vary.
if(!(is.element(model, c("PP", "GP", "Exponential", "Beta", "Pareto")) && !const.thresh && all(c(const.loc, const.scale, const.shape)))) {
# CJP: this needs the full data vector
# (or perhaps more extensive rewriting to work with blocks,
# but would be hard to deal with blocks with no exceedances)
if(is.null(args$main)) {
if(type=="primary") m5 <- ""
else m5 <- deparse(x$call)
if(model=="PP") {
# if(!tform) mod2 <- "GEV"
# else mod2 <- "GP"
mod2 <- "GEV"
if(is.null(args$main)) {
# if(!tform) {
if(type=="rl") m5 <- paste(m5, "Return Levels based on approx. equivalent GEV", sep="\n")
else m5 <- paste("Return Levels based on approx.", "equivalent GEV", sep="\n")
# } else {
# if(type=="rl") m5 <- paste(m5, "Return Levels based on approx. equivalent GP df", sep="\n")
# else m5 <- paste("Return Levels based on approx.", "equivalent GP df", sep="\n")
# }
blocks <- rep(1:x$span, each=x$npy)
n2 <- length(blocks)
if(n2 < x$n) blocks <- c(blocks, rep(blocks[n2], x$n - n2))
else if(n2 > x$n) blocks <- blocks[1:x$n]
yEmp <- c(aggregate(y, by=list(blocks), max)$x)
} else mod2 <- model
if(is.null(x$units)) ylb <- "Return Level"
else ylb <- paste("Return Level (", x$units, ")", sep="")
if(!tform) {
yrl <- rlevd(rperiods, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, threshold=u, type=mod2, npy=npy, rate=lam)
bds <- ci(x, return.period=rperiods)
if(is.null(args$ylim)) yl <- range(c(bds), finite=TRUE)
if(is.element(model, c("PP", "GEV", "Gumbel", "Weibull", "Frechet"))) xrl <- -1/(log(1 - 1/rperiods))
else xrl <- rperiods
# if(is.null(x$units)) ylb <- "Return Level"
# else ylb <- paste("Return Level (", x$units, ")", sep="")
xlb <- paste("Return Period (", x$period.basis, "s)", sep="")
if(is.null(args$main)) {
if(!is.null(args$ylim)) plot(xrl, yrl, type="l", log="x", xlab=xlb, ylab=ylb, main=m5, ...)
else plot(xrl, yrl, type="l", log="x", ylim=yl, xlab=xlb, ylab=ylb, main=m5, ...)
} else {
if(!is.null(args$ylim)) plot(xrl, yrl, type="l", log="x", xlab=xlb, ylab=ylb, ...)
else plot(xrl, yrl, type="l", log="x", ylim=yl, xlab=xlb, ylab=ylb, ...)
lines(xrl, bds[,1], col="gray", lty=2, lwd=2)
lines(xrl, bds[,3], col="gray", lty=2, lwd=2)
if(is.element(model, c("GEV", "Gumbel", "Weibull", "Frechet"))) {
points(-1/log(xp), sort(y))
if( type == "rl" ) out <- list( model = bds,
empirical = data.frame( transformed.period = -1/log(xp), sorted.level = sort( y ) ) )
} else if(is.element(model, c("GP", "Beta", "Pareto", "Exponential"))) {
n2 <- x$n
if(is.null(a)) xp2 <- ppoints(n2)
else xp2 <- ppoints(n2, a=a)
sdat <- sort(y)
points(-1/log(xp2)[sdat > u]/npy, sdat[sdat > u])
if( type == "rl" ) {
out <- list( model = bds,
empirical = data.frame( transformed.period = -1/log(xp2)[sdat > u]/npy,
sorted.level = sdat[sdat > u] ) )
} else if(model == "PP") {
if(is.null(a)) xp2 <- ppoints(length(yEmp))
else xp2 <- ppoints(length(yEmp), a=a)
points(-1/log(xp2), sort(yEmp))
if( type == "rl" ) out <- list( model = bds,
empirical = data.frame( transformed.period = -1/log(xp2),
sorted.level = sort( yEmp) ) )
} else {
np <- length(rperiods)
effrl <- matrix(NA, length(y), np)
for(i in 1:np) effrl[,i] <- erlevd(x = x, period = rperiods[i])
if(is.null(args$ylim)) {
yl <- range(c(c(y), c(effrl)), finite=TRUE)
yl[2] <- yl[2] + sign(yl[2]) * log2(abs(yl[2]))
if(is.null(args$main)) {
# if(!is.element(model, c("GP", "Beta", "Exponential", "Pareto")))
plot(y, type="l", xlab="index", ylab=ylb, main=m5, ylim=yl, ...)
# else plot(y[eid], type="l", xlab="index", ylab=ylb, main=m5, ylim=yl, ...)
} else {
# if(!is.element(model, c("GP", "Beta","Exponential","Pareto")))
plot(y, type="l", xlab="index", ylab=ylb, ...)
# else plot(y[eid], type="l", xlab="index", ylab=ylb, ylim=yl, ...)
if( type == "rl" ) out <- list( series = y, level = effrl )
} else {
if(is.null(args$main)) {
# if(!is.element(model, c("GP", "Beta","Exponential","Pareto")))
plot(y, type="l", xlab="index", ylab=ylb, main=m5, ...)
# else plot(y[eid], type="l", xlab="index", ylab=ylb, main=m5, ...)
} else {
# if(!is.element(model, c("GP", "Beta", "Exponential", "Pareto")))
plot(y, type="l", xlab="index", ylab=ylb, ...)
# else plot(y[eid], type="l", xlab="index", ylab=ylb, ...)
if( type == "rl" ) out <- list( series = y[ eid ], level = effrl )
} # end of if else 'ylim passed via '...' stmts.
for(i in 1:np) lines(effrl[,i], lty=i, col=i+1)
if(is.element(model, c("PP", "GP", "Beta", "Exponential", "Pareto"))) {
if(length(x$threshold) == 1) abline(h=x$threshold, col="darkorange", lwd=2)
else lines(x$threshold, col="darkorange", lwd=2)
if(!is.element(model, c("GEV", "Gumbel", "Weibull", "Frechet"))) {
legend("topleft", legend=c(paste(rperiods, "-", period, " level", sep=""), "threshold"), lty=c(1:np,1), col=c(2:(np+1),"darkorange"), bg="white")
} else legend("topleft", legend=paste(rperiods, "-", period, " level", sep=""), lty=1:np, col=2:(np + 1), bg="white")
} # end of if else '!tform' stmts.
} # end of if model is not POT and threshold varies with non-varying parameters stmts.
} # end of if 'make return level plots' stmts.
if(type=="trace") {
op <- par()
ntheta <- length(pars)
if(is.null(prange)) {
theta.hat <- pars
if(check.constant(x$par.models$scale)) {
phiU <- FALSE
if(x$par.models$log.scale) theta.hat["log.scale"] <- exp(theta.hat["log.scale"])
names(theta.hat)[names(theta.hat)=="log.scale"] <- "scale"
} else phiU <- x$par.models$log.scale
prange <- matrix(NA, 2, ntheta)
tmp <- summary(x, silent=TRUE)
tmp <- rbind(tmp$par, tmp$se.theta)
if(is.matrix(tmp)) for(j in 1:ntheta) prange[,j] <- c(tmp[1,j] - 2*tmp[2,j], tmp[1,j] + 2*tmp[2,j])
else {
tmp <- c(tmp)
for(j in 1:ntheta) prange[,j] <- c(tmp[j] - 2*log2(abs(tmp[j])), tmp[j] + 2*log2(abs(tmp[j])))
if(any( <- names(tmp)=="scale")) {
if(!phiU) {
prange[1,] <- max(prange[1,], 1e-8)
if(prange[1,] > prange[2,]) prange[2,] <- 2*prange[1,]
} # end of if 'prange' is null or not stmts.
hold <- list()
par(mfrow=c(2,ntheta), oma=c(0,0,2,0))
for(i in 1:ntheta) {
if(!is.null(data)) hold[[i]] <- grlevdTracer(x=y, p=theta.hat, which.vary=i, p1.range=c(prange[,i]), threshold=u,$par.models$threshold,$par.models$location,$par.models$scale,$par.models$shape, data=data, phi=phiU, blocks=x$blocks, # CJP2 - changed u/threshold args
type=model, npy=x$npy, na.action=x$na.action,[i], plot=FALSE)
else hold[[i]] <- grlevdTracer(x=y, p=theta.hat, which.vary=i, p1.range=c(prange[,i]), threshold=u,$par.models$threshold, phi=phiU, blocks=x$blocks, # CJP2 - changed u/threshold arg calls
type=model, npy=x$npy, na.action=x$na.action,[i], plot=FALSE)
if(i==1) plot(hold[[i]], type="likelihood", main="", xlab="")
else plot(hold[[i]], type="likelihood", main="", xlab="", ylab="")
abline(v=theta.hat[i], lty=2)
} # end of for 'i' loop.
for(i in 1:ntheta) {
if(i==1) plot(hold[[i]], type="gradient", main="")
else plot(hold[[i]], type="gradient", main="", ylab="")
} # end of second for 'i' loop.
out <- hold
} # end of if 'type == trace' stmts.
if(is.element(type, c("primary","trace"))) {
mtext(deparse(x$call), line=0.5, outer=TRUE)
par( mfrow = op$mfrow, oma = op$oma )
if( type != "primary" ) invisible( out )
else invisible()
} # end of 'plot.fevd.mle' function.
erlevd <- function(x, period=100) {
# CJP: this function now returns results per block rather than per observation when blocks is part of 'x'
type <- x$type
y <- datagrabber(x)
if(x$[2] != "") {
data <- y[,-1]
y <- y[,1]
} else data <- NULL
pars <- findpars(x, use.blocks = TRUE) # CJP2: when x$blocks not NULL, findpars will now return pars with one row per block not per obs.
if(is.null(pars$location)) pars$location <- rep(0, x$n)
if(is.null(x$threshold)) u <- rep(0, x$n)
else if(length(x$threshold)==1) u <- rep(x$threshold, x$n)
else u <- x$threshold
if(!is.null(x$threshold)) lam <- mean(y > u)
else lam <- rep(1, x$n) # Eric -- changed 'len' to 'x$n'
if(!is.null(x$blocks)) { # CJP2
u <- x$blocks$threshold
if(is.null(pars$location)) pars$location <- rep(0, x$nBlocks) # this should never happen since when have blocks is only for PP model...
# CJP2: commented this out
# if(type=="PP") {
# scale <- pars$scale
# scale <- scale + pars$shape * (u - pars$location)
#} else scale <- pars$scale
theta <- cbind(pars$location, pars$scale, pars$shape, u) # CJP2: now 'pars$scale' not 'scale'
# if(is.element(type,c("PP","GP","Beta","Exponential","Pareto"))) theta <- theta[y > u,]
if(type=="PP") type2 <- "GEV" # CJP2
else type2 <- type
ifun <- function(theta, pd, npy, rate) rlevd(period=pd, loc=theta[1], scale=theta[2], shape=theta[3], threshold=theta[4], type=type2, npy=npy, rate=rate)
out <- apply(theta, 1, ifun, pd=period, npy=x$npy, rate=lam)
} # end of 'erlevd' function.
findpars <- function(x, ...) {
UseMethod("findpars", x)
} # end of 'findpars' function.
findpars.fevd <- function(x, ...) {
meth <- tolower(x$method)
if( meth == "gmle" ) meth <- "mle"
# newcl <- paste("fevd.", meth, sep="")
# class(x) <- c( newcl, class( x ) )
# UseMethod( "findpars", x )
get( paste( "findpars.fevd.", meth, sep = "" ) )( x = x, ... )
} # end of 'findpars.fevd' function.
findpars.fevd.lmoments <- function(x, ...) {
} # end of 'findpars.fevd.lmoments' function.
findpars.fevd.bayesian <- function(x,, FUN="mean", use.blocks=FALSE, ..., qcov = NULL) {
model <- x$type
tform <- !is.fixedfevd(x)
f <-
p <- p2 <- x$results
np <- ncol(p) - 1
if( > 0) p <- p[-(,1:np]
pnames <- colnames(p)
if(is.element("log.scale", pnames)) {
id <- pnames == "log.scale"
p[,id] <- exp(p[,id])
pnames[id] <- "scale"
colnames(p) <- pnames
if(FUN=="mean") p <- colMeans(p)
else p <- apply(p, 2, f)
if(!tform) {
if(is.element(model, c("PP","GEV","Gumbel","Weibull","Frechet"))) {
loc <- p["location"]
nloc <- 1
} else {
loc <- NULL
nloc <- 0
scale <- p["scale"]
if(!is.element(model, c("Gumbel","Exponential"))) {
shape <- p["shape"]
} else shape <- NULL
ytrans <- NULL
} else {
# Eric -- 8/8/13 -- I don't think this was used.
# ytrans <- trans(x)
if(is.null(qcov)) { # Eric 8/8/13 -- Attempting to allow for 'qcov' argument.
if(is.null(x$blocks) || !use.blocks) { # CJP2
designs <-
if(is.element(model, c("PP","GEV","Gumbel","Weibull","Frechet"))) {
X.loc <- designs$X.loc
nloc <- ncol(X.loc)
loc <- rowSums(matrix(p[1:nloc], x$n, nloc, byrow=TRUE) * X.loc)
} else {
loc <- NULL
nloc <- 0
} <- designs$
nsc <- ncol(
scale <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], x$n, nsc, byrow=TRUE) *
if(x$par.models$log.scale && nsc > 1) scale <- exp(scale)
if(!is.element(model, c("Gumbel","Exponential"))) { <- designs$
nsh <- ncol(
shape <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+nsc+1):np], x$n, nsh, byrow=TRUE) *
} else shape <- NULL
} else {
# blocks$designs should already exist
if(is.element(model, c("PP","GEV","Gumbel","Weibull","Frechet"))) {
X.loc <- x$blocks$designs$X.loc
nloc <- ncol(X.loc)
loc <- rowSums(matrix(p[1:nloc], x$blocks$nBlocks, nloc, byrow=TRUE) * X.loc)
} else {
loc <- NULL
nloc <- 0
} <- x$blocks$designs$
nsc <- ncol(
scale <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], x$blocks$nBlocks, nsc, byrow=TRUE) *
if(x$par.models$log.scale) scale <- exp(scale)
if(!is.element(model, c("Gumbel","Exponential"))) { <- x$blocks$designs$
nsh <- ncol(
shape <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+nsc+1):np], x$blocks$nBlocks, nsh, byrow=TRUE) *
} else shape <- NULL
} else {
nr <- nrow(qcov)
if(is.element(model, c("GP", "Beta", "Exponential", "Pareto"))) nloc <- 0
else if(is.element("location", pnames)) nloc <- 1
else nloc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 2) == "mu")
if(x$par.models$log.scale) {
if(!any(substring(pnames, 1, 3) == "phi")) nsc <- 1
else nsc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 3) == "phi")
} else {
if(is.element("scale", pnames)) nsc <- 1
else nsc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 3) == "sig")
if(is.element("shape", pnames)) nsh <- 1
else nsh <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 2) == "xi")
if(!is.element(model, c("GP", "Beta", "Pareto"))) loc <- rowSums(matrix(rep(p[1:nloc], nr), nloc, nr, byrow = TRUE) * qcov[,1:nloc])
else loc <- NULL
scale <- rowSums(matrix(rep(p[(nloc + 1):(nloc + nsc)], nr), nsc, nr, byrow=TRUE) * qcov[,(nloc + 1):(nloc + nsc)])
if(x$par.models$log.scale && nsc > 1) scale <- exp(scale)
if(!is.element(model, c("Gumbel", "Exponential"))) shape <- rowSums(matrix(rep(p[(nloc + nsc + 1):(nloc + nsc + nsh)], nr), nsh, nr, byrow = TRUE) *
qcov[,(nloc + nsc + 1):(nloc + nsc + nsh)])
else shape <- NULL
} # end of if else 'qcov' is null stmts.
} # end of if '!tform' stmts.
return(list(location=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape))
} # end of 'findpars.fevd.bayesian' function.
findpars.fevd.mle <- function(x, use.blocks=FALSE, ..., qcov = NULL) { # Eric 8/8/13 -- added 'qcov' argument.
type <- tolower(x$type)
p <- x$results$par
np <- length(p)
if(is.null(qcov)) { # Eric 8/8/13
if(is.null(x$blocks) || !use.blocks) { # CJP2
n <- x$n
designs <-
} else {
n <- x$blocks$nBlocks
designs <- x$blocks$designs
if(is.element(type, c("gev", "weibull", "gumbel", "frechet","pp"))) {
X.loc <- designs$X.loc
nloc <- ncol(X.loc)
loc <- rowSums(matrix(p[1:nloc], n, nloc, byrow=TRUE)*X.loc)
} else {
nloc <- 0
loc <- NULL
} <- designs$
nsc <- ncol(
scale <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], n, nsc, byrow=TRUE)*
if(x$par.models$log.scale) scale <- exp(scale)
if(!is.element(type, c("gumbel","exponential"))) { <- designs$
nsh <- ncol(
shape <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+nsc+1):(nloc+nsc+nsh)], n, nsh, byrow=TRUE)*
} else {
nsh <- 0
shape <- 0
} else {
pnames <- names(p)
model <- x$type
nr <- nrow(qcov)
if(is.element(model, c("GP", "Beta", "Exponential", "Pareto"))) nloc <- 0
else if(is.element("location", pnames)) nloc <- 1
else nloc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 2) == "mu")
if(x$par.models$log.scale) {
if(!any(substring(pnames, 1, 3) == "phi")) nsc <- 1
else nsc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 3) == "phi")
} else {
if(is.element("scale", pnames)) nsc <- 1
else nsc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 3) == "sig")
if(is.element("shape", pnames)) nsh <- 1
else nsh <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 2) == "xi")
if(!is.element(model, c("GP", "Beta", "Pareto"))) loc <- rowSums(matrix(rep(p[1:nloc], nr), nloc, nr, byrow = TRUE) * qcov[,1:nloc])
else loc <- NULL
scale <- rowSums(matrix(rep(p[(nloc + 1):(nloc + nsc)], nr), nsc, nr, byrow=TRUE) * qcov[,(nloc + 1):(nloc + nsc)])
if(x$par.models$log.scale) scale <- exp(scale)
if(!is.element(model, c("Gumbel", "Exponential"))) shape <- rowSums(matrix(rep(p[(nloc + nsc + 1):(nloc + nsc + nsh)], nr), nsh, nr, byrow = TRUE) *
qcov[,(nloc + nsc + 1):(nloc + nsc + nsh)])
else shape <- NULL
} # end of if else 'qcov' is null stmts.
return(list(location=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape))
} # end of 'findpars.fevd.mle' function.
profliker <- function(object, type=c("return.level", "parameter"), xrange=NULL, return.period=100, which.par=1, nint=20, plot=TRUE,
gr=NULL, method="BFGS", lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, control=list(), ...) {
type <- tolower(type)
type <- match.arg(type)
designs <-
tmp <- datagrabber(object)
if(object$[2] == "") {
y <- tmp
data <- NULL
} else {
y <- tmp[,1]
data <- tmp[,-1]
thresh <- object$threshold
pars <- object$results$par
pnames <- names(pars)
args <- list(...)
if(missing(nint) && object$type=="PP") nint <- 20
if(object$type=="PP" && type=="return.level") {
object$type <- "GEV"
plot.msg <- "Return levels based on equivalent GEV df"
} else if(plot) plot.msg <- NULL
if(type=="return.level") {
if(!is.fixedfevd(object)) stop("profliker: Sorry, currently no support for profile likelihood with effective return levels.")
if(is.null(xrange)) {
rl.hat <- rl.fevd(object, period=return.period)
if(rl.hat != 0) xrange <- c(rl.hat - 2 * abs(log2(abs(rl.hat))), rl.hat + 2 * abs(log2(abs(rl.hat))))
else xrange <- range(y, finite=TRUE)
} else {
fv <- pars[which.par]
if(is.null(xrange)) {
tmp <- summary(object, silent=TRUE)
tmp <- rbind(tmp$par, tmp$se.theta)
if(is.matrix(tmp)) {
look <- c(tmp[,which.par])
xrange <- c(look[1] - 4 * look[2], look[1] + 4 * look[2])
th.names <- colnames(tmp)
} else {
look <- tmp[which.par]
xrange <- c(look - 4 * abs(log2(abs(look))), look + 4 * abs(log2(abs(look))))
th.names <- names(tmp)
if((th.names[which.par] == "scale") && !object$par.models$log.scale) {
xrange[1] <- max(xrange[1], 1e-10)
if(xrange[1] > xrange[2]) xrange[2] <- 2 * xrange[1]
} # end of if find 'xrange' stmts.
} # end of if else 'return.levels' stmts.
fixedvals <- seq(xrange[1], xrange[2],, nint)
res <- numeric(nint) + NA
if(type=="parameter") ipars <- pars[-which.par]
else {
if(is.element(object$type, c("GEV", "Gumbel", "Weibull", "Frechet"))) {
if(is.element("location", pnames)) ipars <- pars[pnames != "location"]
else {
id <- substring(pnames, 1, 2) == "mu"
ipars <- pars[!id]
} else {
if(is.element("scale", pnames)) ipars <- pars[pnames != "scale"]
else if(is.element("log.scale", pnames)) ipars <- pars[pnames != "log.scale"]
else {
istr <- substring(pnames, 1, 3)
id <- (istr == "sig") | (istr == "phi")
ipars <- pars[!id]
for(i in 1:nint) {
hold <- optim(par = ipars, fn = oevd.profpar, o=object, des=designs, x=y, data=data, u=thresh,
fixed.index=which.par, fixed.value=fixedvals[i], which.type=type, rperiod=return.period,
gr=gr, method=method, lower=lower, upper=upper, control=control)
ipars <- hold$par
res[ i ] <- hold$value
} # end of for 'i' loop.
res <- -res
if(plot) {
if(type == "parameter") xl <- names(pars)[which.par]
else xl <- paste(return.period, "-", object$period.basis, " return level", sep="")
xl <- paste(xl, plot.msg, sep="\n")
if(is.null(args$main)) {
msg <- deparse(object$call)
if(is.null(args$xlab)) plot(fixedvals, res, type="l", xlab=xl, ylab="Profile Log-Likelihood", main=msg, ...)
else plot(fixedvals, res, type="l", ylab="Profile Log-Likelihood", main=msg, ...)
} else {
if(is.null(args$xlab)) plot(fixedvals, res, type="l", xlab=xl, ylab="Profile Log-Likelihood", ...)
else plot(fixedvals, res, type="l", ylab="Profile Log-Likelihood", ...)
if(type=="parameter") abline(v=pars[which.par], lty=2, lwd=1.5)
else abline(v=rl.fevd(object, period=return.period), lty=2, lwd=1.5)
} # end of if 'plot' stmts.
} # end of 'profliker' function.
oevd.profpar <- function(p, o, des, x, data=NULL, u=NULL, fixed.index, fixed.value, which.type=c("return.level","parameter"), rperiod=100) {
## Function to be optimized by 'optim'.
## Takes the parameter design matrices and
## calculates the resulting vector of parameters,
## then calls 'levd' to get the negative log-likelihood.
## The only difference between this function and that of
## 'oevd' is that one of the parameters is held fixed in
## order to minimize a profile negative log-likelihood.
## Called by 'profliker' when a parameter's profile likelihood
## is of interest.
which.type <- match.arg(which.type)
type <- o$type
span <- o$span
npy <- o$npy
n <- length(x)
phi <- o$par.models$log.scale
np <- length(p)+1
if(which.type == "parameter") {
p.tmp <- numeric(np) + NA
p.tmp[-fixed.index] <- p
p.tmp[fixed.index] <- fixed.value
} else p.tmp <- p
if(which.type=="parameter") {
if(!is.element(type, c("GP","Beta","Pareto","Exponential"))) {
if(which.type=="parameter") {
X.loc <- des$X.loc
nloc <- ncol(X.loc)
loc <- rowSums(matrix(p.tmp[1:nloc], n, nloc, byrow=TRUE)*X.loc)
} else nloc <- 1
} else {
nloc <- 0
loc <- 0
} else {
nloc <- 0
loc <- 0
} # end of if 'which.type' parameter stmts.
if(which.type=="parameter" || is.element(type, c("GEV", "Gumbel", "Weibull", "Frechet", "PP"))) { <- des$
nsc <- ncol(
if(phi) scale <- exp(rowSums(matrix(p.tmp[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], n, nsc, byrow=TRUE)*
else scale <- rowSums(matrix(p.tmp[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], n, nsc, byrow=TRUE)*
} else nsc <- 0
if(!is.element(type, c("Gumbel","Exponential"))) { <- des$
nsh <- ncol(
shape <- rowSums(matrix(p.tmp[(nloc+nsc+1):(nloc+nsc+nsh)], n, nsh, byrow=TRUE)*
} else {
nsh <- 0
shape <- 0
if(!is.element(type, c("GP","Beta","Pareto","Exponential")) && (which.type == "return.level")) {
if(type != "Gumbel") loc <- fixed.value + (scale/shape) * (1 - (-log(1 - 1/rperiod))^(-shape))
else loc <- fixed.value + scale * log(-log(1 - 1/rperiod))
} else if(which.type == "return.level") {
lam <- mean(x > u)
m <- rperiod * npy
if(type != "Exponential") {
zid <- shape == 0
if(any(zid)) shape[zid] <- 1e-10
scale <- ((fixed.value - u) * shape)/((m * lam)^shape - 1)
} else scale <- (fixed.value - u)/log(m * lam)
if(is.null(span)) res <- levd(x=x, threshold=u, location=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, type=type, npy=npy, infval=1e10)
else res <- levd(x=x, threshold=u, location=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, type=type, span=span, npy=npy, infval=1e10)
# if(class(res) == "try-error") res <- 1e10
if( o$method == "GMLE" ) res <- res + o$priorFun, c( list( x = p.tmp ), o$priorParams ) )
} # end of 'oevd.profpar' function.
rl.fevd <- function(x, period=100) {
pmods <- x$par.models
if(is.fixedfevd(x)) {
p <- x$results$par
if(any(names(p) == "log.scale")) {
id <- names(p) == "log.scale"
p[id] <- exp(p[id])
names(p)[id] <- "scale"
if(!is.null(x$threshold)) lam <- mean(datagrabber(x)[,1] > x$threshold)
else lam <- NULL
if( "shape" %in% names( p ) ) {
return(rlevd(period=period, loc=p["location"], scale=p["scale"], shape=p["shape"], threshold=x$threshold, type=x$type, npy=x$npy, rate=lam))
} else return(rlevd(period=period, loc=p["location"], scale=p["scale"], shape=0, threshold=x$threshold, type=x$type, npy=x$npy, rate=lam))
} else return(erlevd(x, period=period))
} # end of 'rl.fevd' function.
# TO DO: Add possibility to make random PP draws using the rate from a Poisson
# instead of forcing the number of excesses to be n.
rextRemes <- function(x, n, ...) {
UseMethod("rextRemes", x)
} # end of 'rextRemes' function.
rextRemes.fevd <- function(x, n, ...) {
if( x$method == "GMLE" ) newcl <- "mle"
else newcl <- tolower( x$method )
# class(x) <- c( paste( "fevd.", newcl, sep="" ), class( x ) )
# UseMethod("rextRemes", x)
get( paste( "rextRemes.fevd.", newcl, sep = "" ) )( x = x, n = n, ... )
} # end of 'rextRemes.fevd' function.
rextRemes.fevd.lmoments <- function(x, n, ...) {
if( missing( n ) ) n <- x$n
p <- x$results
pnames <- names(p)
if(any(pnames == "location")) loc <- p["location"]
else loc <- 0
scale <- p["scale"]
if(any(pnames == "shape")) shape <- p["shape"]
else shape <- 0
type <- x$type
if(is.element(type, c("PP","GP","Exponential","Beta","Pareto"))) u <- x$threshold
else u <- 0
if(type=="PP") {
scale <- scale + shape * (u - loc)
type <- "GP"
if(is.element(type, c("Gumbel","Weibull","Frechet"))) type <- "GEV"
else if(is.element(type, c("Beta","Exponential","Pareto"))) type <- "GP"
out <- revd(n=n, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, threshold=u, type=type)
} # end of 'rextRemes.fevd.lmoments' function.
rextRemes.fevd.bayesian <- function(x, n, ...,, FUN="mean", qcov = NULL) {
type <- x$type
f <-
if(is.fixedfevd(x)) {
p <- x$results
np <- ncol(p) - 1
p <- p[,1:np]
pnames <- colnames(p)
if( > 0) p <- p[-(,]
if(is.element("log.scale",pnames)) {
id <- pnames == "log.scale"
p[,id] <- exp(p[,id])
pnames[id] <- "scale"
colnames(p) <- pnames
if(FUN == "mean") p <- colMeans(p)
else p <- apply(p, 2, f)
if(is.element(type, c("PP","GEV","Gumbel","Weibull","Frechet"))) {
loc <- p["location"]
nloc <- 1
} else loc <- 0
scale <- p["scale"]
if(!is.element(type, c("Gumbel","Exponential"))) shape <- p["shape"]
else shape <- 0
if(type == "PP") {
scale <- scale + shape * (x$threshold - loc)
type <- "GP"
return(revd(n=n, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, threshold=x$threshold, type=type))
} else {
# ytrans <- trans(x)
if(missing(n)) n <- 1
p <- findpars(x,, FUN=FUN, qcov = qcov)
if(is.null(qcov)) K <- x$n
else K <- dim(qcov)[1]
if(!is.null(qcov)) u <- qcov[,"threshold"]
else if(is.null(x$threshold)) u <- rep(0, K)
else u <- x$threshold
if(is.null(p$location)) loc <- rep(0, K)
else loc <- p$location
if(is.null(p$shape)) {
if(type=="Gumbel") shape <- rep(0, K)
else shape <- rep(1e-10, K)
} else shape <- p$shape
if(type != "PP") theta <- cbind(u, loc, p$scale, shape)
else theta <- cbind(u, loc, p$scale + shape * (u - loc), shape)
if(is.null(qcov)) y <- c(datagrabber(x,
if(is.element(type,c("GEV","Gumbel","Weibull","Frechet"))) {
out <- matrix(NA, K, n)
if(is.null(qcov)) o <- order(y)
for(i in 1:n) {
z <- revd(K, type="GEV")
if(is.null(qcov)) z <- sort(z)[o]
out[,i] <- revtrans.evd(z=z, threshold=theta[,1], location=theta[,2], scale=theta[,3], shape=theta[,4], type=type)
} # end of for 'i' loop.
} else {
if(is.null(qcov)) {
eid <- y > u
m <- sum(eid)
theta <- theta[eid,]
# y <- y[eid]
# o <- order(y) # Eric 8/8/13 -- looks like this was not used.
} else {
m <- K
out <- matrix(NA, m, n)
for(i in 1:n) {
z <- revd(m, type="GP")
out[,i] <- revtrans.evd(z=z, threshold=theta[,1], location=theta[,2], scale=theta[,3], shape=theta[,4], type="GP")
} # end of for 'i' loop.
} # end of if else type of EVD stmts.
} # end of if 'is.fixedfevd' stmts.
} # end of 'rextRemes.fevd.bayesian' function.
rextRemes.fevd.mle <- function(x, n, ..., qcov = NULL) {
type <- x$type
if(is.fixedfevd(x)) {
if(missing(n)) n <- x$n
p <- x$results$p
pnames <- names(p)
if(is.element("log.scale", pnames)) {
id <- pnames == "log.scale"
p[id] <- exp(p[id])
pnames[id] <- "scale"
names(p) <- pnames
scale <- p["scale"]
if(x$par.models$log.scale) scale <- exp(scale)
if(type=="GEV") {
loc <- p["location"]
shape <- p["shape"]
u <- 0
} else if(type=="GP") {
loc <- 0
u <- x$threshold
shape <- p["shape"]
} else if(type=="PP") {
loc <- p["location"]
u <- x$threshold
shape <- p["shape"]
scale <- scale + shape * (u - loc)
type <- "GP"
} else if(type=="Gumbel") {
loc <- p["location"]
shape <- 0
type <- "GEV"
u <- 0
} else if(is.element(type, c("Weibull","Frechet"))) {
loc <- p["location"]
shape <- p["shape"]
u <- 0
type <- "GEV"
} else if(type=="Exponential") {
loc <- 0
shape <- 0
u <- x$threshold
type <- "GP"
} else if(is.element(type, c("Beta","Pareto"))) {
loc <- 0
shape <- p["shape"]
u <- x$threshold
type <- "GP"
return(revd(n=n, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, threshold=u, type=type))
} else {
if(missing(n)) n <- 1
p <- findpars(x, qcov = qcov)
if(is.null(qcov)) K <- x$n
else K <- dim(qcov)[1]
if(!is.null(qcov)) u <- qcov[,"threshold"]
else if(is.null(x$threshold)) u <- rep(0, K)
else u <- x$threshold
if(is.null(p$location)) loc <- rep(0, K)
else loc <- p$location
if(is.null(p$shape)) {
if(type=="Gumbel") shape <- rep(0, K)
else shape <- rep(1e-10, K)
} else shape <- p$shape
scale <- p$scale
if(type=="PP") scale <- scale + shape * (u - loc)
theta <- cbind(u, loc, scale, shape)
if(is.null(qcov)) y <- c(datagrabber(x,
if(is.element(type,c("GEV","Gumbel","Weibull","Frechet"))) {
out <- matrix(NA, K, n)
for(i in 1:n) {
z <- revd(K, type="GEV")
out[,i] <- revtrans.evd(z=z, threshold=theta[,1], location=theta[,2], scale=theta[,3], shape=theta[,4], type=type)
} # end of for 'i' loop.
} else {
if(is.null(qcov)) {
eid <- y > u
m <- sum(eid)
theta <- theta[eid,]
} else {
m <- K
out <- matrix(NA, m, n)
if(type=="PP") type2 <- "GP" # Eric -- 8/8/13 -- should we change this to GEV?
else type2 <- type
for(i in 1:n) {
z <- revd(m, type="GP")
out[,i] <- revtrans.evd(z=z, threshold=theta[,1], location=theta[,2], scale=theta[,3], shape=theta[,4], type=type2)
} # end of for 'i' loop.
} # end of 'rextRemes.fevd' function.
pextRemes <- function(x, q, lower.tail=TRUE, ...) {
if(missing(q)) stop("pextRemes: Must specify q argument.")
UseMethod("pextRemes", x)
} # end of 'pextRemes' function.
pextRemes.fevd <- function(x, q, lower.tail=TRUE, ..., qcov=NULL) {
if( x$method == "GMLE" ) newcl <- "mle"
else newcl <- tolower(x$method)
# class(x) <- c( paste("fevd.", newcl, sep=""), class( x ) )
# UseMethod("pextRemes", x)
get( paste( "pextRemes.fevd.", newcl, sep = "" ) )( x = x, q = q, lower.tail = lower.tail, ..., qcov = qcov )
} # end of 'pextRemes.fevd' function.
pextRemes.fevd.lmoments <- function(x, q, lower.tail=TRUE, ...) {
type <- x$type
p <- x$results
pnames <- names(p)
if(is.element("location", pnames)) loc <- p["location"]
else loc <- 0
scale <- p["scale"]
if(is.element("shape", pnames)) shape <- p["shape"]
else shape <- 0
if(!is.null(x$threshold)) u <- x$threshold
else u <- 0
if(type=="Gumbel") type <- "GEV"
else if(type=="Exponential") type <- "GP"
else if(type=="PP") {
scale <- scale + shape * (u - loc)
type <- "GP"
} else if(is.element(type, c("Weibull","Frechet"))) type <- "GEV"
else if(is.element(type, c("Beta","Pareto"))) type <- "GP"
return(pevd(q=q, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, threshold=u, lambda=x$rate, npy=x$npy, type=type, lower.tail=lower.tail))
} # end of 'pextRemes.fevd.lmoments' function.
pextRemes.fevd.bayesian <- function(x, q, lower.tail=TRUE, ..., qcov=NULL,, FUN="mean") {
type <- x$type
p <- x$results
np <- ncol(p) - 1
p <- p[,1:np]
pnames <- colnames(p)
if( > 0) p <- p[-(,]
f <-
p <- apply(p, 2, f)
phi <- x$par.models$log.scale
if(is.fixedfevd(x)) {
if(is.element("location", pnames)) loc <- p["location"]
else loc <- 0
if(phi) scale <- exp(p["log.scale"])
else scale <- p["scale"]
if(is.element("shape", pnames)) shape <- p["shape"]
else shape <- 0
if(!is.null(x$threshold)) u <- x$threshold
else u <- 0
if(type=="Gumbel") type <- "GEV"
else if(type=="Exponential") type <- "GP"
else if(type=="PP") {
scale <- scale + shape * (u - loc)
type <- "GP"
} else if(is.element(type, c("Weibull","Frechet"))) type <- "GEV"
else if(is.element(type, c("Beta","Pareto"))) type <- "GP"
return(pevd(q=q, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, threshold=u, lambda=x$rate, npy=x$npy, type=type, lower.tail=lower.tail))
} else {
n <- length(q)
if(is.element("mu", substring(pnames, 1, 2))) nloc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 2) == "mu")
else if(is.element("location", pnames)) nloc <- 1
else nloc <- 0
if(is.element("phi", substring(pnames, 1, 3))) nsc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 3) == "phi")
else if(is.element("sig", substring(pnames, 1, 3))) nsc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 3) == "sig")
else nsc <- 1
if(is.element("shape", pnames)) nsh <- 1
else if(is.element("xi", substring(pnames, 1, 2))) nsh <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 2) == "xi")
else nsh <- 0
if(is.null(qcov)) {
warning("pextRemes: qcov argument not supplied to non-stationary model. Using intercept terms only and/or if non-constant threshold, using first value.")
qcov <- matrix(0, n, np+1)
qcov[,1] <- 1
if(nloc > 0) qcov[,nloc+1] <- 1
qcov[,nloc+nsc+1] <- 1
if(!is.null(x$threshold)) qcov[,np+1] <- x$threshold[1]
else qcov[,np + 1] <- 0
colnames(qcov) <- c(pnames, "threshold")
if(!is.matrix(qcov)) stop("pextRemes: invalid type for qcov argument. Must be a matrix.")
if(dim(qcov)[2] == np+1) {
if(is.null(colnames(qcov))) colnames(qcov) <- c(pnames, "threshold")
else if(!is.element("threshold", colnames(qcov))) {
warning("pextRemes: qcov columns are named and dimension suggests threshold, but no threshold name. Assuming last column is threshold.")
colnames(qcov) <- c(pnames, "threshold")
} # end of if 'dim(qcov)[2] == np + 1' stmts.
u <- qcov[,"threshold"]
if(nloc==0) loc <- rep(0, n)
else loc <- rowSums(matrix(p[1:nloc], n, nloc, byrow=TRUE) * qcov[,1:nloc])
if(nsh == 0) {
if(type=="Gumbel") shape <- rep(0, n)
else shape <- rep(1e-10, n)
} else shape <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+nsc+1):np], n, nsh, byrow=TRUE) * qcov[,(nloc+nsc+1):np])
scale <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], n, nsc, byrow=TRUE) * qcov[,(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)])
if(phi) scale <- exp(scale)
if(type=="PP") {
scale <- scale + shape * (u - loc)
type <- "GP"
} else if(is.element(type, c("Gumbel","Weibull","Frechet"))) type <- "GEV"
else if(is.element(type, c("Exponential","Beta","Pareto"))) type <- "GP"
theta <- cbind(q, u, loc, scale, shape)
pfun <- function(th, type, rate, npy, lower.tail){
return(pevd(q=th[1], loc=th[3], scale=th[4], shape=th[5], threshold=th[2], lambda=rate, npy=npy, lower.tail=lower.tail))
} # end of internal 'pfun' function.
out <- apply(theta, 1, pfun, type=type, rate=x$rate, npy=x$npy, lower.tail=lower.tail)
} # end of if else 'stationary model' stmts.
} # end of 'pextRemes.fevd.bayesian' function.
pextRemes.fevd.mle <- function(x, q, lower.tail=TRUE, ..., qcov=NULL) {
type <- x$type
p <- x$results$par
pnames <- names(p)
np <- length(p)
phi <- x$par.models$log.scale
if(is.fixedfevd(x)) {
if(phi) scale <- exp(p["log.scale"])
else scale <- p["scale"]
if(type=="GEV") {
loc <- p["location"]
shape <- p["shape"]
u <- 0
} else if(type=="GP") {
loc <- 0
u <- x$threshold
shape <- p["shape"]
} else if(type=="PP") {
loc <- p["location"]
u <- x$threshold
shape <- p["shape"]
scale <- scale + shape * (u - loc)
type <- "GP"
} else if(type=="Gumbel") {
loc <- p["location"]
shape <- 0
type <- "GEV"
u <- 0
} else if(is.element(type, c("Weibull","Frechet"))) {
loc <- p["location"]
shape <- p["shape"]
u <- 0
type <- "GEV"
} else if(type=="Exponential") {
loc <- 0
shape <- 0
u <- x$threshold
type <- "GP"
} else if(is.element(type, c("Beta","Pareto"))) {
loc <- 0
shape <- p["shape"]
u <- x$threshold
type <- "GP"
return(pevd(q=q, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, threshold=u, lambda=x$rate, npy=x$npy, type=type, lower.tail=lower.tail))
} else {
n <- length(q)
if(is.element("mu", substring(pnames, 1, 2))) nloc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 2) == "mu")
else if(is.element("location", pnames)) nloc <- 1
else nloc <- 0
if(is.element("phi", substring(pnames, 1, 3))) nsc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 3) == "phi")
else if(is.element("sig", substring(pnames, 1, 3))) nsc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 3) == "sig")
else nsc <- 1
if(is.element("shape", pnames)) nsh <- 1
else if(is.element("xi", substring(pnames, 1, 2))) nsh <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 2) == "xi")
else nsh <- 0
if(is.null(qcov)) {
warning("pextRemes: qcov argument not supplied to non-stationary model. Using intercept terms only and/or if non-constant threshold, using first value.")
qcov <- matrix(0, n, np+1)
qcov[,1] <- 1
if(nloc > 0) qcov[,nloc+1] <- 1
qcov[,nloc+nsc+1] <- 1
if(!is.null(x$threshold)) qcov[,np+1] <- x$threshold[1]
else qcov[,np + 1] <- 0
colnames(qcov) <- c(pnames, "threshold")
if(!is.matrix(qcov)) stop("pextRemes: invalid type for qcov argument. Must be a matrix.")
if(dim(qcov)[2] == np+1) {
if(is.null(colnames(qcov))) colnames(qcov) <- c(pnames, "threshold")
else if(!is.element("threshold", colnames(qcov))) {
warning("pextRemes: qcov columns are named and dimension suggests threshold, but no threshold name. Assuming last column is threshold.")
colnames(qcov) <- c(pnames, "threshold")
if(!is.element("threshold", colnames(qcov))) {
if(is.null(x$threshold)) qcov <- cbind(qcov, 0)
else if(length(x$threshold)==1) qcov <- cbind(qcov, x$threshold)
else {
warning("pextRemes: non-constant threshold, but threshold values not supplied to qcov argument. Using first value only")
qcov <- cbind(qcov, x$threshold[1])
colnames(qcov) <- c(pnames, "threshold")
if((dim(qcov)[1] != n) || (!is.element(dim(qcov)[2], c(np,np+1)))) {
stop("pextRemes: invalid qcov argument. Must be a matrix with rows equal to the length of q and columns equal to the number of parameters, np, or np + 1.")
u <- qcov[,"threshold"]
if(nloc==0) loc <- rep(0, n)
else loc <- rowSums(matrix(p[1:nloc], n, nloc, byrow=TRUE) * qcov[,1:nloc])
if(nsh == 0) {
if(type=="Gumbel") shape <- rep(0, n)
else shape <- rep(1e-10, n)
} else shape <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+nsc+1):np], n, nsh, byrow=TRUE) * qcov[,(nloc+nsc+1):np])
scale <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], n, nsc, byrow=TRUE) * qcov[,(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)])
if(phi) scale <- exp(scale)
if(type=="PP") {
scale <- scale + shape * (u - loc)
type <- "GP"
} else if(is.element(type, c("Gumbel","Weibull","Frechet"))) type <- "GEV"
else if(is.element(type, c("Exponential","Beta","Pareto"))) type <- "GP"
theta <- cbind(q, u, loc, scale, shape)
pfun <- function(th, type, rate, npy, lower.tail) {
return(pevd(q=th[1], loc=th[3], scale=th[4], shape=th[5], threshold=th[2], lambda=rate, npy=npy, type=type, lower.tail=lower.tail))
} # end of internal 'pfun' function.
out <- apply(theta, 1, pfun, type=type, rate=x$rate, npy=x$npy, lower.tail=lower.tail)
} # end of if else stationary model stmts.
} # end of 'pextRemes.fevd.mle' function
is.fixedfevd <- function(x) {
p <- x$par.models
return(all(c(check.constant(x$threshold), check.constant(p$threshold), check.constant(p$location), check.constant(p$scale), check.constant(p$shape))))
} # end of 'is.fixedfevd' function.
ci.fevd <- function(x, alpha=0.05, type=c("return.level", "parameter"), return.period=100, which.par, R=502, ...) {
if(x$method == "GMLE") newcl <- "fevd.mle"
else newcl <- paste("fevd.", tolower(x$method), sep="")
# class(x) <- c( newcl, class( x ) )
# UseMethod("ci",x)
get( paste( "ci.", newcl, sep = "" ) )( x = x, alpha = alpha, type = type, return.period = return.period, which.par = which.par, R = R, ... )
} # end of 'ci.fevd' function.
ci.fevd.bayesian <- function(x, alpha=0.05, type=c("return.level", "parameter"), return.period=100, which.par=1, FUN="mean",, tscale=FALSE, ...) {
type <- tolower(type)
type <- match.arg(type)
f <-
const <- is.fixedfevd(x)
if(type=="return.level" && !const) return(ci.rl.ns.fevd.bayesian(x = x, alpha = alpha, return.period = return.period, FUN = FUN, =, ...))
pars <- x$results
np <- dim(pars)[2] - 1
pars <- pars[,1:np]
if( > nrow(pars)) stop("ci: > number of MCMC iterations (iter). Must be < iter.")
if( != 0) pars <- pars[-(,]
pnames <- colnames(pars)
iters <- dim(pars)[1]
if(type=="parameter" && missing(which.par)) which.par <- 1:np
if(is.element("log.scale",pnames)) {
id <- pnames=="log.scale"
pars[,id] <- exp(pars[,id])
pnames[id] <- "scale"
colnames(pars) <- pnames
conf.level <- paste(round((1 - alpha)*100, digits=2), "%", sep="")
if(type == "return.level") {
if(is.element("location",pnames)) loc <- pars[,"location"]
else loc <- rep(0, iters)
scale <- pars[,"scale"]
if(is.element("shape",pnames)) shape <- pars[,"shape"]
else shape <- rep(0, iters)
if(!is.null(x$threshold)) u <- x$threshold
else u <- 0
theta.sam <- cbind(loc, scale, shape)
rlfun <- function(th, pd, u, type, npy, rate) rlevd(period=pd, loc=th[1], scale=th[2], shape=th[3], threshold=u, type=type, npy=npy, rate=rate)
theta.sam <- apply(theta.sam, 1, rlfun, pd=return.period, u=u, type=x$type, npy=x$npy, rate=x$rate)
if(is.matrix(theta.sam)) {
if(FUN=="mean") theta.hat <- rowMeans(theta.sam)
else theta.hat <- apply(theta.sam, 1, f, ...)
bds <- apply(theta.sam, 1, quantile, probs=c(alpha/2,1-alpha/2))
est.names <- paste(names(theta.hat), "-", x$period.basis, " level", sep="")
bds.names <- rownames(bds)
out <- cbind(bds[1,], theta.hat, bds[2,])
rownames(out) <- est.names
colnames(out) <- c(bds.names[1], "Posterior Mean", bds.names[2])
} else {
if(FUN=="mean") theta.hat <- mean(theta.sam)
else theta.hat <- f(theta.sam)
bds <- quantile(theta.sam, probs=c(alpha/2,1-alpha/2))
out <- c(bds[1], theta.hat, bds[2])
names(out) <- c(paste(conf.level, " lower CI", sep=""),
paste("Posterior Mean ", return.period, "-", x$period.basis, " level", sep=""),
paste(conf.level, " upper CI", sep=""))
} else if(type=="parameter") {
theta.hat <- colMeans(pars)
est.names <- names(theta.hat)
if(tscale) {
if(!const && !is.element("scale",est.names) && !is.element("shape",est.names)) stop("ci: invalid argument configurations.")
if(!is.element(x$type, c("GP","Beta","Pareto"))) stop("ci: invalid argument configurations.")
pars[,"scale"] <- pars[,"scale"] - pars[,"shape"] * x$threshold
est.names[est.names == "scale"] <- "tscale"
colnames(pars) <- est.names
theta.hat["scale"] <- theta.hat["scale"] - theta.hat["shape"] * x$threshold
names(theta.hat) <- est.names
theta.hat <- theta.hat[which.par]
est.names <- est.names[which.par]
bds <- apply(pars, 2, quantile, probs=c(alpha/2,1-alpha/2))
if(is.matrix(bds)) bds <- bds[,which.par]
else bds <- bds[which.par]
if(is.matrix(bds)) {
bds.names <- rownames(bds)
out <- cbind(bds[1,], theta.hat, bds[2,])
rownames(out) <- est.names
colnames(out) <- c(bds.names[1], "Posterior Mean", bds.names[2])
} else {
out <- c(bds[1], theta.hat, bds[2])
names(out) <- c(paste(conf.level, " lower CI", sep=""),
paste("Posterior Mean ", est.names, " parameter", sep=""),
paste(conf.level, " upper CI", sep=""))
} else stop("ci: invalid type parameter.")
attr(out, "") <- x$call
attr(out, "method") <- "Quantiles of MCMC Sample from Posterior Distribution"
attr(out, "conf.level") <- (1 - alpha) * 100
class(out) <- "ci"
} # end of 'ci.fevd.bayesian' function.
ci.fevd.lmoments <- function(x, alpha=0.05, type=c("return.level", "parameter"), return.period=100, which.par, R=502, tscale=FALSE, return.samples=FALSE, ...) {
type <- tolower(type)
type <- match.arg(type)
p <- x$results
pnames <- names(p)
np <- length(p)
if(type=="parameter" && missing(which.par)) which.par <- 1:np
if(is.element(x$type, c("GEV","Gumbel","Frechet","Weibull"))) n <- x$n
else {
look <- datagrabber(x,
eid <- look > x$threshold
n <- sum(eid)
z <- rextRemes(x, n=R * n)
z <- matrix(z, n, R)
if(!is.element(x$type, c("GEV","Gumbel","Frechet","Weibull"))) {
z2 <- matrix(x$threshold, x$n, R)
z2[eid,] <- z
z <- z2
bfun <- function(y, ...) distill(fevd(y, ...))
if(x$type=="GEV") sam <- apply(z, 2, bfun, method="Lmoments")
else sam <- apply(z, 2, bfun, threshold=x$threshold, type=x$type, method="Lmoments", span=x$span)
if(tscale) {
if(!is.element(x$type, c("GP","Beta","Pareto"))) stop("ci: invalid argument configurations.")
sam["scale",] <- sam["scale",] - sam["shape",] * x$threshold
pnames[pnames == "scale"] <- "tscale"
rownames(sam) <- pnames
if(return.samples) {
if(is.matrix(sam)) out <- t(sam)
else out <- cbind(sam)
if(type=="parameter") return(out)
if(type=="return.level") {
if(is.element("location",pnames)) {
loc <- sam["location",]
loc0 <- p["location"]
} else loc <- loc0 <- 0
scale <- sam["scale",]
scale0 <- p["scale"]
if(is.element("shape",pnames)) {
shape <- sam["shape",]
shape0 <- p["shape"]
} else shape <- shape0 <- 0
if(!is.null(x$threshold)) u <- x$threshold
else u <- 0
theta <- rbind(loc, scale, shape)
rlfun <- function(th, ...) rlevd(period=return.period, loc=th[1], scale=th[2], shape=th[3], ...)
sam <- apply(theta, 2, rlfun, threshold=u, type=x$type, npy=x$npy, rate=x$rate)
if(is.matrix(sam)) rownames(sam) <- paste(return.period, "-", x$period.basis, sep="")
else <- paste(return.period, "-", x$period.basis, " level", sep="")
if(return.samples) {
if(is.matrix(sam)) out <- cbind(out, t(sam))
else {
out <- cbind(out, c(sam))
onames <- colnames(out)
colnames(out) <- c(onames[-length(onames)],
theta.hat <- rlevd(period=return.period, loc=loc0, scale=scale0, shape=shape0, threshold=u, type=x$type, npy=x$npy, rate=x$rate)
} else {
theta.hat <- p
if(tscale) {
if(!is.element(x$type, c("GP","Beta","Pareto"))) stop("ci: scale parameter is not a function of threshold for this df.")
sam["scale",] <- sam["scale",] - sam["shape",] * x$threshold
pnames[pnames == "scale"] <- "tscale"
rownames(sam) <- pnames
theta.hat["scale"] <- theta.hat["scale"] - theta.hat["shape"] * x$threshold
names(theta.hat) <- pnames
sam <- sam[which.par,]
if(!is.matrix(sam)) names(sam) <- pnames[which.par]
if(is.matrix(sam)) {
out <- apply(sam, 1, quantile, probs=c(alpha/2, 1 - alpha/2))
out.names <- rownames(out)
out <- rbind(out[1,], theta.hat, out[2,])
rownames(out) <- c(out.names[1], "Estimate", out.names[2])
colnames(out) <- rownames(sam)
out <- t(out)
} else {
out <- quantile(sam, probs=c(alpha/2, 1 - alpha/2))
onames <- names(out)
out <- c(out[1], theta.hat, out[2])
if(type=="parameter") names(out) <- c(onames[1], pnames[which.par], onames[2])
else names(out) <- c(onames[1], paste(return.period, "-", x$period.basis, " level", sep=""), onames[2])
attr(out, "method") <- "Parametric Bootstrap"
attr(out, "") <- x$call
attr(out, "conf.level") <- (1 - alpha) * 100
attr(out, "R") <- R
class(out) <- "ci"
} # end of 'ci.fevd.lmoments' function.
ci.fevd.mle <- function(x, alpha=0.05, type=c("return.level", "parameter"), return.period=100, which.par=1, R=502,
method=c("normal","boot","proflik"), xrange=NULL, nint=20, verbose=FALSE, tscale=FALSE,
return.samples=FALSE, ...) {
if(missing(method)) miss.meth <- TRUE
else miss.meth <- FALSE
method <- tolower(method)
method <- match.arg(method)
type <- tolower(type)
type <- match.arg(type)
theta.hat <- x$results$par
theta.names <- names(theta.hat)
np <- length(theta.hat)
if(type=="parameter" && missing(which.par)) which.par <- 1:np
if(any(theta.names=="log.scale")) {
id <- theta.names=="log.scale"
theta.hat[id] <- exp(theta.hat[id])
theta.names[id] <- "scale"
names(theta.hat) <- theta.names
const <- is.fixedfevd(x)
if(type=="return.level") <- paste(return.period, "-", x$period.basis, " return level", sep="")
else if(type=="parameter") <- theta.names[which.par]
if(type=="return.level" && !const) {
return(ci.rl.ns.fevd.mle(x = x, alpha = alpha, return.period = return.period, method = method, verbose = verbose, return.samples = return.samples, ...))
# stop("ci: Sorry, no current functionality for finding CI of effective return levels.")
if(type=="parameter") p <- theta.hat[which.par]
else {
if(is.element(x$type, c("PP","GP","Beta","Pareto","Exponential"))) lam <- mean(c(datagrabber(x)[,1]) > x$threshold)
else lam <- 1
if(is.element(x$type, c("PP","GEV","Gumbel","Weibull","Frechet"))) loc <- theta.hat["location"]
else loc <- 0
scale <- theta.hat["scale"]
if(!is.element(x$type, c("Gumbel","Exponential"))) shape <- theta.hat["shape"]
else shape <- 0
if(x$type == "PP") mod <- "GEV"
else mod <- x$type
p <- rlevd(period=return.period, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, threshold=x$threshold, type=mod, npy=x$npy, rate=lam)
if(verbose) {
cat("\n", "Preparing to calculate ", (1 - alpha)*100, "% CI for ",
ifelse(type=="return.level", paste(return.period, "-", x$period.basis, " return level", sep=""),
paste(, " parameter", sep="")), "\n")
cat("\n", "Model is ", ifelse(const, " fixed", " non-stationary."), "\n")
if(method=="normal") cat("\n", "Using Normal Approximation Method.\n")
else if(method=="boot") cat("\n", "Using Bootstrap Method.\n")
else if(method=="proflik") cat("\n", "Using Profile Likelihood Method.\n")
if(method=="normal") { <- "Normal Approx."
z.alpha <- qnorm(alpha/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
cov.theta <- parcov.fevd(x)
if(is.null(cov.theta)) stop("ci: Sorry, unable to calculate the parameter covariance matrix. Maybe try a different method.")
var.theta <- diag(cov.theta)
if(any(var.theta < 0)) stop("ci: negative Std. Err. estimates obtained. Not trusting any of them.")
if(type=="parameter") {
se.theta <- sqrt(var.theta)
if(tscale) {
if(!const && !is.element("scale",theta.names) && !is.element("shape",theta.names) && !all(x$threshold == x$threshold[1])) {
stop("ci: invalid argument configurations.")
if(!is.element(x$type, c("GP","Beta","Pareto"))) stop("ci: invalid argument configurations.")
theta.hat["scale"] <- theta.hat["scale"] - theta.hat["shape"] * x$threshold
theta.names[theta.names == "scale"] <- "tscale"
if(!any(theta.names[which.par] == "tscale")) stop("ci: invalid argument configurations.")
names(theta.hat) <- theta.names
p <- theta.hat[which.par]
d <- rbind(1, -x$threshold)
names(se.theta) <- theta.names
se.theta["tscale"] <- sqrt(t(d) %*% cov.theta %*% d)
} else se.theta <- sqrt(var.theta)[which.par]
se.theta <- se.theta[which.par] <- theta.names[which.par]
} else if(type=="return.level") {
grads <- rlgrad.fevd(x, period=return.period)
grads <- t(grads)
if(is.element(x$type,c("GP","Beta","Pareto", "Exponential"))) {
if(x$type=="Exponential") cov.theta <- diag(c(lam * (1 - lam)/x$n, var.theta))
else cov.theta <- rbind(c(lam * (1 - lam)/x$n, 0, 0), cbind(0, cov.theta))
} else lam <- 1
var.theta <- t(grads) %*% cov.theta %*% grads # CJP2: took out sqrt as taking sqrt of off-diags
} else stop("ci: invalid type argument. Must be return.level or parameter.")
if(length(p) > 1) {
if(type=="return.level") se.theta <- sqrt(diag(var.theta))
out <- cbind(p - z.alpha * se.theta, p, p + z.alpha * se.theta)
rownames(out) <-
conf.level <- paste(round((1 - alpha)*100, digits=2), "%", sep="")
colnames(out) <- c(paste(conf.level, " lower CI", sep=""), "Estimate", paste(conf.level, " upper CI", sep=""))
attr(out, "") <- x$call
attr(out, "method") <-
attr(out, "conf.level") <- (1 - alpha) * 100
class(out) <- "ci"
} else out <- c(p - z.alpha * sqrt(var.theta[ which.par ]), p, p + z.alpha * sqrt(var.theta[ which.par ])) # CJP2 - using var.theta
} else if(method=="boot") { <- "Parametric Bootstrap"
if(verbose) cat("\n", "Simulating data from fitted model. Size = ", R, "\n")
if(const) {
if(is.null(x$blocks)) { # CJP
Z <- rextRemes(x, n=R * x$n)
Z <- matrix(Z, x$n, R)
} else {
Z <- rextRemes(x, n = round(R*x$npy*x$blocks$nBlocks))
Z <- matrix(Z, round(x$npy*x$blocks$nBlocks), R)
} else Z <- rextRemes(x, n=R)
if(verbose) cat("\n", "Simulated data found.\n")
y <- datagrabber(x, response=FALSE)
if(is.element(x$type, c("PP", "GP", "Exponential", "Beta", "Pareto"))) {
x2 <- datagrabber(x,
eid <- x2 > x$threshold
Z2 <- matrix(x$threshold, x$n, R)
Z2[eid,] <- Z[eid,]
Z <- Z2
lam <- mean(eid)
} else {
eid <- !logical(x$n)
lam <- 1
ipar <- list()
if(any(is.element(c("location","mu0"), theta.names))) {
if(is.element("location", theta.names)) ipar$location <- theta.hat["location"]
else {
id <- substring(theta.names,1,2) == "mu"
ipar$location <- theta.hat[id]
if(is.element("scale",theta.names)) ipar$scale <- theta.hat["scale"]
else {
if(!x$par.models$log.scale) id <- substring(theta.names,1,3) == "sig"
else id <- substring(theta.names, 1, 3) == "phi"
ipar$scale <- theta.hat[id]
if(!is.element(x$type, c("Gumbel","Exponential"))) {
if(is.element("shape",theta.names)) ipar$shape <- theta.hat["shape"]
else {
id <- substring(theta.names, 1, 2) == "xi"
ipar$shape <- theta.hat[id]
bfun <- function(z, x, y, p, ipar, eid, rate) {
pm <- x$par.models
if(is.null(y)) fit <- fevd(x=z, threshold=x$threshold,$location,$scale,$shape,
use.phi=pm$log.scale, type=x$type, method=x$method, initial=ipar, span=x$span,
time.units=x$time.units, period.basis=x$period.basis, optim.args=x$optim.args,
priorFun=x$priorFun, priorParams=x$priorParams, verbose=FALSE)
else fit <- fevd(x=z, data=y, threshold=x$threshold,$location,$scale,$shape,
use.phi=pm$log.scale, type=x$type, method=x$method, initial=ipar, span=x$span,
time.units=x$time.units, period.basis=x$period.basis, optim.args=x$optim.args,
priorFun=x$priorFun, priorParams=x$priorParams, verbose=FALSE)
fit$ <- y
res <- distill(fit, cov=FALSE)
} # end of internal 'bfun' function.
if(verbose) cat("\n", "Fitting model to simulated data sets (this may take a while!).")
if(type=="parameter") {
sam <- apply(Z, 2, bfun, x=x, y=y, ipar=ipar)
if(tscale) {
if(!const && !is.element("scale",theta.names) && !is.element("shape",theta.names)) stop("ci: invalid argument configurations.")
if(!is.element(x$type, c("GP","Beta","Pareto"))) stop("ci: invalid argument configurations.")
sam["scale",] <- sam["scale",] - sam["shape",] * x$threshold
theta.hat["scale"] <- theta.hat["scale"] - theta.hat["shape"] * x$threshold
theta.names[theta.names == "scale"] <- "tscale"
rownames(sam) <- theta.names
names(theta.hat) <- theta.names
} # end of if 'tscale' stmts.
sam <- sam[which.par,]
if(return.samples) return(t(sam))
} else if(type=="return.level") {
pars <- apply(Z, 2, bfun, x=x, y=y, ipar=ipar)[1:np,]
th.est <- numeric(3)
if(is.element(x$type, c("PP","GEV","Gumbel","Weibull","Frechet"))) {
loc <- pars["location",]
th.est[1] <- theta.hat["location"]
} else loc <- rep(0, R)
scale <- pars["scale",]
th.est[2] <- theta.hat["scale"]
if(!is.element(x$type, c("Gumbel","Exponential"))) {
shape <- pars["shape",]
th.est[3] <- theta.hat["shape"]
} else {
shape <- rep(1e-10, R)
th.est[3] <- 1e-8
if(return.samples) out <- t(pars)
th <- rbind(loc, scale, shape)
rlfun <- function(theta, p, u, type, npy, rate) rlevd(period=p, loc=theta[1], scale=theta[2], shape=theta[3], threshold=u, type=type, npy=npy, rate=rate)
if(x$type=="PP") mod <- "GEV"
else mod <- x$type
sam <- apply(th, 2, rlfun, p=return.period, u=x$threshold, type=mod, npy=x$npy, rate=lam)
if(is.matrix(sam)) rownames(sam) <- paste(rownames(sam), "-", x$period.basis, sep="")
else <- paste(return.period, "-", x$period.basis, sep="")
if(return.samples) {
if(is.matrix(sam)) out <- cbind(pars, t(sam))
else {
onames <- colnames(out)
out <- cbind(out, sam)
colnames(out) <- c(onames,
theta.hat <- rlevd(period=return.period, loc=th.est[1], scale=th.est[2], shape=th.est[3], threshold=x$threshold, type=x$type, npy=x$npy, rate=lam)
} else stop("ci: invalid type argument. Must be return.level or parameter.")
if(is.matrix(sam)) {
out <- apply(sam, 1, quantile, probs=c(alpha/2, 1 - alpha/2))
out.names <- rownames(out)
out <- rbind(out[1,], theta.hat, out[2,])
rownames(out) <- c(out.names[1], "Estimate", out.names[2])
colnames(out) <- rownames(sam)
out <- t(out)
attr(out, "") <- x$call
attr(out, "method") <-
attr(out, "conf.level") <- (1 - alpha) * 100
attr(out, "R") <- R
class(out) <- "ci"
} else {
out <- quantile(sam, probs=c(alpha/2, 1 - alpha/2))
out <- c(out[1], mean(sam), out[2])
attr(out, "R") <- R
if(verbose) cat("\n", "Finished fitting model to simulated data.\n")
} else if( method == "proflik" ) {
if(x$type == "PP" && !is.null(x$blocks)) stop("ci: cannot do profile likelihood with blocks.") # CJP
if(tscale) stop("ci: invalid argument configurations.")
if( type == "parameter" && length( which.par ) > 1 ) stop("ci: can only do one parameter at a time with profile likelihood method.")
else if( type == "return.level" && length( return.period ) > 1 ) stop("ci: can only do one return level at a time with profile likelihood method.") <- "Profile Likelihood"
if(verbose) {
if(x$type != "PP") cat("\n", "Calculating profile likelihood. This may take a few moments.\n")
else cat("\n", "Calculating profile likelihood. This may take several moments.\n")
if(is.null(xrange)) {
hold2 <- c(ci(x, alpha=alpha, method="normal", type=type, return.period=return.period, which.par=which.par))[c(1,3)]
# if(!any( xrange <- c(p - hold2[1], p + hold2[2])
if(!any( xrange <- range(c(hold2, log2(hold2), 4 * hold2, hold2 - 4 * hold2, hold2 + 4 * hold2), finite = TRUE)
else if(![2])) xrange <- range(c(p - 2 * abs(log2(abs(p))), hold2[2], 4 * hold2[2], -4 * hold2[2], log2(p)), finite = TRUE)
else if(![1])) xrange <- range(c(p - 2 * abs(log2(abs(p))), hold2[1], 4 * hold2[1], -4 * hold2[1], log2(p)), finite = TRUE)
else if(all( xrange <- c(p - 2 * abs(log2(abs(p))), p + 2 * abs(log2(abs(p))))
# else if(![2])) xrange <- c(p - 2 * abs(log2(abs(p))), p + hold2[2])
# else if(![1])) xrange <- c(p - hold2[1], p + 2 * abs(log2(abs(p))))
# else if(all( xrange <- c(p - 2 * abs(log2(abs(p))), p + 2 * abs(log2(abs(p))))
if(verbose) cat("\n", "Using a range of ", xrange[1], " to ", xrange[2], "\n")
if(is.null(x$blocks)) {
if(!is.null(xrange)) hold <- profliker(x, type=type, xrange=xrange, return.period=return.period, which.par=which.par, nint=nint, plot=verbose, ...)
else hold <- profliker(x, type=type, return.period=return.period, which.par=which.par, nint=nint, plot=verbose, ...)
} else stop("Sorry: profile likelihood with blocks is not supported.")
# CJP: I haven't figured out if we can implement the profile likelihood with the blocks approach
ma <- -x$results$value
crit <- ma - 0.5 * qchisq(1 - alpha, 1)
if(verbose) {
cat("\n", "Profile likelihood has been calculated. Now, trying to find where it crosses the critical value = ", crit, "\n")
abline(h=crit, col="blue")
crit2 <- ma - 0.5 * qchisq((1 - alpha)+abs(log2(1-alpha))/2, 1)
id <- hold > crit2
z <- seq(xrange[1], xrange[2], length=length(hold))
z <- z[id]
parlik <- hold[id]
smth <- spline(z, parlik, n=200)
ind <- smth$y > crit
out <- range(smth$x[ind])
if(verbose) abline(v=out, lty=2, col="darkblue", lwd=2)
out <- c(out[1], p, out[2])
} else stop("ci: invalid method argument.")
conf.level <- paste(round((1 - alpha)*100, digits=2), "%", sep="")
names(out) <- c(paste(conf.level, " lower CI", sep=""),, paste(conf.level, " upper CI", sep=""))
attr(out, "") <- x$call
attr(out, "method") <-
attr(out, "conf.level") <- (1 - alpha) * 100
class(out) <- "ci"
} # end of 'ci.fevd.mle' function.
return.level.ns.fevd.bayesian <- function(x, return.period = 100, ..., = 499, FUN = "mean", = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, qcov = NULL, qcov.base = NULL) {
if( res <- ci.rl.ns.fevd.bayesian(x = x, return.period = return.period, =, FUN = FUN, qcov = qcov, qcov.base = qcov.base, verbose = verbose, ...)
else res <- erlevd(x, period = return.period)
attr(res, "return.period") <- return.period
attr(res, "") <- x$
attr(res, "") <- x$call
attr(res, "call") <-
attr(res, "fit.type") <- x$type
attr(res, "data.assumption") <- "non-stationary"
attr(res, "period") <- x$period.basis
attr(res, "units") <- x$units
attr(res, "class") <- "return.level"
if(! {
attr(res, "conf.level") <- NULL
class(res) <- "return.level"
} else class(res) <- c("return.level", "ci")
} # end of 'return.level.ns.fevd.bayesian'
ci.rl.ns.fevd.bayesian <- function(x, alpha = 0.05, return.period = 100, FUN = "mean", = 499, ..., qcov = NULL, qcov.base = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
if(verbose) begin.tiid <- Sys.time()
if(length(return.period) > 1) stop("ci.rl.ns.fevd.bayesian: return.period must have length 1.")
conf.level <- paste(round((1 - alpha) * 100, digits = 2), "%", sep = "")
np <- dim(x$results)[2] - 1
if( > 0) p <- x$results[-(, 1:np]
else p <- x$results[, 1:np]
pnames <- colnames(p)
ni <- dim(p)[1]
if(is.null(qcov) && !is.null(qcov.base)) {
warning("ci.rl.ns.fevd.bayesian: qcov must be supplied if qcov.base is supplied. Continuing as if qcov.base were qcov, and qcov.base were NULL.")
qcov <- qcov.base
qcov.base <- NULL
rlfun <- function(th, pd, type, npy, rate) {
return(rlevd(period = pd, loc = th[1], scale = th[2], shape = th[3], threshold = th[4], type = type, npy = npy, rate = rate))
} # end of internal 'rlfun' function.
if(!is.null(qcov)) {
if(verbose) cat("\n", "Calculating ", return.period, "-year effective return levels based on qcov.\n")
nq <- dim(qcov)[1]
## Setting up parameter matrices so that they have the same number of rows as the MCMC (less
## and columns equal to the number of rows in the 'qcov' matrix.
# Set up location matrix
if(is.element("location", pnames)) {
loc <- matrix(p[, "location"], ni, nq)
nloc <- 1
} else if(is.element("mu", substring(pnames, 1, 2))) {
nloc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 2) == "mu")
loc <- matrix(NA, ni, nq)
for(i in 1:nq) loc[,i] <- rowSums(p[, 1:nloc, drop = FALSE] * matrix(qcov[i, 1:nloc], ni, nloc, byrow = TRUE))
} else {
loc <- matrix(0, ni, nq)
nloc <- 0
} # end of setting up location matrix stmts.
# Set up scale matrix.
if(is.element("log.scale", pnames)) {
nsc <- 1
scale <- matrix(exp(p[, "log.scale"]), ni, nq)
} else if(is.element("scale", pnames)) {
nsc <- 1
scale <- matrix(p[, "scale"], ni, nq)
} else if(is.element("sig", substring(pnames, 1, 3))) {
nsc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 3) == "sig")
scale <- matrix(NA, ni, nq)
for(i in 1:nq) scale[,i] <- rowSums(p[, (nloc + 1):(nloc + nsc), drop = FALSE] * matrix(qcov[i, (nloc + 1):(nloc + nsc)], ni, nsc, byrow = TRUE))
} else if(is.element("phi", substring(pnames, 1, 3))) {
nsc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 3) == "phi")
scale <- matrix(NA, ni, nq)
for(i in 1:nq) scale[,i] <- rowSums(p[, (nloc + 1):(nloc + nsc), drop = FALSE] * matrix(qcov[i, (nloc + 1):(nloc + nsc)], ni, nsc, byrow = TRUE))
scale <- exp(scale)
# Set up shape matrix
if(is.element("shape", pnames)) {
nsh <- 1
shape <- matrix(p[, "shape"], ni, nq)
} else if(is.element("xi", substring(pnames, 1, 2))) {
nsh <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 2) == "xi")
shape <- matrix(NA, ni, nq)
for(i in 1:nq) rowSums(p[, (nloc + nsc + 1):(nloc + nsc + nsh), drop = FALSE] * matrix(qcov[i, (nloc + nsc + 1):(nloc + nsc + nsh)], ni, nsh, byrow = TRUE))
} else {
nsh <- 0
shape <- matrix(0, ni, nq)
u <- matrix(qcov[, "threshold"], ni, nq, byrow = TRUE)
rlmat <- matrix(NA, ni, nq)
for(i in 1:nq) rlmat[,i] <- apply(cbind(loc[,i], scale[,i], shape[,i], u[,i]), 1, rlfun, pd = return.period, type = x$type, npy = x$npy, rate = x$rate)
if(!is.null(qcov.base)) {
if(dim(qcov.base)[1] != nq) stop("ci.rl.ns.fevd.bayesian: qcov.base must have same number of rows as qcov.")
# Set up location matrix
if(is.element("location", pnames)) {
loc <- matrix(p[, "location"], ni, nq)
nloc <- 1
} else if(is.element("mu", substring(pnames, 1, 2))) {
nloc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 2) == "mu")
loc <- matrix(NA, ni, nq)
for(i in 1:nq) loc[,i] <- rowSums(p[, 1:nloc, drop = FALSE] * matrix(qcov.base[i, 1:nloc], ni, nloc, byrow = TRUE))
} else {
loc <- matrix(0, ni, nq)
nloc <- 0
} # end of setting up location matrix stmts.
# Set up scale matrix.
if(is.element("log.scale", pnames)) {
nsc <- 1
scale <- matrix(exp(p[, "log.scale"]), ni, nq)
} else if(is.element("scale", pnames)) {
nsc <- 1
scale <- matrix(p[, "scale"], ni, nq)
} else if(is.element("sig", substring(pnames, 1, 3))) {
nsc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 3) == "sig")
scale <- matrix(NA, ni, nq)
for(i in 1:nq) scale[,i] <- rowSums(p[, (nloc + 1):(nloc + nsc), drop = FALSE] * matrix(qcov.base[i, (nloc + 1):(nloc + nsc)], ni, nsc, byrow = TRUE))
} else if(is.element("phi", substring(pnames, 1, 3))) {
nsc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 3) == "phi")
scale <- matrix(NA, ni, nq)
for(i in 1:nq) scale[,i] <- rowSums(p[, (nloc + 1):(nloc + nsc), drop = FALSE] * matrix(qcov.base[i, (nloc + 1):(nloc + nsc)], ni, nsc, byrow = TRUE))
scale <- exp(scale)
# Set up shape matrix
if(is.element("shape", pnames)) {
nsh <- 1
shape <- matrix(p[, "shape"], ni, nq)
} else if(is.element("xi", substring(pnames, 1, 2))) {
nsh <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 2) == "xi")
shape <- matrix(NA, ni, nq)
for(i in 1:nq) rowSums(p[, (nloc + nsc + 1):(nloc + nsc + nsh), drop = FALSE] * matrix(qcov.base[i, (nloc + nsc + 1):(nloc + nsc + nsh)], ni, nsh, byrow = TRUE))
} else {
nsh <- 0
shape <- matrix(0, ni, nq)
u <- matrix(qcov[, "threshold"], ni, nq, byrow = TRUE)
rlmat2 <- matrix(NA, ni, nq)
for(i in 1:nq) rlmat2[,i] <- apply(cbind(loc[,i], scale[,i], shape[,i], u[,i]), 1, rlfun, pd = return.period, type = x$type, npy = x$npy, rate = x$rate)
res <- rlmat - rlmat2
} else {
res <- rlmat
} # end of if 'qcov.base' stmts.
} else {
if(verbose) cat("\n", "Calculating ", return.period, "-year effective return levels based on data covariates.\n")
# Cannot use 'findpars' because we want parameters for every value of covariate at every iteration of MCMC chain.
designs <-
X.loc <- designs$X.loc
if(!is.null(X.loc)) nloc <- ncol(X.loc)
else nloc <- 0 <- designs$
nsc <- ncol( <- designs$
if(!is.null( nsh <- ncol(
else nsh <- 0
# loc <- scale <- shape <- res <- matrix(NA, x$n, ni)
if(is.null(X.loc)) loc <- matrix(0, x$n, ni)
if(is.null( shape <- matrix(0, x$n, ni)
if(is.null(x$threshold)) u <- matrix(0, x$n, ni)
else u <- matrix(x$threshold, x$n, ni)
parfinder <- function(z, y) {
return(rowSums(t(z * t(y)), na.rm = TRUE))
} # end of internal 'parfinder' function.
if(verbose) cat("\n", "Finding effective parameters for each iteration of MCMC sample.\n")
if(is.null(X.loc)) loc <- matrix(0, ni, x$n)
else loc <- apply(p[, 1:nloc, drop = FALSE], 1, parfinder, y = X.loc)
scale <- apply(p[, (nloc+1):(nloc+nsc), drop = FALSE], 1, parfinder, y =
if(is.element("log.scale", pnames) || is.element("phi", substring(pnames, 1, 3))) scale <- exp(scale)
if(is.null( shape <- matrix(0, ni, x$n)
else shape <- apply(p[, (nloc+nsc+1):np, drop = FALSE], 1, parfinder, y =
do.rl <- function(id, z, u, pd, type, npy, rate, verbose) {
if(verbose && id <= 5) cat(id, " ")
else if(verbose && (id %% 100 == 0)) cat(id, " ")
theta <- cbind(z$loc[,id], z$scale[,id], z$shape[,id], z$threshold[,id])
id <- theta[,3] == 0
res <- numeric(dim(theta)[1]) + NA
if(is.element(type, c("GEV","PP", "Gumbel"))) {
p <- 1 - 1/pd
if(any(id)) res[id] <- theta[id,1] - theta[id,2] * log(-log(p))
if(any(!id)) res[!id] <- theta[!id,1] + theta[!id,2] * ((-log(p))^(-theta[!id,3]) - 1)/theta[!id,3]
} else if(is.element(type, c("GP", "Exponential"))) {
m <- pd * npy * rate
if(any(id)) res[id] <- theta[id,4] + theta[id,2] * log(m)
if(any(!id)) res[!id] <- theta[!id,4] + (theta[!id,2]/theta[!id,3]) * (m^(theta[!id,3]) - 1)
} # end of internal 'do.rl' function.
hold <- list(loc = loc, scale = scale, shape = shape, threshold = u)
if(verbose) cat("\n", "Calculating the return levels for ", ni, " samples after burn in period.\n")
res <- t(apply(matrix(1:ni, ncol = 1), 1, do.rl, z = hold, pd = 100, type = x$type, npy = x$npy, rate = x$rate, verbose = verbose))
} # end of if else 'qcov' stmts.
out <- cbind(c(apply(res, 2, quantile, probs = alpha / 2)), c(apply(res, 2, FUN, ...)), c(apply(res, 2, quantile, probs = 1 - alpha / 2)))
colnames(out) <- c(paste(conf.level, " lower CI", sep = ""), "Estimate", paste(conf.level, " upper CI", sep = ""))
attr(out, "conf.level") <- (1 - alpha) * 100
class(out) <- "ci"
attr(out, "return.period") <- return.period
attr(out, "") <- x$
attr(out, "") <- x$call
attr(out, "call") <-
attr(out, "fit.type") <- x$type
attr(out, "data.assumption") <- "non-stationary"
attr(out, "period") <- x$period.basis
attr(out, "units") <- x$units
attr(out, "class") <- "ci"
if(verbose) {
cat("\n", "Return levels and CIs estimated.\n")
print(Sys.time() - begin.tiid)
} # end of 'ci.rl.ns.fevd.bayesian' function.
ci.rl.ns.fevd.mle <- function(x, alpha = 0.05, return.period = 100, method = c("normal"), verbose = FALSE, qcov = NULL, qcov.base = NULL, ...) {
method <- tolower(method)
method <- match.arg(method)
# if(method != "normal") stop("ci.rl.ns.fevd.mle: Currently only normal approximation method available for non-stationary MLE models.") <- paste(return.period, "-", x$period.basis, " return level", sep = "")
if (verbose) {
cat("\n", "Preparing to calculate ", (1 - alpha) *
100, "% CI for ", paste(return.period, "-", x$period.basis,
" return level", sep = ""), "\n")
cat("\n", "Model is non-stationary.\n")
# if(method == "normal")
cat("\n", "Using Normal Approximation Method.\n")
# else if(method == "boot") cat("\n", "Using Parametric Boot strap method with ", R, " replicate samples.\n")
if(method == "normal") <- "Normal Approx."
# else if(method == "boot") <- "Parametric Bootstrap"
if(method == "normal") {
res <- return.level.ns.fevd.mle(x = x, return.period = return.period, ..., = FALSE, verbose = verbose, qcov = qcov, qcov.base = qcov.base)
z.alpha <- qnorm(alpha/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
cov.theta <- parcov.fevd(x)
if (is.null(cov.theta))
stop("ci: Sorry, unable to calculate the parameter covariance matrix. Maybe try a different method.")
var.theta <- diag(cov.theta)
if (any(var.theta < 0))
stop("ci: negative Std. Err. estimates obtained. Not trusting any of them.")
grads <- t(rlgrad.fevd(x, period = return.period, qcov = qcov,
qcov.base = qcov.base))
se.theta <- sqrt(diag(t(grads) %*% cov.theta %*% grads))
out <- cbind(c(res) - z.alpha * se.theta, c(res), c(res) + z.alpha * se.theta, se.theta)
if (length(return.period) > 1)
rownames(out) <-
else rownames(out) <- NULL
conf.level <- paste(round((1 - alpha) * 100, digits = 2),
"%", sep = "")
colnames(out) <- c(paste(conf.level, " lower CI", sep = ""),
"Estimate", paste(conf.level, " upper CI", sep = ""),
"Standard Error")
} else if(method == "boot") {
stop("ci.rl.ns.fevd.mle: Sorry, this functionality has not yet been added.")
attr(out, "") <- x$call
attr(out, "method") <-
attr(out, "conf.level") <- (1 - alpha) * 100
class(out) <- "ci"
} # end of 'ci.rl.ns.fevd.mle' function.
rlgrad.fevd <- function(x, period=100, qcov=NULL, qcov.base=NULL) { # CJP2; many changes here for nonstationary models
# qcov.base is for when one wants to work with the difference in return levels for different covariate sets in a nonstationary model
type <- tolower(x$type)
if(!is.element(x$method, c("MLE","GMLE"))) stop("rlgrad.fevd: Estimation method must be MLE/GMLE.")
p <- x$results$par
if(is.element("log.scale",names(p))) {
id <- names(p) == "log.scale"
p[id] <- exp(p[id])
names(p)[id] <- "scale"
if(is.element("shape",names(p))) {
if(p["shape"] == 0) {
if(is.element(type, c("gev","pp","gumbel"))) type <- "gumbel"
else if(is.element(type, c("gp","exponential"))) type <- "exponential"
else stop("rlgrad.fevd: invalid type for the shape parameter.")
if(!is.fixedfevd(x)) { # CJP2: this whole block of code
if(is.null(qcov)) stop("rlgrad.fevd: qcov required for nonstationary models.")
if(!is.matrix(qcov)) qcov <- matrix(qcov, nrow = 1)
if(!is.null(qcov.base)) {
if(!is.matrix(qcov.base)) qcov.base <- matrix(qcov.base, nrow = 1)
if(nrow(qcov) != nrow(qcov.base) ||
ncol(qcov) != ncol(qcov.base))
stop("rlgrad.fevd: qcov and qcov.base must have the same number of covariates and values.")
if(length(period) > 1 && nrow(qcov) > 1)
stop("rlgrad.fevd: Cannot compute gradient for multiple return periods and multiple covariate values simultaneously.") <- 1:x$results$$location <- (1 + x$results$$location) : (x$results$$location + x$results$$scale) <- (1 + x$results$$location + x$results$$scale) : (x$results$$location + x$results$$scale + x$results$$shape)
# loc <- qcov[ ,, drop=FALSE] %*% p[] # not needed
sc <- c(qcov[ ,, drop=FALSE] %*% p[])
sh <- c(qcov[ ,, drop=FALSE] %*% p[])
if(!is.null(qcov.base)) {
# loc.base <- qcov.base[ ,, drop=FALSE] %*% p[] # not needed
sc.base <- c(qcov.base[ ,, drop=FALSE] %*% p[])
sh.base <- c(qcov.base[ ,, drop=FALSE] %*% p[])
# CJP2 - this next block of code deals with the only case that params are on log scale when considering return levels, namely when use.phi=TRUE for nonstationarity in the scale
pnames <- names(p)
if(is.element("phi", substring(pnames, 1, 3))) {
sc <- exp(sc)
phi.gradTerm <- sc
if(!is.null(qcov.base)) {
sc.base <- exp(sc.base)
phi.gradTerm.base <- sc.base
} else{
phi.gradTerm <- 1
if(!is.null(qcov.base)) phi.gradTerm.base <- 1
if(is.element(type, c("pp","gev","weibull","frechet"))) {
yp <- -log(1 - 1/period)
if(length(period) == 1) {
res <- cbind(qcov[ ,, drop = FALSE], -phi.gradTerm/sh * (1-yp^(-sh)) * qcov[ ,, drop = FALSE],
(sc * sh^(-2) * (1 - yp^(-sh)) - sc/sh * yp^(-sh) * log(yp)) * qcov[ ,, drop = FALSE])
res <- res - cbind(qcov.base[ ,, drop = FALSE], -phi.gradTerm.base/sh.base * (1-yp^(-sh.base)) * qcov.base[ ,, drop = FALSE], (sc.base * sh.base^(-2) * (1 - yp^(-sh.base)) - sc.base/sh.base * yp^(-sh.base) * log(yp)) * qcov.base[ ,, drop = FALSE])
} else {
res <- cbind(outer(rep(1, length(period)), qcov[1,]), outer(-phi.gradTerm/sh * (1-yp^(-sh)), qcov[1,]), outer(sc * sh^(-2) * (1 - yp^(-sh)) - sc/sh * yp^(-sh) * log(yp), qcov[1,]))
res <- res - cbind(outer(rep(1, length(period)), qcov.base[1,]), outer(-phi.gradTerm.base/sh.base * (1-yp^(-sh.base)), qcov.base[1,]), outer(sc.base * sh.base^(-2) * (1 - yp^(-sh.base)) - sc.base/sh.base * yp^(-sh.base) * log(yp), qcov.base[1,]))
} else if(type=="gumbel") {
yp <- -log(1 - 1/period)
if(length(period) == 1) {
res <- cbind(qcov[ ,, drop = FALSE], -log(yp)*phi.gradTerm * qcov[ ,, drop = FALSE])
res <- res - cbind(qcov.base[ ,, drop = FALSE], -log(yp)*phi.gradTerm.base * qcov.base[ ,, drop = FALSE])
} else {
res <- cbind(outer(rep(1, length(period)), qcov[1,]), outer(-log(yp)*phi.gradTerm, qcov[1,]))
res <- res - cbind(outer(rep(1, length(period)), qcov.base[1,]), outer(-log(yp)*phi.gradTerm.base, qcov.base[1,]))
} else stop("rlgrad.fevd: not implemented for nonstationary models for GP, beta, pareto, exponential models.")
} else { # fixed.fevd
if(is.element(type, c("pp","gev","weibull","frechet"))) {
yp <- -log(1 - 1/period)
res <- cbind(1,
(-1/p["shape"]) * (1 - yp^(-p["shape"])),
p["scale"] * (p["shape"])^(-2) * (1 - yp^(-p["shape"])) - (p["scale"]/p["shape"]) * yp^(-p["shape"]) * log(yp))
} else if(type=="gumbel") {
yp <- -log(1 - 1/period)
res <- cbind(1, -log(yp))
} else if(is.element(type, c("gp","beta","pareto"))) {
lam <- mean(c(datagrabber(x)[,1]) > x$threshold)
m <- period * x$npy
mlam <- m * lam
res <- cbind(p["scale"] * m^(-p["shape"]) * lam^(-p["shape"] - 1),
(p["shape"])^(-1) * ((mlam)^(p["shape"]) - 1),
-p["scale"] * (p["shape"])^(-2)*((mlam)^(p["shape"]) - 1) + (p["scale"]/p["shape"]) * (mlam)^(p["shape"]) * log(mlam))
} else if(type=="exponential") {
lam <- mean(c(datagrabber(x)[,1]) > x$threshold)
m <- period * x$npy
mlam <- m * lam
res <- cbind(p["scale"]/mlam, log(mlam))
} else stop("rlgrad.fevd: Hmmm. You should not be getting this error message. Something is horribly wrong.")
} # end of if else use actual gradients or finite differences stmts.
} # end of 'rlgrad.fevd' function.
return.level <- function(x, return.period=c(2, 20, 100), ...) {
UseMethod("return.level", x)
} # end of 'return.level' function.
return.level.fevd <- function(x, return.period=c(2, 20, 100), ...) {
newcl <- tolower(x$method)
if(newcl == "gmle") newcl <- "mle"
# class(x) <- c( paste("fevd.", newcl, sep=""), class( x ) )
# UseMethod("return.level", x)
get( paste( "return.level.fevd.", newcl, sep = "" ) )( x = x, return.period = return.period, ... )
} # end of 'return.level.fevd' function.
return.level.fevd.lmoments <- function(x, return.period=c(2, 20, 100), ..., = FALSE) {
model <- x$type
p <- x$results
pnames <- names(p)
if(model=="PP") mod2 <- "GEV"
else mod2 <- model
if(! {
if(all(is.element(c("location","shape"),pnames))) {
res <- rlevd(return.period, loc=p["location"], scale=p["scale"], shape=p["shape"], threshold=x$threshold, type=mod2, npy=x$npy, rate=x$rate)
} else if(is.element("shape", pnames)) {
res <- rlevd(return.period, scale=p["scale"], shape=p["shape"], threshold=x$threshold, type=mod2, npy=x$npy, rate=x$rate)
} else if(is.element("location", pnames)) {
res <- rlevd(return.period, loc=p["location"], scale=p["scale"], threshold=x$threshold, type=mod2, npy=x$npy, rate=x$rate)
} else res <- rlevd(return.period, scale=p["scale"], threshold=x$threshold, type=mod2, npy=x$npy, rate=x$rate)
attr(res, "return.period") <- return.period
attr(res, "") <- x$
attr(res, "") <- x$call
attr(res, "call") <-
attr(res, "fit.type") <- x$type
attr(res, "data.assumption") <- "stationary"
attr(res, "period") <- x$period.basis
attr(res, "units") <- x$units
attr(res, "class") <- "return.level"
} else if( res <- ci(x, return.period=return.period, ...)
} # end of 'return.level.fevd.lmoments' function.
return.level.fevd.bayesian <- function(x, return.period = c(2, 20, 100), ..., = FALSE, = 499, FUN = "mean", qcov = NULL, qcov.base = NULL) {
model <- x$type
if(model=="PP") mod2 <- "GEV"
else mod2 <- model
# tform <- !is.fixedfevd(x) # CJP2
if(model=="PP") mod2 <- "GEV"
else mod2 <- model
f <-
p <- x$results
np <- dim(p)[2] - 1
p <- p[,1:np]
pnames <- colnames(p)
if(FUN=="mean") p <- colMeans(p)
else p <- apply(p, 2, f)
if(is.fixedfevd(x)) { # CJP2
if(is.element("log.scale",pnames)) {
p["log.scale"] <- exp(p["log.scale"])
pnames[pnames == "log.scale"] <- "scale"
names(p) <- pnames
if(! {
if(all(is.element(c("location","shape"),pnames))) {
res <- rlevd(return.period, loc=p["location"], scale=p["scale"], shape=p["shape"], threshold=x$threshold, type=mod2, npy=x$npy, rate=x$rate)
} else if(is.element("shape", pnames)) {
res <- rlevd(return.period, scale=p["scale"], shape=p["shape"], threshold=x$threshold, type=mod2, npy=x$npy, rate=x$rate)
} else if(is.element("location", pnames)) {
res <- rlevd(return.period, loc=p["location"], scale=p["scale"], threshold=x$threshold, type=mod2, npy=x$npy, rate=x$rate)
} else res <- rlevd(return.period, scale=p["scale"], threshold=x$threshold, type=mod2, npy=x$npy, rate=x$rate)
attr(res, "return.period") <- return.period
attr(res, "") <- x$
attr(res, "") <- x$call
attr(res, "call") <-
attr(res, "fit.type") <- x$type
attr(res, "data.assumption") <- "stationary"
attr(res, "period") <- x$period.basis
attr(res, "units") <- x$units
attr(res, "class") <- "return.level"
} else if( res <- ci(x, return.period=return.period, ...)
} else {
if(missing(return.period)) return.period <- 100
res <- return.level.ns.fevd.bayesian(x = x, return.period = return.period, ..., =, qcov = qcov, qcov.base = qcov.base)
if( return(res)
if(length(return.period)==1) res <- matrix(res, ncol=1)
colnames(res) <- paste(return.period, "-", x$period.basis, " level", sep="")
attr(res, "return.period") <- return.period
attr(res, "") <- x$
attr(res, "") <- x$call
attr(res, "call") <-
attr(res, "fit.type") <- x$type
attr(res, "data.assumption") <- "non-stationary"
attr(res, "period") <- x$period.basis
attr(res, "units") <- x$units
if(is.null(qcov)) attr(res, "qcov") <- x$[2]
else attr(res, "qcov") <- deparse(substitute(qcov))
attr(res, "class") <- "return.level"
} # end of 'return.level.fevd.bayesian' function.
return.level.ns.fevd.mle <-
function (x, return.period = c(2, 20, 100), ..., alpha = 0.05,
method = c("normal"), = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, qcov = NULL,
qcov.base = NULL)
if(missing(return.period)) return.period <- 100
if ( && method != "normal")
stop("return.level.ns.fevd.mle: only normal approximation CI calculations currently available for nonstationary return levels.")
model <- x$type
if(!(tolower(model) %in% c("pp", "gev", "weibull", "frechet", "gumbel")))
stop("return.level.ns.fevd.mle: not implemented for GP, beta, pareto, exponential models.")
if ( && length(return.period) > 1 && nrow(qcov) > 1)
stop("return.level.ns.fevd.mle:: Cannot calculate confidence intervals for multiple return periods and multiple covariate values simultaneously.")
if(! {
if (model == "PP") {
mod2 <- "GEV"
} else mod2 <- model
p <- x$results$par
pnames <- names(p)
if(is.fixedfevd(x)) stop("return.level.ns.fevd.mle: this function is for nonstationary models.")
if(is.null(qcov)) stop("return.level.ns.fevd.mle: qcov required for this function.")
if(!is.matrix(qcov)) qcov <- matrix(qcov, nrow = 1)
if(!is.qcov(qcov)) qcov <- make.qcov(x = x, vals = qcov, nr = nrow(qcov))
if(!is.null(qcov.base)) {
if(!is.matrix(qcov.base)) qcov.base <- matrix(qcov.base, nrow = 1)
if(nrow(qcov) != nrow(qcov.base) || ncol(qcov) != ncol(qcov.base))
stop("return.level.ns.fevd.mle: qcov and qcov.base must have the same number of covariates and values.")
if(!is.qcov(qcov.base)) qcov.base <- make.qcov(x = x, vals = qcov.base, nr = nrow(qcov.base))
} <- 1:x$results$$location <- (1 + x$results$$location):(x$results$$location + x$results$$scale) <- (1 + x$results$$location + x$results$$scale):(x$results$$location +
x$results$$scale + x$results$$shape)
loc <- qcov[,, drop = FALSE] %*% p[]
sc <- qcov[,, drop = FALSE] %*% p[]
sh <- qcov[,, drop = FALSE] %*% p[]
if(!is.null(qcov.base)) {
loc.base <- qcov.base[,, drop = FALSE] %*% p[]
sc.base <- qcov.base[,, drop = FALSE] %*% p[]
sh.base <- qcov.base[,, drop = FALSE] %*% p[]
if(x$par.models$log.scale) {
sc <- exp(sc)
if(!is.null(qcov.base)) sc.base <- exp(sc.base)
theta <- cbind(qcov[, "threshold"], loc, sc, sh)
rlfun2 <- function(th, pd, type, npy, rate) rlevd(pd, loc = th[2],
scale = th[3], shape = th[4], threshold = th[1], type = type,
npy = npy)
res <- apply(theta, 1, rlfun2, pd = return.period, type = mod2, npy = x$npy)
if (!is.null(qcov.base)) {
theta.base <- cbind(qcov.base[, "threshold"], loc.base, sc.base, sh.base)
res <- res - apply(theta.base, 1, rlfun2, pd = return.period, type = mod2, npy = x$npy)
res <- t(matrix(res, nrow = length(return.period)))
colnames(res) <- paste(return.period, "-", x$period.basis,
" level", sep = "")
attr(res, "return.period") <- return.period
attr(res, "") <- x$
attr(res, "") <- x$call
attr(res, "call") <-
attr(res, "fit.type") <- x$type
attr(res, "data.assumption") <- "non-stationary"
attr(res, "period") <- x$period.basis
attr(res, "units") <- x$units
attr(res, "qcov") <- deparse(substitute(qcov))
attr(res, "class") <- "return.level"
if (!is.null(qcov.base)) {
attr(res, "qcov.base") <- deparse(substitute(qcov.base))
attr(res, "class") <- "return.level.diff"
} else {
out <- ci.rl.ns.fevd.mle(x = x, alpha = alpha, return.period = return.period, qcov = qcov, qcov.base = qcov.base, ...)
} # end of 'return.level.ns.fevd.mle' function.
return.level.fevd.mle <- function(x, return.period = c(2, 20, 100), ..., = FALSE, qcov = NULL, qcov.base = NULL) {
model <- x$type
# tform <- !is.fixedfevd(x) # removed by CJP2
if(model=="PP") mod2 <- "GEV"
else mod2 <- model
p <- x$results$par
pnames <- names(p)
if(is.fixedfevd(x)) { # CJP2
if(is.element("log.scale",pnames)) {
p["log.scale"] <- exp(p["log.scale"])
pnames[pnames == "log.scale"] <- "scale"
names(p) <- pnames
if(! {
if(all(is.element(c("location","shape"),pnames))) {
res <- rlevd(return.period, loc=p["location"], scale=p["scale"], shape=p["shape"], threshold=x$threshold, type=mod2, npy=x$npy, rate=x$rate)
} else if(is.element("shape", pnames)) {
res <- rlevd(return.period, scale=p["scale"], shape=p["shape"], threshold=x$threshold, type=mod2, npy=x$npy, rate=x$rate)
} else if(is.element("location", pnames)) {
res <- rlevd(return.period, loc=p["location"], scale=p["scale"], threshold=x$threshold, type=mod2, npy=x$npy, rate=x$rate)
} else res <- rlevd(return.period, scale=p["scale"], threshold=x$threshold, type=mod2, npy=x$npy, rate=x$rate)
attr(res, "return.period") <- return.period
attr(res, "") <- x$
attr(res, "") <- x$call
attr(res, "call") <-
attr(res, "fit.type") <- x$type
attr(res, "data.assumption") <- "stationary"
attr(res, "period") <- x$period.basis
attr(res, "units") <- x$units
attr(res, "class") <- "return.level"
} else if( res <- ci(x, return.period=return.period, ...)
} else {
if(missing(return.period)) return.period <- 100
if( {
res <- ci.rl.ns.fevd.mle(x = x, return.period = return.period, ..., qcov = qcov, qcov.base = qcov.base)
} else {
if(is.null(qcov) && !is.null(qcov.base)) {
qcov <- qcov.base
qcov.base <- NULL
warning("return.level.fevd.mle: attempt to set qcov to null but not qcov.base. Setting qcov to qcov.base and qcov.base to NULL.")
if(is.null(qcov)) {
class(x) <- "fevd"
rlfun <- function(p, x) return(erlevd(x=x, period=p))
res <- apply(matrix(return.period, ncol=1), 1, rlfun, x=x)
} else {
res <- return(return.level.ns.fevd.mle(x = x, return.period = return.period, ..., = FALSE, qcov = qcov, qcov.base = qcov.base))
# return(return.level.ns.fevd.mle(x = x, return.period = return.period, ..., =, qcov = qcov, qcov.base = qcov.base))
# if(!is.matrix(qcov)) qcov <- matrix(qcov, nrow=1)
# if(!is.qcov(qcov)) qcov <- make.qcov(x=x, vals=qcov, nr=nrow(qcov))
# nr <- nrow(qcov)
# if(is.element("location", pnames)) {
# nloc <- 1
# loc <- p["location"]
# } else if(is.element("mu", substring(pnames,1,2))) {
# id <- substring(pnames,1,2) == "mu"
# nloc <- sum(id)
# loc <- rowSums(matrix(p[1:nloc], nr, nloc, byrow=TRUE) * qcov[,1:nloc])
# } else loc <- nloc <- 0
# if(is.element("scale", pnames)) {
# nsc <- 1
# scale <- p["scale"]
# } else if(is.element("phi", substring(pnames, 1, 3))) {
# id <- substring(pnames,1,3) == "phi"
# nsc <- sum(id)
# scale <- exp(rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], nr, nsc, byrow=TRUE) * qcov[,(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)]))
# } else if(is.element("sig", substring(pnames, 1, 3))) {
# id <- substring(pnames,1,3) == "sig"
# nsc <- sum(id)
# scale <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], nr, nsc, byrow=TRUE) * qcov[,(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)])
# }
# if(is.element("shape", pnames)) {
# nsh <- 1
# shape <- p["shape"]
# } else if(is.element("xi", substring(pnames,1,2))) {
# id <- substring(pnames,1,2) == "xi"
# nsh <- sum(id)
# shape <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+nsc+1):(nloc+nsc+nsh)], nr, nsh, byrow=TRUE) * qcov[,(nloc+nsc+1):(nloc+nsc+nsh)])
# } else nsh <- shape <- 0
# theta <- cbind(qcov[,"threshold"], loc, scale, shape)
# rlfun2 <- function(th, pd, type, npy, rate) rlevd(return.period, loc=th[2], scale=th[3], shape=th[4], threshold=th[1], type=type, npy=npy, rate=rate)
# res <- t(apply(theta, 1, rlfun2, pd=return.period, type=mod2, npy=x$npy, rate=x$rate))
} # end of if else 'qcov' argument is NULL stmts.
if(length(return.period)==1) res <- matrix(res, ncol=1)
colnames(res) <- paste(return.period, "-", x$period.basis, " level", sep="")
attr(res, "return.period") <- return.period
attr(res, "") <- x$
attr(res, "") <- x$call
attr(res, "call") <-
attr(res, "fit.type") <- x$type
attr(res, "data.assumption") <- "non-stationary"
attr(res, "period") <- x$period.basis
attr(res, "units") <- x$units
if(is.null(qcov)) attr(res, "qcov") <- x$[2]
else attr(res, "qcov") <- deparse(substitute(qcov))
attr(res, "class") <- "return.level"
} # end of if else '' stmts.
} # end of if else fixed model stmts.
} # end of 'return.level.fevd.mle' function.
print.return.level <- function(x, ...) {
tmp <- attributes(x)
if(!is.null(tmp$units)) print(paste(tmp$fit.type, " model fitted to ", tmp$[1], " (", tmp$units, ")", sep=""))
else cat("\n", tmp$fit.type, "model fitted to ", tmp$, "\n")
if(tmp$fit.type=="PP") print(paste("Return levels based on GEV equivalency (i.e., return levels are for block maxima, where the blocks are ", tmp$period, "s)", sep=""))
cat("Data are assumed to be ", tmp$data.assumption, "\n")
if(tmp$[2] != "") {
print(paste("Covariate data = ", tmp$[2], sep=""))
if(!is.null(tmp$qcov)) if(tmp$qcov != tmp$[2]) print(paste("Covariate data used for effective return levels here = ", tmp$qcov, sep=""))
print(paste("Return Levels for period units in ", tmp$period, "s", sep=""))
# cat("Return Period(s) = \n", tmp$return.period, "\n")
if(is.null(tmp$dim)) {
y <- c(x)
names(y) <- paste(tmp$return.period, "-", tmp$period, " level", sep="")
} else {
y <- matrix(c(x), tmp$dim[1], tmp$dim[2])
colnames(y) <- paste(tmp$return.period, "-", tmp$period, " level", sep="")
} # end of 'print.return.level' function.
make.qcov <- function(x, vals, nr=1, ...) {
if(x$method != "Bayesian") p <- x$results$par
else p <- apply(x$results[, -dim(x$results)[2] ], 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
np <- length(p)
pnames <- names(p)
if(is.element("mu", substring(pnames, 1, 2))) nloc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 2) == "mu")
else if(is.element("location", pnames)) nloc <- 1
else nloc <- 0
if(is.element("phi", substring(pnames, 1, 3))) nsc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 3) == "phi")
else if(is.element("sig", substring(pnames, 1, 3))) nsc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 3) == "sig")
else nsc <- 1
if(is.element("shape", pnames)) nsh <- 1
else if(is.element("xi", substring(pnames, 1, 2))) nsh <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 2) == "xi")
else nsh <- 0
if(missing(vals)) {
out <- matrix(0, nr, np+1)
out[,1] <- 1
if(nloc > 0) out[,nloc+1] <- 1
out[,nloc+nsc+1] <- 1
if(!is.null(x$threshold)) {
if(length(x$threshold) >= nr) out[,np+1] <- x$threshold[1:nr]
else out[,np+1] <- x$threshold[1]
colnames(out) <- c(pnames, "threshold")
if(is.list(vals)) {
vnames <- names(vals)
if(is.null(vnames)) stop("make.qcov: vals must be a named list.")
if(!all(is.element(vnames, c(pnames, "threshold")))) stop("make.qcov: names of vals list must match parameter names.")
if(missing(nr)) {
nv <- lapply(vals, length)
if(length(unique(nv)) != 1) stop("make.qcov: Sorry, this function is limited. Length of each component must be the same or nr must be specified.")
nr <- length(vals[[1]])
out <- matrix(NA, nrow=nr, ncol=np + 1)
for(i in 1:np) {
if(is.element(pnames[i], vnames)) {
id <- (1:length(vnames))[ vnames == pnames[i] ]
out[,i] <- vals[[ id ]]
} else out[,i] <- 1
} # end of for 'i' loop.
if(is.element("threshold", vnames)) {
id <- (1:length(vnames))[ vnames == "threshold" ]
out[,np + 1] <- vals[[ id ]]
} else if(!is.element(x$type, c("GEV", "Gumbel", "Frechet"))) out[,np + 1] <- x$threshold[1]
} else if(is.matrix(vals)) out <- vals
else if(is.numeric(vals)) out <- matrix(vals, nrow=nr, ...)
else stop("make.qcov: invalid vals argument.")
if(dim(out)[2]==np) {
if(!is.null(x$threshold)) {
if(length(x$threshold) >= nr) out <- cbind(out, x$threshold[1:nr])
else out <- cbind(out, x$threshold[1])
} else out <- cbind(out, 0)
colnames(out) <- c(pnames, "threshold")
} else if(dim(out)[2]==np+1) {
if(is.null(colnames(out))) colnames(out) <- c(pnames, "threshold")
} else stop("make.qcov: length of (or number of columns of) vals must be equal to number of model parameters, np, or np + 1.")
# Some final checks.
if(is.element("location", pnames)) {
if(!all(out[,"location"]==1)) {
warning("make.qcov: invalid qcov values for fixed location parameter. Re-setting to one.")
out[,"location"] <- 1
} else if(is.element("mu0", pnames)) {
if(!all(out[,"mu0"] == 1)) {
warning("make.qcov: invalid qcov values for fixed mu0 parameter. Re-setting to one.")
out[,"mu0"] <- 1
if(any(is.element(c("log.scale","scale"), pnames))) {
id <- (pnames == "scale") | (pnames == "log.scale")
id <- c(id, FALSE)
if(!all(out[,id] == 1)) {
warning("make.qcov: invalid qcov values for fixed scale parameter. Re-setting to one.")
out[,id] <- 1
} else if(any(is.element(c("sig0","phi0"), pnames))) {
id <- (pnames == "sig0") | (pnames == "phi0")
id <- c(id, FALSE)
if(!all(out[,id] == 1)) {
warning("make.qcov: invalid qcov values for fixed scale intercept term. Re-setting to one.")
out[,id] <- 1
if(is.element("shape", pnames)) {
if(!all(out[,"shape"] == 1)) {
warning("make.qcov: invalid qcov values for fixed shape parameter. Re-setting to one.")
out[,"shape"] <- 1
} else if(is.element("xi0", pnames)) {
if(!all(out[,"xi0"] == 1)) {
warning("make.qcov: invalid qcov values for fixed xi0 parameter. Re-setting to one.")
out[,"xi0"] <- 1
} # end of 'make.qcov' function.
is.qcov <- function(x) {
if(!is.matrix(x)) return(FALSE)
d <- dim(x)
if(is.null(d)) return(FALSE)
dnames <- colnames(x)
if(is.null(dnames)) return(FALSE)
if(dnames[d[2]] != "threshold") return(FALSE)
if(d[2] > 1) return(TRUE)
else return(FALSE)
} # end of 'is.qcov' function.
probprob.plot.evd <- function(xp, y, model, loc, scale, shape, u, tform=FALSE, eid, obj, ytrans=NULL, npy=NULL, ...) {
args <- list(...)
if(is.null(args$main)) m1 <- deparse(obj$call)
if(!tform) {
if(is.element(model, c("PP","GP","Beta","Pareto","Exponential"))) {
yp <- pevd(sort(y[eid]), loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, threshold=u, npy=npy, type=model)
} else yp <- pevd(sort(y), loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, threshold=u, npy=npy, type=model)
if(is.null(args$main)) plot(xp, yp, main=m1, xlab="Empirical Probabilities", ylab="Model Probabilities", ...)
else plot(xp, yp, xlab="Empirical Probabilities", ylab="Model Probabilities", ...)
} else {
# yp <- pevd(sort(ytrans), loc=0, scale=1, shape=0, threshold=0, npy=npy, type=model)
if(is.element(model, c("GEV","Gumbel","Weibull","Frechet"))) yp <- exp(-exp(-sort(ytrans)))
else if(model=="PP") yp <- sort(ytrans)
else yp <- 1 - exp(-sort(ytrans))
if(is.null(args$main)) {
plot(xp, yp, main=m1, xlab="Residual Empirical Probabilities", ylab="Residual Model Probabilities", ...)
} else plot(xp, yp, xlab="Residual Empirical Probabilities", ylab="Residual Model Probabilities", ...)
invisible( data.frame( empirical = xp, model = yp ) )
} # end of 'probprob.plot.evd' stmts.
quantquant.plot.evd <- function(x, xp, y, u, loc, scale, shape, tform=FALSE, eid, ytrans=NULL,
model= c("GEV", "GP", "PP", "Gumbel", "Frechet", "Weibull", "Exponential", "Beta", "Pareto"),
type=c("primary","qq"), ...) {
args <- list(...)
type <- match.arg(type)
if(!tform) {
if(is.element(model, c("Weibull","Frechet"))) mod2 <- "GEV"
else mod2 <- model
if(!is.element(model,c("PP","GP","Beta","Pareto"))) yq <- qevd(xp, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, type=mod2)
else yq <- qevd(xp, threshold=u, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, type=mod2)
if(is.null(args$main)) {
if(type=="primary") m2 <- ""
else m2 <- deparse(x$call)
if(is.element(model, c("GEV","Weibull","Frechet","Gumbel"))) {
plot(yq, sort(y), xlab="Model Quantiles", ylab="Empirical Quantiles", main=m2)
if( type == "qq" ) out <- data.frame( empirical = sort( y ), model = yq )
} else {
plot(yq, sort(y[eid]), xlab="Model Quantiles", ylab="Empirical Quantiles", main=m2, ...)
if( type == "qq" ) out <- data.frame( empirical = sort( y[ eid ] ), model = yq )
} else {
if(is.element(model, c("GEV","Weibull","Frechet","Gumbel"))) {
plot(yq, sort(y), xlab="Model Quantiles", ylab="Empirical Quantiles", ...)
if( type == "qq" ) out <- data.frame( empirical = sort( y ), model = yq )
} else {
plot(yq, sort(y[eid]), xlab="Model Quantiles", ylab="Empirical Quantiles", ...)
if( type == "qq" ) out <- data.frame( empirical = sort( y[ eid ] ), model = yq )
} else {
if(is.null(args$main)) {
if(type=="primary") m2 <- ""
else m2 <- deparse(x$call)
if(is.element(model, c("GEV","Weibull","Frechet"))) m2 <- paste(m2, "(Gumbel Scale)", sep="\n")
else if(is.element(model, c("PP", "GP", "Beta", "Pareto"))) m2 <- paste(m2, "Exponential Scale", sep="\n")
if( is.element(model, c("GEV","Weibull","Gumbel","Frechet")) ) {
plot(-log(-log(sort(xp))), sort(ytrans), main=m2, xlab="(Standardized) Model Quantiles",
ylab="Empirical Residual Quantiles", ...)
if( type == "qq" ) out <- data.frame( empirical = sort( ytrans ), model = -log(-log(sort(xp))) )
} else if(is.element(model, c("GP","Beta","Exponential","Pareto"))) {
plot(-log(1 - xp), sort(ytrans), main=m2, xlab="(Standardized) Residual Quantiles",
ylab="Empirical Residual Quantiles", ...)
if( type == "qq" ) out <- data.frame( empirical = sort( ytrans ), model = -log(1 - xp) )
} else if(model=="PP") {
plot(-log(1 - xp), sort(-log(ytrans)), main=m2, xlab="(Standardized) Residual Quantiles",
ylab="Empirical Residual Quantiles", ...)
if( type == "qq" ) out <- data.frame( empirical = sort(-log(ytrans)), model = -log(1 - xp) )
} else {
if(is.element(model, c("GEV","Weibull","Gumbel","Frechet"))) {
plot(-log(-log(sort(xp))), sort(ytrans), xlab="Model", ylab="Empirical", ...)
if( type == "qq" ) out <- data.frame( empirical = sort(ytrans), model = -log(-log(sort(xp))) )
} else if(is.element(model, c("GP","Beta","Exponential","Pareto"))) {
plot(-log(1 - xp), sort(ytrans), xlab="Model", ylab="Empirical", ...)
if( type == "qq" ) out <- data.frame( empirical = sort( ytrans ), model = -log(1 - xp) )
} else if(model=="PP") {
plot(-log(1 - xp), sort(-log(ytrans)), xlab="Model", ylab="Empirical", ...)
if( type == "qq" ) out <- data.frame( empirical = sort(-log(ytrans)), model = -log(1 - xp) )
if( type == "qq" ) invisible( out )
else invisible()
} # end of 'quantquant.plot.evd' funciton.
quantquant2.plot.evd <- function(x, y, eid, model=c("GEV", "GP", "PP", "Gumbel", "Frechet", "Weibull", "Exponential", "Beta", "Pareto"), type=c("primary","qq2"), ...) {
args <- list(...)
type <- match.arg(type)
if(is.fixedfevd(x)) z <- rextRemes(x, n=x$n)
else {
if(!is.element(model, c("PP","GP","Beta","Exponential","Pareto"))) z <- rextRemes(x)
else z <- rextRemes( x, n = sum( eid, na.rm = TRUE ) )
if(!is.element(model, c("PP","GP","Beta","Exponential","Pareto"))) {
yQQ <- y
if(is.null(args$xlab)) xl <- paste(x$[1], " Empirical Quantiles", sep="")
else xl <- args$xlab
} else {
yQQ <- y[eid]
if(is.null(args$xlab)) {
if(length(x$threshold)==1) xl <- paste(x$[1], "( > ", x$threshold, ") Empirical Quantiles", sep="")
else xl <- paste(x$[1], "( > threshold) Empirical Quantiles", sep="")
} else xl <- args$xlab
if(!is.null(args$main)) {
if(type=="primary") mQQ <- ""
else mQQ <- deparse(x$call)
if( type != "qq2" ) qqplot(yQQ, z, main=mQQ, xlab=xl, ylab="Quantiles from Model Simulated Data" )
else out <- qqplot(yQQ, z, main=mQQ, xlab=xl, ylab="Quantiles from Model Simulated Data" )
} else {
if( type != "qq2" ) qqplot(yQQ, z, xlab=xl, ylab="Quantiles from Model Simulated Data")
else out <- qqplot(yQQ, z, xlab=xl, ylab="Quantiles from Model Simulated Data")
if( type == "qq2" ) invisible( out )
else invisible()
} # end of 'quantquant2.plot.evd' function.
histplot.evd <- function(x, y, u=u, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, ytrans=NULL, tform=FALSE, eid,
model= c("GEV", "GP", "PP", "Gumbel", "Frechet", "Weibull", "Exponential", "Beta", "Pareto"), hist.args=NULL, ...) {
args <- list(...)
if(!tform) {
if(is.null(args$main)) {
if(model != "PP") m4 <- paste(deparse(x$call), "Histogram", sep="\n")
else m4 <- paste(deparse(x$call), "\n", paste("Histogram (", x$period.basis, " maxima)", sep=""))
if(is.element(model, c("GP", "Beta", "Exponential", "Pareto"))) yh <- y[eid]
else if(model != "PP") yh <- y
else {
blocks <- rep(1:x$span, each=x$npy)
n2 <- length(blocks)
if(n2 < x$n) blocks <- c(blocks, rep(blocks[n2], x$n - n2))
else if(n2 > x$n) blocks <- blocks[1:x$n]
yh <- c(aggregate(y, by=list(blocks), max)$x)
} else { # Eric 8/14/13
if(is.element(model, c("PP", "GP", "Exponential", "Beta", "Pareto"))) stop("plot.fevd: invalid type argument for this model.")
if(is.null(args$main)) m4 <- paste(deparse(x$call), "Histogram of Transformed Data", sep="\n")
# if(model != "PP") yh <- ytrans
# else {
# blocks <- rep(1:x$span, each=x$npy)
# n2 <- length(blocks)
# if(n2 < x$n) blocks <- c(blocks, rep(blocks[n2], x$n - n2))
# else if(n2 > x$n) blocks <- blocks[1:x$n]
# yh <- c(aggregate(ytrans, by=list(blocks), max)$x)
# } # end of if else 'model != PP' stmts.
if(is.null(hist.args)) {
if(!is.null(args$ylim)) {
if(is.null(args$main)) {
if(is.null(args$col)) out <- hist(yh, col="darkblue", freq=FALSE, breaks="FD", xlab=x$[1], main=m4, ...)
else out <- hist(yh, freq=FALSE, breaks="FD", main=m4, xlab=x$[1], ...)
} else {
if(is.null(args$col)) out <- hist(yh, col="darkblue", freq=FALSE, breaks="FD", xlab=x$[1], ...)
else out <- hist(yh, freq=FALSE, breaks="FD", xlab=x$[1], ...)
} else {
if(is.null(args$main)) {
if(is.null(args$col)) out <- hist(yh, col="darkblue", freq=FALSE, breaks="FD", xlab=x$[1], main=m4, ylim=c(0,1.5), ...)
else out <- hist(yh, freq=FALSE, breaks="FD", main=m4, xlab=x$[1], ylim=c(0,1.5), ...)
} else {
if(is.null(args$col)) out <- hist(yh, col="darkblue", freq=FALSE, breaks="FD", xlab=x$[1], ylim=c(0,1.5), ...)
else out <- hist(yh, freq=FALSE, breaks="FD", xlab=x$[1], ylim=c(0,1.5), ...)
} else out <-"hist", c(list(yh), hist.args))
xh <- seq(min(yh, na.rm=TRUE), max(yh, na.rm=TRUE),,100)
if(is.element(model, c("Gumbel", "Weibull", "Frechet"))) mod2 <- "GEV"
else if(is.element(model, c("PP", "Pareto", "Frechet", "Beta", "Exponential"))) mod2 <- "GP"
else mod2 <- model
if(mod2 != "GP") ymod <- devd(xh, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, threshold=u, type=mod2)
else ymod <- devd(xh - u, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, threshold=u, type=mod2)
lines(xh, ymod, lty=2, col="blue", lwd=1.5)
invisible( out )
} # end of 'hitsplot.evd' function.
densplot.evd <- function(x, y, u, loc, scale, shape, tform=FALSE, eid, ytrans=NULL,
model= c("GEV", "GP", "PP", "Gumbel", "Frechet", "Weibull", "Exponential", "Beta", "Pareto"), density.args=NULL,
type=c("primary","density"), leg=TRUE, ...) {
args <- list(...)
type <- match.arg(type)
if(!tform) {
if(!is.element(model, c("PP","GP","Beta","Exponential","Pareto"))) yd <- y
else if(model != "PP") yd <- y[eid]
else {
blocks <- rep(1:x$span, each=x$npy)
n2 <- length(blocks)
if(n2 < x$n) blocks <- c(blocks, rep(blocks[n2], x$n - n2))
else if(n2 > x$n) blocks <- blocks[1:x$n]
ytmp <- c(datagrabber(x, = FALSE))
ytmp2 <- c(aggregate(ytmp, by = list(blocks), max)$x)
mbid <- logical(x$n)
for(i in 1:(length(unique(blocks)))) {
tmpind <- blocks == blocks[i]
tmpind2 <- ytmp == ytmp2[i]
tmpind2[] <- FALSE
finind <- tmpind & tmpind2
if(sum(finind) > 1) {
numsind <- (1:x$n)[finind]
numsind <- numsind[1]
finind[-numsind] <- FALSE
mbid[finind] <- TRUE
} # end of for 'i' loop.
yd <- y[mbid]
# yd <- c(aggregate(y, by=list(blocks), max)$x)
if(is.null(density.args)) yd <- density(yd)
else yd <-"density", c(list(yd), density.args))
if(is.null(args$ylim)) {
yld <- range(yd$y, finite=TRUE)
yld[1] <- min(yld[1], 0)
# yld[2] <- max(yld[2]+0.5, 1)
if(is.null(args$main)) {
if(type=="primary") m3 <- ""
else m3 <- deparse(x$call)
if(is.null(args$ylim)) plot(yd, main=m3, ylim=yld, ...)
else plot(yd, main=m3, ...)
} else {
if(is.null(args$ylim)) {
plot(yd, ylim=yld, ...)
} else plot(yd, ...)
if(is.element(model, c("PP", "Gumbel", "Weibull", "Frechet"))) mod2 <- "GEV"
else if(is.element(model, c("Pareto", "Frechet", "Beta", "Exponential"))) mod2 <- "GP"
else mod2 <- model
xd <- seq(min(yd$x, na.rm=TRUE), max(yd$x, na.rm=TRUE),,100)
if(mod2 != "GP") ymod <- devd(xd, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, threshold=u, type=mod2)
else ymod <- devd(xd - u, loc=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, threshold=u, type=mod2)
lines(xd, ymod, lty=2, col="blue", lwd=1.5)
if(leg) legend("topright", legend=c("Data","Model"), col=c("black","blue"), lty=c(1,2), lwd=c(1,1.5), bty="n")
} else {
# if(model != "PP") ytrans2 <- ytrans
# else {
# blocks <- rep(1:x$span, each=x$npy)
# n2 <- length(blocks)
# if(n2 < x$n) blocks <- c(blocks, rep(blocks[n2], x$n - n2))
# else if(n2 > x$n) blocks <- blocks[1:x$n]
# ytrans2 <- c(aggregate(ytrans, by=list(blocks), max)$x)
# }
if(is.null(density.args)) yd <- density(ytrans)
else yd <-"density", c(list(ytrans), density.args))
if(is.null(args$ylim)) {
yld <- range(yd$y, finite=TRUE)
yld[1] <- min(yld[1], 0)
# yld[2] <- max(yld[2]+0.5, 1)
if(is.null(args$main)) {
if(type=="primary") m3 <- ""
else m3 <- paste(deparse(x$call), "Transformed", sep="\n")
if(is.null(args$ylim)) plot(yd, main=m3, ylim=yld, ...)
else plot(yd, main=m3, ...)
} else {
if(is.null(args$ylim)) plot(yd, ylim=yld, ...)
else plot(yd, ...)
if(is.element(model, c("Gumbel", "Weibull", "Frechet"))) mod2 <- "GEV"
else if(is.element(model, c("PP", "Pareto", "Frechet", "Beta", "Exponential"))) mod2 <- "GP"
else mod2 <- model
xd <- seq(min(yd$x, na.rm=TRUE), max(yd$x, na.rm=TRUE),,100)
ymod <- devd(xd, loc=0, scale=1, shape=0, threshold=0, type=mod2)
lines(xd, ymod, lty=2, col="blue", lwd=1.5)
if(leg) legend("topright", legend=c("Transformed Data","Standardized Model"), col=c("black","blue"), lty=c(1,2), lwd=c(1,1.5), bty="n")
} # end of if else '!tform' stmts.
# if(!is.element(model, c("pp","gp","beta","exponential","pareto"))) points(y, rep(0, length(y)), pch="|", cex=0.5)
# else points(y[eid], rep(0, length(y[eid])), pch="|", cex=0.5)
invisible( yd )
} # end of 'densplot.evd' function.
rlplot.evd <- function(x, xp, y, u, eid, rperiods, tform=FALSE, model= c("GEV", "GP", "PP", "Gumbel", "Frechet", "Weibull", "Exponential", "Beta", "Pareto"),
type=c("primary","rl"), leg=TRUE, a=0, ...) {
args <- list(...)
type <- match.arg(type)
if(x$method != "Lmoments") { # Eric -- 8/27/13
const.thresh <- check.constant(x$par.models$threshold)
const.loc <- check.constant(x$par.models$location)
const.scale <- check.constant(x$par.models$scale)
const.shape <- check.constant(x$par.models$shape)
if(is.element(model, c("PP", "GP", "Exponential", "Beta", "Pareto")) && !const.thresh && all(c(const.loc, const.scale, const.shape)) && type == "rl")
stop("rlplot.evd: invalid type argument for POT models with varying thresholds but constant parameters (are you sure you about this model choice?).")
if(is.null(args$main)) {
if(type=="primary") m5 <- ""
else m5 <- deparse(x$call)
if(model=="PP") {
if(!tform) mod2 <- "GEV"
else mod2 <- "GEV"
if(is.null(args$main)) {
if(!tform) {
if(type=="rl") m5 <- paste(m5, "Return Levels based on approx. equivalent GEV", sep="\n")
else m5 <- paste("Return Levels based on approx.", "equivalent GEV", sep="\n")
} else {
if(type=="rl") m5 <- paste(m5, "Return Levels based on approx. equivalent GEV df", sep="\n")
else m5 <- paste("Return Levels based on approx.", "equivalent GEV df", sep="\n")
blocks <- rep(1:x$span, each=x$npy)
n2 <- length(blocks)
if(n2 < x$n) blocks <- c(blocks, rep(blocks[n2], x$n - n2))
else if(n2 > x$n) blocks <- blocks[1:x$n]
yEmp <- c(aggregate(y, by=list(blocks), max)$x)
} else mod2 <- model
if(!tform) {
bds <- ci(x, return.period=rperiods)
yrl <- bds[,2]
if(is.null(args$ylim)) yl <- range(c(bds), finite=TRUE)
if(is.element(model, c("PP", "GEV", "Gumbel", "Weibull", "Frechet"))) xrl <- -1/(log(1 - 1/rperiods))
else xrl <- rperiods
if(is.null(x$units)) ylb <- "Return Level"
else ylb <- paste("Return Level (", x$units, ")", sep="")
xlb <- paste("Return Period (", x$period.basis, "s)", sep="")
if(is.null(args$main)) {
if(!is.null(args$ylim)) plot(xrl, yrl, type="l", log="x", xlab=xlb, ylab=ylb, main=m5, ...)
else plot(xrl, yrl, type="l", log="x", ylim=yl, xlab=xlb, ylab=ylb, main=m5, ...)
} else {
if(!is.null(args$ylim)) plot(xrl, yrl, type="l", log="x", xlab=xlb, ylab=ylb, ...)
else plot(xrl, yrl, type="l", log="x", ylim=yl, xlab=xlb, ylab=ylb, ...)
lines(xrl, bds[,1], col="gray", lty=2, lwd=2)
lines(xrl, bds[,3], col="gray", lty=2, lwd=2)
if(is.element(model, c("GEV", "Gumbel", "Weibull", "Frechet"))) points(-1/log(xp), sort(y))
else if(is.element(model, c("GP", "Beta", "Pareto", "Exponential"))) {
n2 <- x$n
if(is.null(a)) xp2 <- ppoints(n2)
else xp2 <- ppoints(n2, a=a)
sdat <- sort(y)
points(-1/log(xp2)[sdat > u]/x$npy, sdat[sdat > u])
out <- list( model = bds, empirical = data.frame( transformed.points = -1/log(xp2)[sdat > u]/x$npy,
sorted.level = sdat[sdat > u] ) )
} else if(model == "PP") {
if(is.null(a)) xp2 <- ppoints(length(yEmp))
else xp2 <- ppoints(length(yEmp), a=a)
points(-1/log(xp2), sort(yEmp))
out <- list( model = bds, empirical = data.frame( transformed.points = -1/log(xp2),
sorted.level = sort( yEmp ) ) )
} else {
np <- length(rperiods)
n <- length(y)
effrl <- matrix(NA, n, np)
for(i in 1:np) effrl[,i] <- return.level(x, return.period=rperiods[i])
if(is.null(args$ylim)) {
yl <- range(c(y, c(effrl)), finite=TRUE)
yl[2] <- yl[2] + sign(yl[2]) * log2(abs(yl[2]))
if(is.null(args$main)) {
if(!is.element(model, c("GP", "Beta", "Exponential", "Pareto"))) plot(y, type="l", xlab="index", main=m5, ylim=yl, ...)
else plot(y[eid], type = "l", xlab = "index", ylim = yl, main = m5, ...)
} else {
if(!is.element(model, c("GP", "Beta", "Exponential", "Pareto"))) plot(y, type="l", xlab="index", ...)
else plot(y[eid], type="l", xlab="index", ylim=yl, ...)
} else {
if(is.null(args$main)) {
if(!is.element(model, c("GP", "Beta", "Exponential", "Pareto"))) plot(y, type="l", xlab="index", main=m5, ...)
else plot(y[eid], type = "l", xlab = "index", main = m5, ...)
} else {
if(!is.element(model, c("GP", "Beta","Exponential","Pareto"))) plot(y, type="l", xlab="index", ...)
else plot(y[eid], type="l", xlab="index", ...)
} # end of if else 'ylim passed via '...' stmts.
for(i in 1:np) lines(effrl[,i], lty=i, col=i+1)
out <- list( series = y[ eid ], level = effrl )
if(is.element(model, c("PP", "GP", "Beta", "Exponential", "Pareto"))) {
if(length(u) > 1 && all(u == u[1])) u <- u[1]
if(length(u) == 1) abline(h=u, col="darkorange")
else lines(u, col="darkorange")
if(leg) legend("topleft", legend=c(paste(rperiods, "-", x$period.basis, " level", sep=""), "threshold"), lty=c(1:np,1), col=c(2:(np+1),"darkorange"), bg="white")
} else if(leg) legend("topleft", legend=paste(rperiods, "-", x$period.basis, " level", sep=""), lty=1:np, col=2:(np+1), bg="white")
} # end of if else '!tform' stmts.
if( type == "rl" ) invisible( out )
else invisible()
} # end of 'rlplot.evd' function.
eeplot <- function(x, type = c("both", "Zplot", "Wplot"), = FALSE, d = NULL, ...) {
type <- match.arg(type)
theCall <-
if(x$type != "PP") stop("eeplot: Sorry, this funciton is for PP fits only.")
y <- datagrabber(x, = FALSE)
u <- x$threshold
p <- findpars(x)
Tk <- (1:x$n)[y > u]
out <- Tk
if( {
op <- par()
if(type == "both") par(mfrow = c(1, 2), oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
else par(mfrow = c(1, 1), oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
if(is.element(type, c("both", "Zplot"))) {
lambda <- (1 + p$shape * (u - p$location)/p$scale)^(-1/p$shape)
if(is.null(d)) {
if(x$time.units == "days") {
if(x$period.basis == "year") d <- 365.25
else stop("eeplot: invalid period basis, perhaps set the d argument.")
} else if(x$time.units == "months") {
if(x$period.basis == "year") d <- 12
else stop("eeplot: invalid period basis, perhaps set the d argument.")
} else if(x$time.units == "years") {
if(x$period.basis == "year") d <- 1
else stop("eeplot: invalid period basis, perhaps set the d argument.")
} else if(x$time.units == "hours") {
if(x$period.basis == "year") d <- 8766 # 24 * 365.25
else stop("eeplot: invalid period basis, perhaps set the d argument.")
} else if(x$time.units == "minutes") {
if(x$period.basis == "year") d <- 525960 # 60 * 24 * 365.25
else stop("eeplot: invalid period basis, perhaps set the d argument.")
} else if(x$time.units == "seconds") {
if(x$period.basis == "year") d <- 31557600 # 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25
else stop("eeplot: invalid period basis, perhaps set the d argument.")
} else {
tmp.units <- unlist(strsplit(x$time.units, split="/"))
if(length(tmp.units) != 2) stop("fevd: invalid time.units argument.")
numper <- as.numeric(tmp.units[1])
if( stop("fevd: invalid time.units argument.")
pertiid <- tmp.units[2]
if(!is.element(pertiid, c("day","month","year","hour","minute","second"))) stop("fevd: invalid time.units argument.")
if(pertiid=="year") d <- numper
else if(pertiid=="month") d <- numper*12
else if(pertiid=="day") d <- numper*365.25
else if(pertiid == "hour") d <- numper * 24 * 365.25
else if(pertiid == "minute") d <- numper * 60 * 24 * 365.25
else if(pertiid == "second") d <- numper * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25
lambda <- lambda/d
if(length(lambda) == 1) lambda <- rep(lambda, x$n)
Zk <- diff(c(0, cumsum(lambda)[Tk]))
out <- cbind(out, Zk)
colnames(out) <- c("Exceed Time", "Zk")
# qqPlot(Zk, distribution = "exp", xlab = "Expected Values\nUnder exponential(1)", ylab = "Observed Z_k Values",
# col.lines = "grey", grid = FALSE, ...)
qqplot( qexp( (1:length(Zk) - 0.5)/length(Zk) ), Zk, xlab = "Expected Values\nUnder exponential(1)", ylab = "Observed Z_k Values" )
abline(0, 1, col = "darkorange", lty = 2)
legend("topleft", legend = c("1-1 line", "regression line", "95% confidence bands"), col = c("darkorange", "grey", "grey"), lty = c(2, 1, 2))
if(is.element(type, c("both", "Wplot"))) {
if(length(u) == 1) u <- rep(u, x$n)
Wk <- (1/p$shape[Tk]) * log(1 + p$shape[Tk] * (y[Tk] - u[Tk])/(p$scale[Tk] + p$shape[Tk] * (u[Tk] - p$location[Tk])))
# qqPlot(Wk, distribution = "exp", xlab = "Expected Values\nUnder exponential(1)", ylab = "Observed W_k Values",
# col.lines = "grey", grid = FALSE, ...)
qqplot( qexp( (1:length(Wk) - 0.5)/length(Wk) ), Wk, xlab = "Expected Values\nUnder exponential(1)", ylab = "Observed W_k Values" )
abline(0, 1, col = "darkorange", lty = 2)
legend("topleft", legend = c("1-1 line", "regression line", "95% confidence bands"), col = c("darkorange", "grey", "grey"), lty = c(2, 3, 1))
out <- cbind(out, Wk)
if(is.matrix(out)) colnames(out) <- c("Exceed Time", "Zk", "Wk")
else colnames(out) <- c("Exceed Time", "Wk")
if( {
mtext(deparse(x$call), line=0.5, outer=TRUE)
par( mfrow = op$mfrow, oma = op$oma )
attr(out, "call") <- theCall
class(out) <- "ee"
} # end of 'eeplot' function. <- function(x, pch2 = "+", col2 = "gray", xlab = "Time of Exceeding Threshold", ylab = "", ...) {
args <- list(...)
if(is.null(args$pch)) pch1 <- "o"
else pch1 <- args$pch
if(is.null(args$col)) col1 <- 1
else col1 <- args$col
if(is.null(args$ylim)) {
yl <- range(x[,-1], finite = TRUE)
plot(x[,1], x[,2], ylim = yl, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
} else plot(x[,1], x[,2], xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
if(dim(x)[2] == 3) {
points(x[,1], x[,3], pch = pch2, col = col2)
legend("topleft", legend = c("Zk", "Wk"), pch = c(pch1, pch2), col = c(col1, col2), bty = "n")
if(is.null(args$main)) title(attributes(x)$call)
invisible( x )
} # end of '' function.
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