
Defines functions radf_mc_distr radf_mc_cv radf_mc_

Documented in radf_mc_cv radf_mc_distr

#' @importFrom rlang is_scalar_atomic
#' @importFrom doRNG `%dorng%`
#' @importFrom doSNOW registerDoSNOW
radf_mc_ <- function(n, minw, nrep, seed = NULL) {

  if(!is.null(dim(n))) {
    message_glue("Did you use `data` instead of `n`? Using `NROW(n)` instead.")
    n <- NROW(n)
  assert_positive_int(n, greater_than = 5)
  minw <- minw %||% psy_minw(n)
  assert_positive_int(minw, greater_than = 2)

  show_pb <- getOption("exuber.show_progress")
  pb <- set_pb(nrep)
  pb_opts <- set_pb_opts(pb)

  do_par <- getOption("exuber.parallel")
  if (do_par) {
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(getOption("exuber.ncores"), type = "PSOCK")

  `%fun%` <- if (do_par) `%dorng%` else `%do%`#dorng to seed in parallel

  results <- foreach(
    i = 1:nrep,
    .export = c("rls_gsadf", "unroot"),
    .combine = "cbind",
    .options.snow = pb_opts,
    .inorder = FALSE
  ) %fun% {
    if (show_pb && !do_par)
    y <- cumsum(rnorm(n))
    yxmat <- unroot(y)
    rls_gsadf(yxmat, min_win = minw)

  n_minw <- n - minw

  adf_crit   <- results[n_minw + 1, ]
  sadf_crit  <- results[n_minw + 2, ]
  gsadf_crit <- results[n_minw + 3, ]

  badf_crit  <- results[1:n_minw, ]
  bsadf_crit <- results[-c(1:(n_minw + 3)), ]

    adf = adf_crit,
    sadf = sadf_crit,
    gsadf = gsadf_crit,
    badf = badf_crit,
    bsadf = bsadf_crit) %>%
      index = 1:n,
      method = "Monte Carlo",
      n = n,
      minw = minw,
      iter = nrep,
      seed = get_rng_state(seed),
      parallel = do_par


#'  Monte Carlo Critical Values
#' \code{radf_mc_cv} computes Monte Carlo critical values for the recursive unit
#' root tests. \code{radf_mc_distr} computes the distribution.
#' @inheritParams radf
#' @param n A positive integer. The sample size.
#' @param nrep A positive integer. The number of Monte Carlo simulations.
#' @param seed An object specifying if and how the random number generator (rng)
#' should be initialized. Either NULL or an integer will be used in a call to
#' `set.seed` before simulation. If set, the value is saved as "seed" attribute
#' of the returned value. The default, NULL, will not change rng state, and
#' return .Random.seed as the "seed" attribute. Results are different between
#'  the parallel and non-parallel option, even if they have the same seed.
#' @return For \code{radf_mc_cv} a list that contains the critical values for ADF,
#' BADF, BSADF and GSADF test statistics. For \code{radf_mc_distr} a list that
#' contains the ADF, SADF and GSADF distributions.
#' @seealso \code{\link{radf_wb_cv}} for wild bootstrap critical values and
#' \code{\link{radf_sb_cv}} for sieve bootstrap critical values
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores makeCluster stopCluster
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %do%
#' @importFrom stats quantile rnorm runif
#' @importFrom lubridate is.Date
#' @importFrom purrr detect_index
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Default minimum window
#' mc <- radf_mc_cv(n = 100)
#' tidy(mc)
#' # Change the minimum window and the number of simulations
#' mc2 <- radf_mc_cv(n = 100, nrep = 600, minw = 20)
#' tidy(mc2)
#' mdist <- radf_mc_distr(n = 100, nrep = 1000)
#' autoplot(mdist)
#' }
radf_mc_cv <- function(n, minw = NULL, nrep = 1000L, seed = NULL) {

  pcnt <- c(0.9, 0.95, 0.99)

  results <- radf_mc_(n, minw = minw, nrep = nrep, seed = seed)

  adf_crit <- quantile(results$adf, probs = pcnt, drop = FALSE)
  sadf_crit <- quantile(results$sadf, probs = pcnt, drop = FALSE)
  gsadf_crit <- quantile(results$gsadf, probs = pcnt, drop = FALSE)

  bsadf_crit <- apply(results$badf, 2, cummax) %>%
    apply(1, quantile, probs = pcnt) %>% t()
  # values taken from PWY
  asy_adf_crit <- rep(
    c(-0.44, -0.08, 0.6),
    each = nrow(bsadf_crit)
  badf_crit <- matrix(
    asy_adf_crit, ncol = 3,
    dimnames = list(NULL, paste0(pcnt*100, "%"))

    adf_cv = adf_crit,
    sadf_cv = sadf_crit,
    gsadf_cv = gsadf_crit,
    badf_cv = badf_crit,
    bsadf_cv = bsadf_crit
  ) %>%
    inherit_attrs(results) %>%
    add_class("radf_cv", "mc_cv")


#' @rdname radf_mc_cv
#' @inheritParams radf_mc_cv
#' @export
radf_mc_distr <- function(n, minw = NULL, nrep = 1000L, seed = NULL) {

  results <- radf_mc_(n, minw = minw, nrep = nrep, seed = seed)

    adf_distr = results$adf,
    sadf_distr = results$sadf,
    gsadf_distr = results$gsadf
  ) %>%
    inherit_attrs(results) %>%
    add_class("radf_distr", "mc_distr")


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exuber documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:51 p.m.