
Defines functions MomentMatchedAsianOption .LevyTurnbullWakemanAsianOption .MilevskyPosnerAsianOption .PosnerMilevskyAsianOption MomentMatchedAsianDensity .LevyTurnbullWakemanAsianDensity .MilevskyPosnerAsianDensity .PosnerMilevskyAsianDensity GramCharlierAsianOption .GramCharlierAsianDensity AsianOptionMoments .DufresneAsianOptionMoments ZhangAsianOption ZhangApproximateAsianOption VecerAsianOption gGemanYor GemanYorAsianOption gLinetzky LinetzkyAsianOption BoundsOnAsianOption CurranThompsonAsianOption RogerShiThompsonAsianOption ThompsonAsianOption TolmatzAsianOption CallPutParityAsianOption WithDividendsAsianOption FuMadanWangTable FusaiTaglianiTable GemanTable LinetzkyTable ZhangTable ZhangShortTable ZhangLongTable

Documented in AsianOptionMoments BoundsOnAsianOption CallPutParityAsianOption CurranThompsonAsianOption FuMadanWangTable FusaiTaglianiTable GemanTable GemanYorAsianOption gGemanYor gLinetzky GramCharlierAsianOption LinetzkyAsianOption LinetzkyTable MomentMatchedAsianDensity MomentMatchedAsianOption RogerShiThompsonAsianOption ThompsonAsianOption TolmatzAsianOption VecerAsianOption WithDividendsAsianOption ZhangApproximateAsianOption ZhangAsianOption ZhangLongTable ZhangShortTable ZhangTable

# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
# Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
# MA  02111-1307  USA

#  MomentMatchedAsianOption           Valuate moment matched option prices
#  .LevyTurnbullWakemanAsianOption     Log-Normal Approximation
#  .MilevskyPosnerAsianOption          Reciprocal-Gamma Approximation
#  .PosnerMilevskyAsianOption          Johnson Type I Approximation
#  MomentMatchedAsianDensity          Valuate moment matched option densities
#  .LevyTurnbullWakemanAsianDensity    Log-Normal Approximation
#  .MilevskyPosnerAsianDensity         Reciprocal-Gamma Approximation
#  .PosnerMilevskyAsianDensity         Johnson Type I Approximation
#  GramCharlierAsianOption            Calculate Gram-Charlier option prices
#  .GramCharlierAsianDensity          NA
#  AsianOptionMoments                 Methods to calculate Asian Moments
#  .DufresneAsianOptionMoments         Moments from Dufresne's Formula
#  .AbrahamsonAsianOptionMoments       Moments from Abrahamson's Formula
#  .TurnbullWakemanAsianOptionMoments  First 2 Moments from Turnbull-Wakeman
#  .TolmatzAsianOptionMoments          Asymptotic Behavior after Tolmatz
#  StateSpaceAsianDensity              NA
#  .Schroeder1AsianDensity             NA
#  .Schroeder2AsianDensity             NA
#  .Yor1AsianDensity                   NA
#  .Yor2AsianDensity                   NA
#  .TolmatzAsianDensity                NA
#  .TolmatzAsianProbability            NA
#  PDEAsianOption                      PDE Asian Option Pricing
#   .ZhangAsianOption                   Asian option price by Zhang's 1D PDE
#    ZhangApproximateAsianOption
#   .VecerAsianOption                   Asian option price by Vecer's 1D PDE
#   GemanYorAsianOption                Asian option price by Laplace Inversion
#   gGemanYor                          Function to be Laplace inverted
#   LinetzkyAsianOption                Asian option price by Spectral Expansion
#   gLinetzky                          Function to be integrated
#   BoundsOnAsianOption                 Lower and upper bonds on Asian calls
#    CurranThompsonAsianOption          From Thompson's continuous limit
#    RogerShiThompsonAsianOption        From Thompson's single integral formula
#    ThompsonAsianOption                Thompson's upper bound
#   CallPutParityAsianOption           Call-Put parity Relation
#   WithDividendsAsianOption           Adds dividends to Asian Option Formula
#   FuMadanWangTable                   Table from Fu, Madan and Wang's paper
#   FusaiTaglianiTable                 Table from Fusai und tagliani's paper
#   GemanTable                         Table from Geman's paper
#   LinetzkyTable                      Table from Linetzky's paper
#   ZhangTable                         Table from Zhang's paper
#   ZhangLongTable                     Long Table from Zhang's paper
#   ZhangShortTable                    Short Table from Zhang's paper


MomentMatchedAsianOption =
function(TypeFlag = c("c", "p"), S = 100, X = 100, Time = 1, r = 0.09,
sigma = 0.30, table = NA, method = c("LN", "RG", "JI"))
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Calculates price for Asian options based on moment matching
    #   LN:  Levy-Turnbull-Wakeman Log-Normal Approximation
    #   RG:  Milevsky-Posner Reciprocal-Gamma Approximation
    #   JI:  Posner-Milevski Johnson Type I Approximation


    # Set Default TypeFlag and Method, if no other is selected:
    TypeFlag = TypeFlag[1]
    method = method[1]

    # Test for Table:
    if (is.data.frame(table)) {
        S = table[,1]
        X = table[,2]
        Time = table[,3]
        r = table[,4]
        sigma = table[,5]
    call = rep(0, length=length(S))

    # Log-Normal Approximation:
    if (method == "LN") {
        for ( i in 1:length(S) ) {
            moments = masian(Time = Time[i], r = r[i],
                sigma = sigma[i])$rawMoments
            moments = moments / Time[i]^(1:4)
            meanlog = ( 2*log(moments[1]) - log(moments[2])/2 )
            sdlog = ( sqrt ( log(moments[2]) - 2*log(moments[1]) ) )
            d2 = ( -log(X[i]/S[i]) + meanlog*Time[i] ) / ( sdlog*sqrt(Time[i]) )
            d1 = d2 + sdlog*sqrt(Time[i])
            call[i] = moments[1]*pnorm(d1)-(X[i]/S[i])*pnorm(d2)

     # Reciprocal-Gamma Approximation:
     if (method == "RG") {
        for ( i in 1:length(S) ) {
            moments = masian(Time = Time[i], r = r[i],
                sigma = sigma[i])$rawMoments
            moments = moments / Time[i]^(1:4)
            alpha = (2*moments[2] - moments[1]^2) / (moments[2] - moments[1]^2)
            beta = (moments[2] - moments[1]^2) / (moments[1]*moments[2])
            call[i] = moments[1]*pgamma(S[i]/X[i], shape=alpha-1, scale=beta) -
                (X[i]/S[i])*pgamma(S[i]/X[i], shape=alpha, scale=beta)

     # Johnson-Type-I Approximation:
     if (method == "JI") {
        for ( i in 1:length(S) ) {
            cmoments = masian(Time = Time[i], r = r[i],
                sigma = sigma[i])$centralMoments
            cmoments = cmoments / Time[i]^(1:4)
            mu = cmoments[1]
            varsigma = sqrt(cmoments[2])
            eta = cmoments[3] / varsigma^3
            omega = 0.5 * ( 8 + 4*eta^2 + 4*sqrt(4*eta^2+eta^4) )^(1/3)
            omega = omega + 1/omega - 1
            b = 1 / sqrt(log(omega))
            a = 0.5 * b * log(omega*(omega-1)/varsigma^2)
            d = sign(eta)
            c = d*mu - exp(  (0.5/b-a)/b  )
            Q = a + b*log((X[i]/S[i]-c)/d)
            call[i] = mu - X[i]/S[i] + (X[i]/S[i] - c) * pnorm( Q ) -
                d * exp ( (1-2*a*b)/(2*b^2) ) * pnorm ( Q - 1/b )

    # Call Price:
    Price = S* exp(-r*Time) * call

    # Put Price:
    if (TypeFlag == "p") {
        Parity = (1/(r*Time))*(1-exp(-r*Time))*S - exp(-r*Time)*X
        Price = Price - Parity

    # Return Value:
    option = list(
        price = Price,
        call = match.call() )
    class(option) = "option"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.LevyTurnbullWakemanAsianOption =
function(TypeFlag = c("c", "p"), S = 100, X = 100, Time = 1, r = 0.09,
sigma = 0.30)
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Return Value:
    MomentMatchedAsianOption(TypeFlag[1], S, X, Time, r, sigma, method = "LN")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.MilevskyPosnerAsianOption =
function(TypeFlag = c("c", "p"), S = 100, X = 100, Time = 1, r = 0.09,
sigma = 0.30)
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Return Value:
    MomentMatchedAsianOption(TypeFlag[1], S, X, Time, r, sigma, method = "RG")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.PosnerMilevskyAsianOption =
function(TypeFlag = c("c", "p"), S = 100, X = 100, Time = 1, r = 0.09,
sigma = 0.30)
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Return Value:
    MomentMatchedAsianOption(TypeFlag[1], S, X, Time, r, sigma, method = "JI")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MomentMatchedAsianDensity =
function(x, Time = 1, r = 0.09, sigma = 0.30, method = c("LN", "RG", "JI"))
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Calculates price for Asian options based on moment matching
    #   LN:  Levy-Turnbull-Wakeman Log-Normal Approximation
    #   RG:  Milevsky-Posner Reciprocal-Gamma Approximation
    #   JI:  Posner-Milevski Johnson Type I Approximation


    # Set Default Method, if no other is selected:
    method = method[1]

    # Log-Normal Approximation:
    if (method == "LN") {
        moments = masian(Time = Time, r = r, sigma = sigma)$rawMoments
        moments = moments / Time^(1:4)
        meanlog = 2*log(moments[1]) - log(moments[2])/2
        sdlog = sqrt ( log(moments[2]) - 2*log(moments[1]) )
        density = dlnorm(x = x, meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog)

     # Reciprocal-Gamma Approximation:
     if (method == "RG") {
        moments = masian(Time = Time, r = r, sigma = sigma)$rawMoments
        moments = moments / Time^(1:4)
        alpha = (2*moments[2] - moments[1]^2) / (moments[2] - moments[1]^2)
        beta = (moments[2] - moments[1]^2) / (moments[1]*moments[2])
        density = drgam(x = x, alpha = alpha, beta = beta)

     # Johnson Type I Approximation:
     if (method == "JI") {
        cmoments = masian(Time = Time, r = r, sigma = sigma)$centralMoments
        cmoments = cmoments / Time^(1:4)
        mu = cmoments[1]
        varsigma = sqrt(cmoments[2])
        eta = cmoments[3] / varsigma^3
        omega = 0.5 * ( 8 + 4*eta^2 + 4*sqrt(4*eta^2+eta^4) )^(1/3)
        omega = omega + 1/omega - 1
        b = 1 / sqrt(log(omega))
        a = 0.5 * b * log(omega*(omega-1)/varsigma^2)
        d = sign(eta)
        c = d*mu - exp(  (0.5/b-a)/b  )
        density = djohnson(x = x, a = a, b = b, c = c, d = d)

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.LevyTurnbullWakemanAsianDensity =
function(x, Time = 1, r = 0.09, sigma = 0.30)
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Return Value:
    MomentMatchedAsianDensity(x, Time, r, sigma, method = "LN")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.MilevskyPosnerAsianDensity =
function(x, Time = 1, r = 0.09, sigma = 0.30)
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Return Value:
    MomentMatchedAsianDensity(x, Time, r, sigma, method = "RG")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.PosnerMilevskyAsianDensity =
function(x, Time = 1, r = 0.09, sigma = 0.30)
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Return Value:
    MomentMatchedAsianDensity(x, Time, r, sigma, method = "JI")


GramCharlierAsianOption =
function(TypeFlag = c("c", "p"), S = 100, X = 100, Time = 1, r = 0.09,
sigma = 0.30, table = NA, method = c("LN", "RG", "JI"))
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Calculate arithmetic Asian options price using
    #   Gram Charlier Statistical Series Expansion around
    #   LN:  Log-Normal Distribution
    #   RG:  Reciprocal-Gamma Distribution
    #   JI:  Johnson-Type-I Distribution


    # Select Method:
    TypeFlag = TypeFlag[1]
    method = method[1]

    # Test for Table:
    if (is.data.frame(table)) {
        S = table[,1]
        X = table[,2]
        Time = table[,3]
        r = table[,4]
        sigma = table[,5]

    # Calculate Price:
    Price = MomentMatchedAsianOption("c", S = S, X = X, Time = Time, r = r,
        sigma = sigma, method=method)$price
    gc3 = gc4 = rep(0, length(Price))

    # Log-Normal Approximation:
    if (method == "LN") {
        for ( i in 1:length(S) ) {
            moments = masian(Time[i], r[i], sigma[i])$rawMoments/Time[i]^(1:4)
            meanlog = 2*log(moments[1]) - log(moments[2])/2
            sdlog = sqrt ( log(moments[2]) - 2*log(moments[1]) )
            asian.cm = masian(Time[i], r[i],
            lnorm.cm = mlognorm(meanlog, sdlog)$centralMoments/Time[i]^(1:4)
            kappa = (asian.cm-lnorm.cm)
            gc3[i] = kappa[3]*dlognorm(X[i]/S[i], meanlog, sdlog, deriv=1)/6
            gc4[i] = kappa[4]*dlognorm(X[i]/S[i], meanlog, sdlog, deriv=2)/24

    # Reciprocal-Gamma Approximation:
    if (method == "RG" ) {
        for ( i in 1:length(S) ) {
            moments = masian(Time[i], r[i], sigma[i])$rawMoments/Time[i]^(1:4)
            alpha = (2*moments[2] - moments[1]^2) / (moments[2] - moments[1]^2)
            beta = (moments[2] - moments[1]^2) / (moments[1]*moments[2])
            asian.cm = masian(Time[i], r[i],
            rgam.cm = mrgam(alpha, beta)$centralMoments/Time[i]^(1:4)
            kappa = (asian.cm-rgam.cm)
            gc3[i] = kappa[3]*drgam(X[i]/S[i], alpha, beta, deriv = 1)/6
            gc4[i] = kappa[4]*drgam(X[i]/S[i], alpha, beta, deriv = 2)/24

    # Johnson-Type-I Approximation:
    if (method == "JI" ) {
        for ( i in 1:length(S) ) {
            cmoments = masian(Time = Time[i], r = r[i],
                sigma = sigma[i])$centralMoments
            cmoments = cmoments / Time[i]^(1:4)
            mu = cmoments[1]
            varsigma = sqrt(cmoments[2])
            eta = cmoments[3] / varsigma^3
            omega = 0.5 * ( 8 + 4*eta^2 + 4*sqrt(4*eta^2+eta^4) )^(1/3)
            omega = omega + 1/omega - 1
            b = 1 / sqrt(log(omega))
            a = 0.5 * b * log(omega*(omega-1)/varsigma^2)
            d = sign(eta)
            c = d*mu - exp(  (0.5/b-a)/b  )
            asian.cm = cmoments
            johnson.cm = cmoments
            skewness = sqrt((omega-1)*(omega+2)^2)
            kurtosis = omega^4 + 2*omega^3 + 3* omega^2 - 3
            johnson.cm[3] = skewness * varsigma^3
            johnson.cm[4] = kurtosis * varsigma^4
            kappa = (asian.cm-johnson.cm)
            gc3[i] = kappa[3]*djohnson(X[i]/S[i], a, b, c, d, deriv = 1)/6
            gc4[i] = kappa[4]*djohnson(X[i]/S[i], a, b, c, d, deriv = 2)/24

    # Gram-Charlier Approximated Call Price:
    Price = Price - S * exp(-r*Time) * (gc3-gc4)

    # Put Price:
    if (TypeFlag == "p") {
        Parity = (1/(r*Time))*(1-exp(-r*Time))*S - exp(-r*Time)*X
        Price = Price - Parity

    # Return Value:
    option = list(
        price = Price,
        call = match.call() )
    class(option) = "option"

.GramCharlierAsianDensity =
function(Time = 1, r = 0.09, sigma = 0.30, method = c("LN", "RG", "JI"))
{   # A function ported by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Return Value:


AsianOptionMoments =
function(M = 4, Time = 1, r = 0.045, sigma = 0.30, log = FALSE,
method = c("A", "D", "TW", "T"))
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Calculates Asian Moments using several approaches:
    #    A -  Moments from Abrahamson's Formula
    #    D -  Moments from Dufresne's Formula
    #    TW - First 2 Moments from Turnbull-Wakeman
    #    T - Asymptotic Behavior after Tolmatz


    # Settings:
    method = method[1]
    result = NA

    # Abrahamson Formula:
    if (method == "A") result =
        .AbrahamsonAsianOptionMoments(M = M, Time = Time, r = r,
            sigma = sigma)

    # Dufresne Formula:
    if (method == "D") result =
        .DufresneAsianOptionMoments(M = M, Time = Time, r = r,
            sigma = sigma)

    # Tolmatz Formula - Asymptotic Behavior:
    if (method == "T") result =
        .TolmatzAsianOptionMoments(M = M, Time = Time, r = r,
            sigma = sigma, log = log)

    # Turnbull Wakeman - Explicit 1st and Second Moment:
    if (method == "TW") result =
        .TurnbullWakemanAsianOptionMoments(M = M, Time = Time, r = r,
            sigma = sigma)

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.DufresneAsianOptionMoments =
function(M = 4, Time = 1, r = 0.045, sigma = 0.30)
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Calculates Moments of Asian Options Density
    #   according to the formula of Dufresne-GemanYor


    # Calculates: E[(A_\tau^{(\nu)})^n]
    moments = function (M, tau, nu) {
        d = function(j, n, beta) {
            d = 2^n
            for (i in 0:n) if (i != j) d = d  / ( (beta+j)^2 - (beta+i)^2 )
        moments = rep(0, length=M)
        for (n in 1:M) {
            moments[n] = 0
            for (j in 0:n) moments[n] = moments[n] +
                d(j, n, nu/2)*exp(2*(j^2+j*nu)*tau)
            moments[n] = prod(1:n) * moments[n] / (2^(2*n)) }

    # Calculate for:
    tau = sigma^2*Time/4
    nu = 2*r/sigma^2-1

    # Return Value:
    (4/sigma^2)^(1:M) * moments(M, tau, nu)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.AbrahamsonAsianOptionMoments =
function (M = 4, Time = 1, r = 0.045, sigma = 0.30)
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Calculates Moments of Asian Options Density
    #   according to the formula of Abrahamson


    # Calculates: E[(A_\tau^{(\nu)})^n]
    moments = function (M, tau, nu) {
        moments = rep(0, times = M)
        for (N in 1:M) {
            d = c =  2 * ( (1:N)^2 + (1:N)*nu )
            for (m in 1:N) {
                for (j in 1:N) {
                    if (j!= m) d[m] = d[m]*(c[m]-c[j])
                d[m] = exp(c[m]*tau) / d[m]
            moments[N] = prod(1:N) * ( sum(d) + (-1)^N/prod(c) )

    # Calculate for:
    tau = sigma^2*Time/4
    nu = 2*r/sigma^2-1

    # Return Value:
    (4/sigma^2)^(1:M) * moments(M, tau, nu)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.TurnbullWakemanAsianOptionMoments =
function (M = 2, Time = 1, r = 0.045, sigma = 0.30)
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Calculates the first two moments as derived explicitly
    #   by Turnbull and Wakeman. It can serve as a test for
    #   other implementations.

    # Note:
    #   Maximum M is 2!


    # Moments:
    moments = rep(NA, times = M)
    if (M == 1 || M == 2)
        moments[1] = (exp(r*Time)-1)/(r*Time)
    if (M == 2)
        moments[2] =
            2*exp((2*r+sigma^2)*Time)/ ((r+sigma^2)*(2*r+sigma^2)*Time^2) +
            (2/(r*Time^2)) * ( 1/(2*r+sigma^2) - exp(r*Time)/(r+sigma^2) )

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.TolmatzAsianOptionMoments =
function (M = 100, Time = 1, r = 0.045, sigma = 0.30, log = FALSE)
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Calculates Asymptotic Moments of Asian Options Density
    #   according to the formula of Tolmatz for nu=0 and Wuertz
    #   for nu different from zero - Log returns can be selected


    # Calculates: log { E[(A_\tau^{(\nu)})^n] }
    moments = function (M, tau, nu=0) {
        moments = rep(0, times=M)
        M = 1:M
        log.moments = -M*log(2) + lgamma(nu+M) - lgamma(nu+2*M) +

    # Calculate for:
    tau = sigma^2*Time/4
    nu = 2*r/sigma^2-1

    # Return Value:
    moments = (1:M)*log(4/sigma^2) + moments(M, tau, nu)

    # Return value:
    if (!log) moments = exp(moments)


#  StateSpaceAsianDensity
#  .Schroeder1AsianDensity             S1
#  .Schroeder2AsianDensity             S2
#  .Yor1AsianDensity                   Y1
#  .Yor2AsianDensity                   Y2
#  .TolmatzAsianDensity                T
#  .TolmatzAsianProbability


ZhangAsianOption =
function(TypeFlag = c("c", "p"), S = 100, X = 100, Time = 1, r = 0.09,
sigma = 0.30, table = NA, correction = TRUE, nint = 800, eps = 1.0e-8,
dt = 1.0e-10)
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Valuates Asian options by Solving Zhang's one
    #   dimensional Partial Differential Equations

    # Source:
    #   For the Fortran Routine:
    #   TOMS ...


    # Settings:
    TypeFlag = TypeFlag[1]

    # Test for Table:
    if (is.data.frame(table)) {
        S = table[, 1]
        X = table[, 2]
        Time = table[, 3]
        r = table[, 4]
        sigma = table[, 5]
    Price = rep(0, times = length(S))

    # Set Model Identifier:
    modsel = 2

    # Option Parameters:
    if (TypeFlag == "c") z = +1
    if (TypeFlag == "p") z = -1

    # PDE Parameters - Do not change:
    T0 = 0; Tout = 1
    np = 0; Price.by.S = 0
    mf = 12
    npde = 1; kord = 4; ncc = 2; maxder = 5

    # Fill Working Arrays:
    xbkpt = rep(0, times = nint+1)
    length.work = kord+npde*(4+9*npde)+(kord+(nint-1)*(kord-ncc)) *
    work = rep(0, times = length.work)
    length.iwork = (npde+1)*(kord+(nint-1)*(kord-ncc))
    iwork = rep(0, times = length.iwork)

    # Compute Prices:
    for ( i in 1:length(S) ) {
        result = .Fortran("asianval",
            PACKAGE = "fAsianOptions"
        Price[i] = result[[13]]*S[i]

    # ?
    Price = Price +
        ZhangApproximateAsianOption(TypeFlag, S, X, Time, r, sigma, table)

    # Return Value:

ZhangApproximateAsianOption =
function(TypeFlag = c("c", "p"), S = 100, X = 100, Time = 1, r = 0.09,
sigma = 0.30, table = NA)
    # Settings:
    TypeFlag = TypeFlag[1]

    # Test for Table:
    if (is.data.frame(table)) {
        S = table[, 1]
        X = table[, 2]
        Time = table[, 3]
        r = table[, 4]
        sigma = table[, 5]

    # Compute:
    I = 0
    xi = (Time*X-I)*exp(-r*Time)/S - (1-exp(-r*Time))/r
    eta = (sigma^2/(4*r^3)) * (-3 + 2*r*Time + 4*exp(-r*Time) - exp(-2*r*Time))

    # Call:
    price = (S/Time) *
        ( -xi * pnorm(-xi/sqrt(2*eta)) + sqrt(eta/pi)*exp(-xi^2/(4*eta)) )
    if (TypeFlag == "c") {
        ans = price
    } else {
        ans = CallPutParityAsianOption(TypeFlag = "c", price,
            S, X, Time, sigma, r, table = table)

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

VecerAsianOption =
function(TypeFlag = c("c", "p"), S = 100, X = 100, Time = 1, r = 0.09,
sigma = 0.30, table = NA, nint = 800, eps = 1.0e-8, dt = 1.0e-10)
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Valuates Asian options by Solving Vecer's one
    #   dimensional Partial Differential Equations


    # Vecer's PDE modeled by: modsel == 1
    #   MF1, NPDE1, KORD1, MX1, NCC1, MAXDER1,

    # Settings:
    TypeFlag = TypeFlag[1]

    # Test for Table:
    if (is.data.frame(table)) {
        S = table[, 1]
        X = table[, 2]
        Time = table[, 3]
        r = table[, 4]
        sigma = table[, 5]
    Price = rep(0, times = length(S))

    # Set Model Identifier:
    modsel = 1

    # Option Parameters:
    if (TypeFlag == "c") z = +1
    if (TypeFlag == "p") z = -1

    # PDE Parameters - Do not change:
    T0 = 0
    Tout = 1
    np = 0
    Price.by.S = 0
    mf = 12
    npde = 1
    kord = 4
    ncc = 2
    maxder = 5

    # Fill Working Arrays:
    xbkpt = rep(0, times = nint+1)
    length.work = kord+npde*(4+9*npde)+(kord+(nint-1)*(kord-ncc)) *
    work = rep(0, times = length.work)
    length.iwork = (npde+1)*(kord+(nint-1)*(kord-ncc))
    iwork = rep(0, times = length.iwork)

    # Compute Prices:
    for ( i in 1:length(S) ) {
        result = .Fortran("asianval",
            PACKAGE = "fAsianOptions"
        Price[i] = result[[13]]*S[i]

    # Return Value:


gGemanYor =
function(lambda, S = 100, X = 100, Time = 1, r = 0.05, sigma = 0.30,
log = FALSE, doplot = FALSE)
{   # A function written by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Calculates function to be Laplace inverted

    # Arguments:
    #   lambda - complex vector

    # Notes:
    #   Equation 4.9 with notation as in
    #       Sudler G.F. [1999], "Asian Options: Inverse Laplace
    #       Transform and Martingale Methods Revisited".


    # Settings:
    x = lambda
    g = rep(complex(real = 0, imaginary = 0), length = length(x))

    # Calculate for each lambda value from Kummer Function:
    # Note Kummer function is not vectorized in Indexes !
    for ( i in 1:length(x) ) {
        # Settings:
        nu = 2*r/(sigma^2) - 1
        mu = sqrt(2*lambda[i] + nu^2)
        q = (sigma^2)*X*Time/(4*S)
        gamma1 = (mu-nu)/2
        gamma2 = (mu+nu)/2
        # Convergence Parameters:
        a = gamma1-2 + 1
        b = gamma2+1 + a + 1
        z = -1/(2*q)
        # From Kummer Function [one of ...]:
        # Use logarithmic Kummer and Gamma Functions to prevent
        # from numerical overflow!
        g[i] = kummerM(-z, b-a, b, lnchf = 1) +
            a*log(-z) + z + cgamma(b-a, log = TRUE) - cgamma(b, log = TRUE) -
            log (lambda[i]*(lambda[i] - 2 - 2 * nu))
        if (!log) g[i] = exp(g[i])

    # Plot function if desired:
    if (doplot) {
        if (!is.complex(lambda)) {
            lam = lambda
            xlab = "lambda"
            ylab = "g"
        } else {
            lam = Im(lambda)
            xlab = "Im(lambda)"
            ylab = "Re(g)"
        lambda.min = 4*r/sigma^2
        cat("\nmin lambda:", lambda.min, "\n")
        # Function to be Laplace inverted:
        print(cbind(lambda, g))
        plot(lam, Re(g), type = "l", main = "Laplace Inverse",
            xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
        lines(lam, 0*Re(g))
        # Convergence Indexes:
        mu = sqrt(2*lambda + nu^2)
        gamma1 = (mu-nu)/2; a = Re(gamma1-2 + 1)
        gamma2 = (mu+nu)/2; b = Re(gamma2+1 + a + 1)
        plot(lam, b, ylim = c(min(c(a,b)), max(c(a,b))), type = "n",
            xlab = xlab, ylab = "a  b", main = "Convergence Indexes")
        lines(lam, a, col = "red")
        lines(lam, b, col = "blue")
        lines(lam, 0*b, type = "l", col = "black")
        lines(x = lambda.min*c(1,1), y = c( min(c(a,b)), max(c(a,b)) ) )

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

GemanYorAsianOption =
function(TypeFlag = c("c", "p"), S = 100, X = 100, Time = 1, r = 0.09,
sigma = 0.30, doprint = FALSE)
{   # A function written by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Valuate Asian options by Laplace inversion.


    # Parameters:
    TypeFlag = TypeFlag[1]
    nu = (2*r)/(sigma^2) - 1
    alpha = 1 / sigma^2 * (2*nu + 2)
    h = sigma^2*Time/4

    # Function to be inverted:
    fx = function(x, S, X, Time, roh, sigma) {
        nu = (2*roh)/(sigma^2) - 1
        alpha = 1 / sigma^2 * (2*nu + 2)
        h = sigma^2*Time/4
        zi = complex(real = 0, imaginary = x)
        zc = complex(real = alpha, imaginary = x)
        g2 = gGemanYor(lambda = zc, S = S, X = X,
            Time = Time, r = roh, sigma = sigma, log = TRUE)
        # Return Value:
        Re ( exp(zi*h + g2) / (2*pi) )

    # Call:
    # Integrate stepwise until (hopefully) convergence is reached:
    q = (sigma^2)*X*Time/(4*S)
    delta = 10/(2*q)
    eps = 1.0e-20
    if (doprint) {
        cat("\nDelta:", delta)
        cat("\nS:", S, "X:", X)
        cat("\nTime:", Time, "r:", r, "sigma:", sigma, "\n")
    i = 1
    I = integrate(fx, lower = 0, upper = delta,
        S = S, X = X, Time=Time, roh = r, sigma = sigma)
    Price = Increment = exp(-r*Time)*(S/h)*exp(alpha*h)*2*I$value
    while (abs(Increment)/abs(Price) > eps) {
        i = i+1
        I = integrate(fx, lower = (i-1)*delta, upper = i*delta,
            S = S, X = X, Time = Time, roh = r, sigma = sigma)
        Increment = exp(-r*Time)*(S/h)*exp(alpha*h)*2*I$value
        Price = Price + Increment
        if (doprint) print(c(i*delta, Price, Increment))

    # Put:
    # Use Call-Put Parity:
    if (TypeFlag == "p") {
        Parity = (1/(r*Time))*(1-exp(-r*Time))*S - exp(-r*Time)*X
        Price = Price - Parity

    # Return Value:
    option = list(
        price = Price,
        call = match.call() )
    class(option) = "option"


gLinetzky =
function(x, y, tau, nu, ip = 0)
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Calculates the function to be integrated for the Put Price
    #   in the expression for the spectral representation of
    #   $ P^{(\nu)} (k, \tau) $. Proposition 2 described bu eq. (16)

    # Note:
    #   Requires Confluent Hypergeometric Functions

    # Reference:
    #   [L] V. Linetzky, Spectral Expansions for Asian (Average Price)
    #   Options, Preprint, revised Version from October 2002

    # Function:
    result = V = rep(0, length = length(x))
    for (i in 1:length(x)) {
        p = x[i]
        if (p == 0) {
            result[i] = 0
        } else {
            z = 1/(2*y)
            kappa = -(nu+3)/2
            mu = complex(real = 0, imaginary = p/2)
            # V1 = exp( -(nu^2+p^2)*tau/2 ) * z^kappa * exp(-z/2)
              logV1 = -(nu^2+p^2)*tau/2 + kappa*log(z) - z/2
            # V2 = (abs(cgamma(nu/2+mu)))^2
            if (p < 100) {
                logV2 = log ( (abs(cgamma(nu/2+mu)))^2 )
            } else {
                # Shift by Pi - Take of the proper Phi
                g = cgamma(nu/2+mu, log = TRUE)
                r = abs(g)
                phi = atan(Im(g)/Re(g)) + pi
                logV2 = 2*r*cos(phi) }
            # V3 = sinh(pi*p) * p
            logV3 = pi*p + log(1/2 - exp(-2*pi*p)/2) + log(p)
            # Whittaker:
            if (p < 100) {
                V4 = Re ( whittakerW(z, kappa, mu, ip ) )
            } else {
                # Use: 2 * Re ( (cgamma(-2*mu)/cgamma(1/2-mu-kappa)) *
                # exp(-z/2) * z^(1/2+mu) * kummerM(z, 1/2+mu-kappa, 1+2*mu)
                g = log(2) + cgamma(-2*mu, log=TRUE) -
                    cgamma(1/2-mu-kappa, log=TRUE) - z/2 +(1/2+mu)*log(z) +
                    kummerM(z, 1/2+mu-kappa, 1+2*mu, lnchf=1, ip=ip)
                r = abs(g)
                # Shift by Pi - Take of the proper Phi
                phi = atan(Im(g)/Re(g)) + pi
                logV4 = r*cos(phi)
                argV4 = cos(r*sin(phi))
            # Collect all terms:
            if ( p < 100) {
                result[i] = exp(logV1+logV2+logV3)*V4/(8*pi^2)
            } else {
                result[i] = exp(logV1+logV2+logV3+logV4)*argV4/(8*pi^2)
            # print(c(p, logV5, logV5a, argV5, argV5a))

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

LinetzkyAsianOption =
function(TypeFlag = c("c", "p"), S = 2, X = 2, Time = 1, r = 0.02,
sigma = 0.1, table = NA, lower = 0, upper = 100, method = "adaptive",
subdivisions = 100, ip = 0, doprint = TRUE, doplot = TRUE,...)
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Test for Table:
    if (is.data.frame(table)) {
        S = table[,1]
        X = table[,2]
        Time = table[,3]
        r = table[,4]
        sigma = table[,5] }
    if (doprint) print(cbind(S, X, Time, r, sigma))
    Price = rep(0, length=length(S))

    # Settings:
    tau = sigma^2*Time/4
    k = tau*X/S
    nu = 2*r/sigma^2 - 1
    if (doprint) print(cbind(k, tau, nu))

    # Parameters:
    z = 1 / (2*k)
    kappa = -(nu+3)/2
    mu.max = upper/2
    if (doprint) print(cbind(z, kappa, mu.max))

    # Calculate Spectral Measure:
    P = P1 = rep(0, times=length(S))
    for (i in 1:length(S)) {
        if (method == "adaptive") {
            P[i] = integrate(gLinetzky, lower = lower, upper = upper,
                y = k[i], tau = tau[i], nu = nu[i], ip = ip,
                subdivisions = subdivisions,
                rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25,
                abs.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25,
                stop.on.error = FALSE)$value
        if (method == "trapez") {
            x = seq(lower, upper, length = subdivisions+1)
            delta = (upper-lower)/subdivisions
            F = gLinetzky(x = x, y = k[i], tau[i], nu[i])
            # print(c(F[1], F[length(F)], min(F), max(F)))
            P[i] = ( sum(F)-(F[1]+F[length(F)])/2 ) * delta
        if (method == "simpson") {
            x = seq(lower, upper, length = subdivisions+1)
            delta = (upper-lower)/subdivisions
            F = gLinetzky(x = x, y = k[i], tau = tau[i], nu = nu[i], ip = ip)
            # print(c(F[1], F[length(F)], min(F), max(F)))
            FF = matrix(F[2:length(F)], byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2)
            P[i] = (F[1]+4*sum(FF[,1])+2*sum(FF[,2])-F[length(F)]) *
                delta[i]/3 }
        # For nu < 0 add:
        P1[i] = 0
        if (nu[i] < 0) {
            z = 1/(2*k[i])
            P1[i] = (2*k[i]*pgamma(abs(nu[i]), z) - pgamma(abs(nu[i])-1, z)) /
                ( 2 * gamma(abs(nu[i])) )
            P[i] = P[i] + P1[i]
        # Plot:
        if (doplot) {
            x = seq(lower, upper, length = subdivisions)
            F = gLinetzky(x = x, y = k[i], tau = tau[i], nu = nu[i])
            plot(x, F, type = "l")
            lines(x, 0*x, col = "red")
            lines(x, F)
    if (doprint) print(cbind(P, P1))

    # Derive Call/Put Price:

    # Put Price:
    Linetzky = exp(-r*Time) * (S/tau) * P

    # Call Price:
    if (TypeFlag == "c") {
        Linetzky = Linetzky + S*(1-exp(-r*Time))/(r*Time) - X*exp(-r*Time) }

    # Return Value:
    option = list(
        price = Linetzky,
        call = match.call() )
    class(option) = "option"


# Note:
#   We have not implemented the formula for the upper bound derived
#   by Rogers and Shi. Thompson's upper bound formula is much more
#   precise and therefore we have concentrated ourself on their
#   approach.

BoundsOnAsianOption =
function(TypeFlag = c("c", "p"), S = 100, X = 100, Time = 1, r = 0.09,
sigma = 0.30, table = NA, method = c("CT", "RST", "T"))
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Calculates Bounds on Asian Option Prices
    #   CT  - Curran-Thompson Lower Bound
    #   RST - Roger-Shi-Thompson Lower Bound
    #   T   - Thompson Upper Bound


    # Set Default Method, if no other is selected:
    TypeFlag = TypeFlag[1]
    if (length(method) == 3) method = "T"

    # Test for Table:
    if (is.data.frame(table)) {
        S = table[,1]
        X = table[,2]
        Time = table[,3]
        r = table[,4]
        sigma = table[,5]
    Price = rep(NA, length = length(S))

    # Curran-Thompson Lower Bound:
    if (method == "CT") {
        for ( i in 1:length(S) ) {
        Price[i] = CurranThompsonAsianOption(TypeFlag=TypeFlag,
            S=S[i], X=X[i], Time[i], r=r[i], sigma[i])$price

    # Roger-Shi-Thompson Lower Bound:
    if (method == "RST") {
        for ( i in 1:length(S) ) {
        Price[i] = RogerShiThompsonAsianOption(TypeFlag=TypeFlag,
            S = S[i], X = X[i], Time[i], r = r[i], sigma[i])$price

    # Thompson Upper Bound:
    if (method == "T") {
        for ( i in 1:length(S) ) {
        Price[i] = ThompsonAsianOption(TypeFlag = TypeFlag,
            S = S[i], X = X[i], Time[i], r = r[i], sigma[i])$price

    # Return Value:
    option = list(
        price = Price,
        call = match.call() )
    class(option) = "option"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CurranThompsonAsianOption =
function(TypeFlag = c("c", "p"), S = 100, X = 100, Time = 1, r = 0.09,
sigma = 0.30)
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Calculates "lower bound" for Asian Call Option from
    #   Thompson's formula describing the continuous limit
    #   of Curran's approximation.

    # Note:
    #   Rescale sigma:
    #   Note the formula of Thompson work for Time=1 only!
    #   Thus the easiest way to cover times to maturity different
    #     from unity can be achieved by scale the volatility and
    #     interest rate! - Just do it


    # Settings:
    TypeFlag = TypeFlag[1]
    sigma = sigma*sqrt(Time)
    r = r*Time
    Time = 1

    # Settings:
    alpha = r - 0.5*sigma^2

    # Solve for gamma star:
    f1 =  function(x, S, X, alpha, sigma) {
        exp( 3 * ( log(X/S)-alpha/2 ) * x *(1-x/2) +
            alpha * x + 0.5 * sigma^2 * (x-3*x^2*(1-x/2)^2) )

    # Integrate:
    gs = integrate(f1, lower = 0, upper = 1, S = S, X = X, alpha = alpha,
        sigma = sigma, subdivisions = 1000, rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5,
        abs.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)$value

    # Final Calculate:
    g.star = ( log(2*X/S-gs) - alpha/2 ) / sigma

    # Solve for lower bound:
    f =  function(x, g.star, alpha, sigma) {
        time = x
        arg = (-g.star + sigma*time*(1-time/2))*sqrt(3)
        f = exp( (alpha+sigma^2/2)*time ) * pnorm(arg)

    # Integrate:
    value = integrate(f, lower=0, upper=1, g.star=g.star,
        alpha=alpha, sigma=sigma, subdivisions=1000,

    # Call Price:
    CurranThompson = exp(-r*Time) * ( S*value - X*pnorm(-g.star*sqrt(3)) )

    # Put Price:
    if (TypeFlag == "p") {
        Parity = (1/(r*Time))*(1-exp(-r*Time))*S - exp(-r*Time)*X
        CurranThompson = CurranThompson - Parity

    # Return Value:
    option = list(
        price = CurranThompson,
        call = match.call() )
    class(option) = "option"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

RogerShiThompsonAsianOption =
function(TypeFlag = c("c", "p"), S = 100, X = 100, Time = 1, r = 0.09,
sigma = 0.30)
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Calculates "lower bound" for Asian Call Option from
    #   Thompson's formula. Thompson's result is the same
    #   as can be obtained from Roger and Shi's formula.
    #   However, Thompson's formula is numerically more
    #   efficient since it requires a single integration
    #   only, whereas Roger and Shi's formula requires
    #   double integration.

    # Note:
    #   Rescale sigma:
    #   Note the formula of Thompson work for Time=1 only!
    #   Thus the easiest way to cover times to maturity different
    #     from unity can be achieved by scale the volatility and
    #     interest rate! - Just do it


    # Settings:
    TypeFlag = TypeFlag[1]
    sigma = sigma*sqrt(Time)
    r = r*Time
    Time = 1

    # Function from which to calculate gamma star:
    gamma.star =  function(S, X, r, sigma, lower = -99, upper = 99) {
        func =  function(gamma, S, X, r, sigma) {
            f =  function(x, gamma, roh, sigma) {
                time = x
                alpha = roh - sigma*sigma/2
                f = exp( 3 * gamma * sigma * time * (1-time/2) +
                    alpha * time +
                    sigma * sigma * (time-3*time^2*(1-time/2)^2)/2 )
            # Integrate:
            integrate(f, lower = 0, upper = 1, gamma = gamma, roh = r,
                sigma = sigma, subdivisions = 1000,
                rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5,
                abs.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)$value - X/S
        # Find Root Value:
        uniroot(func, lower = lower, upper = upper, S = S, X = X, r = r,
            sigma = sigma)$root
    g.star = gamma.star(S, X, r, sigma)

    # Function to be integrated:
    f =  function(x, g.star, roh, sigma) {
        time = x
        alpha = roh - sigma*sigma/2
        arg = (-g.star + sigma*time*(1-time/2))*sqrt(3)
        f = exp( (alpha+sigma^2/2)*time ) * pnorm(arg)

    # Integrate:
    value = integrate(f, lower=0, upper=1, g.star=g.star, roh=r,
        sigma=sigma, subdivisions=1000, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5,

    # Call Price:
    RogerShiThompson = exp(-r*Time) * ( S*value - X*pnorm(-g.star*sqrt(3)) )

    # Put Price:
    if (TypeFlag == "p") {
        Parity = (1/(r*Time))*(1-exp(-r*Time))*S - exp(-r*Time)*X
        RogerShiThompson = RogerShiThompson - Parity }

    # Return Value:
    option = list(
        price = RogerShiThompson,
        call = match.call() )
    class(option) = "option"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ThompsonAsianOption =
function(TypeFlag = c("c", "p"), S = 100, X = 100, Time = 1, r = 0.09,
sigma = 0.30)
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Calculates "upper bound" for Asian Call Option from
    #   Thompson's formula.

    # Note:
    #   Rescale sigma:
    #   Note the formula of Thompson work for Time=1 only!
    #   Thus the easiest way to cover times to maturity different
    #     from unity can be achieved by scale the volatility and
    #     interest rate! - Just do it


    # Settings:
    TypeFlag = TypeFlag[1]
    sigma = sigma*sqrt(Time)
    r = r*Time
    Time = 1

    # Internal Functions:
    sqrtvt =  function(x, S, X, alpha, sigma) {
        t = x
        ct = S*exp(alpha*t)*sigma - X*sigma
        vt = ct^2*t + 2*(X*sigma)*ct*t*(1-t/2) + (X*sigma)^2/3
        sqrt(vt) }

    fmu =  function(t, S, X, r, sigma) {
        alpha = r -sigma^2/2
        gint = integrate(sqrtvt, lower=0, upper=1, S=S, X=X,
            alpha=alpha, sigma=sigma, subdivisions=1000,
        gamma = (X - S * (exp(alpha)-1) / alpha ) / gint
        mu = (S*exp(alpha*t) +
            gamma*sqrtvt(x=t, S=S, X=X, alpha=alpha, sigma=sigma) ) / X
        mu }

    fatx =  function(t, x, S, X, r, sigma) {
        alpha = r - sigma^2/2
        mu = fmu(t=t, S=S, X=X, r=r, sigma=sigma)
        atx = S*exp(sigma*x+alpha*t) - X*(mu + sigma*x) + X*sigma*(1-t/2)*x
        atx }

    fbtx =  function(t, x, S, X, r, sigma) {
        alpha = r - sigma^2/2
        btx = X*sigma*sqrt(1/3 -t*(1-t/2)^2)
        btx }

    fw =  function(x, v, S2, X2, r2, sigma2) {
        w = x
        atx = fatx(t=v^2, x=w*v, S=S2, X=X2, r=r2, sigma=sigma2)
        btx = fbtx(t=v^2, x=w*v, S=S2, X=X2, r=r2, sigma=sigma2)
        2 * v * dnorm(w) * (atx*pnorm(atx/btx) + btx*dnorm(atx/btx)) }

    fv =  function(x, S1, X1, r1, sigma1) {
        fv = rep(0, length=length(x))
        for (i in 1:length(x))
            fv[i] = integrate(fw, lower=-20, upper=20,
                v=x[i], S2=S1, X2=X1, r2=r1, sigma2=sigma1,
                subdivisions=1000, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5,
        exp(-r)*fv }

    # Integrate - Call Price:
    Thompson = integrate(fv, lower=0, upper=1,  S1=S, X1=X, r1=r,
        sigma1=sigma, subdivisions=1000,

    # Put Price:
    if (TypeFlag == "p") {
        Parity = (1/(r*Time))*(1-exp(-r*Time))*S - exp(-r*Time)*X
        Thompson = Thompson - Parity }

    # Return Value:
    option = list(
        price = Thompson,
        call = match.call() )
    class(option) = "option"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TolmatzAsianOption =
function(TypeFlag = c("c", "p"), S = 100, X = 100, Time = 1, r = 0.09,
sigma = 0.30)
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Calculates "lower bound" for Asian Call Option from
    #   the asymptotic behavior derived by Tolmatz

    TypeFlag = TypeFlag[1]
    Tolmatz = NA

    # Put Price:
    if (TypeFlag == "p") {
        Parity = (1/(r*Time))*(1-exp(-r*Time))*S - exp(-r*Time)*X
        Tolmatz = Tolmatz - Parity }

    # Return Value:
    option = list(
        price = Tolmatz,
        call = match.call() )
    class(option) = "option"


CallPutParityAsianOption =
function(TypeFlag = "p", Price = 8.828759, S = 100, X = 100, Time = 1,
r = 0.09, sigma = 0.3, table = NA)
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Test for Table:
    if (is.data.frame(table)) {
        S = table[,1]
        X = table[,2]
        Time = table[,3]
        r = table[,4]
        sigma = table[,5] }

    # Call from Put:
    if (TypeFlag == "c") {
        # print(Price)
        Parity = S*(1-exp(-r*Time))/(r*Time) - X*exp(-r*Time)
        # print(Parity)
        result = Price + Parity }

    # Put from Call:
    if (TypeFlag == "p") {
        Parity = S*(1-exp(-r*Time))/(r*Time) - X*exp(-r*Time)
        result = Price - Parity }

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

WithDividendsAsianOption =
function(TypeFlag = "c", Dividends = 0.45, S = 100, X = 100, Time = 1,
r = 0.09, sigma = 0.3, calculator = MomentMatchedAsianOption, method = "LN")
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Add Dividends:
    q = Dividends = 0.05
    r.q = r - q
    X.q = X * exp(-q*Time)
    S.q<- S * exp(-q*Time)

    # Call Price:
    if (TypeFlag == "c")
        Price = calculator(TypeFlag = TypeFlag, S = S.q, X = X.q,
            Time = Time, r = r.q, sigma = sigma, method = method)$price
    # Put Price:
    if (TypeFlag == "p" )
        Price = NA

    # Return Value:
    option = list(
        price = Price,
        call = match.call() )
    class(option) = "option"


FuMadanWangTable =
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Display Fu-Madan-Wang's results from Table 1

    # Source:

    # Settings:
    X = rep(c(90,95,100,105,110), times = 6)
    S = 100*rep(1, times = length(X))
    sigma = rep(0.20, length = length(X))
    r = rep(0.09, length = length(X))

    # Call Prices:
    CallEulerFMW = c(
         11.5293,  7.2131,  3.8087,  1.6465,  0.5761,
         11.9247,  7.7249,  4.3696,  2.1175,  0.8734,
         13.8372,  9.9998,  6.7801,  4.2982,  2.5473,
         17.1212, 13.6763, 10.6319,  8.0436,  5.9267,
         19.8398, 16.6740, 13.7974, 11.2447,  9.0316,
         24.0861, 21.3774, 18.8399, 16.4917, 14.3442)
     CPUEulerFMW = c(
        53,44,42,45,38, 34,33,33,32,32, 26,26,26,25,25,
        24,23,23,23,22, 21,21,21,20,20, 19,22,19,21,21)
     CallPostWidderFMW = c(
         11.5176,  7.1981,  3.8196,  1.6623,  0.5728,
         11.9241,  7.7185,  4.3759,  2.1290,  0.8753,
         13.8439, 10.0029,  6.7823,  4.3010,  2.5450,
         17.1297, 13.6830, 10.6370,  8.0474,  5.9295,
         19.8495, 16.6822, 13.8042, 11.2502,  9.0360,
         24.0861, 21.3774, 18.8399, 16.4917, 14.3442)
     CPUPostWidderFMW = c(
        640,631,628,623,625, 613,591,601,585,595, 518,513,514,503,503,
        475,473,473,469,474, 468,467,467,462,465, 453,442,449,441,453)
     CallZhang = c(
        NA,         NA,         NA,        NA,        NA,
        NA,         NA,         NA,        NA,        NA,
        13.8314996, 9.99566567, 6.7773481, 4.2964626, 2.5462209,
        NA,         NA,         NA,        NA,        NA,
        NA,         NA,         NA,        NA,        NA,
        NA,         NA,         NA,        NA,        NA)

     # Return Value:
        S, X, r, sigma,
        CallEulerFMW, CPUEulerFMW, CallPostWidderFMW, CPUPostWidderFMW,

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FusaiTaglianiTable =
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Display Fusai and Tagliani's results from Table 6a - 6c

    # Source:
    #   G. Fusai and A. Tagliani [2002]
    #   An Accurate Valuation of Asian Options Using Moments

    # Settings:
    S = 100*rep(1, times = 45)
    X = rep(rep(c(90, 95, 100, 105, 110), times = 3), times = 3)
    Time = rep(1, times = 45)
    r = rep(sort(rep(c(0.05, 0.09, 0.15), times = 5)), times = 3)
    sigma = rep(0.10, times = 15); sigma = c(sigma, 3*sigma, 5*sigma)

    # Moment Matched Call Prices:
    CallLNa = c(
        11.95333,  7.41517,  3.64748,  1.30684,  0.32399,
        13.38629,  8.91721,  4.92310,  2.07045,  0.62338,
        15.39906, 11.12196,  7.03485,  3.61869,  1.41080)
    CallLNb = c(
        14.03812, 10.74879,  7.99251,  5.77417,  4.05724,
        15.06704, 11.73287,  8.88576,  6.54628,  4.69511,
        16.59082, 13.22661, 10.27814,  7.78408,  5.74800)
    CallLNc = c(
        17.67918, 14.91574, 12.48954, 10.38535,  8.58075,
        18.43698, 15.66486, 13.21198, 11.06751,  9.21323,
        19.55391, 16.78229, 14.30234, 12.10904, 10.18997)
    CallFTLN = c(CallLNa, CallLNb, CallLNc)

    # Gram-Charlier Call Prices:
    CallFTa = c(
        11.95127,  7.40754,  3.64091, 1.31097,  0.33156,
        13.38535,  8.91185,  4.91459, 2.07002,  0.63072,
        15.39885, 11.11966,  7.02746, 3.61216,  1.41384)
    CallFTb = c(
        13.89562, 10.63393,  7.92948, 5.76852,  4.09909,
        14.92543, 11.60605,  8.80190, 6.51749,  4.71737,
        16.45856, 13.09056, 10.16897, 7.72184,  5.73774)
    CallFTc = c(
        17.00382, 14.46257, 12.25646, 10.34604,  8.69620,
        17.69986, 15.13557, 12.89937, 10.95396,  9.26553,
        18.73925, 16.14761, 13.87252, 11.88030, 10.13926)
    CallFTLNGC = c(CallFTa, CallFTb, CallFTc)

    # Return Value:
    data.frame(S, X, Time, r, sigma, CallFTLN, CallFTLNGC)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

GemanTable =
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Display Geman's Table

    # Source:
    #   H. Geman [],
    #   Functionals of Brownian Motion in Path Dependent
    #   Option Valuation

    # Settings:
    S = c(1.9, 2.0, 2.1, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0)
    X = rep(2, times = 6)
    Time = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2)
    r = c(5, 5, 5, 2, 1.25, 5)/100
    sigma = c(5, 5, 5, 1, 2.5, 5)/10

    # Call Prices:
    CallGY = c(
        0.195, 0.248, 0.308, 0.058, 0.1772, 0.352)
    CallMC = c(
        0.191, 0.248, 0.306, 0.056, 0.1771, 0.347)

    # Return Value:
    data.frame(cbind(S, X, Time, r, sigma, CallGY, CallMC))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

LinetzkyTable =
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Display Linetzky's Table 3

    # Source:
    #   V. Linetzky [2002]
    #   Spectral Expansions for Asian (Average Price) Options

    # Settings:
    S     = c(2.00, 2.00, 2.00,   1.90, 2.00, 2.10, 2.00)
    X     = c(2.00, 2.00, 2.00,   2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00)
    Time  = c(1.00, 1.00, 2.00,   1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 2.00)
    r     = c(0.02, 0.18, 0.0125, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05)
    sigma = c(10.0, 30.0, 25.0,   50.0, 50.0, 50.0, 50.0) / 100

    # Call Prices:
    CallEE = c(
        0.0559860415,  0.2183875466,  0.1722687410,  0.1931737903,
        0.2464156905,  0.3062203648,  0.3500952190)
    CallSLT = c(
        0.055986,      0.218388,      0.172269,      0.193174,
        0.246416,      0.306220,      0.350095)
    CallMC = c(
        0.05602,       0.2185,        0.1725,        0.1933,
        0.2465,        0.3064,        0.3503)
    CallTLB = c(
        0.055985,      0.218366,      0.172226,      0.193060,
        0.246298,      0.306094,      0.349779)
    CallTUB = c(
        0.055989,      0.218473,      0.172451,      0.193799,
        0.247054,      0.306904,      0.352556)

    # Return Value:
    data.frame(S, X, Time, r, sigma, CallEE, CallSLT, CallMC, CallTLB, CallTUB)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ZhangTable =
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Display Zhangs's results from Table 1

    # Source:
    #   J.E. Zhang [2002],
    #   A semi-analytical method for pricing and hedging
    #   continuously sampled arithmetic average rate options

    # Settings:
    S = 100*rep(1, times = 36)
    X = c(rep(c(95, 100, 105), times = 3), rep(c(90, 100, 110), times = 9))
    Time = rep(1, times = 36)
    r = rep(c(5, 5, 5, 9, 9, 9, 15, 15, 15)/100, times = 4)
    sigma = sort(rep(c(0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30), times = 9))

    # Call Prices:
    CallZ = c(
         7.1777275, 2.7161745, 0.3372614,  8.8088302,  4.3082350, 0.9583841,
        11.0940944, 6.7943550, 2.7444531, 11.9510927,  3.6413864, 0.3312030,
        13.3851974, 4.9151167, 0.6302713, 15.3987687,  7.0277081, 1.4136149,
        12.5959916, 5.7630881, 1.9898945, 13.8314996,  6.7773481, 2.5462209,
        15.6417575, 8.4088330, 3.5556100, 13.9538233,  7.9456288, 4.0717942,
        14.9839595, 8.8287588, 4.6967089, 16.5129113, 10.2098305, 5.7301225)

    # Return Value:
    data.frame(cbind(S, X, Time, r, sigma, CallZ))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ZhangShortTable =
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Display Zhangs's short-tenor (ST) results from Table 7

    # Source:
    #   J.E. Zhang [2002],
    #   A semi-analytical method for pricing and hedging
    #   continuously sampled arithmetic average rate options

    # Settings:
    S = 100*rep(1, times = 18)
    X = c(rep(c(95,100,105), times = 6))
    Time = rep(0.08, times = 18)
    r = rep(0.09, times = 18)
    sigma = sort(rep(c(0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 0.50), times = 3))

    # Call Prices:
    CallPM = c(
         5.3224059, 0.5343219, 0.0000000,  5.3225549, 0.8431357, 0.0014921,
         5.3816262, 1.4835707, 0.1292560,  5.6304554, 2.1291126, 0.4880727,
         6.0222502, 2.7758194, 0.9753549,  6.4947818, 3.4228569, 1.5274729)
    CallCT = c(
         5.3224059, 0.5343040, 0.0000000,  5.3225550, 0.8431302, 0.0014924,
         5.3816340, 1.4835272, 0.1292529,  5.6304480, 2.1289662, 0.4879999,
         6.0221516, 2.7754740, 0.9750983,  6.4944850, 3.4221863, 1.5268836)

    # Return Value:
    data.frame(cbind(S, X, Time, r, sigma, CallPM, CallCT))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ZhangLongTable =
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Display Zhangs's long-tenor (LT) results from Table 7

    # Source:
    #   J.E. Zhang [2002],
    #   A semi-analytical method for pricing and hedging
    #   continuously sampled arithmetic average rate options

    # Settings:
    S = 100*rep(1, times = 18)
    X = c(rep(c(95,100,105), times = 6))
    Time = rep(3, times = 18)
    r = rep(0.09, times = 18)
    sigma = sort(rep(c(0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 0.50), times = 3))

    # Call Prices:
    CallPM = c(
         15.11626, 11.30359,  7.55327,   15.21331, 11.63716,  8.39113,
         16.63363, 13.76592, 11.22170,   19.01304, 16.58331, 14.39723,
         21.70848, 19.57038, 17.62156,   24.47434, 22.55837, 20.79507)
    CallCT = c(
         15.11626, 11.30361,  7.55328,   15.21376, 11.63752,  8.39084,
         16.63611, 13.76547, 11.21783,   19.01856, 16.58101, 14.38708,
         21.72991, 19.57593, 17.61228,   24.54788, 22.60645, 20.81811)

    # Return Value:
    data.frame(cbind(S, X, Time, r, sigma, CallPM, CallCT))


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