
as.character.formula <- getFromNamespace("as.character.formula", "formula.tools")
lhs <- getFromNamespace("lhs", "formula.tools")
rhs <- getFromNamespace("rhs", "formula.tools")

#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom graphics text
#' @importFrom stats aggregate anova aov as.dist ave
#'           coef complete.cases glm hclust lm logLik
#'           predict proj qchisq quantile rbeta rbinom
#'           reshape residuals rexp rnorm runif step
#' @importFrom utils head tail
#' @importFrom proxy dist
#' @importFrom agricolae HSD.test
#' @importFrom dplyr select_ setequal

# Clean this below!
globalVariables(c("x1", "x2", "y1", "y2", "y0",
                  "pred", "group", "y",
                  "variable", "value", "stat", "significance",
                  "level", "hjust", "vjust", "label",
                  "left", "n", "right",
                  "L1", "V0", "V05", "V1", "V2",
                  "xmin", "xpos", "y100", "y25", "xmax",
                  "y50", "y75", "ymax", "ymin", "ypos"))

cleanFactor <- function(factor) {
    factor <- as.factor(factor)
    levs <- levels(factor)
    factor <- droplevels(factor)
    if (!setequal(levels(factor), levs)) {
        warning("Dropped missing levels of the factor.")

merger <- function(response, factor, covariates=NULL, weights = NULL,
                   family = "gaussian",
                   abbreviate) {
  stopifnot(NROW(response) == NROW(factor))
  factor <- cleanFactor(factor)
  if (abbreviate) {
    map <- data.frame(
      `recoded` = paste0("(", abbreviate(levels(factor)), ")"),
      `original` = levels(factor))
    rownames(map) <- NULL
    factor <- factor(factor, labels = map$recoded)
  fm <- list(
    response = response,
    factor = factor,
    covariates = covariates,
    weights = weights,
    mergingList = list(`1` = list(groups = levels(factor),
                                  modelStats = list(),
                                  groupStats = NA,
                                  merged = NA))
  if (abbreviate) {
    fm[["map"]] <- map
  class(fm) <- "factorMerger"
         "gaussian" = {
           class(fm) <- append(class(fm), "gaussianFactorMerger")
         "survival" = {
           stopifnot(class(response) == "Surv")
           class(fm) <- append(class(fm), "survivalFactorMerger")
         "binomial" = {
           stopifnot(!sum(!response %in% c(0, 1)))
           class(fm) <- append(class(fm), "binomialFactorMerger")
         "nonparametric" = {
           class(fm) <- append(class(fm), "nonparametricFactorMerger")
           stop("Non-parametric analysis is not supported yet.")
         stop("Unknown family"))
  if (NCOL(factor) > 1) {
    class(fm) <- append(class(fm), "multiClassFactorMerger")
    stop("Factor merging with multivariate factor is not supported yet.")

stats <- function(factorMerger) {
    statsList <- lapply(factorMerger$mergingList, function(x) x$modelStats)
    do.call(rbind, statsList)

#' Groups statistic
#' @description Summary of statistics specific for a model for each group that
#' appeared in merging.
#' @param factorMerger object of a class \code{factorMerger}
#' @examples
#' randSample <- generateMultivariateSample(N = 100, k = 10, d = 3)
#' fm <- mergeFactors(randSample$response, randSample$factor)
#' groupsStats(fm)
#' @export
groupsStats <- function(factorMerger) {
    statsList <- lapply(factorMerger$mergingList,
                        function(x) as.data.frame(x$groupStats))
    statsDf <- do.call(rbind, statsList)
    statsDf <- subset(statsDf, !duplicated(level))

    if (sum(complete.cases(statsDf)) == 0) {

    rownames(statsDf) <- statsDf$level
    statsDf <- subset(statsDf, select = -level)

#' Merging history
#' @description Summarizes merging path by giving pairs of factor groups merged
#' in each iteration.
#' @export
#' @param factorMerger Object of a class \code{factorMerger}
#' @param showStats If \code{TRUE} extends results with
#' the loglikelihood (column \code{model}),
#' p-value for the \code{LRT} tests against the full model (column \code{pval})
#' and Generalized Information Criterion value (column \code{GIC}).
#' By default \code{showStats} is set to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param round Logical. If \code{TRUE}, the default, statistics are rounded
#' @param penalty GIC penalty
#' @examples
#' randSample <- generateMultivariateSample(N = 100, k = 10, d = 3)
#' fm <- mergeFactors(randSample$response, randSample$factor)
#' mergingHistory(fm, showStats = TRUE)
mergingHistory <- function(factorMerger, showStats = FALSE,
                           penalty, round = TRUE) {
  groupA <- unlist(sapply(factorMerger$mergingList,
                          function(x)  x$merged[1]))
  groupB <- unlist(sapply(factorMerger$mergingList,
                          function(x)  x$merged[2]))
  mergingDf <- data.frame(groupA, groupB, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    if (showStats) {
        st <- stats(factorMerger)
        if (round) {
            st <- round(stats(factorMerger), 4)
        mergingDf <- mergingDf[complete.cases(mergingDf), ]
        mergingDf <- rbind(c("", ""), mergingDf)
        mergingDf <- data.frame(mergingDf, st)

    if (!missing(penalty)) {
        mergingDf$GIC <- -2 * mergingDf$model +
            penalty * nrow(mergingDf):1
    rownames(mergingDf) <- as.character(0:(nrow(mergingDf) - 1))


call <- function(factorMerger) {
        paste0("Family: ",
               gsub("([[:upper:]])", " \\1",
                    class(factorMerger)[length(class(factorMerger))]), ".")

#' factorMerger
#' @description \code{factorMerger} is the
#' base class of the factorMerger package. \code{factorMerger} stores information about
#' response, initial factor, its levels and their abbreviated names (field \code{map}).
#' \code{factorMerger} creates its own structure of inheritance connected with model family.
#' When merging is applied, \code{factorMerger} shows which levels have been
#' merged together with
#' the matching summary statistics:
#' model loglikelihood, pvalue for the \code{LRT} test
#' against the full model and Generalized Information Criterion value.
#' @export
#' @param x object of a class \code{factorMerger}.
#' @param ... Other arguments
#' @importFrom knitr kable
print.factorMerger <- function(x, ...) {
   df <- mergingHistory(x, showStats = TRUE)
   rownames(df) <- as.character(0:(nrow(df) - 1))
   colnames(df)[1:2] <- c("groupA", "groupB")

   if ("map" %in% names(x)) {
       cat("\nFactor levels were recoded as below:")
       cat(paste(c("", "", kable(x$map, output = FALSE)), collapse = "\n"))

   cat("\n\nFactor levels were merged in the following order:")
   cat(paste(c("", "", kable(df, output = FALSE)), collapse = "\n"))

#' Merge factors
#' @description Performs step-wise merging of factor levels.
#' @aliases mergeFactor.default
#' @param response  A response \code{vector/matrix} suitable for the model family or a formula containing columns names from the \code{data} argument or formula.
#' @param factor A factor \code{vector} when we use \code{response} argument, otherwise the name of column from \code{data} argument containing which levels should be merged.
#' @param ... Other arguments corresponding to type of first argument
#' @method mergeFactors default
#' @method mergeFactors formula
#' @usage mergeFactors(response, factor, ...)
#' @examples
#' rSample <- generateMultivariateSample(N = 100, k = 10, d = 3)
#' rSample$covariates <- runif(100)
#' rSample$weights <- runif(100)
#' mergeFactors(response = rSample$response, factor = rSample$factor)
#' mergeFactors(response = rSample$response, factor = rSample$factor, 
#'     covariates = rSample$covariates)
#' mergeFactors(rSample$response[,1], rSample$factor, 
#'     covariates = rSample$covariates, weights = rSample$weights)
#' dataset <- cbind(rSample$response, rSample$factor, rSample$covariates)
#' colnames(dataset) <- c("res1","res2","res3","fct", "cov1")
#' formula <- as.formula("res1+res2+res3~fct")
#' formulaCovariates <-as.formula("res1+res2+res3~fct+cov1")
#' mergeFactors(response = formula, factor="fct", data=dataset)
#' mergeFactors(response = formulaCovariates, factor="fct", data=dataset)
#'@aliases mergeFactors.default
#'@aliases mergeFactors.formula
#'@export mergeFactors

mergeFactors <- function(response, factor, ...){

#'@title mergeFactors.default
#'@description Default method for \code{mergeFactors()} function.
#'@param response A response \code{vector/matrix} suitable for the model family or a formula containing columns names from the \code{data} argument or formula.
#'@param factor A factor \code{vector} when we use \code{response} argument, otherwise the name of column from \code{data} argument containing which levels should be merged.
#'@param ... Other arguments corresponding to type of first argument
#' @param covariates A covariates \code{vector/matrix}, optional when we use \code{response} argument.
#' @param weights A weights \code{vector}, optional when we use \code{response} argument. For more information see: \link[stats]{lm}, \link[stats]{glm}, \link[survival]{coxph}
#' @param family Model family to be used in merging. Available models are: \code{"gaussian",}
#' \code{ "survival", "binomial"}.
#' By default \code{mergeFactors} uses \code{"gaussian"} model.
#' @param method A string specifying method used during merging.
#' Four methods are available:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{method = "adaptive"}. The objective function that is maximized
#' throughout procedure is the logarithm of likelihood. The set of pairs enabled to merge
#' contains all possible pairs of groups available in a given step.
#' Pairwise LRT distances are recalculated every step.
#' This option is the slowest one since it requires the largest number
#' of comparisons. It requires {O}(k^3) model evaluations. (with k - the initial number of groups)
#' \item \code{method = "fast-adaptive"}.
#' For Gaussian family of response, at the very beginning, the groups are ordered according to increasing
#' averages and then the set of pairs compared contains only pairs of closest groups.
#' For other families the order corresponds to beta coefficients in
#' a regression model.
#' This option is much faster than \code{method = "adaptive"} and requires {O}(k^2) model evaluations.
#' \item \code{method = "fixed"}. This option is based on the DMR
#' algorithm introduced in \cite{Proch}. It was extended to cover
#' survival models. The largest difference between this option and
#' the \code{method = "adaptive"} is, that in the first
#' step a pairwise distances are calculated between each groups
#' based on the LRT statistic. Then the agglomerative clustering algorithm
#' is used to merge consecutive pairs. It means that pairwise model differences
#' are not recalculated as LRT statistics in every step but the
#' \code{complete linkage} is used instead.
#' This option is very fast and requires {O}(k^2) comparisons.
#' \item \code{method = "fast-fixed"}. This option may be considered
#' as a modification of \code{method = "fixed"}.
#' Here, similarly as in the \code{fast-adaptive} version,
#' we assume that if groups A, B and C are sorted according to their
#' increasing beta coefficients, then the distance between groups A and B
#' and the distance between groups B and C are not greater than the
#' distance between groups A and C. This assumption enables to implement
#' the \code{complete linkage} clustering more efficiently in a dynamic manner.
#' The biggest difference is that in the first step we do not calculated
#' whole matrix of pairwise differences, but instead only the differences
#' between consecutive groups. Then in each step a only single distance is
#' calculated. This helps to reduce the number of model evaluations to {O}(n).
#' }
#' The default option is \code{"fast-adaptive"}.
#' @param abbreviate Logical. If \code{TRUE}, the default, factor levels names
#' are abbreviated.
mergeFactors.default <- function(response, factor, ..., covariates=NULL, weights = NULL,
                                 family = "gaussian",
                                 method = "fast-adaptive",
                                 abbreviate = TRUE) {
  stopifnot(!is.null(response), !is.null(factor))
  stopifnot(method %in% c("adaptive", "fast-adaptive",
                          "fixed", "fast-fixed"))
  if(NCOL(response)>1 && !is.null(weights) && family!="survival"){
    stop("Multivariate Linear Models with weights are not supported")
  successive  <- ifelse(grepl("fast", method), TRUE, FALSE)
  if (is.data.frame(response)) {
    response <- as.matrix(response)
  fm <- merger(response, factor, covariates, weights, family, abbreviate)
  if (grepl("adaptive", method)) {
    return(mergeLRT(fm, successive))
  return(mergeHClust(fm, successive))

#'@title mergeFactors.formula
#'@description Method for \code{mergeFactors()} when first argument is a formula.
#'@param response Formula containing columns names from the \code{data} argument.
#'@param factor A factor \code{vector} when we use \code{response} argument, otherwise the name of column from \code{data} argument containing which levels should be merged.
#'@param ... Other arguments corresponding to type of first argument/
#'@param data A data frame to be used for modeling
#'@param weights A weights \code{vector}, optional when we use \code{response} argument. For more information see: \link[stats]{lm}, \link[stats]{glm}, \link[survival]{coxph}
#'@param family Model family to be used in merging. Available models are: \code{"gaussian",}
#'\code{ "survival", "binomial"}.
#'By default \code{mergeFactors} uses \code{"gaussian"} model.
#'@param method A string specifying method used during merging.
#'Four methods are available:
#'\item \code{method = "adaptive"}. The objective function that is maximized
#'throughout procedure is the logarithm of likelihood. The set of pairs enabled to merge
#'contains all possible pairs of groups available in a given step.
#'Pairwise LRT distances are recalculated every step.
#'This option is the slowest one since it requires the largest number
#'of comparisons. It requires {O}(k^3) model evaluations. (with k - the initial number of groups)
#'\item \code{method = "fast-adaptive"}.
#'For Gaussian family of response, at the very beginning, the groups are ordered according to increasing
#'averages and then the set of pairs compared contains only pairs of closest groups.
#'For other families the order corresponds to beta coefficients in
#'a regression model.
#'This option is much faster than \code{method = "adaptive"} and requires {O}(k^2) model evaluations.
#'\item \code{method = "fixed"}. This option is based on the DMR
#'algorithm introduced in \cite{Proch}. It was extended to cover
#'survival models. The largest difference between this option and
#'the \code{method = "adaptive"} is, that in the first
#'step a pairwise distances are calculated between each groups
#'based on the LRT statistic. Then the agglomerative clustering algorithm
#'is used to merge consecutive pairs. It means that pairwise model differences
#'are not recalculated as LRT statistics in every step but the
#'\code{complete linkage} is used instead.
#'This option is very fast and requires {O}(k^2) comparisons.
#'\item \code{method = "fast-fixed"}. This option may be considered
#'as a modification of \code{method = "fixed"}.
#'Here, similarly as in the \code{fast-adaptive} version,
#'we assume that if groups A, B and C are sorted according to their
#'increasing beta coefficients, then the distance between groups A and B
#'and the distance between groups B and C are not greater than the
#'distance between groups A and C. This assumption enables to implement
#'the \code{complete linkage} clustering more efficiently in a dynamic manner.
#'The biggest difference is that in the first step we do not calculated
#'whole matrix of pairwise differences, but instead only the differences
#'between consecutive groups. Then in each step a only single distance is
#'calculated. This helps to reduce the number of model evaluations to {O}(n).
#'The default option is \code{"fast-adaptive"}.
#'@param abbreviate Logical. If \code{TRUE}, the default, factor levels names
#'are abbreviated.

mergeFactors.formula <- function(response, factor, ..., data=NULL, weights = NULL,
                                 family = "gaussian",
                                 method = "fast-adaptive",
                                 abbreviate = TRUE) {
  formula <- response
  stopifnot(method %in% c("adaptive", "fast-adaptive",
                          "fixed", "fast-fixed"))
  successive  <- ifelse(grepl("fast", method), TRUE, FALSE)
  responseNames <- lhs(formula)
  responseNames <- unlist(strsplit(as.character.formula(responseNames)," "))
  responseNames <- responseNames[!responseNames %in% c("+")]
  covariateNames <- rhs(formula)
  covariateNames <- unlist(strsplit(as.character.formula(covariateNames)," "))
  covariateNames <- covariateNames[!covariateNames %in% c("+")]
  factorNames <- factor
  covariateNames <- covariateNames[!covariateNames %in% factorNames]
  response <- data[, which(colnames(data) %in% c(responseNames))]
  stopifnot(!is.null(response), !is.null(factor))
  if(NCOL(response)>1 && !is.null(weights) && family!="survival"){
    stop("Multivariate Linear Models with weights are not supported")
  covariates <- data[, which(colnames(data) %in% covariateNames)]
  covariates <- as.data.frame(covariates)
  factor <- data[, which(colnames(data) %in% factorNames)]
  if (is.data.frame(response)) {
    response <- as.matrix(response)
  fm <- merger(response, factor, covariates, weights, family, abbreviate)
  if (grepl("adaptive", method)) {
    return(mergeLRT(fm, successive))
  return(mergeHClust(fm, successive))

mergeLRT <- function(factorMerger, successive) {
    fmList <- startMerging(factorMerger, successive, "LRT")
    fm <- fmList$factorMerger

    while (canBeMerged(fm)) {
        fmList <- mergePairLRT(fm, successive, fmList$factor,
        fm <- fmList$factorMerger


getPairWithLowestDist <- function(distance, pos) {
    return(distance[pos, ] %>%
               select_("firstClusterLabel", "lastClusterLabel"))

replaceWithMergedPair <- function(distance, pos, toBeMerged) {
    mergedLabel <- paste0(toBeMerged, collapse = "")
    if (pos > 1) {
        distance[pos - 1, "lastClusterLabel"] <- mergedLabel
    if (pos < nrow(distance)) {
        distance[pos + 1, "firstClusterLabel"] <- mergedLabel

updateRowAfterMerging <- function(distance, newPos, origPos,
                                  factorMerger, which) {
    initStat <- factorMerger$mergingList[[1]]$modelStats$model
    distance[newPos, which] <- distance[origPos, which]
    newPair <- distance[newPos, c("first", "last")]
    tmpFactor <- mergeLevels(factorMerger$factor,
                             newPair[1], newPair[2])
    tmpModel <- calculateModel(factorMerger, tmpFactor)
    distance[newPos, "dist"] <-
        2 * initStat - 2 * calculateModelStatistic(tmpModel)

updateDistAfterMerging <- function(factorMerger, pos, toBeMerged) {
    distance <- factorMerger$dist
    if (pos > 1) {
        distance <- updateRowAfterMerging(distance, pos - 1, pos,
                                          factorMerger, "last")
    if (pos < nrow(distance)) {
        distance <- updateRowAfterMerging(distance, pos + 1, pos,
                                          factorMerger, "first")
    distance <- distance[-pos, ]

addNewPairToMergingHistory <- function(factorMerger, toBeMerged) {
    toBeMerged <- unname(toBeMerged)
    if (length(factorMerger$mergingList) == 1) {
    mH <- factorMerger$mergingHistory
    mH <- rbind(mH, unname(as.matrix(toBeMerged)))

mergeSuccessiveHClust <- function(factorMerger) {
    factor <- factorMerger$factor
    for (step in 1:(length(levels(factorMerger$factor)) - 1)) {
        # Take pair p of A and B with the lowest distance
        mergingPositionInTable <- which.min(factorMerger$dist$dist)
        toBeMerged <- getPairWithLowestDist(factorMerger$dist,
        # mergePairHClust with p (add to the merging list)
        factorMerger$mergingHistory <-
            addNewPairToMergingHistory(factorMerger, toBeMerged)
        fm <- mergePairHClust(factorMerger, factor)
        factorMerger <- fm$factorMerger
        factor <- fm$factor
        # Replace clusterLabels in the factorMerger$dist
        factorMerger$dist <- replaceWithMergedPair(factorMerger$dist,

        factorMerger$dist <- updateDistAfterMerging(factorMerger,

mergeHClust <- function(factorMerger, successive) {
    factorMerger <- startMerging(factorMerger, successive, "hclust")
    if (successive) {

    # Original DMR
    clust <- clusterFactors(factorMerger$dist)
    factorMerger$mergingHistory <-

    factor <- factorMerger$factor
    for (i in 1:nrow(factorMerger$mergingHistory)) {
        fm <- mergePairHClust(factorMerger, factor)
        factorMerger <- fm$factorMerger
        factor <- fm$factor

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factorMerger documentation built on July 4, 2019, 1:02 a.m.