Man pages for fcros
A Method to Search for Differentially Expressed Genes and to Detect Recurrent Chromosomal Copy Number Aberrations

bottExample of sequencing data to test the rankReads function.
calcSRmatCalculation of the sorted rank matrix from the dataset
calcSRmatModCalculation of the sorted rank matrix from the dataset
cghDataExample of aCGH "data file" for the fcros package.
cghInfoExample of aCGH "info file" for the fcros package.
chrMergeUsing a C code for merging chromosome segments
chrPlotPlot a chromosome data
chrPlot2Plot a chromosome segmentation results
chrSegmentSegmentation of a chromosome data
dataSummarySummarization of the detection results for a list of...
fc2CalcCalculation of fold change using pairwise comparison values
fcrosSearch for differentially expressed genes/probes
fcros2Search for differentially expressed genes/probes
fcrosFCmatCalculation of a matrix of fold changes using pairwise...
fcrosModSearch for differentially expressed genes or to detect...
fcros-packageA Method to Search for Differentially Expressed Genes and to...
fcrosReadRead a tab delimited text file
fcrosTopNSearch for the top N changed genes or probes
fcrosTtestStudent t-test for detecting differentially expressed genes
fcrosWriteWriting the fcros() or pfco() results in a tab delimited text...
fdataExample of dataset for the fcros package.
fvalTopNSearch for the top N changed genes or probes using f-values
fvalVolcanoPlotPerforms a volcano plot of the FCROS/PFCO statistics
histoPlotHistogram plot function of the fcros package results
moyStdCalcCalculation of the mean and the standard deviation of the...
pfcoSearching for differentially expressed genes/probes using an...
pfcoModSearching for differentially expressed genes or detecting...
pvalTopNSearch for the top N changed genes or probes using p-values
pvalVolcanoPlotPerforms a volcano plot of the FCROS/PFCO statistics
rankReadsThis function computes a score to assess the significance of...
rmatCalcCalculation of the FC matrix using pairwise comparisons
rmatTrimCalculation of the reduced matrix containing sorted rank...
scoreThrDetermine numerically a threshold for the ranking score
tcnReadsPerforms a total count normalization of reads
tprobaCalcCalculation of the Student one sample test probabilities
varBetaCompute variance of a beta distribution from data
voomReadsTransformation of read count values
fcros documentation built on May 31, 2019, 5:03 p.m.