polyg: Polygonal Basis Function Values

View source: R/polyg.R

polygR Documentation

Polygonal Basis Function Values


Evaluates a set of polygonal basis functions, or a derivative of these functions, at a set of arguments.


polyg(x, argvals, nderiv=0)



a vector of argument values at which the polygonal basis functions are to evaluated.


a strictly increasing set of argument values containing the range of x within it that defines the polygonal basis. The default is x itself.


the order of derivative to be evaluated. The derivative must not exceed one. The default derivative is 0, meaning that the basis functions themselves are evaluated.


a matrix of function values. The number of rows equals the number of arguments, and the number of columns equals the number of basis

See Also

create.polygonal.basis, polygpen


oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
#  set up a set of 21 argument values
x <- seq(0,1,0.05)
#  set up a set of 11 argument values
argvals <- seq(0,1,0.1)
#  with the default period (1) and derivative (0)
basismat <- polyg(x, argvals)
#  plot the basis functions
matplot(x, basismat, type="l")

fda documentation built on May 31, 2023, 9:19 p.m.