
Defines functions sparse.list

Documented in sparse.list

sparse.list <- function(data,time){
  #Create a list with sparse data from a matrix that has NA
  # Arguments:
  # DATA .... Sparse data -- If the set is supplied as a matrix object, the rows must correspond to argument values and 
  #           columns to replications, and it will be assumed that there is only one variable per observation. If y is a 
  #           three-dimensional array, the first dimension corresponds to argument values, the second to replications, 
  #           and the third to variables within replications. 
  # TIME .... Time points where the observations where taken. length(time) == nrow(data)
  ndim = length(dim(data))
  if(ndim ==3){
    ind = apply(data[,,1],2, function(x) which(!(is.na(x))))
    y = lapply(1:dim(data)[2], function(x) cbind(time[ind[[x]]],data[ind[[x]],x,]))
    ind = apply(data,2, function(x) which(!(is.na(x))))
    y = lapply(1:dim(data)[2], function(x) cbind(time[ind[[x]]],data[ind[[x]],x]))

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fda documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:26 a.m.