
Defines functions .sleeper_userid print.sleeper_conn sleeper_connect

Documented in sleeper_connect .sleeper_userid

#' Connect to Sleeper League
#' This function creates a connection object which stores parameters and a user ID if available.
#' @param season Season to access on Sleeper - if missing, will guess based on system date (current year if March or later, otherwise previous year)
#' @param league_id League ID (currently assuming one league at a time)
#' @param user_name Sleeper user_name - optional - attempts to get user's user ID
#' @param user_agent User agent to self-identify (optional)
#' @param rate_limit TRUE by default - turn off rate limiting with FALSE
#' @param rate_limit_number number of calls per `rate_limit_seconds`, suggested is under 1000 calls per 60 seconds
#' @param rate_limit_seconds number of seconds as denominator for rate_limit
#' @param ... other arguments (for other methods)
#' @export
#' @return a list that stores Sleeper connection objects

sleeper_connect <- function(season = NULL,
                            league_id = NULL,
                            user_name = NULL,
                            user_agent = NULL,
                            rate_limit = TRUE,
                            rate_limit_number = NULL,
                            rate_limit_seconds = NULL,
                            ...) {

  # nocov start

  if(!is.character(league_id) && interactive()){
      message = c(
        "!" = "Warning: Sleeper IDs that are not passed in as character strings sometimes get misinterpreted by R.",
        "i"="If you get unexpected results, try converting the league ID to character before passing it to {.fn sleeper_connect}"
      .frequency = "regularly",
      .frequency_id = "sleeper_connect_noncharacter"

  ## USER AGENT ##
  # Self-identifying is mostly about being polite.

  if (length(user_agent) > 1) {
    stop("user_agent must be a character vector of length one!")

  if (!is.null(user_agent)) {

  ## RATE LIMIT ##
  # For more info, see: https://api.myfantasyleague.com/2020/api_info

  if (!is.logical(rate_limit)) {
    stop("rate_limit should be logical")

  if (!rate_limit || !(is.null(rate_limit_number) | is.null(rate_limit_seconds))) {
    .fn_set_ratelimit(rate_limit, "Sleeper", rate_limit_number, rate_limit_seconds)

  # nocov end

  ## Season ##
  # Sleeper organizes things by league year and tends to roll over around February.
  # Sensible default seems to be calling the current year if in March or later, otherwise previous year if in Jan/Feb

  if (is.null(season) || is.na(season)) {
    season <- .fn_choose_season()
    message(glue::glue("No season supplied - choosing {season} based on system date."))

  ## Fetch User ID ##

  user_id <- NULL

  if (!is.null(user_name)) {
    user_id <- .sleeper_userid(user_name)

      platform = "Sleeper",
      season = season,
      user_name = user_name,
      league_id = as.character(league_id),
      user_id = user_id
    class = "sleeper_conn"
# nocov start
#' @noRd
#' @export
print.sleeper_conn <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("<Sleeper connection ", x$season, "_", x$league_id, ">\n", sep = "")
# nocov end
#' Get Sleeper User ID
#' Docs: https://docs.sleeper.com
#' @param user_name Sleeper username
#' @keywords internal
#' @return sleeper userID

.sleeper_userid <- function(user_name) {
  glue::glue("user/{user_name}") %>%
    sleeper_getendpoint() %>%
    purrr::pluck("content", "user_id")

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ffscrapr documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:55 p.m.