# Copyright (c) 2016 Marie Laure Delignette-Muller, Christophe Dutang
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the
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### plot cumulative distribution functions with confidence interval band
### R functions
CIcdfplot <- function(b, CI.output, CI.type = "two.sided", CI.level = 0.95, CI.col = "red", CI.lty = 2,
CI.fill = NULL, CI.only = FALSE, xlim, ylim, xlogscale = FALSE, ylogscale = FALSE, main,
xlab, ylab, datapch, datacol, fitlty, fitcol, fitlwd, horizontals = TRUE, verticals = FALSE,
do.points = TRUE, use.ppoints = TRUE, a.ppoints = 0.5, name.points = NULL, lines01 = FALSE,
plotstyle = "graphics", ...)
if(inherits(b, "bootdist"))
cens <- FALSE
} else if(inherits(b, "bootdistcens"))
cens <- TRUE
} else
stop("argument b must be a 'bootdist' or a `bootdistcens` object")
stop("argument CI.output must be specified: either 'probability' or 'quantile'.")
CI.output <- match.arg(CI.output, c("probability", "quantile"))
CI.type <- match.arg(CI.type, c("two.sided", "less", "greater"))
CI.level <- CI.level[1]
#compute lower and upper value for the area
if (!cens)
mydat <- b$fitpart$data
n <- length(mydat)
xmin <- min(mydat)
xmax <- max(mydat)
} else
censdata <- b$fitpart$censdata
n <- nrow(censdata)
xmin <- min(c(censdata$left, censdata$right), na.rm=TRUE)
xmax <- max(c(censdata$left, censdata$right), na.rm=TRUE)
if (missing(xlim)) xlim <- c(xmin, xmax)
lowx <- min(xlim[1], ifelse(xmin < 0, xmin*1.5, xmin*.5))
uppx <- max(xlim[2], ifelse(xmax < 0, xmax*.5, xmax*1.5))
if(missing(ylim)) ylim <- c(0, 1)
stop("argument CI.only must be a logical")
# check the 'plotstyle' argument
plotstyle <- match.arg(plotstyle[1], choices = c("graphics", "ggplot"), several.ok = FALSE)
#default values (same as cdfcomp())
if (missing(datapch)) datapch <- 16
if (missing(datacol)) datacol <- "black"
if (missing(fitcol)) fitcol <- 2
if (missing(fitlty)) fitlty <- 1
if (missing(fitlwd)) fitlwd <- 1
if (missing(xlab))
if (!cens)
xlab <- ifelse(xlogscale, "data in log scale", "data")
xlab <- ifelse(xlogscale, "censored data in log scale", "censored data")
if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- "CDF"
if (missing(main)) main <- ifelse(CI.only, "Theoretical CDF with CI", "Empirical and theoretical CDF with CI")
#get name and cdf name
distname <- b$fitpart$distname
pdistname <- paste("p",distname,sep="")
qdistname <- paste("q",distname,sep="")
if (!exists(pdistname, mode="function") && CI.output == "probability")
stop(paste("The ", pdistname, " function must be defined"))
if (!exists(qdistname, mode="function") && CI.output == "quantile")
stop(paste("The ", qdistname, " function must be defined"))
#compute c.d.f. values on bootstraped parameters
if(CI.output == "probability")
cdfval <- function(x)
calcp <- function(i)
parai <- c(as.list(b$estim[i, ]), as.list(b$fitpart$fix.arg)), c(list(x), as.list(parai)))
res <- t(sapply(1:b$nbboot, calcp))
rownames(res) <- 1:b$nbboot
colnames(res) <- paste0("x=", x)
x <- seq(lowx, uppx, length=501)
#compute quantiles on c.d.f.
if (CI.type == "two.sided")
alpha <- (1-CI.level)/2
CIband <- t(apply(cdfval(x), MARGIN=2, quantile, probs=c(alpha, 1-alpha), na.rm=TRUE))
colnames(CIband) <- formatperc(c(alpha, 1-alpha), 3)
}else if (CI.type == "less")
CIband <- as.matrix(apply(cdfval(x), MARGIN=2, quantile, probs=CI.level, na.rm=TRUE))
colnames(CIband) <- formatperc(CI.level, 3)
CIband <- as.matrix(apply(cdfval(x), MARGIN=2, quantile, probs=1-CI.level, na.rm=TRUE))
colnames(CIband) <- formatperc(1-CI.level, 3)
}else #CI.output == "quantile"
qval <- function(p)
calcp <- function(i)
parai <- c(as.list(b$estim[i, ]), as.list(b$fitpart$fix.arg)), c(list(p), as.list(parai)))
res <- t(sapply(1:b$nbboot, calcp))
rownames(res) <- 1:b$nbboot
colnames(res) <- paste0("p=", p)
#compute lower and upper value for the area
# p <- seq(sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), 1- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), length=101)
p <- seq(0.0001, 1- 0.0001, length=501)
#compute quantiles on c.d.f.
if (CI.type == "two.sided")
alpha <- (1-CI.level)/2
CIband <- t(apply(qval(p), MARGIN=2, quantile, probs=c(alpha, 1-alpha), na.rm=TRUE))
colnames(CIband) <- formatperc(c(alpha, 1-alpha), 3)
}else if (CI.type == "less")
CIband <- as.matrix(apply(qval(p), MARGIN=2, quantile, probs=1-CI.level, na.rm=TRUE))
colnames(CIband) <- formatperc(CI.level, 3)
CIband <- as.matrix(apply(qval(p), MARGIN=2, quantile, probs=CI.level, na.rm=TRUE))
colnames(CIband) <- formatperc(1-CI.level, 3)
#temp var to open a graphic (if needed)
logxy <- paste0(ifelse(xlogscale,"x",""), ifelse(ylogscale,"y",""))
##### plot ####
if(plotstyle == "graphics")
######## plot if plotstyle=='graphics' ########
#open graphic window
plot(0, 0, main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
log=logxy, type="n")
if (!is.null(CI.fill)) # first fill the band
if(CI.output == "probability")
if(CI.type == "two.sided")
polygon(c(x, rev(x)), c(CIband[,2], rev(CIband[,1])), col=CI.fill, border=CI.fill, ...)
else if(CI.type == "less")
polygon(c(x, uppx, uppx), c(CIband, 1, 0), col=CI.fill, border=CI.fill, ...)
else #if(CI.type == "greater")
polygon(c(x, lowx, lowx), c(CIband, 1, 0), col=CI.fill, border=CI.fill, ...)
}else #CI.output == "quantile"
if(CI.type == "two.sided")
polygon(c(CIband[,2], rev(CIband[,1])), c(p, rev(p)), col=CI.fill, border=CI.fill, ...)
else if(CI.type == "less")
polygon(c(CIband, uppx, uppx), c(p, 1, 0), col=CI.fill, border=CI.fill, ...)
else #if(CI.type == "greater")
polygon(c(CIband, lowx, lowx), c(p, 1, 0), col=CI.fill, border=CI.fill, ...)
# add lines for the bounds of the CI
if(CI.output == "probability")
matlines(x, CIband, col=CI.col, lty=CI.lty, ...)
}else #CI.output == "quantile"
matlines(CIband, p, col=CI.col, lty=CI.lty, ...)
if(!CI.only) # add the empirical and fitted distributions
if (!cens)
cdfcomp(b$fitpart, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlogscale = xlogscale, ylogscale = ylogscale,
main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, datapch=datapch, datacol=datacol, fitlty=fitlty, fitlwd=fitlwd,
fitcol=fitcol, horizontals = horizontals, verticals = verticals, do.points = do.points,
use.ppoints = use.ppoints, a.ppoints = a.ppoints, name.points = name.points, lines01 = lines01, addlegend = FALSE,
} else
cdfcompcens(b$fitpart, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlogscale = xlogscale, ylogscale = ylogscale,
main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, datacol=datacol, fitlty=fitlty, fitlwd=fitlwd, fillrect = NA,
fitcol=fitcol, lines01 = lines01, Turnbull.confint = FALSE, addlegend = FALSE, add=TRUE)
} else if (!requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE))
stop("ggplot2 needed for this function to work with plotstyle = 'ggplot'. Please install it", call. = FALSE)
} else
######## plot if plotstyle=='ggplot' ########
if(CI.output == "probability") {
if(CI.type == "less") CIband <- cbind(rep(0, NROW(CIband)), CIband)
if(CI.type == "greater") CIband <- cbind(CIband, rep(1, NROW(CIband)))
dd <-, x, CIband))
if(CI.output == "quantile") {
if(CI.type == "less") CIband <- cbind(rep(uppx, NROW(CIband)), CIband)
if(CI.type == "greater") CIband <- cbind(rep(lowx, NROW(CIband)), CIband)
dd <-, p, p))
colnames(dd) <- c("x1", "x2", "y1", "y2")
{if (!cens)
cdfcomp(b$fitpart, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlogscale = xlogscale, ylogscale = ylogscale,
main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, datapch=datapch, datacol=datacol,
fitlty={if(!CI.only) fitlty else 0}, fitlwd=fitlwd, fitcol=fitcol,
horizontals = {if(!CI.only) horizontals else FALSE}, verticals = {if(!CI.only) verticals else FALSE}, do.points = {if(!CI.only) do.points else FALSE},
use.ppoints = use.ppoints, a.ppoints = a.ppoints, name.points = name.points, lines01 = lines01, addlegend = FALSE,
add=TRUE, plotstyle = "ggplot")
} else
cdfcompcens(b$fitpart, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlogscale = xlogscale, ylogscale = ylogscale,
main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, datacol=datacol, fitlty=fitlty, fitlwd=fitlwd, fillrect = NA,
fitcol=fitcol, lines01 = lines01, Turnbull.confint = FALSE, addlegend = FALSE, add=TRUE, plotstyle = "ggplot")
}} +
ggplot2::geom_line(data = dd, ggplot2::aes($x1,$y1), inherit.aes = FALSE, color = CI.col, lty = CI.lty, alpha = 0.5) +
ggplot2::geom_line(data = dd, ggplot2::aes($x2,$y2), inherit.aes = FALSE, color = CI.col, lty = CI.lty, alpha = 0.5) +
{if(!is.null(CI.fill) & CI.output == "probability") ggplot2::geom_ribbon(data = dd, ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x1,$y1,$y2), inherit.aes = FALSE, fill = CI.fill, alpha = 0.5)} +
{if(!is.null(CI.fill) & CI.output == "quantile") ggplot2::geom_ribbon(data = dd, ggplot2::aes(xmin = .data$x1, xmax = .data$x2, y = .data$y1), inherit.aes = FALSE, fill = CI.fill, alpha = 0.5)}
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