
Defines functions print.gofstat.fitdist computegofstatChi2 computegofstatKSCvMAD

Documented in print.gofstat.fitdist

#   Copyright (c) 2009 Marie Laure Delignette-Muller, Christophe Dutang                                                                                                  
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify                                               
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by                                         
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or                                                   
#   (at your option) any later version.                                                                                                            
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                                                             
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                                          
#   MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the                                 
#   GNU General Public License for more details.                                                                                    
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License                                           
#   along with this program; if not, write to the                                                                                           
#   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                                                                                              
#   59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA                                                             
### calculate goodness-of-fit statistics for 
### fit of a parametric distribution on non-censored data
###         R functions

gofstat <- function (f, chisqbreaks, meancount, discrete, 
	if(inherits(f, "fitdist"))
        f <- list(f)
    }else if(length(f) == 1)
        if(!inherits(f, "fitdist"))
		stop("argument f must a 'fitdist' object or a list of 'fitdist' objects.")
    }else if(!is.list(f))
        stop("argument f must be a list of 'fitdist' objects")
        if(any(sapply(f, function(x) !inherits(x, "fitdist"))))        
		stop("argument f must be a list of 'fitdist' objects")
  # In the future developments, it will be necessary to check that all the fits share the same weights
    stop("gofstat is not yet available when using weights")
	odata <- f[[1]]$data
	sdata <- sort(odata)
	n <- f[[1]]$n
	distname <- f[[1]]$distname
	pdistname <- paste("p", distname, sep="")
	estimate <- f[[1]]$estimate
	fix.arg <- f[[1]]$fix.arg
    verif.ftidata <- function(fti)
        if (any(fti$data != odata))
			stop("All compared fits must have been obtained with the same dataset")
    lapply(f, verif.ftidata)	

    # initiate discrete if not given 
      discrete <- f[[1]]$discrete
		stop("wrong argument 'discrete'.")
	#define chisqbreaks if not defined
	if (missing(chisqbreaks)) { 
		if (missing(meancount))
		meancount <- round( n / ((4*n)^(2/5)) )
		if (length(sdata)>ceiling(1.5*meancount)) {
			limit <- sdata[meancount]
			sdata <- sdata[sdata>limit]
			chisqbreaks <- limit
		}else {
			warnings("The sample is too small to automatically define chisqbreaks")
			chisq <- NULL
			chisqbreaks <- NULL
			chisqpvalue <- NULL
			chisqtable <- NULL
			chisqdf <- NULL
		while (length(sdata)>ceiling(1.5*meancount)) {
			limit <- sdata[meancount]
			sdata <- sdata[sdata>limit]
			chisqbreaks <- c(chisqbreaks,limit)
		sdata <- sort(odata)
	nbfit <- length(f)

		fitnames <- paste(1:nbfit, sapply(f, function(x) x$method), 
						  sapply(f, function(x) x$distname), sep="-")

	Chi2 <- computegofstatChi2(sdata, n, distname, pdistname, estimate, fix.arg, 
	if(length(f) > 1)
		names(Chi2$chisq) <- names(Chi2$chisqpvalue) <- names(Chi2$chisqdf) <- fitnames[1]
		colnames(Chi2$chisqtable)[2] <- paste("theo", fitnames[1], sep=" ")
		#computation and storing
		for(i in 2:nbfit)
			Chi2temp <- computegofstatChi2(sdata, n, f[[i]]$distname, paste("p", f[[i]]$distname, sep=""), 
											 f[[i]]$estimate, f[[i]]$fix.arg, chisqbreaks)
			names(Chi2temp$chisq) <- names(Chi2temp$chisqpvalue) <- names(Chi2temp$chisqdf) <- fitnames[i]
			Chi2$chisq <- c(Chi2$chisq, Chi2temp$chisq)
			Chi2$chisqpvalue <- c(Chi2$chisqpvalue, Chi2temp$chisqpvalue)
			Chi2$chisqdf <- c(Chi2$chisqdf, Chi2temp$chisqdf)
			Chi2$chisqtable <- cbind(Chi2$chisqtable, Chi2temp$chisqtable[,2])
			colnames(Chi2$chisqtable)[NCOL(Chi2$chisqtable)] <- paste("theo", fitnames[i], sep=" ")
		addres <- Chi2
		KSCvMAD <- computegofstatKSCvMAD(sdata, n, distname, pdistname, estimate, 
										   fix.arg, f[[1]]$method)
		names(KSCvMAD$cvm) <- names(KSCvMAD$ad) <- names(KSCvMAD$ks) <- fitnames[1]
		names(KSCvMAD$cvmtest) <- names(KSCvMAD$adtest) <- names(KSCvMAD$kstest) <- fitnames[1]
		if(length(f) > 1)
			#computation and storing
			for(i in 2:nbfit)
				KSCvMADtemp <- computegofstatKSCvMAD(sdata, n, f[[i]]$distname, paste("p", f[[i]]$distname, sep=""), 
													   f[[i]]$estimate, f[[i]]$fix.arg, f[[i]]$method)

				names(KSCvMADtemp$cvm) <- names(KSCvMADtemp$ad) <- names(KSCvMADtemp$ks) <- fitnames[i]

					names(KSCvMADtemp$cvmtest) <- names(KSCvMADtemp$adtest) <- names(KSCvMADtemp$kstest) <- fitnames[i]

				KSCvMAD$cvm <- c(KSCvMAD$cvm, KSCvMADtemp$cvm)
				KSCvMAD$cvmtest <- c(KSCvMAD$cvmtest, KSCvMADtemp$cvmtest)
				KSCvMAD$ad <- c(KSCvMAD$ad, KSCvMADtemp$ad)
				KSCvMAD$adtest <- c(KSCvMAD$adtest, KSCvMADtemp$adtest)
				KSCvMAD$ks <- c(KSCvMAD$ks, KSCvMADtemp$ks)
				KSCvMAD$kstest <- c(KSCvMAD$kstest, KSCvMADtemp$kstest)

		addres <- c(Chi2, KSCvMAD)
	aics <- sapply(f, function(x) x$aic)
	names(aics) <- fitnames
	bics <- sapply(f, function(x) x$bic)
	names(bics) <- fitnames

    res <- c(addres, aic=list(aics), bic=list(bics), discrete=discrete, nbfit=nbfit)
	class(res) <- c("gofstat.fitdist", "fitdist")

#KS, CvM, AD statistics : only for continuous distributions
computegofstatKSCvMAD <- function(sdata, n, distname, pdistname, estimate, 
	fix.arg, method)
	obspu <- seq(1,n)/n
    obspl <- seq(0,n-1)/n
    theop <- do.call(pdistname, c(list(sdata), as.list(estimate), fix.arg))
	# Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic
	ks <- max(pmax(abs(theop-obspu), abs(theop-obspl)))
	Dmod <- ks*(sqrt(n)+0.12+0.11/sqrt(n))
	# Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
	if (n>=30)
		kstest <- ifelse(Dmod>1.358,"rejected","not rejected")
		kstest <- "not computed"
	# Anderson-Darling statistic
	ad <- - n - mean( (2 * 1:n - 1) * (log(theop) + log(1 - rev(theop))) ) 
		# ad <-  -n-sum((2*(1:n)-1)*log(theop) + (2*n+1-2*(1:n))*log(1-theop))/n 

	# Anderson-Darling test        
	if (is.null(fix.arg) & method == "mle")
		# the following test does not correspond to MLE estimate but to unbiased 
		# estimate of the variance
		#if ((distname == "norm" | distname == "lnorm") & n>=5) {
		#  a2mod <- ad*(1+0.75/n+2.25/n^2)
		#  adtest <- ifelse(a2mod>0.752,"rejected","not rejected")
		if (distname == "exp" & n>=5) {
			a2mod <- ad*(1+0.6/n)
			adtest <- ifelse(a2mod>1.321, "rejected", "not rejected")
		if (distname == "gamma" & n>=5) {
			m <- as.list(estimate)$shape
			interp <- approxfun(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12,15,20),
			adtest <- ifelse(ad>interp(m), "rejected", "not rejected")
		if (distname == "weibull" & n>=5) {
			a2mod <- ad*(1+0.2/sqrt(n))
			adtest <- ifelse(a2mod>0.757, "rejected", "not rejected")
		if (distname == "logis" & n>=5) {
		   a2mod <- ad*(1+0.25/n)
		   adtest <- ifelse(a2mod>0.66,"rejected","not rejected")
		}else adtest <- "not computed"
	}  else # if (is.null(fix.arg)...)
		adtest <- "not computed"
	# Cramer-von Mises statistic
	cvm <- 1/(12*n) + sum( ( theop - (2 * 1:n - 1)/(2 * n) )^2 )

	# Cramer-von Mises test
	if (is.null(fix.arg) & method == "mle")
		# the following test does not correspond to MLE estimate but to unbiased 
		# estimate of the variance
		# if ((distname == "norm" | distname == "lnorm") & n>=5) {
		#  w2mod <- cvm*(1+0.5/n)
		#  cvmtest <- ifelse(w2mod>0.126,"rejected","not rejected")
		# } 
		# else
		if (distname == "exp" & n>=5) {
			w2mod <- cvm*(1+0.16/n)
			cvmtest <- ifelse(w2mod>0.222,"rejected","not rejected")
		if (distname == "gamma" & n>=5) {
			m <- as.list(estimate)$shape
			interp <- approxfun(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12,15,20),
			cvmtest <- ifelse(cvm>interp(m),"rejected","not rejected")
		if (distname == "weibull" & n>=5) {
			w2mod <- cvm*(1+0.2/sqrt(n))
			cvmtest <- ifelse(w2mod>0.124,"rejected","not rejected")
		if (distname == "logis" & n>=5) {
		    w2mod <- (n*cvm - 0.08)/(n - 1)
		    cvmtest <- ifelse(w2mod>0.098,"rejected","not rejected")
		}else cvmtest <- "not computed"
	} else # if (is.null(fix.arg))
	 cvmtest <- "not computed"
	if (length(table(sdata)) != length(sdata))
		warnings("Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Cramer-von Mises and Anderson-Darling statistics may not be correct with ties")

	list(cvm = cvm, cvmtest = cvmtest, ad = ad,adtest = adtest, ks = ks, kstest=kstest)

#chi-squared statistic : both for continuous and discrete distributions
computegofstatChi2 <- function(sdata, n, distname, pdistname, estimate, fix.arg, chisqbreaks)
	# chi-squared statistic and pvalues
	if (!is.null(chisqbreaks)) {
			stop("chisqbreaks must be a numeric vector defining the cell boundaries")

		nbreaks <- length(chisqbreaks)  
		pbreaks <- do.call(pdistname, c(list(chisqbreaks), as.list(estimate), fix.arg))
		Fobsbreaks <- ecdf(sdata)(chisqbreaks)
		Fobsunder <- c(0, Fobsbreaks[1:nbreaks-1]) 
		punder <- c(0, pbreaks[1:nbreaks-1])
		if (pbreaks[nbreaks]==1 & Fobsbreaks[nbreaks]==1) 
			p <- pbreaks-punder
			Fobs <- Fobsbreaks-Fobsunder
			p <- c(pbreaks-punder, 1-pbreaks[nbreaks])
			Fobs <- c(Fobsbreaks-Fobsunder, 1-Fobsbreaks[nbreaks])            
		obscounts <- round(Fobs*n)
		theocounts <- p*n
		chisq <- sum(((obscounts-theocounts)^2)/theocounts)
		chisqdf <- length(obscounts)-1-length(estimate)
# replacing of the line below which causes an error message for chisqdf <=0
#		chisqpvalue <- ifelse(chisqdf>0, pchisq(chisq, df=chisqdf, lower.tail=FALSE), NULL)
		if (chisqdf>0)
		  chisqpvalue <- pchisq(chisq, df=chisqdf, lower.tail=FALSE) 
    } else
      chisqpvalue <- NULL
		chisqtable <- as.table(cbind(obscounts, theocounts))
		for (i in 1:length(obscounts)-1)
			rownames(chisqtable)[i] <- paste("<=", signif(chisqbreaks[i], digits=4))
		rownames(chisqtable)[length(obscounts)] <- paste(">", signif(chisqbreaks[i], digits=4))
		return( list(chisq = chisq, chisqbreaks=chisqbreaks, chisqpvalue = chisqpvalue,
					 chisqdf = chisqdf, chisqtable = chisqtable) )

print.gofstat.fitdist <- function(x, ...)
    if (!inherits(x, "gofstat.fitdist"))
		stop("Use only with 'gofstat.fitdist' objects")
	if (x$discrete) #discrete distribution
            cat("Chi-squared statistic: ",x$chisq,"\n")
			cat("Degree of freedom of the Chi-squared distribution: ",x$chisqdf,"\n")
			if (any(x$chisqdf <= 0))
				cat("  The degree of freedom of the chi-squared distribution is less than 1  \n") 
				cat("  The number of cells is insufficient to calculate the p-value.  \n") 
				cat("Chi-squared p-value: ",x$chisqpvalue,"\n")
				if (any(x$chisqtable[,-1] < 5)) 
					cat("   the p-value may be wrong with some theoretical counts < 5  \n")

			cat("Chi-squared table:\n")

			cat("\nGoodness-of-fit criteria\n")
			mm <- rbind(AIC=x$aic, BIC=x$bic)
			rownames(mm) <- c("Akaike's Information Criterion",
							  "Bayesian Information Criterion")
			cat("The sample is too small to automatically define cells for Chi-squared test \n")
    }else # continuous distribution
			cat("Goodness-of-fit statistics\n")
			mm <- rbind(KS=x$ks, CvM=x$cvm, AD=x$ad)
			rownames(mm) <- c("Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic", "Cramer-von Mises statistic",
							  "Anderson-Darling statistic")

			cat("\nGoodness-of-fit criteria\n")
			mm <- rbind(AIC=x$aic, BIC=x$bic)
			rownames(mm) <- c("Akaike's Information Criterion",
							  "Bayesian Information Criterion")
#		}


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