
Defines functions flexrsurv

Documented in flexrsurv

flexrsurv <- function(formula=formula(data),
		# knots.Bh and degree.Bh allow to define the Baseline Hazard
		Spline=c("b-spline", "tp-spline", "tpi-spline"), # tp-spline for truncated power basis
		bhlink=c("log", "identity"),
		int_meth=c("GL", "CAV_SIM", "SIM_3_8", "BOOLE", "BANDS"),
		optim.control=list(trace=100, REPORT=1, fnscale=-1, maxit=25), 
		optim_meth=c("BFGS", "CG", "Nelder-Mead", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN", "Brent"),
		control.glm=list(epsilon = 1e-8, maxit = 100, trace = FALSE, epsilon.glm = 1e-1, maxit.glm = 25 ),
		vartype =  c("oim", "opg", "none"),
	debug.ll <- FALSE
	debug.gr <- FALSE
	# formula: for example Surv(time,cens)~sex
	# data: the observed data set
	# rate: rate variable in data
	call   <- match.call() 
	## extract x, y, etc from the model formula and frame
	if(missing(data)) data <- environment(formula)
	# choice of spline basis
	if (!missing(Spline))
		Spline <- match.arg(Spline)
	else {
		Spline <- "b-spline"
	if (!missing(bhlink))
		bhlink <- match.arg(bhlink) 
	else {
		bhlink <- "log"
	# type of model used (additive for remontet's model - multiplicative for mahboubi's model)
	if (!missing(model))
		model  <- match.arg(model)
	else {
		model <- "additive"
	if (!missing(int_meth))
		int_meth <- match.arg(int_meth)
	else {
		int_meth <- "GL"
	if (!missing(optim_meth))
		optim_meth <- match.arg(optim_meth) 
	else {
		optim_meth <- "BFGS"
	if (!missing(vartype))
		vartype <- match.arg(vartype)
	else {
		vartype <- "oim"
	# check options
	if (int_meth == "BANDS"){
		if( is.null(bands) ) {
			stop(gettextf("argument 'bands' must be specified if 'int_meth' = %s.", dQuote("BANDS"), domain=NA))
	} else if (int_meth == "GL"){
		if( is.null(npoints) ) {
			stop(gettextf("argument 'npoints' must be specified if 'int_meth' = %s.", dQuote("GL"), domain=NA))
	} else {
		if( is.null(stept) ) {
			stop(gettextf("argument 'step' must be specified if 'int_meth' != %s or != %s.", dQuote("BANDS"), dQuote("GL"), domain=NA))
	mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
	m <- match(c("formula", "data", "rate", "weights"), names(mf), 0L)
	if (m[1]==0)
		stop ("'formula' is required.")
	mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
	mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
	mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
	specials <- c("NLL","NPH","NPHNLL", "nl", "td", "nltd")
	mf$formula <- if (missing(data)){ 
				terms(formula, specials=specials)
			}  else {
				terms(formula, data=data, specials=specials)
	mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
	if (nrow(mf) == 0) 
		stop("No (non-missing) observations")    
	Y <- model.extract(mf, "response")
	if (!inherits(Y, "Surv")) 
		stop("Response must be a survival object.")
	Survtype <- attr(Y, "type")
	if ((ncol(Y) ==  2) && (Survtype != "right") ) {
		stop(gettextf("flexrsurv does not support %s type of censoring with (0, end] survival data", dQuote(Survtype), domaine=NA))
	} else if ((ncol(Y) ==  3) && (Survtype != "counting") ) {
		stop(gettextf("flexrsurv does not support %s type of censoring with (start, end] survival data", dQuote(Survtype), domaine=NA))
	if (ncol(Y) ==  2)  {
		entervar <- rep(0, dim(Y)[1])   # enter time variable  
		timevar <- Y[, 1]   # time variable  
		fail    <- Y[, 2]   # dummy 1=event, 0=censur
	} else if (ncol(Y) ==  3){
		entervar <- Y[, 1]   # enter time variable  
		timevar <- Y[, 2]   # time variable  
		fail    <- Y[, 3]   # dummy 1=event, 0=censur
	theweights <- as.vector(model.weights(mf))
	if (!is.null(theweights) && !is.numeric(theweights)) 
		stop("'weights' must be a numeric vector")
	if (!is.null(theweights) && any(theweights < 0)) 
		stop("negative weights not allowed")
	if (is.null(Min_T)) {
		Min_T <- max(entervar, min(bands) )
	if (is.null(Max_T)) {
		Max_T <- max(c(bands, timevar))
	therate <- as.vector(model.extract(mf, "rate"))
	if(!is.null(therate) && !is.numeric(therate))
		stop("'rate' must be a numeric vector")
	if (is.null(therate)){
		data$rate <- 0
	} else {
		data$rate <- therate
	thedata <- data
	if (is.null(knots.Bh)) {
		stop("The knots for the baseline hazard must be specified in 'knots.Bh'.") 
	# working formulas 
	# fix the formula
	# pass model and Spline parameter
	# check consistantcy of the formula
	# NLL(x) + NPH(X, t) or nl(x) +td(X,t)
	fixformula <- fix.flexrsurv.formula(formula=as.formula(formula), data=data, Spline=Spline, model=model, debug=debug)
	termsf <- terms(fixformula, specials=c("NLL","NPH","NPHNLL", "nl", "td", "nltd"))
	formulamle <- make.mle.formula(formula=fixformula, data= data)
	# Init values
	if (initbyglm == TRUE) {
		if (int_meth != "BANDS" & is.null(initbands)){
			if(int_meth == "GL"){
				initbands <- seq(Min_T, Max_T,length.out= npoints * 5)
				warning("'initbands' has been set to seq(Min_T, Max_T, length.out= npoints * 5)", call. = FALSE)
			} else {
				initbands <- seq(Min_T, Max_T, stept*5)
				warning("'initbands' has been set to seq(Min_T, Max_T, stept*5)", call. = FALSE)
		name.runningtime <- ".t"
#  # build the formula for the GLM with the splited dataset
#  #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		formulasplit <- make.glm.formula(formula=fixformula, data= data, name.runningtime=name.runningtime,
				Min_T=Min_T,Max_T=Max_T, model=model)
		splitdonnees <- split.data(jeudata=data, bands=initbands, fail=fail, entry=entervar, exit=timevar, name.runningtime=name.runningtime)
		if ((model=="additive") | ((model=="multiplicative") & (length(c(attr(termsf, "specials")$NPHNLL, attr(termsf, "specials")$nltp))==0)))  {
			control.glm <- do.call("control.flexrsurv.additive", control.glm)
			results <- flexrsurv.glm.fit(formula=formulasplit, data=splitdonnees, model=model,
					Spline=Spline, degree.Bh=degree.Bh, knots.Bh=knots.Bh, log.Bh=log.Bh,
					Min_T=Min_T, Max_T=Max_T, name.runningtime=name.runningtime, start=init)
		} else if((model=="multiplicative") &  (length(c(attr(termsf, "specials")$NPHNLL, attr(termsf, "specials")$nltp))!=0)) {
			control.glm <- do.call("control.flexrsurv.multiplicative", control.glm)
			results <- flexrsurv.glmiterative.fit(formula=formulasplit, data=splitdonnees, model=model, 
					Spline=Spline, degree.Bh=degree.Bh, knots.Bh=knots.Bh, log.Bh=log.Bh, 
					Min_T=Min_T, Max_T=Max_T, name.runningtime=name.runningtime, start=init,
		init <- results$coef
		names(init) <- NULL
		if ( bhlink == "identity"){
			init[1:(length(knots.Bh)+degree.Bh+1)] <- exp(init[1:(length(knots.Bh)+degree.Bh+1)]) 
		rm(results, splitdonnees)    
	# end of initbyglm
	# final Estimation,with variance computation
	call.ll <- match.call(definition=flexrsurv, expand.dots=FALSE)
	m <- match(names(formals(flexrsurv.ll)), names(call.ll), 0L)
	# keep flexrsurv.ll() args
	call.ll <- call.ll[c(1L, m)]
	call.ll[[1L]] <- quote(flexrsurv::flexrsurv.ll)
	call.ll$formula <- formulamle
	if (initbyglm == TRUE) {
		# rem: there is stil a pb in case of factor variables in the linear effects
		call.ll$init <- init[!is.na(init)]
		#   call.ll$init <- init
	results <- eval(call.ll, parent.frame()) 
	if( debug == FALSE ){
		results$fit <- NULL
	# Affichage de la formule initiale et de la formule
	results[["call"]] <- call
	results[["formula"]] <- fixformula
		results[["entertime"]] <- entervar
	results[["time"]] <- timevar
	results[["workingformula"]] <- formulamle
	# Simplified names of coefficients
	names(results$coefficients) <- make.shortnames.coefficients(names(results$coefficients),
			formula=results[["workingformula"]] ,
	if( !is.null(dim(results$var))){
		dimnames(results$var)[[1]] <-  names(results$coefficients)
		dimnames(results$var)[[2]] <-  names(results$coefficients)
	if( !is.null(dim(results$informationMatrix))){
		dimnames(results$informationMatrix)[[1]] <-  names(results$coefficients)
		dimnames(results$informationMatrix)[[2]] <-  names(results$coefficients)
	results$baselinehazard <- TRUE
	results$firstWCEIadditive <- FALSE 
	results$data <- thedata
	results$rate <- therate
	results$terms <- terms(formulamle, special=c("NLL", "NPH", "NPHNLL", "td", "nltd"),
			data = data)
	if (initbyglm==TRUE) {
		results$init<- oldinit
		results$control.glm <- control.glm
	} else {
		results$init<- init
	class(results) <- c("flexrsurv", class(results)[1])

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flexrsurv documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:09 p.m.