
Defines functions fix.flexrsurv.formula

fix.flexrsurv.formula <- function(formula, data,
		Spline=c("b-spline", "tp-spline", "tpi-spline"),
		method =c("glm","MLE")){
# fix the formula for flexrsurv
	# choice of spline basis
	if (!missing(Spline))
		Spline <- match.arg(Spline)
	else {
		Spline <- "b-spline"
	# method of relative surv. curve estimation
	if (!missing(method))
		method <- match.arg(method) 
	else {
		method <- "glm"
	# type of model used (additive for remontet's model - multiplicative for mahboubi's model)
	if (!missing(model))
		model  <- match.arg(model)
	else {
		model <- "additive"
	special <- c("NPH","NLL", "NPHNLL") 
	Terms <- if (missing(data)){
				terms(formula, special)
			} else {
				terms(formula, special, data = data)
	NamesLinVars <- all_LIN_vars(Terms)
	NamesNLLVars <- all_specials_vars(Terms,
			unique = TRUE,
	NamesNPHVars<- all_specials_vars( Terms,
			unique = TRUE,
	NamesNPHNLLVars<- all_specials_vars( Terms,
			unique = TRUE,
	modified <- 0
	newtermlabels <- labels(Terms)
	# when a variable is both (either LL or NLL) and NPH, then Intercept.t must be FALSE in NPH()
	if (sum(NamesNPHVars %in% c(NamesLinVars, NamesNLLVars))){
		# some LIN or NLL variables are also NPH
		# force Intercept.t=FALSE in NPH()
		LNPHVars <- NamesNPHVars[NamesNPHVars %in% c(NamesLinVars, NamesNLLVars)]
		for (i in attr(Terms, "specials")[["NPH"]]){
			thecall <-  match.call(NPH, attr(Terms,"variables")[[i+1]])
			# the variable name is the second argument of the special function
			if (as.character(thecall[["x"]]) %in% LNPHVars) {
				if ( (length(thecall[["Intercept.t"]]) == 0 ) || ( thecall[["Intercept.t"]] == TRUE ) ){
					thecall[["Intercept.t"]] <- FALSE
					msg1 <- gettextf("both {linear or NPH()} and NPH() effect in the formula for variable %s.\n",
					msg2 <- gettextf("Force Intercept.t=FALSE in NPH(%s).", c(thecall[[2]]), domaine=NA)
					warning(paste(msg1, msg2, sep=""), call. = FALSE, immediate. = debug)
				modified <- modified + 1
				# change Intercept.t to FALSE if not set to false
				thecall[["Intercept.t"]] <- FALSE
				indxterm <- variable2term(i, Terms)
				charcall<-deparse(thecall, 500)
				oldtermlabel <- newtermlabels[indxterm[1]]
				newtermlabels <- gsub(oldtermlabel, charcall, newtermlabels, fixed=TRUE)
	if(modified > 0){
		formula <- reformulate(newtermlabels,
				response = if (attr(Terms, "response")){ 
						else NULL,
				intercept = attr(Terms, "intercept"))
	Terms <- if (missing(data)){
				terms(formula, special)
			} else {
				terms(formula, special, data = data)
	modified <- 0
	newtermlabels <- labels(Terms)
	# get the names of the end of intervals
	thesurvcall <-  match.call(Surv, attr(Terms,"variables")[[2]])
	# print(thesurvcall)
	survtimename <- if(length(thesurvcall[["event"]])>0){
			} else {
	# force type="right" if time2 is given
	#  if(length(thesurvcall[["event"]])>0){
	#    if(length(thesurvcall[["type"]])==0){
	#      thesurvcall[["type"]] <- "right"
	#      formula <- reformulate(labels(Terms),response = thesurvcall,intercept = attr(Terms, "intercept"))
	#    }
	#  }
	# check that NPH() time variable is the same as Surv() time
	if(length(NamesNPHVars) >0){
		for (i in attr(Terms, "specials")[["NPH"]]){
			thecall <-  match.call(NPH, attr(Terms,"variables")[[i+1]])
			timename <- as.character(thecall[["timevar"]])
			if (timename != survtimename) {
				stop("The time variable in NPH effect must be the same as in the survival object.\n")
	# check that NPHNLL() time variable is the same as Surv() time
	if(length(NamesNPHNLLVars) >0){
		for (i in attr(Terms, "specials")[["NPHNLL"]]){
			thecall <-  match.call(NPHNLL, attr(Terms,"variables")[[i+1]])
			timename <- as.character(thecall[["timevar"]])     
			if (timename != survtimename) {
				stop("the time variable in NPHNLL effect must be the same as in the survival object. \n")
	# add model type (additive ormultiplicative)
#  if (length(grep("model", formula, value=TRUE)) & method == "glm") {
#    warning(paste("The model option in NPHNLL() effects is overwritten by the flexrsurv(model=", model, ") arguments.", sep=""),
#            call. = FALSE#, immediate. = debug
#            )
#  }
	if(length(NamesNPHNLLVars) >0){
		for (i in attr(Terms, "specials")[["NPHNLL"]]){
			thecall <-  match.call(NPHNLL, attr(Terms,"variables")[[i+1]])
			if ( length(thecall[["model"]])==0 ){
				modified <- modified + 1
				thecall[["model"]] <- model
				indxterm <- variable2term(i, Terms)
				charcall<-deparse(thecall, 500)
				oldtermlabel <- newtermlabels[indxterm[1]]
				newtermlabels <- gsub(oldtermlabel, charcall, newtermlabels, fixed=TRUE)
			} else if ((thecall[["model"]] != model) & (method == "glm")){
				warning(gettextf("The 'model' option in NPHNLL() effects is overwritten by model=%s.\n", dQuote(model), domaine=NA),
						call. = FALSE)
				modified <- modified + 1
				thecall[["model"]] <- model
				indxterm <- variable2term(i, Terms)
				charcall<-deparse(thecall, 500)
				oldtermlabel <- newtermlabels[indxterm[1]]
				newtermlabels <- gsub(oldtermlabel, charcall, newtermlabels, fixed=TRUE)
	if(modified > 0){
		formula <- reformulate(newtermlabels,
				response = if (attr(Terms, "response")){ 
						else NULL,
				intercept = attr(Terms, "intercept"))
	Terms <- if (missing(data)){
				terms(formula, special)
			} else {
				terms(formula, special, data = data)
	modified <- 0
	newtermlabels <- labels(Terms)
	if (length(grep("Spline", formula, value=TRUE))) {
		warning(gettextf("The 'Spline' option in NLL(), NPH() and NPHNLL() effects is overwritten by Spline=%s.\n",
						dQuote(Spline), domaine=NA),
				call. = FALSE#, immediate. = debug
	# set type of splines
	# evaluate degrees at knots & boundaries
	if(length(NamesNLLVars) >0){
		for (i in attr(Terms, "specials")[["NLL"]]){
			thecall <-  match.call(NLL, attr(Terms,"variables")[[i+1]])
			if ( length(thecall[["Spline"]])==0 ){
				modified <- modified + 1
				thecall[["Spline"]] <- Spline
			if ( length(thecall[["Degrees"]])!=0 ){
				thecall[["Degrees"]] <- eval(as.expression(thecall[["Degrees"]]))
				modified <- modified + 1
			if ( length(thecall[["Knots"]])!=0 ){
				thecall[["Knots"]] <- eval(as.expression(thecall[["Knots"]]))
				modified <- modified + 1
			if ( length(thecall[["Boundary.knots"]])!=0 ){
				thecall[["Boundary.knots"]] <- eval(as.expression(thecall[["Boundary.knots"]]))
				modified <- modified + 1
			indxterm <- variable2term(i, Terms)
			charcall<-deparse(thecall, 500)
			oldtermlabel <- newtermlabels[indxterm[1]]
			newtermlabels <- gsub(oldtermlabel, charcall, newtermlabels, fixed=TRUE)
	if(length(NamesNPHVars) >0){
		for (i in attr(Terms, "specials")[["NPH"]]){
			thecall <-  match.call(NPH, attr(Terms,"variables")[[i+1]])
			if ( length(thecall[["Spline"]])==0 ){
				modified <- modified + 1
				thecall[["Spline"]] <- Spline
			if ( length(thecall[["Degrees"]])!=0 ){
				thecall[["Degrees.t"]] <- eval(as.expression(thecall[["Degrees.t"]]))
				modified <- modified + 1
			if ( length(thecall[["Knots"]])!=0 ){
				thecall[["Knots.t"]] <- eval(as.expression(thecall[["Knots.t"]]))
				modified <- modified + 1
			if ( length(thecall[["Boundary.knots.t"]])!=0 ){
				thecall[["Boundary.knots.t"]] <- eval(as.expression(thecall[["Boundary.knots.t"]]))
				modified <- modified + 1
			indxterm <- variable2term(i, Terms)
			charcall<-deparse(thecall, 500)
			oldtermlabel <- newtermlabels[indxterm[1]]
			newtermlabels <- gsub(oldtermlabel, charcall, newtermlabels, fixed=TRUE)
	if(length(NamesNPHNLLVars) >0){
		for (i in attr(Terms, "specials")[["NPHNLL"]]){
			thecall <-  match.call(NPHNLL, attr(Terms,"variables")[[i+1]])
			if ( length(thecall[["Spline"]])==0 ){
				modified <- modified + 1
				thecall[["Spline"]] <- Spline
			if ( length(thecall[["Degrees"]])!=0 ){
				thecall[["Degrees"]] <- eval(as.expression(thecall[["Degrees"]]))
				modified <- modified + 1
			if ( length(thecall[["Knots"]])!=0 ){
				thecall[["Knots"]] <- eval(as.expression(thecall[["Knots"]]))
				modified <- modified + 1
			if ( length(thecall[["Boundary.knots"]])!=0 ){
				thecall[["Boundary.knots"]] <- eval(as.expression(thecall[["Boundary.knots"]]))
				modified <- modified + 1
			if ( length(thecall[["Degrees"]])!=0 ){
				thecall[["Degrees.t"]] <- eval(as.expression(thecall[["Degrees.t"]]))
				modified <- modified + 1
			if ( length(thecall[["Knots"]])!=0 ){
				thecall[["Knots.t"]] <- eval(as.expression(thecall[["Knots.t"]]))
				modified <- modified + 1
			if ( length(thecall[["Boundary.knots.t"]])!=0 ){
				thecall[["Boundary.knots.t"]] <- eval(as.expression(thecall[["Boundary.knots.t"]]))
				modified <- modified + 1
			indxterm <- variable2term(i, Terms)
			charcall<-deparse(thecall, 500)
			oldtermlabel <- newtermlabels[indxterm[1]]
			newtermlabels <- gsub(oldtermlabel, charcall, newtermlabels, fixed=TRUE)
	if(modified > 0){
		formula <- reformulate(newtermlabels,
				response = if (attr(Terms, "response")){ 
						else NULL,
				intercept = attr(Terms, "intercept"))

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flexrsurv documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:23 a.m.