
Defines functions flexrsurv.glmiterative.fit

# version du 15 oct 2014

# Function of estimation using the iterative alternative algorithm, in case of NPHNLL effects

flexrsurv.glmiterative.fit <- function(formula, data,
		baselinehazard = TRUE,
		intercept.Bh= TRUE,
		control=list(epsilon = 1e-8, maxit = 100, trace = FALSE, epsilon.glm = 1e-2, maxit.glm=NULL),
		Min_T, Max_T, 
		start=NULL) {
	tik <- data$tik
	data$exp_nbevent <-  tik*data$rate
	special <- c("NPH","NLL", "NPHNLL") 
	Terms <- if (missing(data)){
				terms(formula, special, keep.order = TRUE)
			} else {
				terms(formula, special, data = data, keep.order = TRUE)
	theTerms <- attr(Terms, "term.labels")
	n <- length(theTerms)                               # number of effect (i=1:n)
	# tolerance for the alternative algorithm
	epsilon.alternative <- control$epsilon
	maxit.alternative <- control$maxit
	trace <- control$trace
	# tolerance for the inner glm
	control.glm <- control
	control.glm$epsilon <- control$epsilon.glm
	control.glm$maxit   <- max(control$maxit.glm ,1)
	control.glm$epsilon.glm <- NULL
	control.glm$maxit.glm   <- NULL
	control.glm <- do.call("glm.control", control.glm)
	# Definition of the link function
	# link function
	linkfun  <- function(mu){
		#log(mu - data$exp_nbevent)
		ifelse(mu > data$exp_nbevent, log(mu - data$exp_nbevent),  - log(.Machine$double.xmax)/2)
	# inverse of the link function
	linkinv  <- function(eta){
		pmax(exp(eta), .Machine$double.eps/2) + data$exp_nbevent 
	# dmu/deta
	mu.eta   <- function(eta){
		pmax(exp(eta), .Machine$double.eps/2)
	valideta <- function(eta){
	flexrsurv.link <- structure(list(linkfun = linkfun, linkinv = linkinv, mu.eta = mu.eta,
					valideta = valideta, name = "flexrsurv"), class = "link-glm")
	# Estimation
	# At least one NPHNLL effect tested --> iterative alternative algorithm (alpha, beta, ...)
	# if none NPHNLL effect, use estimation.glm()
	index.NPHNLL <- grep("NPHNLL", theTerms) 
	is.NPHNLL <- rep(FALSE, n)
	is.NPHNLL[index.NPHNLL] <- TRUE
	# NPHNLL(x,t) =alpha(x)beta(t)
	# alpha(x) = NLL(x)
	# beta(t)  = b1(t) + NLL(T, intercept=FALSE)
	#      where b1 is the veryfirst spline basis
	#            if tp-spline b1(t) = 1 ,
	#            if b-spline b1(t) is the only basis such that b1(left_boundary_knot) != 0   
	# NPH step : alpha are assumed known, estimation of beta
	# in NPH step, NPHNLL(x, t) is NPH(Alpha(x), t)
	# NLL step   : beta are assumed known, estimate alpha
	# in NLL step, NPHNLL(x, t) is  NLLbeta(beta(t), x)=NLL(x)*beta(t)
	# initialization  
	names_alphax <- vector("character", n)      # alpha(x) variable 
	names_alphaxb1 <- vector("character", n)    # alpha(x) variable *1st spline basis
	names_betaT <- vector("character", n)       # beta(t) variable 
	nbNPH <- vector("double",n)                       # nbNPH[i] : nb of coef of the ith effect in step NPH 
	nbNLL <- vector("double",n)                       # nbNLL[i] : nb of coef of the ith effect in step NLL 
	nbcoeffeffect <- vector("double",n)             # nbcoeffeffect [i] : total nb of coeff of the ith effect in the model
	SnbNPH <- vector("double",n)                      # SnbNPH[i] : 1- index of the 1st coef of the ith effect estimated at step NPH
	SnbNLL <- vector("double",n)                      # SnbNLL[i] : 1- index of the 1st coef of the ith effect estimated at step NLL
	Snbcoeffeffect <- vector("double",n)            # Snbcoeffeffect [i] : 1- index of the 1st coef of the ith effect estimated in the model
	# X[[i]] & TT[[i]]: design matrix corresponding to the ith effect
	XX <- vector("list",n) ;
	TT <- vector("list",n) ;
	# alpha[[i]] = init values of ith coeff alpha, ...
	alpha <- vector("list",n)                       # if is.NPHNLL[i], alpha[[i]] is the running set of coef of alpha(x) 
	beta <- vector("list",n)                        # if is.NPHNLL[i], beta[[i]]  is the running set of coef of beta(t)
	ALPHAx <- matrix(0,ncol=n, nrow=dim(data)[1])   # if is.NPHNLL[i], ALPHAx[[i]] = alpha(x) = XX %*% alpha + min(x)
	BETAt <- matrix(0,ncol=n, nrow=dim(data)[1])    # if is.NPHNLL[i], BETAt[[i]]  = beta(t)  = TT %*% c(1, beta)
	# Definition of the baseline : gamma0_t
	if(baselinehazard == TRUE){
		if (length(knots.Bh)>=2) {
			for (l in 2:length(k)) {
				k[l] <- paste(k[l-1],k[l],sep=",") 
			knots.Bh <- paste("c(",k[length(k)],")",sep="")  # consider multiple knots
		gamma0_t <- as.character(paste("NLL(", name.runningtime , ', Spline="', Spline,'", Knots=', knots.Bh,
						", Degree=", degree.Bh, ", Log=", log.Bh,
						", Intercept=", intercept.Bh, ", Boundary.knots=c(", Min_T, ", ", Max_T, ")) -1", sep=""))
		# get index/number of coef of the baseline hazard
		f_Bh    <- paste(".fail ~ ", gamma0_t, "-1", sep = "") 
		SnbNLL[1] <- dim(design(f_Bh,data))[2]
		SnbNPH[1] <- SnbNLL[1]
		Snbcoeffeffect[1] <- SnbNLL[1]
	} else {
		gamma0_t <- NULL
		f_Bh    <- ".fail ~ "
		SnbNLL[1] <- 0
		SnbNPH[1] <- 0
		Snbcoeffeffect[1] <- SnbNLL[1]
	#  formulas used in the alternating conditional algorithm
	formulNPH <- make.formulastepNPH.terms(Terms, data, baseline=gamma0_t, response=".fail", tik="tik",)
	formulNLL <- make.formulastepNLL.terms(Terms, data, baseline=gamma0_t, response=".fail", tik="tik",)
	# get pline parameters of NPHNLL effects
	Degree <- vector("double",n)
	Degree.t <- vector("double",n)
	Boundary.Knots <- vector("list",n)   
	Knots <- vector("list",n)   
	Intercept <- vector("logical",n)   
	Knots.t <- vector("list",n)
	Boundary.Knots.t <- vector("list",n)   
	Intercept.t <- vector("logical",n)   
	xnames <- vector("character",n)                 # xnames[i] name of the variable of the ith efect in the formula
	tnames <- vector("character",n)                 # tnames[i] name of the time variable of the ith efect in the formula
	coefnames <- vector("list", n)
	if(length(index.NPHNLL) >0){
		for (i in attr(Terms, "specials")[["NPHNLL"]]){
			thecall0 <-  attr(Terms,"variables")[[i+1]]
			thecall <-  match.call(NPHNLL, thecall0)
			indxterm <- variable2term(i, Terms)
			xname <- as.character(thecall[[2]])
			tname <- as.character(thecall[[3]])
			tnames[i] <- tname
			valDegree <- eval(as.expression(thecall[["Degree"]]))
			if (is.null(valDegree)) {
				valDegree <- 3
			Degree[indxterm] <- valDegree            
			valDegree.t <- eval(as.expression(thecall[["Degree.t"]]))
			if (is.null(valDegree.t)) {
				valDegree.t <- 3
			Degree.t[indxterm] <- valDegree.t          
			if (!is.null(eval(as.expression(thecall[["Knots"]])))) {
				Knots[[indxterm]] <- eval(as.expression(thecall[["Knots"]]))
			if (!is.null(eval(as.expression(thecall[["Intercept"]])))) {
				Intercept[indxterm] <- eval(as.expression(thecall[["Intercept"]]))
			else {
				Intercept[indxterm] <- FALSE
			if (!is.null(eval(as.expression(thecall[["Boundary.knots"]])))) {
				Boundary.Knots[[indxterm]] <- eval(as.expression(thecall[["Boundary.knots"]]))
			else {
				Boundary.Knots[[indxterm]] <-  with(data, eval(call("range", as.name(xname))))
			if (!is.null(eval(as.expression(thecall[["Knots.t"]])))) {
				Knots.t[[indxterm]] <- eval(as.expression(thecall[["Knots.t"]]))
			if (!is.null(eval(as.expression(thecall[["Intercept.t"]])))) {
				Intercept.t[indxterm] <- eval(as.expression(thecall[["Intercept.t"]]))
			else {
				Intercept.t[indxterm] <- FALSE
			Boundary.Knots.t[[indxterm]] <- range( Min_T, Max_T)
			if (!is.null(eval(as.expression(thecall[["Boundary.knots.t"]])))) {
				Boundary.Knots.t[[indxterm]] <- eval(as.expression(thecall[["Boundary.knots.t"]]))
			coefnames[[indxterm]] <- c(paste(paste("NPHNLL(", xname, ", ", tname, ")", xname, ":", sep=""),
							1:(length(Knots[[indxterm]]) + Degree[indxterm] + Intercept[indxterm]), sep=""),
					paste(paste("NPHNLL(", xname, ", ", tname, ")", tname, ":", sep=""),
							1:(length(Knots.t[[indxterm]]) + Degree.t[indxterm] + Intercept.t[indxterm]), sep=""))
			rm(thecall,valDegree,valDegree.t, xname, tname)                          
	# get the NAMES OF the VARIABLES 
	for (i in (3:length(attr(Terms, "variables")))){
		indxterm <- variable2term(i-1, Terms)
		if(is.name(attr(Terms, "variables")[[i]])){
			for( j in indxterm){
				if(xnames[j] == ""){
					xnames[j] <- as.character(attr(Terms, "variables")[[i]])
				else {
					xnames[j] <- paste(xnames[j], ":", as.character(attr(Terms, "variables")[[i]]), sep="")
		else if(is.call(attr(Terms, "variables")[[i]])){
			fun <- match.fun(attr(Terms, "variables")[[i]][[1]])
			thecall <-  match.call(fun, attr(Terms,"variables")[[i]])
			for( j in indxterm){
				if(xnames[j] == ""){
					xnames[j] <- as.character(thecall)[[2]]
				else {
					xnames[j] <- paste(xnames[j], ":", as.character(thecall)[[2]], sep="")
		else {
			stop("the formula is not correct")
	for (i in 1:n) {
		if (is.NPHNLL[i]) {
			names_alphax[i] <- paste("alpha",xnames[i],sep="")                                    
			names_alphaxb1[i] <- paste("alpha",xnames[i],"b1",sep="")                                    
			names_betaT[i] <- paste("betaT",xnames[i],sep="")
	#-------- build index/number of coef of each effect for the 2 steps and for the total model -------------------------------
	#---------and  get the spline basis (X and T) of the NPHNLL effects
	# vector of names of variables, nbNPH, nbNLL, SnbNPH, SnbNLL (use to define start.NPH in estim_stepNPH)
	formulNPH2 <- NPHNLL2NPHalpha.formula(formula, data, response=".fail")
	formulNLL2 <- NPHNLL2NLL.formula(formula, data, response=".fail")
	TermsNPH <- if (missing(data)){
				terms(formulNPH2, special, keep.order = TRUE)
			} else {
				terms(formulNPH2, special, data = data, keep.order = TRUE)
	theTermsNPH <- attr(TermsNPH, "term.labels")
	TermsNLL <- if (missing(data)){
				terms(formulNLL2, special, keep.order = TRUE)
			} else {
				terms(formulNLL2, special, data = data, keep.order = TRUE)
	theTermsNLL <- attr(TermsNLL, "term.labels")
	nb_coef_beta <- 0L
	for (i in 1:n) {
		tmpformula <- paste(".fail ~ ", theTermsNLL[i], "-1", sep = "")
		designmat <- design(tmpformula,data)
		nbNLL[i] <- dim(designmat)[[2]]
		if (is.NPHNLL[i]) {
			# get XX design matrix of NPHNLL effects to compute Alpha(X)
			XX[[i]] <- designmat
#      dimnames(XX[[i]]) <- NULL
			# get TT design matrix of NPHNLL effects to compute beta(t)
			# TT is got from the matrix design if formulaNPH + first basis (ie intercept.t=TRUE)
			tmpformula <- paste(".fail ~ ", theTermsNPH[i], "-1", sep = "")
			TT[[i]] <- design(tmpformula,data)  
#      dimnames(TT[[i]]) <- NULL
			# remove intercept (the first asis is absent in the main model
			nbNPH[i] <- dim(TT[[i]])[[2]]-1
			nb_coef_beta <- nb_coef_beta + dim(TT[[i]])[[2]]-1
			nbcoeffeffect[i] <- nbNPH[i] + nbNLL[i]
		else {
			# else same as nbNLL
			nbNPH[i] <- nbNLL[i]
			nbcoeffeffect[i] <- nbNPH[i] 
		# Snb???[i] : index of the 1st coeff (estimated) corresponding to the ith effect
		if(i > 1){
			SnbNLL[i]   <- SnbNLL[i-1]+nbNLL[i-1]
			SnbNPH[i] <- SnbNPH[i-1]+nbNPH[i-1]
			Snbcoeffeffect[i] <- Snbcoeffeffect[i-1]+nbcoeffeffect[i-1]
	}  # for i in 1:n
	ncoeff <- sum(nbcoeffeffect) + SnbNLL[1]        
	ncoeff.stepNPH <- sum(nbNPH) + SnbNLL[1]        
	ncoeff.stepNLL  <- sum(nbNLL) + SnbNLL[1]        
	#-------- build index/number of coef of each effect for the 2 steps and for the total model -------------------------------
	# vector of names of variables, nbNPH, nbNLL, SnbNPH, SnbNLL (use to define start.NPH in estim_stepNPH)
	# starting values of coefficients
	if (!is.null(start)) {
		# dispatch starting values in start.stepNPH end start.stepNLL
		# and in coef.stepNPH end coef.stepNLL
		# control of length of vector "start"  
		start.NPH <- rep(0, ncoeff.stepNPH)
		start.NLL <- rep(0, ncoeff.stepNLL)
		if (length(start)!=ncoeff) {
			stop(gettextf("Wrong length for inital values. Length of init values must be equal to %i.\n", ncoeff, domaine=NA))
		# define start.NPH
		if(baselinehazard == TRUE){
			#baseline gamma0(t)
			start.NPH[1:(SnbNPH[1])] <- start[1:(SnbNPH[1])]
			start.NLL[1:(SnbNLL[1])]  <- start[1:(SnbNLL[1])]
		for (i in 1:n) {
			if (is.NPHNLL[i]) {
				#in coefficients, fires alpha(x) then betat(t)
				# get beta
				beta[[i]] <- start[Snbcoeffeffect[i]+nbNLL[i]+(1:nbNPH[i])]
				start.NPH[SnbNPH[i]+(1:nbNPH[i])] <- start[Snbcoeffeffect[i]+nbNLL[i]+(1:nbNPH[i])]
				# get alpha
				alpha[[i]] <- start[Snbcoeffeffect[i]+(1:nbNLL[i])]
				start.NLL[SnbNLL[i]+(1:nbNLL[i])] <- start[Snbcoeffeffect[i]+(1:nbNLL[i])]
			else { # !NPHNLL
				start.NPH[SnbNPH[i]+(1:nbNPH[i])] <- start[Snbcoeffeffect[i]+(1:nbNPH[i])]
				start.NLL[SnbNLL[i]+(1:nbNLL[i])]  <- start[Snbcoeffeffect[i]+(1:nbNLL[i])]
	} # end   if (!is.null(start)) 
	else {
		# no starting values supplied
		start.NPH <- NULL
		start.NLL <- rep(0, ncoeff.stepNLL)
		# But alpha(x) must be initialised 
		for (i in 1:n) {
			if (is.NPHNLL[i]) {
				#  NPHNLL(x, t) is assumed to be X (ie alpha(x)=x, beta(t) =1 + 0(t))
				if (Spline=="tp-spline") {
					alpha[[i]] <- c(1,rep(0, nbNLL[i]-1))
					beta[[i]] <- rep(0, nbNPH[i])
				else {
					# when no starting values, alpha(X) is assumed equal to X-Xmin, that is Alpha(Xmin)=0 and alpha(x) linear),
					# where Xmin is the lowest boundary.knot
					# thus using Marsden's identities, alpha[[i]] = marsdens.matrix[[i]] %*% Knots[[i]]
					Knots.marsden <- sort(c(rep(Boundary.Knots[[i]], Degree[i]+1), Knots[[i]]))
					marsden.matrix <- matrix(0, ncol=length(Knots[[i]]) + 2*(Degree[i]+1), nrow=length(Knots[[i]])+Degree[i]+1)
					for (j in 1:(length(Knots[[i]])+Degree[i]+1)) {
						marsden.matrix[j, j+(1:Degree[i])] <- 1.0
					tmpval <- marsden.matrix%*% Knots.marsden/Degree[i] - Boundary.Knots[[i]][1]
					alpha[[i]] <- tmpval[-1]
				} # start = null
				start.NLL[SnbNLL[i]+(1:nbNLL[i])] <- alpha[[i]]
			} # effet NPHNLL 
		} # end of for (i in 1:n) # 
	} # else
	# Iterative alternative algorithm : 
	# (2 steps :
	#     -1-(step NPH)- estimation of beta (=with alpha known), 
	#     -2-(step NLL) then estimation of alpha (=with beta known)) 
	# Initialization of the log-likelihood
	ll    <- +Inf
	llold <- +Inf
	conv <- FALSE
	for( iter in 1L:maxit.alternative) {   
		# update ALPHA(X) using previous estimate
		for (i in 1:n) {
			if (is.NPHNLL[i]) { 
				if (Spline=="b-spline") {
#          ALPHAx[,i] <- XX[[i]]%*%alpha[[i]] + Boundary.Knots[[i]][1]
					ALPHAx[,i] <- XX[[i]]%*%alpha[[i]] 
				else {
					ALPHAx[,i] <- XX[[i]]%*%alpha[[i]]
				data[,names_alphax[i]] <- ALPHAx[,i]           
				# offset for NPHNLL(x, T) is alpha(x)*b1(T)
				if (Spline=="b-spline") {
					data[,names_alphaxb1[i]] <- ALPHAx[,i]*TT[[i]][,1] 
				else {
					# because b1(T) =1
					data[,names_alphaxb1[i]] <- ALPHAx[,i]
#        cat("names data", names(data), "\n", sep=" ")
#        save(data, file=paste("iterationglm", runif(1), ".RData", sep=""))
			} # NPHNLL 
		} # end of loop for (number of effect), computation of ALPHA(X)
		# update starting values of the glm for NPH step
		if (iter >1) { # start at other iteration
			start.NPH <- estim_stepNPH$coeff
			if(baselinehazard == TRUE){
				#update baseline gamma0(t)
				start.NPH[1:(SnbNPH[1])] <- estim_stepNLL$coeff[1:(SnbNLL[1])]
			#keep coefficients of NPHNLL, update the other
			for (i in 1:n) {
				if (!is.NPHNLL[i]) {
					start.NPH[SnbNPH[i]+(1:nbNPH[i])] <- estim_stepNLL$coeff[SnbNLL[i]+(1:nbNLL[i])]
		} # iter >1
		estim_stepNPH <- glm(formula=formulNPH, family=poisson(link=flexrsurv.link), data=data,
				control=control.glm, start=start.NPH)
		expetahat <- pmax(exp(predict(estim_stepNPH)), .Machine$double.eps)
		llinterm <- sum(-expetahat + data$.fail*log(expetahat/tik + data$rate))
		if (trace == TRUE ){
			cat("iteration ", iter, ": ll=", llinterm, "\n")
		# Save the ubdated coefficients beta  (under contraint beta0=1)
		#- put aliased coeff to 0
		for (j in 1:length(estim_stepNPH$coeff)) {
			if (is.na(estim_stepNPH$coeff[j])) {
		for (i in 1:n) {                    
			if (is.NPHNLL[i]) { 
				beta[[i]] <- c(1, estim_stepNPH$coeff[SnbNPH[i]+(1:nbNPH[i])])
			else {
				beta[[i]] <- estim_stepNPH$coeff[SnbNPH[i]+(1:nbNPH[i])]
		# STEP2: NLL step,  BETA KNOWN #
		# update beta(T)
		for (i in 1:n) {
			if (is.NPHNLL[i]) { 
				# BETAtx : new variable to be substituted in x (when beta are known)
				BETAt[,i] <- (TT[[i]]%*%beta[[i]])
				data[,names_betaT[i]] <- BETAt[,i]
		# update starting values of the glm for NLL step
		if (iter >1) { 
			start.NLL <- estim_stepNLL$coeff
		if(baselinehazard == TRUE){
			#update baseline gamma0(t)
			start.NLL[1:(SnbNLL[1])] <- estim_stepNPH$coeff[1:(SnbNPH[1])]
		#keep coefficients of NPHNLL, update the other
		for (i in 1:n) {
			if (!is.NPHNLL[i]) {
				start.NLL[SnbNLL[i]+(1:nbNLL[i])] <- estim_stepNPH$coeff[SnbNPH[i]+(1:nbNPH[i])]
		estim_stepNLL <- glm(formula=formulNLL, family=poisson(link=flexrsurv.link), data=data, 
				control=control.glm, start=start.NLL)
		# Save the coefficients alpha
		#- put aliased coeff to 0
		for (j in 1:length(estim_stepNLL$coeff)) {
			if (is.na(estim_stepNLL$coeff[j])) {
		for (i in 1:n) {                    
			if (is.NPHNLL[i]) { 
				alpha[[i]] <- estim_stepNLL$coeff[SnbNLL[i]+(1:nbNLL[i])]
			else {
				alpha[[i]] <- estim_stepNLL$coeff[SnbNLL[i]+(1:nbNLL[i])]
		# compute log likelyhood
		expetahat <- pmax(exp(predict(estim_stepNLL)), .Machine$double.eps)
		ll <- sum(-expetahat + data$.fail*log(expetahat/tik + data$rate))
		if (trace == TRUE ){
			cat("iteration ", iter, ": ll=", ll, "\n")
		if (abs(ll - llold)/(0.1 + abs(ll)) < epsilon.alternative ) {
			conv <- TRUE
		else {
			llold <- ll
	} # for(iter ...)
	# convergence assessment        #  
	if (!conv){
		warning("algorithm did not converge", call. = TRUE)
	# Fusion of the 2 glm             #  
	# get information from the last NLL step
	estim <- estim_stepNLL
	# buid the whole set of coeff
	estim$coefficients <- rep(0, ncoeff)
	if(baselinehazard == TRUE){
		#baseline gamma(0)
		estim$coefficients[1:SnbNLL[1]] <- estim_stepNLL$coefficients[1:SnbNLL[1]]
		names(estim$coefficients)[1:SnbNLL[1]] <- names(estim_stepNLL$coefficients)[1:SnbNLL[1]]
	for (i in 1:n) {
		if (is.NPHNLL[i]) {
			#in coefficients, first alpha(x) then betat(t)
			# get alpha
			estim$coefficients[Snbcoeffeffect[i]+(1:nbNLL[i])] <- estim_stepNLL$coefficients[SnbNLL[i]+(1:nbNLL[i])] 
			# get beta
			estim$coefficients[Snbcoeffeffect[i]+nbNLL[i]+(1:nbNPH[i])] <- estim_stepNPH$coefficients[SnbNPH[i]+(1:nbNPH[i])] 
			names(estim$coefficients)[Snbcoeffeffect[i]+(1:(nbNPH[i]+nbNLL[i]))] <- coefnames[[i]]
		else { # !NPHNLL
			estim$coefficients[Snbcoeffeffect[i]+(1:nbNLL[i])] <- estim_stepNLL$coefficients[SnbNLL[i]+(1:nbNLL[i])] 
			names(estim$coefficients)[Snbcoeffeffect[i]+(1:nbNLL[i])] <- names(estim_stepNLL$coefficients)[SnbNLL[i]+(1:nbNLL[i])] 
	# Others elements 
	# number of made iteration
	estim$iter <- iter
	estim$formula <- formula  
	# offset considered
	estim$offset <- (estim_stepNPH$offset+estim_stepNLL$offset)-log(data$tik) 
	estim$loglik <- ll
	estim$workingformulaNLL <- formulNLL
	estim$workingformulaNPH <- formulNPH
	estim$rank <- estim$rank + nb_coef_beta
	estim$residuals <- NULL
	estim$fitted.values <- NULL
	estim$linear.predictors <- NULL
	estim$deviance <- NULL
	estim$aic <- NULL
	estim$null.deviance <- NULL
	estim$weights <- NULL
	estim$prior.weights <- NULL
	estim$df.null <- NULL
	estim$offset <- NULL
	estim$effects <- NULL 
	estim$R <- NULL
	estim$qr <- NULL
	estim$model <- NULL
	estim$coeff <- NULL
	class(estim) <- c("glm.iterative")

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flexrsurv documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:09 p.m.