
plot.fpt.density <-
function (x, from.t0, to.T, dp.legend = TRUE, dp.legend.cex = 1, 
    ylab = TRUE, growth.points = FALSE, instants = FALSE, ...) 
    if (!is.fpt.density(x)) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("x"), "is not of class", shQuote("fpt.density")))
    ncp <- !is.null(x$y.x0)
    Args <- as.list(attr(x, "Call"))
    if (is.element("from.t0", names(Args))) 
        fromt0Call <- Args$from.t0
    else fromt0Call <- FALSE
    if (missing(from.t0)) 
        from.t0 <- fromt0Call
    if (is.element("to.T", names(Args))) 
        toTCall <- Args$to.T
    else toTCall <- FALSE
    if (missing(to.T)) 
        to.T <- toTCall
    if (ncp) {
        Call <- attr(x, "Call")
        Args <- as.list(Call[c("t0", "T", "id")])
        S <- Call$S
        if (is.list(Args$id)) 
            Args$id <- Args$id[[2]]
        else Args$id <- attr(attr(x, "summary.fptl"), "id")[[2]]
        env <- Call$env
        if (!is.null(env)) {
            if (is.call(env)) 
                Args <- c(Args, eval(env))
            else Args <- c(Args, attr(attr(x, "summary.fptl"), 
        dp <- attr(attr(x, "summary.fptl"), "dp")
        Args$id <- eval(parse(text = paste("substitute(", Args$id, 
            ")", sep = "")))
        t1 <- min(sapply(attr(x, "summary.fptl"), function(x) x$instants[1, 
        t2 <- max(sapply(attr(x, "summary.fptl"), function(x) x$instants[length(x)]))
        if (growth.points) 
            warning(paste(sQuote("growth.points"), "argument has been ignored."), 
                call. = FALSE)
        if (instants) 
            warning(paste(sQuote("instants"), "argument has been ignored."), 
                call. = FALSE)
        growth.points <- FALSE
        instants <- FALSE
    else {
        Args <- formals(FPTL)[c("t0", "T", "x0")]
        Call <- attr(attr(x, "summary.fptl"), "FPTLCall")[[1]]
        Args <- as.list(Call[c("t0", "T", "x0")])
        S <- Call$S
        env <- Call$env
        if (!is.null(env)) {
            if (is.call(env)) 
                Args <- c(Args, eval(env))
            else Args <- c(Args, attr(attr(x, "summary.fptl"), 
        dp <- attr(attr(x, "summary.fptl"), "dp")
        t1 <- attr(x, "summary.fptl")[[1]]$instants[1, 2]
        t2 <- attr(x, "summary.fptl")[[1]]$instants[length(attr(x, 
    par(cex = 1, ps = 9)
    par(mar = c(3 + 2 * instants, 3.25 + ylab, 2.5, 1) + 0.1, 
    pin.height <- par("pin")[2] - sum(par("mai")[c(1, 3)] * (par("cex") - 
    if (dp.legend) {
        dp.labels <- vector("list", 3)
        if (ncp) 
            dp.labels[[1]] <- parse(text = deparse(substitute(paste(" Diffusion process: ", 
                list(group("{", list(X(t), t %in% group("[", 
                  list(t0, T), "]")), "}"), ~~X(t0) %~% id)), 
        else dp.labels[[1]] <- parse(text = deparse(substitute(paste(" Diffusion process: ", 
            list(group("{", list(X(t), t %in% group("[", list(t0, 
                T), "]")), "}"), ~~P(X(t0) == x0) == 1)), Args)))
        logic <- sapply(Args, is.character)
        Args[logic] <- sapply(Args[logic], function(x) parse(text = x)[[1]])
        dpMean <- eval(parse(text = paste("substitute(", dp$mean, 
            ", Args[logic])", sep = "")))
        dpVar <- eval(parse(text = paste("substitute(", dp$var, 
            ", Args[logic])", sep = "")))
        S <- eval(parse(text = paste("substitute(", S, ", Args[logic])", 
            sep = "")))
        logic <- sapply(Args, is.numeric) & (sapply(Args, length) == 
        dpMean <- eval(parse(text = paste("substitute(", deparse(dpMean, 
            width.cutoff = 500L), ", Args[logic])", sep = "")))
        dpVar <- eval(parse(text = paste("substitute(", deparse(dpVar, 
            width.cutoff = 500L), ", Args[logic])", sep = "")))
        S <- eval(parse(text = paste("substitute(", deparse(S, 
            width.cutoff = 500L), ", Args[logic])", sep = "")))
        dp.labels[[2]] <- parse(text = gsub("*", "%.%", deparse(substitute(list(paste(A[1](x, 
            t) == m, " "), ~~A[2](x, t) == v), list(m = dpMean, 
            v = dpVar))), fixed = TRUE))
        dp.labels[[3]] <- parse(text = gsub("*", "%.%", deparse(substitute(paste(" Boundary: ", 
            S(t) == s), list(s = S))), fixed = TRUE))
        dp.width <- sum(sapply(dp.labels[1:2], strwidth, units = "inch", 
            cex = dp.legend.cex)) + strwidth(" ,  ", units = "inch", 
            cex = dp.legend.cex)
        pin.width <- par("pin")[1] - sum(par("mai")[c(2, 4)] * 
            (par("cex") - 1))
        dp.h <- sapply(dp.labels, strheight, units = "inch", 
            cex = dp.legend.cex)
        logic <- (dp.width < pin.width)
        if (logic) 
            dp.height <- max(dp.h[1:2]) + dp.h[3] + 0.3 * par("cin")[2]
        else dp.height <- sum(dp.h) + 0.4 * par("cin")[2]
    else dp.height <- numeric(1)
    gp.h <- 0.03 * pin.height
    ti.h <- gp.h
    if (growth.points) 
        gp.h <- max(gp.h, 1.25 * strheight(expression(t), units = "inch", 
            cex = sqrt(par("cex"))) + 0.2 * par("cin")[2])
    if (instants) 
        ti.h <- max(ti.h, 1.5 * strheight(expression(t[1]), units = "inch", 
            cex = sqrt(par("cex"))) + 0.2 * par("cin")[2])
    if ((!from.t0) & fromt0Call & (x$x[1] < t1)) {
        lg <- (x$x >= t1)
        x$x <- x$x[lg]
        x$y <- x$y[lg]
        if (ncp) 
            x$y.x0 <- x$y.x0[lg, ]
    if (from.t0 & (!fromt0Call) & (Args$t0 < x$x[1])) {
        x$x <- c(Args$t0, x$x)
        x$y <- c(0L, x$y)
        if (ncp) 
            x$y.x0 <- rbind(0L, x$y.x0)
    if ((!to.T) & toTCall & (x$x[length(x$x)] > t2)) {
        lg <- (x$x <= t2)
        x$x <- x$x[lg]
        x$y <- x$y[lg]
        if (ncp) 
            x$y.x0 <- x$y.x0[lg, ]
    ymax <- max(x$y)
    h <- pin.height - dp.height - gp.h - ti.h
    A <- -ti.h * ymax/h
    B <- (1 + (dp.height + gp.h)/h) * ymax
    y2 <- ((B - A) + 1.08 * (A + B))/2.16
    y1 <- A + B - y2
    plot(x$x, x$y, xlab = "", ylab = "", type = "l", las = 1, 
        ylim = c(y1, y2), axes = FALSE)
    y3 <- par("usr")[4]
    if (dp.legend) {
        dp.w <- sapply(dp.labels, strwidth, cex = dp.legend.cex)
        dp.h <- sapply(dp.labels, strheight, cex = dp.legend.cex)
        if (logic) {
            text(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[4] - 0.5 * max(dp.h[1:2]) - 
                0.1 * par("cxy")[2], parse(text = paste("list(", 
                as.character(dp.labels[[1]]), ", ~~", as.character(dp.labels[[2]]), 
                ")", sep = "")), adj = 0, cex = dp.legend.cex)
            text(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[4] - max(dp.h[1:2]) - 
                0.5 * dp.h[3] - 0.2 * par("cxy")[2], dp.labels[[3]], 
                adj = 0, cex = dp.legend.cex)
            y3 <- y3 - max(dp.h[1:2]) - dp.h[3] - 0.3 * par("cxy")[2]
        else {
            text(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[4] - 0.5 * dp.h[1] - 
                0.1 * par("cxy")[2], dp.labels[[1]], adj = 0, 
                cex = dp.legend.cex)
            text(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[4] - dp.h[1] - 0.5 * 
                dp.h[2] - 0.2 * par("cxy")[2], parse(text = paste("paste(phantom(\" Diffusion process: \"), ~~", 
                as.character(dp.labels[[2]]), ")", sep = "")), 
                adj = 0, cex = dp.legend.cex)
            text(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[4] - sum(dp.h[1:2]) - 
                0.5 * dp.h[3] - 0.3 * par("cxy")[2], dp.labels[[3]], 
                adj = 0, cex = dp.legend.cex)
            y3 <- y3 - sum(dp.h[1:2]) - dp.h[3] - 0.4 * par("cxy")[2]
        abline(h = y3)
    ticks <- axTicks(2)
    axis(2, at = ticks[ticks <= y3], las = 1, mgp = c(3, 0.35 + 
        0.4/sqrt(par("cex")), 0), tcl = -0.35)
    axis(1, mgp = c(3, 0.35, 0), tcl = -0.35)
    title(main = "Approximate First-Passage-Time Density Function Plot", 
        line = 0.85)
    if (instants) 
        title(xlab = "t", line = 4)
    else title(xlab = "t", line = 1.6)
    if (ylab) 
        title(ylab = parse(text = "g[1](t)"), line = 3)
    if (any(growth.points, instants)) {
        Y <- attr(x, "summary.fptl")[[1]]$instants
        if (growth.points) {
            i <- which(Y[, 1] >= x$x[1])
            if (length(i) > 0) {
                segments(Y[i, 1], par("usr")[3], Y[i, 1], y3, 
                  col = "darkgray", lwd = 1)
                text(Y[i, 1] - 0.1 * par("cxy")[1], y3 - 0.5 * 
                  strheight(expression(t), cex = sqrt(par("cex"))) - 
                  0.1 * par("cxy")[2], parse(text = paste("t[~ ", 
                  i, "]", sep = "")), adj = 1, col = "darkgray")
        if (instants) {
            x.t <- matrix(Y[, c(2, 3, 5)], ncol = 3)
            segments(x.t, par("usr")[3], x.t, y3, lty = 8, lwd = 1)
            text(Y[, 2] - 0.1 * par("cxy")[1], -0.65 * strheight(expression(t[1]), 
                cex = sqrt(par("cex"))) - 0.1 * par("cxy")[2], 
                parse(text = paste("t[~ ", 1:nrow(x.t), "]^{~ ", 
                  shQuote("*"), "}", sep = "")), adj = 1)
            mtext(parse(text = paste("t[list(~ max,", 1:nrow(Y), 
                ")]^{~ ", shQuote("-"), "}", sep = "")), side = 1, 
                line = 1.6, at = Y[, 3], adj = 0, ...)
            mtext(parse(text = paste("t[list(~ max,", 1:nrow(Y), 
                ")]^{~ ", shQuote("+"), "}", sep = "")), side = 1, 
                line = 3, at = Y[, 5], adj = 0, ...)
    if (ncp) {
        ymax <- max(x$y.x0)
        h <- pin.height - dp.height - gp.h - ti.h
        A <- -ti.h * ymax/h
        B <- (1 + (dp.height + gp.h)/h) * ymax
        y2 <- ((B - A) + 1.08 * (A + B))/2.16
        y1 <- A + B - y2
        par(cex = 1, ps = 9)
        par(mar = c(3 + 2 * instants, 3.25 + ylab, 2.5, 1) + 
            0.1, ...)
        matplot(x$x, x$y.x0, xlab = "", ylab = "", type = "l", 
            lty = 1, las = 1, ylim = c(y1, y2), axes = FALSE)
        y3 <- par("usr")[4]
        if (dp.legend) {
            dp.w <- sapply(dp.labels, strwidth, cex = dp.legend.cex)
            dp.h <- sapply(dp.labels, strheight, cex = dp.legend.cex)
            if (logic) {
                text(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[4] - 0.5 * max(dp.h[1:2]) - 
                  0.1 * par("cxy")[2], parse(text = paste("list(", 
                  as.character(dp.labels[[1]]), ", ~~", as.character(dp.labels[[2]]), 
                  ")", sep = "")), adj = 0, cex = dp.legend.cex)
                text(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[4] - max(dp.h[1:2]) - 
                  0.5 * dp.h[3] - 0.2 * par("cxy")[2], dp.labels[[3]], 
                  adj = 0, cex = dp.legend.cex)
                y3 <- y3 - max(dp.h[1:2]) - dp.h[3] - 0.3 * par("cxy")[2]
            else {
                text(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[4] - 0.5 * dp.h[1] - 
                  0.1 * par("cxy")[2], dp.labels[[1]], adj = 0, 
                  cex = dp.legend.cex)
                text(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[4] - dp.h[1] - 
                  0.5 * dp.h[2] - 0.2 * par("cxy")[2], parse(text = paste("paste(phantom(\" Diffusion process: \"), ~~", 
                  as.character(dp.labels[[2]]), ")", sep = "")), 
                  adj = 0, cex = dp.legend.cex)
                text(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[4] - sum(dp.h[1:2]) - 
                  0.5 * dp.h[3] - 0.3 * par("cxy")[2], dp.labels[[3]], 
                  adj = 0, cex = dp.legend.cex)
                y3 <- y3 - sum(dp.h[1:2]) - dp.h[3] - 0.4 * par("cxy")[2]
        abline(h = y3)
        ticks <- axTicks(2)
        axis(2, at = ticks[ticks <= y3], las = 1, mgp = c(3, 
            0.35 + 0.4/sqrt(par("cex")), 0), tcl = -0.35)
        axis(1, mgp = c(3, 0.35, 0), tcl = -0.35)
        title(main = "Approximate Conditional First-Passage-Time Density Functions Plot", 
            line = 0.85)
        title(xlab = "t", line = 1.6)
        if (ylab) 
            title(ylab = parse(text = "g[1](t)"), line = 3)

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