
Defines functions GFS.Michigan update.rule det.fit.rule GA.mutation GA.crossover BLX.alpha det.class det.grade.cert calc.degree.ant red.data GFS.GCCL.test create.MF convert.MatToVec convert.VecToMat calc.MSE check.active.rule convert.BinToInt convert.IntToBin scale.RuleToStr scale.StrToRule eval.indv.fitness soft.consistency degree.completeness ch.similarity.rule create.rule partition.MF prune.rule calc.heu ch.cover calc.compDegree calc.pred.val tune.MF generate.popu MF.width

#  This file is a part of the R package "frbs".
#  Author: Lala Septem Riza
#  Co-author: Christoph Bergmeir
#  Supervisors: Francisco Herrera Triguero and Jose Manuel Benitez
#  Copyright (c) DiCITS Lab, Sci2s group, DECSAI, University of Granada.
#  This package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
#  the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#  Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
#  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
#  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# This function applies genetic algorithm based on genetic cooperative-competitive learning approach. 
# @title Genetic algorithm based on genetic cooperative-competitive learning approach 
# @param data.train a matrix (\eqn{m \times n}) of normalized data for the training process, where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and 
# \eqn{n} is the number of variables; the last column is the output variable. Note the data must be normalized between 0 and 1. 
# @param ant.rules a matrix of antecedent parts of rules.
# @param varinp.mf a matrix which is parameter values of membership function.
# @param num.labels a matrix defining the number of linguistic terms.
# @param persen_cross a real number between 0 and 1 representing the probability of crossover.
# @param persen_mutant  a real number between 0 and 1 representing the probability of mutation.
# @param max.gen the maximal number of generation on genetic algorithms.
# @export
GFS.Michigan <- function(data.train, ant.rules, varinp.mf, num.labels, persen_cross, 
				persen_mutant, max.gen, only.GCCL = FALSE){
	## create progress bar
	if (only.GCCL){
		progressbar <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = max.gen, style = 3)	
	## Initialize population
	mod <- NULL
	err.percent <- matrix()
	num.inputvar <- (ncol(data.train) - 1)
	##### Determine Class C and Certanty Factor grade.cert
	buffer.rule <- det.fit.rule(data.train, ant.rules, varinp.mf, num.labels, type.grade.cert = 1)
	#### Process of GA
	iter = 1
	best.err.percent = 100000
	data.test <- data.train[, -ncol(data.train), drop = FALSE]
	while (iter <= max.gen){
		old.buffer.rule <- buffer.rule
		rule <- old.buffer.rule$rule
		grade.cert <- old.buffer.rule$grade.cert
		fit.rule <- old.buffer.rule$fit.rule
		## Get the best population by calculating fitness
		classifier.rule <- old.buffer.rule
		resClass.train <- GFS.GCCL.test(data.test, classifier.rule, varinp.mf)
		err.percent = 100*sum(data.train[, ncol(data.train), drop = FALSE] != resClass.train)/nrow(resClass.train)
		if (err.percent < best.err.percent){
			best.classifier.rule <- classifier.rule
			best.err.percent <- err.percent
		## crossover	
		rule.ant <- rule[, -ncol(rule), drop = FALSE]
		new.popu <- GA.crossover(rule.ant, persen_cross, type = "1Pt")
		## mutation
		new.popu <- GA.mutation(new.popu, persen_mutant, num.labels, num.inputvar = NULL, type = "MICHIGAN")	
		## determine class of new population
		temp.buffer.rule <- det.fit.rule(data.train, new.popu, varinp.mf, num.labels, type.grade.cert = 1)

		#### Update rule	
		temp <- update.rule(old.buffer.rule, temp.buffer.rule)

		buffer.rule <- list(rule = temp[, 1 : (num.inputvar + 1), drop = FALSE], 
		                    grade.cert = temp[, (ncol(temp) - 1), drop = FALSE],
							fit.rule = temp[, ncol(temp), drop = FALSE])

		iter = iter + 1
		if (only.GCCL){
			## progress bar
			setTxtProgressBar(progressbar, iter)
	if (only.GCCL){
	best.rule <- best.classifier.rule$rule
	best.grade.cert <- best.classifier.rule$grade.cert
	mod <- list(rule = best.rule, grade.cert = best.grade.cert, varinp.mf = varinp.mf)

# This function is to add new rule into a set of rules
# @param old.rule a matrix of a set of rules
# @param new.rule a matrix of a new rule
update.rule <- function(old.rule, new.rule){
	old.data <- cbind(old.rule$rule, old.rule$grade.cert, old.rule$fit.rule)
	new.data <- cbind(new.rule$rule, new.rule$grade.cert, new.rule$fit.rule)
	res <- old.data
	res[which.min(old.data[, ncol(old.data)]), ] <- new.data[which.max(new.data[, ncol(new.data)]), ]

# This function calculates a fitness value of each chromosome.
# @param data.train a matrix of training data
# @param ant.rules a matrix of the antecedent part of rules
# @param num.labels a matrix of the number of linguistic terms
# @param type.grade.cert a type of a method used to calculate certainty factor on consequent part of rules.
det.fit.rule <- function(data.train, ant.rules, varinp.mf, num.labels, type.grade.cert){
	res.rule <- det.grade.cert(data.train, ant.rules, varinp.mf, num.labels, type.grade.cert)
	##### Classify all the given training pattern and calculate the fitness value on each rule
	rule <- res.rule$comp.rule.data.num
	grade.cert <- res.rule$grade.cert
	fit.rule = eval.indv.fitness(data.train = data.train, rule = rule, method.type = "GFS.GCCL", grade.cert = grade.cert, varinp.mf = varinp.mf)	
	buffer.rule <- list(rule = rule, grade.cert = grade.cert, fit.rule = fit.rule)

# This function performs mutation operator on genetic algorithm
# @param population a matrix of population
# @param persen_mutant a value of mutation probability will be occurred.
# @param num.labels a matrix of the number of linguistic terms.
# @param num.inputvar a number of input variables
# @param iter a interation counter
# @param max.iter a maximal number of iteration
# @param type a type of genetic algorithm approach
GA.mutation <- function(population, persen_mutant, type = "MICHIGAN", num.labels = NULL, 
                        num.inputvar = NULL, iter = NULL, max.iter = NULL){
	if (type == "MICHIGAN"){
		new.popu <- population
		## iterate along number of population
		for (i in 1 : nrow(population)){
			## generate a real number randomly
			r = runif(1, min = 0, max = 1)
			if (r <= persen_mutant){
				## generate a location of mutation
				point.mutation <- as.integer(runif(1, min = 1, max = ncol(population) + 0.99))
				## min & max values
				min.labels.cons <- (num.labels[1,1] * (point.mutation - 1) + 1)
				max.labels.cons <- min.labels.cons  + num.labels[1,1] - 1 
				## mutation change one up and down of label
				run.updown <- sample(c(-1,1), 1, replace = TRUE)
				new.label = population[i, point.mutation] + run.updown
				if (new.label >= (max.labels.cons + 1)){
					new.popu[i, point.mutation] <- 0
				else if (new.label <= (min.labels.cons - 1)){
					new.popu[i, point.mutation] <- 0
				} else {
					new.popu[i, point.mutation] <- new.label
	else if (type == "PITTSBURGH"){
		new.popu <- population
		if (is.null(num.inputvar)) {
			stop("please insert the number of input variables")
		for (i in 1 : nrow(population)){
			r = runif(1, min = 0, max = 1)		
			if (r <= persen_mutant){
				point.mutation <- as.integer(runif(1, min = 1, max = ncol(population) + 0.99))
				indx <- point.mutation %% num.inputvar
				if (indx == 0){
					point.term <- num.inputvar
				} else {
					point.term <- indx
				min.labels.cons <- (num.labels[1,1] * (point.term - 1) + 1)
				max.labels.cons <- min.labels.cons  + num.labels[1,1] - 1 
				run.updown <- sample(c(-1,1), 1, replace = TRUE)
				new.label = population[i, point.mutation] + run.updown
				if (new.label >= (max.labels.cons + 1)){
					new.popu[i, point.mutation] <- 0
				else if (new.label <= (min.labels.cons - 1)){
					new.popu[i, point.mutation] <- 0
				} else {
					new.popu[i, point.mutation] <- new.label
	else if (type == "IRL-BINARY"){
		new.popu <- population
		new.popu.var <- new.popu[, 1 : num.inputvar, drop = FALSE]
		new.popu.val <- new.popu[, (num.inputvar + 1) : ncol(new.popu), drop = FALSE]
		for (i in 1 : nrow(population)){
			r = runif(1, min = 0, max = 1)		
			if (r <= persen_mutant){
				## mutation on var
				temp <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = num.inputvar)
				loc.var.r <- as.integer(runif(1, min = 1, max = num.inputvar + 0.99))
				temp[1, loc.var.r] = 1
				new.popu.var[i, ] <- matrix(as.integer(xor(new.popu.var[i, ], temp)), nrow = 1)
				## mutation on val
				# get variable which is changed
				temp.r <- as.integer(runif(1, min = 0, max = (num.inputvar - 1) + 0.99))
				# get index exactly 
				start <- temp.r * num.labels[1,1] + 1
				end <- start + num.labels[1,1] - 1
				# location of mutation
				loc.val.r <- as.integer(runif(1, min = start, max = end + 0.99))
				# perform mutation
				new.popu.val[i, start : end] <- 0
				new.popu.val[i, loc.val.r] <- 1
		new.popu <- cbind(new.popu.var, new.popu.val)
	else if (type == "MOGUL"){
		new.popu <- population
		for (i in 1 : nrow(new.popu)){
			loc.mutation <- runif(ncol(new.popu), min = 0, max = 1)		
			for (j in 1 : ncol(new.popu)){
				if (loc.mutation[j] < persen_mutant){
					cond <- as.integer(runif(1, min = 0, max = 1.99))
					r <- runif(1, min = 0, max = 1)
					b = 1
					if (cond == 0){
						y <- (1 - new.popu[i, j])
						delta <- y * (1 -  r ^ ((1 - iter/max.iter) ^ b))
						new.popu[i, j] <- (new.popu[i, j] + delta)					
					} else {
						y <- new.popu[i, j]
					 	delta <- y * (1 -  r ^ ((1 - iter/max.iter) ^ b))
						new.popu[i, j] <- new.popu[i, j] - delta
				if (j %% 3 == 1){
					new.popu[i, j] <- min(new.popu[i, j], new.popu[i, j + 1])
				else if (j %% 3 == 2){
					new.popu[i, j] <- max(new.popu[i, j - 1], new.popu[i, j])
					new.popu[i, j] <- min(new.popu[i, j], new.popu[i, j + 1])
				} else{
					new.popu[i, j] <- max(new.popu[i, j], new.popu[i, j - 1])
	else if (type == "BINARY"){
		new.popu <- population
		for (i in 1 : nrow(population)){
			r = runif(1, min = 0, max = 1)
			if (r <= persen_mutant) {
				op.rand <- matrix(round(runif(ncol(population), min = 0, max = 1)), nrow = 1)
				new.popu[i, ] <- matrix(as.integer(xor(op.rand, population[i, , drop = FALSE])), nrow = 1)

# This function performs crossover operator on genetic algorithms
# @param population a matrix of population
# @param persen_cross a value of the crossover probability
# @param type a type of crossover methods
# @param num.inputvar a number of input variables
# @param num.labels a matrix of the number of linguistic terms
# @param params a list of other parameters
GA.crossover <- function(population, persen_cross, type = "1Pt", num.inputvar = NULL, 
                num.labels = NULL, params = list()){
	if (type == "1Pt"){
		median.popu <- floor(nrow(population)/2)	
		num.parent <- runif(1, min = 1, max = median.popu)
		indx.parent <- sample(seq(1, median.popu), num.parent, replace = FALSE)
		new.popu <- population
		### crossover
		for (i in 1 : length(indx.parent)){			
			r = runif(1, min = 0, max = 1)
			if (r <= persen_cross){
				point.cross <- as.integer(runif(1, min = 2, max = ncol(population) + 0.99))
				new.popu[indx.parent[i], point.cross : ncol(new.popu)] <- population[indx.parent[i] + median.popu, point.cross : ncol(population)]
				new.popu[indx.parent[i] + median.popu, point.cross : ncol(new.popu)] <- population[indx.parent[i], point.cross : ncol(population)]
	else if (type == "VAL"){
		new.popu <- population
		median.popu <- floor(nrow(population)/2)	
		num.parent <- runif(1, min = 1, max = median.popu)
		indx.parent <- sample(seq(1, median.popu), num.parent, replace = FALSE)
		for (i in 1 : length(indx.parent)){
			r = runif(1, min = 0, max = 1)
			if (r <- persen_cross){
				## we use this technique in order to move variable code instead of binary itself
				temp.r.1 <- as.integer(runif(1, min = 0, max = (num.inputvar - 1) + 0.99))
				temp.r.2 <- as.integer(runif(1, min = (temp.r.1 + 1), max = num.inputvar + 0.99))
				# get index exactly 
				point.cross.1 <- temp.r.1 * num.labels[1,1] + 1
				point.cross.2 <- temp.r.2 * num.labels[1,1]
				new.popu[indx.parent[i], point.cross.1 : point.cross.2] <- population[indx.parent[i] + median.popu, point.cross.1 : point.cross.2]
				new.popu[indx.parent[i] + median.popu, point.cross.1 : point.cross.2] <- population[indx.parent[i], point.cross.1 : point.cross.2]
	else if (type == "2pt"){
		median.popu <- floor(nrow(population)/2)	
		num.parent <- runif(1, min = 1, max = median.popu)
		indx.parent <- sample(seq(1, median.popu), num.parent, replace = FALSE)
		new.popu <- population
		### crossover
		for (i in 1 : length(indx.parent)){			
			r = runif(1, min = 0, max = 1)
			if (r <= persen_cross){
				point.cross.1 <- as.integer(runif(1, min = 1, max = (ncol(population) - 1) + 0.99))
				point.cross.2 <- as.integer(runif(1, min = point.cross.1, max = ncol(population) + 0.99))
				new.popu[indx.parent[i], point.cross.1 : point.cross.2] <- population[indx.parent[i] + median.popu, point.cross.1 : point.cross.2]
				new.popu[indx.parent[i] + median.popu, point.cross.1 : point.cross.2] <- population[indx.parent[i], point.cross.1 : point.cross.2]
	else if (type == "MOGUL"){
		### crossover 
		## determine the number of parents
		new.popu <- population
		median.popu <- floor(nrow(population)/2)	
		num.parent <- runif(1, min = 1, max = median.popu)
		indx.parent <- sample(seq(1, median.popu), num.parent, replace = FALSE)
		for (i in 1 : length(indx.parent)){
			r = runif(1, min = 0, max = 1)
			if (r <- persen_cross){
				## we use this technique in order to move variable code instead of binary itself
				temp.r.1 <- as.integer(runif(1, min = 0, max = (num.inputvar - 1) + 0.99))
				temp.r.2 <- as.integer(runif(1, min = (temp.r.1 + 1), max = num.inputvar + 0.99))
				# get index exactly 
				point.cross.1 <- temp.r.1 * 3 + 1
				point.cross.2 <- temp.r.2 * 3
				new.popu[indx.parent[i], point.cross.1 : point.cross.2] <- population[indx.parent[i] + median.popu, point.cross.1 : point.cross.2]
				new.popu[indx.parent[i] + median.popu, point.cross.1 : point.cross.2] <- population[indx.parent[i], point.cross.1 : point.cross.2]
	else if (type == "2tupple"){
		mode.tuning <- params$mode.tuning
		rule.selection <- params$rule.selection
		num.rule <- params$num.rule
		popu.parent <- population
		if (rule.selection == TRUE){
			popu.lateral <- popu.parent[, 1 : (ncol(popu.parent) - num.rule), drop = FALSE]
			popu.rule <- popu.parent[, (ncol(popu.lateral) + 1) : ncol(popu.parent), drop = FALSE]
			new.popu.rule <- GA.crossover(population = popu.rule, persen_cross, type = "2pt")
			new.popu.lateral <- BLX.alpha(population = popu.lateral, persen_cross = persen_cross, alpha = 0.3)
			new.popu <- cbind(new.popu.lateral, new.popu.rule)	
		} else {
			popu.lateral <- popu.parent
			new.popu.lateral <- BLX.alpha(population = popu.lateral, persen_cross = persen_cross, alpha = 0.3)
			new.popu <- new.popu.lateral

# This function is used to perform crossover based on BLX.alpha technique.
# @param population a matrix of population
# @param persen_cross a percentage of crossover occurred
# @param alpha a multiplication value
BLX.alpha <- function(population, persen_cross, alpha){
	new.popu <- population
	Cmax <- matrix(apply(new.popu, 2, max), nrow = 1)
	Cmin <- matrix(apply(new.popu, 2, min), nrow = 1)
	I <- matrix(Cmax - Cmin, nrow = 1)

	for (j in 1 : ncol(new.popu)){				
		new.popu[1, j] <- runif(1, min = Cmin[1, j] - I[1, j] * alpha, max = Cmax[1, j] + I[1, j] * alpha)
		new.popu[2, j] <- runif(1, min = Cmin[1, j] - I[1, j] * alpha, max = Cmax[1, j] + I[1, j] * alpha)		


# This function is to determine class as consequent part value
# @param data.test a matrix of testing data
# @param rule a matrix of a set of rules
# @param grade.cert a matrix of certainty factor
# @param varinp.mf a matrix of parameter values of membership function
# @param type a type of consequent part whether it is weighted or not.
det.class <- function(data.test, rule, grade.cert = NULL, varinp.mf, type = "WEIGHTED"){
	data.input <- data.test
	rule.ant <- matrix(rule[, -ncol(rule)], nrow=nrow(rule))
	degree <- matrix(nrow=nrow(rule.ant), ncol=ncol(rule.ant))
	f.deg <- function(j, k, rule.ant){	
		if (rule.ant[j, k] == 0){
			degree[j, k] <<- 1
		} else {
			#check for triangular
			#get term on rule
			term.act <- rule.ant[j,k]
			if (varinp.mf[1, term.act] == 1){
				if (data.input[1,k] <= varinp.mf[2, term.act]){
					degree[j, k] <<- 0
				else if (data.input[1,k] <= varinp.mf[3, term.act]) {
					degree[j, k] <<- (data.input[1,k] - varinp.mf[2, term.act]) / (varinp.mf[3, term.act] - varinp.mf[2, term.act])
				else if (data.input[1,k] <= varinp.mf[4, term.act]) {
					degree[j, k] <<- (varinp.mf[4, term.act] - data.input[1,k]) / (varinp.mf[4, term.act] - varinp.mf[3, term.act])
				} else {
					degree[j, k] <<- 0
	vec.f.deg <- Vectorize(f.deg, vectorize.args=list("j","k"))
	outer(1 : nrow(rule.ant), 1 : ncol(rule.ant), vec.f.deg, rule.ant)
	prod.degree = matrix(apply(degree, 1, prod), ncol = 1) 
	if (type == "WEIGHTED"){
		temp = prod.degree * grade.cert
	else if (type == "NON-WEIGHTED"){
		temp = prod.degree
	ind.rule.act = which.max(temp)
	res.class = rule[ind.rule.act, ncol(rule)]
	res <- list(res.class = res.class, ind.rule.act = ind.rule.act)

# This function determines class and calculates certainty factor on consequent part
# @param data.train a matrix of training data
# @param ant.rules a matrix of the antecedent part of rules
# @param num.labels a matrix of the number of linguistic terms
# @type.grade.cert a type of certainty factor
det.grade.cert <- function(data.train, ant.rules, varinp.mf, num.labels, type.grade.cert = 1){
	data.input <- data.train[, 1 : (ncol(data.train) - 1), drop = FALSE]
	data.class <- data.train[, ncol(data.train), drop = FALSE]

	### Step 1: Calculate compatibility grade
	degree <- matrix(nrow=nrow(data.input), ncol=ncol(data.input))
	miu.rule <- matrix(nrow=nrow(data.input), ncol=1)
	grade.cert <- matrix(nrow=nrow(ant.rules), ncol =1)
	comp.rule.data.num <- cbind(ant.rules, 0)
	if (type.grade.cert == 1){
		##iterate for each rule
		for (i in 1 : nrow(ant.rules)){
			##apply all data.input for each rule
			ant.rules.i <- ant.rules[i, ,drop = FALSE]
			## get product of degree on each attribute
			miu.rule <- calc.degree.ant(data.train, ant.rules.i, varinp.mf)

			## combine miu.rule and class of data
			temp.consq <- cbind(miu.rule, data.class)	
			num.class <- num.labels[1, ncol(num.labels)]
			## calculate aggregate based on class
			beta.class = as.matrix(aggregate(x=temp.consq[,1], by=list(temp.consq[,2]), FUN="sum"))
			## determine class
			ind.max.class <- which.max(beta.class[, 2])

			## check duplication on max of value on certain class
			check.num.max <- which(beta.class[, 2] == beta.class[ind.max.class, 2])
			## check condition to determine class
			if (max(beta.class[, 2]) != 0 && length(check.num.max) == 1){
				comp.rule.data.num[i, ncol(comp.rule.data.num)] = ind.max.class

			if (comp.rule.data.num[i, ncol(comp.rule.data.num)] == 0 || sum(beta.class[, 2]) == 0){
				grade.cert[i, 1] = 0
			} else{
				temp = max(beta.class[, 2])
				sum.beta.class = sum(beta.class[, 2])
				grade.cert[i, 1] = (temp - ((sum.beta.class - temp)/(nrow(beta.class) - 1)))/sum.beta.class
	else if (type.grade.cert == 2){
		for (i in 1 : nrow(ant.rules)){
			##apply all data.input for each rule
			ant.rules.i <- ant.rules[i, ,drop = FALSE]
			## get product of degree on each attribute
			miu.rule <- calc.degree.ant(data.train, ant.rules.i, varinp.mf)
			## combine miu.rule and class of data
			temp.consq <- cbind(miu.rule, data.class)	
			num.class <- num.labels[1, ncol(num.labels)]
			## calculate aggregate based on class
			beta.class = as.matrix(aggregate(x=temp.consq[,1], by=list(temp.consq[,2]), FUN="sum"))
			if (sum(beta.class[, 2]) != 0){
				Pr.class = matrix(beta.class[, 2] / sum(beta.class[, 2]), ncol = 1)			
				indx.max.class = which.max(Pr.class)
				comp.rule.data.num[i, ncol(comp.rule.data.num)] = indx.max.class
				grade.cert[i, 1] = Pr.class[indx.max.class] - (sum(Pr.class) - Pr.class[indx.max.class])
				if (grade.cert[i, 1] < 0){
					comp.rule.data.num[i, ncol(comp.rule.data.num)] = 0
					grade.cert[i, 1] = 0
			else {
				comp.rule.data.num[i, ncol(comp.rule.data.num)] = 0
				grade.cert[i, 1] = 0
	## delete NA in rule
	comp.rule.data.num = na.omit(comp.rule.data.num)
	grade.cert = na.omit(grade.cert)
	res = list(comp.rule.data.num = comp.rule.data.num, grade.cert = grade.cert)
	return (res)

# This function is to calculate a degree of antecedent part on rules
# @param data.train a matrix of training data
# @param ant.rules.i antecedent part of one rule
# @param varinp.mf a matrix of parameter values of membership function
calc.degree.ant <- function(data.train, ant.rules.i, varinp.mf){
	data.input <- data.train[, 1 : (ncol(data.train) - 1), drop = FALSE]
	data.class <- data.train[, ncol(data.train), drop = FALSE]

	### Step 1: Calculate compatibility grade
	degree <- matrix(nrow=nrow(data.input), ncol=ncol(data.input))
	miu.rule <- matrix(nrow=nrow(data.input), ncol=1)
	f.deg <- function(j, k, data.input){	
		if (ant.rules.i[1, k] == 0){
			degree[j, k] <<- 1
		} else {
			#check for triangular
			#get term on rule
			term.act <- ant.rules.i[1,k]
			if (varinp.mf[1, term.act] == 1){
				if (data.input[j,k] < varinp.mf[2, term.act]){
					degree[j, k] <<- 0						
				else if (data.input[j,k] < varinp.mf[3, term.act]) {
					degree[j, k] <<- (data.input[j,k] - varinp.mf[2, term.act]) / (varinp.mf[3, term.act] - varinp.mf[2, term.act])
				else if (data.input[j,k] < varinp.mf[4, term.act]) {
					degree[j, k] <<- (varinp.mf[4, term.act] - data.input[j,k]) / (varinp.mf[4, term.act] - varinp.mf[3, term.act])
				} else {
					degree[j, k] <<- 0
	vec.f.deg <- Vectorize(f.deg, vectorize.args=list("j","k"))
	outer(1 : nrow(data.input), 1 : ncol(data.input), vec.f.deg, data.input)

	## get product of degree on each attribute
	miu.rule = matrix(apply(degree, 1, prod), ncol = 1) 


# This function is to reduce training data as input data
# @param data.train a matrix of training data
# @param ant.rules.i a matrix of single rule
# @param epsilon a parameter representing a threshold value
# @param type a type of method
# @param varinp.mf a matrix of membership function
red.data <- function(data.train, ant.rules.i, epsilon, type = "SLAVE", varinp.mf = NULL){
	if (type == "SLAVE"){
		degree.ant <- calc.degree.ant(data.train, ant.rules.i, varinp.mf)
		data.train[which(degree.ant[, 1] >= epsilon), ] <- NA
	else if (type == "MOGUL"){
		for (j in 1 : nrow(data.train)){
			## check completeness and covering ==> ch.cover
			comp.degree <- ch.cover(data.train[j, ,drop = FALSE], ant.rules.i)	
			if (comp.degree >= epsilon){
				data.train[j, ] <- NA
	data.train <- na.omit(data.train)

# This function is to determine class of new instances
# @param data.test a matrix of testing data
# @param classifier.rule a complete rule containing rules and certainty factor (grade.cert)
# @param varinp.mf a matrix of parameter values of the membership function.
GFS.GCCL.test <- function(data.test, classifier.rule, varinp.mf){
	rule <- classifier.rule$rule
	grade.cert <- classifier.rule$grade.cert
	res <- matrix(nrow=nrow(data.test), ncol = 1)
	for (i in 1 : nrow(data.test)){
		temp <- det.class(matrix(data.test[i, ], nrow = 1), rule, grade.cert, varinp.mf)
		res[i, 1] <- temp$res.class


# This function creates a matrix of parameter values of the membership function.
# @param num.inputvar a number of input variables
create.MF <- function(num.inputvar){
	##define parameter values of MF on input variables
	## partition.MF function is on GFS.Thrift
	var.mf.i <- matrix(nrow = 5, ncol = 14)
	num.labels.2 <- matrix(c(2), nrow = 1)
	num.labels.3 <- matrix(c(3), nrow = 1)
	num.labels.4 <- matrix(c(4), nrow = 1)
	num.labels.5 <- matrix(c(5), nrow = 1)
	var.mf.2 <- partition.MF(matrix(c(0, 1), nrow = 2), num.labels.2, type.mf = "TRIANGLE")
	var.mf.3 <- partition.MF(matrix(c(0, 1), nrow = 2), num.labels.3, type.mf = "TRIANGLE")
	var.mf.4 <- partition.MF(matrix(c(0, 1), nrow = 2), num.labels.4, type.mf = "TRIANGLE")
	var.mf.5 <- partition.MF(matrix(c(0, 1), nrow = 2), num.labels.5, type.mf = "TRIANGLE")
	var.mf.i <- cbind(var.mf.2, var.mf.3, var.mf.4, var.mf.5)

	var.mf <- matrix(rep(var.mf.i, num.inputvar), nrow = 5)
	names.one.var <- c("s.2", "l.2", "s.3", "m.3", "l.3", "s.4", "ms.4", "ml.4", "l.4", "s.5", "ms.5", "m.5", "ml.5", "l.5")
	names.temp <- list()
	for (i in 1 : num.inputvar){
		n.var <- paste("v", i, sep = ".")
		temp <- paste(n.var, names.one.var, sep = "_")
		names.temp <- append(names.temp, temp)
	names.var <- as.character(names.temp)
	colnames(var.mf) <- names.var

# This function is to convert rules using matrix form into vector form
# @param data.mat a matrix of rules
convert.MatToVec <- function(data.mat){
	## define varibles
	tmp <- data.mat[1, ,drop = FALSE]
	## convert matrix into vector
	for (i in 2 : nrow(data.mat)){
		tmp <- cbind(tmp, matrix(data.mat[i, ], nrow = 1))

# This function is to convert rules using vector form into matrix form
# @param data.vec a vector of rules
# @param num.var a number of variables
convert.VecToMat <- function(data.vec, num.var){
	data.mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = num.var)
	max.num.rule <- ncol(data.vec)/num.var
	for (j in 0 : (max.num.rule - 1)){
		start.rule <- j * num.var + 1
		end.rule <- start.rule + num.var - 1
		temp <- data.vec[1, start.rule : end.rule, drop = FALSE]
		data.mat <- rbind(data.mat, temp)
	data.mat <- na.omit(data.mat)

# This function is used to calculate error
# @param mod a frbs object
# @param data.train a matrix of training data
# @param method.type a type of method
calc.MSE <- function(mod, data.train, method.type){
	data.test <- data.train[, -ncol(data.train), drop = FALSE]
	if (method.type == "SLAVE"){
		res.test <- SLAVE.test(mod, data.test)
		y.pred <- res.test
		y.real <- data.train[, ncol(data.train) ,drop = FALSE]
		bench <- cbind(y.pred, y.real)
		counter <- 0
		for (i in 1 : nrow(bench)){
			if (bench[i, 1] != bench[i, 2]){
				counter = counter + 1
		err <- counter / nrow(bench) * 100
	else if (method.type == "GFS.FR.MOGUL"){
		rule.gen <- mod$rule
		real.val <- data.train[, ncol(data.train), drop = FALSE]
		y.pred <- GFS.FR.MOGUL.test(mod, data.test)
		y.real <- real.val

		#### Measure error for classification
		residuals <- (y.real - y.pred)
		RMSE <- sqrt(mean(residuals^2))
		err <- RMSE
	else if (method.type == "GFS.LT.RS"){
		y.pred <-	GFS.LT.RS.test(mod, data.test)
		y.real <- data.train[, ncol(data.train), drop = FALSE]
		residuals <- (y.real - y.pred)
		RMSE <- sqrt(mean(residuals^2))
		err <- RMSE
	return (err)

# This function is used to check and define the active rule
# @param rule.data.num rules in matrix format
# @param num.rule number of rules
# @param popu a matrix representing a population
check.active.rule <- function(rule.data.num, num.rule, popu){	
	#NA.rule <- popu.rule

	NA.rule <- popu[, (ncol(popu) - num.rule + 1) : ncol(popu), drop = FALSE]
	NA.rule[which(NA.rule == 0)] <- NA
	NA.rule.i <- t(NA.rule[1, ,drop = FALSE])
	rule.data.num.rs <- cbind(rule.data.num, NA.rule.i)
	rule.data.num.rs <- na.omit(rule.data.num.rs)
	rule.data.num.rs <- rule.data.num.rs[, -ncol(rule.data.num.rs), drop = FALSE]
	if (nrow(rule.data.num.rs) < 1){
		rule.data.num.rs <- rule.data.num


# This function is used to convert rule in binary form into integer form
# @param data.bin a matrix of rule in binary form
# @param num.labels.inp a matrix of the number of linguistic terms of input variables
convert.BinToInt <- function(data.bin, num.labels.inp){
	data.int <- matrix(nrow = nrow(data.bin), ncol = ncol(num.labels.inp))
	for (i in 1 : nrow(data.bin)){
		for (j in 1 : ncol(num.labels.inp)){
			start = (j - 1) * num.labels.inp[1, j] + 1
			end = start + num.labels.inp[1, j] - 1
			temp <- data.bin[i, start : end, drop = FALSE]
			loc.term <- which.max(temp)
			data.int[i, j] <- loc.term

# This function converts rule in integer form into binary form
# @param data.mat a matrix of rules in integer form
# @param num.labels.inp a matrix of the number of linguistic terms of input variables
convert.IntToBin <- function(data.mat, num.labels.inp){
	data.mat <- scale.RuleToStr(data.mat, num.labels.inp)	
	n.labels.inp <- num.labels.inp[1,1]		
	popu.var <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(data.mat), ncol = ncol(data.mat))
	seq.k <- seq(0,(ncol(num.labels.inp)-1))
	data.m <- t(apply(data.mat, 1, function(x) x + num.labels.inp * seq.k))	
	popu.val <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(data.m), ncol = (n.labels.inp * ncol(data.m)))
	f.popu <- function(i,j,data.m){
		popu.val[i, data.m[i,j]] <<- 1
	vec.f.popu <- Vectorize(f.popu, vectorize.args=list("i","j"))
	outer(1 : nrow(data.m), 1 : ncol(data.m), vec.f.popu, data.m)
	res <- list(popu.var = popu.var, popu.val = popu.val)	

# This function is to change scale of rules
# @param rule.ori a matrix of original rule 
# @param num.labels a matrix of the number of linguistic terms
scale.RuleToStr <- function(rule.ori, num.labels){
	seq.k <- seq(0,(ncol(num.labels)-1))
	num <- num.labels * seq.k
	res <- t(apply(rule.ori, 1, function(x) x - sign(x) * num))

# This function is to change scale of rule
# @param rule.ori a matrix of rules
# @param num.labels a matrix of the number of linguistic terms
scale.StrToRule <- function(rule.ori, num.labels){	
	seq.k <- seq(0,(ncol(num.labels)-1))
	num <- num.labels * seq.k
	res <- t(apply(rule.ori, 1, function(x) x + sign(x) * num))

# This function is to calculate individual fitness
# @param data.train a matrix of training data
# @param data.sample a matrix of training data which have the same class on consequent part
# @param rule a matrix of rules
# @param grade.cert a matrix of certainty factor
# @param varinp.mf a matrix of parameter values of membership functions
# @param num.labels a matrix of the number of linguistic terms
# @param popu.var a matrix of population describing the selected variables
# @param method.type a kind of method will be used.
# @param k.lower a lower bound of the noise threshold
# @param k.upper a upper bound of the noise threshold
# @param epsilon a value of covering factor
# @param params a list of other parameters
eval.indv.fitness <- function(data.train, rule, method.type = "SLAVE", data.sample = NULL, grade.cert = NULL, varinp.mf = NULL, 
			num.labels = NULL, popu.var = NULL, k.lower = NULL, k.upper = NULL, epsilon = NULL, params = list()){
	if (method.type == "SLAVE") {
		data.input <- data.train[, -ncol(data.train), drop = FALSE]
		res <- matrix()
		## degree of completeness
		temp <- degree.completeness(data.sample, rule, varinp.mf, num.labels, popu.var)		
		deg.completeness <- temp$deg.completeness
		n.plus <- temp$n.plus
		## soft consistency condition
		soft.cons <- soft.consistency(data.train, rule, varinp.mf, num.labels, n.plus, popu.var, k.lower, k.upper)
		indv.fit <- deg.completeness * soft.cons
	else if (method.type == "GFS.GCCL"){
		data.input <- data.train[, -ncol(data.train), drop = FALSE]
		data.class <- data.train[, ncol(data.train), drop = FALSE]
		rule.ant <- rule[, -ncol(rule), drop = FALSE]
		degree <- matrix(nrow=nrow(rule.ant), ncol=ncol(rule.ant))
		NCP <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(rule.ant), ncol = 1)
		for (i in 1 : nrow(data.input)){
			res <- det.class(data.input[i, ,drop = FALSE], rule, grade.cert, varinp.mf, type = "WEIGHTED")		
			if(res$res.class == data.train[i, ncol(data.train)]){		
				NCP[res$ind.rule.act, 1] = NCP[res$ind.rule.act, 1] + 1
		indv.fit <- NCP
	else if (method.type == "GFS.FR.MOGUL"){
		data.test <- data.train[, -ncol(data.train), drop = FALSE]
		real.val <- data.train[, ncol(data.train), drop = FALSE]
		ind.fit <- matrix(nrow = nrow(rule), ncol = 1)
		cov.deg <- matrix(nrow = nrow(rule), ncol = 1)
		R <- matrix(nrow = nrow(rule), ncol = nrow(data.train))
		for (i in 1 : nrow(rule)){
			mod <- list(rule = rule[i, ,drop = FALSE])
			res <- GFS.FR.MOGUL.test(mod, data.test)
			residuals <- (real.val - res)
			RMSE <- sqrt(mean(residuals^2))		
			ind.fit[i, 1] <- 1/(1 + RMSE)	
		### check high-frequency value
		for(i in 1 : nrow(rule)){
			for (j in 1 : nrow(data.train)){
				R[i, j] <- ch.cover(matrix(data.train[j, ], nrow = 1), rule[i, ,drop = FALSE])
				if (R[i, j] >= epsilon){
					R[i, j] <- 1
				else {
					R[i, j] <- 0
		## coverage degree
		cov.deg <- matrix(rowSums(R)/nrow(data.train), ncol = 1)	
		## membership function width
		MWR <- MF.width(rule, ncol(data.train))	

		## fitness
		indv.fit <- (ind.fit * cov.deg * MWR)
	else if (method.type == "GFS.LT.RS"){
		rule.data.num <- rule
		popu <- popu.var
		var.mf <- varinp.mf
		mode.tuning <- params$mode.tuning
		rule.selection <- params$rule.selection
		num.rule <- nrow(rule.data.num)
		indv.fit <- matrix(nrow = nrow(popu), ncol = 1)
		## Calculate fitness
		for (i in 1 : nrow(popu)){					
			if (rule.selection == TRUE){
				rule.data.num.rs <- check.active.rule(rule.data.num, num.rule, popu[i, ,drop = FALSE])	
			} else {
				rule.data.num.rs <- rule.data.num				
			params$popu <- popu[i, ,drop = FALSE]	
			params$var.mf <- var.mf
			params$num.rule <- num.rule
			params$mode.tuning <- mode.tuning
			params$rule.selection <- rule.selection
			res <- tune.MF(method.type = "GFS.LT.RS", params = params)
			var.mf <- res$var.mf
			var.mf.tune <- res$var.mf.tune
			## check fitness
			mod <- list(rule.data.num = rule.data.num.rs, var.mf = var.mf, var.mf.tune = var.mf.tune, mode.tuning = mode.tuning, 
			            rule.selection = rule.selection, num.labels = num.labels)
			indv.fit[i, 1] <- calc.MSE(mod, data.train, method.type = "GFS.LT.RS")							

# This function calculates the soft consistency of rules
# @param data.train a matrix of training data
# @param rule a matrix of rules
# @param varinp.mf a matrix of parameter values of membership functions
# @param num.labels a matrix of the number of linguistic terms
# @param n.plus a value of the number of positive examples
# @param popu.var a matrix of population describing the selected variables
# @param k.lower a lower bound of the noise threshold
# @param k.upper a upper bound of the noise threshold
soft.consistency <- function(data.train, rule, varinp.mf, num.labels, n.plus, popu.var, k.lower = 0.25, k.upper = 0.75){
	ant.rule <- rule[, -ncol(rule), drop = FALSE]
	data.input <- data.train[, -ncol(data.train), drop = FALSE]
	num.labels.inp <- num.labels[, -ncol(num.labels), drop = FALSE]
	comp.rule.dt.tra <- create.rule(data.train, varinp.mf, num.labels.inp)
	ant.rule.dt.tra <- comp.rule.dt.tra[, -c(ncol(comp.rule.dt.tra)), drop = FALSE]

	n.negative <- matrix(nrow = nrow(rule), ncol = 1)
	for (i in 1 : nrow(ant.rule)){
		counter = 0
		ant.rule.i <- ant.rule[i, ,drop = FALSE]
		popu.var.i <- popu.var[i, ,drop = FALSE]
		for (j in 1 : nrow(ant.rule.dt.tra)){
			ant.rule.dt.tra.i <- ant.rule.dt.tra[j, ,drop = FALSE]
			similarity <- ch.similarity.rule(ant.rule.i, ant.rule.dt.tra.i, popu.var.i)
			if (similarity == 0){
				if (comp.rule.dt.tra[j, ncol(comp.rule.dt.tra)] != rule[i, ncol(rule)]){
					counter = counter + 1 
		n.negative[i, 1] <- counter
	k1 = k.lower
	k2 = k.upper
	s.cons <- matrix(nrow = nrow(n.plus), ncol = 1)
	for (i in 1 : nrow(n.negative)){
		lower <- k1 * n.plus[i, 1]
		upper <- k2 * n.plus[i, 1]
		if (n.negative[i, 1] <= lower){
			s.cons[i, 1] = 1
		else if (n.negative[i, 1] <= upper){
			if (n.plus[i, 1] == 0){
				s.cons[i, 1] = 0
			} else {
				s.cons[i, 1] = (k2 * n.plus[i, 1] - n.negative[i, 1]) / (n.plus[i, 1] * (k2 - k1))
		} else
			s.cons[i, 1] = 0

# This function is to calculate the degree of completeness
# @param data.sample a matrix of training data which have the same class on consequent part
# @param rule a matrix of rules
# @param varinp.mf a matrix of the parameter values of membership function
# @param num.labels a matrix of the number of linguistic terms
# @param popu.var a matrix of population describing the selected variable
degree.completeness <- function(data.sample, rule, varinp.mf, num.labels, popu.var){
	ant.rule <- rule[, -ncol(rule), drop = FALSE]
	data.input <- data.sample[, -ncol(data.sample), drop = FALSE]
	num.labels.inp <- num.labels[, -ncol(num.labels), drop = FALSE]	
	comp.rule.dt.tra <- create.rule(data.sample, varinp.mf, num.labels.inp)
	ant.rule.dt.tra <- comp.rule.dt.tra[, -c(ncol(comp.rule.dt.tra)), drop = FALSE]
	n.plus <- matrix(nrow = nrow(ant.rule), ncol = 1)
	for (i in 1 : nrow(ant.rule)){
		counter = 0
		ant.rule.i <- ant.rule[i, ,drop = FALSE]
		popu.var.i <- popu.var[i, ,drop = FALSE]
		for (j in 1 : nrow(ant.rule.dt.tra)){
			ant.rule.dt.tra.i <- ant.rule.dt.tra[j, ,drop = FALSE]
			similarity <- ch.similarity.rule(ant.rule.i, ant.rule.dt.tra.i, popu.var.i)
			if (similarity == 0){
				counter = counter + 1 
		n.plus[i, 1] <- counter
	deg.completeness <- n.plus / nrow(data.input)

	res <- list(deg.completeness = deg.completeness, n.plus = n.plus)

# this function is to count the similarity between two rules
# @param rule a matrix of the first rule
# @param rule.data a matrix of the second rule
# @param popu.var a matrix of population describing the selected variables
# @param type a type of similarity
# @param indv.fit a matrix of individual fitness
ch.similarity.rule <- function(rule, rule.data, popu.var = NULL, type = NULL, indv.fit = NULL){
	if (is.null(type)){
		sim = 0
		if (ncol(rule) != ncol(rule.data)){
			stop("the dim is not the same, please check rules")
		for (i in 1 : ncol(rule.data)){
			if (popu.var[1, i] == 0){
				count = 0
			} else{
				if (rule[1, i] == rule.data[1, i]){
					count = 0
				} else {
					count = 1
			sim = sim + count
		res <- sim
	} else {
		actual.rule <- rule
		rule.data.num <- rule.data
		nondup.indx <- which(duplicated(actual.rule) == FALSE, arr.ind = TRUE)
		rule.data.num <- rule.data.num[nondup.indx, ,drop = FALSE]
		indv.fit <- indv.fit[nondup.indx, 1, drop = FALSE]
		res <- list(rule = rule.data.num, fit = indv.fit)

# This function is to create rule
# @param data.train a matrix of training data
# @param varinput.mf a matrix of parameter values of membership function of input variables
# @param num.labels a matrix of the number of linguistic terms
create.rule <- function(data.train, varinput.mf, num.labels){
	data.input <- data.train[, -ncol(data.train), drop = FALSE]
	num.inputvar <- ncol(data.input)
	## fuzzification of training data
	MF <- fuzzifier(data.input, num.inputvar, num.labels, varinput.mf)
	MF.max <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(MF), ncol = ncol(MF))
	k <- 1
	for (i in 1 : length(num.labels)){
		start <- k
		end <- start + num.labels[1, i] - 1
		MF.temp <- MF[, start : end]
		for (m in 1 : nrow(MF)){
			max.MFTemp <- max(MF.temp[m, ], na.rm = TRUE)
			max.loc <- which.max(MF.temp[m, ])
			MF.max[m, k + max.loc - 1] <- max.MFTemp		
		k <- k + num.labels[1, i]	
	rule.matrix <- MF.max
	rule.matrix[which(rule.matrix > 0)] <- 1
	## rule.data.num is the numbers representing the sequence of string of variable names 	
	## delete incomplete rule
	ind.incomplete <- which(rowSums(rule.matrix) != num.inputvar)
	rule.matrix[ind.incomplete, ] <- NA	
	data.class <- data.train[, ncol(data.train), drop = FALSE]
	data.class[ind.incomplete, ] <- NA
	## create rule in numeric
	seqq <- seq(1:ncol(rule.matrix))
	rule.data.num <- t(apply(rule.matrix, 1, function(x) x * seqq))	
	rule.data.num <- na.omit(rule.data.num)
	data.class <- na.omit(data.class)
	## rule.data.num is the numbers representing the sequence of string of variable names 	
	rule.data.num[which(rule.data.num == 0)] <- NA
	rule.data.num <- t(apply(rule.data.num, 1, na.omit))
	comp.rule = cbind(rule.data.num, data.class)
	comp.rule <- comp.rule[which(duplicated(comp.rule) == FALSE), ,drop = FALSE]

# This function is to make a partition of membership funciton
# @param range.data a matrix of range of data
# @param num.labels a matrix of the number of linguistic terms
# @param type.mf a type of shape of membership function
partition.MF <- function(range.data, num.labels, type.mf = "TRIANGLE"){
	## initialize
	jj <- 0
	ncol.range.data <- ncol(range.data)
	var.mf <- matrix(0, nrow = 5, ncol = sum(num.labels))

	## loop for all variable
	for (i in 1 : ncol.range.data){
		## initialize
		seg <- num.labels[1, i]
		kk <- 1
		## Make the depth on each linguistic value, assumed it's similar on all region. 
		delta.point <- (range.data[2, i] - range.data[1, i]) / (seg + 1)
			##contruct matrix of parameter of membership function (var.mf) on each variable (max(var) is ncol.data.train
			for (j in 1 : num.labels[1, i]){
				##counter to continue index of column var.mf					
				jj <- jj + 1
				## type.mf <- 1 means using trapezoid and triangular
				if (type.mf == 1 || type.mf == "TRIANGLE") {
					delta.tri <- (range.data[2, i] - range.data[1, i]) / (seg - 1)
					## on the left side
					if (kk %% num.labels[1, i] == 1){   
						var.mf[1, jj] <- 1	
						var.mf[2, jj] <- range.data[1, i]
						var.mf[3, jj] <- var.mf[2, jj]
						var.mf[4, jj] <- var.mf[3, jj] + delta.tri
						var.mf[5, jj] <- NA						
					## on the right side
					else if (kk %% num.labels[1, i] == 0){
						var.mf[1, jj] <- 1	
						var.mf[4, jj] <- range.data[2, i]
						var.mf[3, jj] <- var.mf[4, jj] 
						var.mf[2, jj] <- var.mf[3, jj] - delta.tri
						var.mf[5, jj] <- NA						
					## on the middle
						var.mf[1, jj] <- 1	
						var.mf[3, jj] <- range.data[1, i] + (j - 1) * delta.tri
						var.mf[2, jj] <-  var.mf[3, jj] - delta.tri
						var.mf[4, jj] <- var.mf[3, jj] + delta.tri
						var.mf[5, jj] <- NA						
				## type.mf == 2 means we use trapezoid
				else if (type.mf == 2 || type.mf == "TRAPEZOID") {
					delta.tra <- (range.data[2, i] - range.data[1, i]) / (seg + 2)
					## on the left side
					if (kk %% num.labels[1, i] == 1){   
						var.mf[1, jj] <- 2	
						var.mf[2, jj] <- range.data[1, i]
						var.mf[3, jj] <- var.mf[2, jj] + delta.tra
						var.mf[4, jj] <- var.mf[3, jj] + delta.tra
						var.mf[5, jj] <- NA												
					## on the right side
					else if (kk %% num.labels[1, i] == 0){
						var.mf[1, jj] <- 3	
						var.mf[4, jj] <- range.data[2, i]
						var.mf[3, jj] <- var.mf[4, jj] - delta.tra
						var.mf[2, jj] <- var.mf[3, jj] - delta.tra
						var.mf[5, jj] <- NA												
					## on the middle
						var.mf[1, jj] <- 4	
						var.mf[2, jj] <- range.data[1, i] + (j - 1) * 1.15 * delta.tra
						var.mf[3, jj] <- var.mf[2, jj] + delta.tra
						var.mf[4, jj] <- var.mf[3, jj] + 0.5 * delta.tra					
						var.mf[5, jj] <- var.mf[4, jj] + delta.tra											
				##Type 5: Gaussian
				##parameter=(mean a, standard deviation b)
				else if (type.mf == 3 || type.mf == "GAUSSIAN") {
					delta.gau <- (range.data[2, i] - range.data[1, i]) / (seg - 1)
					##On the left side
					if (kk %% num.labels[1, i] == 1){   
						var.mf[1, jj] <- 5	
						var.mf[2, jj] <- range.data[1, i]
						var.mf[3, jj] <- 0.35 * delta.gau
						var.mf[4, jj] <- NA
						var.mf[5, jj] <- NA
					##On the right side
					else if (kk %% num.labels[1, i] == 0){
						var.mf[1, jj] <- 5	
						var.mf[2, jj] <- range.data[2, i]
						var.mf[3, jj] <- 0.35 * delta.gau
						var.mf[4, jj] <- NA
						var.mf[5, jj] <- NA
					## On the middle
					else {
					var.mf[1, jj] <- 5	
					var.mf[2, jj] <- range.data[1, i] + (j - 1) * delta.gau
					var.mf[3, jj] <- 0.35 * delta.gau
					var.mf[4, jj] <- NA
					var.mf[5, jj] <- NA
				##Type 6: Sigmoid/logistic
				else if (type.mf == 4 || type.mf == "SIGMOID") {
					delta.sig <- (range.data[2, i] - range.data[1, i]) / (seg + 1)
					##On the left side
					if (kk %% num.labels[1, i] == 1){   
						var.mf[1, jj] <- 6	
						var.mf[2, jj] <- range.data[1, i]
						var.mf[3, jj] <- delta.sig
						var.mf[4, jj] <- NA
						var.mf[5, jj] <- NA
					##On the right side
					else if (kk %% num.labels[1, i] == 0){
						var.mf[1, jj] <- 6	
						var.mf[2, jj] <- range.data[2, i]
						var.mf[3, jj] <- delta.sig
						var.mf[4, jj] <- NA
						var.mf[5, jj] <- NA
					## On the middle
					else {
					var.mf[1, jj] <- 6	
					var.mf[2, jj] <- range.data[1, i] + (j - 1) * delta.sig
					var.mf[3, jj] <- delta.sig
					var.mf[4, jj] <- NA
					var.mf[5, jj] <- NA
				##checking for type 7: Generalized Bell
				else if (type.mf == 5 || type.mf == "BELL") {
					##On the left side
					if (kk %% num.labels[1, i] == 1){   
						var.mf[1, jj] <- 7	
						var.mf[2, jj] <- 0.6 * delta.point
						var.mf[3, jj] <- 0.6 * delta.point
						var.mf[4, jj] <- range.data[1, i]
						var.mf[5, jj] <- NA
					##On the right side
					else if (kk %% num.labels[1, i] == 0){
						var.mf[1, jj] <- 7	
						var.mf[2, jj] <- 0.6 * delta.point
						var.mf[3, jj] <- 0.6 * delta.point
						var.mf[4, jj] <- range.data[2, i]
						var.mf[5, jj] <- NA
					## On the middle
					else {
					var.mf[1, jj] <- 7	
					var.mf[2, jj] <- 0.6 * delta.point
					var.mf[3, jj] <- 0.6 * delta.point
					var.mf[4, jj] <- range.data[1, i] + delta.point * j
					var.mf[5, jj] <- NA
				kk <- kk + 1

return (var.mf)

# This function is used to cut the rules which is redundant with others
# @param rule.data.num a matrix of rules in integer form
# @param num.labels a matrix of the number of linguistic terms
# @param method a kind of method which will be used.
# @param num.inputvar a number of input variables
# @param indv.fit a matrix of individual fitness of rules.
# @param eps a value representing threshold number
prune.rule <- function(rule.data.num, method = "THRIFT", num.labels = NULL, 
                       num.inputvar = NULL, indv.fit = NULL, eps = 0.1){
	if (method == "THRIFT") {
		for (i in 1 : nrow(rule.data.num)){
			min.labels.cons <- (num.labels[1,1] * (ncol(rule.data.num) - 1) + 1)
			max.labels.cons <- min.labels.cons  + num.labels[1,1] - 1 
			if ((rule.data.num[i, ncol(rule.data.num)] > max.labels.cons) || (rule.data.num[i, ncol(rule.data.num)] < min.labels.cons)){
				rule.data.num[i, ncol(rule.data.num)] <- as.integer(runif(1, min = min.labels.cons, max = max.labels.cons))
		res <- unique(rule.data.num)
	else if (method == "GCCL"){
		rule.mat <- rule.data.num
		grade.cert <- indv.fit
		## check misclass
		indx.mis <- which(rule.mat[, ncol(rule.mat)] == 0)
		for (i in indx.mis){
			rule.mat[i, ncol(rule.mat)] = NA
			grade.cert[i, 1] = NA
		rule.mat <- na.omit(rule.mat)
		grade.cert <- na.omit(grade.cert)
		if (nrow(rule.mat) > 2){
			temp <- ch.similarity.rule(rule = rule.mat, rule.data = rule.mat, type = "GENERAL", indv.fit = grade.cert)
			rule <- temp$rule
			grade.cert <- temp$fit
		else {
			rule <- rule.mat			
		res <- list(rule = rule, grade.cert = grade.cert)	

# This function is to calculate heuristic values on consequent part
# @param mod a list of parameters values
# @param data.train a matrix of training data
# @param num.labels a matrix of the number of linguistic terms
# @param type.implication.func a type of implication function
calc.heu <- function(mod, data.train, num.labels, type.implication.func){
	## process to evaluate the fitness
	rule <- rulebase(mod$type.model, mod$rule)
	## fuzzifier in training phase (for all input and output variables)
	num.varinput <- mod$num.varinput + 1
	num.fvalinput <- cbind(mod$num.fvalinput, num.labels[1,1])
	varinp.mf <- cbind(mod$varinp.mf, mod$varout.mf)
	MF <- fuzzifier(data.train, num.varinput, num.fvalinput, varinp.mf)
	ncol.MF <- ncol(MF)
	names.variable <- c(mod$names.varinput, mod$names.varoutput)	
	names.var <- names.variable[1 : ncol.MF]
	colnames(MF) <- c(names.var)
	## split fuzzifier result for input variables
	MF.input <- MF[, 1 : (ncol(MF) - num.labels[1,1])]	
	miu.rule <- inference(MF.input, rule, mod$names.varinput, mod$type.tnorm, mod$type.snorm)
	## calculate degree	
	f.degree <- function(i, j, miu.rule){	
		degree.cons <- MF[i, mod$rule[j, ncol(mod$rule)]]
		miu.rule[i, j] <<- calc.implFunc(miu.rule[i, j], degree.cons, type.implication.func)
	vec.f.degree <- Vectorize(f.degree, vectorize.args=list("i","j"))
	outer(1 : nrow(miu.rule), 1 : ncol(miu.rule), vec.f.degree, miu.rule)	
	## calculate coverage
	cover.val <- matrix(apply(miu.rule, 2, max))

# This function is to calculate compatibility degrees. 
# @title The compability degree
# @param data.train.i a matrix(1 x m) of the normalized data.
# @param rule.gen chromosome which represents fuzzy IF-THEN rules.  
# @return The compability degree
# @export
ch.cover <- function(data.train.i, rule.gen){
## calculate degree of MF using chromosome ==> calc.compDegree
comp.degree <- matrix(nrow = nrow(rule.gen))

for (i in 1 : nrow(rule.gen)){
	# do t-norm over all variables
	degree.var <- calc.compDegree(data.train.i, rule.gen[i, ,drop = FALSE], method.type = "GFS.FR.MOGUL")
	comp.degree[i, 1] <- min(degree.var)

# This function is to calculate membership function (MF) degrees. 
# @title The MF degree
# @param data.i a matrix(1 x m) of the normalized data.
# @param rule.gen.i a chromosome which represents fuzzy IF-THEN rules. 
# @param method.type a name of method 
# @param var.mf a matrix of membership function parameters
# @param params a list of other parameters
# @return The degree
# @export
calc.compDegree <- function(data.i, rule.gen.i, method.type = "GFS.FR.MOGUL", var.mf = NULL, params = list()){
	## calculate degree of MF
	if (method.type == "GFS.FR.MOGUL"){
		ncol.data.i <- ncol(data.i)
		degree.R <- matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = ncol.data.i)
		for (j in 1 : ncol.data.i){
			xx <- data.i[1, j]
			aa <- rule.gen.i[1, (j * 3 - 2)]
			bb <- rule.gen.i[1, (j * 3 - 1)]
			cc <- rule.gen.i[1, (j * 3)]
			if (xx <= aa){
				degree.R[1, j] <- 0
			else if (xx <= bb) {
				degree.R[1, j] <- (xx - aa) / (bb - aa)
			else if (xx <= cc) {
				degree.R[1, j] <- (cc - xx) / (cc - bb)
			} else {
				degree.R[1, j] <- 0
	else if (method.type == "GFS.THRIFT"){
		ncol.data.i <- ncol(data.i)
		degree.R <- matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = ncol.data.i)
		for (j in 1 : ncol.data.i){
			if (rule.gen.i[1, j] == 0){
				degree.R[1, j] <- 1
			} else {
				xx <- data.i[1, j]
				aa <- var.mf[2, rule.gen.i[1, j]]
				bb <- var.mf[3, rule.gen.i[1, j]]
				cc <- var.mf[4, rule.gen.i[1, j]]
				if (xx <= aa){
					degree.R[1, j] <- 0
				else if (xx <= bb) {
					degree.R[1, j] <- (xx - aa) / (bb - aa)
				else if (xx <= cc) {
					degree.R[1, j] <- (cc - xx) / (cc - bb)
				} else {
					degree.R[1, j] <- 0
	else if (method.type == "GFS.LT.RS"){
		ncol.data.i <- ncol(data.i)
		degree.R <- matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = ncol.data.i)
		mode.tuning <- params$mode.tuning
		if (mode.tuning == "GLOBAL") {
			for (j in 1 : ncol.data.i){
				if (rule.gen.i[1, j] == 0){
					degree.R[1, j] <- 1
				} else {
					xx <- data.i[1, j]
					aa <- var.mf[2, rule.gen.i[1, j]]
					bb <- var.mf[3, rule.gen.i[1, j]]
					cc <- var.mf[4, rule.gen.i[1, j]]
					if (xx <= aa){
						degree.R[1, j] <- 0
					else if (xx <= bb) {
						degree.R[1, j] <- (xx - aa) / (bb - aa)
					else if (xx <= cc) {
						degree.R[1, j] <- (cc - xx) / (cc - bb)
					} else {
						degree.R[1, j] <- 0
		} else {
			var.mf.tune <- params$var.mf.tune
			num.labels <- params$num.labels
			seqq <- seq(from = num.labels[1, 1], to = ncol(var.mf.tune), by = num.labels[1, 1])
			var.mf.tune <- var.mf.tune[, -seqq, drop = FALSE]
			j.rule <- params$j

			for (j in 1 : ncol.data.i){
				if (rule.gen.i[1, j] == 0){
					degree.R[1, j] <- 1
				} else {
					xx <- data.i[1, j]
					aa <- var.mf[2, rule.gen.i[1, j]] + var.mf.tune[1, (2 * (j.rule - 1) + j)]
					bb <- var.mf[3, rule.gen.i[1, j]] + var.mf.tune[1, (2 * (j.rule - 1) + j)]
					cc <- var.mf[4, rule.gen.i[1, j]] + var.mf.tune[1, (2 * (j.rule - 1) + j)]
					if (xx <= aa){
						degree.R[1, j] <- 0
					else if (xx <= bb) {
						degree.R[1, j] <- (xx - aa) / (bb - aa)
					else if (xx <= cc) {
						degree.R[1, j] <- (cc - xx) / (cc - bb)
					} else {
						degree.R[1, j] <- 0


# This function is the internal function of the GFS.FR.MOGUL method to compute the predicted values.  
# @title GFS.FR.MOGUL: The testing phase
# @param data.test a matrix(m x n) of data for the testing process, where m is the number of instances and 
# n is the number of input variables.
# @param rule.gen fuzzy IF-THEN rules
# @param method.type a type of method used
# @param var.mf a membership function parameters
# @param params a list of other parameters
# @return A matrix of predicted values.
# @export
calc.pred.val <- function(data.test, rule.gen, method.type = "GFS.FR.MOGUL", var.mf = NULL, params = list()){
	output.val.pred <- matrix(nrow = nrow(data.test), ncol = 1)
	if (method.type == "GFS.FR.MOGUL"){
		for (i in 1 : nrow(data.test)){
			deg.R <- matrix()
			deg.R <- ch.cover(data.test[i, ,drop = FALSE], rule.gen)

			##get mean value of output variable on rule.gen
			output.val.mean <- rule.gen[, (ncol(rule.gen) - 1), drop = FALSE]
			## calculate average values
			if (sum(deg.R) != 0){
				output.val.pred[i, 1] <- (t(deg.R) %*% output.val.mean) / sum(deg.R)		
			} else {
				output.val.pred[i, 1] <- 0.5
	else if (any(method.type == c("GFS.THRIFT", "GFS.LT.RS"))){
		for (i in 1 : nrow(data.test)){
			deg.R <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(rule.gen), ncol = 1)
			output.val.mean <- matrix(0.5, nrow = nrow(rule.gen), ncol = 1)
			for (j in 1 : nrow(rule.gen)){
				# do t-norm over all variables
				if (method.type == "GFS.LT.RS"){
					params$j = j
				degree.var <- calc.compDegree(data.test[i, ,drop = FALSE], rule.gen[j, ,drop = FALSE], method.type, var.mf = var.mf, params = params)
				deg.R[j, 1] <- min(degree.var)
				fired.term <- rule.gen[j, ncol(rule.gen)]
				output.val.mean[j, 1] <- var.mf[3, fired.term]
			## calculate average values
			if (sum(deg.R) != 0){
				output.val.pred[i, 1] <- (t(deg.R) %*% output.val.mean) / sum(deg.R)
			} else {
				output.val.pred[i, 1] <- 0.5

# This function is the internal function of the GFS.FR.MOGUL method to tune MF.  
# @title GFS.FR.MOGUL: The step of MF tuning 
# @param method.type a type of method
# @param params a list of parameters based on type of method
# @return a frbs object.
# @export
tune.MF <- function(method.type = "GFS.FR.MOGUL", params = list()){
	if (method.type == "GFS.FR.MOGUL") {
		mod <- params$mod
		data.train <- params$data.train
		max.iter <- params$max.iter
		ii <- 1
		old.rule <- mod$rule
		best.rules <- old.rule
		RMSE <- 1000
		while (ii < max.iter){
			new.mod <- list(rule = best.rules)
			new.RMSE <- calc.MSE(new.mod, data.train, method.type = "GFS.FR.MOGUL")
			if (new.RMSE < RMSE){
				mod$rule <- best.rules
				mod$RMSE <- new.RMSE
				RMSE <- new.RMSE
			for (i in 1 : nrow(best.rules)){
				for (j in 1 : ncol(best.rules)){
					if (j %% 3 == 1){
						mean.delta <- ((best.rules[i, j + 1] - best.rules[i, j]))/2
						left.bound <- (best.rules[i, j] - mean.delta)
						right.bound <- (best.rules[i, j] + mean.delta)
					else if (j %% 3 == 0){
						mean.delta <- ((best.rules[i, j] - best.rules[i, j - 1]))/2
						left.bound <- (best.rules[i, j] - mean.delta)
						right.bound <- (best.rules[i, j] + mean.delta)
					else {
						left.bound <- (best.rules[i, j] - ((best.rules[i, j] - best.rules[i, j - 1]))/2)
						right.bound <- (best.rules[i, j] + ((best.rules[i, j + 1] - best.rules[i, j]))/2)
					r.val <- runif(1, min = left.bound, max = right.bound)
					best.rules[i, j] <- r.val
			ii <- ii + 1
	else if (method.type == "GFS.LT.RS"){
		rule.selection <- params$rule.selection
		popu <- params$popu
		var.mf <- params$var.mf
		mode.tuning <- params$mode.tuning
		num.rule <- params$num.rule
		## mode.tuning "global"
		if (rule.selection == TRUE){
			if (mode.tuning == "GLOBAL"){
				popu.lateral <- popu[1, 1 : (ncol(popu) - num.rule), drop = FALSE]
				## change parameter of triangular
				var.mf.lt <- var.mf
				for (j in 2 : 4){
					var.mf.lt[j, ] <- var.mf[j, , drop = FALSE] + popu.lateral[1, drop = FALSE]					
				mod <- list(var.mf = var.mf.lt, var.mf.tune = NULL)
			} else {
				popu.lateral <- popu[1, 1 : (ncol(popu) - num.rule), drop = FALSE]
				mod <- list(var.mf = var.mf, var.mf.tune = popu.lateral)
		} else {
			if (mode.tuning == "GLOBAL"){
				popu.lateral <- popu
				## change parameter of triangular
				var.mf.lt <- var.mf
				for (j in 2 : 4){
					var.mf.lt[j, ] <- var.mf[j, , drop = FALSE] + popu.lateral[1, drop = FALSE]					
				mod <- list(var.mf = var.mf.lt, var.mf.tune = NULL)
			} else {
				popu.lateral <- popu
				mod <- list(var.mf = var.mf, var.mf.tune = popu.lateral)

# This function is the internal function in order to generate a population
# @title Population generating function
# @param method.type a type of method
# @param data.train a matrix(m x n) of data for the testing process, where m is the number of instances and 
# n is the number of variables.
# @param num.var a number of variables
# @param num.labels a number of linguistic terms
# @param popu.size a size of population
# @param range.data a matrix representing range of data
# @param type.mf a type of membership function
# @param name.class a value on consequent part as a class
# @return a matrix or list of population
# @export
generate.popu <- function(method.type = "GFS.FR.MOGUL", data.train = NULL, 
                         num.var = NULL, num.labels = NULL, popu.size = NULL, 
						 range.data = NULL, type.mf = NULL, name.class = NULL, params = list()){						 
	if (method.type == "GFS.FR.MOGUL"){
		data.i <- data.train
		## now, this method just implement triangular membership function
		rule.gen <- matrix()
		for (i in 1 : ncol(data.i)){					
			dt.i <- data.i[1, i]
			delta.data <- min(dt.i, 1 - dt.i)
			rand.delta <- runif(1, min = 0, max = delta.data)			
			temp.rule.i <- matrix(c((dt.i - rand.delta), dt.i, (dt.i + rand.delta)), nrow = 1)			
			rule.gen <- cbind(rule.gen, temp.rule.i)
		popu <- rule.gen[1, 2 : ncol(rule.gen)]		
	else if (any(method.type == c("GFS.GCCL", "FH.GBML"))){			
		rule.data.num <- matrix(nrow = popu.size, ncol = num.var)
		for (i in 1 : popu.size){
			k <- 0
			for (j in 1 : num.var){
				rule.data.num[i, j] = as.integer(runif(1, min = 0, max = (num.labels[1,j] + 0.99)))
				if (rule.data.num[i, j] != 0){
					rule.data.num[i, j] = rule.data.num[i, j] + (num.labels[1, j] * k)
					k = k + 1
				} else {
					k = k + 1
		popu <- rule.data.num
	else if (method.type == "SLAVE"){
		data.sample <- data.train[which(data.train[, ncol(data.train)] == name.class), ]
		data.input <- data.sample[, -ncol(data.sample), drop = FALSE]
		## define the number of sample
		num.popu.sample <- 5
		if (num.popu.sample < nrow(data.input)){
			num.popu.sample <- nrow(data.input)
		## generate initial model using WM
		mod <- WM(data.input[1 : num.popu.sample, ,drop = FALSE], num.labels, type.mf = "TRIANGLE", type.tnorm = "MIN", type.implication.func = "ZADEH")
		## antecedent part on rules
		ant.rule <- mod$rule.data.num
		## parameter values of MF of input and output variables
		temp1.mf <- mod$varinp.mf
		temp2.mf <- mod$varout.mf
		varinp.mf <- cbind(temp1.mf, temp2.mf)	
		## complete rules: antecedent and consequent part
		comp.rule <- cbind(ant.rule, name.class)
		## population of VAR
		## It defines whether the variables have linguistic values or don't care
		popu.var <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(comp.rule), ncol = num.var)
		popu <- list(popu.var = popu.var, popu.val = comp.rule, varinp.mf = varinp.mf)
	else if (method.type == "GFS.LT.RS"){
		mode.tuning <- params$mode.tuning
		rule.selection <- params$rule.selection
		type.tnorm <- params$type.tnorm
		type.implication.func <- params$type.implication.func
		## generate initial rules and membership function from  Wang & Mendel's method
		type.mf = "TRIANGLE"
		mod.init <- NULL
		mod.init <- WM(data.train, num.labels, type.mf, type.tnorm = type.tnorm, type.implication.func = type.implication.func, 
		               classification = FALSE, range.data = range.data)
		rule.data.num <- mod.init$rule.data.num
		rule <- mod.init$rule
		num.rule <- nrow(rule)
		varinp.mf <- mod.init$varinp.mf
		varout.mf <- mod.init$varout.mf
		var.mf <- cbind(varinp.mf, varout.mf)
		## manipulate points at left and right side of triangular
		seqq.left <- seq(from = 1, to = ncol(var.mf), by = num.labels[1, 1])
		seqq.right <- seq(from = num.labels[1, 1], to = ncol(var.mf), by = num.labels[1, 1])
		var.mf[2, seqq.left] <- var.mf[2, seqq.left] - 0.5
		var.mf[4, seqq.right] <- var.mf[4, seqq.right] + 0.5
		## coding scheme and initial gene pool as population based on model.tuning and rule.selection
		if (mode.tuning == "GLOBAL") {
			num.col.lateral <- sum(num.labels)
			if (rule.selection == TRUE){
				popu.lateral <- matrix(runif(num.col.lateral * popu.size, min = -0.5, max = 0.5), nrow = popu.size, ncol = num.col.lateral)
				popu.lateral <- rbind(matrix(rep(0, num.col.lateral), nrow = 1), popu.lateral)
				popu.rule <- matrix(round(runif(popu.size * num.rule, min = 0, max = 1)), nrow = popu.size, ncol = num.rule)
				popu.rule <- rbind(matrix(rep(1, num.rule), nrow = 1), popu.rule)
				popu <- cbind(popu.lateral, popu.rule)
			} else {
				popu.lateral <- matrix(runif(num.col.lateral * popu.size, min = -0.5, max = 0.5), nrow = popu.size, ncol = num.col.lateral)
				popu.lateral <- rbind(matrix(rep(0, num.col.lateral), nrow = 1), popu.lateral)
				popu <- popu.lateral
		else if (mode.tuning == "LOCAL") {
			num.col.lateral <- num.rule * ncol(num.labels)
			if (rule.selection == TRUE){
				popu.lateral <- matrix(runif(num.col.lateral * popu.size, min = -0.5, max = 0.5), nrow = popu.size, ncol = num.col.lateral)
				popu.lateral <- rbind(matrix(rep(0, num.col.lateral), nrow = 1), popu.lateral)
				popu.rule <- matrix(round(runif(popu.size * num.rule, min = 0, max = 1)), nrow = popu.size, ncol = num.rule)
				popu.rule <- rbind(matrix(rep(1, num.rule), nrow = 1), popu.rule)
				popu <- cbind(popu.lateral, popu.rule)
			} else {
				popu.lateral <- matrix(runif(num.col.lateral * popu.size, min = -0.5, max = 0.5), nrow = popu.size, ncol = num.col.lateral)
				popu.lateral <- rbind(matrix(rep(0, num.col.lateral), nrow = 1), popu.lateral)
				popu <- popu.lateral
		popu <- list(var.mf = var.mf, popu = popu, num.rule = num.rule, rule.data.num = rule.data.num)
	return (popu)

# This function is the internal function in order to calculate small membership function width
# @title Membership function width
# @param rule a set of rules
# @param num.var a number of variables
MF.width <- function(rule, num.var){
	DW <- 1
	WVR <- matrix(nrow = nrow(rule), ncol = num.var)
	MWR <- matrix(nrow = nrow(rule), ncol = 1)
	a <- 1
	for (i in 1 : nrow(rule)){
		for (j in 1 : num.var){
			k <- 3 * (j - 1) + 1
			WVR[i, j] <- rule[i, k] - rule[i, k + 2]
	RW <- (rowSums(WVR)/DW)/num.var 
	MWR <- as.matrix(exp(-abs(1 - a * RW)), ncol = 1)

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