# Predicting performances of new assemblages ####
# by knowing their elemental composition
#' @include
#' stats.R
#' validating.R
# Arithmetic mean by Motif ####
# Supplementary assemblages to predict ####
#' @title Prediction of supplementary assemblages by motif
#' @description Takes a numeric f.
#' @usage predict_amean_bymot(appFct, appMotifs, supMotifs)
#' @inheritParams predict_performance
#' @return Return a vector of \code{length(supMotifs)}. The values are
#' computed using arithmetic mean
#' of components belonging to \code{appMotifs}
#' and sharing a same motif.
#' @details Prediction ...
#' @keywords internal
predict_amean_bymot <- function(appFct, appMotifs, supMotifs) {
supFct <- numeric(length(supMotifs))
supFct[] <- NA
setMot <- unique(supMotifs)
for (mot in seq_along(setMot)) {
indSup <- which(supMotifs == setMot[mot])
indApp <- which(appMotifs == setMot[mot])
if ( (length(indSup) > 0) & (length(indApp) > 0) )
supFct[indSup] <- amean(appFct[indApp])
#' @title Prediction of supplementary assemblages
#' @description Takes a numeric f.
#' @usage predict_gmean_bymot(appFct, appMotifs, supMotifs)
#' @inheritParams predict_performance
#' @return Return a vector of \code{length(supMotifs)}. The values are
#' computed using arithmetic mean of components belonging to \code{appMotifs}
#' and sharing a same motif.
#' @details Prediction ...
#' @keywords internal
predict_gmean_bymot <- function(appFct, appMotifs, supMotifs) {
supFct <- numeric(length(supMotifs))
supFct[] <- NA
setMot <- unique(supMotifs)
for (mot in seq_along(setMot)) {
indSup <- which(supMotifs == setMot[mot])
indApp <- which(appMotifs == setMot[mot])
if ( (length(indSup) > 0) & (length(indApp) > 0) )
supFct[indSup] <- gmean(appFct[indApp])
#' @title Prediction of supplementary assemblages computed
#' @description Takes a numeric f.
#' @usage
#' predict_amean_byelt(appFct, appMotifs, appOccur,
#' supMotifs, supOccur )
#' @inheritParams predict_performance
#' @details dd
#' @return cccc
#' @keywords internal
predict_amean_byelt <- function(appFct, appMotifs, appOccur,
supMotifs, supOccur ) {
setAppMot <- unique(appMotifs)
setSupMot <- unique(supMotifs)
setMot <- sort(union(setAppMot, setSupMot))
nbMot <- length(setMot)
mfct <- matrix(NA, nrow = nbMot, ncol = dim(appOccur)[2],
dimnames = list(setMot, colnames(appOccur)))
for (mot in seq_along(setAppMot)) {
motif <- setAppMot[mot]
indApp <- which(appMotifs == motif)
setElt <- unique(which((appOccur[indApp, , drop = FALSE] == 1),
arr.ind = TRUE)[ , 2])
for (elt in seq_along(setElt)) {
element <- setElt[elt]
indElt <- which(appOccur[indApp, element] == 1)
if (length(indElt) > 0)
mfct[motif, element] <- amean(appFct[indApp[indElt]])
supFct <- numeric(length(supMotifs))
sizeSup <- apply(supOccur, MARGIN = 1, FUN = sum)
for (mot in seq_along(setSupMot)) {
motif <- setSupMot[mot]
indSupMot <- which(supMotifs == motif)
if (length(indSupMot) > 0) {
setSupElt <- unique(which((supOccur[indSupMot, , drop = FALSE] == 1),
arr.ind = TRUE)[ , 2])
for (elt in seq_along(setSupElt)) {
element <- setSupElt[elt]
indSupElt <- which(supOccur[indSupMot, element] == 1)
if (length(indSupElt) > 0) {
index <- indSupMot[indSupElt]
supFct[index] <- supFct[index] + mfct[motif, element]
supFct[indSupMot] <- supFct[indSupMot] / sizeSup[indSupMot]
#' @title Prediction of supplementary assemblages computed
#' gmean = by using geometric mean
#' byelt = by motif WITH taking into account species contribution
#' by including all the assemblages, even the one to predict
#' for any Function (for instance Fobs)
#' @description Takes a numeric f.
#' @usage
#' predict_gmean_byelt(appFct, appMotifs, appOccur,
#' supMotifs, supOccur )
#' @inheritParams predict_performance
#' @details dd
#' @return cccc
#' @keywords internal
predict_gmean_byelt <- function(appFct, appMotifs, appOccur,
supMotifs, supOccur ) {
setAppMot <- unique(appMotifs)
setSupMot <- unique(supMotifs)
setMot <- sort(union(setAppMot, setSupMot))
nbMot <- length(setMot)
mfct <- matrix(NA, nrow = nbMot, ncol = dim(appOccur)[2],
dimnames = list(setMot, colnames(appOccur)))
for (mot in seq_along(setAppMot)) {
motif <- setAppMot[mot]
indApp <- which(appMotifs == motif)
setElt <- unique(which((appOccur[indApp, , drop = FALSE] == 1),
arr.ind = TRUE)[ , 2])
for (elt in seq_along(setElt)) {
element <- setElt[elt]
indElt <- which(appOccur[indApp, element] == 1)
if (length(indElt) > 0)
mfct[motif, element] <- gmean(appFct[indApp[indElt]])
supFct <- numeric(length(supMotifs))
supFct[] <- 1
sizeSup <- apply(supOccur, MARGIN = 1, FUN = sum)
for (mot in seq_along(setSupMot)) {
motif <- setSupMot[mot]
indSupMot <- which(supMotifs == motif)
if (length(indSupMot) > 0) {
setSupElt <- unique(which((supOccur[indSupMot, , drop = FALSE] == 1),
arr.ind = TRUE)[ , 2])
for (elt in seq_along(setSupElt)) {
element <- setSupElt[elt]
indSupElt <- which(supOccur[indSupMot, element] == 1)
if (length(indSupElt) > 0) {
index <- indSupMot[indSupElt]
supFct[index] <- supFct[index] * mfct[motif, element]
supFct[indSupMot] <- supFct[indSupMot] ^ (1/sizeSup[indSupMot])
# Functions for switch on different options ####
#' @title Predicting performances of assemblages
#' by only knowing their elemental composition
#' @description Takes a vector \code{fct} of assembly performances
#' over several experiments
#' and returns a vector of performances
#' predicted as the mean performances of assemblages
#' that share the same assembly motif. \cr
#' Assembly motifs are labelled in the vector \code{assMotif}.
#' Experiments are labelled in the vector \code{xpr}.
#' Modelling options are indicated in \code{opt.mean} and \code{opt.model}.
#' Occurrence matrix \code{mOccur} is used if \code{opt.model = "byelt"}.
#' Cross-validation is leave-one-out or jackknifesi
#' @usage
#' predict_performance(appFct, appMotifs, appOccur,
#' supMotifs, supOccur,
#' opt.mean = "amean",
#' opt.model = "bymot" )
#' @param appFct a vector of numeric values (assembly properties).
#' @param appMotifs a vector of labels of \code{length(fct)} (assembly motifs).
#' @param appOccur a matrix of occurrence (occurrence of components).
#' Its first dimension equals to \code{length(fct)}. Its second dimension
#' equals to the number of components.
#' @param supMotifs a vector of labels of \code{length(fct)} (assembly motifs).
#' @param supOccur a matrix of occurrence (occurrence of components).
#' Its first dimension equals to \code{length(fct)}. Its second dimension
#' equals to the number of components.
#' @param opt.mean equal to \code{"amean"} (by default) or \code{"gmean"}.
#' @param opt.model equal to \code{"bymot"} (by default) or \code{"byelt"}.
#' @return Return the arithmetic mean of a vector, as standard \code{mean}
#' function.
#' @details Prediction is computed using arithmetic mean \code{amean} by motif
#' \code{bymot} in a whole (WITHOUT taking into account species contribution).
#' The components belonging to a same motif are divided into \code{jack[2]}
#' subsets of \code{jack[1]} components. Prediction is computed by excluding
#' \code{jack[1]} components, of which the component to predict. If the total
#' number of components belonging to the motif is lower than
#' \code{jack[1]*jack[2]}, prediction is computed by Leave-One-Out (LOO).
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{calibrate_byminrss}} \cr
#' \code{\link{validate_using_cross_validation}}
#' @keywords internal
predict_performance <- function(appFct, appMotifs, appOccur,
supMotifs, supOccur,
opt.mean = "amean",
opt.model = "bymot" ) {
option <- paste(opt.mean, opt.model, sep = ".")
amean.bymot =
predict_amean_bymot(appFct, appMotifs, supMotifs) ,
gmean.bymot =
predict_gmean_bymot(appFct, appMotifs, supMotifs) ,
amean.byelt =
predict_amean_byelt(appFct, appMotifs, appOccur,
supMotifs, supOccur) ,
gmean.byelt =
predict_gmean_byelt(appFct, appMotifs, appOccur,
supMotifs, supOccur)
# Main function for predicting performances of new assemblages ####
#' @title nnnn
#' @description vvv
#' @param tree vv
#' @param res.prd ff
#' @param supOccur ff
#' @param appOccur ff
#' @param appFct ff
#' @param opt.mean ff
#' @param opt.model ff
#' @details ccc
#' @return vv
#' @keywords internal
fclust_predict <- function(tree, res.prd,
supOccur, appOccur, appFct,
opt.mean = "amean",
opt.model = "byelt" ) {
# Main calculations of Cal, Prd, R2cal and R2prd
# Cas 1 où on suppose le nombre d'éléments identiques
# dans apprentissage et supplémentaires
# Prévoir le cas 2 où le nombre d'éléments est différent
# dans apprentissage et supplémentaire
nbElt <- dim(appOccur)[2] # ????
nbAppAss <- dim(appOccur)[1]
nbSupAss <- dim(supOccur)[1]
mAssMotifs <- maffect_motifs(tree, rbind(appOccur, supOccur))
mAppMotifs <- mAssMotifs[ , 1:nbAppAss]
mSupMotifs <- mAssMotifs[ , (nbAppAss + 1):(nbAppAss + nbSupAss)]
# Compute the raw predictions
mSup <- mSd <- tNbcl <-
matrix(NA, nrow = nbElt, ncol = nbSupAss,
dimnames = list(seq_len(nbElt), rownames(supOccur)))
storage.mode(tNbcl) <- "integer"
for (nbcl in seq_len(nbElt)) {
mSup[nbcl, ] <- predict_performance(appFct, mAppMotifs[nbcl, ], appOccur,
mSupMotifs[nbcl, ], supOccur,
opt.mean, opt.model)
mSd[nbcl, ] <- res.prd$uRmse[[nbcl]][mSupMotifs[nbcl, ]]
index <- which(mSup[nbcl, ] > appFct)
mSd[nbcl, index] <- -mSd[nbcl, index]
# Compute the associated statistiques
tNbcl[1, ] <- 1L
for (nbcl in 2:nbElt) {
tNbcl[nbcl, ] <- nbcl
tNbcl[nbcl,[nbcl, ])] <- tNbcl[(nbcl - 1L),[nbcl, ])]
tSup <- mSup
for (nbcl in 2:nbElt)
tSup[nbcl,[nbcl, ])] <- tSup[(nbcl - 1L),[nbcl, ])]
# Compute the associated statistiques
nbK <- integer(nbElt)
for (nbcl in seq_len(nbElt))
nbK[nbcl] <- length(unique(mSupMotifs[nbcl, ]))
mStats <- compute_fit_stats(mSup, mSup, appFct, nbK)
# Outputs
# "tError" A vérifier
res <- list(rownames(supOccur), appFct, opt.mean, opt.model,
mSupMotifs, tSup, mSd, mStats, tNbcl)
names(res) <- c("names", "fct", "opt.mean", "opt.model",
"mMotifs", "tSup", "tSd", "tStats", "tNbcl")
# End of file ####
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