
Defines functions stepByStep

Documented in stepByStep

stepByStep <- function(data, 
                       family = binomial(link = "logit"), 
                       Favourability = FALSE, 
                       trace = 0,
                       direction = "forward",  # argument implemented by Alba Estrada; "forward" default for back-compatibility
                       k = 2, 
                       cor.method = "pearson") {
  # version 1.7 (5 Jul 2022)
  data <- as.data.frame(data)
  n.init <- nrow(data)
  data <- na.omit(data)
  na.loss <- n.init - nrow(data)
  if (na.loss > 0) message(na.loss, " cases excluded due to missing values.")
  if (is.numeric(sp.col)) response <- names(data)[sp.col] else response <- sp.col
  if (is.numeric(var.cols)) vars <- names(data)[var.cols] else vars <- var.cols
  null.model.formula <- as.formula(paste(response, "~", 1))
  scope.formula <- as.formula(paste("~", paste(vars, collapse = "+")))
  mod <- step(glm(null.model.formula, family = family, data = data), scope = scope.formula, direction = direction, trace = trace, k = k)
  pred.final <- mod$fitted.values
  if (Favourability == TRUE && !all(c("binomial", "logit") %in% mod$family)) {
    Favourability <- FALSE
    warning("'Favourability' is only applicable when family=binomial(link='logit'), so it was automatically set to FALSE.")
  if (Favourability)  fav.final <- Fav(model = mod)
  # model.vars.split <- sapply(mod$anova[ , 1], strsplit, split = " ")
  # model.vars <- lapply(model.vars.split, `[`, 2)
  # model.vars <- as.character(model.vars)[-1]
  model.vars <- mod$anova[ , 1][-1]  # changed by Alba Estrada to accommodate direction="both"
  n.steps <- length(model.vars)
  preds <- favs <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = nrow(data), ncol = n.steps))
  cor.P <- cor.F <- vector("numeric", n.steps)
  names(model.vars) <- names(preds) <- names(favs) <- names(cor.P) <- names(cor.F) <- paste0("step", 1:n.steps)
  for (s in 1:n.steps) {
    step.vars <- model.vars[1:s]
    #mod.step <- glm(as.formula(paste(response, "~", paste(step.vars, collapse = "+"))), family = family, data = data)
    mod.step <- glm(as.formula(paste(response, "~", paste(step.vars, collapse = ""))), family = family, data = data)  # changed by Alba Estrada to accommodate direction="both"
    if (Favourability) {
      favs[ , s] <- Fav(model = mod.step)
      cor.F[s] <- cor(favs[ , s], fav.final)
    else {
      preds[ , s] <- mod.step$fitted.values
      cor.P[s] <- cor(preds[ , s], pred.final, method = cor.method)
  }; rm(s)
  if (Favourability)  result <- list(predictions = favs, correlations = cor.F, variables = model.vars, model = mod)
  else result <- list(predictions = preds, correlations = cor.P, variables = model.vars, model = mod)

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fuzzySim documentation built on Oct. 9, 2023, 5:09 p.m.